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>The IO monad
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><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AfixIO" TARGET="main"
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>Files and handles
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><SPAN CLASS="keyword"
>&nbsp;<A HREF="System-IO.html#t%3AHandle" TARGET="main"
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> <H2
>Standard handles
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><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3Astdin" TARGET="main"
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><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3Astdout" TARGET="main"
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><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3Astderr" TARGET="main"
> <H1
>Opening and closing files
> <H2
>Opening files
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><SPAN CLASS="keyword"
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> <H2
>Closing files
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><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AhClose" TARGET="main"
> <H2
>Special cases
>  <DIV CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AreadFile" TARGET="main"
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><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AwriteFile" TARGET="main"
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><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AappendFile" TARGET="main"
> <H2
>File locking
>  <H1
>Operations on handles
> <H2
>Determining and changing the size of a file
> <DIV CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AhFileSize" TARGET="main"
> <DIV CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AhSetFileSize" TARGET="main"
> <H2
>Detecting the end of input
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><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AhIsEOF" TARGET="main"
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><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AisEOF" TARGET="main"
> <H2
>Buffering operations
> <DIV CLASS="decl"
><SPAN CLASS="keyword"
>&nbsp;<A HREF="System-IO.html#t%3ABufferMode" TARGET="main"
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> <DIV CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AhSetBuffering" TARGET="main"
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> <DIV CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AhFlush" TARGET="main"
> <H2
>Repositioning handles
> <DIV CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AhGetPosn" TARGET="main"
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><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AhSetPosn" TARGET="main"
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><SPAN CLASS="keyword"
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> <DIV CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AhSeek" TARGET="main"
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> <DIV CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AhTell" TARGET="main"
> <H2
>Handle properties
> <DIV CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AhIsOpen" TARGET="main"
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><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AhIsClosed" TARGET="main"
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><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AhIsReadable" TARGET="main"
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><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AhIsSeekable" TARGET="main"
> <H2
>Terminal operations (not portable: GHC/Hugs only)
> <DIV CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AhIsTerminalDevice" TARGET="main"
> <DIV CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AhSetEcho" TARGET="main"
> <DIV CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AhGetEcho" TARGET="main"
> <H2
>Showing handle state (not portable: GHC only)
> <DIV CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AhShow" TARGET="main"
> <H1
>Text input and output
> <H2
>Text input
> <DIV CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AhWaitForInput" TARGET="main"
> <DIV CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AhReady" TARGET="main"
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><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AhGetChar" TARGET="main"
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><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AhGetLine" TARGET="main"
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><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AhLookAhead" TARGET="main"
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><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AhGetContents" TARGET="main"
> <H2
>Text output
> <DIV CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AhPutChar" TARGET="main"
> <DIV CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AhPutStr" TARGET="main"
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> <DIV CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AhPrint" TARGET="main"
> <H2
>Special cases for standard input and output
>  <DIV CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3Ainteract" TARGET="main"
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><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AputChar" TARGET="main"
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><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AreadIO" TARGET="main"
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><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AreadLn" TARGET="main"
> <H1
>Binary input and output
> <DIV CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AwithBinaryFile" TARGET="main"
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><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AopenBinaryFile" TARGET="main"
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><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AhGetBufNonBlocking" TARGET="main"
> <H1
>Temporary files
> <DIV CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AopenTempFile" TARGET="main"
> <DIV CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AopenBinaryTempFile" TARGET="main"
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><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AopenBinaryTempFileWithDefaultPermissions" TARGET="main"
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>Unicode encoding/decoding
>  <DIV CLASS="decl"
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><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AhGetEncoding" TARGET="main"
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>Unicode encodings
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><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AmkTextEncoding" TARGET="main"
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>Newline conversion
>  <DIV CLASS="decl"
><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AhSetNewlineMode" TARGET="main"
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><A HREF="System-IO.html#v%3AnativeNewline" TARGET="main"
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