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<title>Namespace Routing Language (NRL)</title>

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<h1>Namespace Routing Language (NRL)</h1>
<div class="titlepage">

<b>Author:</b> James Clark &lt;;<br>

<b>Date:</b> 2003-06-13</p>

<p>Copyright &copy; Thai Open Source Software Center Ltd</p>

<p>The XML Namespaces Recommendation allows an XML document to be
composed of elements and attributes from multiple independent
namespaces. Each of these namespaces may have its own schema; the
schemas for different namespaces may be in different schema languages.
The problem then arises of how the schemas can be composed in order to
allow validation of the complete document. This document proposes the
Namespace Routing Language (NRL) as a solution to this problem.  NRL
is an evolution of the author's earlier <a href="#mns">Modular
Namespaces (MNS)</a> language.</p>
<p>A sample implementation of NRL is included in <a href="#jing">Jing</a>.</p>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;1 <a href="#Getting_started">Getting started</a>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;2 <a href="#Processing_model">Processing model</a>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;3 <a href="#Specifying_the_schema">Specifying the schema</a>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;4 <a href="#Concurrent_validation">Concurrent validation</a>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;5 <a href="#Built-in_schemas">Built-in schemas</a>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;6 <a href="#Namespace_wildcards">Namespace wildcards</a>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;7 <a href="#Modes">Modes</a>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;8 <a href="#Related_namespaces">Related namespaces</a>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;9 <a href="#Built-in_modes">Built-in modes</a>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;10 <a href="#Open_schemas">Open schemas</a>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;11 <a href="#Element-name_context">Element-name context</a>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;12 <a href="#Attributes">Attributes</a>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;13 <a href="#Mode_inheritance">Mode inheritance</a>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;14 <a href="#Transparent_namespaces">Transparent namespaces</a>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;15 <a href="#Related_work">Related work</a>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;16 <a href="#Acknowledgements">Acknowledgements</a>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;A <a href="#References">References</a>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;B <a href="#NRL_schema">NRL schema</a>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;C <a href="#Formal_semantics">Formal semantics</a>



<a name="Getting_started"></a>1 Getting started</h2>

<p>In its simplest form, an NRL schema consists of a mapping from
namespace URIs to schema URIs.  An NRL schema is written in XML. Here
is an example:</p>

<pre>&lt;rules xmlns=""&gt;
  &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
    &lt;validate schema="soap-envelope.xsd"/&gt;
  &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
    &lt;validate schema="xhtml.rng"/&gt;

<p>We will call a schema referenced by an NRL schema a
<i>subschema</i>.  In the above example,
'<span class="code">soap-envelope.xsd</span>' is the subschema for the namespace URI
'<span class="code"></span>' and
'<span class="code">xhtml.rng</span>' is the subschema for the namespace URI
'<span class="code"></span>'.</p>

<p>The absent namespace can be mapped to a schema by using
'<span class="code">ns=""</span>'.</p>



<a name="Processing_model"></a>2 Processing model</h2>

<p>NRL validation has two inputs: a document to be validated and an
NRL schema.  We will call the document to be validated the
<i>instance</i>. NRL validation divides the instance into sections,
each of which contains elements from a single namespace, and validates
each section separately against the subschema for its namespace.</p>

<p>Thus, the following instance:</p>

<pre>&lt;env:Envelope xmlns=""
        &lt;title&gt;Document 1&lt;/title&gt;
        &lt;title&gt;Document 2&lt;/title&gt;

<p>would be divided into three sections, one with the envelope

<pre>&lt;env:Envelope xmlns:env=""&gt;

<p>and two with the XHTML namespace:</p>

<pre>&lt;html xmlns=""&gt;
    &lt;title&gt;Document 1&lt;/title&gt;

<pre>&lt;html xmlns=""&gt;
    &lt;title&gt;Document 2&lt;/title&gt;

<p>Note that two elements only belong to the same section if they have
a common ancestor and if all elements on the path to that common
ancestor have the same namespace.  Thus, if one of the XHTML documents
happened to contain an element from the envelope, it would not be
part of the same section as the root element.</p>

<p>This validation process can be refined in several ways, which
are described in the following sections.</p>



<a name="Specifying_the_schema"></a>3 Specifying the schema</h2>

<p>In most cases the schema will be in some namespaced XML vocabulary,
and the type of schema can be automatically detected from the
namespace URI of the root element.  In cases where the schema is not
in XML and there is no MIME type information available to determine
the type, a '<span class="code">schemaType</span>' attribute can be used to specify the
type.  The value of this should be a MIME media type.  For <a href="#compact">RELAX NG
Compact Syntax</a>, a value of '<span class="code">application/x-rnc</span>' should be

<pre>&lt;rules xmlns=""&gt;
  &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
    &lt;validate schema="soap-envelope.xsd"/&gt;
  &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
    &lt;validate schema="xhtml.rnc"

<p>With many schema languages, there can be different ways to use a
particular schema to validate an instance.  For example, <a href="#schematron">Schematron</a> has the notion of a phase; an
instance that is valid with respect to a Schematron schema using one
phase may not be valid with respect to the same schema in another
phase. NRL allows validation to be controlled by specifying a number
of options. For example, to specify that validate with respect to
'<span class="code">xhtml.sch</span>' should use the phase named '<span class="code">Full</span>', an option
could be specified as follows:</p>

<pre>&lt;rules xmlns=""&gt;
  &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
    &lt;validate schema="soap-envelope.xsd"/&gt;
  &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
    &lt;validate schema="xhtml.sch"&gt;
      &lt;option name=""

<p>Options may have arguments. Some options do not need arguments. For
example, for Schematron there is a
'<span class="code"></span>' option.
If this option is present, then errors will include Schematron
diagnostics; if it is not, then errors will not include diagnostics.
With this option, no '<span class="code">arg</span>' attribute is necessary:</p>

<pre>&lt;rules xmlns=""&gt;
  &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
    &lt;validate schema="soap-envelope.xsd"/&gt;
  &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
    &lt;validate schema="xhtml.sch"&gt;
      &lt;option name=""/&gt;

<p>Options are named by URIs. A number of standard options are defined
which all start with the URI
'<span class="code"></span>':</p>


<dt>'<span class="code"></span>'</dt>

<dd>Argument is a string, specifying Schematron phase</dd>

<dt>'<span class="code"></span>'</dt>

<dd>No argument. If present, include Schematron diagnostics in error messages</dd>

<dt>'<span class="code"></span>'</dt>

<dd>No argument. If present, check ID/IDREF in accordance with
<a href="#dtdcompat">RELAX NG DTD Compatibility</a> specification.</dd>

<dt>'<span class="code"></span>'</dt>

<dd>No argument. If present, check that the document is
<em>feasibly valid</em>.  This applies to <a href="#relaxng">RELAX NG</a>.  A document is
<em>feasibly valid</em> if it could be transformed into a valid
document by inserting any number of attributes and child elements
anywhere in the tree.  This is equivalent to transforming the schema
by wrapping every '<span class="code">data</span>', '<span class="code">list</span>',
'<span class="code">element</span>' and '<span class="code">attribute</span>' element in an
'<span class="code">optional</span>' element and then validating against the
transformed schema. This option is useful while a document is still
under construction.</dd>

<dt>'<span class="code"></span>'</dt>

<dd>Argument is a URI specifying an additional schema to be used for
validation. This applies to <a href="#wxs">W3C XML Schema</a>.  This
option may be specified multiple times, once for each additional


<p>For convenience, the URI specified by the '<span class="code">name</span>'
attribute may be relative; if it is, it will be resolved relative to
the NRL namespace URI.  The result is that the standard options above
can be specified without the
'<span class="code"></span>' prefix. For

<pre>&lt;rules xmlns=""&gt;
  &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
    &lt;validate schema="soap-envelope.xsd"/&gt;
  &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
    &lt;validate schema="xhtml.sch"&gt;
      &lt;option name="phase"

<p>Normally, an NRL implementation will make a best-effort attempt to
support the specified option and will simply ignore options that it
does not understand or cannot support.  If it is essential that a
particular option is supported, then a '<span class="code">mustSupport</span>'
attribute may be added to the '<span class="code">option</span>' element:</p>

<pre>&lt;rules xmlns=""&gt;
  &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
    &lt;validate schema="soap-envelope.xsd"/&gt;
  &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
    &lt;validate schema="xhtml.sch"&gt;
      &lt;option name="phase"

<p>If there is a '<span class="code">mustSupport</span>' attribute and the NRL
implementation cannot support the option, it must report an error.</p>



<a name="Concurrent_validation"></a>4 Concurrent validation</h2>

<p>Multiple '<span class="code">validate</span>' elements can be specified for a
single namespace.  The effect is to validate against all of the
specified schemas.</p>

<p>For example, we might have a Schematron schema for XHTML, which
makes various checks that cannot be expressed in a grammar.  We want
to validate against both the Schematron schema and the RELAX NG
schema. The NRL schema would be like this:</p>

<pre>&lt;rules xmlns=""&gt;
  &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
    &lt;validate schema="soap-envelope.xsd"/&gt;
  &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
    &lt;validate schema="xhtml.rng"/&gt;
    &lt;validate schema="xhtml.sch"/&gt;



<a name="Built-in_schemas"></a>5 Built-in schemas</h2>

<p>Instead of a '<span class="code">validate</span>' element, you can use an
'<span class="code">allow</span>' element or a '<span class="code">reject</span>' element.  These
are equivalent respectively to validating with a schema that allows
anything or with a schema that allows nothing.</p>

<p>For example, the following would allow SVG without attempting to
validate it:</p>

<pre>&lt;rules xmlns=""&gt;
  &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
    &lt;validate schema="soap-envelope.xsd"/&gt;
  &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
    &lt;validate schema="xhtml.rng"/&gt;
  &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;

<p>Note that, just as with '<span class="code">validate</span>', '<span class="code">allow</span>'
and '<span class="code">reject</span>' apply to a section not to a whole subtree.
Thus, in the above example, if the SVG contained an embedded XHTML
section, then that XHTML section would be validated against
'<span class="code">xhtml.rng</span>'.</p>



<a name="Namespace_wildcards"></a>6 Namespace wildcards</h2>

<p>You can use an '<span class="code">anyNamespace</span>' element instead of a
'<span class="code">namespace</span>' element. This specifies a rule to be used for
an element for which there is no applicable '<span class="code">namespace</span>'

<p>Namespace wildcards are particularly useful in conjunction
with '<span class="code">allow</span>' and '<span class="code">reject</span>'. The following
will validate <i>strictly</i>, rejecting any namespace for
which no subschema is specified:</p>

<pre>&lt;rules xmlns=""&gt;
  &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
    &lt;validate schema="soap-envelope.xsd"/&gt;
  &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
    &lt;validate schema="xhtml.rng"/&gt;

<p>In contrast, the following will validate <i>laxly</i>, allowing any
namespace for which no subschema is specified:</p>

<pre>&lt;rules xmlns=""&gt;
  &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
    &lt;validate schema="soap-envelope.xsd"/&gt;
  &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
    &lt;validate schema="xhtml.rng"/&gt;

<p>The default is to validate strictly.  Thus, if there is no
'<span class="code">anyNamespace</span>' rule, then the following rule will be




<a name="Modes"></a>7 Modes</h2>

<p>You can apply different rules in different contexts by using
<i>modes</i>.  For example, you might want to restrict the
namespaces allowed for the root element.</p>

<p>The '<span class="code">rules</span>' element for an NRL schema that uses multiple
modes does not contain '<span class="code">namespace</span>' and
'<span class="code">anyNamespace</span>' elements directly.  Rather, it contains
'<span class="code">mode</span>' elements that in turn contain '<span class="code">namespace</span>'
and '<span class="code">anyNamespace</span>' elements. The '<span class="code">validate</span>'
elements can specify a '<span class="code">useMode</span>' attribute to change the
mode in which their child sections are processed.  The
'<span class="code">rules</span>' element must have a '<span class="code">startMode</span>'
attribute specifying which mode to use for the root element.</p>

<p>For example, suppose we want to require that the root element come from
'<span class="code"></span>' namespace.</p>

<pre>&lt;rules startMode="soap"
  &lt;mode name="soap"&gt;
    &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
      &lt;validate schema="soap-envelope.xsd"
  &lt;mode name="body"&gt;
    &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
      &lt;validate schema="xhtml.rng"/&gt;

<p>If a '<span class="code">validate</span>' element does not specify a
'<span class="code">useMode</span>' attribute, then the mode remains unchanged. Thus,
in the above example, child sections inside an XHTML section will be
processed in mode '<span class="code">body</span>', which does not allow the SOAP
namespace; so if the XHTML were to contain a SOAP
'<span class="code">env:Envelope</span>' element, it would be rejected.</p>

<p>The '<span class="code">reject</span>' and '<span class="code">allow</span>' elements can have a
'<span class="code">useMode</span>' attribute as well.</p>



<a name="Related_namespaces"></a>8 Related namespaces</h2>

<p>A single subschema may not handle just a single namespace; it may
be handle two or more related namespaces.  To deal with this
possibility, NRL allows the rule for a namespace to specify that
elements from that namespace are to be attached to a parent section
and be validated together with that parent section.</p>

<p>Suppose we have RELAX NG schemas for XHTML and for SVG.  We could
use these directly as subschemas in NRL.  But we might prefer instead
to use RELAX NG mechanisms to combine these into a single RELAX NG
schema. This would allow us conveniently to allow SVG elements only to
occur in places where XHTML block and inline elements are allowed and
to disallow them in places that make no sense (for example, as
children of a '<span class="code">ul</span>' element).  If we have such a combined
schema, we could use it as follows:</p>

<pre>&lt;rules startMode="soap"
  &lt;mode name="soap"&gt;
    &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
      &lt;validate schema="soap-envelope.xsd"
  &lt;mode name="xhtml"&gt;
    &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
      &lt;validate schema="xhtml+svg.rng"
  &lt;mode name="svg"&gt;
    &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;

<p>This will cause SVG sections occurring within XHTML to be attached
to the parent XHTML section and be validated as part of it.</p>

<p>RDF is another example where '<span class="code">attach</span>' is necessary.
RDF can contain elements from arbitrary namespaces.</p>

<pre>&lt;rules startMode="root"
  &lt;mode name="root"&gt;
    &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
      &lt;validate schema="xhtml.rng"
  &lt;mode name="body"&gt;
    &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
      &lt;validate schema="rdfxml.rng"
  &lt;mode name="rdf"&gt;

<p>We could use the approach of attaching all namespaces as an
alternative solution to the XHTML+SVG example.  Instead relying on NRL
to reject namespaces other than XHTML and SVG, we can instead attach
sections from all namespaces to the XHTML section, and allow the
'<span class="code">xhtml+svg.rng</span>' schema to reject namespaces other than
XHTML and SVG.</p>

<pre>&lt;rules startMode="soap"
  &lt;mode name="soap"&gt;
    &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
      &lt;validate schema="soap-envelope.xsd"
  &lt;mode name="xhtml"&gt;
    &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
      &lt;validate schema="xhtml+svg.rng"
  &lt;mode name="attach"&gt;



<a name="Built-in_modes"></a>9 Built-in modes</h2>

<p>There is a built-in mode named '<span class="code">#attach</span>', which contains
just the rule:</p>


<p>Thus, the last example in the previous section can be simplified to:</p>

<pre>&lt;rules startMode="soap"
  &lt;mode name="soap"&gt;
    &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
      &lt;validate schema="soap-envelope.xsd"
  &lt;mode name="xhtml"&gt;
    &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
      &lt;validate schema="xhtml+svg.rng"

<p>Suppose you are not interested in the namespace-sectioning
capabilities of NRL, but you just want to validate a document
concurrently against two schemas.  The simplest way is like this:</p>

<pre>&lt;rules xmlns=""&gt;
    &lt;validate schema="xhtml.rng"
    &lt;validate schema="xhtml.sch"

<p>The '<span class="code">useMode="#attach"</span>' ensures that the document will
be validated as is, rather than divided into sections.</p>

<p>Similarly, there is a built-in mode named '<span class="code">#reject</span>',
which contains just the rule:</p>


<p>and a built-in mode named '<span class="code">#allow</span>', which contains just
the rule:</p>




<a name="Open_schemas"></a>10 Open schemas</h2>

<p>Up to now, sections validated by one subschema have not
participated in the validation of parent sections.  Modern schema
languages, such as W3C XML Schema and RELAX NG, can use wildcards to
allow elements and attributes from any namespace in particular
contexts.  It is useful to take advantage of this in order to allow
one subschema to constrain the contexts in which sections validated by
other subschemas can occur. For example, the official schema for
'<span class="code"></span>' uses wildcards
to specify precisely where elements from other namespaces are allowed:
they are allowed as children of the '<span class="code">env:Body</span>' and
'<span class="code">env:Header</span>' elements but not as children of the
'<span class="code">env:Envelope</span>' element.  Our NRL schema bypasses these
constraints because the XHTML sections are not seen by the SOAP
validation. We can use '<span class="code">attach</span>' to solve this problem:</p>

<pre>&lt;rules xmlns=""&gt;
  &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
    &lt;validate schema="soap-envelope.xsd"/&gt;
  &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
    &lt;validate schema="xhtml.rng"/&gt;

<p>When an XHTML section occurs inside a SOAP section, the XHTML
section will participate in two validations:</p>


<li>it will be validated independently against the XHTML schema, and</li>

<li>it will be attached to the SOAP section and validated together
with the SOAP section against the SOAP schema</li>




<a name="Element-name_context"></a>11 Element-name context</h2>

<p>So far we have seen how to make the processing of an element depend
on the namespace URIs of its ancestors.  NRL also allows the
processing to depend on the element names of its ancestors.  For
example, suppose we wish to allow RDF to occur only as a child of the
'<span class="code">head</span>' element of XHTML.  We can do this as follows:</p>

<pre>&lt;rules startMode="root"
  &lt;mode name="root"&gt;
    &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
      &lt;validate schema="xhtml.rng"&gt;
        &lt;context path="head"
  &lt;mode name="rdf"&gt;
    &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
      &lt;validate schema="rdfxml.rng"

<p>Any element that takes a '<span class="code">useMode</span>' attribute can also
have one or more '<span class="code">context</span>' children that override the
'<span class="code">useMode</span>' attribute in specific contexts.  The
'<span class="code">path</span>' attribute specifies a test to be applied to the
parent element of the section to be processed.
The '<span class="code">path</span>' attribute allows a restricted form of XPath: a
list of one or more choices separated by '<span class="code">|</span>', where each
choice is a list of one or more unqualified names separated by
'<span class="code">/</span>', optionally preceded by '<span class="code">/</span>'.  It is
interpreted like a pattern in XSLT, except that the names are
implicitly qualified with the namespace URI of the containing
'<span class="code">namespace</span>' element.  When more than one path matches, the
most specific is chosen.  It is an error to have two or more equally
specific paths. The path is tested against a single section not the
entire document: a path of '<span class="code">/foo</span>' means a '<span class="code">foo</span>'
element that is the root of a section; it does not mean a
'<span class="code">foo</span>' element that is the root of the document.</p>



<a name="Attributes"></a>12 Attributes</h2>

<p>Up to now, we have considered attributes to be inseparably attached
to their parent elements.  Although this is the default behaviour is
to attach attributes to their parent elements, attributes are in fact
considered to be separate sections and can be processed
separately. Attributes with the same namespace URI and same parent
element are grouped in a single section. Such sections are called
attribute sections; sections that contain elements are called element

<p>A '<span class="code">namespace</span>' or '<span class="code">anyNamespace</span>' element can
have a '<span class="code">match</span>' attribute, whose value must be a list of one
or two of the tokens '<span class="code">attributes</span>' and
'<span class="code">elements</span>'. If the value includes the token
'<span class="code">attributes</span>', the rule matches attribute sections.</p>

<p>The default behaviours of attaching attributes to their parent
elements occurs because the default value of the '<span class="code">match</span>'
attribute is '<span class="code">elements</span>' and because all of the built-in
modes include a rule:</p>

<pre>&lt;anyNamespace match="attributes"&gt;

<p>Most, if not all, XML schema languages do not have any notion of
validating a set of attributes; they know only how to validate an XML
element. Therefore, before validating an attribute section, NRL
transforms it into an XML element by creating a dummy element to hold
the attributes. NRL also performs a corresponding transformation on
the schema. This is schema-language dependent.  For example, in the
case of RELAX NG, a schema <var>s</var> is transformed to
'<span class="code">&lt;element&gt;&lt;anyName/&gt;&nbsp;<var>s</var>&nbsp;&lt;/element&gt;</span>'.</p>

<p>For example, suppose '<span class="code">xmlatts.rng</span>' contains a schema for
the attributes in the '<span class="code">xml:</span>' namespace written in RELAX

<pre>&lt;group datatypeLibrary=""
    &lt;attribute name="xml:lang"&gt;
        &lt;data type="language"/&gt;
    &lt;attribute name="xml:base"&gt;
      &lt;data type="anyURI"/&gt;
    &lt;attribute name="xml:space"&gt;

<p>An NRL schema could use this as follows:</p>

<pre>&lt;rules xmlns=""&gt;
  &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
    &lt;validate schema="xhtml.rng"/&gt;
  &lt;namespace ns=""
    &lt;validate schema="xmlatts.rng"/&gt;



<a name="Mode_inheritance"></a>13 Mode inheritance</h2>

<p>One mode can <i>extend</i> another mode. Suppose in our SOAP+XHTML
example, we want to allow both SOAP element and XHTML elements to
contain RDF.  By putting the rule for RDF in its own mode and
extending that mode, we can avoid having to specify the rule for RDF

<pre>&lt;rules startMode="soap"
  &lt;mode name="common"&gt;
    &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
      &lt;validate schema="rdfxml.rng"
  &lt;mode name="soap"
    &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
      &lt;validate schema="soap-envelope.xsd"
  &lt;mode name="body"
    &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
      &lt;validate schema="xhtml.rng"/&gt;

<p>It is possible to extend a built-in mode. Thus, a mode that
validates laxly can be specified simply just by extending
'<span class="code">#allow</span>'.  This works because of how wildcards and
inheritance interact.  Suppose mode <var>x</var> extends mode
<var>y</var>; then when using mode <var>x</var>, the following order
will be used to search for a matching rule:</p>


<li>a non-wildcard rule in <var>x</var>

<li>a non-wildcard rule in <var>y</var>

<li>a wildcard rule in <var>x</var>

<li>a wildcard rule in <var>y</var>


<p>The requirement that there is an implicit rule of</p>


<p>can be restated as a requirement that the default value of the
'<span class="code">extends</span>' attribute is '<span class="code">#reject</span>'.</p>



<a name="Transparent_namespaces"></a>14 Transparent namespaces</h2>

<p>Many schema languages can deal with the kind of extensibility that
involves adding child elements or attributes from different
namespaces.  A more difficult kind of extensibility is where we need
to be able to wrap an extension element around an existing
non-extension element.  This can arise with namespaces describing
templating and versioning.  Imagine XHTML inside an XSLT stylesheet:
in such a document we might have a '<span class="code">ul</span>' element containing
an '<span class="code">xsl:for-each</span>' element containing an '<span class="code">li</span>'
element, although the schema for XHTML requires '<span class="code">li</span>'
elements to occur as direct children of '<span class="code">ul</span>' elements. In
such a situation, we need to need to make the XHTML schema
<i>unwrap</i> the '<span class="code">xsl:for-each</span>' element, ignoring its
start-tag and end-tag, but not ignoring its content.</p>

<p>Suppose we have a namespace
'<span class="code"></span>' containing elements
'<span class="code">inserted</span>' and '<span class="code">deleted</span>', which describe edits
that have been made to a document, and suppose we want to use these
elements inside an XHTML document.  The following NRL schema would
allow us still to validate the XHTML document.</p>

<pre>&lt;rules startMode="root"
  &lt;mode name="root"&gt;
    &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
      &lt;validate schema="xhtml.rng"
  &lt;mode name="xhtml"&gt;
    &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
    &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;

<p>When '<span class="code">unwrap</span>' is applied to an element section
<var>e</var>, it ignores the elements in <var>e</var> and their
attributes and just processes the child element sections of
<var>e</var>; if processing the child element sections causes a
section to try to attach to <var>e</var>, it will instead attach to
the parent of <var>e</var>.  Thus, in the above schema the section
from the edit namespace will be ignored, but child sections will be
processed according to rules applicable in the '<span class="code">xhtml</span>'
mode.  When a edit section has an XHTML child section, then that XHTML
child section will be attached to the parent of the edit section
(which can only be another XHTML section).</p>

<p>The above schema does not deal with validating the edit
namespace. Let us suppose that '<span class="code">inserted</span>' and
'<span class="code">deleted</span>' elements cannot nest.  Our schema
'<span class="code">edit.rnc</span>' for the edit namespace is just two lines:</p>

default namespace = ""
element inserted|deleted { empty }

<p>The following NRL schema would allow validation of the edit

<pre>&lt;rules startMode="root"
  &lt;mode name="root"&gt;
    &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
      &lt;validate schema="xhtml.rng"
  &lt;mode name="xhtml"
    &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
      &lt;validate schema="edit.rnc"
      &lt;unwrap useMode="noEdit"/&gt;
  &lt;mode name="noEdit"&gt;
    &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;

<p>The above schema is still not quite right. Suppose a
'<span class="code">title</span>' element was both inserted and deleted.  With the
above NRL schema, XHTML validation would see two '<span class="code">title</span>'
elements, which would get an error. We should instead do XHTML
validation twice, once including the content of the
'<span class="code">inserted</span>' elements and ignoring the content of the
'<span class="code">deleted</span>' elements and once doing the opposite.  We only
need to validate the edit elements once.  The following NRL schema
accomplishes this:</p>

<pre>&lt;rules startMode="root"
  &lt;mode name="root"&gt;
    &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
      &lt;validate schema="xhtml.rng"
      &lt;validate schema="xhtml.rng"
  &lt;mode name="new"
    &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
      &lt;validate schema="edit.rnc"
      &lt;unwrap useMode="noEdit"&gt;
        &lt;context path="deleted"
  &lt;mode name="old"
    &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
      &lt;unwrap useMode="noEdit"&gt;
        &lt;context path="inserted"
  &lt;mode name="noEdit"&gt;
    &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;



<a name="Related_work"></a>15 Related work</h2>

<p>The fundamental idea of dividing the instance into sections, each
of which contains elements from a single namespace, and then
validating each section separately against the schema for its
namespace originated in Murata Makoto's <a href="#relaxns">RELAX
Namespace</a>.  ISO/IEC JTC1/SC34 (the ISO subcommittee responsible
for Document Description and Processing Languages) is developing
ISO/IEC 19757 Document Schema Definition Languages (DSDL) as a
multi-part standard.  A <a href="#N363">Committee Draft (CD) of Part
4: Selection of Validation Candidates</a>, which was based on RELAX
Namespace, has been approved.  Comments on the CD have been <a href="#N415">resolved</a>. <a href="#mns">MNS</a>, the predecessor
to NRL, was input to the CD comment resolution process.  In response
to MNS, Rick Jelliffe produced the <a href="#nsswitch">Namespace
Switchboard</a>, which was also input to the CD comment resolution
process. Some of the evolution of NRL from MNS was inspired by the
Namespace Switchboard.  A Final Committee Draft (FCD) of Part 4 is
currently in preparation; NRL will be submitted as input.</p>

<p>At this stage, no guarantees can be made about how NRL will relate
to the FCD. In the opinion of this document's author and of the DSDL
Part 4 project editor (Murata Makoto), the functionality is likely to
be similar, with the following possible exceptions:</p>


<li>There are concerns about <a href="#Element-name_context">11 Element-name context</a>: some
feel it is too complicated; some feel it is too simple.</li>

<li>The functionality corresponding to <a href="#Transparent_namespaces">14 Transparent
namespaces</a>, was rejected on the last occasion it was discussed;
one reason was the lack of implementation experience. It is hoped that
this can be reconsidered in the light of NRL.</li>

<li>The functionality provided by the '<span class="code">option</span>' element in
<a href="#Specifying_the_schema">3 Specifying the schema</a> has not yet been considered for the


<p>However, the syntax may well be different. In particular:</p>


<li>Names of elements and attributes may be different.</li>

<li>Syntactic sugar for modes may be different.  The FCD may not
provide <a href="#Mode_inheritance">13 Mode inheritance</a>.  The FCD may use nesting to
avoid the need to name modes in some cases.</li>

<li>The FCD is expected to provide syntactic sugar for an action
equivalent to '<span class="code">&lt;attach&nbsp;useMode="<var>x</var>"/&gt;</span>',
where <var>x</var> is a built-in mode like '<span class="code">#allow</span>' except
that it allows attributes as well as elements.  The idea is to allow
subschemas to use empty elements as placeholders.</li>

<li>The FCD is expected to provide a schema inclusion mechanism (not just
using NRL as a subschema).</li>

<li>The FCD is expected to allow inline schemas, for example, by
allowing '<span class="code">validate</span>' to have a '<span class="code">schema</span>' element
containing the schema as an alternative to the '<span class="code">schema</span>'
attribute containing the schema's URL.</li>


<p>The group working on DSDL (SC34/WG1) welcomes public discussion of
DSDL. Comments on NRL would be useful input to the Part 4 FCD
preparation process. See the <a href="">DSDL web site</a>
for information on how to make comments.</p>



<a name="Acknowledgements"></a>16 Acknowledgements</h2>

<p>Thanks to Murata Makoto and Rick Jelliffe for helpful comments.</p>



<div class="back">


<a name="References"></a>A References</h2>

<a name="N415"></a>Comment Disposition of Committee Draft
Ballot of Document Schema Definition Languages (DSDL) -- Part 4:
Selection of Validation Candidates,
<a href=""></a>
<a name="N363"></a>Committee Draft of Document Schema Definition Languages
(DSDL) -- Part 4: Selection of Validation Candidates,
<a href=""></a>
<a name=""></a>DSDL Web Site,
<a href=""></a>
<a name="jing"></a>Jing,
<a href=""></a>
<a name="mns"></a>Modular Namespaces (MNS),
<a href=""></a>
<a name="nsswitch"></a>Namespace Switchboard,
<a href=""></a>
<a name="relaxcore"></a>RELAX Core,
<a href=""></a>
<a name="relaxns"></a>RELAX Namespace,
<a href=""></a>
<a name="relaxng"></a>RELAX NG, <a href=""></a>
<a name="compact"></a>RELAX NG Compact Syntax,
<a href=""></a>
<a name="dtdcompat"></a>RELAX NG DTD Compatibility,
<a href=""></a>
<a name="schematron"></a>Schematron,
<a href=""></a>
<a name="wxs"></a>W3C XML Schema,
<a href=""></a>



<a name="NRL_schema"></a>B NRL schema</h2>

<p>NRL elements can be extended with arbitrary attributes provided the
attributes are namespace qualified and their namespace is not the NRL
namespace; they can also be extended with arbitrary child elements
with any namespace (including the absent namespace) other than the NRL
namespace. We could provide a RELAX NG schema that fully described
NRL, but the extensibility would make the schema harder to understand.
So instead we provide a RELAX NG schema (in compact syntax) that does
not allow extensibility, and provide an NRL schema to make it

<p>Thus, NRL is described by the following NRL schema:</p>

<pre>&lt;rules startMode="root"
  &lt;mode name="root"&gt;
    &lt;namespace ns=""&gt;
      &lt;validate schema="nrl.rnc"
  &lt;mode name="extend"&gt;
    &lt;namespace ns=""
    &lt;namespace ns=""
    &lt;anyNamespace match="elements attributes"&gt;
      &lt;allow useMode="#attach"/&gt;

<p>where '<span class="code">nrl.rnc</span>' is as follows:</p>

default namespace = ""

start =
  element rules {
    (rule* | (attribute startMode { modeName }, mode+))

mode =
  element mode {
    attribute name { userModeName },
    attribute extends { modeName }?,

rule =
  element namespace {
    attribute ns { xsd:anyURI },
  | element anyNamespace { ruleModel }

ruleModel = attribute match { elementsOrAttributes }?, actions

elementsOrAttributes =
  list {
    ("elements", "attributes") 
     | ("attributes", "elements") 
     | "elements"
     | "attributes"

actions =
  noResultAction*, (noResultAction|resultAction), noResultAction*

noResultAction =
  element validate {
    attribute schema { xsd:anyURI },
  | element allow|reject { modeUsage }

resultAction =
  element attach|unwrap { modeUsage }

option =
  element option {
    attribute name { xsd:anyURI },
    attribute arg { text }?,
    attribute mustSupport { xsd:boolean }?

modeUsage =
  attribute useMode { modeName }?,
  element context {
    attribute path { path },
    attribute useMode { modeName }?

modeName = userModeName | builtinModeName

userModeName = xsd:NCName
builtinModeName = "#attach" | "#allow" | "#reject" | "#unwrap"

schemaType = attribute schemaType { mediaType }
mediaType = xsd:string  # should do better than this
path =
  xsd:string {
    pattern = "\s*(/\s*)?\i\c*(\s*/\s*\i\c*)*\s*"
              ~ "(|\s*(/\s*)?\i\c*(\s*/\s*\i\c*)*\s*)*"



<a name="Formal_semantics"></a>C Formal semantics</h2>

<p>In order to describe the semantics of NRL, it is convenient to
construct a new section-based data model.  This data model is
constructed from the RELAX NG data model.  An implementation wouldn't
actually have to construct this, but the semantics are simpler to
describe in terms of this data model rather than in terms of the RELAX
NG data model.  Note that the information content is exactly
equivalent to the RELAX NG data model.</p>

<p>There are two kinds of section: attribute sections and element
sections.  Two attributes belong to the same section iff they have the
same parent and the same namespace URI.  An element belongs to the
same section as its parent iff it has the same namespace URI as its
parent.  An attribute section is simply a non-empty unordered set of
attributes (as in RELAX NG), where each member of the set has the same
namespace URI.  An element section is a little more complicated. First
we need the concept of a node.  There are three kinds of node: an
element node, a text node and a slot node.  An element node has a
name, a context (as in RELAX NG), and a list of child nodes. A text
node has a string value. A slot node has no additional information; it
is merely a placeholder for a element section.  A list of child nodes
never has two adjacent text nodes and never has two adjacent slot
nodes.  An element section is a triple &lt;<i>nd</i>, <i>lsa</i>,
<i>lle</i>&gt;, where <i>nd</i> is an element node, <i>lsa</i> is a list
of unordered sets of attribute sections, and <i>lle</i> is a list of
lists of element sections.  <i>lsa</i> has one member for each element
node in <i>nd</i>. The unordered set of attribute sections that is the
<i>n</i>-th member of <i>lsa</i> gives the attributes for the
<i>n</i>-th element node in <i>nd</i> (iterating in document order).
<i>lle</i> has one member for each slot node in <i>nd</i>.  The list
of element sections that is the <i>n</i>-th member of <i>lle</i>
corresponds to the <i>n</i>-th slot node in <i>nd</i> (iterating in
document order).</p>

<p>An NRL schema consists of a set of modes.  A mode consists of a set
of rules.  A mode maps a section to an action based on the section's
namespace URI and on whether the section is an attribute section or an
element section.  An action can be applied to element sections and
attribute sections.  An action returns two values, one of which is
always error information.  When an action is applied to an element
section, it returns error information and a (possibly empty) list of
element sections.  When an action is applied to an attribute section,
it returns error information and either an attribute section or an
empty list.</p>

<p>In the NRL syntax, a rule can contain multiple actions.  This is
represented in the formalization using a Sequence action.  The
sequence action discards results (other than error information) from
the first action.  Only two actions can produce results other than
error information: attach and unwrap.  The NRL syntax allows at most
one such action in a rule.  When constructing a sequence representing
a set of actions in a rule, this action, if any, must be the last
action in the sequence.</p>

<p>Here is a formalization in Haskell:</p>

type Uri = String
type LocalName = String
type QName = (Uri, LocalName)
type Prefix = String
type Context = (Uri, [(Prefix, Uri)])

data Node = ElementNode QName Context [Node]
	  | TextNode String
	  | SlotNode

type AttributeSection = [(QName, String)]

data ElementSection = ElementSection Node [[AttributeSection]] [[ElementSection]]
data ElementsOrAttributes = Elements | Attributes

type Mode = ElementsOrAttributes -&gt; Uri -&gt; Action

data Action = Attach Mode
	    | Reject Mode
	    | Unwrap Mode
	    | Allow Mode
	    | Validate Uri Mode
	    | Sequence Action Action

data ErrorReport = AttributeError AttributeSection String
		 | ElementError ElementSection String

type ErrorInfo = [ErrorReport]

data Validated a = Validated ErrorInfo a

applyElementAction :: Action -&gt; ElementSection -&gt; Validated [ElementSection]

applyElementAction (Reject m) e@(ElementSection nd lsa lle) =
   Validated ([ElementError e "namespace rejected"]
               ++ (errors (plsa m lsa))
               ++ (errors (plle m lle)))
applyElementAction (Attach m) (ElementSection nd lsa lle)
  = listV (elementSectionV nd (plsa m lsa) (plle m lle))
applyElementAction (Unwrap m) (ElementSection _ _ lle) = ple m (concat lle)
applyElementAction (Allow m) (ElementSection nd lsa lle)
  = valid2 (\x y -&gt; []) (plsa m lsa) (plle m lle)
applyElementAction (Validate s m) (ElementSection nd lsa lle)
  = Validated (validate s (elementSectionV nd (plsa m lsa) (plle m lle)))
applyElementAction (Sequence a1 a2) e
  = actionSequence (applyElementAction a1 e) (applyElementAction a2 e)

validate :: Uri -&gt; Validated ElementSection -&gt; ErrorInfo
validate uri (Validated errs e) = errs ++ (validateElement uri e)

elementSectionV :: Node -&gt; Validated [[AttributeSection]] -&gt; Validated [[ElementSection]] -&gt; Validated ElementSection
elementSectionV nd lsa lle = valid2 (ElementSection nd) lsa lle

applyAttributeAction :: Action -&gt; AttributeSection -&gt; Validated (Maybe AttributeSection)
applyAttributeAction (Allow m) a = Validated [] Nothing
applyAttributeAction (Reject m) a = Validated [AttributeError a "namespace rejected"] Nothing
applyAttributeAction (Attach m) a = Validated [] (Just a)
applyAttributeAction (Unwrap _) _ = Validated [] Nothing
applyAttributeAction (Validate s m) a
  = Validated (validateAttribute s a) Nothing
applyAttributeAction (Sequence a1 a2) a
  = actionSequence (applyAttributeAction a1 a) (applyAttributeAction a2 a)

actionSequence :: Validated a -&gt; Validated a -&gt; Validated a
actionSequence (Validated errs1 _) (Validated errs2 x) = Validated (errs1 ++ errs2) x

-- these are provided by an external validation library

validateElement :: Uri -&gt; ElementSection -&gt; ErrorInfo
validateElement _ _ = []

validateAttribute :: Uri -&gt; AttributeSection -&gt; ErrorInfo
validateAttribute _ _ = []

-- processing functions

pe :: Mode -&gt; ElementSection -&gt; Validated [ElementSection]
pe m e = applyElementAction (m Elements (elementSectionNs e)) e

ple :: Mode -&gt; [ElementSection] -&gt; Validated [ElementSection]
ple m le = concatMapV (pe m) le

plle :: Mode -&gt; [[ElementSection]] -&gt; Validated [[ElementSection]]
plle m lle = mapV (ple m) lle

pa :: Mode -&gt; AttributeSection -&gt; Validated (Maybe AttributeSection)
pa m a = applyAttributeAction (m Attributes (attributeSectionNs a)) a

psa :: Mode -&gt; [AttributeSection] -&gt; Validated [AttributeSection]
psa m sa = dropMapV (pa m) sa

plsa :: Mode -&gt; [[AttributeSection]] -&gt; Validated [[AttributeSection]]
plsa m lsa = mapV (psa m) lsa

elementSectionNs :: ElementSection -&gt; Uri
elementSectionNs (ElementSection (ElementNode (ns, _) _ _) _ _) = ns

attributeSectionNs :: AttributeSection -&gt; Uri
attributeSectionNs (((ns, _),_):_) = ns

-- functions for the Validated type

errors :: Validated a -&gt; ErrorInfo
errors (Validated e _) = e

valid1 :: (a -&gt; b) -&gt; Validated a -&gt; Validated b
valid1 f (Validated e x) = Validated e (f x)

valid2 :: (a -&gt; b -&gt; c) -&gt; Validated a -&gt; Validated b -&gt; Validated c
valid2 f (Validated e x) (Validated e' y) = Validated (e ++ e') (f x y)

listV :: Validated a -&gt; Validated [a]
listV x = valid1 (\y -&gt; [y]) x

mapV :: (a -&gt; Validated b) -&gt; [a] -&gt; Validated [b]

mapV f [] = Validated [] []
mapV f (x:xs) = valid2 (\ x xs -&gt; (x:xs)) (f x) (mapV f xs)

concatMapV :: (a -&gt; Validated [b]) -&gt; [a] -&gt; Validated [b]
concatMapV f xs = valid1 concat (mapV f xs)

dropMapV :: (a -&gt; Validated (Maybe b)) -&gt; [a] -&gt; Validated [b]
dropMapV f [] = Validated [] []
dropMapV f (x:xs) = valid2 maybeCons (f x) (dropMapV f xs)

maybeCons :: (Maybe a) -&gt; [a] -&gt; [a]
maybeCons Nothing x = x
maybeCons (Just x) xs = (x:xs)

<p>This does not yet deal with element-name context. To deal with this,
we would need to change each of the Actions that has a Mode parameter
to take a more complex structure.</p>



