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  <meta http-equiv="CONTENT-TYPE" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><title>Rakarrack Help
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      <p><a href="#cmd">Command line options</a> <a href="#screen">The Main Screen</a> 
      <a href="#conn">Connecting</a> <a href="#pyb">Presets &amp; banks</a> 
      <a href="#settings">Preferences</a> <a href="#scuts">Shortcuts</a> 

<p>RAKARRACK is a multi-effect processor for guitar players but the
signal processing engine allows a full range of parameter adjustment
making it suitable for almost any audio processing task.
Forty-two effects are included in this version: Lineal EQ, Parametric EQ,
Shuffle, Exciter, Compressor,Expander, Distortion, Overdrive, Derelict, DistBand, Echo,
MusicalDelay, Arpie, Chorus, Phaser, Analog Phaser, Flanger, Dual Flange, Reverb, WahWah, AlienWah,
MuTroMojo, Convolotron, Cabinet, Valve, AutoPan/Extra Stereo, Harmonizer, Noise Gate, Ring, Synthfilter, 
VaryBand, Looper, MuTroMojo, Echoverse, CoilCrafter, ShelfBoost, Vocoder,
Sustainer, Sequence, Shifter, StompBox, Reverbtron and Echotron.</p>
<p>Ten can be used simultaneously on a chain.</p> 
<p>Also Rakarrack has a Tuner and a monophonic MIDI
Converter, and other features like resampling or Tap Tempo.</p> 
<p>Rakarrack can be managed externally by MIDI, the program receive Program Change and the parameters 
can be controlled via Control Change MIDI messages.</p>

<p>One of the most important things of RAKARRACK is that everything
is on a single mouse click. All the effect parameters are on the

<p>The effects are processed on a chain, the chain order processing
is fully configurable by the user for each preset. The preset saves
all the effects parameters. These presets can be grouped into banks
to manage more efficiently. Saving a preset is as easy as typing a

<p>Rakarrack is capable of generating high volume output. It has Gain
controls in general and some of the effects allow high gain
adjustments. Use these gains with caution because they can produce
unwanted effects. However, a limiter is applied to the final output
which prevents signal level from increasing beyond 0dB. Bear this in
mind, for high gains triggering limiting in the output will initiate
high-ratio hard-knee compression. This is better than hard clipping
distortion, but the audio effect can be undesirable.</p>

<p align="left">Rakarrack is a JACK application, Dave Phillips wrote
some good articles in their blog of how to use Linux audio with jack,
if you don't know about jack, or you have problems running rakarrack,
please read this series of articles:</p>

<p align="left"><a href="">Troubleshooting
Linux Audio, Part 1</a></p>

<p align="left"><a href="">Troubleshooting
Linux Audio, Part 2</a></p>

<p align="left"><a href="">Troubleshooting
Linux Audio, Part 3a</a></p>

<p align="left"><a href="">Troubleshooting
Linux Audio, Part 3b</a></p>

<p>Please read the INSTALL, README and PACKAGERS.README files provided
with rakarrack. You will find there a  list of required dependency
packages and detailed configuration options.</p>


<p>From 0.5.0 version we have included resampling and convolotron
effect, the quality and amount settings of resampling must be set with
extremely care, because they use a lot of CPUresources, in fact most
computers can't afford the "Best" resampling quality if the amount of
resampling is "x4" or greater. The resampling process makes each effect use
more CPU resources because need to process more samples, if you combine
wrong settings with convolotron or harmonizer effects that use also a lot CPU resources the results can be
unpredictable. Wrong settings can hang up you computer. You have been warned.

<p>Of course resampling increase the sound quality, the way to set up
is start with the worst resampling settings, amount = "x2" and
Quality "Linear", the the jack load CPU value is displayed in the
status bar in the preset block, if you want more accurate CPU usage
values use top, htop or
other CPU monitors, then increase the values thinking that then next
step of quality could use double CPU than the actual set, that's not
exactly in the lower resampling quality levels, but is more or
less accurate in the high levels. You need to find a good balance
between amount and quality settings to obtain the better sound that
your computer can afford. Don't forget that each effect use also more
CPU with resampling, then the best to set the resampling settings is
using a preset that has five or six effects.

<p>Convolotron has a "Safe Mode" parameter, that "magically" limits the
length of the Impulse Response file read, this is safe because limit
the CPU usage, this maximum length is calculated reading the bogomips,
is not dynamic and don't measure other tasks that your computer may be
performing. We have been careful to calculate this maximum value, but
if you use resampling this "safe" value can be ridiculous and may cause
depending of the Impulse Response file read that the convolotron
effect don't has sound, that can happens if the value is less than 5 ms.</p>

<p>Of course increasing the length parameter you will obtain a better
convolotron sound, if you unset the "Safe Mode" you can set the length
to a desired value without the magical limit, but do that with
extremely care. Check the jack load CPU in the status bar or use a CPU monitor to see what
your computer can afford. Do that with small steps and checking the CPU
usage, or you will hang up your computer. You have been warned.</p>

<p><b>About Clipping and limiting.</b></p>

<p>Rakarrack includes an output limiter to help you keep the signal at or below
maximum recording levels.  There are two indicator lights along the top of
the display to indicate when limiting and clipping is active.</p>

<p><b>Lmt</b>   Limit.  This is the compressor part of the limiting function.  This
lets you know when Rakarrack output limiter is automatically reducing volume
when the signal level is too high.</p>

<p><b>Clip</b>  The output limiter is clipping the peaks of the signal.  Usually the
attack of dynamics are clipped for short periods of time before the
compressor catches up with the high signal level.  When the signal level is
extremely high, the peaks will always be clipped.  This is indicated with a
red flashing light.</p>

<p>Both clip and Lmt mean the same thing to you as the user:  Turn down the
output until the lights don't blink, or if they blink, very very
infrequently.  Any time the lights blink, there is some distortion on the
output, and it is probably unwanted distortion.  It will be noticeably
audible distortion if the lights blink frequently, or for long periods of

<p>This is not an arbitrary limit.  This is at the limit where the input to a
recording program such as Ardour or Qtractor will be too hot.  If it was not
clipping in Rakarrack, it would be clipping in Ardour, and would be worse
sounding.  Most sound cards will physically clip on the hardware output at
these levels.  The full range in Rakarrack will produce a full range signal

<p><a href="general.html">General</a></p>
<p><a href="help.html">Table of Contents</a></p>

<h3><a name="cmd"></a>Command Line Options</h3>

<table style="background-color: rgb(251, 251, 251);" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">

      <th style="width: 150px;">
      <p align="left">Short Format</p>
      <th style="width: 150px;">
      <p align="left">Long Format</p>
      <p> </p>
      <p>Shows the command line options and exits.</p>
      <p>Start the application without GUI</p>
      <p>-l file</p>
      <p>Load file single Preset</p>
      <p>-p #</p>
      <p>Set Preset number #</p>
      <p>-b file</p>
      <p>Load a file Bank</p>
      <p>-x </p>
      <p>Dump Bank preset names</p>


<p>rakarrack -l mypreset.rkr     Starts Rakarrack and
load the preset file mypreset.rkr</p>

<p>rakarrack -n -b mybank.rkrb    Starts Rakarrack
without GUI and load the bank file mybank.rkrb</p>

<p><a href="general.html">General</a></p>
<p><a href="help.html">Table of Contents</a></p>

<h3><a name="screen"></a>The Main Screen</h3>

<p><img src="imagenes/screen.png" alt="rakarrack Main Screen" align="bottom" border="1" height="420" width="640"></p>

<p><a href="general.html">General</a></p>
<p><a href="help.html">Table of Contents</a></p>

<h3><a name="conn"></a>Connecting</h3>

<p>The connections shown in the screenshot correspond to a
motherboard sound card. The guitar is connected to the input line.
Obviously this configuration can vary depending of your sound card.
RAKARRACK has two inputs to allow use of stereo devices. The
screenshot shows the connection of a guitar, usually mono aural.</p>

<p><img src="imagenes/jack_conections.jpg" alt="rakarrack Qjackctl Connect" align="bottom" border="1" height="313" vspace="10" width="562"></p>

<h3><a name="pyb"></a>Presets &amp; Banks</h3>

<p>The state of the rack can be saved to a file at any
time, either pressing the "Save" buttons or via the menu
File-&gt;Save Preset. Rakarrack suggest the preset name for the
filename.rkr in the save operation, but you can put what you want.
You can assign the preset name here:</p>

<p><img src="imagenes/preset_name1.png" alt="rakarrack Preset Box"></p>

<p>If the user modifies any preset bank, The "compare"
button allows you to compare the sound of the current state of
rakarrack with the original bank preset from which it departed.</p>

<p>You can use banks to store groups of presets. 60 preset can be
saved on a bank. To include a preset in a bank must first indicate
the name of preset on the main screen, open the bank window and click
on a empty slot with the right mouse button. To retrieve a preset
stored in a bank must open the window of banks and clicking the left
button on the preset desired, also you can use the Preset selector of
the main window.</p>

<p>To save a preset in a bank:</p>


    <p>Put descriptive name to the preset</p>
    <p>Open the bank window (B)</p>
    <p>Press the <b>right mouse button</b> in a empty place OR</p>
    <p>Press the <b>right mouse button</b> on an existing preset if
you wish to overwrite it.</p>

<p>To retrieve a preset from a bank:</p>


    <p>Open the bank window (B)</p>
    <p>Click the <b>left mouse button</b> on the preset</p>

<p>To swap presets in the window:</p>


    <p>Open the bank window (B)</p>
    <p>Click the <b>left mouse button</b> on the preset, drag and drop on
    the preset you want to swap</p>

<p>When rakarrack starts always load the bank selected in <a href="#settings">preferences</a>
unless you specify another bank in the <a href="#cmd">command line</a>.
Of course you can load/save any bank via menu File. By default, is
allocated in preferences the installation included bank. This bank
("Default.rkrb") is installed with root properties, then
you can't overwrite as user. But is easy to save in any place to work
with it. The bank contains default presets developed by <a href="#autores">the
development team and some friends</a> who have contributed in this

<p> The "Random" button generate a random preset</p>

<p>Three banks are released with rakarrack, Default.rkrb, Extra.rkrb and
Extra1, they are installed in the data directory selected in the configure process
normally in "/usr/share/rakarrack" or "/usr/local/share/rakarrack".</p>
<p> The purpose of buttons "1", "2", "3", "U" is fast bank load function, this buttons
loads the Default.rkrb, Extra.rkrb, Extra1.rkrb and the user settings defined banks.</p>

<p><img src="imagenes/bank_mgmt.jpg" alt="rakarrack Bank Window" align="bottom" border="1" height="500" width="640"></p>

<p>Up the Bank windows screenshot, the tittle bar show
the loaded bank. Click on preset or use preset counter in the Preset
section to change the preset.</p>

<p>Presets marked with (*) use the Select mode in the
Harmonizer effect, that means you need to play a monophonic melody in
the Key/Chord selected. The harmonizer recognizes what note you play
and creates a second voice in the Key/Chord selected.</p>

<p>Buttons 1,2,3,U are for fast load banks, the 1,2,3 loads the Default,
Extra and Extra1 banks released with rakarrack, the "U" button, that means
user, load the Bank filename defined as default to load in settings.<p>

<p> The choice display the available user banks that you have in the
directory specified in the User Directory settings, is also a fast way to
load "user" banks</p>

<p><a href="general.html">General</a></p>
<p><a href="help.html">Table of Contents</a></p>

<h3><a name="settings"></a>Preferences (Settings)</h3>
<h2>Look Preferences</h2>
<p><img src="imagenes/settings.jpg" alt="rakarrack Settings Window"></p>
<p>Through the Settings Look tab window you can configure
different aspects of the application. The colors of he four elements
on the screen, <b>background, buttons, labels and leds.</b></p>

<p><img src="imagenes/thema1b.jpg" alt="rakarrack buttons color" align="bottom" border="1" height="213" width="219">    
<img src="imagenes/thema2b.jpg" alt="rakarrack background color" align="bottom" border="1" height="214" width="219">   
<img src="imagenes/thema3b.jpg" alt="rakarrack leds color" align="bottom" border="1" height="215" width="218"></p>

<p>Also you can select the following schemes of widget
decoration, X11, fltk, gtk+ y plastic. Some small example of fltk and

<img src="imagenes/schema1b.jpg" alt="rakarrack schema fltk" align="bottom" border="1" height="216" width="214">
<img src="imagenes/schema2b.jpg" alt="rakarrack schema gtk+" align="bottom" border="1" height="216" width="214">

<p>Select the label font for the main window.</p>
<p><b>Font Size</b></p>
<p>Increase/Decrease the font size of some windows.The Reset
button set the relative value to "0"</p>

<p><b>Enable Background Image</b></p>
<p>Enable background image or use background color</p>

<p><b>Background Image</b></p>
<p>You can also select a PNG background image clicking
on the 'Browse' button and also adjust the font sizes. Some background
pictures are distributed in the rakarrack tarball package, they are
installed in the data directory selected in the configure process
normally in "/usr/share/rakarrack" or "/usr/local/share/rakarrack".</p>

<p>The Skin save/load menu options located in the main
menu save or restore the rakarrack look. If you have made a nice look
and you want to share please send this file and the background picture
to any of the rakarrack team members and will include on the website.</p>

<p><a href="general.html">General</a></p>
<p><a href="help.html">Table of Contents</a></p>

<h2>Audio Preferences</h2>

<p><img alt="Settings Audio" src="imagenes/settings1.jpg"></p>

<p><b>Fx On at start</b></p>
<p>This option put the FX On at the start, by default
is Off.</p>
<p><b>Filter Input DC Offset</b></p>
<p>Input DC Removal. Removes constant offset from input signal.  If you
experience strange behavior with compressor or distortion, or if you see
output signal even when no sound is going in, enable it.  A "cheapo"
soundcard or microphone inputs can be sources of this problem.</p>
<p><b>Preserve Gain/Master</b></p>
<p>The Input Gain and Master Volume are stored in the preset and applied
with the preset is loaded.  If this option is enabled, the Input Level and
Master Volume will not be modified when preset changes.</p>

<p><b>Update Tap Tempo</b></p>
<p>If enabled each time you change the preset the Tempo
parameter on the active will be updated with the
Tap Tempo value/settings. By default, the Tempo settings from the preset are

<p>Enable upsampling using libsamplerate.  With this enabled, Rakarrack will
process the effects with higher sample rate than what is coming from the
sound card.  All the resample parameters will take effect the next time you
launch rakarrack. Enabling upsampling in Rakarrack will use a lot more of
your computer CPU resources but will result in very professional sounding
effects.  Take care to adjust all the upsampling settings in small
increments because you can hang your computer if your main processor can not
handle the resampling parameters.  Each level of libsamplerate quality uses
more and more resources, and of course each effect uses more CPU resources
because it needs to process a higher amount of data in the same amount of
time.  We highly recommend start with Linear quality and amount "x2" and
check your CPU usage with "top", and then increase the amount/quality as

<p>Amount of resampling (x2, x3, x4, x5, x6). This is a multiple of your Jack

<p><b>About Resampling Quality</b></p>
<p>Here is the summary:</p>
<p><b>Best</b>  Best sinc interpolation.</p>
<p><b>Medium</b>  Reduced Bandwidth sinc interpolation.</p>
<p><b>Fastest</b>  Fastest sinc interpolation.</p>
<p><b>Linear</b>  Linear interpolation, not band-limited.</p>
<p><b>Zero Order</b>  Blazingly fast, but does not interpolate.</p>

<p>The only difference between Best, Medium, and Fastest is the bandwidth. 
"Fastest" limits to 80% of the maximum bandwidth, but the interpolation
quality is equal to Best sinc interpolation.  As a general rule, you can
often save some processing requirement by using a lower quality upsampling
setting (Linear, or Zero Order), but it is important to use high quality
downsampling if any of the effects you use add higher harmonics not present
at the input (distortion, Arpie, Harmonizer).</p>

<p>If using Linear or Zero Order resampling it is advisable to use a low-pass
filter on the input (like CoilCrafter or MuTroMojo), then again as the last
in line.  The filter will perform interpolation before the signal is

<p>Resampling has two uses: </p>
<p>1)  Improve the "richness" of filters & Equalizers.  This will by nature
improve the accuracy of the EQ's while making filter effects such as Chorus,
Flanger or Phaser sound more natural.</p>
<p>2)  Reduce the amount of aliasing effect produced by nonlinear distortion. 
      Aliasing:  A digital signal cannot represent any frequency higher than
      1/2 the sampling rate.  Any frequencies introduced to the digital
      system higher than 1/2 sample rate are folded back (aliased) into the
      0 to 1/2 sample rate range.  Generally aliased frequencies are not
      musically related to the original tone, and are often the cause of the
      harsh "digital distortion" sound.</p>
<p>When you use a Distortion effect (StompBox, Valve, Overdrive, etc.)
      the nonlinear function used in waveshaping produces harmonics that are
      not found in the original signal.  Many of these harmonics are
      significantly higher than 20kHz, and even go to several hundred kHz. 
      The solution is upsampling.  If you increase the samplerate to several
      times the original, then the "headroom" you have available to
      represent these high frequency harmonic components increases.  Since
      the harmonics decrease in amplitude as frequency increases, then there
      comes a point where the aliasing of these frequencies is
      <p>The caveat is downsampling.  If you upsample then create these higher
      harmonics, you have to filter this out of the signal before you
      downsample.  The sinc interpolation settings are band-limiting by
      nature, and this is what you want if you regularly use distortion. 
      The process of sinc interpolation removes any frequencies higher than
      1/2 the target samplerate before resampling. It is better to use 2x
      upsampling with linear up and fastest sinc down than to use 4x linear or
      zero order up/down with distortion.  A downsampling process that is
      not band limited to 1/2 target sample rate will defeat the purpose of
      upsampling.  If your CPU can handle it, the best is 6x upsampling with
      fastest sinc for up and down.</p> 
      <p>Unless you really need the 16kHz to 20kHz range in your instrument,
      don't use Medium or Best.  Indeed these improve bandwidth, but the
      transient filter response is worse with increasing interpolation
      quality.  Particularly for dynamic or percussive instruments,
      "Fastest" sinc interpolation is the highest quality you can use.</p>
      <p>If your CPU can't handle the high quality interpolation, you can put
      MuTroMojo on the end of the FX chain and balance between filter
      cut-off frequency and stages to get good rejection at 16-20kHz.</p> 
      <p>Finally, it is mathematically proven that sinc interpolation with
      infinite length will PERFECTLY reconstruct the original analog input
      signal in the case of infinite upsampling.  This will also perfectly
      reproduce what the signal would be if sampled at the higher samplerate
      (since infinite upsampling is impossible).  Another impossible thing
      is an infinitely long sinc function.  Sinc interpolation uses a
      Windowed Sinc function of a length where the imperfections introduced
      by truncation create errors of magnitude less than the anticipated
      noise floor.  Based on this theory, many high end CD players use up to
      128x oversampling in the digital-to-analog conversion process.</p>
      <p>For somebody who doesn't understand mathematics, this means that you
      don't get ugly distortions by downsampling, say to 16kHz, then back to
      48000.  You only lose bandwidth.  Downsampling to 16kHz then back to
      48kHz is no worse than applying a low-pass filter at 6.4kHz (80% of
      16kHz/2) for fastest sinc, while you will gain some bandwidth nearing
      8kHz for Best quality sinc.  Most amp cabinet responses tend to roll
      off near 5kHz or 6 kHz.  For reverb, this is not much different than
      increasing the "damp" parameter.  Limiting bandwidth near 6.4kHz means
      you don't lose as much quality as you would think from what seems such
      an abysmally low samplerate while it is amazing how little CPU usage
      is required to use Reverbtron and Convolotron with internal samplerate
      set this low.  If you use linear or zero order, all bets are off --
      unless you apply band limiting filtering elsewhere, or know for a fact
      that the input signal does not have any harmonics above 8kHz. 
      Incidentally, you can probably get some amazingly high quality bass +
      bass cabinet sounds with Convolotron set to 16kHz internal

<p><b>Up Sampling Quality</b></p>

<p>Upsampling quality, select the libsamplerate quality
for the upsampling procedure.</p>

<p><b>Down Sampling Quality</b></p>
<p>Downsampling quality, select the libsamplerate quality for the downsampling procedure.</p>

<p><b>Looper Size Seconds</b></p>
<p>Is the size in seconds of the buffer for the Looper effect. The memory is
allocated when Rakarrack starts, so you will need to restart Rakarrack for
this to take effect.  If you don't plan to use the Looper, then make this a
small number so Rakarrack doesn't hog memory you aren't going to use.</p>

<p><b>Looper Metronome Volume</b></p>
<p>This is to up/down the Looper Metronome Volume</p>

<p><b>Harmonizer Quality and StereoHarm Quality</b></p>
<p>Selects the quality of the harmonizer audio
engine, used by Harmonizer, Shifter and Sequence effects, the available
values are "4,8,16,32", the default value is "4". Incrementing the quality
increments the CPU usage by this effect. Take specially care if you are
using resampling too.
This parameter will take effect the next time you run rakarrack.</p>

<p><b>Limiter before Output Volume</b></p>
<p> Rakarrack uses an invisible end chain Limiter to limit the output signal
level. This option put the limiter before the Output Volume slider</p>
<p>The Limiter is a hard-knee compressor with a fast attack time followed by
peak clipping.  It is best to leave this as default since it will have no
effect unless the final output signal is high enough to clip on the input or
Ardour (or other recording program).  Reasons you may wish to put this in
front of the volume control are as follows:</p>
<p>1) It produces a nice overdrive when driven by something "hot" like
ShelfBoost.  Then you can overdrive it and use output volume to bring signal
level down to a reasonable recording level.</p>
</p>2) If you need a hard limiter to set the maximum to a certain level, this
may prove to be a useful tool.</p>
<p><b>+6dB Final Limiter</b></p>
<p>This option add 6 dB to the final chain Limiter output signal</p>

<p><b> Harmonizer, Reverbtron, Convolotron, Sequence, Shifter, Vocoder and
StereoHarm Downsample</b></p>
<p> Here you can select the sample rate that each effect uses internally,
This can make it possible to use effects with higher CPU demand simply by
trading bandwidth.  For example, if you are  resampling at 2x or 3x (master
resample setting), you will need to limit the sample rate of some effects in
order to be able to use certain presets. Of course that may reduce the sound
quality, but certainly you can find a good balance between CPU power and
quality.   Keep the "About Resampling Quality" information in mind when
deciding what to select. </p> 

<p><b>Whaveshape Resampling</b></p>
<p> Distortion, Overdrive, Derelict, MBDist and StompBox effects use the
waveshape internal class to saturate the signal, this kind of process
produce aliasing. Here you can resample in order to eliminate this
aliasing, of course that will cost CPU. Notice that this resample is multipied
but the normal resampling. For example, if master resampling is 2x, and you
select 2x for Waveshape, then Waveshape internal resampling will be 4x jack
sample rate.  The balance you need to find is between number of resampling
operations, quality of resampling, and resampling amount.  For example, if
you are only using Stompbox and maybe reverb in a preset, then it may be
better to set 4x fast sinc interpolation for master resample than to use
Waveshape resampling.  If you are using other effects, and some higher CPU
effects, then it may be better to use 2x master resample with linear
up/down, then 2x Waveshaper resample with linear up, fastest sinc down.</p>

<p><b>Tuner Calibration A440</b></p>
<p> Here you can calibrate the Tuner, this also calibrates the MIDI
Converter, Ring and Harmonizer recognize note functions.</p>
<p><b>Recognize Note Trigger</b></p>
<p>This is the trigger for the Recognize Note function used in Harmonizer,
StereoHarm and Ring, default value is ".6" but maybe you can get better
results if you down dis value. The note recognition dependes also of the
input level signal, you need to find a good balance between this value and
the input signal level.</p>

<p><b>Recognize Note Optimization</b></p>
<p>This option filters the data sended to the Recognize Note functions to
the specified frequency range of various instruments</p>

<p><a href="general.html">General</a></p>
<p><a href="help.html">Table of Contents</a></p>

<h2>MIDI Preferences</h2>
<p><img alt="Settings MIDI" src="imagenes/settings2.jpg"></p>

<p><b>Auto Connect ALSA Sequencer Ports</b></p>
<p>Here you can select if you want to auto connect the
rakarrack MIDI IN to another device when the program starts, and you
can select the device, also when the program is running you can
connect here o use other utilities to do that.</p>

<p><b>Midi Channels</b></p>
<p>You can specify the MIDI Receive Channel for rakarrack
also there are a special channel to receive the MIDI Chords for the

<p><b>Midi Implementation</b></p>
<p>The MIDI Implementation radio buttons selects how
rakarrack interpret the incoming MIDI Control messages, by default we
use our MIDI implementation table, but you can also use MIDI learn to
create your own tables.</p>

<p><b>Auto Assing MIDI Learn</b></p>
<p> If you enable this option you will not see the MIDI learn window when
you rigth click over a MIDI controllable effect parameter, the incoming MIDI
control message will be assigned "automagically".

<p><b>MIDI Program Change Table</b></p>
<p>A table to select the Bank/Preset you want when a MIDI Programchange
message is recived. (0~127). If the option is disabled rakarrack will only
recognize program change (1~60) in the current bank.</p>

<p><a href="general.html">General</a></p>
<p><a href="help.html">Table of Contents</a></p>

<h2>Jack Preferences</h2>
<p><img alt="Settings Jack" src="imagenes/settings3.jpg"></p>

<p><b>Jack auto conection ports</b></p>
<p>Here you can select if you want to auto connect the
Jack ports Input and Output, you can select any of the available ports for each type of port.</p>
<p>If you select a single Input port, will be connected to the both rakarrack Input Ports.</p>
<p>IMPORTANT: The number of
selected Output ports needs to be an odd number, also the number of
selected Input ports need to be a odd number if it's greater than 1.</p>

<p><a href="general.html">General</a></p>
<p><a href="help.html">Table of Contents</a></p>

<h2>Misc Preferences</h2>
<p><img alt="Settings Misc" src="imagenes/settings4.jpg"></p>

<p>Here you can define a nickname that was recorded in
the presets that are created. The development team intends to create
banks of effects created by users. These presets should assume the
same license with which this program is released (GPL version 2 or
higher) and suggest carrying an identification in the form First Name
Last Name (nick). Of course you have to give a descriptive name to
your preset. If you have a good preset and want to share or want to
be included in future versions, send it to this address
<a href=""></a></p>

<p><b>Disable Warning</b></p>
<p>Enabling this option will disable Warning and Error

<p><b>Tap Tempo Timeout</b></p>

the Tap Tempo timeout, if it's enabled, 8 seconds after the
last signal, Tap Tempo is put to Off</p>

<p><b>Enable Tooltips</b></p>
<p>Enable/Disable widget tooltips</p>

<p><a href="general.html">General</a></p>
<p><a href="help.html">Table of Contents</a></p>

<h2>Bank Preferences</h2>
<p><img alt="Settings Bank" src="imagenes/settings5.jpg"></p>
<p>Here you can specify which file bank is loaded when
program starts.</p>
<p><b>User Directory<b><p>
<p>You can define here the driectory where rakarrack will look to find user
banks that will be displayed in the Bank Window "User Banks" choice, in
order to have a fast way to load user banks</p>

<p><a href="general.html">General</a></p>
<p><a href="help.html">Table of Contents</a></p>

<h3><a name="scuts"></a>Shortcuts</h3>

<p>We created a few shortcuts to make it easier to
manage the program.</p>

<table bgcolor="#fbfbfb" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">

      <td>Enable rakarrack</td>
      <td>Enable Tuner</td>
      <td> M </td>
      <td> Enable MIDI Converter </td>
      <td> L </td>
      <td> Open the load preset window </td>
      <td> S </td>
      <td> Open the save preset window </td>
      <td> B </td>
      <td> Open the bank window </td>
      <td> G </td>
      <td> Tap Tempo </td>
      <td>E </td>
      <td>Open the MIDI Learn Window </td>
      <td> I </td>
      <td> Open the Settings window </td>
      <td> O </td>
      <td> Open the Order window </td>
      <td> N </td>
      <td> New preset </td>
      <td> P </td>
      <td> Compare </td>
      <td> + </td>
      <td> Next Preset </td>
      <td> - </td>
      <td> Previous Preset </td>
      <td> F1 </td>
      <td> Open the Help window </td>
      <td> F2 </td>
      <td> Decrease -1 the Output Volume</td>
      <td> F3 </td>
      <td> Increase the Output Volume</td>
      <td> F5 </td>
      <td> Looper Play</td>
      <td> F6 </td>
      <td> Looper Stop</td>
      <td> F9 </td>
      <td> Hide/Show unused Effects</td>
      <td> F10 </td>
      <td> +10 dB Booster </td>
      <td> A </td>
      <td> Open the Analog Interface Window </td>
      <td> X </td>
      <td> Exit </td>
      <td> Esc </td>
      <td> Exit </td>


<p>The effects are enabled pressing the keys
(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0) . These keys are unrelated to the effects but
with his position. So the key 1 trigger the effect that in the first
position (the first effect of the left in the first line) and so on
until 0 (the latter effect to the right in the second line).</p>
<p>The Keyboard Up/Down - Left/Right arrows decrease/increase value by "1",
Shift+(Left/Right Arrow) decrease/increase value by "10", Ctrl+(Left/Right
Arrow) decrease/increase value by "100" also you can navigate and adjust trough the
parameters with you computer keyboard with the Tab, Up/Down arrow and
space bar keys.</p>

<p><a href="general.html">General</a></p>
<p><a href="help.html">Table of Contents</a> - <a href="effects.html">Effects</a></p>