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    <meta name="generator"
    content="HTML Tidy for Linux/x86 (vers 1st July 2002), see" />
<!-- $Id: FAQ.html 2893 2007-12-25 00:26:46Z cleka $ -->
    <title>Frequently Asked Questions for Colossus</title>
    <h2>Frequently Asked Questions for Colossus</h2>
      <li>Why does the game sometimes prompt me twice for recruits? 
      <p>Look closer. It&#39;s asking for the recruit and then for the
      recruiter(s). Do you want to recruit that cyclops with your other
      cyclops, or with your two gargoyles? If like most people you don&#39;t
      care, then turn on 
      <b>Auto pick recruiters</b>
       and the computer will just pick one for you.</p>
      <li>Why is the angel X&#39;d out in the summon dialog? I have one. 
      <p>Because you haven&#39;t selected the donor stack with the angel. When
      the Summon Angel dialog pops up, all of your unengaged legions with
      summonable creatures will be highlighted. Pick one, then click on the
      Summon button.</p>
      <li>How come I can see enemy units, but some have question marks
      over them?  <p>This is a demonstration of the AI&#39;s stack
      prediction algorithm.  Using memory of creatures that it&#39;s
      seen, process of elimination, and some guesses about reasonable
      splits, it tries to figure out what&#39;s in enemy stacks. With
      the setting 
      <A HREF="GetPlayersOptions.html#Viewable_legion_content">Viewable
      legion content in Get Players startup dialog</A> (before game start)
      it can be changed now, whether you are allowed to see enemy
      legions content fully, partly, or not at all.</p>
      <li>How to I make a legion spin around in a circle back to the original
      hex when I roll a 6? 
      <p>Just click on the chit twice.</p>
      <li>What does the Antialias option do? 
      <p>It makes the graphics a bit smoother (look closely at the hexside
      edges while you turn it on and off), but this takes some CPU cycles. I
      recommend turning it on if you have a fast computer and leaving it off if
      you have a slow computer.</p>
      <li>Why is the AI so dumb? 
      <p>Titan has a huge branching complexity. So brute force searching
      through all possible moves several turns ahead isn&#39;t possible.</p>
      <li>What&#39;s the difference between 
      <b>SimpleAI</b> and <b>CowardSimpleAI</b> and <b>A Random AI</b>? 
      <p>SimpleAI does a straightforward one-ply lookahead for MasterBoard
      moves. It works fairly well. CowardSimpleAI is the same code with some
      constants changed to make it less aggressive. A Random AI just chooses
      one of the available AIs at random -- this will be a more interesting
      option when there are more viable alternatives.</p>
      Nowadays there is also RationalAI, HumanHaterRationalAI (that one is
      just a RationalAI with some constants modified to make it more eager
      to attack human players, but not other AI players) and MilvangAI.
      <li>What does the 
      <b>Load External Variant</b>
       button do? 
      <p>It lets you load a variant that&#39;s somewhere else in the
      filesystem, not included in the game&#39;s jar file.</p>
      <li>Why, in the Caretaker&#39;s Stack, do some creatures have 
      <b>--</b> instead of a number?<BR>
      Why, in the Caretaker&#39;s Stack, are some
      creatures not red-crossed when there are 0 left? 
      <p>Same reason: those creatures are &quot;immortal&quot;, i.e. when
      they&#39;re killed on the batllefields, they&#39;re put back in the
      Caretaker&#39;s Stack and not in the Graveyard (for instance, in
      traditional Titan, they&#39;re Angel, Archangel, Warlock, Guardian and
      <li>What&#39;s the option &quot;Slowing is cumulative&quot; ? 
      <p>See description in <A HREF="GetPlayersOptions.html#SlowingCumulative">
        Get Players startup dialog options document.</A></P>
      <li>What&#39;s the option <b>Always allows one hex</b> ? 
      <p>See description in <A HREF="GetPlayersOptions.html#AlwaysAllowOneHex">
        Get Players startup dialog options document.</A></P>
      <li>How do I make Java Web Start stop upgrading my game to buggy new
      <li style="list-style: none">
        <p>Java Web Start is designed to auto-update without user intervention.
        This means that the only way to keep it from updating your game is to
        make sure you&#39;re not connected to the Internet when running the
        <p>Another option is not using JWS at all. See the 
        <a href="README.html">README</a>
         for other ways to run the game.</p>
        <p>Someday when we have an actual stable released version, we&#39;ll
        make separate JWS links for the stable and bleeding-edge versions.
        We&#39;re not there yet.</p>
      <li>I sometimes don't get angels when I cross 100 points.  Is this a
      No. It's a correct implementation of the Titan rules. You don't get 
      angels for the half-points you earn from eliminating a titan. You also 
      don't get angels if your legion is already 7 high.
      <li>In the Game Status window, sometimes some player names have a
          star ("*")  and sometimes not. What does it mean?
      <p> That player has reached Titan Teleport capability (400 points 
          in Default, might be a different value in other Variants).
      <li>How can I help? 
      <a href="BugReporting.html">Good bug reports</a>
       are great.</p>
      <p>If you want to contribute code, make sure that you&#39;re starting
      from the latest source (so pull from Subversion). Please read and 
      follow the coding standards so your code is easier to merge. Join and 
      send mail to the dev mailing list at SF so we know what you&#39;re up 
      to. Beyond that, just code whatever you want and send patches when it 