

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > media > updates > by-pkgid > c2689b4ec379fa0c27c46f80bcedfcf3 > files > 30


Colossus XML network / savegame event format

$Id: XMLprotocol.txt 2187 2003-03-12 01:33:27Z dripton $


Everything is case sensitive, unless stated otherwise.

[name]:         A string of up to 30 characters.
[player]:       The name of a player currently in the game
[colorName]:    One of "Black", "Brown", ...
[legion]:       A marker id like "Bk01".
[creature]:     A complete creature name like "Behemoth".
[creatures]:    One or more of [creature].
[land]:         A number of a masterboard hex, like "127".
[number]:       A number like "3".
[battleHex]:    A battle hex identifier like "C1"
[entrySide]:    "right", "left", or "bottom"
[bool]:         "true" or "false"

Requests (client to server)

<join name="[name]">
    Join the game and pick a name.  Note that if multiple players pick the
    same name, the server may change it.  If no name is chosen, the server
    will pick one.

<observe name="[name]">
    Join as an observer.

<color color="[colorName]">
    Choose a color.

    Starts the game. No more players can connect.

<split parent=[legion] child=[legion]>
        <creature name="[creature1]">
        <creature name="[creatureN]">
    Split off [creatures] from [legion1] to a new legion with marker

<merge parent=[legion] child=[legion]>
    Merge all creatures from child legion back into parent legion.
    Used to cancel a split before movement is rolled, or just before
    donewithmoves if neither legion can move.

<roll />
    Finish splitting and wait for the movement roll.

<mulligan />
    Re-roll movement.

<move legion="[legion]" hex="[land]" {entrySide="[entryside]" 
      teleport="[bool"]} />
    Move [legion] to masterboard hex [land] entering on side
    [entryside].  If [entryside] is omitted, the server picks.
    If the legion can both teleport and move without teleporting and 
    teleport is omitted, the server picks.

<undoMove legion="[legion]" />
    Move [legion] back to its previous location.

<recruit legion="[legion]" recruit="[creature]" {recruiter="[creature]"}
    Muster a recruit using the right number of recruiter.  If recruiter 
    is not set then the server picks.

<undoRecruit legion="[legion]" />
    [legion] undoes its last recruit. 

<engage hex="[land]" />
    Resolve the engagement in [land].

<flee legion="[legion]" />
    [legion] flees.

<doNotFlee legion="[legion]" />
    [legion] does not flee.

<concede legion="[legion]" />
    [legion] concedes the battle.

<doNotConcede legion="[legion]" />
    [legion] does not concede the battle.

<negotiate hex="[land]" survivor="[legion]">
        <creature name="[creature1]">
        <creature name="[creatureN]">
    Offer a negotiated settlement to the engagement in [land] where 
    survivor wins, and is left with creatures.  If survivor or 
    creatures is missing or empty, offer mutual destruction.

<accept hex="[land]" survivor="[legion]">
    <losses legion="[legion]">
        <creature name="[creature1]">
        <creature name="[creatureN]">
    <losses legion="[legion]">
        <creature name="[creature1]">
        <creature name="[creatureN]">
    Accept a settlement proposed by the other player.

<fight hex="[land]" />
    Cease negotiations in [land] and fight a battle.

<enter creature="[creature]" hex="[battleHex]" />
    Move creature from offboard to hex.

<maneuver startHex="[battleHex]" endHex="[battleHex]" />
    Move creature in startHex to endHex.

<undoManeuver hex="[battleHex]" />
    Move creature in hex back to its previous location.

<doneManeuvering />
    All battle moves are finished.  Move on to strike phase, or the
    opponent's battle turn, as appropriate.

<strike strikerHex="[battleHex]" targetHex="[battleHex]" 
        dice="[number]" strike="[number]" />
    Creature in strikerhex strikes creature in targethex, rolling dice 
    against the given strike number.  The server will assign dice and 
    strike if missing.

<carry targetHex="[battleHex]" hits="[number]" />
    Carry hits to the creature in targetHex.

<doneStriking />
    All battle strikes are finished.  Move on to the opponent's phase.

<summon summoner="[legion]" donor="[legion]" creature="[creature]" />
    Summoner summons a creature from donor.

<acquire legion="[legion]" creature="[creature]" />
    Legion acquires a creature.

<nextTurn />
    Finish this player's entire game turn.

<withdraw />
    This player withdraws from the entire game.

<replay />
    Resend the stream of all significant events so far in this game to
    this client.

Messages (server to one or more clients)

<formGame minPlayers="[number]" maxPlayers="[number]" >
    <option name="variant" value="Default" />
    <option name="balancedTowers" value="true" />
    <option name="allStacksVisible" value="false" />
    <option name="cumulativeSlow" value="true" />
    <option name="oneHexAllowed" value="true" />
    <option name="nonRandomBattleDice" value="false" />
    <option name="noFirstTurnT2TTeleport" value="false" />
    <option name="noFirstTurnTeleport" value="false" />
    <option name="towerToTowerTeleportOnly" value="false" />
    <option name="noTowerTeleport" value="false" />
    <option name="noTitanTeleport" value="false" />
    Form a new game with the listed options.

<nak />
    Last request from this client was denied.

<join name="[name]" />
    A player with name [name] has connected.

<color name="[name]" color="[colorname]" firstMarker="[marker]">
    Player has chosen color and first marker.

<tower name="[name]" hex="[land]" />
    Player has been assigned tower.

<split parent="[legion]" child="[legion]" numsplit="[number]">
        <creature name="[creature1]">
        <creature name="[creatureN]">
    A player splits off [number] creatures from [legion1] to a new
    legion with marker [legion2].  (The splitoff creatures will only 
    be identified if this client is allowed to see the contents
    of this stack.)

<merge parent=[legion] child=[legion]>
    child was merged back into parent.

<roll die="[number]" />
    The active player rolled for movement. 

<mulligan />
    The active player took a mulligan.

<move legion="[legion]" hex="[land]" entrySide="[entrySide]" 
      teleport="[bool"] />
    [legion] moved to masterboard hex [land] entering on side
    [entryside].  If teleport is "true" then this move was a teleport.

<undoMove legion="[legion]" />
    [legion] moved back to its previous location.

<engage hex="[land]" />
        <creature name="[creature1]">
        <creature name="[creatureN]">
    Active player chose to resolve the engagement in [land].  The 
    opposing legion's creatures are revealed.

<flee legion="[legion]">
        <creature name="[creature1]">
        <creature name="[creatureN]">
    [legion] fled, losing creatures.

<doNotFlee legion="[legion]" />
    [legion] did not flee.

<concede legion="[legion]">
        <creature name="[creature1]">
        <creature name="[creatureN]">
    [legion] conceded the battle, losing creatures.

<doNotConcede legion="[legion]" />
    [legion] did not concede the battle.

<negotiate hex="[land]" survivor="[legion]">
        <creature name="[creature1]">
        <creature name="[creatureN]">
    An offer was made, with survivor (if any) winning and
    keeping the listed creatures.

<accept hex="[land]" survivor="[legion]">
    <losses legion="[legion]">
        <creature name="[creature1]">
        <creature name="[creatureN]">
    <losses legion="[legion]">
        <creature name="[creature1]">
        <creature name="[creatureN]">
    An offer was accepted.  Each legion's losses are shown.

<fight hex="[land]">
    <attacker name="[legion]">
        <creature name="[creature1]">
        <creature name="[creatureN]">
    <defender name="[legion]">
        <creature name="[creature1]">
        <creature name="[creatureN]">
    A battle will be fought.

<enter creature="[creature]" hex="[battleHex]" />
    creature moved from offboard to hex.

<maneuver startHex="[battleHex]" endHex="[battlehex]" />
    creature moved from startHex to endHex.

<undoManeuver hex="[battleHex]" />
    creature in hex moved back to its previous location.

<doneManeuvering />
    All battle moves are finished.  Move on to strike phase, or the
    opponent's battle turn, as appropriate.

<drift hex="[battleHex]" />
    creature in [battlehex] took one point of drift damage.

<strike strikerHex="[battleHex]" targetHex="[battleHex]" dice="[number]" 
        strike="[number]" hits="[number]" carries="[number]">
    Creature in strikerhex struck creature in targethex, rolling dice 
    against the given strike number.  Exact rolls, hits, carries, and 
    carry targets are given.

<carry targetHex="[battleHex]" hits="[number]" carries="[number]">
    Hits were carried to the creature in targetHex.  If there are still 
    carries and carry targets remaining, they are shown.

<doneStriking />
    All battle strikes are finished for this phase.

<summon summoner="[legion]" donor="[legion]" creature="[creature]" />
    Summoner summoned creature from donor.

<acquire legion="[legion]" creature="[creature]" />
    Legion acquired a creature.

<points player="[player]" points="[number]" />
    [player] receives [number] full points for a battle.

# TODO Half points  Not all go to slayer, if some legions engaged.
<eliminatePlayer loser="[player]" slayer="[player]" />
    loser has been eliminated from the game by slayer (may be null).

<gameOver winner="[player]" />
    The game is over.  If no winner is given, the game is a draw.

<recruit legion="[legion]" recruit="[creature]" recruiter="[creature]" />
    Muster a recruit using the right number of recruiter.
    Also used for reinforcements.

<undoRecruit legion="[legion]" />
    [legion] undoes its last recruit. 

<turn player="[player]" number="[number]" />
    Start of a new turn.