

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > media > updates > by-pkgid > cd38b09e3cb8d6c675b02d30393e68af > files > 48


webapp cat;

import Binary;
import Webapp;
import HTMLDocument;
import IO;

data WebReturn = Form(HTMLDocument doc)
               | FileData(Binary file, [(String,String)] ctype);
// we might output one of two types of data

Int maxsize = 20480; // 20k

Void webconfig {
// change this to one suitable for you

WebReturn webmain() {
    return runHandler(@makeForm);
WebReturn makeForm() {
    doc = HTMLDocument::new(HTML4Strict,"Webcat");
    form = addLocalForm(doc.body,true);
// note second parameter to addLocalForm to enable file uploads on this form.
    f1 = addFieldset(form,"'cat' a file");
    void(addLabelledInput(f1,"Select file",InputFile,"file",""));
    void(addLabelledTextarea(f1,"extratext","Send extra text (ignored)"));
    if (incomingExists("extratext",DataPost)) {
    void(addLocalControlInput(f1,"Upload file",catFile@(),true));
    return Form(doc);

WebReturn catFile(Bool dummy) {
// don't need a parameter here
    if (!incomingFileExists("file")) {
// no file uploaded, so redisplay the form
         return makeForm();
    file = incomingFile("file");
    ctype = contentType(file);
    fname = originalName(file);
// get information about the file
    temp = tempPath(file);
// find the temporary filename
    fh = open(temp,[Read]);
    bin = readBlock(fh,maxsize); 
// can't be bigger than maxsize.
// if it mattered more, of course, we could check how big the
// file was before trying to read it.
// and close the file handle. Now we construct our return value
    headers = [("Content-type",ctype),
               ("Content-disposition","attachment; filename="+fname)];
// these headers will serve the file back to the browser with the content
// type it gave, and if it supports Content-disposition, a suggestion that
// it use the name it gave us for it.
    return FileData(bin,headers);

Void displayPage(WebReturn output) {
// finally we need to write our own displayPage function for our
// custom data type
    case output of {
        Form(doc) -> displayPage(doc); 
        | FileData(bin,headers) -> displayPage(bin,headers);
// in both cases we use the built-in Webapp handler for either HTML or
// Binary data