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- Changes for xlog version 2.0.5 - 2011/02/23
  * Swedish translations updated by Peter, SM4ABE
  * 2 patches from the Gentoo repository:
    ADIF field should be named TX_PWR instead of TX_POWER.
    Xlog now exports the QSLIN and QSLOUT fields.
    Thanks to Tom DL1JBE.
  * When printing the log, the last QSO would not print. This has been
    fixed. Reported by Bruce, WB0GAG (fixes bug #29941).
  * Make sure the '~' macro for the keyer does not crash xlog when there is
    no log open.
  * Fix a crash when hitting enter in the RX(RST) field when the keyer is
    active, see Ubuntu bug #608718. Also, the QSO is now added to the log
    correctly (fixes bug #27888).
  * Update some GTK Calls with newer calls which have become
    deprecated since version 2.20. Patch by Charles AA1VS, thanks!
    Done the same for GTK version 2.22. This means you need at least version
    2.18 of GTK+ to compile xlog.
  * Fixed ADIF file corruption when a non-ham frequency is filled in.
    Reported by Pierfrancesco, IK5PVX (fixes bug #29122).
  * Done some work on type and find. Xlog would look up a callsign with every
    key pressed. This has a disadvantage as Graeme, ZL2APV, has pointed out.
    Suppose we log AH6V which is already in our logs, xlog will fill in name
    and QTH. But if we want to log AH6VA, the same name and QTH will appear,
    xlog will stop after the 'V'. The new behaviour is much better. Lookup
    will be activated when the callsign field loses focus, so after using
    the <TAB> key or clicking the mouse somewhere else (fixes bug #27477).
  * When there is no log open and another application wants to send data to
    xlog, the warning dialog with "No log open while receiving remote data"
    will be displayed only once, so we don't block the gui (fixes bug #31635).
  * Changing the name of the free fields in the log now updates the column
    names in all the logs which are opened (fixes bug #27251).
  * To speed up logging, typing <ENTER> in the callsign field will jump to the
    TX(RST) field. Suggested by Graeme, ZL2APV.
  * cty.dat updated to version 20110121.

- Changes for xlog version 2.0.4 - 2010/10/25
  * Upgrade to gettext-0.18.1.
  * 2 patches by Tom, DL1JBE for buffer overruns in logfile import and
    reading much bigger cty.dat files.
  * Fix some compilation warnings with gcc-4.4.5.
  * Correct the callsign lookup URL for
  * cty.dat updated to 20101025.

- Changes for xlog version 2.0.3 - 2009/07/17
  * xlog will now display an exit confirmation dialog whenever you want to
    exit the program.
  * This release fixes crashes when the function keys are used for the keyer.
    Thanks Jack, AK7O for reporting.
  * Remote logging now adds a "?:" string, which is used by eepkeyer written
    by Mike K6EEP, see You will have to set
    "add data to QSO frame" in the first page of the preferences dialog.
    Eepkeyer now wil send one character at a time for the callsign, which
    can be used for dupe checking. Patch by Mike, K6EEP.
  * When bands are removed or added from the scoring window through "Settings
    -> Dialogs and Window", the scoring window will now get updated
    correctly. Reported by Ron, W6FM.
  * Dupe checking did not work when checking against other bands. This has
    been fixed.
  * A new tool has been added. When "Tools -> Find unknown countries" is
    selected, xlog will show a list of contacts for which DXCC lookup fails.
    You can then correct this by using a "DXCC-" string in the awards column.
  * There were several minor bugfixes.
  * cty.dat updated to cty-1912.

- Changes for xlog version 2.0.2 - 2009/06/10
  * This fixes distance and azimuth calculation for stations west of
    Greenwich. Thanks to Dana, AF7Z for reporting.
  * Changing the locator in the preferences dialog now correctly updates the
    corresponding latitude and longitude entries.
  * You might need to re-configure your location in the preferences dialog
    with this release.
  * cty.dat updated to cty-1909.

- Changes for xlog version 2.0.1 - 2009/02/23
  * Compiler flags have been fixed to avoid conflicts between different
    versions of GTK+ and GLIB.
  * Add a compilation fix for 64 bit architectures.
  * The desktop menu entry has been fixed.
  * The win32 version will now use the native windows fork function for
    displaying the handbook so the gui will not get blocked.
  * When Options -> Country Map is displayed for the first time, xlog will
    display a map if the awards or callsign fields are filled correctly.
    Reported by Larry, W4LK.
  * Using ctrl-k no longer unselects a possible selected QSO. This way you
    can update a logged QSO with the help of ctrl-k.
  * cty.dat updated to cty-1902.

- Changes for xlog version 2.0 - 2009/02/10
  * A fix has been added for displaying Help -> Keys from the menu.
  * Fixed a crash after creating a new log which already exists.
  * Fixed a crash which occurs when attempting to print when no log is open.
    Thanks Jean-Luc, F5IBH for reporting.
  * A map would sometimes not be updated when changing a QSO, fixed.
    Thanks Tom, DL1JBE for reporting.
  * This release fixes drawing of the locator map when a band is changed. This
    was reported by several people and tested by 4Z5ST, IK5PVX and CT1DRB.
  * WB5BKL has reported no QSO data when exporting to ADIF with number greater
    than 1 in the first QSO selection box, This has been fixed.
  * Callsign sorting and grouping now only works when exporting to TSV.
  * Make sure we do not include newlines and tabs when receiving remote data.
    Reported by Pierfrancesco, IK5PVX.
  * When exporting to cabrillo truncate frequency to kHz on shortwave and
    use the correct strings for UHF bands.
  * cty.dat has been updated to version 1901.
  * xlog now respect the --docdir switch from 'configure'. Patch by Tom DL1JBE.
  * Spanish translation updates by Jaime, EA4TV.
  * Portuguese translation updates by David, CT1DRB.
  * Swedish translations updated by Peter, SM4ABE.
  * German translations updated by Martin, DL5RMH.
  * Slovak updated by Mike, OM4AA.
  * French updated by Jean-Luc, F5IBH.
  * Polish updated by Boguslaw, SQ5TB.
  * Czech translations updated by Martin, OK1RR.
  * Italian updated by Luca Monducci of the Debian Italian Localization team.
  * Danish has been removed because it has been unmaintained for a long time.
  * A note has been added to the INSTALL file for people having trouble
    compiling xlog with language support on FreeBSD.
  * A first win32 binary release is distributed, which lacks the following:
    - There is no data exchange with other applications.
    - Printing has been disabled.
    - There is no keyer available.
    Reports are very welcome, especially about the hamlib functionality. I
    don't own a windows OS, the binary was tested on linux/wine, so YMMV.

- Changes for xlog version 1.9 - 2009/01/09
  * Czech translation updates by Martin, OK1RR.
  * cty.dat has been updated to version 1817.
  * When doing a TSV export, records can now be sorted by DXCC and callsign.
    Sorting by callsign is especially useful for printing multiple QSO's
    on one label when using glabels. Thanks Stephane, F8FCE.
    You can determine how many QSO's per label are printed by changing the
    TSV export settings in the Dialogs and Windows -> export page.
  * Patch by Jon, LA4RT so xlog can send latin-1 character to cwdaemon.
  * xlog can now extract the version of cty.dat, it will be displayed when
    showing the about dialog.
  * It is now possible to load logs by alphabet or by "last modification date",
    the setting for this is in the Logs page of the preferences dialog.
    Thanks Pierfrancesco Caci, IK5PVX for suggesting.
  * The print dialog now adds a page where you can decide what columns to
    print. Suggested by Ed, W3NR and Boris, 4Z5ST.
  * Ctrl-a is no longer used for adding a QSO. Instead, you should use ctrl-w
    (write to log). This means ctrl-a (select all) is available for selecting
    text in xlog's text entries. For closing a log, you now need to use
    ctrl-shift-w. Thanks Len, WT6G for the idea.
  * The documentation has been moved to /usr/local/share/doc/xlog. The glabels
    template has moved to /usr/local/share/doc/xlog/glabels.
  * Country maps have been added. Use Options->Country map to display it.
  * A button next to the callsign entry has been added. When clicked it will
    lookup the callsign with your internet browser on your preferred server.
    The settings for this server is on the Info page of the preferences dialog
    and takes the form<call>, where <call> will be replaced
    with the callsign. Suggested by Rob, KL7NA and Boris, 4Z5ST.
  * It is no longer possible to view scoring for an award when the scoring
    window is not active.
  * A new macro has been added to the keyer. '~' stands for the last exchange
    message received. It can be used in contests where you forward the last
    exchange. The initial message can be set in page 2 if the preferences
    dialog. For more information read the manual. Thanks Jon, LA4RT for the
    initial patch.

- Changes for xlog version 1.8.1 - 2008/09/01
  * This fixes the use of the ctrl+k key and fixes the use of defaults.
- Changes for xlog version 1.8 - 2008/08/28
  * XML is no longer used for saving and recalling preferences. The new config
    file is xlog.cfg which is placed in $HOME/.xlog and uses the GKeyFile
    format. So you will need to reconfigure xlog.
  * The Control-Shift-A key combination has been replace by Control-space,
    which is easier to use.
  * Printing has changed, xlog now uses native GTK+ printing instead of the
    libgnomeprint libraries. This means there now is a separate dialog for
    "Page Setup" and "Print" under the Log menu. "Page Setup" allows you to
    choose landscape or portrait for the printed log, the default being
    portrait. When choosing print, you can select a printer or print to a
    pdf / postscript document.
  * Selecting of columns for printing has been removed. You should choose
    portrait or landscape in the "Page Setup" dialog and a suitable
    magnification in the "Print" dialog to make sure your log fits on paper.
  * Extra columns for contests have been removed in the printed log. Most
    contest admins will accept cabrillo logs anyway.
  * xlog now uses a fixed 12 points lettertype for printing.
  * xlog now prints the logname and the printdate in the footer.
  * When selecting Edit->Find or ctrl+f and a find dialog is already open,
    xlog now will focus this dialog instead if bringing up a second one.
  * The search dialog has been redesigned. You can now search for a callsign
    in the callsign field or search for a string in any of the other fields.
    You can also search in the current log or all of the open logs.
    The dialog will be kept open until the Close button is clicked.
  * Ctrl+6 or "Tools->Awards->Locator" will now show a list of maidenhead
    locators worked and confirmed on different bands. You will need to enable
    locator scoring in the "Settings->Dialogs and Windows" scoring page for
    this to work.
  * Ctrl+7 will draw a world map with locators as colored squares.
    Worked squares are red, confirmed squares green. You can select the band
    you want to see scoring for. The locator is shown as a tooltip when you
    move your mouse over the map.
  * Editest fixes by Stephane: a fix to the editest date reading and ability
    to retrieve band freq for that log format.
  * The import dialog now adds the possibility to import into the current log.
    After import all columns in the log are enabled and you should use the
    log-editor the show/hide columns. The log may also need sorting.
    Suggested by David Quental, CT1DRB.
  * Import now uses the GtkAssistant widget in which the user is guided
    through the import process.
  * Adif fixes for conversion from band to frequency higher than 28 MHz.
  * Handling of the keyer has changed. In CQ mode, after the CQTU entry is
    sent, the QSO is automatically added to the log. Likewise, in S&P mode
    the QSO is added after S&PTU is sent. Suggested by Al, NH7O.
  * Portuguese translations by David, CT1DRB.
  * Italian translations by Carlo Dormeletti, I-3929.
  * Polish by Boguslaw Ciastek, SQ5TB updated.
  * Fixed a crash when receiving remote data and no log open. Reported by
    Joshua, KC0BUF.
  * xlog now uses the latest CTY.DAT revision (CTY-1808).

- Changes for xlog version 1.7 - 2008/01/30
  * Scroll to the last QSO when the log is automatically loaded and there
    are more than 1000 QSO's. Thanks Jon LA4RT for reporting.
  * Display of the about dialog has been fixed.
  * TSV export for glabels has been fixed. The exported columns did not match
    the ones in the 'Settings->Dialogs and Windows->export' setting.
    Reported by John, K3GHH.
  * We no longer use tiny fonts for the remarks entry and when importing
    logs. It is easier in the eyes. Reported by Hein, PA0NQ.
  * The info page of the preferences dialog now updates QRA locator when
    latitude/longitude is changed and vice-versa.
  * Xlog now uses the functions provided by hamlib for calculating distance
    and bearing.
  * The old behaviour has been restored when a DXCC country has been confirmed,
    country worked count will be set to "0".
  * The same behaviour has been added for all the other awards, so if a 
    country has been confirmed, the count is set to zero. Otherwise, the number
    of countries will be displayed.
  * A new key combination has been added, Control-Shift-A will add a QSO and
    fill in defaults for the next QSO. It is the same as using Control-a
    followed by Control-k. This is especially useful in contests. Requested
    by Dominique, HB9HLI.
  * The following changes by Stephane Fillod, F8CFE:
  * WAS, WAZ, IOTA and locator scoring have been added.
  * Xlog now knows how to import IOTA contest logs and fills in the AWARDS
  * It does work also with any ARRL contest where the state is exchanged.
  * EDI import is now capable of filling in BAND and POWER fields.
  * EDI import fixed when importing utf-8 dates.
  * EDI export: take into account the change of wwl() logic.
  * EDI export properly generates CRLF eol (according to official format).

- Changes for xlog version 1.6.2 - 2007/12/03
  * Because of using the old wwl code, locator distance calculation stopped
    working. This has been fixed. Thanks to Stephane for the patch!

- Changes for xlog version 1.6.1 - 2007/11/28
  * Compilation fixes.
  * Fix appearance of the scoring window. Thanks to flavio, IK3OCD and 
    Boris, 4Z5ST for reporting.
  * Fix power retrieval from the rig. Thanks Pat, KB8PYM and Martin, AA6E
    for the report.
  * Some fixes for EDI and EDITEST file format, patch by Stephane, F8CFE.
  * Some changes to the S-meter coding which will hopefully make it more
  * If there is no communication with the rig, hamlib will be stopped and
    a warning dialog will be shown.
  * The wac scoring is now updated correctly when a log is closed.
  * Country worked count would be set to "0" whenever you would have at
    least one confirmed QSO with that country. Patch by Stephane.
  * When using the bandoptionmenu the band would sometimes be truncated.
  * WAC scoring will now get updated when importing a log.
  * Include the old wwl code again because of license problems with the new
  * All of xlog is now GPL version 3.

- Changes for xlog version 1.6 - 2007/11/05
  * Swedish translation updates by Peter, SM4ABE
  * The "worked before" window is now activated with "Control+Shift w".
  * There was a small bugfix for the "worked before" window. Selection of
    QSO's in this window would sometimes fail when several contacts with the
    same callsign were displayed.
  * German translation thanks to Martin, DL5RMH.
  * Defaults now also work when the band- and modeoptionmenus are activated
    in the QSO frame. Thanks to DL5MRH.
  * The UTC time length now is truncated to HHMM (the default for xlog), even
    if the log displays time in seconds.
  * Time length is not touched when updating a QSO if hours and minutes
    are the same. Both changes suggested by Martin, DL5RMH.
  * Frequency is not touched when using "update" when the frequency is
    the same as used in the optionmenu. For example: if the optionmenu uses
    "7" and the frequency in the log says "7.030" we don't change it when
    using "update". Suggested by Martin, DL5RMH.
  * The FAQ has been removed and integrated with the manual.
  * The manual has been rewritten and is now available as html, see
  * xlog now uses xdg-open (available from the xdg-utils package) for opening
    URL's and for reading the manual from the menu. xdg-open always uses the
    default browser as configured for your gnome, kde or xfce desktop.
  * xdg-email is used for opening "mailto:" links, this is only important for
    the about dialog.
  * A small fix for Cabrillo, so we correctly export USB contacts. Thanks
    Jacob Anawalt, KD7YKO.
  * A Cabrillo import fix for NAQP contests by Jacob, KD7YKO.
  * Another fix from Jacob which fixes a crash when using large remarks
  * xlog has been ported to the latest GTK+ version, which is 2.12.0.
  * The keyer window is now prevented from resizing when the end of line is
    reached. Thanks Al, NH7O for reporting.
  * WAC (Worked All Continents) award scoring has been added. You will have
    to enable it from the Settings -> 'Dialogs and Windows' -> Scoring page.
    This adds a new valid entry for the AWARDS entry. You can use "WAC-"
    to modify a continent lookup. Valid strings are "NA EU SA OC AS AF".
    For example, UA9A callsign are located in Europe, but xlog will think
    it is Asia. Just add "DXCC-EU" to the AWARDS column.
  * An overview of your WAC scoring can be seen by selecting Tools ->
    Awards -> WAC from the menu. Ctrl + 2 is a shortcut for this.
  * xlog will now recognise K1-K0 and VK1-VK0 callsign districts.
  * When importing a cabrillo file, a remark can be added to all of the log
    fields by entering a value in the import dialog.
  * Adopted the wwl rewrite by Diane, VA3DB.

- Changes for xlog version 1.5 - 2007/01/30
  * Installation of the desktop icon has been fixed.
  * The awards entry is now cleared when using Ctrl-y.
  * Setting the autosave value to zero will disable autosave.
  * The log open dialog adds a checkbutton, which allows opening a log
  * Accessing the menu with Ctrl-F10 works again. You need to make sure that
    your window manager does not use Ctrl-F10, e.g. it is used by xfce to
    access the 10th desktop. Note added to the handbook.
  * To facilitate maintainance translation of the handbook and FAQ is no
    longer supported.
  * The Settings->Dialogs menu has been renamed "Dialogs and Windows".
  * Scoring page added to the "Dialogs and Windows" dialog. On this page you
    can decide which bands should be used for scoring.
  * Some changes to the code to fix compilation on MAC OS X. Thanks to IZ0ETE
    for reporting.
  * Czech translations updated.
  * All strings in the GUI refering to "GMT" have been named "UTC".
  * When in the middle of a dupecheck which takes very long, it can be aborted
    by clicking the 'Cancel' button.
  * A new option has been added to the first page of the preferences dialog.
    When "use free fields to add distance and azimuth to the log" is checked,
    distance and azimuth will be calculated from the locator field (when
    present) and added to the log. Thanks to Richard, G8JVM.
  * All available amateur radio bands and modes (as used by ADIF) are now
    added to the band- and mode-optionmenus when xlog is started for the very
    first time.
  * When importing a cabrillo file, date, mode and exchange is now imported
    correctly. Thanks Nate, N0NB.
  * ADIF export has been improved. Whenever there is an exchange used in the
    RST report, the designated STX, SRX or STX_STRING, SRX_STRING ADIF fields
    will be used.
  * The handbook has been improved.

- Changes for xlog version 1.4 - 2006/11/29
  * There were several DXCC lookup fixes.
  * Activation of the keyer window has been moved to the options menu.
  * When exiting xlog, the keyer strings are now saved correctly.
  * A new item has been added to the help menu, called 'DXCC list'. It
    displays the current entries of cty.dat. Every column in this window
    can be sorted.
  * A socket has been added to xlog. Xlog will listens on port 7311 for data
    to be added to the xlog. See data/remote/client.c for example code.
  * An "AWARDS" column has been added to the logs. You can activate it by using
    the log editor. For now, this column can be used to overwrite DXCC lookups.
    To use it you must enter a country prefix, which can be looked up in the
    DXCC list. For example: the 2002 baker island expedition has used the
    callsign K1B. Xlog will think it is United States, but you can overwrite it
    by putting the number DXCC-KH1 in the AWARDS column.
  * Locale conversion of the date in ADIF export was improved. Thanks to
    Martin, OK1RR for reporting.
  * A return in the remarks field is replaced with a space when added to the
    log to prevent log truncation. Reported by Fredrik, OH1HSN.
  * Return now invokes "OK" in most dialogs, patch by Jon, LA4RT.
  * The main menu is accessed with ctrl-F10, so the F10 key can be used
    by the keyer.
  * Underscores are removed from all of the menus, so you can't use the ALT-key
    with the menu anymore. Instead, this key is now used for quickly pressing
    buttons in the QSO-frame. All of the labels in the QSO frame which have
    an underscore will grab focus to the entry next to it if the ALT-key is
    used. When a default is present it will be filled-in automatically.
  * The ADIF QSL_VIA field is now imported when one of the free fields is
    named QSL_VIA.
  * ADIF import has been fixed for logs with empty lines and returns inside
    a field.
  * File naming for ADIF import has been fixed.
  * Swedish translations by Peter Landgren, SM4ABE.
  * When multiple logs are loaded at startup the last page will get focus.
  * A scoring window has been added, activate with Ctrl+j. This window now
    holds the callsign prefix lookup with calculated distance and beam heading.
    The top table of this window displays the number of times a country is
    worked or "0" if confirmed. The bottom table shows the total number of
    worked and confirmed DXCC countries for every band.
    The scoring window focuses on the major hf-bands and does not look at the
    mode of transmission. Future xlog versions will add more bands and modes
    for scoring.
  * An overview of your DXCC scoring can be seen by selecting Tools ->
    Awards -> DXCC from the menu. Ctrl + 1 is a shortcut for this.
  * Hamlib is now enabled by default, see the INSTALL file for details.
  * When polling is used with Hamlib, times as low as 50 milliseconds are
    allowed for rigs that have high baud rates.
  * Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down will move the rig's frequency by 50 Hz.
  * Xlog now uses a GtkListStore for the logs instead of a GtkTreeStore.
  * The preferences dialog has been somewhat reorganised.

- Changes for xlog version 1.3.1 - 2006/01/22
  * Update spanish translation by Jaime, EA4TV.
  * Updated french translation by Jean-Luc, F5IBH.
  * Czech translation by Jan Straka, OK2JTB.
  * Fix building when hamlib not present. Thanks Matt, GW0VNR.

- Changes for xlog version 1.3 - 2005/12/13
  * Responsiveness for opening large logs has been somewhat improved.
  * A copy of xlog is used for saving so the gui does not get blocked.
  * ADIF: when importing a file which uses strings like 160m, 80m, 40m, etc.
    in the 'BAND' field it is converted to frequency.
  * ADIF: when the 'NOTES' field is present it is appended to the xlog remarks
  * The remarks entry is now a multiline text entry which can contain up to 512
    characters. This also fixes ADIF import from files with long comment/note
    fields (e.g. dx4win). Thanks to Alan D. Snyder, KF3B, for reporting.
  * A separate dialog and menu entry has been added for log importing. This
    also means that the dialog for log opening has been somewhat redesigned,
    it will now only show logs of type xlog.
  * We now have a separate dialog for log exporting. This will handle ADIF,
    cabrillo, EDI and TSV files. The saveas dialog must be used for saving logs
    of type xlog under a different name.
  * Shortcuts have been re-organised. Ctrl-i: log import, ctrl-e: log export,
    ctrl-shift-s: saveas, ctrl-b: dialogs, ctrl-g: preferences.
  * HAMLIB: configuration has changed. You need to click the "Select a radio"
    button in the preferences dialog. This will show a dialog with rigid, model
    and make. The rigid number is now saved in the preferences instead of the
    model name, so hamlib needs to be re-configured with this release.
  * You can now keep on using xlog while using the search dialog if "Keep this
    dialog open" is checked.
  * Naming of the log when merging has been fixed.
  * The locator frame (only visible when you use the locator field in the log)
    has been moved above the DXCC frame, because locator distance and bearing
    calaculations are more accurate.
  * When exporting to TSV you can now decide to add bearing and distance columns
    if the locator field is used. This must be set in the export page of the
    dialogs dialog. Suggested by Richard Bown, G8JVM.
  * A new argument for the configure script has been added. If you want to
    update the KDE/Gnome mime database during install use ./configure
    --enable-mime-update. This is recommended for people who install from
    source into /usr or /usr/local.
  * Xlog now correctly updates the band/modes optionmenu when using Ctrl-k with
    hamlib. Thanks to Ian Maude, G0VGS for reporting.
  * For the sake of speed, colorization of the log and themeing of the program
    has been removed. Instead, bold fonts are now used. You can now also change
    the default font of the log.
  * 'Delete' and 'Insert' keys no longer work for deleting or adding QSO's
    because they would prevent correct use of these keys in text entry widgets.
  * xlog.dat is no longer used. Future versions of xlog will probably contain
    an editor for cty.dat.

- Changes for xlog version 1.2.1 and 1.2.2 - 2005/04/10
  * Debian: correct the Build-Depends line.
  * This is a bugfix release, which fixes compilation against version 2.4
    of the GTK+ libraries. There is no need to upgrade if you use version
    2.6 of this library.

- Changes for xlog version 1.2 - 2005/04/05
  * Import support for the OH1AA logbook. Tested by Jarmo, OH1MRR.
  * A keyerwindow has been added, opened from the 'Tools -> Keyer' menu. This
    is a simple interface to cwdaemon and will allow you to run a contest.
    It features programmable function keys, macro's, switch between CQ and
    S&P mode, an auto increment counter and short numbers. See the MANUAL for
    a description.
  * Ctrl-H opens help, Ctrl-R the keyerwindow.
  * The list of hamlib-rigs in the preferences dialog is now sorted. Thanks
    to Jean-Luc F5IBH for proposing.
  * You can use the 'del' key to delete a selected QSO and the 'insert' key
    to add a QSO.
  * We now have slightly different icons for the worked before dialog and
    the keyer window.
  * A safe backup method has been added, you can now select a backup directory
    in the 'Logs' page of the preferences dialog. This directory can be on
    another drive or on a network mounted directory. Proposed by Matt, GW0VNR.
  * When using hamlib, only the needed backend is loaded at startup. This
    saves about 2 Mb of memory compared to the old method, which would load
    all backends.
  * When using hamlib it is now possible to use the FCC emission designators
    for modes. Check the option in the hamlib page of the preferences dialog.
    Another proposal by Matt, GW0VNR.
  * When selecting 'Logs -> Merge' or Ctrl-M you are presented with a dialog
    which can be used to merge 2 logs.
  * The manual has been rewritten so it can contain images.
  * To make xlog more HIG compliant, Ctrl-Q will now quit the program and
    Ctrl-W will close a log.
  * Fixed a crash when locale conversion fails when reading the manual. Thanks
    to Boguslaw, SQ5TB for reporting.
  * Many minor bugfixes.
  * Slovak translations by Michal Karas, OM4AA.
  * French MANUAL and FAQ by Jean-Luc Coulon, F5IBH.

- Changes for xlog version 1.1 - 2005/02/15
  * Several cleanups in the function which creates the main window, the toolbar
    now uses the GtkAction API, toolbar items are now also accessable through
    the edit menu and the vertical handlebar can move freely to the left.
  * "Tab" in the menu has been renamed to "Page".
  * You can hide the number column by using the log-editor and entering a zero
    column width for this column.
  * The BUGS file has been added to the help menu, with a description on how to
    report bugs.
  * The logeditor has been redesigned so it fits on a 800x600 display.
  * Most of the dialogs have been cleaned up and partly rewritten, so they
    will load faster.
  * Xlog now correctly recognizes the 60 meters band. Thanks to Harv Nelson,
    AI9NL for notifying.
  * At ADIF import, frequencies with a comma are converted to a dot.
  * A gtk+ version check has been added, which will display an error at
    startup if the version is below 2.4.
  * An error will be displayed when trying to load a non-xlog file.
  * The labels export format has been renamed TSV (Tab Separated Value).
  * You can decide which fields to export in the TSV format (used by glabels),
    by going to Settings->Dialogs and checking wanted the fields in the
    "Save As" page.
  * When hamlib is enabled, rounding of the digits is now also possible when
    the s-meter is not visible.
  * When entering a logname in the new log dialog, dash (-) and underscore (_)
    are now also allowed.
  * Polish MANUAL and FAQ added by Boguslaw Ciastek, SQ5TB.
  * The position of the paned window is now remembered at program exit.

-- Joop Stakenborg <>