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                      Fun and Pain with the GeoUtils

1.0 Introduction

Recreating the behavior implemented in the GeoUtils was a) not fun, and
b) really, really not fun.  They are totally undocumented.  What really
kicked off the implementation of the GeoUtils was my discovery of
John Cwikla's SmartMessageBox; without this gem, this work would have
been impossible.  A round of applause for this guy, please, and his
intentions of "Furthering 'open software' into reality...".

The GeoUtils provide a mechanism by which BulletinBoard subclasses can
automatically inherit geometry management for laying out their children.
The good thing about the GeoUtils is that you get to specify XtInherit*
for most of the class methods for a BulletinBoard subclass; the drawback
is that you lose some flexibility (a good tradeoff, because many of these
functions are extremely difficult to write).

The mechanism provides for
  o layout changes as a result of a child being managed or unmanaged
    (the BulletinBoard change_managed() method)
  o layout at realize
    (the BulletinBoard realize() method)
  o layout for a resize
    (the BulletinBoard resize() method)
  o a way to generically handle geometry queries from a parent
    (the BulletinBoard query_geometry() method)
  o a way to generically handle geometry change requests from a child
    (the BulletinBoard geometry_manager() method)
  o a way to re-layout due to changes caused by a call to Xt[Va]SetValues
    (the subclass set_values() method).

The GeoUtils functions typically begin with _XmGeo (but not all do), whereas
the corresponding BulletinBoard methods for what the GeoUtils do typically
begin with _XmGM.

2.0 The Trivial Manager Class

Before I talk about the GeoUtils themselves, let me present a trivialized
example of a BulletinBoard subclass.  This will both show you what you need
to know to implement such a subclass, as well as illustrate when, where, and
which GeoUtils functions are of concern to a subclass.  This will be the
XmTrivialWidget class.  It doesn't implement anything more than even layout
of buttons.  The behavior of the widget lays out the button children as
if they were action buttons in a dialog; the order of the buttons in the
layout is the same as the creation order.  In order to keep it simple, there
are no new Xt or Synthetic resources beyond those covered by BulletinBoard.

Pay particular attention to those areas in the code surrounded by
/*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/ comments; as I talk about various parts
of the GeoUtils, you should probably look back to this code to see how
and where each part is used.  If you are looking for a convenient place
to find the real code for printing, the tested implementation lives in

Here's the public header (Trivial.h):

#ifndef TRIVIAL_H
#define TRIVIAL_H

#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include <Xm/BulletinB.h>

extern WidgetClass xmTrivialWidgetClass;

typedef struct _XmTrivialRec *XmTrivialWidget;
typedef struct _XmTrivialConstraintRec *XmTrivialConstraint;

#ifndef XmIsTrivial
#define XmIsTrivial(a) (XtIsSubclass(a, xmTrivialWidgetClass))

Widget XmCreateCreateTrivial(Widget _p, char *_n, ArgList _a, Cardinal _narg);


Now, the private header (TrivialP.h):

#ifndef TRIVIAL_P_H
#define TRIVIAL_P_H

#include <Xm/XmP.h>
#include <Xm/BulletinBP.h>
#include "Trivial.h"

typedef struct _XmTrivialClassPart {
	int duh;
} XmTrivialClassPart;

typedef struct _XmSmartMessageBoxClassRec {
	CoreClassPart core_class;
	CompositeClassPart composite_class;
	ConstraintClassPart constraint_class;
	XmManagerClassPart manager_class;
	XmBulletinBoardClassPart bulletin_board_class;
	XmTrivialClassPart trivial_class;
} XmTrivialClassRec, *XmTrivialWidgetClass;

typedef struct _XmTrivialPart {
	int gaah;
} XmTrivialPart;

typedef struct _XmTrivialRec {
	CorePart core;
	CompositePart	 composite;
	ConstraintPart constraint;
	XmManagerPart manager;
	XmBulletinBoardPart bulletin_board;
	XmTrivialPart trivial;
} XmTrivialRec, *XmTrivialPtr;


And finally, the implementation (Trivial.c):

#include <LTconfig.h>
#include <Xm/XmP.h>
#include <Xm/XmI.h>
#include <Xm/BulletinBP.h>
#include <Xm/PushBP.h>
#include <Xm/PushBGP.h>
#include <Xm/DebugUtil.h>
#include "TrivialP.h"

 * Forward Declarations
static void class_initialize();
static void class_part_initialize(WidgetClass class);
static void initialize(Widget request, Widget new,
		       ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args);
static void destroy(Widget w);
static Boolean set_values(Widget current, Widget request, Widget new,
			  ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args);
/*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/
XmGeoMatrix trivial_matrix_create(Widget _w, Widget _from,
				  XtWidgetGeometry *_pref);
Boolean trivial_NoGeoRequest(XmGeoMatrix _geoSpec);
/*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/

static XmBaseClassExtRec _XmTrivialCoreClassExtRec = {
    /* next_extension            */ NULL,
    /* record_type               */ NULLQUARK,                             
    /* version                   */ XmBaseClassExtVersion,
    /* size                      */ sizeof(XmBaseClassExtRec),
    /* initialize_prehook        */ NULL,
    /* set_values_prehook        */ NULL,
    /* initialize_posthook       */ NULL,
    /* set_values_posthook       */ NULL,
    /* secondary_object_class    */ NULL,
    /* secondary_object_create   */ NULL,
    /* get_secondary_resources   */ NULL,
    /* fast_subclass             */ { 0 },
    /* get_values_prehook        */ NULL,
    /* get_values_posthook       */ NULL,
    /* class_part_init_prehook   */ NULL,
    /* class_part_init_posthook  */ NULL,
    /* ext_resources             */ NULL,
    /* compiled_ext_resources    */ NULL,
    /* num_ext_resources         */ 0,
    /* use_sub_resources         */ FALSE,
    /* widget_navigable          */ NULL,
    /* focus_change              */ NULL,
    /* wrapper_data              */ NULL

static XmManagerClassExtRec _XmTrivialMClassExtRec = {
    /* next_extension            */ NULL,
    /* record_type               */ NULLQUARK,
    /* version                   */ XmManagerClassExtVersion,
    /* record_size               */ sizeof(XmManagerClassExtRec),
    /* traversal_children        */ NULL /* FIXME */

XmTrivialClassRec xmTrivialClassRec = {
    /* Core class part */
	/* superclass            */ (WidgetClass)&xmBulletinBoardClassRec,
        /* class_name            */ "XmTrivial",
	/* widget_size           */ sizeof(XmBulletinBoardRec),
	/* class_initialize      */ class_initialize,
	/* class_part_initialize */ class_part_initialize,
	/* class_inited          */ FALSE,
	/* initialize            */ initialize,
	/* initialize_hook       */ NULL,
	/*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/
	/* realize               */ XtInheritRealize,
	/*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/
	/* actions               */ NULL,
	/* num_actions           */ 0,
	/* resources             */ NULL,
	/* num_resources         */ 0,
	/* xrm_class             */ NULLQUARK,
	/* compress_motion       */ TRUE,
	/* compress_exposure     */ XtExposeCompressMaximal,
	/* compress_enterleave   */ TRUE,
	/* visible_interest      */ FALSE,
	/* destroy               */ destroy,
	/*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/
	/* resize                */ XtInheritResize,
	/*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/
	/* expose                */ XtInheritExpose,
	/* set_values            */ set_values,
	/* set_values_hook       */ NULL,
	/* set_values_almost     */ XtInheritSetValuesAlmost,
	/* get_values_hook       */ NULL,
	/* accept_focus          */ NULL,
	/* version               */ XtVersion,
	/* callback offsets      */ NULL,
	/* tm_table              */ NULL,
	/*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/
	/* query_geometry        */ XtInheritQueryGeometry,
	/*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/
	/* display_accelerator   */ NULL,
	/* extension             */ (XtPointer)&_XmTrivialCoreClassExtRec
    /* Composite class part */
	/*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/
	/* geometry manager */ XtInheritGeometryManager, 
        /* change_managed   */ XtInheritChangeManaged, 
	/*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/
        /* insert_child     */ XtInheritInsertChild,
        /* delete_child     */ XtInheritDeleteChild,
        /* extension        */ NULL
    /* Constraint class part */
	/* subresources      */ NULL,
        /* subresource_count */ 0,
        /* constraint_size   */ 0,
        /* initialize        */ NULL,
        /* destroy           */ NULL,
        /* set_values        */ NULL,
        /* extension         */ NULL
    /* XmManager class part */
        /* translations                 */ XtInheritTranslations,
        /* syn_resources                */ NULL,
        /* num_syn_resources            */ 0,
        /* syn_constraint_resources     */ NULL,
        /* num_syn_constraint_resources */ 0,
        /* parent_process               */ XmInheritParentProcess,
        /* extension                    */ (XtPointer)&_XmTrivialMClassExtRec
    /* XmBulletinBoard Area part */
	/* always_install_accelerators  */ False,
	/*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/
	/* geo_matrix_create            */ trivial_matrix_create,
	/*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/
	/* focus_moved_proc             */ XmInheritFocusMovedProc,
	/* extension                    */ NULL

    /* XmTrivial Class Part */
	/* extension */	0

WidgetClass xmTrivialWidgetClass = (WidgetClass)&xmTrivialClassRec;

static void 
    _XmTrivialCoreClassExtRec.record_type = XmQmotif;

static void
class_part_initialize(WidgetClass widget_class)

static void
initialize(Widget request,
	   Widget new,
	   ArgList args,
	   Cardinal *num_args)

static void
destroy(Widget w)

static Boolean
set_values(Widget old,
	   Widget request,
	   Widget new,
	   ArgList args,
	   Cardinal *num_args)
    Boolean refresh_needed = False;

    /*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/
    BB_InSetValues(new) = True;
    /*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/

    /* do any class specific stuff */

    /*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/
    BB_InSetValues(new) = False;
    /*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/

    /*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/
    if (refresh_needed && (XtClass(new) == xmTrivialWidgetClass))
	return False;
    /*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/

    return True;

/*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/
trivial_matrix_create(Widget _w, Widget _from, XtWidgetGeometry *_pref)
    XmGeoMatrix geoSpec;
    register XmGeoRowLayout layoutPtr;
    register XmKidGeometry boxPtr;
    Cardinal numKids;
    int i, nrows;
    Widget child;

    numKids = MGR_NumChildren(_w);

    /*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/
    /* compute the number of rows you want here.  Trivial only has one */
    nrows = 1;
    /*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/

    /*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/
    geoSpec = _XmGeoMatrixAlloc(nrows, numKids, 0);
    geoSpec->composite = (Widget)_w;
    geoSpec->instigator = (Widget)_from;
    if (_pref)
        geoSpec->instig_request = *_pref;
    geoSpec->margin_w = BB_MarginWidth(_w) + MGR_ShadowThickness(_w);
    geoSpec->margin_h = BB_MarginHeight(_w) + MGR_ShadowThickness(_w);
    geoSpec->no_geo_request = trivial_NoGeoRequest;
    /*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/

    layoutPtr = &(geoSpec->layouts->row);
    boxPtr = geoSpec->boxes;

    /*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/

    /* row 1 */
    layoutPtr->fill_mode = XmGEO_CENTER;
    layoutPtr->fit_mode = XmGEO_WRAP;
    layoutPtr->even_width = 1;
    layoutPtr->even_height = 1;
    layoutPtr->space_above = BB_MarginHeight(_w);
    for (i = 0; i < numKids; i++) {

	child = MGR_Children(_w)[i];

	if ((XmIsPushButton(child) || XmIsPushButtonGadget(child)) &&
	    XtIsManaged(child) && _XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr, child))

    /* end marker */
    layoutPtr->space_above = 0;
    layoutPtr->end = TRUE;
    /*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/


trivial_NoGeoRequest(XmGeoMatrix geo)
    if (BB_InSetValues(geo->composite) &&
	XtClass(geo->composite) == xmTrivialWidgetClass)
	return TRUE;

    return FALSE;
/*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/


Not bad, only around 350 lines of code.  This is about the mininum you
can get away with if you write a manager widget anyway.  Now that you've
seen a bit of totally random code, lets look into the underpinnings of the
GeoUtils.  Don't worry, though, we'll come back to this code in a later
section and explain how things are hooked up.  But first, you need some
more background -- the key to how the GeoUtils work is really the
BulletinBoard class.

3.0 The BulletinBoard Class

There is one and only one clue in a BulletinBoard subclass that indicates
that that class wants to use the GeoUtils -- the geo_matrix_create method
in the BulletinBoard class part (see BulletinBP.h).  This member, if not
NULL, indicates that this class wants to use the GeoUtils.  The prototype
for this method looks like:

typedef XmGeoMatrix (*XmGeoCreateProc)(Widget composite,
				       Widget instigator,
				       XtWidgetGeometry *desired);

The "composite" is (obviously) the BB subclass.  The "instigator" is used in
the geometry_manager and query_geometry methods, as is the "desired" geometry
(more on the use of those later).

3.1 The change_mangaged() and realize() Methods

Let's start with the two most similar cases: change_managed() and realize().
Take a look at BulletinBoard's change_managed() method, for example:

static void
change_managed(Widget w)
    Widget p;
    XmBulletinBoardClassRec *bb = (XmBulletinBoardClassRec *)XtClass(w);

    XdbDebug(__FILE__, w, "ChangeManaged\n");

    if (bb->bulletin_board_class.geo_matrix_create) {
	handle_change_managed(w, bb->bulletin_board_class.geo_matrix_create);

    _XmGMEnforceMargin(w, BB_MarginWidth(w), BB_MarginHeight(w), False);

    _XmClearShadowType(w, BB_OldWidth(w), BB_OldHeight(w),
		       BB_OldShadowThickness(w), 0);

    BB_OldShadowThickness(w) = 0;

    if (XtIsRealized(w) || XtWidth(w) == 0 || XtHeight(w) == 0) {
	_XmGMDoLayout(w, BB_MarginWidth(w), BB_MarginHeight(w),
		      BB_ResizePolicy(w), False);

    if ((XtWidth(w) < BB_OldWidth(w) || XtHeight(w) < BB_OldHeight(w)) &&
	XtIsRealized(w)) {
	_XmDrawShadows(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w),
		       MGR_TopShadowGC(w), MGR_BottomShadowGC(w),
		       0, 0, XtWidth(w), XtHeight(w),
		       MGR_ShadowThickness(w), BB_ShadowType(w));

    BB_OldWidth(w) = XtWidth(w);
    BB_OldHeight(w) = XtHeight(w);
    BB_OldShadowThickness(w) = MGR_ShadowThickness(w);


Note that the first thing we do after we enter this method is look to see
if the class record for the widget has a geo_matrix_create() member.  If there
is one, we call handle_change_managed() and return (more on this later).
If there isn't one, we proceed with generic BulletinBoard rules.

    if (bb->bulletin_board_class.geo_matrix_create) {
	handle_change_managed(w, bb->bulletin_board_class.geo_matrix_create);

Next, we call a _XmGMEnforceMargin().  This function ensures that the default
BulletinBoard behavior of forcing children to be with the BB margins is

    _XmGMEnforceMargin(w, BB_MarginWidth(w), BB_MarginHeight(w), False);

Then we clear the last shadow, as what we may do could alter the way the shadow

    _XmClearShadowType(w, BB_OldWidth(w), BB_OldHeight(w),
		       BB_OldShadowThickness(w), 0);

    BB_OldShadowThickness(w) = 0;

If we are realized, or our width or height is zero (usually indicating
that this is the first child to be added), we call _XmGMDoLayout.  This
function implements the generic BulletinBoard layout method.

    if (XtIsRealized(w) || XtWidth(w) == 0 || XtHeight(w) == 0) {
	_XmGMDoLayout(w, BB_MarginWidth(w), BB_MarginHeight(w),
		      BB_ResizePolicy(w), False);

If we shrank, redraw the shadow (the expose method does this too, but...)

    if ((XtWidth(w) < BB_OldWidth(w) || XtHeight(w) < BB_OldHeight(w)) &&
	XtIsRealized(w)) {
	_XmDrawShadows(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w),
		       MGR_TopShadowGC(w), MGR_BottomShadowGC(w),
		       0, 0, XtWidth(w), XtHeight(w),
		       MGR_ShadowThickness(w), BB_ShadowType(w));

Then, we record our width/height/shadow thickness.

    BB_OldWidth(w) = XtWidth(w);
    BB_OldHeight(w) = XtHeight(w);
    BB_OldShadowThickness(w) = MGR_ShadowThickness(w);

And finally, the required call to _XmNavigChangedManaged that all Manager
subclasses must do.


If you read the code for realize(), you'll see identical code.

Now, let's take a look at the handle_change_managed() method:

static void
handle_change_managed(Widget w, XmGeoCreateProc mat_make)
    Dimension wd, ht, retw, reth;
    XmGeoMatrix geo;
    XtGeometryResult result;

    if (!XtIsRealized(w))
	wd = ht = 0;

    else if (BB_ResizePolicy(w) != XmNONE)
	wd = ht = 0;

    else {
	wd = XtWidth(w);
	ht = XtHeight(w);

    geo = mat_make(w, NULL, NULL);

    _XmGeoMatrixGet(geo, XmGET_PREFERRED_SIZE);

    _XmGeoArrangeBoxes(geo, 0, 0, &wd, &ht);

    if (BB_ResizePolicy(w) == XmRESIZE_GROW) {
	/* check the return against the original.  If the procedure would
	 * like the BB to shrink, call again */
	if (wd < XtWidth(w) || ht < XtHeight(w)) {
	    wd = XtWidth(w);
	    ht = XtHeight(w);
	    _XmGeoArrangeBoxes(geo, 0, 0, &wd, &ht);

    if (wd == XtWidth(w) && ht == XtHeight(w)) {

    retw = wd;
    reth = ht;
    do {
	result = XtMakeResizeRequest((Widget)w, retw, reth, &retw, &reth);
    } while (result == XtGeometryAlmost);

    if (retw != wd || reth != ht)
	_XmGeoArrangeBoxes(geo, 0, 0, &retw, &reth);


    if (XtIsRealized(w)) {
	_XmClearShadowType(w, BB_OldWidth(w), BB_OldHeight(w),
			   BB_OldShadowThickness(w), 0);

	_XmDrawShadows(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w),
		       MGR_TopShadowGC(w), MGR_BottomShadowGC(w),
		       0, 0, XtWidth(w), XtHeight(w),
		       MGR_ShadowThickness(w), BB_ShadowType(w));


    BB_OldWidth(w) = XtWidth(w);
    BB_OldHeight(w) = XtHeight(w);
    BB_OldShadowThickness(w) = MGR_ShadowThickness(w);


We start this function by check for if we are realized, or if our resize
policy allows us to resize (i.e., not XmNONE).  If either case is true,
we set our desired width/height to zero;  this is a cue to GeoUtils to
compute the desired size of this manager.  If either case is false, we set
the desired width/height to our current width/height; this cues the GeoUtils
to layout the manager to the current geometry (if possible).

    if (!XtIsRealized(w))
	wd = ht = 0;

    else if (BB_ResizePolicy(w) != XmNONE)
	wd = ht = 0;

    else {
	wd = XtWidth(w);
	ht = XtHeight(w);

We then call the matrix create function.  This function is crucial, as the
data structures created tell the GeoUtils how to layout this particular

    geo = mat_make(w, NULL, NULL);

Next, we call _XmGeoMatrixGet().  This function essentially iterates through
all the children we want to manage, querying each child (except the instigator)
for the geometry the child desires.  NOTE: this is *not* the same as all the
managed children of this manager.  If you forget to represent a child in
the data structures when you create the matrix, that child won't be
represented when you lay out the manager; instead, at least in the case
of SelectionBox and friends, the results are as specified in those class's
documentation -- usually "undefined" (in practice, they'll probably get
piled up in the top lefthand corner of the manager).

    _XmGeoMatrixGet(geo, XmGET_PREFERRED_SIZE);

Now the real work-horse routine in the GeoUtils is invoked --
_XmGeoArrangeBoxes().  This function "parses" the data structure (the
GeoMatrix) and lays out the children according to the rules defined by
the matrix.  Caveat: this function does *NOT* alter the children's geometry,
but instead records the new geometry information in the XmKidGeometry
structure contained by the GeoMatrix.

    _XmGeoArrangeBoxes(geo, 0, 0, &wd, &ht);

At this point, _XmGeoArrangeBoxes() has computed the size of the manager
as it would ideally like to be.  The next code fragment checks the
BB_ResizePolicy() for a value of XmRESIZE_GROW.  If the ideal size
is less than the current size, we reject the change (because that would
involve shrinking, and we should only grow).  We then must re-layout the
manager, by calling _XmGeoArrangeBoxes() with our current width and height.

    if (BB_ResizePolicy(w) == XmRESIZE_GROW) {
	/* check the return against the original.  If the procedure would
	 * like the BB to shrink, call again */
	if (wd < XtWidth(w) || ht < XtHeight(w)) {
	    wd = XtWidth(w);
	    ht = XtHeight(w);
	    _XmGeoArrangeBoxes(geo, 0, 0, &wd, &ht);

Now we look to see if any of the above calculations has indicated that the
manager wants to resize (by comparing the computed width and height with
the manager XtWidth and XtHeight).  If no change is forthcoming, we just
free the matrix and return.  Otherwise we continue on.

    if (wd == XtWidth(w) && ht == XtHeight(w)) {

Ok, the manager wants to change size.  We call XtMakeResizeRequest, and
ask our parent if we can change size; eventually, the parent will respond
with the size we can be (hopefully the size the manager wants, but we can
compromise here).

    retw = wd;
    reth = ht;
    do {
	result = XtMakeResizeRequest((Widget)w, retw, reth, &retw, &reth);
    } while (result == XtGeometryAlmost);

The next fragment of code checks for if a compromise was necessary, by
evaluating whether what size our parent said we can be is the same as
what we want to be.  If the two don't match, we end up calling
_XmGeoArrangeBoxes() yet again, to arrange our children to suit our parent.

    if (retw != wd || reth != ht)
	_XmGeoArrangeBoxes(geo, 0, 0, &retw, &reth);

Now that all the geometry calculation has been done, our parent is happy, and
the manager is happy, we can go ahead an do _XmConfigureObject calls on all
our children.  That particular job goes to the function _XmGeoMatrixSet(), 
which basically processes each XmKidGeometry box and configures the widget
that box represents.


If we've gotten this far, then we are pretty sure the manager's size has
changed.  If the manager has a shadow, now is the time to draw it (after
erasing the old one).

    if (XtIsRealized(w)) {
	_XmClearShadowType(w, BB_OldWidth(w), BB_OldHeight(w),
			   BB_OldShadowThickness(w), 0);

	_XmDrawShadows(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w),
		       MGR_TopShadowGC(w), MGR_BottomShadowGC(w),
		       0, 0, XtWidth(w), XtHeight(w),
		       MGR_ShadowThickness(w), BB_ShadowType(w));

We're done with the GeoUtils for now, so we can deallocate the matrix.


We record our new width/height/shadow thickness.

    BB_OldWidth(w) = XtWidth(w);
    BB_OldHeight(w) = XtHeight(w);
    BB_OldShadowThickness(w) = MGR_ShadowThickness(w);

And finally, the required call to _XmNavigChangedManaged that all Manager
subclasses must do.


The realize() case is identical to this one.

3.2 The resize() Method

The resize() method is _almost_ identical to the two describe above.  The
most significant difference is that we aren't supposed to talk back in this
method, but accept whatever size we currently are, and lay ourselves out
accordingly.  Thus, that method is missing the calls that request the manager
ideal size, and just does layout.  Compare the resize() method to the
change_managed() method above:

static void
resize(Widget w)
    XmBulletinBoardClassRec *bb = (XmBulletinBoardClassRec *)XtClass(w);
    Widget p;

    XdbDebug(__FILE__, NULL, "resize\n");

    if (bb->bulletin_board_class.geo_matrix_create) {
	handle_resize(w, bb->bulletin_board_class.geo_matrix_create);

    _XmGMEnforceMargin(w, BB_MarginWidth(w), BB_MarginHeight(w), False);

    _XmClearShadowType(w, BB_OldWidth(w), BB_OldHeight(w),
		       BB_OldShadowThickness(w), 0);

    BB_OldShadowThickness(w) = 0;

    if (XtIsRealized(w) || XtWidth(w) == 0 || XtHeight(w) == 0) {
	_XmGMDoLayout(w, BB_MarginWidth(w), BB_MarginHeight(w),
		      BB_ResizePolicy(w), True);

    if ((XtWidth(w) < BB_OldWidth(w) || XtHeight(w) < BB_OldHeight(w)) &&
	XtIsRealized(w)) {
	_XmDrawShadows(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w),
		       MGR_TopShadowGC(w), MGR_BottomShadowGC(w),
		       0, 0, XtWidth(w), XtHeight(w),
		       MGR_ShadowThickness(w), BB_ShadowType(w));

    BB_OldWidth(w) = XtWidth(w);
    BB_OldHeight(w) = XtHeight(w);
    BB_OldShadowThickness(w) = MGR_ShadowThickness(w);

You can also see the similarities in handle_resize() to

static void
handle_resize(Widget w, XmGeoCreateProc mat_make)
    Dimension wd, ht;
    XmGeoMatrix geo;

    wd = XtWidth(w);
    ht = XtHeight(w);

    geo = mat_make(w, NULL, NULL);

    _XmGeoMatrixGet(geo, XmGET_PREFERRED_SIZE);

    _XmGeoArrangeBoxes(geo, 0, 0, &wd, &ht);


    if (XtIsRealized(w)) {
	_XmClearShadowType(w, BB_OldWidth(w), BB_OldHeight(w),
			   BB_OldShadowThickness(w), 0);

	_XmDrawShadows(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w),
		       MGR_TopShadowGC(w), MGR_BottomShadowGC(w),
		       0, 0, XtWidth(w), XtHeight(w),
		       MGR_ShadowThickness(w), BB_ShadowType(w));


    BB_OldWidth(w) = XtWidth(w);
    BB_OldHeight(w) = XtHeight(w);
    BB_OldShadowThickness(w) = MGR_ShadowThickness(w);

3.3 The query_geometry() method

For BulletinBoard, the query_geometry() method is probably the simplest --
it does nothing on it's own behalf, but uses either the GeoMatrix (if a 
geo_matrix_create() method exists), or the generic method.  This simplicity
is deceiving; the complexity isn't visible in BulletinBoard -- it's been
shifted elsewhere.

static XtGeometryResult 
query_geometry(Widget w, XtWidgetGeometry *proposed, XtWidgetGeometry *answer)
    XmBulletinBoardWidgetClass bbc = (XmBulletinBoardWidgetClass)XtClass(w);
    XtGeometryResult res;

    XdbDebug(__FILE__, w, "QueryGeometry\n");

    if (bbc->bulletin_board_class.geo_matrix_create) {
	return _XmHandleQueryGeometry(w, proposed, answer, BB_ResizePolicy(w),

    res = _XmGMHandleQueryGeometry(w, proposed, answer,
				   BB_MarginWidth(w), BB_MarginHeight(w),
    XdbDebug(__FILE__, w, "BB wants %d %d\n", answer->width, answer->height);

    return res;

3.4 The geometry_manager() method

Similar to the query_geometry() method, the geometry_manager() method passes
the buck on complexity.  It looks somewhat like the change_managed(), resize(),
and realize() methods, but does both less and more.  It does less in terms of
code in BulletinBoard, but the code in the GeoUtils is much more complex, and
uses little of the code that the other three methods use.  Also, the
geometry_manager() method uses the "cache" variable in the BulletinBoard Widget
instance, for repeated calls to geometry_mananger() when geometry_manager
return XtGeometryAlmost.

static XtGeometryResult
geometry_manager(Widget w, XtWidgetGeometry *desired, XtWidgetGeometry *allowed)
    Widget bb = XtParent(w);
    XmBulletinBoardWidgetClass bbc = (XmBulletinBoardWidgetClass)XtClass(bb);

    if (bbc->bulletin_board_class.geo_matrix_create) {
	return handle_geometry_manager(w, desired, allowed,
    return _XmGMHandleGeometryManager(bb, w, desired, allowed,
				      BB_MarginWidth(bb), BB_MarginHeight(bb),
				      BB_ResizePolicy(bb), BB_AllowOverlap(bb));

If you read the handle_geometry_manager() code below, you'll see a similarity
to the change_managed(), realize(), and resize() code above.

static XtGeometryResult
handle_geometry_manager(Widget w,
			XtWidgetGeometry *desired, XtWidgetGeometry *allowed,
			XmGeoCreateProc mat_make)
    Widget bb = XtParent(w);
    XmBulletinBoardWidgetClass bbc = (XmBulletinBoardWidgetClass)XtClass(bb);
    XtGeometryResult res;

    XdbDebug2(__FILE__, bb, w,

    if (!(desired->request_mode & (CWWidth|CWHeight)))
	return XtGeometryYes;

    if (BB_OldShadowThickness(bb) != 0 ||
	BB_ResizePolicy(bb) != XmRESIZE_NONE) {
	_XmClearShadowType(bb, BB_OldWidth(bb), BB_OldHeight(bb),
			   BB_OldShadowThickness(bb), 0);
	BB_OldShadowThickness(bb) = 0;

    res = _XmHandleGeometryManager(bb, w, desired, allowed,
				   BB_ResizePolicy(bb), &BB_GeoCache(bb),

    if (!BB_InSetValues(bb) ||
	XtWidth(bb) > BB_OldWidth(bb) || XtHeight(bb) > BB_OldHeight(bb)) {
	if (XtIsRealized(bb)) {
	    _XmDrawShadows(XtDisplay(bb), XtWindow(bb),
			 MGR_TopShadowGC(bb), MGR_BottomShadowGC(bb),
			 0, 0, XtWidth(bb), XtHeight(bb),
			 MGR_ShadowThickness(bb), BB_ShadowType(bb));
    BB_OldWidth(bb) = XtWidth(bb);
    BB_OldHeight(bb) = XtHeight(bb);

    return res;

Finally, we should discuss the set_values() method.

3.5 The set_values() method

The set_values method is probably the most straight-forward BulletinBoard
method there is.  We aren't concerned about children wanting to change
(the Intrinsics toolkit will use our geometry_manager() method if that is
the case), we're only concerned with the user changing _us_.  There is
one issue, though -- set_values() changes that change our geometry.

The reason for all this is that BulletinBoard, and subclasses of
BulletinBoard, have a reasonably high number of children that are
specified in instance variables.  Rather than "ripple" the parent's
geometry handler as children are changed, BulletinBoard and subclasses
save them up until the set_values() method in the class of the widget
being changed is called.  The designers of Motif couldn't stop the
geometry_manager() method from being called, but they added a mechanism
that can control when the negotiation actually occurs.

The BulletinBoard widget has an instance variable called "in_set_values".
This is a Boolean that is set when a set_values() method is invoked (keep
in mind that the set_values() method is chained in super- to sub-class
order), and cleared *almost* at the exit of the method.  Right before
the exit, the variable is cleared, and a test is used to see if a size
update should be performed.  If you look in BB and subclasses in the
set_values method, you'll see the following code fragment:

    if (need_refresh == True && XtClass(new) == xmBulletinBoardWidgetClass)
        return False;

For subclasses, replace the class check with a match for the subclass.

This trigger, in conjunction with an exception proc (the no_geo_request()
field in the GeoMatrix), keeps the geometry_manager() from handling possibly
conflicting changes in the widget.  During the _XmHandleGeometryManager()
call, the no_geo_request() call is made to see if geometry negotiation should
happen.   Take a look at the no_geo_request() in SelectionBox:

_XmSelectionBoxNoGeoRequest(XmGeoMatrix _geoSpec)
    if (BB_InSetValues(_geoSpec->composite) && 
        XtClass(_geoSpec->composite) == xmSelectionBoxWidgetClass)
	return TRUE;

    return FALSE;

Should a geometry request come from a child during set_values(),
BB_InSetValues() will be True, and the negotiation will be delayed.

static Boolean
set_values(Widget old, Widget request, Widget new,
	   ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
    BB_InSetValues(new) = True;

    /* code block to handle set_values changes */

    BB_InSetValues(new) = False;

    if (XtWidth(new) != XtWidth(old) || XtHeight(new) != XtHeight(old)) {
	need_refresh = True;

    if (need_refresh == True && XtClass(new) == xmBulletinBoardWidgetClass)
	return False;
    return need_refresh;

Note especially the call to _XmBulletinBoardSizeUpdate().  This should be done
class the opportunity to handle geometry changes in an instance's children
that have occurred as a result of set_values().

The code for _XmBulletinBoardSizeUpdate is as follows:

_XmBulletinBoardSizeUpdate(Widget w)
    XmBulletinBoardWidgetClass bbc = (XmBulletinBoardWidgetClass)XtClass(w);

    if (!XtIsRealized(w))

    if (bbc->bulletin_board_class.geo_matrix_create == NULL) {
	BB_OldWidth(w) = XtWidth(w);
	BB_OldHeight(w) = XtHeight(w);
    if (!BB_OldShadowThickness(w) && BB_ResizePolicy(w) != XmRESIZE_NONE) {
	_XmClearShadowType(w, BB_OldWidth(w), BB_OldHeight(w),
			   BB_OldShadowThickness(w), 0);
	BB_OldShadowThickness(w) = 0;

    _XmHandleSizeUpdate(w, BB_ResizePolicy(w),

    if ((XtWidth(w) < BB_OldWidth(w) || XtHeight(w) < BB_OldHeight(w)) &&
	XtIsRealized(w)) {
	_XmDrawShadows(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w),
		       MGR_TopShadowGC(w), MGR_BottomShadowGC(w),
		       0, 0, XtWidth(w), XtHeight(w),
		       MGR_ShadowThickness(w), BB_ShadowType(w));

    BB_OldWidth(w) = XtWidth(w);
    BB_OldHeight(w) = XtHeight(w);
    BB_OldShadowThickness(w) = MGR_ShadowThickness(w);

The function _XmHandleSizeUpdate() is very similar to the change_managed()
method, in that it does layout computation, and requests a size change from
the parent.

4.0 The Data Structures

Now that you're passingly familiar with the basics, let's digress for a time
and take a look at the data structures involved in the GeoUtils, as they
should be understood before we talk about the implementation.

4.1 The GeoMatrix

The layout of the GeoMatrix structure is as follows:

typedef struct _XmGeoMatrixRec {
    Widget composite;
    Widget instigator;
    XtWidgetGeometry instig_request;
    XtWidgetGeometry parent_request;
    XtWidgetGeometry *in_layout;
    XmKidGeometry boxes;  /* there is a NULL pointer add the end of each row */
    XmGeoMajorLayout layouts;
    Dimension margin_w;
    Dimension margin_h;
    Boolean stretch_boxes;
    Boolean uniform_border;
    Dimension border;
    Dimension max_major;
    Dimension boxed_minor;
    Dimension fill_minor;
    Dimension width;
    Dimension height;
    XmGeoExceptProc set_except;
    XmGeoExceptProc almost_except;
    XmGeoExceptProc no_geo_request;
    XtPointer extension;
    XmGeoExtDestructorProc ext_destructor;
    XmGeoArrangeProc arrange_boxes;
    unsigned char major_order;
} XmGeoMatrixRec;

typedef struct _XmGeoMatrixRec *XmGeoMatrix;

typedef void (*XmGeoArrangeProc)(XmGeoMatrix matrix,
				 Position x, Position y,
                                 Dimension *width_inout,
				 Dimension *height_inout);
typedef Boolean (*XmGeoExceptProc)(XmGeoMatrix matrix);
typedef void (*XmGeoExtDestructorProc)(XtPointer extension);
typedef void (*XmGeoSegmentFixUpProc)(XmGeoMatrix matrix, int command,
                                      XmGeoMajorLayout row_layout,
				      XmKidGeometry kid_info);

enum {

The GeoMatrix is the mother of all GeoUtils structures.  In it, we have control
information for how the layout is to be performed, info on each child, margin
information, etc.  Also, when you look at the GeoUtils, keep in mind that
the developers intended for it to work both in row major and column major
layout (i.e., up to down rows, and side to side columns).  The comments
in XmP.h indicate that they didn't get any farther than row major layout,

Let's look at each member:
    Widget composite;
	o the BB subclass instance that's currently using the GeoUtils.

    Widget instigator;
	o if from geometry_manager, the child that requested a geom change,
	  or NULL.

    XtWidgetGeometry instig_request;
	o if from geometry_manager, the change that the instigator requested,
	  or NULL.

    XtWidgetGeometry parent_request;
	o if from query_geometry, the way our parent wants us to look, or NULL

    XtWidgetGeometry *in_layout;
	o used in the cases where multiple calls are made to
	  XtMakeResizeRequest or XtMakeGeometryRequest from one of the
	  children.  There is a GeoMatrix "cache" instance variable in the
	  BulletinBoard Widget structure that gets used also.  I don't think
	  LessTif's usage of this variable, and instig_request, is _quite_
	  the same as Motif's.

    XmKidGeometry boxes;  /* there is a NULL widget add the end of each row */
	o this is used to keep layout information for each of the children
	  of this manager.  It is sort of a "cache" for the current and
	  proposed geometry of each child.  It is an array of structures; one
	  structure for each child, each row of children separated by a
	  structure whose child pointer is NULL.

    XmGeoMajorLayout layouts;
	o this is used to keep layout information for each row of children
	  (especially things like whether each child in the row should be
	   the same height, or the same width, or both, etc.  More on this
	   when we go throught the structure involved).

    Dimension margin_w;
	o the margin width of the manager.

    Dimension margin_h;
	o the margin width of the manager.

    Boolean stretch_boxes;
	o whether or not childrent should be stretched to fill in voids
	  in the layout.

    Boolean uniform_border;
	o whether or not the children should have the same XtBorderWidth
	  this can also be controlled on a row basis (the XmGeoMajorLayout
	  has a uniform_border field, too.  This value, if set, overrides
	  the Layout structure's variable).

    Dimension border;
	o if uniform_border is true, the value that should be used for

    Dimension max_major;
	o the maximum value of the major layout dimension.  For row major
	  layout, this would be the maximum computed width of all rows.

    Dimension boxed_minor;
	o for row major layout, this is the cumulative height of all the rows,
	  not including fill.

    Dimension fill_minor;
	o for row major layout, this is the amount of fill space needed.  In
	  other words, the amount of "fill space" needed vertically between
	  the rows.

    Dimension width;
	o this will hold the computed width of the manager.

    Dimension height;
	o this will hold the computed height of the manager.

    XmGeoExceptProc set_except;
	o a manager can override how the geometry of children are set by
	  providing an override method here.

    XmGeoExceptProc almost_except;
	o I have no clue.  Maybe a method that can be used if a parent says
	  XtGeometryAlmost to a resize request?

    XmGeoExceptProc no_geo_request;
	o there are certain times when you want to avoid geometry negotiation
	  for a while; usually in set_values().  This function is called
	  from _XmHandleGeometryManager to determine if negotiation should
	  really happen.

    XtPointer extension;
	o extension data for use by the override methods.  The GeoUtils don't
	  do anything with this member directly.

    XmGeoExtDestructorProc ext_destructor;
	o a function that gets invoked when a GeoMatrix is freed, if the matrix
	  has a non-NULL extension.

    XmGeoArrangeProc arrange_boxes;
	o an override method for arranging the children.  If this is non-NULL,
	  most of the GeoUtils will not be used.

    unsigned char major_order;
	o an indicator for whether this matrix is row- or column- major.
	  Currently only row_major is implemented; the values allowed here

4.2 The MajorLayoutRec

The next level of structures (actually, a union) control how the individual
rows or columns are layed out.

typedef union _XmGeoMajorLayoutRec {
    XmGeoRowLayoutRec row;
    XmGeoColumnLayoutRec col;
} XmGeoMajorLayoutRec;

typedef union _XmGeoMajorLayoutRec *XmGeoMajorLayout;

The only member of interest is the XmGeoRowLayoutRec.  Here's the layout for
both; below, I'll describe what the fields mean for the RowLayoutRec -- the
Column (should it ever get implemented) are similar.

typedef struct {
    Boolean end;
    XmGeoSegmentFixUpProc fix_up;
    Dimension even_width;
    Dimension even_height;
    Dimension min_height;
    Boolean stretch_height;
    Boolean uniform_border;
    Dimension border;
    unsigned char fill_mode;
    unsigned char fit_mode;
    Boolean sticky_end;
    Dimension space_above;
    Dimension space_end;
    Dimension space_between;
    Dimension max_box_height;
    Dimension boxes_width;
    Dimension fill_width;
    Dimension box_count;
} XmGeoRowLayoutRec, *XmGeoRowLayout;

typedef struct {
    Boolean end;
    XmGeoSegmentFixUpProc fix_up;
    Dimension even_height;
    Dimension even_width;
    Dimension min_width;
    Boolean stretch_width;
    Boolean uniform_border;
    Dimension border;
    unsigned char fill_mode;
    unsigned char fit_mode;
    Boolean sticky_end;
    Dimension space_left;
    Dimension space_end;
    Dimension space_between;
    Dimension max_box_width;
    Dimension boxed_height;
    Dimension fill_height;
    Dimension box_count;
} XmGeoColumnLayoutRec, *XmGeoColumnLayout;


/* fill modes for the GeoLayoutRec's below */
enum {

/* fit modes for the GeoLayoutRec's below */
enum {

Now for a description of the XmGeoRowLayoutRec:

    Boolean end;
	o if we have processed all the rows, this end flag will be true.  In
	  other words, if your widget has n rows of widgets, your matrix
	  will have (n + 1) row layout recs, with the (n + 1) row having
	  the end flag true.  All other rows will have end set to False.

    XmGeoSegmentFixUpProc fix_up;
	o some rows might need special fixing after they've been laid out.
	  For example, a separator in the SelectionBox should go the full
	  width of the SelectionBox (as opposed to going from margin to
	  margin).  This fix_up() method allows such special cases to be
	  handled.  The only other special cases that I know about is a
	  fixup for the MenuBar in SelectionBox and friends (extending the
	  width so that it stretches for the full width of the parent,
	  much like what is done for Separators).

    Dimension even_width;
    Dimension even_height;
	o these two members are overloaded.  At the beginning of matrix
	  processing, they are used as Booleans to indicate whether the
	  children in this row should end up having the same width and
	  height across the row.  If they are True, they end up containing
	  the max width and height of all the children in a given row,
	  and then applied to each child after the max is computed.

    Dimension min_height;
	o the minimum height for any given child in a row.

    Boolean stretch_height;
	o indicates if we can stretch (or shrink) the widgets in a row if
	  the manager isn't quite the size we want.

    Boolean uniform_border;
	o assuming that the GeoMatrix didn't set its uniform_border member,
	  this field indicates that this row should have a uniform border.

    Dimension border;
	o assuming that uniform_border (above) is true, the value of
	  XtBorderWidth for the widgets in this row.

    unsigned char fill_mode;
	o one of XmGEO_EXPAND, XmGEO_CENTER, or XmGEO_PACK.  The only one
	  of these I've seen used is XmGEO_CENTER.  I suspect that the
	  other two might be used by RowColumn, and possibly Form.  What
	  happens if the fill_mode is XmGEO_CENTER is that extra fill
	  space is distributed between the children in a row; if not
	  XmGEO_CENTER, the children are resized proportionally.

    unsigned char fit_mode;
	  XmGEO_PROPORTIONAL means layout the widgets in this row in proportion
	  to the individual sizes of each widget.  XmGEO_AVERAGING means
	  layout the children based on the average dimensions of all children.
	  XmGEO_WRAP means if we can't fit the children on one line, wrap
	  them around to what is effectively another row.  You can see this
	  behavior when you resize a Motif Dialog to be taller and narrower
	  than it wants to be.

    Boolean sticky_end;
	o indicates that the last box in the row should be as close to the
	  right margin as possible.

    Dimension space_above;
	o indicates the amount of space that should be left above this row.
	  if the top row's space_above is less than the requested margin,
	  the margin is used.

    Dimension space_end;
	o indicates the amount of space that should be left at the ends of
	  the row.

    Dimension space_between;
	o indicates how much space should be between the widgets in a row.

    Dimension max_box_height;
	o indicates the hight of the largest box in the row.

    Dimension boxes_width;
	o indicates the cumulative width of all the widgets in a row.

    Dimension fill_width;
	o indicates the cumulative fill space in a row, both between widgets
	  and at the row end.

    Dimension box_count;
	o the number of boxes in the row.

In general, the user is only interested in fields up to (and including)
space_between.  The remaining fields are used during the calculations.

4.3 The KidGeometryRec

The final structure is the most important one: the XmKidGeometry structure.
This structure contains the geometry for a child, and provides a storage
place during the layout calculations for that geometry while the algorithms

typedef struct _XmKidGeometryRec {
    Widget kid;
    XtWidgetGeometry box;
} XmKidGeometryRec, *XmKidGeometry;

4.4 The "Big Picture"

The hierarchy of structures is something like the following:

XmGeoMatrix---->(layout)(layout)(...)(layout with end == True)
     |              |       |
     |------------(kid)     |
     |------------(...)     |
     |------------(NULL)    |
     |                      |

The boxes member in the GeoMatrix is an array of XmKidGeometry structures,
with the kid->widget that delimits the end of each row set to NULL.
There is an XmGeoMajorLayout record for each row, and one extra
record (with the "end" member set to False) delimiting the end of rows.

Note that the lines don't indicate pointers, only associations.

5.0 The GeoUtils Functions

Let's examine the published interface first, as these are really the
functions that must be understood if you want to understand BulletinBoard,
and its GeoUtils using subclasses.  By the way, in Motif, certain GeoUtils
functions are also used by RowColumn.  I'll indicate these as each function
is discussed (well, at least the ones I know about).

5.1 The Allocation, Initialization, and Deallocation Functions

First, let's talk about the functions used when you want to allocate a
GeoMatrix (i.e., the Widget method known as geo_matrix_create).  In that
method, you have to compute the number of rows of children that you are
going to layout, and the number of children (total) involved (more on
this when we actually examine a subclass).

The first function, which is actually called from subclass code, takes the
information you've gathered about your children, and allocates the GeoMatrix,
the XmGeoMajorLayout(s) structures, the XmKidGeometry(s) structures, and
mallocs an extra 'extSize' bytes for any extension that will be used.
It returns a pointer to the allocated structure.  Note that it doesn't fill
in any information in the matrix; it just allocates it.

_XmGeoMatrixAlloc(unsigned int numRows,
	          unsigned int numBoxes,
	          unsigned int extSize);

The next function verifies that the child being examined is valid, and
sets up the XmKidGeometry structure to point at this kid.

_XmGeoSetupKid(XmKidGeometry geo, Widget kidWid);

For those of you interested in writing subclass widgets, those two functions
are all you really need to know (well, except for knowing how to use them, of
course).  The rest of the functions are either internal, or buried within
the BulletinBoard class.

Finally, when geometry management is complete, the following function
deallocates the matrix.

_XmGeoMatrixFree(XmGeoMatrix geo_spec);

5.2 Layout Management Functions

Layout management is essentially a five phase process: 
 o we ask our children how they want to look.
 o we figure out how that would make us look.
 o we ask our parent if we can look that way.
 o we take how our parent says we can look, and recompute how we want to
 o we apply the recomputed look to our children.

5.2.1 Querying the Children

This first function queries all the manager's children for their geometry.
geoType can actually be several different values, but in practice I've never
seen the GeoUtils use anything other than XmGET_PREFERRED_SIZE.

_XmGeoMatrixGet(XmGeoMatrix geoSpec, int geoType);

The pseudo code for this function is as follows:

    while (rows remaining) {
	if (end of row)
	    advance to next row

_XmGeoMatrixGet uses a lower level function to ask children their preferred
geometry.  The behavior of the function is slightly different when the
child is the instigator of a geometry management conversation.

void _XmGeoLoadValues(Widget wid, int geoType, Widget instigator, 
		      XtWidgetGeometry *request,
		      XtWidgetGeometry *geoResult);

Testing indicates that this function is used by the RowColumn in Motif.

5.2.2 Computing the Desired Size

The next function is the real workhorse in layout computation.  Basically, it
takes the information that was recorded from the previous step (5.2.1) and
determines how that would make us look.  It uses values in the GeoMatrix,
the MajorLayoutRec, and the KidGeometryRec to determine this.  It uses this
information, in combination with the input parameters, to determine how the
total composite should look.

_XmGeoArrangeBoxes(XmGeoMatrix geoSpec, Position x, Position y,
		   Dimension *pW, Dimension *pH);

The pseudo code for this function is as follows:

    if (user specified an arrange procedure) {
	call user's arrange



    adjust the overall layout based on the input parameters

    while (rows remaining)

    if (height needs adjusting) {
	if (user allows stretching)

_XmGeoArrangeBoxes() calls this next function to determine the overall layout.
In the current implementation, _XmGeoAdjustBoxes() loops through the rows in
the composite, figuring out how each row would look.

_XmGeoAdjustBoxes(XmGeoMatrix geoSpec);

The pseudo code for this function is as follows:

    while (rows remaining) {

	if (children in row should be even width)

	if (children in row should be even height)

	if (children in row should have the same border)
	    adjust the border

If the relevant flags are set in the MajorLayoutRec, _XmGeoAdjustBoxes()
invokes the following two functions.

_XmGeoBoxesSameWidth(XmKidGeometry rowPtr, Dimension width);
_XmGeoBoxesSameHeight(XmKidGeometry rowPtr, Dimension height);

Next, _XmGeoArrangeBoxes() calls this next function to compute the
total picture of the desired geometry.  This function takes the overal
results computed above, and adjusts values in the Matrix and Layout
data structures.

_XmGeoGetDimensions(XmGeoMatrix geoSpec);

5.2.3 Computing The Layout

This next function is responsible for actually laying out each row.  It is
in this function that things like the fit_mode and fill_mode in the Layout
structure are evaluated.

_XmGeoArrangeList(XmKidGeometry boxes, XmGeoRowLayout layout,
		  Position x, Position y,
		  Dimension width, Dimension margin);

The pseudo code for this function is as follows:

    figure out the width of our children

    figure out the "fill" space wanted

    figure out the amount of adjusting necessary

    figure out the starting height of this row

    if (things aren't going to fit, and layout fit_mode is XmGEO_WRAP) {
    else if (things aren't going to fit) {
	if (fit_mode is Xm_GEO_AVERAGING)
    else if (the wanted width is wider than necessary) {
	if (fill_mode is XmGEO_CENTER)


Finally, after the rows have been laid out, the y offsets or the widget
heights in each row may need adjusting, based on the actual height of the
widget, and the value of stretch_height.  _XmGeoArrangeBoxes takes care of
that with the following two functions.  The first stretches the rows to fit;
the second inserts filler space.

_XmGeoStretchVertical(XmGeoMatrix geoSpec, Dimension height, Dimension maxh);
_XmGeoFillVertical(XmGeoMatrix geoSpec, Dimension height, Dimension maxh);

I'll stop at this level.  If you want to know more, you'll need to delve
into the code in GeoUtils.c;  what I've given should be enough for you to
find your way around.

5.2.4  Applying the Changes

If after all the above computations have happened, and our parent has agreed
to our resize request, we call the following function:

_XmGeoMatrixSet(XmGeoMatrix geoSpec);

The psuedo code for this is as follows:

    for (each row) {
	for (each child in row)

The lower level function _XmSetKidGeo() usually calls _XmConfigureObject();
the behavior is slightly different during geometry management conversations.

_XmSetKidGeo(XmKidGeometry kg, Widget instigator);

5.3 The Method functions

The method functions basically implement most of the behavior for certain
Xt required methods;  the GeoUtils provide default implementations for
set_values(), query_geometry(), and geometry_manager().

The set_values() case (really, the implementation of
_XmBulletinBoardSizeUpdate() -  see the section on BulletinBoard set_values())
is handled by _XmHandleSizeUpdate().  This function is much like the
change_managed() method in BulletinBoard (see the relevant section for

_XmHandleSizeUpdate(Widget wid, unsigned char policy,
		    XmGeoCreateProc createMatrix);

The query_geometry() method is handled by the following function.  Essentially,
this function implements the geometry calculation without doing the layout
common to the other methods.

_XmHandleQueryGeometry(Widget wid,
		       XtWidgetGeometry *intended,
		       XtWidgetGeometry *desired, 
		       unsigned char policy,
		       XmGeoCreateProc createMatrix);

The next function handles the geometry_manager() method.  It is truly
a nasty function, and was very difficult to figure out.  This is the only
place in the entire GeoUtils functionality that the cache is used (and
really, it's the only place where it needs to be used).  There are some
pretty good reasons for this -- manager children tend to loop around
XtMakeResizeRequest(), or XtMakeGeometryRequest(), until their parent
says yes or no.  By using a cache, you can eliminate at least one iteration
of the negotiation (which is relatively expensive).  I don't really think
most readers of this document are interested in the gory details.  If you
are, reading through the code should give you the necessary information.

_XmHandleGeometryManager(Widget wid, Widget instigator,
			 XtWidgetGeometry *desired, 
			 XtWidgetGeometry *allowed,
			 unsigned char policy, 
			 XmGeoMatrix *cachePtr,
			 XmGeoCreateProc createMatrix);

These next two functions do most of the default behavior for the BulletinBoard,
when the widget class does not use the GeoUtils (unless, of course, the
subclass overrides them).

This first function is invoked when a parent queries a BulletinBoard widget
for its preferred size.

_XmGMHandleQueryGeometry(Widget w,
			 XtWidgetGeometry *proposed, XtWidgetGeometry *answer,
			 Dimension margin_width, Dimension margin_height,
			 unsigned char resize_policy)

The second function is invoked when a child queries a BulletinBoard parent
for a resize.

_XmGMHandleGeometryManager(Widget w, Widget instigator, 
			   XtWidgetGeometry *desired, XtWidgetGeometry *allowed,
			   Dimension margin_width, Dimension margin_height,
			   unsigned char resize_policy, Boolean allow_overlap)

5.4 Miscellaneous Functions

This function determines if two widget geometries are identical.

_XmGeometryEqual(Widget wid, XtWidgetGeometry *geoA,
			     XtWidgetGeometry *geoB);

These next two functions are "fixup" functions.  They are invoked by
_XmGeoMatrixSet(), to override the generic geometry computation with
specific behavior.  _XmMenuBarFix() forces a menu bar to be the full
width of its composite parent.  _XmSeparatorFix() does the same for

_XmMenuBarFix(XmGeoMatrix geoSpec, int action,
	      XmGeoMajorLayout layoutPtr, XmKidGeometry rowPtr);
_XmSeparatorFix(XmGeoMatrix geoSpec, int action,
	        XmGeoMajorLayout layoutPtr, XmKidGeometry rowPtr);

5.5 BulletinBoard helper functions

The next several functions implement bits of BulletinBoard behavior.

This next function ensures that a BulletinBoard child is constrained within
the margins of the BulletinBoard.

_XmGMEnforceMargin(Widget w,
		   Dimension margin_width, Dimension margin_height,
		   Boolean useSetValues)

The next function implements the XmNallowOverlap behavior (or rather,
if XmNallowOverlap is False, makes sure that children do not overlap).

_XmGMOverlap(Widget w, Widget instigator,
	     Position x, Position y, Dimension width, Dimension height)

The next function computes the desired size of a BulletinBoard.

_XmGMCalcSize(Widget w, Dimension margin_w, Dimension margin_h,
	      Dimension *retw, Dimension *reth)

The next function performs the BulletinBoard layout behavior.

_XmGMDoLayout(Widget w, Dimension margin_w, Dimension margin_h,
	      unsigned char resize_policy, short adjust)

5.6 RowColumn specific functions

The following functions are specific to RowColumn functionality, but reside
in the GeoUtils implementation.

I don't know what this first function does, but it looks suspiciously like
a GeoMatrix allocation function, specialized for RCKidGeometry.

_XmGetKidGeo(Widget wid, Widget instigator,
	     XtWidgetGeometry *request, 
	     int uniform_border, Dimension border,
	     int uniform_width_margins, 
	     int uniform_height_margins,
	     Widget help, int geo_type);

There is an undocumented function, XmRCGetKidGeo(), that I believe is similar
to _XmGeoMatrixGet().  In LessTif, I believe this is implemented as
initialize_boxes() in RowColumn.c.

That function calls this next function, as well as _XmGeoLoadValues().

_XmGeoCount_kids(CompositeWidget c);

5.7 Unkown
I don't know what these functions do:

_XmGeoReplyYes(Widget wid, XtWidgetGeometry *desired,
			   XtWidgetGeometry *response);

_XmMakeGeometryRequest(Widget w, XtWidgetGeometry *geom);

_XmGeoClearRectObjAreas(RectObj r, XWindowChanges *old);


Anybody out there who does?

6.0 How to Build a Subclass Using the GeoUtils

At this point, we've come full circle.  Now that you know something about
how the GeoUtils work, let's examine how a subclass can use them.  I'll
now talk about the XmTrivial widget class.  BTW, if you are thinking
about using the GeoUtils, the Trivial class makes a pretty good template.

6.1 The Header Files

There really isn't much to say about the header files.  They are pretty
much standard headers for a widget implementation.

6.2 The Implementation

In this section I'll describe the various sections in Trivial.c that are
important to the subclass.

6.2.1 Extra Prototypes

You'll need to provide two extra prototypes for a GeoUtils subclass - one
for the geo_matrix_create() method, and one for the no_geo_request() method.
These should match the types specified in XmP.h.  From Trivial:

XmGeoMatrix trivial_matrix_create(Widget _w, Widget _from,
				  XtWidgetGeometry *_pref);
Boolean trivial_NoGeoRequest(XmGeoMatrix _geoSpec);

6.2.2 The Class Structure

The first thing to know is how to type XtInherit.  Unless you really know
what you are doing, and want to override specific behaviors, you should
definitely specify XtInherit in the class structure of your subclass for
the following methods:

  o realize()
  o resize()
  o expose()
  o query_geometry()
  o geometry_manager()
  o change_managed()

Unless you are implementing a fairly trivial widget (such XmTrivial), you'll
probably have to provide your own set_values() method.  That's ok, just
make sure you follow the rules outlined in the BulletinBoard section above.

Refer back to section 2 for where to plug these in.

6.2.3 The set_values() method

In any interesting widget, the set_values() method will probably do something
(but it doesn't in Trivial).  The code below can be considered boilerplate;
you should probably base a subclass's set_values() method on this code.  Note
especially the region reserved for setting class specific instance variables.

static Boolean
set_values(Widget old,
	   Widget request,
	   Widget new,
	   ArgList args,
	   Cardinal *num_args)
    Boolean refresh_needed = False;

    /*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/
    BB_InSetValues(new) = True;
    /*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/

    /* do any class specific stuff HERE */

    /*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/
    BB_InSetValues(new) = False;
    /*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/

    /*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/
    if (refresh_needed && (XtClass(new) == xmTrivialWidgetClass))
	return False;
    /*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/

    return refresh_needed;

6.2.4 The NoGeoRequest method

This method actually doesn't get placed in the class structure, but rather
in the GeoMatrix during its creation.  Again, the implementation in Trivial
is boilerplate; the only thing a subclass needs to do is change the tested
widget class:

trivial_NoGeoRequest(XmGeoMatrix geo)
    if (BB_InSetValues(geo->composite) &&
	XtClass(geo->composite) == xmTrivialWidgetClass)
	return TRUE;

    return FALSE;

6.2.5 The GeoMatrixCreate method

NOW we get to the interesting part of the implementation.  The
geo_matrix_create() method in Trivial is NOT boilerplate, but it does show
you what you need to do (well, actually, one small portion is boilerplate).

Here's the routine:

trivial_matrix_create(Widget _w, Widget _from, XtWidgetGeometry *_pref)
    XmGeoMatrix geoSpec;
    register XmGeoRowLayout layoutPtr;
    register XmKidGeometry boxPtr;
    Cardinal numKids;
    int i, nrows;
    Widget child;

    numKids = MGR_NumChildren(_w);

    /*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/
    /* compute the number of rows you want here.  Trivial only has one */
    nrows = 1;
    /*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/

    /*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/
    geoSpec = _XmGeoMatrixAlloc(nrows, numKids, 0);
    geoSpec->composite = (Widget)_w;
    geoSpec->instigator = (Widget)_from;
    if (_pref)
        geoSpec->instig_request = *_pref;
    geoSpec->margin_w = BB_MarginWidth(_w) + MGR_ShadowThickness(_w);
    geoSpec->margin_h = BB_MarginHeight(_w) + MGR_ShadowThickness(_w);
    geoSpec->no_geo_request = trivial_NoGeoRequest;
    /*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/

    layoutPtr = &(geoSpec->layouts->row);
    boxPtr = geoSpec->boxes;

    /*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/

    /* row 1 */
    layoutPtr->fill_mode = XmGEO_CENTER;
    layoutPtr->fit_mode = XmGEO_WRAP;
    layoutPtr->even_width = 1;
    layoutPtr->even_height = 1;
    layoutPtr->space_above = BB_MarginHeight(_w);
    for (i = 0; i < numKids; i++) {

	child = MGR_Children(_w)[i];

	if ((XmIsPushButton(child) || XmIsPushButtonGadget(child)) &&
	    XtIsManaged(child) && _XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr, child))

    /* end marker */
    layoutPtr->space_above = 0;
    layoutPtr->end = TRUE;
    /*@@@@@@@@@ SPECIAL @@@@@@@@@*/


Note that the function has essentially 3 sections.  In the first section,
you need to loop through your children (or evaluate instance variables, as
is done in SelectionBox), deciding on how many rows of children that need
to be controlled.  Basically, what you are doing is evaluating how many
MajorLayout structures you are going to need.  You can also choose to
count the number of managed children you have (this may or may not be the
same as the number of children you have); this is optional, as the wasted
space is not very large, and it eventually gets deallocated anyway.

In the second section, we have a small piece of boilerplate:  it is very
important to duplicate this code exactly; while the _pref and _from fields
are often NULL, they are NOT when this method is called from
_XmHandleGeometryManager().  Make *sure* you copy this right.

    geoSpec = _XmGeoMatrixAlloc(nrows, numKids, 0);
    geoSpec->composite = (Widget)_w;
    geoSpec->instigator = (Widget)_from;
    if (_pref)
        geoSpec->instig_request = *_pref;
    geoSpec->margin_w = BB_MarginWidth(_w) + MGR_ShadowThickness(_w);
    geoSpec->margin_h = BB_MarginHeight(_w) + MGR_ShadowThickness(_w);
    geoSpec->no_geo_request = trivial_NoGeoRequest;

You can be a little creative when you calculate the margin_w and margin_h
variables.  Also, make sure that you hook up the no_geo_request() method.

The third section of code is basically where the subclass needs to setup
the MajorLayout structures with the desired information for controlling the
layout, and setting the KidGeometry structures to point at the widget
children that should appear.

Trivial's implementation of this method is _very_ simplistic.  The following
code is SelectionBox's version;  look for the boilerplate above to find
the separation between the sections:

_XmSelectionBoxGeoMatrixCreate(Widget _w, Widget _from, XtWidgetGeometry *_pref)
    XmGeoMatrix geoSpec;
    register XmGeoRowLayout	layoutPtr;
    register XmKidGeometry boxPtr;
    Cardinal numKids;
    Boolean newRow;
    int nrows, i, nextras;
    Widget *extras;

    numKids = MGR_NumChildren(_w);

    nextras = 0;
    extras = NULL;
    for (i = 0; i < numKids; i++)
	if (XtIsManaged(MGR_Children(_w)[i]) &&
	    MGR_Children(_w)[i] != SB_ListLabel(_w) &&
		? MGR_Children(_w)[i] != XtParent(SB_List(_w))
		: True) &&
	    MGR_Children(_w)[i] != SB_SelectionLabel(_w) &&
	    MGR_Children(_w)[i] != SB_Text(_w) &&
	    MGR_Children(_w)[i] != SB_Separator(_w) &&
	    MGR_Children(_w)[i] != SB_OkButton(_w) &&
	    MGR_Children(_w)[i] != SB_ApplyButton(_w) &&
	    MGR_Children(_w)[i] != SB_HelpButton(_w) &&
	    MGR_Children(_w)[i] != BB_CancelButton(_w))

    if (nextras)
	extras = (Widget *)XtMalloc(sizeof(Widget) * nextras);

    nextras = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < numKids; i++)
	if (XtIsManaged(MGR_Children(_w)[i]) &&
	    MGR_Children(_w)[i] != SB_ListLabel(_w) &&
		? MGR_Children(_w)[i] != XtParent(SB_List(_w))
		: True) &&
	    MGR_Children(_w)[i] != SB_SelectionLabel(_w) &&
	    MGR_Children(_w)[i] != SB_Text(_w) &&
	    MGR_Children(_w)[i] != SB_Separator(_w) &&
	    MGR_Children(_w)[i] != SB_OkButton(_w) &&
	    MGR_Children(_w)[i] != SB_ApplyButton(_w) &&
	    MGR_Children(_w)[i] != SB_HelpButton(_w) &&
	    MGR_Children(_w)[i] != BB_CancelButton(_w))
	    extras[nextras] = MGR_Children(_w)[i];

    nrows = 0;

    /* note the starting from one.  The zero'th child is the "work area" */
    if (nextras > 0) {
	for (i = 1; i < nextras; i++) {
	    if (XmIsMenuBar(extras[i]) && XtIsManaged(extras[i]))
	if (extras[0] && XtIsManaged(extras[0]))

    if (SB_ListLabel(_w) && XtIsManaged(SB_ListLabel(_w)))

    if (SB_List(_w) && XtIsManaged(SB_List(_w)))

    if (SB_SelectionLabel(_w) && XtIsManaged(SB_SelectionLabel(_w)))

    if (SB_Text(_w) && XtIsManaged(SB_Text(_w)))

    if (SB_Separator(_w) && XtIsManaged(SB_Separator(_w)))

    if ((BB_CancelButton(_w) && XtIsManaged(BB_CancelButton(_w))) ||
        (SB_OkButton(_w)     && XtIsManaged(SB_OkButton(_w))) ||
        (SB_ApplyButton(_w)  && XtIsManaged(SB_ApplyButton(_w))) ||
        (SB_HelpButton(_w)   && XtIsManaged(SB_HelpButton(_w))))
    else {
	for (i = i; i < nextras; i++) {
	    if (extras[i] && XtIsManaged(extras[i]) &&
		(XmIsPushButton(extras[i]) || XmIsPushButtonGadget(extras[i])))

    geoSpec = _XmGeoMatrixAlloc(nrows, numKids, 0);
    geoSpec->composite = (Widget)_w;
    geoSpec->instigator = (Widget)_from;
    if (_pref)
	geoSpec->instig_request = *_pref;
    geoSpec->margin_w = BB_MarginWidth(_w) + MGR_ShadowThickness(_w);
    geoSpec->margin_h = BB_MarginHeight(_w) + MGR_ShadowThickness(_w);
    geoSpec->no_geo_request = _XmSelectionBoxNoGeoRequest;

    layoutPtr = &(geoSpec->layouts->row);
    boxPtr = geoSpec->boxes;

    for (i = 1; i < nextras; i++) {
	if (XmIsMenuBar(extras[i]) && XtIsManaged(extras[i]))
	    layoutPtr->fix_up = _XmMenuBarFix;
	    layoutPtr->space_above = 0;
	    boxPtr += 2;

    if (SB_ChildPlacement(_w) == XmPLACE_TOP && nextras &&
	extras[0] && XtIsManaged(extras[0]) &&
	_XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr, extras[0]))
	    layoutPtr->stretch_height = 1;
	    layoutPtr->fill_mode = XmGEO_EXPAND;
	    layoutPtr->even_width = 1;
	    layoutPtr->even_height = 1;
	    layoutPtr->space_above = BB_MarginHeight(_w);
	    boxPtr += 2;

    if (SB_DialogType(_w) == XmDIALOG_PROMPT &&
	SB_ChildPlacement(_w) == XmPLACE_ABOVE_SELECTION && nextras &&
	extras[0] && XtIsManaged(extras[0]) &&
	_XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr, extras[0]))
	    layoutPtr->stretch_height = 1;
	    layoutPtr->fill_mode = XmGEO_EXPAND;
	    layoutPtr->even_width = 1;
	    layoutPtr->even_height = 1;
	    layoutPtr->space_above = BB_MarginHeight(_w);
	    boxPtr += 2;

    newRow = False;
    if (SB_ListLabel(_w) && XtIsManaged(SB_ListLabel(_w)) &&
	_XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr, SB_ListLabel(_w)))
	layoutPtr->fill_mode = XmGEO_EXPAND;
	layoutPtr->fit_mode = XmGEO_PROPORTIONAL;
	layoutPtr->even_width = 1;
	layoutPtr->even_height = 1;
	layoutPtr->space_above = BB_MarginHeight(_w);
	layoutPtr->space_between = BB_MarginWidth(_w);
	newRow = TRUE;

    if (newRow)

    if (SB_DialogType(_w) == XmDIALOG_COMMAND &&
	SB_ChildPlacement(_w) == XmPLACE_ABOVE_SELECTION && nextras &&
	extras[0] && XtIsManaged(extras[0]) &&
	_XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr, extras[0]))
	    layoutPtr->stretch_height = 1;
	    layoutPtr->fill_mode = XmGEO_EXPAND;
	    layoutPtr->even_width = 1;
	    layoutPtr->even_height = 1;
	    layoutPtr->space_above = BB_MarginHeight(_w);
	    boxPtr += 2;

    newRow = FALSE;
    if (SB_List(_w) && XtIsManaged(SB_List(_w)) &&
	_XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr, XtParent(SB_List(_w))))
	layoutPtr->stretch_height = 1;
	layoutPtr->fill_mode = XmGEO_EXPAND;
	layoutPtr->fit_mode = XmGEO_PROPORTIONAL;
	layoutPtr->even_width = 1;
	layoutPtr->even_height = 1;
	layoutPtr->space_above = 0; /* BB_MarginHeight(_w); */
	layoutPtr->space_between = BB_MarginWidth(_w);
	newRow = TRUE;

    if (newRow)

    if (SB_DialogType(_w) != XmDIALOG_COMMAND &&
	SB_DialogType(_w) != XmDIALOG_PROMPT &&
	SB_ChildPlacement(_w) == XmPLACE_ABOVE_SELECTION && nextras &&
	extras[0] && XtIsManaged(extras[0]) &&
	_XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr, extras[0]))
	    layoutPtr->stretch_height = 1;
	    layoutPtr->fill_mode = XmGEO_EXPAND;
	    layoutPtr->even_width = 1;
	    layoutPtr->even_height = 1;
	    layoutPtr->space_above = BB_MarginHeight(_w);
	    boxPtr += 2;

    if (SB_SelectionLabel(_w) && XtIsManaged(SB_SelectionLabel(_w)) &&
	_XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr, SB_SelectionLabel(_w)))
	layoutPtr->fill_mode = XmGEO_EXPAND;
	layoutPtr->even_width = 0;
	layoutPtr->even_height = 1;
	layoutPtr->space_above = BB_MarginHeight(_w);
	boxPtr += 2;

    if (SB_Text(_w) && XtIsManaged(SB_Text(_w)) &&
	_XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr, SB_Text(_w)))
	layoutPtr->fill_mode = XmGEO_EXPAND;
	layoutPtr->stretch_height = 0;
	layoutPtr->even_height = 1;
	layoutPtr->even_width = 0;
	layoutPtr->space_above = 0; /* BB_MarginHeight(_w); */
	boxPtr += 2;

    if (SB_ChildPlacement(_w) == XmPLACE_BELOW_SELECTION && nextras &&
	extras[0] && XtIsManaged(extras[0]) &&
	_XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr, extras[0]))
	    layoutPtr->stretch_height = 1;
	    layoutPtr->fill_mode = XmGEO_EXPAND;
	    layoutPtr->even_width = 1;
	    layoutPtr->even_height = 1;
	    layoutPtr->space_above = BB_MarginHeight(_w);
	    boxPtr += 2;

    if (SB_Separator(_w) && XtIsManaged(SB_Separator(_w)) &&
	_XmGeoSetupKid( boxPtr, SB_Separator(_w)))
	layoutPtr->fix_up = _XmSeparatorFix;
	layoutPtr->space_above = BB_MarginHeight(_w);
	boxPtr += 2;

    newRow = False;
    if (SB_OkButton(_w)     && XtIsManaged(SB_OkButton(_w)) &&
	_XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr++, SB_OkButton(_w))) {
	layoutPtr->fill_mode = XmGEO_CENTER;
	layoutPtr->fit_mode = XmGEO_WRAP;
	layoutPtr->even_width = 1;
	layoutPtr->even_height = 1;
	layoutPtr->space_above = BB_MarginHeight(_w);
	newRow = True;
    for (i = 1; i < nextras; i++)
	if (extras[i] && XtIsManaged(extras[i]) &&
	    (XmIsPushButton(extras[i]) || XmIsPushButtonGadget(extras[i])) &&
	    _XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr++, extras[i]))
	    layoutPtr->fill_mode = XmGEO_CENTER;
	    layoutPtr->fit_mode = XmGEO_WRAP;
	    layoutPtr->even_width = 1;
	    layoutPtr->even_height = 1;
	    layoutPtr->space_above = BB_MarginHeight(_w);
	    newRow = True;

    if (SB_ApplyButton(_w)  && XtIsManaged(SB_ApplyButton(_w)) &&
	_XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr++, SB_ApplyButton(_w))) {
	layoutPtr->fill_mode = XmGEO_CENTER;
	layoutPtr->fit_mode = XmGEO_WRAP;
	layoutPtr->even_width = 1;
	layoutPtr->even_height = 1;
	layoutPtr->space_above = BB_MarginHeight(_w);
	newRow = True;
    if (BB_CancelButton(_w) && XtIsManaged(BB_CancelButton(_w)) &&
	_XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr++, BB_CancelButton(_w))) {
	layoutPtr->fill_mode = XmGEO_CENTER;
	layoutPtr->fit_mode = XmGEO_WRAP;
	layoutPtr->even_width = 1;
	layoutPtr->even_height = 1;
	layoutPtr->space_above = BB_MarginHeight(_w);
	newRow = True;
    if (SB_HelpButton(_w)   && XtIsManaged(SB_HelpButton(_w)) &&
	_XmGeoSetupKid(boxPtr++, SB_HelpButton(_w))) {
	layoutPtr->fill_mode = XmGEO_CENTER;
	layoutPtr->fit_mode = XmGEO_WRAP;
	layoutPtr->even_width = 1;
	layoutPtr->even_height = 1;
	layoutPtr->space_above = BB_MarginHeight(_w);
	newRow = True;

    if (newRow)

    layoutPtr->space_above = 0; /* BB_MarginHeight(_w); */
    layoutPtr->end = TRUE;

While it may look scary, once you understand what it is doing, it really
isn't.  You can see the advantage of using the GeoUtils in SelectionBox;
other than the code above, there really isn't any trace of geometry management
in SelectionBox -- it's all taken care of automagically.

Another point to note is SelectionBox's no_geo_request() method -- it's
slightly different, as the Command widget class doesn't even _have_ a
geo_matrix_create() method -- instead, it inherits SelectionBox's.

_XmSelectionBoxNoGeoRequest(XmGeoMatrix _geoSpec)
    if (BB_InSetValues(_geoSpec->composite) && 
	(XtClass(_geoSpec->composite) == xmSelectionBoxWidgetClass ||
	 XtClass(_geoSpec->composite) == xmCommandWidgetClass))
	return TRUE;

    return FALSE;

7.0 Conclusion and Credits

Well, that about wraps things up.

Please keep in mind when reading this document that I'm still discovering
new things in the GeoUtils, and I may not be accurate in some places;  I'd
dearly like feedback from those of you who really know the Motif
implementation to point out where I'm wrong.  Also, if you know texinfo, and
want to volunteer to convert this document, please send email to

I'd like to thank John Cwikla (again), for providing sample code about how
to subclass using the GeoUtils; Chris, for starting this project in the
first place;  Danny, for motivating me to write this documentation (thin
as it is) -- I guess it really IS a pain in the ass to have significant
portions of your widgets based on somebody else's undocumented code (I think
there may be two or three informational comments in GeoUtils;); and the rest
of the core team (Rob, Peter, perhaps a few more) for helping out; the team
as a whole, for putting up with my BS (what? me opinionated?  Nah).
