

distrib > Fedora > 15 > i386 > by-pkgid > 0115852f109f25c54fc4688f23760855 > files > 194


                         XmStrings and Motif 1.2

1.0 Introduction

This document gives a cursory explanation of the way XmStrings are encoded
in Motif 1.2 (and LessTif).  This information is still being discovered, so
explanations of where it is wrong are welcome.

Sometime last year on the LessTif mailing list, a well known SGI persona,
Doug Rand, sent an email that described the things that were changed from 1.2
to 2.0.  One of the things he mentioned was that the encoding rules for the
external representation of XmStrings can no longer be considered to be in
ASN.1 format (ASN means "Abstract Syntax Notation").

2.0 Description (Get ready for the acronyms)

If you don't care where the rules come from, or what they are for, you
can skip this section.

I happen to work in the telecommunications industry, and I have experience
with ASN.1 and related standards as defined by the ITU (others know these
standards either through the ISO or from RFC's).  ASN.1 is used by the GDMO
(roughly, "Guidelines for the Development of Managed Objects" - there are
several ways I know of to decompose that acronym) to describe MIBs (Management
Information Bases).

Basically, ASN.1 is a way to describe data types in a machine independent
way from a text description (sorta like XDR).  Vaguely associated with ASN.1
are sets of encoding rules, such as BER (or Basic Encoding Rules) which
describe how to actually create external representations of data.  There
are other encoding rules (e.g., FER), but you've had enough acronyms for now.
ASN.1 is really a very powerful tool; you may want to learn more about it
on your own.

3.0 How It Works

Ok, enough of the background.  Let's see how it works in practice.

The basic idea is to describe data elements as a three piece combination:
tag/length/value, sometimes referred to as TLV.  You basically have a tag,
which describes what type of data this is; a length, which says how long
the following value is; and a value, which is basically an octet (or byte)
sequence that describes the value.  The basic unit of information is the
octet (or byte); 8 bits of information.  You can see how 8 bits might be
a little small to describe large strings -- more on that later.  One
thing that must be noted is that TLVs can be nested; that is, the value
part of a TLV tuple can contain TLVs.

I'm going to skip a full description of BER and just report the basics of
how they relate to XmStrings.  Let's take a trivial example:

    xmstr = XmStringCreateLtoR("Hello\nWorld", XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG);

The first thing to notice is the XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG; that's a clue to
Motif that the string passed in is represented in the current locale (I'm
not even going to try to talk about NLS; look elsewhere for what locale
means).  The second thing to notice is that we used *CreateLtoR, which
means the function should be aware of separators (normally, this means
"look for newlines").  So Motif would parse that as
   "Hello" (locale text)
   "\n"    (separator in this locale)
   "World" (locale text)

Let's look at what Motif does tell us about encodings; each XmString component
has a different identifier:
    XmSTRING_COMPONENT_TEXT           ; 2
Hmm, these could be the tag part of the TLVs!  Given that, the XmString that
1.2 generates is the following (in hex and chars, with the 0x prefix removed
from the hex):
   df 80 06 10 05 05 'H' 'e' 'l' 'l' 'o' 04 00 05 05 'W' 'o' 'r' 'l' 'd'
(**** verify this is really the right string)
which makes absolutely no sense when you look at it that way.  Try this:
    df 80                          ; this is a Motif string (essentially)
        06 10                      ;   which contains a 16 byte XmString
            05 05                  ;     which contains 5 bytes of locale text
                "Hello"            ;       which has the value "Hello"
            04 00                  ;     and a separator
                <nothing>          ;       which has no data (never does)
            05 05                  ;     and 5 more bytes of locale text
                "World"            ;       which has the value "World"
The first number (on lines that have them) are the tag; the second number is
the length.

You can see that this description shows how TLVs can be nested.  Look at it
this way; if I just describe the string above structurally, it comes out as
(using parentheses as an indicator of nesting):

Ok, now you're scratching your head.  Where does the 0x80 (the first length)
fit in?  Remember how I said that 8 bits was a little small for describing
lengths?  Well, that's where BER kicks in.  There are really three ways for
describing lengths: short form, long form, and indeterminate form.  As far
as I know, Motif cheats horribly on this (more on this below).  Here's how
you describe lengths in BER:
  if (length < 128 [0x80]), then length is contained in one octet.
  if (length > 128 (but not indeterminate), then the length octet is
     defined as 0x80 + the number of octets needed to describe the length (up
     to 127 additional octets; this can describe lengths up to 2^^(127 * 8),
     or 2^^1016, which is HUGE).  The octets describing the length immediately
     follow the length octet and come before the value octets.  In practice
     (as far as I know), Motif limits this to two additional length octets,
     which implies a maximum value length of 65535.
  if (length > 2^^1016, or you are really lazy (like Motif is), then the length
     octect contains 0x80, and you're to parse the value (which contains TLV
     tuples) until you come to a TLV whose tag and length are both 0.

As I said before, Motif is really lazy; the first header (0xdf 0x80) should
imply that an XmString parser should look for a tag and length that are both
0; in practice, Motif strings contain one element in the value; the XmString.
I've parsed strings in Motif looking for the (0 0) tag/length, and run off
into space; therefore, LessTif stops after finding the first XmString
component.  In effect, a length of 0x80 in Motif means "I don't know how long
my value is, but my value is really a TLV, and there's only one of them".

Let's look at our example string again, in light of this information:
    df 80                      ; XmSTRING_TAG, XmSTRING_LENGTH
        06 10                  ;   XmSTRING_COMPONENT_XMSTRING, 16 bytes
            05 05              ;     XmSTRING_COMPONENT_LOCALE_TEXT, 5 bytes
                "Hello"        ;       "Hello"
            04 00              ;     XmSTRING_COMPONENT_SEPARATOR, 0 bytes
                <nothing>      ; 
            05 05              ;     XmSTRING_COMPONENT_LOCALE_TEXT, 5 bytes
                "World"        ;       "World"

That should make more sense, now.  Note that the tags 6 - 125 are said to
be reserved in the Motif header files; now you should understand why the value
6 is XmSTRING_COMPONENT_XMSTRING (which doesn't appear in any Motif header).

4.0 Structures

[Need to explain here why order is important in the strings -- the charsets
MUST come before the strings that use them].