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<!-- $Id: BUG-HUNTING.html,v 1.20 2001/10/31 13:59:14 amai Exp $ -->
<!-- initially created from "toplevel"/BUG-HUNTING -->
<TITLE>Bug Hunting</TITLE>

<body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000">

<H1 align=center>HACKING</H1>

LessTif is a complicated system, but not overwhelming. We've
collected some tips on hacking LessTif here for your debugging and
hacking pleasure. There are some features that are compiled in by
default to make finding problems a little easier. Most can be turned off
with configure options. One such feature is editres support. If you don't
know what this is I suggest you search the web for editres.

There is a good section in
<A HREF="bugs.html">bugs.html</A>
describing tracking down bugs in _any_ X based app.

Don't forget about "cvs log"!!!!
The comments on previous commits can be very helpful, especially
if you're new to the game.

<H2 align=center>Useful Environment Variables</H2>


<CODE>DEBUG_SOURCES</CODE> is an environment variable you can set
to get debugging output on a particular collection of source files.
give you more information than you ever wanted about what LessTif is
doing internally. You can also set <CODE>DEBUG_SOURCES</CODE> to a
single file, or a list of files separated by colons ':'.
The ".c" postfix is optional here.
If your shell is sh, bash, or ksh, you can for example 
If your shell is csh or tcsh, you can set <CODE>DEBUG_SOURCES</CODE> by
setenv DEBUG_SOURCES "MainW.c:FileSB.c"
If you unset <CODE>DEBUG_SOURCES</CODE> or set it to
"none" then no debugging output will be produced.
To block single files from producing debugging output, you
may add a "-" prefix to their entry. Obviously this
makes only sense if used in conjunction with the
"all" keyword:
will produce debugging output for all sources, but Vendor.c!


The amount of diagnostics generated by <CODE>DEBUG_SOURCES</CODE>
can exceed the line buffering of typical terminal settings.  The environmental
variable <CODE>DEBUG_FILE</CODE> can be used to direct the output to a file
instead of stdout.

An alternate method is to run the tests as follows:
DEBUG_SOURCES=MainW.c:FileSB.c ./test1 2&gt;&amp;1 | tee debug.log
The advantage of this is that you also get to see the messages on the screen
as well as in a file.

<CODE>DEBUG_SOURCES</CODE> is not limited to file names.
In reality it can be any string that matches what is in the source
for the _LtDebug() call. For example, <CODE>DEBUG_SOURCES=FOCUS</CODE> will
print debug info related to menu focus events, regardless of the file the
statement is in. There are some more in there also. Usually relating to
specific problems involving many different files. To find out what is
available try:
grep _LtDebug *.c | grep -v __FILE__


To avoid infinite loops in applications that redirect stderr to a scrolledText.
Output of _XmWarning() and equivalent functions (XmeWarning(), etc.)
is then sent to the content of <CODE>DEBUG_FILE</CODE>

If this variable exists, then all widgets printed
with _LtDebug() etc. will also print their widget ID. If the variable
doesn't exist, then they only print their name for identification.

It specifies the alphanumeric value of the signal which should
be used to switch the built-in LessTif debugging system.
Valid values depend on the system on which LessTif was compiled
and is running on. Currently we support:

This specifies the initial status of the built-in LessTif debugging system.
Valid values are 'on' and 'off'

<H2 align=center>Useful Interfaces</H2>
<EM>lib/Xm/DebugUtil.c</EM> and <EM>include/Motif-1.2/XmI/DebugUtil.h</EM>
contain the stuff which we use for our own debugging purposes,
i.e. routines which actually produce the formatted debugging output
and so on. The interactive methods to adjust the debug level
also include interfaces which you may call from your application
if have the source.

#include &lt;XmI/DebugUtil.h&gt;
extern Boolean _LtDebugInit(void);
Call to initialize the debugging subsystem.
Useful if called before any other library calls are done.

#include &lt;XmI/DebugUtil.h&gt;
extern void _LtDebugSet(Boolean flag);
Explicitly turn the debugging on/off according to <CODE>flag</CODE>.

#include &lt;XmI/DebugUtil.h&gt;
extern void _LtDebugToggle(void);
Toggles the debugging system on/off.


<H2 align=center>
<A NAME="testing">Testing patches</A>

LessTif has an extensive test tree under <CODE>test/</CODE>.  
Since even the most seemingly trivial change can often have unexpected 
consequences, we recommend running the <CODE>testall</CODE> script under 
<CODE>test/</CODE> before and  after applying a patch, to make sure that you 
haven't broken anything else with your fix.
In these test programs, there is data that is labeled "expected".
Where do these values come from?
I guess I should answer this. They come from Jon :) Okay, sometimes I make them
also. The PrintDetails call that you see in the test code will print out the
Expected data in a format that can be cut'n pasted into the source, if the
second arg is NULL. So, we have Motif generate the Expected data for us. The
values are _very_ dependant on the default font in use. As long as you match
the font that is used to generate the Expected values the results are usually
right on. In a few cases we haven't been able to get an exact match. If we are
off by just a pixel or so, the application resource "*geometrySlop" can be set
to a value that will accept the error, and report success. In the cases where
the slop is not 0, it is also printed out with the results. The most recent
test results can also be viewed by pointing your web browser to
<A HREF=""></A>
(may be old stuff)

In the <CODE>test/common</CODE> directory there is a library that is 
linked with each of the test programs. In here you will find a replacement 
for XtAppMainLoop(). Our version allows the test apps to exit with a status 
that indicates success or failure. This is where the PrintDetails function 
referred to above lives.
Nothing in this library relies on Motif, so that they function the same
whether the test apps are linked with LessTif or Motif.
This is probably also a good time to mention that all of the tests can 
be compiled and linked with Motif as well as LessTif. By typing

make motif-tests

in any of the test directories all the tests in that directory will be 
compiled and linked with Motif, assuming it is available. Therefore test1 will
be the test compiled and linked with LessTif, test1.motif will be the same
code compiled and linked with Motif. You can also build individual tests with
make test1.motif
The test library also includes a bunch of functions to simulate button,
presses, pointer movement, and other things necessary for automated testing.
The best thing about the tests is that they tell you whether everything it
was meant to test worked. For an example, take a look at rowcolumn/test51.
Try remembering to do all that everytime you make a change!!!!
Really, the best way to fix a bug, and have it stay fixed, is to write a test
and have it included in the test tree. Once a test has passed, a change to the
library will not be accepted if it causes a previously passing test to fail.
Well, it won't be accepted easily anyway :)

If you're hunting for bugs in mwm (our window manager) you have
several options: either you start a normal X11 session on your system,
e.g. on DISPLAY :1 if you have already one :0. Since you may not
need any fancy setup, starting the X server directly 
may work and then you run mwm from an arbitrary terminal,
probably inside a debugger. Being non-root on un*x systems
you have to use <CODE>/usr/X11/bin/Xwrapper</CODE> to
start the server itself.
Sometimes you may not even need to have it running on a 
"real" X server, then you can use <CODE>Xvfb</CODE>
(X virtual frame buffer).

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