

distrib > Fedora > 15 > i386 > by-pkgid > 032485049d7e921c525a457ac3d3be1e > files > 261


.TH kombine 1 "May 16, 2010" "version 1.2.10" "C\-Munipack 1.2"
kombine \- utility for making conbining CCD frames
.B kombine [ \fIoptions\fR ] \fIoutput\-file\fR \fIinput\-files\fR ...
The \fBkombine\fR command combines a set of CCD frames to a single CCD frame. The source frames should be corrected already. The source frames are shifted by the offset stored in the corresponding photometry file with offset values. The photometry files are products of the \fBMunimatch \fR utility. Then, the resulting values are computed pixel by pixel by means of the mean algorithm (sum divided by total number of frames). Pixels in those regions, which are not covered by all frames, are set to zero. Pixels, which are zero on at least one of the source frames, are set always to zero. Pixels, which are overexposed on one the source frames, are set always to maximal value (655535 ADU).
All source frames must be in FITS format and of same dimensions. Frames of the same color filter and exposition duration should be used. The output file is in FITS format too.
Names of input files can be specified directly on a command\-line as command arguments; it is allowed to use the usual wildcard notation. In case the input files are placed outside the working directory, you have to specify the proper path relative to the current working directory.
Alternatively, you can also prepare a list of input file names in a text file, each input file on a separate line. It is not allowed to use the wildcard notation here. Use the \fI\-i\fR option to instruct the program to read the file.
Options are used to provide extra information to customize the execution of a command. They are specified as command arguments.
Each option has a full form starting with two dashes and an optional short form starting with one dash only. Options are case\-sensitive. It is allowed to merge two or more successive short options together. Some options require a value; in this case a value is taken from a subsequent argument. When a full form is used, an option and its value can also be separated by an equal sign. When a short form is used, its value can immediately follow the option.
Whenever there is a conflict between a configuration file parameter and an option of the same meaning, the option always take precedence.
.B \fI\-s\fR, \fI\-\-set\fR \fIname=value\fR
set value of configuration parameter
.B \fI\-i\fR, \fI\-\-read\-dirfile\fR \fIfilepath\fR
read list of input files from specified file; see the Files section for details.
.B \fI\-p\fR, \fI\-\-configuration\-file\fR \fIfilepath\fR
read parameters from given configuration file. See the Configuration file section for details.
.B \fI\-h\fR, \fI\-\-help\fR
print list of command\-line parameters
.B \fI\-q\fR, \fI\-\-quiet\fR
quiet mode; suppress all messages
.B \fI\-\-version\fR
print software version string
.B \fI\-\-licence\fR
print software licence
.B \fI\-\-verbose\fR
verbose mode; print debug messages
Configuration files are used to set the input parameters to the process that is going to be executed by a command. Use the \fI\-p\fR option to instruct the program to read the file before other command\-line options are processed.
The configuration file consists of a set of parameters stored in a text file. Each parameter is stored on a separate line in the following form: \fIname\fR = \fIvalue\fR, all other lines are silently ignored. Parameter names are case\-sensitive.
.B \fBbitpix\fR = \fIvalue\fR
output data format (0=Auto)
.B \fBkombine ouptut.fts test1.fts test2.fts test3.fts\fR
The command computes the combined frame from the files \fBtest1.fts\fR, \fBtest2.fts\fR a \fBtest3.fts\fR; the resulting frame is stored to \fBoutput.fts\fR.
The command returns a zero exit status if it succeeds to process all specified files. Otherwise, it will stop immediately when an error occurs and a nonzero error code is returned.
David Motl,
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
\fBcmunipack\fR(3), \fBmuniwin\fR(1), \fBmeanbias\fR(1), \fBmeandark\fR(1), \fBautoflat\fR(1), \fBbiasbat\fR(1), \fBdarkbat\fR(1), \fBflatbat\fR(1), \fBtimebat\fR(1), \fBairmass\fR(1), \fBhelcor\fR(1), \fBkonve\fR(1), \fBmuniphot\fR(1), \fBmunimatch\fR(1), \fBmunilist\fR(1)