

distrib > Fedora > 15 > i386 > by-pkgid > 0abd09a6f18dd80776728c1ccdb5068c > files > 26


These notes are an introduction to the internals of the
interpreter. They describe the files and discuss some of the more
important areas of the program. They do not describe how the
interpreter works in detail. The intention is just to provide a
starting point for understanding the program.

The source files that make up the interpreter are as follows: 

As a general rule there are include files for each of the above
that declare the functions found in them. In addition there are
three general include files:


Basicdefs.h is the most important include file as all of the main
structures used by the interpreter are declared in it. The other
one to look at is target.h. This contains target-specific 

The files containing the functions that interpret Basic programs
are as follows:

	assign.c	Assignment statements
	iostate.c	I/O statements
	mainstate.c	All Other statements
	statement.c	Dispatches statement functions

	evaluate.c	Evaluate Expressions
	functions.c	Evaluate Built-in functions

	commands.c	Perform Basic commands

RISC OS emulation is carried out in:

	emulate.c	Most features emulated
	fileio.c	File I/O

	keyboard.c	Keyboard input

	riscos.c	}
	simpletext.c	} Different flavours of screen output
	textgraph.c	}
	textonly.c	}

RISC OS emulation is covered in more detail below.

Briefly, each of the files performs the following tasks:

Functions in here deal with assignments to all types of variable
and pseudo variables.

The main program. It processes command line options and contains
the main interpreter command line loop.

This deals with the Basic commands, for example, LIST, SAVE and

Contains the function that performs character to number
conversions plus one or two minor functions in this area.

This file contains all the program editor functions. It also
contains the code to load and save programs and to read libraries.
A very important initialisation function, clear_program(), is
found here. It sets up many of the values in basicvars to do
with the program in memory.

RISC OS emulation. See below.

Error handling. Functions in here report errors or pass control to
error handlers. All of the messages the interpreter can display
are defined in this files with the exception of the program's
debugging messages.

This contains all the expression evaluation code excluding
the built-in functions (which are in functions.c).

Contains functions that deal with emulating RISC OS's file
handling. See below.

This file contains all of the built-in Basic functions

Memory management. The functions in this file allocate and release
the Basic workspace as well as control the Basic heap. The string
memory management in string.c is a layer of code that sits on top
of this one.

Contains the functions that interpret I/O, graphics and sound 

Contains functions for reading keyboard input for all supported
operating systems. The command line editing and history functions
are located here as well.

Evaluates expressions where an lvalue is required, for example, on
the left hand side of an assignment. Whenever an address is
required at which data is to be stored, the function get_lvalue
provides it.

The bulk of the functions that interpret Basic statements are
found here.

This file contains a variety of functions that carry out such
tasks as skipping white space characters, converting a Basic
string to C string and so forth.

Contains the screen output functions for RISC OS.

This is one of the screen output emulation modules. The functions
in here provide the most elementary support for screen output.
None of the screen control features such as cursor positioning,
clearing the screen and so forth are supported. This is a 'get
you going' screen output module that does not using anything more
sophisticated than printf() for output.

Functions for manipulating the Basic stack are located in here.
This includes allocating memory from the Basic stack for such
things as local arrays as well as pushing values on to and popping
values from the stack. There are also functions for updating items
on the stack in place, for example, adding values to or
subtracting values from integer and floating point values. The
operator stack is created in this module but is handled directly
by the expression code.

Contains the dispatch code for the functions that handle the
individual Basic statements as well as a number of general
routines used by these functions, for example, check_ateol(),
which checks that the interpreter has reached a legal end of
Basic statement token.

The functions here are concerned with memory management for
strings. Strings have their own memory management but use the
functions in heap.c to acquire more memory from the Basic heap
when needed.

This is one of the emulation modules. It emulates the RISC OS VDU
drivers where both text and graphics output is possible. As
written, this code is tied to DOS. See further notes below.

This is also one of the emulation modules. It contains functions
to emulate the RISC OS VDU drivers where only text output is
possible. It can be used by any operating system. See further
notes below.

The functions in here are concerned with tokenising lines of Basic
and converting them back into plain text. The functions needed to
manipulate tokens are found in here as well. There are also
functions to convert Acorn Basic programs to text.

This module is principly concerned with creating variables,
arrays, procedures and functions and searching for them. There are
also functions for scanning libraries for procedures and functions
and for parsing procedure and function definitions

This file defines any implementation-specific constants, types and
so forth and the very important 'TARGET_xxx' macros. The types for
32-bit integer and 64-bit floating point values used for Basic
variables are declared here. The idea is that using these types
will help to make the program more portable. Other items defined
here are:

	Maximum string length
	Default and minimum Basic workspace sizes
	Characters used as directory separators in file names
	Name of the editor invoked by the EDIT command

The values in the file as it stands should be okay for DOS- and
Unix-type operating systems.

The 'TARGET_xxx' macros control the OS-specific parts of the
compilation. These are defined automatically according to the
predefined macros supplied by the compiler being used, for
example, under NetBSD, gcc defines the macro __NetBSD__. If this
exists, the macro 'TARGET_NETBSD' is defined. Similarly, the
Norcroft C compiler under RISC OS defines the macro '__riscos' and
the presence of this means that the target macro 'TARGET_RISCOS'
is defined.

A number of constants, macros and types used throughout the
interpreter are declared here.

The majority of the structures used by the program are defined in
this file, for example, the symbol table layout, Basic stack
entries, array descriptors and so forth are all found here. The
most important structure is 'workspace'. It contains all of the
variables the interpreter uses for a Basic program. There is one
instance of a workspace structure, a variable called 'basicvars'
which is declared in brandy.c. This file should be the first place
to look for any type definitions or constants in the program code.

In general the code is not very well organised.

RISC OS Emulation
The interpreter is split into two layers, the interpreter proper
and an emulation layer that deals with all of the operating system-
specific processing. The functions in this layer provide an
emulation the facilities of RISC OS that this program needs. The
RISC OS version consists of little more than wrappers for various
SWI calls but it is a lot more elaborate in other environments.
Consider, for example, the Basic graphics statement 'PLOT'. This
is handled by the function exec_plot() in iostate.c. This
evaluates the three parameters that PLOT takes and then calls
emulate_plot() to carry out the actions of the statement. Under
RISC OS this is nothing more than a call to the SWI 'OS_Plot' but
under DOS emulate_plot() calls functions that emulate the RISC OS
VDU drivers. These in turn call a variety of DOS graphics library
functions that carry out the different actions PLOT can do. Other
features are not as complex as this, for example, the Basic
pseudo-variable 'TIME$' returns the current date and time as a
string. This turns into calls to a couple of standard C functions.
The rule is that the OS-independent layer (the interpreter really)
deals with the Basic statement or function until it has to make an
operating system call at which point it calls a function in the
emulation code.

The emulation functions are spread across the following modules:

General emulation functions:
	emulate.c (emulate.h)

Keyboard input:
	keyboard.c (keyboard.h)

Screen output:
	riscos.c (screen.h)
	textonly.c (screen.h)
	textgraph.c (screen.h)
	simpletext.c (screen.h)
File input and output:
	fileio.c (fileio.h)

The names in parentheses are the names of the 'include' files that
define the functions found in the emulation files. 

Each file contains one or more implementations of the functions
listed in the include file for that aspect of the emulation. To
put it another way, each file contains the operating system-
specific functions for every supported environment for that part
of the emulation. The exception is screen output: it used to
consist of a single file (screen.c) but that file was split into
three separate files as it was becoming unreadable. There is only
one include file for screen output, however, screen.h. All three
screen output files contain the functions defined in that one.

Keyboard Input
The functions in keyboard.c deal with keyboard input. There are
functions to read a line, read a single key and the variations on
this needed for INKEY. The line input function provides command
line editing and history facilities for all operating systems
except RISC OS. The only operating system-specific code is that
which reads a single character from the keyboard. The RISC OS SWIs
emulated are OS_ReadLine, OS_ReadC (read character) and OS_Byte
129 (read character with time limit, check if key pressed, return
operating system version, take dog for walk, etc, etc).
Operating systems other than RISC OS map keys such as function and
cursor keys to the corresponding RISC OS keys codes so that
what RISC OS does is the common factor that links all versions
of the code.

Screen Output
Screen output is the most complex area to emulate. The idea is to
provide a partial emulation of the RISC OS VDU drivers. At the
simplest level the functions emulate two RISC OS SWI calls,
OS_WriteC and OS_Plot, but these SWIs both carry out an
enormous number of functions. The equivalent of OS_WriteC in
the program is the function emulate_vdu(). emulate_plot() is the
equivalent of OS_Plot. It deals only with graphics commands
whereas emulate_vdu can handle either. The three screen output
files emulate OS_WriteC and OS_Plot to varying degrees.

Whilst text output has its own difficulties, the main problem is
graphics support. Under operating systems other that RISC OS text
output and graphics output are two entirely distinct things whereas
under RISC OS they are combined. Matters are even worse with
Linux and NetBSD where root priviledges are needed to access the
hardware directly for graphics. Of course, under Linux and NetBSD
the interpreter could be written as an X application, but this
would restrict use of the interpreter to running under X if
graphics were required.

There are three versions of the screen output functions:

This contains the functions used by the RISC OS version of the
interpreter. They are really nothing more than prepackaged calls

This file is used in versions of the interpreter that do not
include graphics support and it is meant to be suitable for use
under any operating system except RISC OS. There are two versions
of the functions here, one that uses ANSI control sequences and
one that uses the DOS 'conio' library. The conio-based emulation
is the more complete but it is tied to DOS. The ANSI-based one can
be used by Linux and NetBSD or by DOS but the emulation is

This is used when the interpreter supports graphics. It includes
both text and graphics output. It uses the platform-independent
graphics library 'jlib' written by Jonathan Griffiths for all of
the graphics functions. Only a subset of the RISC OS graphics
facilities are supported. When this file is used the interpreter
normally works in a text output mode, for example, it runs in a
DOS box under Windows, but when it encounters a graphics command
it switches to full screen graphics and all output goes to the
graphics screen. The file therefore contains functions for
output to the DOS text screen as well as to the graphics screen.
Text output uses the DOS conio functions so this file is tied
to DOS.

The jlib web site is at

There are two include files for screen output:


'scrcommon.h' defines constants, types and variables needed by all
of the VDU driver emulation files. 'screen.h' defines the
functions that can be called in the files. Each emulation file has
to provide all of these functions.

File Input and Output
This is handled in a different way to the keyboard and screen
emulation in that it uses ANSI standard C functions to provide a
simple emulation of RISC OS's file handling. The same code should
therefore run unchanged under all operating systems. The functions
do not equate to RISC OS SWIs this time. They emulate only those
calls that the interpreter needs. Note that this code is also used
by the RISC OS version of the program intead of using RISC OS SWIs
directly but this will probably be changed.

The file 'emulate.c' provides the emulation functions for things
that are not covered by the above, for example, reading the date
and time.

Supported Environments
The interpreter has been run under the following operating

NetBSD/arm32 and NetBSD/i386
DOS with the DJGPP DOS extender
Windows as a console application

The intention is that the code should be portable but it will
probably give problems on big endian processors and ones with
other than 32-bit. (Big endian processors will probably give
problems due to assumptions made about the format of numbers by
the indirection operators. This is part of the language, not the
way the interpreter is written.)

The interpreter uses two stacks, the main Basic stack and the
operator stack.

The Basic Stack
The Basic stack is central to the operation of the program. A
great deal more than just the intermediate results from evaluating
expressions is stored on it, for example, return addresses for
procedures and functions, the old values of variables being used
for local variables, saved 'ON ERROR' details, information on open
loops and so forth is also kept on the stack. The operator stack
is also found on the Basic stack as a stack within a stack. Memory
for local arrays is also allocated on the stack.

The Basic stack starts at the top of the Basic workspace at
basicvars.himem and grows towards the bottom. The stack pointer is
basicvars.stacktop. The stack is not allowed to overwrite the
heap. Basicvars.stacklimit marks the lowest point the stack is
allowed to reach. This is set a little way above the top of the
Basic heap and varies as memory is allocated from the heap.

The code tries to eliminate as many checks for stack overflow as
possible. When a function is called it ensures that there is
enough room on the stack to add operands corresponding to every
level of the operator stack. In other cases an explicit check is
made for overflow, for example, before saving the value of a
variable being used as a local variable on the stack.

The program makes use of macros to speed up manipulation
of the Basic stack in the expression evaluation code. There are
macros and functions in stack.c that do the same task, for
example, 'PUSH_FLOAT' is a macro that pushes a floating point
value on the stack and push_float() is a functions that does the
same thing. 

Operator Stack
The operator stack hold details of pending operations when an
expression is being evaluated. Each entry on the stack gives the
operator's priority and identification. The stack is quite small
(twenty entries) but this should be more than enough. An
expression would have to be extremely complicated for there to be
this many pending operations. A new operator stack is created
every time a function is called to take care of the case of
operations pending over a function call. (Twenty entries would
severely limit the number of nested function calls possible
otherwise.) The space for it is taken from the Basic stack.

C Stack
The program is written in C and can make heavy use of the C stack,
especially when interpreting deeply nested functions.

The main problem of an interpreter is the overhead incurred in
such actions as having to search for the same variables every time
a statement is executed. One of the principle features of this
interpreter is that it tries to eliminate as much of the overhead
as possible by filling the addresses of variables in expressions
and  the destinations of branches in the code. To do this it uses
several different tokens to represent the same item in a program,
for example, seven tokens are used for references to variables
that indicate whether the reference has been seen before, whether
it is an integer variable, whether it is followed by an
indirection operator and so forth. The first time the reference to
the variable is seen the interpreter determines the type of the
variable and its address. It changes the token type and fills in
the address. The next time the reference is seen the interpreter
can access the variable and deal with it without having to perform
any checks. The normal interpreter overheads of referencing the
variable has been completely eliminated.

Another example: there are three tokens for 'IF', representing an
'IF' that has not been  seen before, an 'IF' at the start of a
single line 'IF' statement and one at the start of a block 'IF'.
The first time the 'IF' is encountered the interpreter determines
the type of 'IF' and fills in two offsets that give the addresses
of the first statements after the 'THEN' and 'ELSE' parts of the
statement. Similarly, there are four different 'ELSE' tokens, two
for an 'ELSE' that has not been seen before and two where the
offset of the first statement after the end of the 'IF' statement
have been filled in. This gets rid of the overhead of looking for
the 'ELSE' and the end of the statement every time the 'IF' is

The interpreter uses this sort of trick to eliminate overheads
wherever possible. Apart from filling in pointers to variables and
branch offsets it also converts numbers to binary and preprocesses
strings. The tokens used for variables also include the length of
the variable name. Some tokens are used to handle common cases
quickly, for example, there are tokens representing the values 0,
1 and 0.0 and an experimental token that is used for references to
arrays with one dimension. Another use of these tokens is to avoid
syntax checking parts of the Basic program although this is fairly

The file 'tokens.h' defines the token set used by the interpreter.

The program uses more tokens than the Acorn interpreter as it has
separate tokens for cases such as 'DRAW' and 'DRAW BY' where the
Acorn interpreter has one token. It also tokenises operators such
as '<>' and '>>>'.

The interpreter can read programs tokenised using Acorn's Basic
interpreter's tokens, converting them to its own tokens.

The format of a tokenised line is:

Bytes 0 and 1	Line number
Bytes 2 and 3	Length of the line
Bytes 4 and 5	Offset to executable tokens
Bytes 6..n	Source version of line
Bytes n+1..x	Executable tokens

The tokenised line is split into two parts, the original source
line and an executable version where all blanks, variable names,
comments and so forth have been removed.

The source part of the line is partially tokenised in that Basic
keywords are replaced by tokens and the positions of variables
and line numbers marked with other tokens. 

In the executable tokens, references to variables are given in
terms of an offset to the first character of the name in the
source part. The same trick is used for strings, except that there
are two different string tokens, a 'fast' token for handling the
most common case where the string does not contain embedded '"'
and a 'slow' one where the interpreter has to allow for '"'. All
numeric constants are converted to binary. Certain common values
such as 0 and 1 (integer and floating point) have their own token.
There is also a token for small integer values between 1 and 256
where the binary value occupies only one byte instead of four.

When the program is run, the offsets to variable names are
replaced with pointers to the variable in the symbol table, line
number references are replaced with the address of the line and
offsets of tokens such as 'ELSE' and 'ENDCASE' filled in.

When a program is edited or run afresh, the executable tokens
have to be converted back to their original form. This is
where the marker tokens in the source part of the line are used.
The executable tokens are scanned and when a reference to a
variable is found, the code looks for the next marker in the
source part of the line. References to lines could be dealt with in
the same way but at the moment the code extracts the line
number from the line at the end of the pointer and inserts

It is not necessary to restore all the tokens in the executable
part of the line to their original state. If the program has not
been edited then the offsets after tokens such as 'WHEN' will
still be valid and there is no need to touch them.

The 'lvalue' Structure
An important structure that is widely used in the program is
struct lvalue. This contains the address at which a value is to be
stored and the type of the value to be stored there. It is used in
a number of places including:

1) To note the address at which a value will be stored in an
2) To give the addresses at which parameters will be saved in
   procedure and function calls   
3) To note the addresses of items used as local variables
4) The index variable of a FOR loop is referenced as an lvalue.

The lvalue structure is the most convenient way to hold this
information. When they are to be used to store a value, references
to variables, elements of arrays and addresses generated by the
use of indirection operators are all converted into lvalues.

The type of an lvalue is given by one of the constants whose name
is of the form 'VAR_xxx'. These constants are used here and also
in the symbol table. The values defined are: 

VAR_INTWORD	Four-byte integer
VAR_FLOAT	Eight byte floating point
VAR_STRINGDOL	String ('string$' type)
VAR_PROC	Entry is for a procedure
VAR_FUNCTION	Entry is for a function
VAR_MARKER	Entry marks location of a proc/fn

Array entries are further qualified to give the type of the array:

VAR_FLOATARRAY	(VAR_FLOAT + VAR_ARRAY)		Floating point array

The following entries are used only for items referenced using
indirection operators:

VAR_INTBYTE	One-byte integer
VAR_DOLSTRING	String ('$string' type)


VAR_INTBYTEPTR	(VAR_INTBYTE + VAR_POINTER)	Pointer to 1 byte integer
VAR_INTWORDPTR	(VAR_INTWORD + VAR_POINTER)	Pointer to 4 byte integer
VAR_FLOATPTR	(VAR_FLOAT + VAR_POINTER)	Pointer to floating point

These values are treated as bitfields in the program.

Note tha these values should not be confused with the types of
entries stored on the Basic stack.

Symbol Table
The symbol table is where the details and values of variables
are kept with the exception of the static integer variables,
which are found in the structure 'basicvars'. The symbol table
is organised as a hash table with chains of variables from
each entry in the table. Variables, procedures and functions
are all stored in the table.

Struct 'variable' is the main symbol table structure.

The symbol table entries themselves are created on the heap. In
the case of integer and floating point variables, the value of the
variable is stored in the symbol table entry. The entries for
string variables contain the string descriptor. This gives the
current length of the string and has a pointer to the string on
the heap. The entries for arrays contains a pointer to the array
descriptor. This is found on the heap for global arrays and on the
Basic stack for local arrays. Similarly, the array itself is
stored on the heap or on the Basic stack depending on the type.

Symbol table entries are never destroyed.

Everything concerned with the symbol table can be found in the
include file 'basicdefs.h'

Variable Types
The 'VAR_xxx' type constants are used to identify the type of a
variable. The values used in the symbol table are:

VAR_INTWORD	Four-byte integer
VAR_FLOAT	Eight byte floating point
VAR_STRINGDOL	String ('string$' type)
VAR_PROC	Entry is for a procedure
VAR_FUNCTION	Entry is for a function
VAR_MARKER	Entry marks location of a procedure or function

Array entries are further qualified to give the type of the array:

VAR_FLOATARRAY (VAR_FLOAT + VAR_ARRAY)		Floating point array

The 'VAR_MARKER' entry for a procedure or function is used when a
procedure of function is found to note its location. When
searching through the program to find a procedure or function,
function scan_fnproc() (in variables.c) adds each procedure and
function it comes across as far as the one required to the symbol
table with a 'VAR_MARKER' entry. Nothing is done with the
procedure or function: it is only when it is called for the first
time that a proper VAR_PROC or VAR_FUNCTION entry is constructed.

Array Descriptor
This is fixed in size and so limits the number of dimensions an
array can have. The limit is ten, which should be enough. The
layout is fairly straightforwards.

When working with entire arrays a pointer to the descriptor is
stored on the Basic stack, except in the case of temporary
arrays when the descriptor itself goes on the stack. The
descriptor sfor local arrays are built on the stack but they
are otherwise treated like normal arrays.

Procedure and Function Parameters
The formal parameters of procedures and functions are kept in
linked lists of lvalue structures. The parameter list is parsed
the first time a function or procedure is called.

There is one extra 'VAR_xxx' constant that appears only in the
lvalue structure for a formal parameter:

VAR_RETURN		Marks variable as a 'return' variable

Basic Program Organisation
Basic programs live in the Basic workspace. This is an area of
memory acquired when the interpreter is started. By default it
is half a megabyte in size but its size can be changed by means
of an extended version of the 'new' command or at start up by
means of the command line option '-size'. The organisation
of the workspace is:

Highest address				Basicvars.end
		Basic stack
		Basic heap
		Basic program
Lowest address

Variables, non-local arrays, strings, byte arrays allocated via
DIM and libraries loaded via 'LIBRARY' are all stored on the heap.
The heap grows up from 'lomem'. The current top of the heap is
given by 'vartop'. 'stacklimit' marks the point beyond which the
Basic stack is not allowed to go. It is set to vartop+256 to
provide a 'nogo' area between the stack and heap.

The contents of the Basic stack are described above.

Normally himem = end, but it is in theory possible to change himem
to give some space that referenced by the indirection operators.
At present this is disabled as the interpreter will crash as
the Basic stack has to be moved and there are various pointers
and linked lists that thread their way through it, for example,
the procedure and functions return blocks are held as a linked
list. The operator stack will give problems as the first one
created is found just below himem.

Another way of creating some free space is to change the value
of 'end' using the statement 'END=<address>'. This increases
the size of the Basic workspace and can be used in a running
program. It is not practical to implement this form of the
statement. A new, larger workspace could be allocated and
everything copied to it but there will be a lot of pointers
that would have to be relocated as well.

Libraries loaded via 'INSTALL' are allocated memory outside of
the Basic workspace.

Basic Heap
The program acquires one large area of memory, the Basic workspace,
and uses its own memory management functions. The diagram in the
previous section shows how the Basic workspace is used. The Basic
heap is the area of memory between the top of the program and
the Basic stack.

Heap management is quite simple. Heap usage grows when a program
runs and that is all. Memory is not, in general, returned to the
heap, although the string memory management can do so under one
set of circumstance. The heap is primarily used for:

- Variables (symbol table)
- Arrays
- Strings
- Case statement tables

'heap.c' contains all of the heap manangement functions. The main
one used for allocating memory is allocmem(). If there is not
enough memory to satisfy a request, this function reports a fatal
error, that is, it calls the error functions directly. It will
only return to the caller is the memory allocation works. There is
a second function, condalloc(), that does not abort the program if
the heap is exhausted. It returns a null pointer instead. The
calling routine has to handle the error. This is used by the
string memory management code and the function that creates

(Note: the memory for local arrays is allocated on the Basic
stack, not the heap. Function alloc_stackmem() in stack.c is
called to take memory from the stack. This corresponds to function
condalloc() in the way it works.)

Memory can only be returned to the heap if the block being
released is at the top of the heap. The function freemem() is used
to return memory.

String Memory Management
Strings can be up to 65536 characters long in this version of the
interpreter. The code has been written so that the maximum could
be increased, although the string memory management would need to
be altered to allow for the longer strings.

The program has a string workspace but this is not heavily used by
the string code. (It is used as a general string workspace when a
block of memory is needed to hold a C string, so it cannot be
removed altogether.)

All of the functions that handle string memory management are
found in 'strings.c'. The main allocation function is
alloc_string(). free_string() is called to return a string when it
is no longer required.

The string memory management is based around allocating memory
blocks of set sizes for the different string lengths. There is a
'bin' for free strings of each length. When a string memory
request is made, the bin of the right length is checked first. If
the bin is empty, memory is taken either from the free string
list, of if there is nothing suitable there, the Basic heap. (The
free string list is described below.) When a string memory block
is released it is added to the bin for that size of string. 

There are forty six bins covering string lengths from four to
65536 bytes. Between four and 128 bytes, the lengths of the blocks
that can be allocated increase by four bytes from one bin to the
next. Beyond 128 bytes and up to 1024 bytes the length increases
by 128 bytes per bin. After 1024 bytes it doubles from bin to bin.
It is assumed that programs will allocate many short strings so
the granularity of the string size is small. There will be some
medium sized strings but only a few long ones. Of course this
might not hold true for many programs but it seems to work quite

If there is not enough memory left to allocate a block for a
string, the program attempts to merge the free strings in the bins
and the free string list. The merged strings are put back in the
bins if they are of the right size. If they are not, they are
added to the free string list. if there is a free block that is
the last item on the Basic heap, that block is returned to the

Function collect() deals with this.

The free string list is a list of all memory blocks whose size
does not correspond to one of the bin sizes. Entries can only be
added to the list as a result of trying to merge blocks when
memory is running short. If a string of the required size is not
available from a bin, the free string list is searched and the
first entry large enough selected. The string is cut down to the
length wanted and the excess either moved to one of the bins (if
it is of a suitable size) or added to the free string list again.

If the length of a string is being changed, function
resize_string() is called. If the new string length exceeds the
maximum length that the memory block will hold, a new memory block
is allocated and the old string copied to it. If the old block is
large enough then there is no problem. This is designed to work
best with the medium granularity string memory blocks (those in
the size range 128 to 1024 bytes) and the large ones (strings
longer that 1024 bytes) where there is normally a lot of unused
space in the memory block. It avoid a lot of potential string
copying. In the case where the new string is shorter, the function
will either allocate a new string or, if the excess length of the
old string corresponds to a bin size, the extra is cut off and
returned to that bin.

In general the functions that manipulate strings always allocate
strings from the heap to carry out their work. There are few
places where the string workspace is used. One example is the code
that handles the function 'GET$' when reading from a file, where a
block large enough to hold the maximum length string is required.
The string workspace is really what sets the upper limit on the
string length. The maximum could be increased if cases such as the
'GET$' one could be got rid of. (Of course, the size of the
Basic workspace would then impose a limit.)

It is vital that the program releases strings when they are no
longer required. There is no garbage collection. There are debug
options (see below) that can be used to check for memory leaks.

Other Memory Areas
The only other memory the interpreter acquires when running is
to hold libraries loaded via the 'INSTALL' statement and a
workspace the size of the largest string allowed used when
manipulating strings.

Libraries can be loaded using either the INSTALL command or the
LIBRARY statement. INSTALL'ed libraries are kept outside the Basic
workspace whereas those loaded via LIBRARY go on the Basic heap
(and as such are only available until the heap is cleared by NEW,
editing the program and so forth).

To speed up searches for procedures and functions in the
libraries, a linked list pointing at all of the procedures and
functions in a library is constructed the first time the library
is searched.

Floating Point Numbers
The interpreter uses eight byte floating point numbers, the same
as the 'Basic64' version of the Acorn interpreter. However, it is
assumed that the representation of floating point numbers on the
machine on which the program is being run conforms to IEEE
standard 754. This should not be an issue, but there is one case
where it is important. This is when the program is reading and
writing binary floating point values. For compatability with
the original Acorn interpreter, values are written using the byte
order that they would have on an ARM processor. There is code to
convert between the ARM byte order and that used by other
processors so that the data is always written in the same format.
The program tries to determine the format when it starts by
looking for the exponent in the number 1.0. It can identify four
different layouts and defaults to writing the values in the byte
order in which they are found in memory if it cannot figure out
the format. It puts out the message 'floating point number format
is not known' if it cannot determine the format.

Error Handling
The interpreter makes extensive use of setjmp and longjmp to
handle errors. The basic idea is that the code calls a function to
deal with the error when an error is detected. The error function
will then use 'longjmp' to continue at the designated point for
handling the error. All errors are dealt with in this way with
only a couple of exceptions. It is not necessary for functions to
check values returned from the functions they call to see if an
error occured: if a function returns, whatever it did worked.

There are several levels of error handler. The first and most
important is the one set up when the function 'run_interpreter' is
called. This function contains the main interpreter command loop.
Whenever a program stops running (including lines typed in and
executed immediately) control passes back to this point via a
longjmp. It is used when a program executes 'STOP' or 'END' or if
an error occurs and there is no 'ON ERROR' or 'ON ERROR LOCAL' to
trap the error.

The environment structure for this is 'basicvars.restart'. 

Function 'run_program' is called when a program is run. This sets
up two more error handlers to deal with errors trapped by 'ON
ERROR' and 'ON ERROR LOCAL'. The details of these two are held in
'basicvars.error_restart' and 'basicvars.local_restart'
respectively. When an error is detected and an 'ON ERROR' error
handler has been defined, control passes from the Basic error
handling functions in 'errors.c' to this point and program
execution resumes at the point of the 'ON ERROR'. Do not forget
that 'ON ERROR' is a fairly crude error handling mechanism that
behaves as if there is a 'GOTO' statement that takes you from
the point of the error to the statements after the 'ON ERROR'.
There is no cleaning up. (Actually, Brandy does clean up the
Basic stack, but the effect is still as if there is a 'GOTO'

'ON ERROR LOCAL' introduces a third level of error handler. It is
the most complex one. Everything is reset when an 'ON ERROR' error
trap fires: the Basic stack is cleared, local variables set back
to their original values, the function and procedure call stack
emptied and so forth. On the other hand, 'ON ERROR LOCAL' restores
the Basic program's environment to its state at the point where
the 'ON ERROR LOCAL' error trap was defined. Because of the way in
which the interpreter works, a new environment structure has to be
set up for every level of function call. (Function calls are dealt
with by recursive calls from the expression code to the statement
code and this has to be reflected in the environment structure.
The only way to do this is to create a new structure every time a
function is called.) The environment structure is allocated on the
Basic stack. 'Basicvars.local_restart' is a pointer to the current
structure. On returning from a function, the old structure is
reinstated as the error handler.

When an error is detected the function 'error' in errors.c is
called. This calls 'handle_error' to recover from the error.
Recovery can be to either report the error, halt the program
and branch back to the command loop or to restart the program
if an 'ON ERROR' or an 'ON ERROR LOCAL' error trap has been
set up. Note that a call to 'error' is, in general, a one way trip.
One or two of the error messages are classed as warnings but the
vast majority of them stop program execution.

One feature of the interpreter is that it can be set to close
all open files when an error occurs. This option is on by default.

It should also be noted that Brandy's handling of errors differs
from the Acorn interpreter in that it cleans up the Basic stack
before restarting at the point of the 'ON ERROR' and 'ON ERROR
LOCAL'. The Acorn interpreter appears to just reset the stack
pointer. This means that with the Acorn interpreter, variables sed
as local variables retain the values they had at the point of the
error and so forth. Brandy will reset them to the values they had
when they were declared 'LOCAL'. The Acorn interpreter's approach
can lead to problems with local arrays. Brandy uses something
closer to proper exception handling.

Program Flow
Once the intepreter has been initialised and parameters on the
command line dealt with, the program enters its main loop in the
function 'run_interpreter' in brandy.c. This is fairly simple:
each line is read and tokenised then passed to 'exec_line'. If the
line starts with a line number control passes to the line editor
otherwise it goes to 'exec_thisline' in statement.c to be
executed. 'exec_thisline' calls 'exec_statements' to deal with the
statements in the line.

'exec_statements' contains the main statement execution loop.
Dispatching a statement is a case of using the first token in the
statement as an index into a table of functions and then calling
the corresponding function.

One thing to note is that the loop is an infinite loop. The only
ways out of the function are either to execute a 'STOP' or 'END'
statement or to hit an error. In both cases, control passes
directly back to the command loop in 'run_interpreter' by means of
a 'longjmp'.

If the token is 'RUN', the program ends up in 'run_program' by way
of 'exec_run'. After initialising everything the function makes a
recursive call to 'exec_statements' to run the program in memory.

'run_program' sets up an error handler here to deal with 'ON
ERROR' and 'ON ERROR LOCAL'. If one of these error traps is in use
and an error occurs, the longjmp in 'errors.c' will end up here.
All that the code does is jump back into 'exec_statements' with
the address of the statement after the 'ON ERROR' as the place to

(Actually the comment about ending up here after an error is not
strictly true: if an error occurs when executing statements in a
function and an 'ON ERROR LOCAL' error trap is in effect, the
longjmp from 'errors.c' branches back to a similar piece of code
in 'do_function' in expressions.c)

The program sits in the loop in 'exec_statements' unless a
function is called. Functions can only be called from the
expression code (do_function). do_function calls another function
in statement.c, exec_fnstatements, to interpret the statements
in the function. This one is just about the same as
exec_statements except it includes a check for an '=' at the start
of a statement and returns to do_function if it finds one.
(exec_statements and exec_fnstatements could be merged.)

The interpreter handles functions in the Basic program by
recursion. This means that use of the C stack can be quite heavy.
'do_function' is the only point where the C stack usage really
has to be checked. The DOS/DJGPP version of the code has to
include an explicit check on stack usage at this point as there
seem to be no stack checks added by the version of gcc used
under DJGPP.

There is not a lot to say about the handling of Basic statements.
The code is split across four main files:

	assign.c	Assignment statements
	iostate.c	I/O statements
	mainstate.c	All other statements
	statement.c	Dispatches statement functions

Expressions are dealt with by:

	evaluate.c	Evaluate Expressions
	functions.c	Evaluate Built-in functions

and Basic commands by:


Embedded Offsets
A number of the statements have tokens that contain embedded
offsets, for example, the IF statement tokens are followed by two
offsets, the offset to the first token of the statement after the
THEN token and the equivalent after the ELSE token (or the next
line if there is no ELSE part). In such cases there are two
different versions of the function to handle the token, one which
carries out any processing needed to fill in the offset and one
that assumes that the offset has been filled in. In some cases the
first version of the function has to carry out the work of the
statement as well as fill in the offsets, for example, the IF
first function has to evaluate the expression after the IF token
to find out if there is a 'THEN' or 'ELSE' token after it and
whether this is a single line IF or a block IF. In most cases,
though, the first function does its work and then calls the second

Tokens Used for Variables
The intepreter uses a number of different tokens to represent
variables of different types. They are:

XVAR		Reference to variable in source code
INTVAR		Simple reference to an integer variable
FLOATVAR	Simple reference to a floating point variable
STRINGVAR	Simple reference to a string variable
ARRAYVAR	Reference to a whole array
ARRAYREF	Reference to an array element, possibly followed
		by an indirection operator
INTINDVAR	Integer variable followed by an indirection operator
FLOATINDVAR	Floating point variable followed by an indirection
STATICVAR	Simple reference to a static variable
STATINDVAR 	Static variable with indirection operator

All dynamic variables start off with their token set to 'XVAR'. It
is changed to one of the tokens in the range INTVAR..FLOATINDVAR
the first time the variable is referenced. This allows the program
to use specific, optimised functions to read from and write to the
variables. The location of the variable's value is stored after the
token to eliminate the overhead of searching for the variable each
time it is referenced. The offset stored is the byte offset from
the start of the Basic workspace (basicvars.workspace). It is four
bytes wide. This is different from other tokens which are followed
by offsets where the offset stored is that from the token. The
reason for this is to ensure that the offset is always positive to
avoid problems on machines where integers are not four bytes wide.

Static variables can be identified when the line is being tokenised
so they have their own tokens (STATICVAR and STATINDVAR).

The comments about variables above also applies to them when they
appear on the left-hand side of an expression. Ignoring static
variables, the first time an assignment is seen it is dealt with
by function exec_assignment(). In the call to exec_assignment()
(in get_lvalue(), to be precise) the type of the variable will be
identified and the type token changed. In the case of INTVAR,
FLOATVAR and STRINGVAR, specific functions for dealing with these
types of variables will be used in future instead of
exec_assignment(), for example, integer variables are handled by
assign_intvar(). The other types, for example, ARRAYVAR, will
continue to go via exec_assignment() as the processing required is
much greater for these.

exec_assignment() uses tables of functions to deal with the
individual types of assignment. There are three tables for the
three assignment operators, '=', '+=' and '-=', indexed by the
type of the operand on the left-hand side of the expression, for
example, assignments to whole integer arrays is handled by
assign_intarray(). There is a large number of functions like
assign_intarray() and some of them appear to duplicate existing
functions, for example, assign_intword() could be confused with
assign_intvar(). The difference is that assign_intvar() is
specifically for integer variables whereas assign_intword() is a
general 'store a four byte integer on a word boundary' routine.

Static variables always use their own assignment function as they
can be identified when the program is tokenised. Static variables
followed by indirection operators use exec_assignment(), just like
dynamic variables.

Expression Evaluation
This is dealt with almost in its entirety by functions in
'expressions.c'. There are two functions that can be called from
elsewhere, expression() and factor(0. expression() is the general
expression evaluation function and factor() is used when only
so-called 'factor' is allowed. expression() is also the heart of
the expression code and contains the interpreter's inner loop. The
code has been optimised to handle simple expressions, that is,
those that consist of, say, a constant or reference to a variable,
and ones of the form <operand> <operator> <operand>. 

The code uses operator precedence to evaluate expressions, where
operators are put on a stack and each time checked to see if they
have a higher or lower priority than the next operator in the
expression. The operator is evaluated if its priority is greater
than or equal to that of the next operator. The code does make use
of recursive descent to handle the unary operators '+' and '-' and
brackets, although these could have been dealt with via the
operator precedence method as well.

Just like dispatching statements, the expression code uses tables
of functions to handle expressions. There are two, factor_table,
which is indexed by the token type of the start of an operand, and
'opfunctions' which is indexed by the operator and the type of the
*right hand* operand as given by its Basic stack entry. 'optable'
says whether a token is an operator and gives its priority and the
index value to use for the operator in opfunctions. An optable
entry of zero means that the token is not an operator and
indicates that the end of the expression has been reached.

The only 'nasty' in the expression code is that Basic V does
not allow the comparision and shift operators to be chained
together, that is, expressions such as:

	abc% >> 4 < 10

will give a syntax error and have to be put in brackets to work.
There is code specifically to handle comparision operators (or, to
be more precise, those with the priority of comparison operators)
in expression().

Indirection Operators
The interpreter fully supports the Basic V indirection operators.
To protect the integrity of the interpreter and for security
the address range they can point to is restricted to the Basic
workspace. They can be used to read any location in the workspace
but can only write to the Basic heap, that is, from basicvars.lomem
to basicvars.stacktop and from basicvars.himem to basicvars.end.
It is not possible to modify the Basic program or to overwrite
the Basic stack.

The operators work in terms of byte offsets from the start of the
Basic workspace (except in the RISC OS version of the program). By
default, PAGE is set to zero and HIMEM to the size of the Basic
workspace. This is completely transparent to the Basic program and
makes the code more portable. The only exception is the RISC OS
version of the program where the start of memory, that is, address
zero, is used as the base address for the offsets. The offsets
therefore take the values they would if they were proper addresses
on an ARM processor. This is necessary for the SYS statement to

The base address is stored in basicvars.offbase. This can change
if the NEW command is used to alter the size of the Basic
workspace (except under RISC OS). The value is otherwise fixed.

Procedure and Function Calls
One nasty area of the code is the functions that handle procedure
and function calls. These are spread across evalute.c and
stack.c. This code would probably benefit from a rewrite.

All of the parameters have to be evaluated before they can be
assigned to the variables being used as formal parameters. At
present the code evaluates each parameter and stores its value
outside the Basic program (in a variable in function
push_oneparm()). The next parameter is dealt with by a recursive
call to the same function. Once the parameter list has been
exhausted the values are assigned to the parameter variables as
the recursion unwinds.

The parameter variables are treated as local variables, that is,
their old values are saved on the Basic stack along with an lvalue
structure that specifies where the value goes and its type. They
are restored whe the procedure or function call ends. RETURN
parameters have to store extra information in addition to that
needed for local variables, namely an lvalue structure that gives
the address at which the returned value is to be stored and its
type. Dealing with these is a game of musical chairs where the
returned value is copied from the parameter variable to its
destination and then the original value of the parameter varaible
is restored. All of the functions for saving parameter variable
values and restoring them and local variables are found in stack.c

Array Operations
The interpreter supports array operations as a part of normal
expression handling. On the other hand, general array expressions
are not allowed and only a limited range of operations are

Dealing with whole arrays is based around the use of array
descriptors. When an array is referenced in this way, a pointer to
its descriptor is pushed on to the Basic stack.

The following operations are supported: addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division, integer division, integer remainder and
matrix multiplication. Whenever an operation is carried out
involving an array, a temporary array for the results and a
descriptor are created on the Basic stack. This array can also be
used as an operand under some circumstances, namely, that the
array is on the left-hand side of the operator and that the result
is of the same type and size as the existing temporary array,
for example:

	array1$() = array2$()+"  "+array3$()+"  "+array4$()

This gives some flexibility in using arrays as operands but it is
by no means general. It also goes beyond what the Acorn
interpreter supports.

Filenames and Directories
In order to make the interpreter operating system independent the
manipulation of file names is kept to a minimum. The format of
file names and directory structures varies from OS to OS. The
normal rule seems to be to assume that a Unix-type file system in
use. DOS file names maps fairly simply into this but RISC OS
programmers have suffered many hours of grief. The easiest way to
prevent this is to avoid anything that relies on the format of the
names of files. Having said that, though, the functions isapath()
in fileio.c and open_file() in editor.c do have to know something
about this. isapath() is used to determine whether the name of a
file is just that of the file or includes directories and
open_file() has to be able to construct a name that includes
directories. These are the only two places in the interpreter where
there are any dependencies like this.

Debug Code
To help debug the interpreter itself, debugging code can be
compiled into a number of the files. It is controlled by the macro
'DEBUG'. This is done on 'CFLAGS' in the makefile (-DDEBUG).
Whether or not any debugging output is produced is controlled by
a number of flags in basicvars (defined in 'debug_flags'). These
are set and cleared by means of the Basic 'LISTO' command, for
example, 'LISTO 0x1100' will turn on general debugging output and
displaying the string usage statistics.

There are six debugging options:

DEBUG_DEBUG	0x100	Show general debugging output.
			Check Basic heap for memory leaks
			after program has finished running.
DEBUG_TOKENS	0x200	Show tokenised lines on input plus
			addresses on listings.
DEBUG_VARIABLES	0x400	List addresses of variables when
			created and on listing produced 
			by LVAR.
DEBUG_STRINGS	0x800	Show memory allocated and released
			for strings.
DEBUG_STATS	0x1000	Show string heap statistics when
			program finishes.
DEBUG_STACK	0x2000	Show various control blocks pushed and
			popped from the Basic stack.
DEBUG_ALLSTACK	0x4000	Show in detail values and intermediate
			results push and popped from the stack

The values given are the LISTO value needed to turn on or off each
option, that is, 'listo %100' will turn on general dubugging output
and a second 'listo %100' will turn it off again. Debug output is
sent to 'stderr' and is probably best redirected to a file, for
example, starting the interpreter with

	brandy 2>tracefile

under RISC OS or NetBSD will send all debugging output to the file
'tracefile'. This is probably the best way to deal with it.

Note that stderr cannot be redirected under DOS.

Note that a huge amount of debugging output can be produced if all
the debugging options are turned on. A program that runs for a few
seconds can produced several megabytes of it.

Basic TRACE output and error messages will also be written to
'stderr' if general debugging is enabled, that is, 'listo %100'
is used. This will confuse things if stderr is being written to the
screen as two copies of everything will appear but is more useful
if stderr is being written to a file. 'TRACE PROC' and 'TRACE
GOTO' will probably be the most useful trace options to use.

There is one debugging option on the command line used to run the
program, -!. The program does not set up any signal handlers if
this option is used, so that errors such as illegal addresses are
not trapped by the program. This is useful if a program fails with
an 'address out of range' error to determine whether the program
or the interpreter is at fault.

When the debugging output shows addresses, these are proper
addresses and not offsets. (Not to be confused with the Basic
indirection operators, which work in terms of offsets.)

There are three extra Basic commands that can be used for
debugging as well.

LISTB <offset 1> [ , <offset 2> ]
This displays memory from <offset 1> to <offset 2> in byte form.
The offsets are the byte offsets from the start of the Basic
workspace (except under RISC OS where they are effectively
addresses). If <offset 2> is omitted, 64 bytes are displayed.

LISTW <offset 1> [ , <offset 2> ]
This displays memory from <offset 1> to <offset 2> as four-byte
words. The offsets are the byte offsets from the start of the
Basic workspace (except under RISC OS where they are effectively
addresses). If <offset 2> is omitted, 64 bytes are displayed.

LISTL <line number>
This displays a hex dump of line <line number>.

In addition, the Basic TRACE statement can be used, especially the
form that sends debugging output to a file (TRACE TO). A copy
of gdb helps enormously too.

Interfacing to the Operating System and the SYS Statement
Under RISC OS, the mechanism used to make operating system
calls from Basic programs is the SYS statement. This is a
very simple interface that maps directly on to the ARM
processor's 'SWI' (Software Interrupt) instruction. It
is envisaged that the SYS statement will also be used to
make use of the facilities of operating systems other than

The format of the SYS statement is as follows:

  SYS <swi number> [ , <in> ] [ TO [ <out> ] [ ; <flags> ] ]

<swi number> is the number of the SWI to call. It can either
be a number or a string giving the name of the SWI, which
the interpreter maps on to the SWI number. <in> specifies
the parameters for the call. This is a list of expressions
separated by commas that give either numeric or string values.
They correspond to the values passed in the ARM's registers to
the SWI. There can be up to ten of these. <out> and <flags>
is a list of the variables to receive the values returned by
the SWI. Again, items in the list are comma-separated. The
state of the processor flags after the call can be returned
in the variable given by <flags>. Note that this is the last
item in the list and follows a ';'. Again, up to ten variables
can be listed here to receive the values returned in the
corresponding ARM registers.

There are two types of SWI, normal ones and the so-called
'X' SWIs. The difference between them is the way in which
errors are handled. In the case of normal SWIs, the operating
system takes cares of errors. The default action is to abort
the program with an error message. If the 'X' form of the SWI
is used, control is returned to the calling program with
the ARM processor's 'overflow' flag set to indicate that
an error occured. ARM register R0 then points at an error
block. The format of the error block is given below.

The numeric values passed from the program to the SWI can be
either parameter values or addresses. There is no way to 
tell them apart: they are just values in registers. Strings
are normal Basic strings, but the interpreter converts them
to C-style null terminated strings and passes pointers to
these when the SWI is called. When the call finishes, the
interpreter deals with the values returned in the registers
according to the type of the variables in the <out> parameter
list. If the variable is an integer, the ARM register value
is stored in it. If it is floating point, the contents of
the ARM register are converted to a floating point value.
If it is a string, the ARM register is assumed to point at a
null-terminated string. This string is converted to a Basic-
style string.

SWIs sometimes return information in the processor flags.
Only the 'carry' and 'overflow' flags are used for this.
The variable <flags> is set to the processor flag state
after the SWI. The 'overflow' flag is the most important
as it is used to indicate whether or not the SWI call worked.
If everything was okay, the overflow flag is cleared. If
the SWI failed, it is set. Bit masks for the processor
flags as stored in <flags> are defined in the file

There is no checking of parameter types in the SYS statement.
It is entirely left up to the programmer to ensure that the
right number of parameters is passed and that the type of
each parameter is correct.

SWI Error Block
The format of this is:

Bytes 0 to 3:	Error number (four bytes, little endian)
Bytes 4+:	Null terminated error message.

Implementing SWIs
Brandy fully implements the SYS statement. The code that
handles SWI calls is the function emulate_sys() in
emulate.c. This would form the heart of any SWI
emulation code under operating systems other than RISC OS.
Unfortunately there is a problem with this: the handling
of pointers.

Within a Basic program, anything that looks like an
address, for example, the address of a block of memory
allocated via a DIM statement, is really an offset from
the start of the Basic workspace. The SWI emulation code
will have to compensate for this. This would have to be
done on a SWI-by-SWI basis. Similarly, if a SWI returns
a pointer to something, that pointer will have to be an
offset within the Basic workspace as addresses within the
Basic program are not allowed to go outside the workspace.

The variable basicvars.offbase always points to the start
of the Basic workspace and is the value that should be
added to values passed as addresses to turn them into real
addresses. basicvars.offbase is of type 'unsigned char *'.
There are two functions in miscprocs.c that can be used
to verify that an address is legal. These are check_read()
and check_write().

	void check_read(int32 low, int32 size)
	void check_write(int32 low, int32 size)

'low' is the offset within the Basic workspace of the start
of the block to be checked and 'size' is its size in bytes.
Reads are allowed anywhere in the Basic workspace but only
the memory between the top of the Basic program and the
Basic stack (the Basic heap) and from basicvars.himem to
basicvars.end (the memory above the Basic stack) can be
written to. If an offset is out of range these functions
just report an 'address out of range' error using the
normal Basic error handling mechanism. Of course, this means
that the SWI emulation code cannot take any action to deal
with the error.

Another function that might be of use is emulate_getswino(),
located in emulate.c. It takes the name of a SWI and returns
its SWI number. Bit masks for the processor flags as stored
in <flags> are also defined in this file, as well as a macro
to define the 'X' bit set in the 'X' form SWIs.

emulate_sys() and emulate_getswino() just give an 'unsupported
feature' error under operating systems other than RISC OS.