

distrib > Fedora > 15 > i386 > by-pkgid > 108c42c4d19bc4ce79bd1dc34aa33a99 > files > 1


--- /dev/null	2006-08-16 13:34:07.659756891 -0400
+++ libXp-1.0.0/	2006-08-18 20:01:28.000000000 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Name: PrintProto
+Description: Print extension headers
+Requires: xau
+Cflags: -I${includedir}
--- libXp-1.0.0/	2005-05-18 16:33:36.000000000 -0400
+++ libXp-1.0.0/	2006-08-18 20:01:28.000000000 -0400
@@ -25,7 +25,12 @@
 SUBDIRS = src man
+printdir = $(includedir)/X11/extensions
+print_HEADERS = \
+        $(top_srcdir)/include/X11/extensions/Print.h \
+        $(top_srcdir)/include/X11/extensions/Printstr.h
 pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig
-pkgconfig_DATA = xp.pc
+pkgconfig_DATA = xp.pc printproto.pc
--- libXp-1.0.0/	2005-12-14 19:24:30.000000000 -0500
+++ libXp-1.0.0/	2006-08-18 20:01:28.000000000 -0400
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 # Check for X and print proto
-PKG_CHECK_MODULES(XPRINT, x11 xext xextproto xau printproto)
+PKG_CHECK_MODULES(XPRINT, x11 xext xextproto xau)
@@ -48,5 +48,6 @@
+	   printproto.pc
--- libXp-1.0.0/src/	2005-12-02 23:41:50.000000000 -0500
+++ libXp-1.0.0/src/	2006-08-18 20:01:28.000000000 -0400
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
-INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/include/X11/extensions
+INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/include/
 # Library version number. This must match old versions on
--- /dev/null	2006-08-16 13:34:07.659756891 -0400
+++ libXp-1.0.0/include/X11/extensions/Print.h	2006-08-18 20:01:28.000000000 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
+/* $Xorg: Print.h,v 1.3 2000/08/18 04:05:44 coskrey Exp $ */
+ ******************************************************************************
+ **
+ ** File:         Print.h
+ **
+ ** Description:  Definitions needed by the server, library, and
+ **               clients.  Subportion restricted to library and
+ **               clients.
+ **
+ **               Server, Library, Client portion has:
+ **                  o All sz_* defines
+ **                  o Revision and Name defines
+ **                  o Common defines and constants (e.g. Keywords, Masks)
+ **                  o Extension version structure
+ **               
+ **               Library and client subportion has:
+ **                  o Convience Marcos
+ **                  o Client side data structures
+ **                  o Client side event structures (non wire)
+ **                  o Library function prototypes
+ **                  o some private stuff denoted with _whatever
+ **
+ **               Printstr.h for server and library, but NOT clients.
+ **
+ ******************************************************************************
+ **
+ ** (c) Copyright 1996 Hewlett-Packard Company
+ ** (c) Copyright 1996 International Business Machines Corp.
+ ** (c) Copyright 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ ** (c) Copyright 1996 Novell, Inc.
+ ** (c) Copyright 1996 Digital Equipment Corp.
+ ** (c) Copyright 1996 Fujitsu Limited
+ ** (c) Copyright 1996 Hitachi, Ltd.
+ ** 
+ ** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ ** of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ ** in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ ** to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ ** copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ ** furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ **
+ ** The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ ** all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ **
+ **
+ ** Except as contained in this notice, the names of the copyright holders shall
+ ** not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other
+ ** dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from said
+ ** copyright holders.
+ **
+ ******************************************************************************
+ *****************************************************************************/
+/* $XFree86: xc/include/extensions/Print.h,v 1.4 2000/01/25 18:37:31 dawes Exp $ */
+#ifndef _XpPrint_H_
+#define _XpPrint_H_
+#ifndef _XP_PRINT_SERVER_
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include <X11/Xresource.h>
+#include <X11/Xauth.h>
+#endif /* _XP_PRINT_SERVER_ */
+#include <X11/Xfuncproto.h>
+ *
+ * Definitions used by the server, library and client.
+ */
+ *
+ * Naming and versioning information.
+ */
+#define XP_PRINTNAME  "XpExtension"
+ * Add a define below for each major extension release.
+ */
+#define XP_DONT_CHECK		0
+ * For each single entry above, create one major/minor pair.
+ */
+#define XP_PROTO_MAJOR		1
+#define XP_PROTO_MINOR		0
+ * Identify current version.
+ */
+ * Misc version defines.
+ */
+#define XP_ABSENT		0	/* Prior to XP Print support */
+#define XP_PRESENT		1	/* With XP Print support */
+ *
+ * Xp Print Error codes.
+ */
+#define XP_ERRORS		3	/* number of error types */
+#define XPBadContext		0	/* Print Context invalid or missing */
+#define XPBadSequence		1	/* Illegal sequence of XP operations */
+#define XPBadResourceID		2	/* X-resource not valid */
+ *
+ * Xp Print Event masks and codes.
+ *
+ */
+#define XP_EVENTS		2	/* number of event types */
+#define XPNoEventMask		0	/* not an event - just a null mask */
+#define XPPrintMask		(1L<<0)
+#define XPAttributeMask		(1L<<1)
+#define XPPrintNotify		0	/* contains "detail" - see below */
+#define XPAttributeNotify	1	/* contains "detail" - see below */
+#define XPStartJobNotify	0	/* value for "detail" in XPPrintNotify*/
+#define XPEndJobNotify		1
+#define XPStartDocNotify	2
+#define XPEndDocNotify		3
+#define XPStartPageNotify	4
+#define XPEndPageNotify		5
+ *
+ * Xp Print Attribute Object codes (subset of ISO DPA 10175).  The
+ * Xp Server can get and set any of the values, while the Xp Library
+ * may only be able to set a subset of the attribute objects.
+ *
+ * note: the codes are also used as "detail" for XPAttributeNotify
+ *
+ * note: XPPageAttr is not defined in ISO DPA 10175.  It is unique
+ * to Xp, and its attributes are a proper subset of XPDocAttr.
+ */
+typedef unsigned char XPAttributes;	/* type of Xp*Attr codes */
+#define XP_ATTRIBUTES		5	/* those attrs currently supported */
+#define XPJobAttr		1	/* get/set */
+#define XPDocAttr		2	/* get/set */
+#define XPPageAttr		3	/* get/set - subset of XPDocAttr */
+#define XPPrinterAttr		4	/* get only (library) */
+#define XPServerAttr		5	/* get only (library), no
+					   context needed */
+ * note: ISO DPA 10175 defines a number of "attribute objects", of
+ *       which POSIX 1387.4 and the SI Xp will only support a
+ *       subset.
+ */
+#define XPMediumAttr		6	/* DPA-Object Medium */
+#define XPFontAttr		7	/* DPA-Object Font */
+#define XPResAttr		8	/* DPA-Object Resource */
+#define XPTransAttr		9	/* DPA-Object Transfer method */
+#define XPDelAttr		10	/* DPA-Object Delivery method */
+#define XPAuxSPkg		11	/* DPA-Object Auxiliary sheet package */
+#define XPAuxS			12	/* DPA-Object Auxiliary sheet */
+#define XPFinishAttr		13	/* DPA-Object Finishing */
+#define XPOutputAttr		14	/* DPA-Object Output method */
+#define XPImpAttr		15	/* DPA-Object Imposition */
+#define XPSchedAttr		16	/* DPA-Object Scheduler */
+#define XPIntJobAttr		17	/* DPA-Object Initial value job */
+#define XPIntDocAttr		18	/* DPA-Object Initial value document */
+#define XPResConAttr		19	/* DPA-Object Resource context */
+ * Replacement rules for XpSetAttributes
+ */
+typedef unsigned char XPAttrReplacement;
+#define	XPAttrReplace		1
+#define XPAttrMerge		2
+ * Return codes for XpGetDocumentData
+ */
+typedef unsigned char XPGetDocStatus;
+#define XPGetDocFinished	0	/* normal termination */
+#define XPGetDocSecondConsumer	1	/* setup error */
+#define XPGetDocError		2	/* runtime error, see generated error */
+ * Save data types for XpStartJob.
+ */
+typedef unsigned char XPSaveData;
+#define XPSpool			1	/* Job data sent to spooler */
+#define XPGetData		2	/* Job data via XpGetDocumentData */
+ * Document types for XpStartDoc.
+ */
+typedef unsigned char XPDocumentType;
+#define	XPDocNormal		1	/* Doc data handled by Xserver */
+#define	XPDocRaw		2	/* Doc data passed through Xserver */
+ *
+ * Xp Print Property Names
+ */
+#ifndef _XP_PRINT_SERVER_
+ *
+ * Definitions used by the library and clients only.
+ */
+ *
+ * General API defines and such.
+ */
+ * Print Context for XpInitContext and related calls.
+ */
+typedef XID XPContext;
+ * Struct for XpGetPrinterList.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+    char	*name;		/* name */
+    char	*desc;		/* localized description */
+} XPPrinterRec, *XPPrinterList;
+ * Typedefs for XpGetDocumentData
+ */
+typedef void (*XPSaveProc)( Display *display,
+                            XPContext context,
+                            unsigned char *data,
+                            unsigned int data_len,
+                            XPointer client_data);
+typedef void (*XPFinishProc)( Display *display,
+                              XPContext context,
+                              XPGetDocStatus status,
+                              XPointer client_data);
+ * Typedefs for XpSetLocaleHinter and XpGetLocaleHinter
+ */
+typedef char * (*XPHinterProc)(void);
+#if 0
+ *
+ * Extension version structures.
+ *
+ **** this structure is now defined localy in the one file that uses it
+ **** in order to avoid clashes with its definition in XI.h
+ */
+typedef struct {
+        int     present;
+        short   major_version;
+        short   minor_version;
+} XExtensionVersion;
+ *
+ * Event structs for clients.
+ *
+ * note: these events are relative to a print context, and
+ * not to a window as in core X.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+    int            type;       /* base + XPPrintNotify */
+    unsigned long  serial;     /* # of last request processed by server */
+    Bool           send_event; /* true if from a SendEvent request */
+    Display        *display;   /* Display the event was read from */
+    XPContext      context;    /* print context where operation was requested */
+    Bool           cancel;     /* was detailed event canceled */
+    int            detail;     /* XPStartJobNotify, XPEndJobNotify,
+                                  XPStartDocNotify, XPEndDocNotify,
+                                  XPStartPageNotify, XPEndPageNotify */
+} XPPrintEvent;
+typedef struct {
+    int            type;       /* base + XPAttributeNotify */
+    unsigned long  serial;     /* # of last request processed by server */
+    Bool           send_event; /* true if from a SendEvent request */
+    Display        *display;   /* Display the event was read from */
+    XPContext      context;    /* print context where operation was requested */
+    int            detail;     /* XPJobAttr, XPDocAttr, XPPageAttr,
+                                  XPPrinterAttr, XPSpoolerAttr,
+                                  XPMediumAttr, XPServerAttr */
+} XPAttributeEvent;
+typedef struct {
+    int            type;       /* base + XPDataReadyNotify */
+    unsigned long  serial;     /* # of last request processed by server */
+    Bool           send_event; /* true if from a SendEvent request */
+    Display        *display;   /* Display the event was read from */
+    XPContext      context;    /* print context where operation was requested */
+    unsigned long  available;  /* bytes available for retrieval */
+} XPDataReadyEvent;
+ *
+ * Function prototypes for library side.
+ */
+extern XPContext XpCreateContext (
+    Display		*display,
+    char		*printer_name
+extern void XpSetContext (
+    Display		*display,
+    XPContext     	print_context
+extern XPContext XpGetContext (
+    Display		*display
+extern void XpDestroyContext (
+    Display		*display,
+    XPContext     	print_context
+extern Screen *XpGetScreenOfContext (
+    Display		*display,
+    XPContext     	print_context
+extern Status XpGetPageDimensions (
+    Display		*display,
+    XPContext     	print_context,
+    unsigned short	*width,			/* return value */
+    unsigned short	*height,		/* return value */
+    XRectangle		*reproducible_area	/* return value */
+extern void XpStartJob (
+    Display		*display,
+    XPSaveData		save_data
+extern void XpEndJob (
+    Display		*display
+extern void XpCancelJob (
+    Display		*display,
+    Bool		discard
+extern void XpStartDoc (
+    Display		*display,
+    XPDocumentType	type
+extern void XpEndDoc (
+    Display		*display
+extern void XpCancelDoc (
+    Display		*display,
+    Bool		discard
+extern void XpPutDocumentData (
+    Display		*display,
+    Drawable		drawable,
+    unsigned char	*data,
+    int			data_len,
+    char		*doc_fmt,
+    char		*options
+extern Status XpGetDocumentData (
+    Display		*display,
+    XPContext		context,
+    XPSaveProc		save_proc,
+    XPFinishProc	finish_proc,
+    XPointer		client_data
+extern void XpStartPage (
+    Display		*display,
+    Window		window
+extern void XpEndPage (
+    Display		*display
+extern void XpCancelPage (
+    Display		*display,
+    Bool		discard
+extern void XpSelectInput (
+    Display		*display,
+    XPContext     	print_context,
+    unsigned long	event_mask
+extern unsigned long XpInputSelected (
+    Display		*display,
+    XPContext     	print_context,
+    unsigned long	*all_events_mask
+extern Bool XpSetImageResolution (
+    Display		*display,
+    XPContext     	print_context,
+    int			image_res,
+    int			*prev_res
+extern int XpGetImageResolution (
+    Display		*display,
+    XPContext     	print_context
+extern char *XpGetAttributes (
+    Display		*display,
+    XPContext     	print_context,
+    XPAttributes	type
+extern void XpSetAttributes (
+    Display		*display,
+    XPContext     	print_context,
+    XPAttributes	type,
+    char		*pool,
+    XPAttrReplacement	replacement_rule
+extern char *XpGetOneAttribute (
+    Display		*display,
+    XPContext     	print_context,
+    XPAttributes	type,
+    char		*attribute_name
+extern XPPrinterList XpGetPrinterList (
+    Display		*display,
+    char		*printer_name,
+    int			*list_count		/* return value */
+extern void XpFreePrinterList (
+    XPPrinterList	printer_list
+extern void XpRehashPrinterList (
+    Display		*display
+extern Status XpQueryVersion (
+    Display		*display,
+    short		*major_version,		/* return value */
+    short		*minor_version		/* return value */
+extern Bool XpQueryExtension (
+    Display		*display,
+    int			*event_base_return,	/* return value */
+    int			*error_base_return	/* return value */
+extern Screen **XpQueryScreens (
+    Display		*display,
+    int			*list_count		/* return value */
+extern Status XpGetPdmStartParams (
+    Display		*print_display,
+    Window		print_window,
+    XPContext		print_context,
+    Display		*video_display,
+    Window		video_window,
+    Display		**selection_display,	/* return value */
+    Atom		*selection,		/* return value */
+    Atom		*type,			/* return value */
+    int			*format,		/* return value */
+    unsigned char	**data,			/* return value */
+    int			*nelements		/* return value */
+extern Status XpGetAuthParams (
+    Display		*print_display,
+    Display		*video_display,
+    Display		**selection_display,	/* return value */
+    Atom		*selection,		/* return value */
+    Atom		*target			/* return value */
+extern Status XpSendAuth (
+    Display		*display,
+    Window		window
+extern Status XpSendOneTicket (
+    Display		*display,
+    Window		window,
+    Xauth		*ticket,
+    Bool		more
+extern void XpSetLocaleHinter (
+    XPHinterProc hinter_proc,
+    char         *hinter_desc
+extern char *XpGetLocaleHinter (
+    XPHinterProc *hinter_proc
+extern char *XpGetLocaleNetString(void);
+extern char *XpNotifyPdm (
+    Display		*print_display,
+    Window		print_window,
+    XPContext     	print_context,
+    Display		*video_display,
+    Window		video_window,
+    Bool		auth_flag
+#endif /* _XP_PRINT_SERVER_ */
+#endif /* _XpPrint_H_ */
--- /dev/null	2006-08-16 13:34:07.659756891 -0400
+++ libXp-1.0.0/include/X11/extensions/Printstr.h	2006-08-18 20:01:28.000000000 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,783 @@
+/* $Xorg: Printstr.h,v 1.3 2000/08/18 04:05:44 coskrey Exp $ */
+ ******************************************************************************
+ **
+ ** File:         Printstr.h
+ **
+ ** Description: Definitions needed by the server and library, but
+ **              not clients.
+ **
+ **              Print.h for server, library and clients.
+ **
+ ******************************************************************************
+ **
+ ** (c) Copyright 1996 Hewlett-Packard Company
+ ** (c) Copyright 1996 International Business Machines Corp.
+ ** (c) Copyright 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ ** (c) Copyright 1996 Novell, Inc.
+ ** (c) Copyright 1996 Digital Equipment Corp.
+ ** (c) Copyright 1996 Fujitsu Limited
+ ** (c) Copyright 1996 Hitachi, Ltd.
+ ** 
+ ** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ ** of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ ** in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ ** to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ ** copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ ** furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ **
+ ** The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ ** all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ **
+ **
+ ** Except as contained in this notice, the names of the copyright holders shall
+ ** not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other
+ ** dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from said
+ ** copyright holders.
+ **
+ ******************************************************************************
+ *****************************************************************************/
+/* $XFree86: xc/include/extensions/Printstr.h,v 1.5 2001/08/01 00:44:35 tsi Exp $ */
+#ifndef _XpPrintstr_H_
+#define _XpPrintstr_H_
+ * NEED_EVENTS and NEED_REPLIES are hacks to limit the linker symbol-table
+ * size.   When function prototypes are needed from Print.h, this sets up
+ * a cascading dependency on Printstr.h and eventually Xproto.h to provide
+ * the event and reply struct definitions.
+ */
+#ifndef NEED_EVENTS
+#define NEED_EVENTS
+#endif /* NEED_EVENTS */
+#include <X11/Xproto.h>
+#ifndef _XP_PRINT_SERVER_
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#endif /* _XP_PRINT_SERVER_ */
+ * Pull in other definitions.  Print.h will hide some things if we're
+ * doing server side work.
+ */
+#include <X11/extensions/Print.h>
+#include <X11/Xfuncproto.h>
+ *
+ * Protocol requests constants and alignment values
+ *
+ * Note: Xlib macro's expect X_ABC where ABC is the name of the
+ * protocol request.
+ */
+#define X_PrintQueryVersion		0
+#define X_PrintGetPrinterList		1
+#define X_PrintCreateContext		2
+#define X_PrintSetContext		3
+#define X_PrintGetContext		4
+#define X_PrintDestroyContext		5
+#define X_PrintGetContextScreen		6
+#define X_PrintStartJob			7
+#define X_PrintEndJob			8
+#define X_PrintStartDoc			9
+#define X_PrintEndDoc			10
+#define X_PrintPutDocumentData		11
+#define X_PrintGetDocumentData		12
+#define X_PrintStartPage		13
+#define X_PrintEndPage			14
+#define X_PrintSelectInput		15
+#define X_PrintInputSelected		16
+#define X_PrintGetAttributes		17
+#define X_PrintSetAttributes		18
+#define X_PrintGetOneAttribute		19
+#define X_PrintRehashPrinterList	20
+#define X_PrintGetPageDimensions	21
+#define X_PrintQueryScreens		22
+#define X_PrintSetImageResolution	23
+#define X_PrintGetImageResolution	24
+ *
+ * Protocol data types
+ */
+#define PCONTEXT CARD32
+#define WINDOW   CARD32
+#define DRAWABLE CARD32
+#define BITMASK  CARD32
+ *
+ * Event wire struct definitions
+ *
+ * Note: Xlib macro's expect xABC struct names and sz_xABC size
+ * constants where ABC is the name of the protocol request.
+ */
+ *
+ * Events.
+ *
+ * See Print.h for the protocol "type" values.
+ */
+typedef struct _xPrintPrintEvent {
+	BYTE type;		/* XPPrintNotify + extEntry->eventBase */
+	BYTE detail;		/* XPStartJobNotify, XPEndJobNotify,
+				   XPStartDocNotify, XPEndDocNotify,
+				   XPStartPageNotify, XPEndPageNotify */
+	CARD16 sequenceNumber B16;
+	PCONTEXT printContext B32; /* print context */
+	BOOL   cancel;		/* canceled flag */
+	CARD8  pad1;		/* rest is unused */
+	CARD16 pad2 B16;
+	CARD32 pad3 B32;
+	CARD32 pad4 B32;
+	CARD32 pad5 B32;
+	CARD32 pad6 B32;
+	CARD32 pad7 B32;
+} xPrintPrintEvent;
+#define sz_xPrintPrintEvent 32;
+typedef struct _xPrintAttributeEvent {
+	BYTE   type;		/* XPAttributeNotify + extEntry->eventBase */
+	BYTE   detail;		/* XPJobAttr, XPDocAttr, XPPageAttr,
+				   XPPrinterAttr, XPSpoolerAttr,
+				   XPMediumAttr, XPServerAttr */
+	CARD16 sequenceNumber B16;
+	PCONTEXT printContext B32; /* print context */
+	CARD32 pad1 B32;
+	CARD32 pad2 B32;
+	CARD32 pad3 B32;
+	CARD32 pad4 B32;
+	CARD32 pad5 B32;
+	CARD32 pad6 B32;
+} xPrintAttributeEvent;
+#define sz_xPrintAttributeEvent 32;
+ *
+ * Requests
+ */
+typedef struct _PrintQueryVersion {
+	CARD8	reqType;		/* always PrintReqCode */
+	CARD8	printReqType;		/* always X_PrintQueryVersion */
+	CARD16	length B16;
+} xPrintQueryVersionReq;
+#define sz_xPrintQueryVersionReq	4
+typedef struct {
+	BYTE	type;			/* X_Reply */
+	CARD8	unused;			/* not used */
+	CARD16	sequenceNumber B16;
+	CARD32	length B32;
+	CARD16	majorVersion B16;	/* major version of Xp protocol */
+	CARD16	minorVersion B16;	/* minor version of Xp protocol */
+	CARD32	pad1 B32;
+	CARD32	pad2 B32;
+	CARD32	pad3 B32;
+	CARD32	pad4 B32;
+	CARD32	pad5 B32;
+} xPrintQueryVersionReply;
+#define sz_xPrintQueryVersionReply	32
+typedef struct _PrintGetPrinterList {
+	CARD8	reqType;		/* always PrintReqCode */
+	CARD8	printReqType;		/* always X_PrintGetPrinterList */
+	CARD16	length B16;
+	CARD32	printerNameLen B32;	/* length of printer name */
+	CARD32	localeLen B32;		/* length of locale string */
+	/* variable portion *****************************************
+	STRING8	printerName;		 * printer name *
+	BYTE	pad(printerNameLen)	 * unused *
+	STRING8	locale;			 * locale *
+	BYTE	pad(localeLen)		 * unused *
+	************************************************************/
+} xPrintGetPrinterListReq;
+#define sz_xPrintGetPrinterListReq	12
+typedef struct {
+	BYTE	type;			/* X_Reply */
+	CARD8	unused;			/* not used */
+	CARD16	sequenceNumber B16;
+	CARD32	length B32;
+	CARD32	listCount B32;		/* of PRINTER recs below */
+	CARD32	pad1 B32;
+	CARD32	pad2 B32;
+	CARD32	pad3 B32;
+	CARD32	pad4 B32;
+	CARD32	pad5 B32;
+	/* variable portion *****************************************
+	CARD32	nameLen B32;		* length of name in bytes *
+	STRING8	name;			* name *
+	BYTE	pad(nameLen)		* unused *
+	CARD32	descLen B32;		* length of desc in bytes *
+	STRING8	desc;			* localized description *
+	BYTE	pad(descLen)		* unused *
+	************************************************************/
+} xPrintGetPrinterListReply;
+#define sz_xPrintGetPrinterListReply	32
+typedef struct _PrintRehashPrinterList {
+	CARD8	reqType;		/* always PrintReqCode */
+	CARD8	printReqType;		/* always X_PrintRehashPrinterList */
+	CARD16	length B16;
+} xPrintRehashPrinterListReq;
+#define sz_xPrintRehashPrinterListReq	4
+typedef struct _PrintCreateContext {
+	CARD8	reqType;		/* always PrintReqCode */
+	CARD8	printReqType;		/* always X_PrintInitSetContext */
+	CARD16	length B16;
+	CARD32	contextID B32;		/* ID for context */
+	CARD32	printerNameLen B32;	/* length of printerName in bytes */
+	CARD32	localeLen B32;		/* length of locale in bytes */
+	/* variable portion *****************************************
+	STRING8	printerName		 * printer name *
+	BYTE	pad(printerNameLen)	 * unused *
+	STRING8	locale			 * locale *
+	BYTE	pad(locale)		 * unused *
+	************************************************************/
+} xPrintCreateContextReq;		
+#define sz_xPrintCreateContextReq	16
+typedef struct _PrintSetContext {
+	CARD8	reqType;		/* always PrintReqCode */
+	CARD8	printReqType;		/* always X_PrintSetContext */
+	CARD16	length B16;
+	PCONTEXT printContext B32;	/* print context */
+} xPrintSetContextReq;		
+#define sz_xPrintSetContextReq		8
+typedef struct _PrintGetContext {
+	CARD8	reqType;		/* always PrintReqCode */
+	CARD8	printReqType;		/* always X_PrintGetContext */
+	CARD16	length B16;
+} xPrintGetContextReq;		
+#define sz_xPrintGetContextReq		4
+typedef struct {
+	BYTE	type;			/* X_Reply */
+	CARD8	unused;			/* not used */
+	CARD16	sequenceNumber B16;
+	CARD32	length B32;
+	PCONTEXT printContext B32;	/* print context */
+	CARD32	pad1 B32;
+	CARD32	pad2 B32;
+	CARD32	pad3 B32;
+	CARD32	pad4 B32;
+	CARD32	pad5 B32;
+} xPrintGetContextReply;
+#define sz_xPrintGetContextReply	32
+typedef struct _PrintDestroyContext {
+	CARD8	reqType;		/* always PrintReqCode */
+	CARD8	printReqType;		/* always X_PrintDestroyContext */
+	CARD16	length B16;
+	PCONTEXT printContext B32;	/* print context */
+} xPrintDestroyContextReq;		
+#define sz_xPrintDestroyContextReq	8
+typedef struct _PrintGetContextScreen {
+	CARD8	reqType;		/* always PrintReqCode */
+	CARD8	printReqType;		/* always X_PrintGetContextScreen */
+	CARD16	length B16;
+	PCONTEXT printContext B32;	/* print context */
+} xPrintGetContextScreenReq;		
+#define sz_xPrintGetContextScreenReq	8
+typedef struct {
+	BYTE	type;			/* X_Reply */
+	CARD8	unused;			/* not used */
+	CARD16	sequenceNumber B16;
+	CARD32	length B32;
+	WINDOW  rootWindow;		/* screenPtr represented as rootWin */
+	CARD32	pad1 B32;
+	CARD32	pad2 B32;
+	CARD32	pad3 B32;
+	CARD32	pad4 B32;
+	CARD32	pad5 B32;
+} xPrintGetContextScreenReply;
+#define sz_xPrintGetContextScreenReply	32
+typedef struct _PrintStartJob {
+	CARD8	reqType;		/* always PrintReqCode */
+	CARD8	printReqType;		/* always X_PrintStartJob */
+	CARD16	length B16;
+	CARD8	saveData;		/* save data boolean */
+	CARD8	pad1;
+	CARD16	pad2 B16;
+} xPrintStartJobReq;		
+#define sz_xPrintStartJobReq		8
+typedef struct _PrintEndJob {
+	CARD8	reqType;		/* always PrintReqCode */
+	CARD8	printReqType;		/* always X_PrintEndJob */
+	CARD16	length B16;
+	BOOL	cancel;			/* cancel boolean */
+	CARD8	pad1;
+	CARD16	pad2 B16;
+} xPrintEndJobReq;
+#define sz_xPrintEndJobReq		8
+typedef struct _PrintStartDoc {
+	CARD8	reqType;		/* always PrintReqCode */
+	CARD8	printReqType;		/* always X_PrintStartDoc */
+	CARD16	length B16;
+	CARD8	type;			/* type for document */
+	CARD8	pad1;
+	CARD16	pad2 B16;
+} xPrintStartDocReq;		
+#define sz_xPrintStartDocReq		8
+typedef struct _PrintEndDoc {
+	CARD8	reqType;		/* always PrintReqCode */
+	CARD8	printReqType;		/* always X_PrintEndDoc */
+	CARD16	length B16;
+	BOOL	cancel;			/* cancel boolean */
+	CARD8	pad1;
+	CARD16	pad2 B16;
+} xPrintEndDocReq;
+#define sz_xPrintEndDocReq		8
+typedef struct _PrintPutDocumentData {
+	CARD8	reqType;		/* always PrintReqCode */
+	CARD8	printReqType;		/* always X_PrintPutDocumentData */
+	CARD16	length B16;
+	DRAWABLE drawable B32;		/* target drawable */
+	CARD32	len_data B32;		/* big len in bytes */
+	CARD16	len_fmt;		/* len in bytes */
+	CARD16	len_options;		/* len in bytes */
+	/* variable portion *****************************************
+	LISTofBYTE	data;		 * data *
+	BYTE		pad(len_data)	 * unused *
+	STRING8		doc_fmt;	 * ISO compliant desc of data type *
+	BYTE		pad(len_fmt)	 * unused *
+	STRING8		options;	 * additional device-dependent desc *
+	BYTE		pad(len_options) * unused *
+	************************************************************/
+} xPrintPutDocumentDataReq;
+#define sz_xPrintPutDocumentDataReq	16
+typedef struct _PrintGetDocumentData {
+	CARD8	reqType;		/* always PrintReqCode */
+	CARD8	printReqType;		/* always X_PrintGetDocumentData */
+	CARD16	length B16;
+	PCONTEXT printContext B32;	/* print context */
+	CARD32	maxBufferSize B32;	/* maximum buffer size requested */
+} xPrintGetDocumentDataReq;		
+#define sz_xPrintGetDocumentDataReq	12
+typedef struct {
+	BYTE	type;			/* X_Reply */
+	CARD8	unused;			/* not used */
+	CARD16	sequenceNumber B16;
+	CARD32	length B32;
+	CARD32	statusCode B32;		/* status code for reply */
+	CARD32	finishedFlag B32;	/* is this the last reply */
+	CARD32	dataLen B32;		/* data length */
+	CARD32	pad1 B32;
+	CARD32	pad2 B32;
+	CARD32	pad3 B32;
+	/* variable portion *****************************************
+	LISTofBYTE	data;		 * data *
+	BYTE		pad(count)	 * unused *
+	************************************************************/
+} xPrintGetDocumentDataReply;
+#define sz_xPrintGetDocumentDataReply	32
+typedef struct _PrintStartPage {
+	CARD8	reqType;		/* always PrintReqCode */
+	CARD8	printReqType;		/* always X_PrintStartPage */
+	CARD16	length B16;
+	WINDOW	window B32;		/* window */
+} xPrintStartPageReq;		
+#define sz_xPrintStartPageReq		8
+typedef struct _PrintEndPage {
+	CARD8	reqType;		/* always PrintReqCode */
+	CARD8	printReqType;		/* always X_PrintEndPage */
+	CARD16	length B16;
+	BOOL	cancel;			/* cancel boolean */
+	CARD8	pad1;
+	CARD16	pad2 B16;
+} xPrintEndPageReq;
+#define sz_xPrintEndPageReq		8
+typedef struct _PrintSelectInput {
+        CARD8   reqType;        	/* always PrintReqCode */
+	CARD8   printReqType;		/* always X_PrintSelectInput */
+	CARD16	length B16;
+	PCONTEXT printContext B32;	/* print context */
+	BITMASK	eventMask B32;
+} xPrintSelectInputReq;
+#define sz_xPrintSelectInputReq		12
+typedef struct _PrintInputSelected {
+        CARD8   reqType;        	/* always PrintReqCode */
+	CARD8   printReqType;		/* always X_PrintInputSelected */
+	CARD16	length B16;
+	PCONTEXT printContext B32;	/* print context */
+} xPrintInputSelectedReq;
+#define sz_xPrintInputSelectedReq	8
+typedef struct {
+	BYTE	type;			/* X_Reply */
+	CARD8	unused;			/* not used */
+	CARD16	sequenceNumber B16;
+	CARD32	length B32;
+	BITMASK	eventMask B32;		/* your event mask */
+	BITMASK	allEventsMask B32;	/* all event mask */
+	CARD32	pad1 B32;
+	CARD32	pad2 B32;
+	CARD32	pad3 B32;
+	CARD32	pad4 B32;
+} xPrintInputSelectedReply;
+#define sz_xPrintInputSelectedReply	32
+typedef struct _PrintGetAttributes {
+        CARD8   reqType;        	/* always PrintReqCode */
+	CARD8   printReqType;		/* always X_PrintGetAttributes */
+	CARD16	length B16;
+	PCONTEXT printContext B32;	/* print context */
+        CARD8   type;			/* type */
+        CARD8   pad1;			/* unused */
+        CARD16  pad2 B16;		/* unused */
+} xPrintGetAttributesReq;
+#define sz_xPrintGetAttributesReq	12
+typedef struct {
+	BYTE	type;			/* X_Reply */
+	CARD8	unused;			/* not used */
+	CARD16	sequenceNumber B16;
+	CARD32	length B32;
+	CARD32	stringLen B32;		/* length of xrm db string */
+	CARD32	pad1 B32;
+	CARD32	pad2 B32;
+	CARD32	pad3 B32;
+	CARD32	pad4 B32;
+	CARD32	pad5 B32;
+        /* variable portion *****************************************
+	STRING8	string;                  * xrm db as a string *
+	BYTE	pad(stringLen)           * unused *
+        ************************************************************/
+} xPrintGetAttributesReply;
+#define sz_xPrintGetAttributesReply	32
+typedef struct _PrintSetAttributes {
+        CARD8   reqType;        	/* always PrintReqCode */
+	CARD8   printReqType;		/* always X_PrintSetAttributes */
+	CARD16	length B16;
+	PCONTEXT printContext B32;	/* print context */
+	CARD32	stringLen B32;		/* length of xrm db string */
+        CARD8   type;                   /* type */
+	CARD8   rule;			/* replacement rule */
+	CARD16  pad1 B16;		/* unused */
+        /* variable portion *****************************************
+	STRING8	string;                  * xrm db as a string *
+	BYTE	pad(stringLen)           * unused *
+        ************************************************************/
+} xPrintSetAttributesReq;
+#define sz_xPrintSetAttributesReq	16
+typedef struct _PrintGetOneAttribute {
+        CARD8   reqType;        	/* always PrintReqCode */
+	CARD8   printReqType;		/* always X_PrintGetOneAttribute */
+	CARD16	length B16;
+	PCONTEXT printContext B32;	/* print context */
+	CARD32	nameLen;		/* length of name string */
+        CARD8   type;			/* type */
+        CARD8   pad1;			/* unused */
+        CARD16  pad2 B16;		/* unused */
+        /* variable portion *****************************************
+	STRING8	name;			 * name as a string *
+	BYTE	pad(name)		 * unused *
+        ************************************************************/
+} xPrintGetOneAttributeReq;
+#define sz_xPrintGetOneAttributeReq	16
+typedef struct {
+	BYTE	type;			/* X_Reply */
+	CARD8	unused;			/* not used */
+	CARD16	sequenceNumber B16;
+	CARD32	length B32;
+	CARD32	valueLen B32;		/* length of value string */
+	CARD32	pad1 B32;
+	CARD32	pad2 B32;
+	CARD32	pad3 B32;
+	CARD32	pad4 B32;
+	CARD32	pad5 B32;
+        /* variable portion *****************************************
+	STRING8	value;			 * value as a string *
+	BYTE	pad(value)		 * unused *
+        ************************************************************/
+} xPrintGetOneAttributeReply;
+#define sz_xPrintGetOneAttributeReply	32
+typedef struct _PrintGetPageDimensions {
+	CARD8	reqType;		/* always PrintReqCode */
+	CARD8	printReqType;		/* always X_PrintGetPageDimensions */
+	CARD16	length B16;
+	PCONTEXT printContext B32;	/* print context */
+} xPrintGetPageDimensionsReq;		
+#define sz_xPrintGetPageDimensionsReq	8
+typedef struct {
+	BYTE	type;			/* X_Reply */
+	CARD8	unused;			/* not used */
+	CARD16	sequenceNumber B16;
+	CARD32	length B32;
+	CARD16	width;			/* total pixel width */
+	CARD16	height;			/* total pixel height */
+	CARD16	rx;			/* reproducable x pixel offset */
+	CARD16	ry;			/* reproducable y pixel offset */
+	CARD16	rwidth;			/* reproducable x pixel width */
+	CARD16	rheight;		/* reproducable y pixel width */
+	CARD32	pad1 B32;
+	CARD32	pad2 B32;
+	CARD32	pad3 B32;
+} xPrintGetPageDimensionsReply;
+#define sz_xPrintGetPageDimensionsReply	32
+typedef struct _PrintQueryScreens {
+	CARD8	reqType;		/* always PrintReqCode */
+	CARD8	printReqType;		/* always X_PrintQueryScreens */
+	CARD16	length B16;
+} xPrintQueryScreensReq;		
+#define sz_xPrintQueryScreensReq	4
+typedef struct {
+	BYTE	type;			/* X_Reply */
+	CARD8	unused;			/* not used */
+	CARD16	sequenceNumber B16;
+	CARD32	length B32;
+	CARD32	listCount;		/* number of screens following */
+	CARD32	pad1 B32;
+	CARD32	pad2 B32;
+	CARD32	pad3 B32;
+	CARD32	pad4 B32;
+	CARD32	pad5 B32;
+        /* variable portion *****************************************
+	WINDOW	rootWindow;		 * root window of screen *
+        ************************************************************/
+} xPrintQueryScreensReply;
+#define sz_xPrintQueryScreensReply	32
+typedef struct _PrintSetImageResolution {
+	CARD8	reqType;		/* always PrintReqCode */
+	CARD8	printReqType;		/* always X_PrintSetImageResolution */
+	CARD16	length B16;
+	PCONTEXT printContext B32;	/* print context */
+	CARD16 imageRes B16;		/* image resolution */
+	CARD16 pad1 B16;
+} xPrintSetImageResolutionReq;
+#define sz_xPrintSetImageResolutionReq	12
+typedef struct {
+	BYTE	type;			/* X_Reply */
+	BOOL	status;			/* accepted or not */
+	CARD16	sequenceNumber B16;
+	CARD32	length B32;
+	CARD16	prevRes B16;		/* previous resolution */
+	CARD16	pad1 B32;
+	CARD32	pad2 B32;
+	CARD32	pad3 B32;
+	CARD32	pad4 B32;
+	CARD32	pad5 B32;
+	CARD32	pad6 B32;
+} xPrintSetImageResolutionReply;
+#define sz_xPrintSetImageResolutionReply 32
+typedef struct _PrintGetImageResolution {
+	CARD8	reqType;		/* always PrintReqCode */
+	CARD8	printReqType;		/* always X_PrintGetImageResolution */
+	CARD16	length B16;
+	PCONTEXT printContext B32;	/* print context */
+} xPrintGetImageResolutionReq;
+#define sz_xPrintGetImageResolutionReq	8
+typedef struct {
+	BYTE	type;			/* X_Reply */
+	CARD8	unused;
+	CARD16	sequenceNumber B16;
+	CARD32	length B32;
+	CARD16	imageRes B16;		/* image resolution */
+	CARD16	pad1 B32;
+	CARD32	pad2 B32;
+	CARD32	pad3 B32;
+	CARD32	pad4 B32;
+	CARD32	pad5 B32;
+	CARD32	pad6 B32;
+} xPrintGetImageResolutionReply;
+#define sz_xPrintGetImageResolutionReply 32
+#ifndef _XP_PRINT_SERVER_
+ *
+ * Library-only definitions.
+ */
+extern XPHinterProc  _xp_hinter_proc;
+extern char         *_xp_hinter_desc;
+extern int           _xp_hinter_init;
+#else /* _XP_PRINT_SERVER_ */
+ *
+ * Server-only definitions shared between the extension and DDX layers.
+ *
+ */
+ * Internal return code used to indicate that the requesting
+ * client has been suspended.
+ */
+#define Suspended 84
+struct _XpContext;
+extern void XpRegisterPrinterScreen(
+    ScreenPtr pScreen,
+    int (*CreateContext)(struct _XpContext *));
+typedef struct _xpprintFuncs {
+    int (*StartJob)(
+	struct _XpContext *	/* pContext */,
+	Bool			/* sendClientData */,
+	ClientPtr		/* client */);
+    int (*EndJob)(struct _XpContext *, int);
+    int (*StartDoc)(
+	struct _XpContext *	/* pContext */,
+	XPDocumentType		/* type */);
+    int (*EndDoc)(struct _XpContext *, int);
+    int (*StartPage)(
+	struct _XpContext *	/* pContext */,
+	WindowPtr		/* pWin */);
+    int (*EndPage)(
+	struct _XpContext *	/* pContext */,
+	WindowPtr		/* pWin */);
+    int (*PutDocumentData)(
+	struct _XpContext *	/* pContext */,
+    	DrawablePtr		/* pDraw */,
+	char *			/* pData */,
+	int			/* len_data */,
+	char *			/* pDoc_fmt */,
+	int			/* len_fmt */,
+	char *			/* pOptions */,
+	int			/* len_options */,
+	ClientPtr		/* client */);
+    int (*GetDocumentData)(
+	struct _XpContext *	/* pContext */,
+	ClientPtr		/* client */,
+	int			/* maxBufferSize */);
+    int (*DestroyContext)(
+	struct _XpContext *);	/* pContext */
+    char *(*GetAttributes)(
+	struct _XpContext *,
+	XPAttributes 		/* pool */);
+    char *(*GetOneAttribute)(
+	struct _XpContext *	/* pContext */,
+	XPAttributes 		/* pool */,
+	char *			/* attrs */);
+    int (*SetAttributes)(
+	struct _XpContext *	/* pContext */,
+	XPAttributes 		/* pool */,
+	char *			/* attrs */);
+    int (*AugmentAttributes)(
+	struct _XpContext *	/* pContext */,
+	XPAttributes 		/* pool */,
+	char *			/* attrs */);
+    int (*GetMediumDimensions)(
+	struct _XpContext *	/* pPrintContext */,
+	CARD16 *		/* pWidth */,
+	CARD16 *		/* pHeight */);
+    int (*GetReproducibleArea)(
+	struct _XpContext *	/* pPrintContext */,
+	xRectangle *		/* pRect */);
+    int (*SetImageResolution)(
+	struct _XpContext *	/* pPrintContext */,
+	int			/* imageRes */,
+	Bool *			/* pStatus */);
+} XpDriverFuncs, *XpDriverFuncsPtr;
+ * Each print context is represented by one of the following structs
+ * associated with a resource ID of type RTcontext .  A pointer to
+ * the context is placed in the Xp extension's devPrivates
+ * element in each client * which establishes a context via
+ * either initContext or setContext.
+ * The context pointer is also placed in the struct indicated by the
+ * RTpage resource associated with each StartPage'd window.
+ */
+typedef struct _XpContext {
+        XID contextID;
+        char *printerName;
+        int screenNum;          /* screen containing the printer */
+        struct _XpClient *clientHead; /* list of clients */
+        CARD32 state;
+        VisualID pageWin;
+        DevUnion *devPrivates;
+        XpDriverFuncs funcs;
+	ClientPtr clientSlept;
+	int imageRes;
+} XpContextRec, *XpContextPtr;
+#include <X11/fonts/fontstruct.h>	/* FontResolutionPtr */
+extern Bool XpAllocateContextPrivate(int, unsigned);
+extern FontResolutionPtr XpGetClientResolutions(ClientPtr, int *);
+extern XpContextPtr XpContextOfClient(ClientPtr);
+extern XpContextPtr XpGetPrintContext(ClientPtr);
+extern int XpAllocateContextPrivateIndex(void);
+extern int XpRehashPrinterList(void);
+extern void XpSetFontResFunc(ClientPtr);
+extern void XpUnsetFontResFunc(ClientPtr);
+extern void XpRegisterInitFunc(ScreenPtr, char *, int (*)(struct _XpContext *));
+#endif /* _XP_PRINT_SERVER_ */
+#endif /* _XpPrintstr_H_ */