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            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="elections"></a>Holding Elections</h2>
      <div class="toc">
            <span class="sect2">
              <a href="elections.html#influencingelections">Influencing Elections</a>
            <span class="sect2">
              <a href="elections.html#winningelections">Winning Elections</a>
            <span class="sect2">
              <a href="elections.html#switchingmasters">Switching Masters</a>
                    Finding a master environment is one of the fundamental activities that 
                    every replication replica must perform. Upon startup, the
                    underlying DB replication code will attempt to
                    locate a master. If a master cannot be found, then the
                    environment should initiate an election.
                How elections are held depends upon the API that you use to
                implement replication. For example, if you are using the
                Replication Manager elections are held transparently without any
                input from your application's code. In this case, 
                DB will determine which environment is the master and which
                are replicas.
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              <h3 class="title"><a id="influencingelections"></a>Influencing Elections</h3>
                If you want to control the election process, you can declare
                a specific environment to be the master. Note that for the Replication Manager,
                it is only possible to do this at application startup.
                Should the master become unavailable during run-time for any
                reason, an election is held. The environment that receives
                the most number of votes, wins the election and becomes the
                master. A machine receives a vote because it has the most
                up-to-date log records.
                    Because ties are possible when elections are held, 
                    it is possible to influence which environment will win
                    the election. How you do this depends on which API you
                    are using. In particular, if you are writing a custom replication
                layer, then there are a great many ways to manually influence
                    One such mechanism is priorities.  When votes are cast
                    during an election, the winner is determined first by
                    the environment with the most up-to-date log records.
                    But if this is a tie, the the environment's priority is
                    considered.  So given two environments with log records
                    that are equally recent, votes are cast for the
                    environment with the higher priority.
                    Therefore, if you have a machine that you prefer to
                    become a master in the event of an election, assign it
                    a high priority. Assuming that the election is held at
                    a time when the preferred machine has up-to-date log
                    records, that machine will win the election.
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        <div class="titlepage">
              <h3 class="title"><a id="winningelections"></a>Winning Elections</h3>
                        To win an election:
        <div class="orderedlist">
          <ol type="1">
                                            There cannot currently be a
                                            master environment.
                                            The environment must have the most
                                            recent log records. Part of
                                            holding the election is
                                            determining which environments have
                                            the most recent log records.
                                            This process happens
                                            automatically; your code does
                                            not need to involve itself in
                                            this process.
                                            The environment must receive the most
                                            number of votes from the
                                            replication environments that are
                                            participating in the election.
                        If you are using the Replication Manager, then in the event of a
                        tie vote the environment with the highest priority wins
                        the election. If two or more environments receive the same
                        number of votes and have the same priority, then
                        the underlying replication code picks one of the
                        environments to
                        be the winner. Which winner will be picked by the
                        replication code is unpredictable from the
                        perspective of your application code.
      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
        <div class="titlepage">
              <h3 class="title"><a id="switchingmasters"></a>Switching Masters</h3>
                        To switch masters:
        <div class="orderedlist">
          <ol type="1">
                                            Start up the environment that you want
                                            to be master as normal. At this
                                            time it is a replica. Make
                                            sure this environment has a higher
                                            priority than all the other
                                            Allow the new environment to run for a
                                            time as a replica. This allows
                                            it to obtain the most recent
                                            copies of the log files.
                                            Shut down the current master.
                                            This should force an election.
                                            Because the new environment has the
                                            highest priority, it will win
                                            the election, provided it has
                                            had enough time to obtain all
                                            the log records.
                                            Optionally restart the old
                                            master environment. Because there is
                                            currently a master environment, an
                                            election will not be held and
                                            the old master will now run as
                                            a replica environment.
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