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<title>LASH Audio Session Handler: 2. Copying LASH</title>

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<a name="Copying-LASH"></a>
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<a name="Copying-LASH-1"></a>
<h1 class="chapter">2. Copying LASH</h1>

<p>LASH is distributed under the GNU General Public License.  A copy of
the license text is provided in the file &lsquo;<tt>COPYING</tt>&rsquo; along with
the software source code, or you can get a copy by writing to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
MA 02110-1301 USA.
<p>In plain english, the GPL basically restricts you from restricting other
people&rsquo;s use of the LASH source code (ie, all of LASH), and any additions
you make to the code, including linking with the LASH library.  If you
use code from this software, your software must be relased under the GPL.
If you modify this software and release it, your modifications must be
released under the GPL. If you release software linked against the LASH
library, your software must be released under the GPL.
<p>Note that this in no way restricts those people who want to release
non-free LASH clients.  LASH operates using a well defined protocol
over TCP sockets.  The high-level protocol is described within this
document and the lower-level bit-wise protocol can be garnered from the
source itself.

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