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This file is part of groff, the GNU roff type-setting system.

Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Written by Peter Schaffter.

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or
any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with the
Invariant Sections being this comment section, with no Front-Cover
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A copy of the Free Documentation License is included as a file called
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  <title>Mom -- Recto/verso printing, collating</title>
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<h1 class="docs">Recto/verso printing, collating</h1>

<div style="width: 37%; margin: auto;">
<ul class="no-enumerator" style="margin-left: -1em;">
  <li><a href="#rectoverso-intro">Introduction to recto/verso printing</a>
  <ul style="margin-left: -.5em; list-style-type: disc;">
    <li><a href="#rectoverso-list">Macro list</a></li>
  <li><a href="#collate-intro">Introduction to collating</a>
  <ul style="margin-left: -.5em; list-style-type: disc;">
    <li><a href="#collate">The COLLATE macro</a></li>

<div class="rule-medium"><hr/></div>

<h2 id="rectoverso-intro" class="docs">Introduction to recto/verso printing</h2>

Recto/verso printing allows you to set up a mom document in such
a way that it can be printed on both sides of a printer sheet and
subsequently bound.

With recto/verso, mom automatically takes control of the following
aspects of alternating page layout:
<ul style="margin-top: -.5em; margin-left: -.5em; margin-bottom: -.5em;">
  <li>switching left and right margins (if they&#8217;re not equal)</li>
  <li>switching the left and right parts of the default 3-part
      <a href="definitions.html#header">headers</a>
      <a href="definitions.html#footer">footers</a>
      (see the
      <a href="headfootpage.html#description-general">General description of headers</a>)
      <a href="headfootpage.html#hdrftr-rectoverso">HEADER_RECTO</a>
      <a href="headfootpage.html#hdrftr-rectoverso">HEADER_VERSO</a>
      if user-defined, single string recto/verso headers
      or footers are used in place of the default 3-part
      headers or footers
  <li>switching the page number position (if page numbers are not centred)</li>

It is beyond the scope of this documentation to cover the different
ways in which you can make your printer print on both sides of
a sheet.  A simple but effective method for those of us with
&#8220;dumb&#8221; printers is to open the document (after
it&#8217;s been processed into PostScript by groff&mdash;see
<a href="using.html#using-invoking">How to invoke groff with mom</a>)
in <b>gv</b> (ghostview), click the &#8220;odd pages&#8221; icon,
then click &#8220;Print Marked&#8220;.  After printing is complete,
rearrange the sheets appropriately, put them back in your printer,
and have <b>gv</b> print the &#8220;even pages&#8220;.  If you
prefer to work from the command line, check out the man pages for
<kbd>pstops</kbd> and <kbd>psbook</kbd>.  There are other programs
out there as well to help with two-sided printing.

<div class="macro-list-container">
<h3 id="rectoverso-list" class="macro-list">Recto/verso macros</h3>
<ul class="macro-list">
  <li><a href="#recto-verso">RECTO_VERSO</a></li>
  <li><a href="#switch-hdrftr">SWITCH_HEADERS (also FOOTERS)</a>
      &ndash; switch starting position of the header parts (left and right)

<!-- -RECTO_VERSO- -->

<div id="recto-verso" class="box-macro-args">
Macro: <b>RECTO_VERSO</b>

If you want mom to set up alternating pages for recto/verso
printing, simply invoke RECTO_VERSO, with no argument, anywhere in
your document (most likely before
<a href="docprocessing.html#start">START</a>).

<div class="box-tip">
<p class="tip-top">
<span class="note">Note:</span>
Recto/verso always switches the left and right parts of
<a href="definitions.html#header">headers</a>
<a href="definitions.html#footer">footers</a>
on odd/even pages.  However, it only switches the left and right
margins if the margins aren&#8217;t equal.  Consequently, it is
your responsibility to set the appropriate differing left and right
margins with
<a href="typesetting.html#l-margin">L_MARGIN</a>
<a href="typesetting.html#r-margin">R_MARGIN</a>
(prior to
<a href="docprocessing.html#start">START</a>)
or with
<a href="docprocessing.html#doc-left-margin">DOC_LEFT_MARGIN</a>
<a href="docprocessing.html#doc-right-margin">DOC_RIGHT_MARGIN</a>
(before or after START).

<p class="tip-bottom">
Equally, recto/verso only switches the page number position if page
numbers aren&#8217;t centred, which means you have to set the page
number position with
<a href="headfootpage.html#pagenum-pos">PAGENUM_POS</a>
(before or after START).

<!-- -SWITCH_HDRFTR- -->

<div id="switch-hdrftr" class="box-macro-args" style="margin-top: 1em;">
Macro: <b>SWITCH_HEADERS</b>

SWITCH_HEADERS switches the location of the header left string
(by default, the author) and the header right string (by default,
the document title).  If you don&#8217;t like mom&#8217;s default
placement of author and title, use SWITCH_HEADERS to reverse it.

SWITCH_HEADERS can also be useful in conjunction with
<a href="#recto-verso">RECTO_VERSO</a>.
The assumption of RECTO_VERSO is that the first page of a document
(i.e. recto/odd) represents the norm for header-left and header-right,
meaning that the second (and all subsequent verso/even) pages of the
document will reverse the order of header-left and header-right.

If mom&#8217;s behaviour in this matter is not what you want, simply
invoke SWITCH_HEADERS on the first page of your recto/verso document
to reverse her default treatment of header parts.  The remainder of
your document (with respect to headers) will come out as you want.

<div class="rule-medium"><hr/></div>

<!-- ===================================================================== -->

<h2 id="collate-intro" class="docs">Introduction to collating</h2>

Many people wisely keep chapters of a long work in separate
files, previewing or printing them as needed during the draft
phase.  However, when it comes to the final version, mom requires
a single, collated file in order to keep track of page numbering
and recto/verso administration, generating tables of contents and
endnotes, ensuring that
<a href="definitions.html#docheader">docheaders</a>
get printed correctly, and a host of other details.

The COLLATE macro, which can be used with any
<a href="docprocessing.html#doctype">DOCTYPE</a>
except <kbd>LETTER</kbd>, lets you glue mom-formatted text files
together.  You need only concatenate chapters into a single file
(most likely with the <kbd>cat</kbd> command), put <kbd>.COLLATE</kbd> at the end of each
concatenated chapter, follow it with the
<a href="docprocessing.html#reference-macros">reference macros</a>
needed for the new chapter, e.g.
<a href="docprocessing.html#chapter">CHAPTER</a>
<a href="docprocessing.html#chapter-string">CHAPTER_STRING</a>,
make any pertinent style changes to the upcoming chapter (unlikely,
but possible), and re-invoke the
<a href="docprocessing.html#start">START</a>
macro.  (Most likely, the reference macros and <kbd>.START</kbd> are
already there.)  Each chapter will begin on a fresh page and behave
as expected.

Even if you always work with monolithic, multi-chapter files, every
chapter and its associated reference macros plus <kbd>.START</kbd>
still needs to be preceded by a <kbd>.COLLATE</kbd> command.

<div class="box-tip">
<p class="tip">
<span class="note">Note:</span>
COLLATE assumes you are collating documents/files with similar
type-style parameters hence there&#8217;s no need for PRINTSTYLE
to appear after COLLATE, although if you&#8217;re collating
documents that were created as separate files, chances are the
PRINTSTYLE&#8217;s already there.

<div class="box-tip">
<p id="caution" class="tip">
<b>Two words of caution:</b>
<ol style="margin-top: -1.25em; margin-left: -1.25em; padding-bottom: .5em;">
  <li>Do not collate documents of differing
      PRINTSTYLES (i.e. don&#8217;t try to
      collate a <kbd>TYPESET</kbd> document and <kbd>TYPEWRITE</kbd>
  <li>Use <kbd>.DOC_FAMILY</kbd> instead of
      <kbd>.FAMILY</kbd> if, for some reason, you want to
      change the family of all the document elements after
      <kbd>.COLLATE</kbd>. <kbd>.FAMILY</kbd>, by itself, will
      change the family of paragraph text only.

<!-- -COLLATE- -->

<div class="macro-id-overline">
<h3 id="collate" class="macro-id">collate</h3>

<div class="box-macro-args">
Macro: <b>COLLATE</b>

The most basic (and most likely) collating situation looks like
<span class="pre-in-pp">

A slightly more complex version of the same thing, for chapters
that require their own titles, looks like this:
<span class="pre-in-pp">
  .CHAPTER_TITLE "Geek Fatigue: Symptoms and Causes"

<div class="box-tip">
<p class="tip">
<span class="tip">Tip:</span>
If the last
<a href="definitions.html#outputline">output line</a>
of a document before COLLATE falls too close to the bottom margin
for running text, mom may output a blank page with only a header
or footer between collated documents.  In order to avoid this, I
recommend always preceding COLLATE with
<kbd><a href="typesetting.html#el">.EL</a></kbd>,
like this
<span class="pre-in-pp">

<div class="box-tip">
<p class="tip">
<span class="note">Note:</span>
See the
<a href="#caution">two words of caution</a>,

<div class="rule-long"><hr/></div>

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