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                    <a href="../../../html/index.html">Home</a> &raquo; <a href="../../../html/developer.html">Developer Documentation</a> &raquo; Debian Packaging Guide

<h1><a name="Debian_Packaging_Guide"
>Debian Packaging Guide</a></h1>

<p>This is a quick set of instructions for packaging Parrot for Debian.
See the Debian New Maintainer&#39;s Guide (<a href=";guide">;guide</a>) for more information.
The Ubuntu Packaging Guide is also a good resource (<a href=""></a>).</p>

<p>This guide assumes that you&#39;re running in a chroot environment set up as in: <a href=''></a>.
For other configurations,
see that page for a list of Debian packages you will need to install before building the Parrot packages.</p>

<p>To package Parrot for Debian:</p>

<dt><a name="0."
Download the latest tarball.
<dt><a name="1."
Compile it and run the tests,
just to be sure the tarball is sound (especially useful if you&#39;re running in a chroot environment different than your usual dev environment).
<dt><a name="2."
Create a new directory.
(The name is irrelevant,
but we&#39;ll use ~/deb/parrot for the sake of illustration.)Create a fresh extract of the tarball in the ~/deb/parrot directory.
The directory should be named &#34;parrot&#45;&#60;version&#62;&#34; (it will be by default).Copy the debian/ directory from the Parrot source tree into the fresh tarball extract.
<pre>  cp &#45;r &#60;path/to/parrot/git&#62;/ports/debian ~/deb/parrot/parrot&#45;&#60;version&#62;/.</pre>
Copy the original tarball into ~/deb/parrot, naming it &#34;parrot_&#60;version&#62;.orig.tar.gz&#34; (note the &#34;_&#34; in place of dash).
<dt><a name="3."
Update the debian/changelog file in ~/deb/parrot/parrot&#45;&#60;version&#62;/. The format of the changelog file is strict (automatically parsed). The first line of the log entry gives the package version and categorization. For a new version upload, the version number is the Parrot version number followed by &#45;1. For example:
<pre>  parrot (0.5.1&#45;1) unstable; urgency=low</pre>
The next few lines are the changelog record entries. These record changes in the Debian packaging of Parrot, not changes in Parrot itself. New package versions should include the line:
<pre>  * New upstream release.</pre>
Please note any closed bugs related to the Parrot packages with an entry that includes the text &#34;(Closes: #&#60;bugnum&#62;)&#34;.The final line gives the maintainer&#39;s name, email address, and the date. The date must be in RFC822 format, and can be generated by running <code>date &#45;R</code>. (Note that two spaces are required between the email and the date.)
<pre>   &#45;&#45; Your Name &#60;;  Sun, 30 Dec 2007 17:21:45 +0000</pre>

<dt><a name="4."
Update the debian/ file in ~/deb/parrot/parrot&#45;&#60;version&#62;/. Make sure you are listed in &#34;Uploaders&#34;. The &#34;Maintainer&#34; will always be &#34;Debian Parrot Maintainers &#60;pkg&#45;parrot&#45;;&#34;.
<dt><a name="5."
Update the debian/copyright file in ~/deb/parrot/parrot&#45;&#60;version&#62;/. Check for any removed files that no longer need copyright notices. Update the years in the Parrot Foundation copyright line if needed.
<dt><a name="6."
Make sure you have <code>quilt</code> installed. Run:
<pre>  $ aptitude install quilt</pre>

<dt><a name="7."
Regenerate the debian/control file. From the ~/deb/parrot/parrot&#45;&#60;version&#62;/ directory, run:
<pre>  $ debian/rules debian&#45;control&#45;stamp</pre>

<dt><a name="8."
Install all dependencies:
<pre>  $ sudo /usr/lib/pbuilder/pbuilder&#45;satisfydepends</pre>

<dt><a name="9."
Build the packages. From ~/deb/parrot/parrot_&#60;version&#62;/, run:
<pre>  $ export DEBSIGN_KEYID=&#34;&#60;gpg key id&#62;&#34;
  $ debuild</pre>

<dt><a name="10."
Check the package for errors. From ~/deb/parrot, run:
<pre>  $ lintian &#45;i parrot_&#60;version&#62;.changes</pre>

<dt><a name="11."
Commit all changes made to the files in the debian/ directory to the Parrot repository.
<dt><a name="12."
Upload the packages to <a href=""></a> (If you don&#39;t have admin privileges, ask someone who does.) From any of the project pages, click on the &#34;Admin&#34; tab, then the &#34;FRS Admin&#34; link on the bottom of the page, then the link to &#34;quick&#45;release a file&#34;.Select the appropriate &#34;Package ID&#34; for the file (the same as the filename without the version). For the &#34;Release Name&#34; use the current version number (e.g. 0.6.1). For the &#34;Release Date&#34; use the date and time you listed in the debian changelog file (the date and time the debian package was created, not Parrot&#39;s release date for that version). For the &#34;Release Notes&#34; use the standard release text (the email/website/press announcement) without the change list. For the &#34;Change Log&#34; use the change list from the standard release text. Also check &#34;Preserve my pre&#45;formatted text&#34;.</dl>

<h1><a name="SEE_ALSO"
>SEE ALSO</a></h1>

<p><em>README</em>, <em>RESPONSIBLE_PARTIES</em>.</p>

<h1><a name="Appendix_1"
>Appendix 1</a></h1>

<p>Parrot Debian Release Managers</p>

<pre> &#45; Allison Randal
 &#45; Nuno Carvalho
 &#45; Patrick Michaud</pre>

<p>Parrot Debian Sponsors</p>

<pre> &#45; Colin Watson
 &#45; Jeff Bailey
 &#45; Benjamin Mako Hill</pre>

<h1><a name="Appendix_2"
>Appendix 2</a></h1>

<p>Set up instructions for new Debian Parrot release managers.</p>

<dt><a name="0."
Create an account on <a href=""></a> and request to join the group pkg&#45;parrot.
<dt><a name="1."
If you will be uploading through a sponsor, create an account on <a href=""></a>
<dt><a name="2."
Set up a chroot environment for building packages. See &#60;<a href=""></a>&#62;.</dl>
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