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<h1><a name="NAME"

<p>editor/README.pod &#45; Productivity Comes in Pretty Colors</p>

<h1><a name="Syntax_Highlighting_and_Other_Editor_Assistance"
>Syntax Highlighting and Other Editor Assistance</a></h1>

<p>Included in this directory are some add&#45;ins for making working on parrot (or in parrot) easier,
for various popular editors.
Mostly that means syntax&#45;highlighting and automatic indenting.
Read on to see what&#39;s available for your favorite editor.
For a summary on what is available do cd editor &#38;&#38; make help</p>

<h2><a name="Vim"

<p>By default calling <code>make vim&#45;install</code> in the <em>editor/</em> directory will install several files in <em>~/.vim</em>.
You can use the variable <code>VIM_DIR</code> on the command line by calling <code>make</code> to choose a different target directory for the vim files.</p>

<pre>   make vim&#45;install [VIM_DIR=/vim_files_target_directory]</pre>

<p>All these files have the <em>.vim</em> extension. <em>pir.vim</em> (generated from <em></em>), <em>pasm.vim</em>, and <em>pmc.vim</em> are syntax files; <em>indent_pir.vim</em> is an indent plugin; and <em>filetype_parrot.vim</em> is a filetype script that tells vim to associate the extensions .pir, .pasm, and .pmc with the right syntax. The syntax files are installed to <em>~/.vim/syntax/</em>; <em>filetype_parrot.vim</em> is installed to <em>~/.vim/parrot.vim</em>; <em>indent_pir.vim</em> is copied to <em>~/.vim/indent/pir.vim</em>. If you want indenting, you should also place <code>filetype indent on</code> somewhere in your <em>~/.vimrc</em>.</p>

<h2><a name="Kate"

<p>There is a syntax file for the KDE editor Kate, but it is not built by default. Run:</p>

<pre>   make imc.kate</pre>

<p>in <em>editor/</em> to build it.</p>

<p>Copy the file <em>imcc.xml</em> to <em>~/.kde/share/apps/katepart/syntax</em>.</p>

<h2><a name="Emacs"

<li>Editing the Parrot VM source</li>

<p>In this directory is a <em>parrot.el</em> describing the c&#45;mode and cperl&#45;mode changes modifications required to edit the Parrot source code. To install the Parrot mode support copy <em>parrot.el</em> to a directory where Emacs looks for external packages and add the following to your <em>~/.emacs</em> file:</p>

<pre>    (load &#34;parrot&#34;)</pre>

<p>Alternatively, if you&#39;re an active Parrot developer, you may wish to add this to your .emacs instead, to automatically track future changes:</p>

<pre>    (load&#45;file &#34;/&#60;path&#45;to&#45;parrot&#62;/editor/parrot.el&#34;)</pre>

<li>Editing PASM source files</li>

<p>Included here is an Emacs mode for editing pasm files, in <em>pasm.el</em>.</p>

<p>To install the pasm major mode copy <em>pasm.el</em> to a directory where Emacs looks for external packages and add the following to your <em>~/.emacs</em> file:</p>

<pre>    (load &#34;pasm&#34;)</pre>

<p>To automatically associate .pasm files with this major mode add:</p>

<pre>    (add&#45;to&#45;list &#39;auto&#45;mode&#45;alist (cons &#34;\\.pasm\\&#39;&#34; &#39;pasm&#45;mode))</pre>

<p>to your <em>~/.emacs</em> or you can alternatively type <code>M&#45;x pasm&#45;mode</code> for every file that you want to use the major mode in.</p>

<p>Additionally, you might want to add:</p>

<pre>    (add&#45;hook &#39;pasm&#45;mode&#45;hook
              (function (lambda ()
                          (setq indent&#45;tabs&#45;mode nil))))</pre>

<p>to <em>~/.emacs</em> as this seems to prevent the odd behavior that is noted when using tabs in the pasm mode.</p>

<h2><a name="TAGS_file"
>TAGS file</a></h2>

<p>There is a script here to automatically generate a TAGS file, which works with Vim and other editors that recognize ctags&#45;format files. Run</p>

<pre>  make tags&#45;vi</pre>

<p>for Vim&#45;compatible tags or</p>

<pre>  make tags&#45;emacs</pre>

<p>for Emacs&#45;style tags. The tool &#34;exuberant ctags&#34; is required for both. There is also the</p>

<pre>  make tags&#45;xemacs</pre>

<p>target which will work with older XEmacs etags (21.5*).</p>
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