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                    <a href="../../../html/index.html">Home</a> &raquo; <a href="../../../html/pmc.html">PMCs</a> &raquo; Mapped byte array

<h1><a name="NAME"

<p>src/pmc/mappedbytearray.pmc &#45; Mapped byte array</p>

<h1><a name="DESCRIPTION"

<p>A memory mapped file or shared memory segment accesible as array of bytes.</p>

<p>Bare minimal functionality available,
only for posix platforms (tested on linux).</p>

<h2><a name="Vtable_Functions"
>Vtable Functions</a></h2>

<dt><a name="init()"
Initialize without doing any mapping.
<dt><a name="init_pmc(PMC_*init)"
><b><code>init_pmc(PMC *init)</b></code></a></dt>
The argument must be a String PMC with a file name.
Maps the whole file.Other options still not available.
<dt><a name="destroy()"
Free all resources used.
<dt><a name="get_bool()"
Return true if active,
false otherwise.
<dt><a name="elements()"
Return the size of the mapped area.
<dt><a name="get_integer_keyed_int(INTVAL_pos)"
><b><code>get_integer_keyed_int(INTVAL pos)</b></code></a></dt>
Get the byte at pos.
<dt><a name="set_integer_keyed_int(INTVAL_pos,_INTVAL_value)"
><b><code>set_integer_keyed_int(INTVAL pos, INTVAL value)</b></code></a></dt>
Set the byte at pos to value.</dl>

<h2><a name="Methods"

<dt><a name="supported()"
Return 0 if file mapping is not supported,
non zero otherwise.
<dt><a name="open(STRING_*filename,_STRING_*mode_:optional)"
><b><code>open(STRING *filename, STRING *mode :optional)</b></code></a></dt>
Map a file by its name.
The mode argument can be &#34;r&#34;,
&#34;w&#34; or &#34;rw&#34;,
&#34;r&#34; is assumed if omitted.
<dt><a name="close()"
Close the mapping.
Return 0 if the mapping was opened aand the unmap operation does not fail,
non zero otherwise.
<dt><a name="get_string(INTVAL_pos,_INTVAL_bytelength,_STRING_*encodingname)"
><b><code>get_string(INTVAL pos, INTVAL bytelength, STRING *encodingname)</b></code></a></dt>
Get a string from the buffer content with the specified encoding.
<dt><a name="get_chars(INTVAL_pos,_INTVAL_length)"
><b><code>get_chars(INTVAL pos, INTVAL length)</b></code></a></dt>
Get a string from the buffer content with the specified encoding and length in codepoints.
<dt><a name="get_utf8(INTVAL_pos,_INTVAL_length)"
><b><code>get_utf8(INTVAL pos, INTVAL length)</b></code></a></dt>
Get a utf8 string from the buffer content with the specified length in codepoints.</dl>

<h2><a name="Helper_functions"
>Helper functions</a></h2>

<dt><a name="static_void_unavailable(PARROT_INTERP,_const_char_*msg)"
><b><code>static void unavailable(PARROT_INTERP, const char *msg)</b></code></a></dt>
Throws appropiately for functionality not available in the current platform.
<dt><a name="static_void_*_mapfromfilehandle(PIOHANDLE_handle,_unsigned_long_size,_int_flag)"
><b><code>static void * mapfromfilehandle(PIOHANDLE handle, unsigned long size, int flag)</b></code></a></dt>
Maps a file by its OS handle.
<dt><a name="static_void_*_mapfromfilename(PARROT_INTERP,_STRING_*name,_unsigned_long_*size,_int_flag)"
><b><code>static void * mapfromfilename(PARROT_INTERP, STRING *name, unsigned long *size, int flag)</b></code></a></dt>
Maps a file by its filename,
throw if the file can&#39;t be opened.
<dt><a name="static_STRING_*_build_string(PARROT_INTERP,_const_unsigned_char_*content,_INTVAL_size,_const_STR_VTABLE_*encoding)"
><b><code>static STRING * build_string(PARROT_INTERP, const unsigned char *content, INTVAL size, const STR_VTABLE *encoding)</b></code></a></dt>
Build a string from the buffer content with the encoding specified.
<dt><a name="static_STRING_*_get_encoded_chars(PARROT_INTERP,_PMC_*self,_INTVAL_pos,_INTVAL_length,_const_STR_VTABLE_*encoding)"
><b><code>static STRING * get_encoded_chars(PARROT_INTERP, PMC *self, INTVAL pos, INTVAL length, const STR_VTABLE *encoding)</b></code></a></dt>
Return the characters starting at pos in the specified encoding.</dl>
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