

distrib > Fedora > 15 > i386 > by-pkgid > 1f34149679700274d273f929cf13b29a > files > 686


Examples of Supported Schema

PyXB comes with pre-defined *bundles* which aggregate related namespaces
into pre-generated bindings that allow you to use them without having to
generate and manage them yourself.  These bundles also demonstrate the
complexity of schema that PyXB is prepared to handle.  Not all namespaces
have been fully tested, but they are expected to function correctly.

.. _bundle_wssplat:


The following namespaces are available in support of web service

.. PYXB_ARCHIVE_PATH=/home/pab/pyxb/dev/pyxb/bundles/wssplat// pyxbdump \
   | grep wssplat \
   | tr '\011' ' ' \
   | sed -e 's@^\([^ ]*\) \([^ ]*\).*$@``\2`` ``\1``@g' \
   | tr ' ' '\011' \
   | expand -40 \
   | sort \
   > /tmp/x

=====================================   ==========================================================
Binding Module                          Namespace
=====================================   ==========================================================
``pyxb.bundles.wssplat.bpws``           ````
``pyxb.bundles.wssplat.ds``             ````
``pyxb.bundles.wssplat.httpbind``       ````
``pyxb.bundles.wssplat.mimebind``       ````
``pyxb.bundles.wssplat.soap11``         ````
``pyxb.bundles.wssplat.soap12``         ````
``pyxb.bundles.wssplat.soapbind11``     ````
``pyxb.bundles.wssplat.soapbind12``     ````
``pyxb.bundles.wssplat.soapenc``        ````
``pyxb.bundles.wssplat.whttp``          ````
``pyxb.bundles.wssplat.wsa``            ````
``pyxb.bundles.wssplat.wsam``           ````
``pyxb.bundles.wssplat.wscoor``         ````
``pyxb.bundles.wssplat.wsdl11``         ````
``pyxb.bundles.wssplat.wsdl20``         ````
``pyxb.bundles.wssplat.wsdli``          ````
``pyxb.bundles.wssplat.wsdlx``          ````
``pyxb.bundles.wssplat.wsoap``          ````
``pyxb.bundles.wssplat.wsp200607``      ````
``pyxb.bundles.wssplat.wsp``            ````
``pyxb.bundles.wssplat.wsrm``           ````
``pyxb.bundles.wssplat.wsse``           ````
``pyxb.bundles.wssplat.wsu``            ````
=====================================   ==========================================================

.. _bundle_opengis:


The following namespaces are available in support of `Open Geospatial
Consortium <>`_ Geographic
Information System processing.  Note that several of these namespaces are
"private" bindings generated because the OGC definitions include their own
schema.  The modules corresponding to these namespace uses begin with an
underscore, and should generally not be used in other contexts.

.. PYXB_ARCHIVE_PATH=/home/pab/pyxb/dev/pyxb/bundles/opengis// pyxbdump \
   | grep opengis \
   | tr '\011' ' ' \
   | sed -e 's@^\([^ ]*\) \([^ ]*\).*$@``\2`` ``\1``@g' \
   | tr ' ' '\011' \
   | expand -50 \
   | sort \
   > /tmp/x

================================================  ==========================================================
Binding Module                                    Namespace
================================================  ==========================================================
``pyxb.bundles.opengis._atom``                    ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis._dc``                      ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis._dct``                     ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis._ogc``                     ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis._smil20``                  ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis._smil20lang``              ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.citygml.appearance``       ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.citygml.base``             ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.citygml.building``         ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.citygml.cityFurniture``    ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.citygml.cityObjectGroup``  ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.citygml.generics``         ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.citygml.landUse``          ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.citygml.relief``           ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.citygml.texturedSurface``  ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.citygml.transportation``   ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.citygml.vegetation``       ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.citygml.waterBody``        ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.csw_2_0_2``                ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.filter``                   ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.gml_3_2``                  ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.gml``                      ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.gmlsf``                    ````
````                      ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.ic_ism_2_1``               ``urn:us:gov:ic:ism:v2``
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.iso19139.gco``             ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.iso19139.gmd``             ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.iso19139.gsr``             ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.iso19139.gss``             ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.iso19139.gts``             ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.misc.xAL``                 ``urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xsdschema:xAL:2.0``
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.misc.xlinks``              ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.ogckml22``                 ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.om_1_0``                   ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.ows_1_1``                  ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.ows``                      ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.sampling_1_0``             ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.sensorML_1_0_1``           ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.sos_1_0``                  ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.swe_1_0_0``                ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.swe_1_0_1``                ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.tml``                      ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.wcs_1_1``                  ````
``pyxb.bundles.opengis.wfs``                      ````
================================================  ==========================================================

.. _bundle_generation:

Layout of a Bundle Directory

The ``pyxb/bundles`` directory contains groups of bindings for related
schema.  These groups are called "bundles", and each subdirectory represents
a particular bundle.

With a bundle directory, the following are expected:

- A ``scripts`` directory, containing an executable ``genbind`` which
  retrieves the schema and invokes ``pyxbgen`` to build the bindings

- A ``schemas`` directory, into which the ``genbind`` script stores the
  schemas that were used to build the bindings

- The Python module files for namespace modules.  Normally these are
  :ref:`customization wrappers <customized_bindings>`

- A ``raw`` subdirectory, into which the generated bindings are placed.
  Note that this directory is normally removed and recreated as a
  consequence of running genbind; ddn't expect anything in it to be

- An ``examples`` directory, with programs that show how to use the
  capabilities in the bundle

- A ``tests`` directory which validates customizations

Generating Bundled Bindings

To create the support infrastructure for a particular bundle, set the
``PYXB_ROOT`` environment variable and run the ``scripts/genbind`` script in
the bundle root.  For example::

  cd ${PYXB_ROOT}

will invoke the :manpage:`wget(1)` program to retrieve the XML schema for a
variety of namespaces related to web services and then generate bindings and
archive files for them.