

distrib > Fedora > 15 > i386 > by-pkgid > 233f8aae1f33ee5e61554ecb56b0fdf6 > files > 27


# Ruins -- an IFM example map based on the Inform example game.  This game
# originally existed only in snippets throughout Graham Nelson's Inform
# Designer's Manual until Roger Firth produced a playable version of it.
# It serves as a good demo of IFM capabilities, since it doesn't give away
# any secrets from a 'real' game.  The source for Ruins is available from
# all good IF archives.

# First, set the title for the map, which gets printed out (for example) at
# the top of each PostScript output page.
title "Ruins";

# Set the title of the first map section.  In this example there is only
# one map section, so it's not strictly necessary, but we'll put one in
# anyhow.
map "Mayan Temple";


# Declare the room that we start the game in.
room "Dark Forest";
  # The first thing we see is the mushroom.  Give it a tag, so we can refer
  # to it later.
  item "speckled mushroom"		tag mushroom;

  # On picking the mushroom, we notice a statuette in the grass.  It can't
  # be taken until the mushroom is, so give it a 'need' clause.  It's also
  # not immediately apparent in the room, so mark it hidden.
  item "statuette"			tag statue hidden need mushroom;

  # After a while, a plane turns up and drops the packing case.  Let's wait
  # for it to arrive.  The actual command typed to do that is WAIT, several
  # times.  Note that doing this is optional -- you only need to use tasks
  # if you want to record what you did, as well as where you've been.
  task "Wait for aeroplane"		cmd "wait" 3;

  # For completeness, let's add the packing case too, but it doesn't really
  # play a part in the solution.
  item "packing case"			hidden;

  # The game is won by putting all the treasures in the packing case, which
  # happens to be in the start room in this game.  So the game-winning
  # tasks also appear here.  As done here, stashing each treasure is a
  # separate task, but you could also implement it as a single task which
  # requires all four treasures.  The only difference would be possibly
  # different behaviour from the game solver.
  task "Put statuette in case"		tag pack_statue need statue
					lose it score 10;
  task "Put bangle in case"		tag pack_bangle need bangle
					lose it score 20;
  task "Put ruby in case"		tag pack_ruby need ruby
					lose it score 30;
  task "Put wax in case"		tag pack_wax need wax
					lose it score 40;

  # After all the treasures are stashed, the game is over.
  task "Wait for helicopter"		after pack_statue pack_bangle
					pack_ruby pack_wax cmd "wait" 2 finish;

# Going down, we get to the square chamber.  Let's put this room below the
# start room (south, that is), but indicating that the direction is
# actually down.  The room description indicates that there are two other
# exits -- south and east.  Add those too.
room "Square Chamber"			tag Chamber dir s go down exit s e;
  # Add the decorations.
  item "carvings";

  # Obviously (?) the thing to do here is to put the mushroom in the sunlight.
  # This eventually leads us to the special carvings on the wall.
  task "Put mushroom in sunlight"	need mushroom lose it;
  task "Examine trails"			after last;
  task "Examine carvings"		after last;

  # When we press the carvings, a panel opens containing the iron key.
  task "Press carvings"			after last;
  item "iron key"			tag key hidden after last;

# Going south, we enter a mossy corridor...
room "Stooped Corridor"			dir s;
  # As usual, the visible decorations.
  item "moss";

  # Examining the moss, and searching it, we find a ruby.
  task "Examine moss";
  task "Search moss"			after last;
  item "blood-red ruby"			tag ruby hidden after last;

  # We need the iron key to open the door.
  task "Unlock door with key"		need key;
  task "Open door"			after last tag open_door;

# Passing through the door, we enter the shrine.  But the door must have been
# opened first.
room "Lofty Shrine"			dir s after open_door;
  # The visible items.
  item "stone slab";
  item "mummified priest";

  # We can interact with the mummy in many ways, but the important
  # game-solving task is to return the iron key, for which we're
  # rewarded.
  task "Put key on slab"		need key lose it give wax;
  item "wax"				tag wax hidden;

# The shrine is a dead end, but we can also go east from the Square
# Chamber.  Doing that plunges us into the Web of Darkness.  Illustrate
# that it's dark by using a new display style.  Note that the 'style'
# clause must come before the 'dir' clause, or it will apply to the
# implicit link and not the room.
room "Web of Darkness"			style Dark dir e from Chamber oneway;
  item "scuttling claws";

# Going southeast takes us to the second web room.  Make that dark too.
room "Web of Darkness"			style Dark dir se oneway;
  item "scuttling claws";

  # This second room returns to the Square Chamber by going northeast,
  # requiring a convoluted link.
  link last to Chamber			dir ne n w 2 oneway;

  # The act of going northeast gives you a bangle (you trip over it and
  # pick it up).  There are two ways of doing this: with an explicit
  # movement task that puts you back in the Square Chamber, or a 'dummy'
  # task that hands you the bangle in this room without you doing
  # anything.  Let's use the first method.
  item "silver bangle"			hidden tag bangle;
  task "Stumble over bangle"		give bangle cmd "NE" goto Chamber
					tag find_bangle;

  # The other alternative would be:
  # task "Stumble over bangle"		give bangle cmd none;


# That's it for the map.  The only thing remaining to do is to define the
# display style we've used for the dark rooms.  Let's just set the room
# background colour to be darker.  Note that you could also define the
# "Dark" style by putting it in a file called "", and then putting
# that file in a directory which is searched by IFM.  That way, many maps
# could use the same style definition.
room_colour = "gray70" in style Dark;
