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        <h1><a name="kanchor77"></a>Enhancement Tools</h1>
        <p>Enhancement tools provide a convenient framework for application (jar, dll, exe) or classes modification to support db4o-specific functionality. Enhancement tools can work on a ready application or library and apply the improvements at load or build time.  </p>
        <p>The tools functionality is provided through <span class="PrimaryByteCode">bytecode</span> instrumentation. This process inserts special, usually
short, sequences of <span class="PrimaryByteCode">bytecode</span> at designated points in your code. It is
typically used for profiling or monitoring, however the range of use of
<span class="PrimaryByteCode">bytecode</span> instrumentation is not limited by this tasks: it can be applied
anywhere where a specific functionality should be plugged into the ready built
        <p>db4o Enhancement Tools currently have these cases for <span class="PrimaryByteCode">bytecode</span>instrumentation:</p>
            <li value="1"><a href="../basics/activation_concept/transparent_activation_framework.htm">Transparent
            <li value="2"><a href="../basics/update_concept/transparent_persistence.htm">Transparent Persistence</a>
            <li value="3"><a href="../basics/querying/native_queries/native_query_optimization.htm">Native Query Optimization </a>
        <p>In <a href="../basics/update_concept/transparent_persistence.htm">transparent activation/persistence case</a>, classes are required
to implement <span class="PrimaryActivatable">IActivatable</span> interface to support transparent activation. In many
cases you don't want to pollute your classes with some additional
interface, or even won't be able to do so if you use a third party classes
library. That's where bytecode instrumentation comes handy: <span class="PrimaryActivatable">IActivatable</span>interface will be implemented
on your existing classes by applying bytecode instrumentation. Another
advantage of this approach - you can still work on your "clean" classes, just
do not forget to run the instrumentation afterwards.</p>
        <p>In the native query optimization case bytecode
instrumentation is used as a more performant alternative to a run-time
optimization. When an native query is optimized the user and compiler-friendly syntax of
<span class="MCTextPopup"><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="MCTextPopupSpot" onclick="FMCTextPopup( event, this ); return false;">NQ<img style="border: none;margin-left: 5px;" src="../SkinSupport/ExpandingClosed.gif" MadCap:altsrc="../SkinSupport/ExpandingOpen.gif" class="MCExpandingIcon" onload="if ( typeof( FMCPreloadImage ) == 'function' ) { FMCPreloadImage( '../SkinSupport/ExpandingOpen.gif' ); }" /></a><span class="MCTextPopupBody" style="display: none; ">Native Query</span></span> predicate is replaced with a query-processor-friendly code. Obviously, optimization process can take some time, therefore it
can be a good choice to use pre-instrumented classes, then to let the
optimization be executed each time it is required by application.</p>
            <p>The instrumentation can be run at build time, also known as static
instrumentation. In this case a special build script calls runs the instrumentation on the classes
before packaging them to <span class="PrimaryArtefact">assembly</span>, or on the <span class="PrimaryArtefact">assembly</span> itself. This is the fastest solution as no time is
spent on bytecode instrumentation at runtime. </p>
        <p>There are different possibilities to integrate the enhancement tools into a project.</p>
            <li value="1">It's possible to integrate the enhancement step into the build process by using a <span class="PrimaryAnt">MSBuild</span>-task. <a href="enhancement_tools/build_time_enhancement.htm" target="" title="" alt="" class="MCXref" xrefformat="See &quot;{paratext}&quot;">See "Build Time Enhancement Example"</a></li>
            <li MadCap:conditions="Primary..NET" value="2">It's possible to use the Db4oTool directly from the command-line. <a href="enhancement_tools/" target="" title="" alt="" class="MCXref" xrefformat="See &quot;{paratext}&quot;">See "Db4oTool"</a></li>
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