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        <h1><a name="kanchor97"></a>Exception Types</h1>
        <p>Using db4o you will have to deal with db4o-specific
exceptions and system exceptions thrown
directly out of db4o.</p>
        <p MadCap:conditions="Global.Primary:java" />
        <p>db4o-exceptions are chained; you can get the cause of the
exception using:</p>
        <p MadCap:conditions="Global.Primary:java" />
        <p MadCap:conditions="Primary..NET,Primary.c#,Primary.All languages">
            <p>c#: </p>
        <p MadCap:conditions="Global.Primary:cs" />
        <p MadCap:conditions="Primary..NET,Primary.VB.NET,Primary.All languages">
            <p>VB: </p>
        <p MadCap:conditions="Global.Primary:vb" />
        <p>In order to see all db4o-specific exceptions you can examine
the hierarchy of Db4oException class. Currently the following exceptions are
        <p><b>Db4oException </b>- db4o
exception wrapper: Exceptions occurring during internal processing will be
proliferated to the client calling code encapsulated in an exception of this
        <p><b>BackupInProgressException</b> - An exception to be thrown when another process is already busy with the backup. </p>
</b>- Base class for all
constraint violations.</p>
        <p><b>UniqueFieldValueConstraintViolationException</b> - An exception which will be thrown when the <a href="../unique_constraints.htm">unique constrain</a> is violated.</p>
        <p><b>DatabaseClosedException</b> - An exception to be thrown when the database was closed or failed to open. </p>
        <p><b>DatabaseFileLockedException</b> - This exception is thrown during any of db4o open calls if the database file is locked by another process. </p>
        <p><b>DatabaseMaximumSizeReachedException</b> - This exception is thrown if the database size is bigger than possible. <a href="../../tuning/performance_hints/increasing_the_maximum_database_file_size.htm" target="" title="" alt="" class="MCXref" xrefformat="See &quot;{paratext}&quot;">See "Increasing The Maximum Database File Size"</a></p>
        <p><b>DatabaseReadOnlyException</b> - This exception is thrown when a write operation was attempted on a database in read-only mode.</p><b>GlobalOnlyConfigException</b> - This exception is thrown when you try to change a setting on a open object container, but this setting cannot be changed at runtime.<p><b>IncompatibleFileFormatException</b> - An exception to be thrown when an open operation is attempted on a file(database), which format is incompatible with the current version of db4o.</p><p><b>InvalidIDException</b> - an exception to be thrown when an ID format supplied to #bind or #getById methods is incorrect. </p><p><b>InvalidPasswordException</b> - This exception is thrown when a client tries to connect to a server with the wrong password.</p><p><b>EventException</b> - This exception is thrown when a exception is thrown in a event callback. </p><p><b>OldFormatException</b> - An exception to be thrown when an old file
format was detected and the file could not be open.</p><p><b>ReflectException</b> - An exception to be thrown when a class can not be stored or instantiated by current db4o reflector. </p><p><b>ReplicationConflictException</b> - an exception to be thrown when a conflict
occurs and no ReplicationEventListener is specified.</p><script type="text/javascript" src="../../SkinSupport/MadCapBodyEnd.js"></script></body>