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        <h1><a name="kanchor21"></a>ACID Properties And Transactions</h1>
        <p>The <a href="" target="_parent">ACID properties</a> are one of the oldest and most important concepts of database theory. It sets out the requirements for the database reliability:</p>
            <li value="1"><strong>Atomicity</strong>: This means that  must follow an "all or nothing" rule. Each transaction is either successfully completed or in case of failure the state of the database isn't changed at all.<br /> For example in a
bank transfer transaction there are two steps: debit and credit. If the debit
operation was successful, but the credit failed, the whole transaction should
fail and the system should remain in the initial state.
            <li value="2"><strong>Consistency</strong>: Consistency ensures that the database stays always in a consistent state. Each transaction takes the database from one consistent state to the next consistent state.</li>
            <li value="3"><strong>Isolation</strong>: Isolation means that different operations cannot access modified data from another  transaction that has not yet completed. There are different isolation-models. <a href="acid_and_transactions/isolation.htm" target="" title="" alt="" class="MCXref">See "Isolation"</a></li>
            <li value="4"><strong>Durability</strong>: This just refers to the real goal of any data store. It just means that the data should be persistently stored. </li>
        <p>db4o fulfills the <a href="#" class="glossaryTerm_0">ACID</a> properties. Each <a href="object_container.htm">object container</a> has its own transaction. Each transaction is a unit of work and ensures the ACID properties. This means, that a db4o transaction is an atomic operation. Either all changes of the db4o transactions are committed and made persistent. Or in case of a failure or rollback no state is changed. The database is kept consistent even on application or database crashes. And the db4o transactions are isolated from each other. <a href="acid_and_transactions/db4o_tx_basics.htm" target="" title="" alt="" class="MCXref">See "db4o Transactions"</a></p>
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