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        <h1><a name="kanchor128"></a>Viewing Enum Values In OME</h1>
        <p><a href="../../advanced_topics/type_handling/static_fields_and_enums/.net_enumerations.htm">.NET-enums&#160;</a> <![CDATA[ ]]>do not carry any database identity and are stored in
their parent object slot. If you open a database with enum values in <span class="MCTextPopup"><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="MCTextPopupSpot" onclick="FMCTextPopup( event, this ); return false;">OME<img style="border: none;margin-left: 5px;" src="../../SkinSupport/ExpandingClosed.gif" MadCap:altsrc="../../SkinSupport/ExpandingOpen.gif" class="MCExpandingIcon" onload="if ( typeof( FMCPreloadImage ) == 'function' ) { FMCPreloadImage( '../../SkinSupport/ExpandingOpen.gif' ); }" /></a><span class="MCTextPopupBody" style="display: none; ">Object Manager, a tool to view and edit a db4o database</span></span>, you
will be able to see the enum class in the db4o Browser view, but if you
proceed and select "Show all objects" from the right-click menu you will see
that there are no enum objects stored in the database.</p>
        <p>But don't
worry, an enum is just an integer so all we need are the values of the
enum fields in the database. &#160;Please,
select a class with the enum field in the db4o Browser view. Right-click it and select
"Show all objects". </p>
            <img src="viewing_enum_values_in_ome/ome-door-null.jpg" />
went wrong here - there are no Enum values and nulls are stored instead. Is the
information lost? </p>
        <p>Here you
will need to understand how enum values are stored in the database. In order to
save space in the database file, db4o stores only the absolutely necessary
information for the enums:</p>
            <li value="1">Enum
class id</li>
            <li value="2">Enum
numeric value</li>
        <p>The actual enum representation will be picked
up in the runtime using enum class definition. As OME by default runs without
class definitions using Generic Reflector, OME can't interpret the Enum field
value correctly.&#160; In order to fix you need to add the assemblies which contain the enum-type.</p>
        <p>Go to "Tools" -&gt; "Object Manager Enterprise" -&gt; "Options" menu and select "Assembly
Search Path...". Add the path to the assembly, containing the type definition.
Now disconnect and reconnect the database and browse the objects again:</p>
            <img src="viewing_enum_values_in_ome/ome-door.jpg" />
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