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        <h1>Using Your Application To Generate The IO Pattern</h1>When you execute IoBenchmark, it uses a simple CRUD (create, read,
update, delete) application as the target application. This application
is located in the com.db4o.bench.crud package.  If you want to use your own application for generating the I/O access patterns, here's what you have to do:

<ul><li value="1">Use a LoggingIoAdapter, delegating to your default IoAdapter:  <code><br />RandomAccessFileAdapter rafAdapter = <br />new RandomAccessFileAdapter(); <br />IoAdapter ioAdapter = <br />new LoggingIoAdapter(rafAdapter, "filename.log"); <br />Configuration config = Db4o.cloneConfiguration(); <br />;</code> <![CDATA[ ]]><br />    
You'll also find this code in <code><br />com.db4o.bench.crud.CrudApplication#prepare()</code>.<br /></li><li value="2">Change IoBenchmark to call your application by modifying the <code><br />runTargetApplication()</code> method. You also have to exchange the calls to <br /><code>CrudApplication.logFileName(itemCount)</code> in <code>prepareDbFile()</code> and <code>runBenchmark</code> with the file name of the log containing the I/O access pattern of your application. Using the code from above, this log file will be called "filename.log".
</li></ul>If you want to generate your log by interacting with your application, rather than having IoBenchmark calling it, do as follows: <ul><li value="1">Use a LoggingIoAdapter in your application</li><li value="2">Interact with your application to create the log</li><li value="3">Remove the stage 1 from IoBenchmark and make it start in stage 2 with your log.</li></ul>If you are using your own application to generate the I/O log file, check out the <a href="io_log_file_statistics.htm">IO Log File Statistics</a> section further down.
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