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<H2 CLASS="section"><A NAME="htoc15">7</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;The CIL Driver</H2><P><A NAME="sec-driver"></A></P><P>We have packaged CIL as an application <TT>cilly</TT> that contains certain
example modules, such as <TT></TT> (a module
that instruments code to print the addresses of memory locations being
written). Normally, you write another module like that, add command-line
options and an invocation of your module in <TT>src/</TT>. Once you compile
CIL you will obtain the file <TT>obj/cilly.asm.exe</TT>. </P><P>We wrote a driver for this executable that makes it easy to invoke your
analysis on existing C code with very little manual intervention. This driver
is <TT>bin/cilly</TT> and is quite powerful. Note that the <TT>cilly</TT> script
is configured during installation with the path where CIL resides. This means
that you can move it to any place you want. </P><P>A simple use of the driver is:
</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">bin/cilly --save-temps -D HAPPY_MOOD -I myincludes hello.c -o hello
</PRE><P><FONT COLOR=blue>--save-temps</FONT> tells CIL to save the resulting output files in the
current directory. Otherwise, they&#X2019;ll be put in <TT>/tmp</TT> and deleted
automatically. Not that this is the only CIL-specific flag in the
list &#X2013; the other flags use <TT>gcc</TT>&#X2019;s syntax.</P><P>This performs the following actions: 
</P><UL CLASS="itemize"><LI CLASS="li-itemize">
preprocessing using the -D and -I arguments with the resulting 
file left in <TT>hello.i</TT>, 
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize">the invocation of the <TT>cilly.asm</TT> application which parses <TT>hello.i</TT>
converts it to CIL and the pretty-prints it to <TT>hello.cil.c</TT>
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize">another round of preprocessing with the result placed in <TT>hello.cil.i</TT>
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize">the true compilation with the result in <TT>hello.cil.o</TT>
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize">a linking phase with the result in <TT>hello</TT>
</LI></UL><P>Note that <TT>cilly</TT> behaves like the <TT>gcc</TT> compiler. This makes it
easy to use it with existing <TT>Makefiles</TT>:
</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">make CC="bin/cilly" LD="bin/cilly"
</PRE><P><TT>cilly</TT> can also behave as the Microsoft Visual C compiler, if the first
argument is <TT>--mode=MSVC</TT>:
</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">bin/cilly --mode=MSVC /D HAPPY_MOOD /I myincludes hello.c /Fe hello.exe
</PRE><P>(This in turn will pass a <TT>--MSVC</TT> flag to the underlying <TT>cilly.asm</TT>
process which will make it understand the Microsoft Visual C extensions)</P><P><TT>cilly</TT> can also behave as the archiver <TT>ar</TT>, if it is passed an
argument <TT>--mode=AR</TT>. Note that only the <TT>cr</TT> mode is supported
(create a new archive and replace all files in there). Therefore the
previous version of the archive is lost. You will also need to remove
any other commands that operate on the generated library
(e.g. <TT>ranlib</TT>, <TT>lorder</TT>), as the .a file is no longer an actual
binary library.</P><P>Furthermore, <TT>cilly</TT> allows you to pass some arguments on to the
underlying <TT>cilly.asm</TT> process. As a general rule all arguments that start
with <TT>--</TT> and that <TT>cilly</TT> itself does not process, are passed on. For
</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">bin/cilly --dologwrites -D HAPPY_MOOD -I myincludes hello.c -o hello.exe
</PRE><P>will produce a file <TT>hello.cil.c</TT> that prints all the memory addresses
written by the application. </P><P>The most powerful feature of <TT>cilly</TT> is that it can collect all the
sources in your project, merge them into one file and then apply CIL. This
makes it a breeze to do whole-program analysis and transformation. All you
have to do is to pass the <TT>--merge</TT> flag to <TT>cilly</TT>:
</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">make CC="bin/cilly --save-temps --dologwrites --merge"
</PRE><P>You can even leave some files untouched:
</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">make CC="bin/cilly --save-temps --dologwrites --merge --leavealone=foo --leavealone=bar"
</PRE><P>This will merge all the files except those with the basename <TT>foo</TT> and
<TT>bar</TT>. Those files will be compiled as usual and then linked in at the very
end. </P><P>The sequence of actions performed by <TT>cilly</TT> depends on whether merging
is turned on or not:
</P><UL CLASS="itemize"><LI CLASS="li-itemize">
If merging is off
<OL CLASS="enumerate" type=1><LI CLASS="li-enumerate">
For every file <TT>file.c</TT> to compile
<OL CLASS="enumerate" type=a><LI CLASS="li-enumerate">
Preprocess the file with the given arguments to 
produce <TT>file.i</TT>
</LI><LI CLASS="li-enumerate">Invoke <TT>cilly.asm</TT> to produce a <TT>file.cil.c</TT>
</LI><LI CLASS="li-enumerate">Preprocess to <TT>file.cil.i</TT>
</LI><LI CLASS="li-enumerate">Invoke the underlying compiler to produce <TT>file.cil.o</TT>
</LI><LI CLASS="li-enumerate">Link the resulting objects
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize">If merging is on
<OL CLASS="enumerate" type=1><LI CLASS="li-enumerate">
For every file <TT>file.c</TT> to compile
<OL CLASS="enumerate" type=a><LI CLASS="li-enumerate">
Preprocess the file with the given arguments to 
produce <TT>file.i</TT>
</LI><LI CLASS="li-enumerate">Save the preprocessed source as <TT>file.o</TT>
</LI><LI CLASS="li-enumerate">When linking executable <TT>hello.exe</TT>, look at every object 
file that must be linked and see if it actually 
contains preprocessed source. Pass all those files to a 
special merging application (described in
Section&#XA0;<A HREF="merger.html#sec-merger">13</A>) to produce <TT>hello.exe_comb.c</TT>
</LI><LI CLASS="li-enumerate">Invoke <TT>cilly.asm</TT> to produce a <TT>hello.exe_comb.cil.c</TT>
</LI><LI CLASS="li-enumerate">Preprocess to <TT>hello.exe_comb.cil.i</TT>
</LI><LI CLASS="li-enumerate">Invoke the underlying compiler to produce <TT>hello.exe_comb.cil.o</TT>
</LI><LI CLASS="li-enumerate">Invoke the actual linker to produce <TT>hello.exe</TT>
</LI></UL><P>Note that files that you specify with <TT>--leavealone</TT> are not merged and
never presented to CIL. They are compiled as usual and then are linked in at
the end. </P><P>And a final feature of <TT>cilly</TT> is that it can substitute copies of the
system&#X2019;s include files:</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">make CC="bin/cilly --includedir=myinclude"
</PRE><P>This will force the preprocessor to use the file <TT>myinclude/xxx/stdio.h</TT>
(if it exists) whenever it encounters <TT>#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;</TT>. The <TT>xxx</TT> is
a string that identifies the compiler version you are using. This modified
include files should be produced with the patcher script (see
Section&#XA0;<A HREF="patcher.html#sec-patcher">14</A>).</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="toc8"></A><A NAME="htoc16">7.1</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;<TT>cilly</TT> Options</H3><P>Among the options for the <TT>cilly</TT> you can put anything that can normally
go in the command line of the compiler that <TT>cilly</TT> is impersonating.
<TT>cilly</TT> will do its best to pass those options along to the appropriate
subprocess. In addition, the following options are supported (a complete and
up-to-date list can always be obtained by running <TT>cilly --help</TT>):</P><UL CLASS="itemize"><LI CLASS="li-itemize">
<TT>--gcc=command</TT> Tell <TT>cilly</TT> to use <TT>command</TT> to invoke
gcc, e.g. <TT>--gcc=arm-elf-gcc</TT> to use a cross-compiler. See also
the <TT>--envmachine</TT> option below that tells CIL to assume a
different machine model.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--mode=mode</TT> This must be the first argument if present. It makes
<TT>cilly</TT> behave as a given compiled. The following modes are recognized: 
<UL CLASS="itemize"><LI CLASS="li-itemize">
GNUCC - the GNU C Compiler. This is the default.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize">MSVC - the Microsoft Visual C compiler. Of course, you should
pass only MSVC valid options in this case. 
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize">AR - the archiver <TT>ar</TT>. Only the mode <TT>cr</TT> is supported and
the original version of the archive is lost. 
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--help</TT> Prints a list of the options supported.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--verbose</TT> Prints lots of messages about what is going on.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--stages</TT> Less than <TT>--verbose</TT> but lets you see what <TT>cilly</TT>
is doing. 
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--merge</TT> This tells <TT>cilly</TT> to first attempt to collect into one
source file all of the sources that make your application, and then to apply
<TT>cilly.asm</TT> on the resulting source. The sequence of actions in this case is
described above and the merger itself is described in Section&#XA0;<A HREF="merger.html#sec-merger">13</A>.</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--leavealone=xxx</TT>. Do not merge and do not present to CIL the files
whose basename is "xxx". These files are compiled as usual and linked in at
the end. 
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--includedir=xxx</TT>. Override the include files with those in the given
directory. The given directory is the same name that was given an an argument
to the patcher (see Section&#XA0;<A HREF="patcher.html#sec-patcher">14</A>). In particular this means that
that directory contains subdirectories named based on the current compiler
version. The patcher creates those directories. 
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--usecabs</TT>. Do not CIL, but instead just parse the source and print
its AST out. This should looked like the preprocessed file. This is useful
when you suspect that the conversion to CIL phase changes the meaning of the
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--save-temps=xxx</TT>. Temporary files are preserved in the xxx
directory. For example, the output of CIL will be put in a file
named <TT>*.cil.c</TT>.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--save-temps</TT>. Temporay files are preserved in the current directory.
</LI></UL><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="toc9"></A><A NAME="htoc17">7.2</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;<TT>cilly.asm</TT> Options</H3><P>
<A NAME="sec-cilly-asm-options"></A></P><P>All of the options that start with <TT>--</TT> and are not understood by
<TT>cilly</TT> are passed on to <TT>cilly.asm</TT>. <TT>cilly</TT> also passes along to
<TT>cilly.asm</TT> flags such as <TT>--MSVC</TT> that both need to know
about. The following options are supported. Many of these flags also
have corresponding &#X201C;<TT>--no</TT>*&#X201D; versions if you need to go back to
the default, as in &#X201C;<TT>--nowarnall</TT>&#X201D;.</P><P>&#XA0;&#XA0;&#XA0;&#XA0;&#XA0;&#XA0; <B>General Options:</B>
</P><UL CLASS="itemize"><LI CLASS="li-itemize">
<TT>--version</TT> output version information and exit
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--verbose</TT> Print lots of random stuff. This is passed on from cilly
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--warnall</TT> Show all warnings.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--debug=xxx</TT> turns on debugging flag xxx
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--nodebug=xxx</TT> turns off debugging flag xxx
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--flush</TT> Flush the output streams often (aids debugging).
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--check</TT> Run a consistency check over the CIL after every operation.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--strictcheck</TT> Same as <TT>--check</TT>, but it treats
consistency problems as errors instead of warnings.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--nocheck</TT> turns off consistency checking of CIL.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--noPrintLn</TT> Don&#X2019;t output #line directives in the output.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--commPrintLn</TT> Print #line directives in the output, but
put them in comments.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--commPrintLnSparse</TT> Like <TT>--commPrintLn</TT> but print only new
line numbers.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--log=xxx</TT> Set the name of the log file. By default stderr is used
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--MSVC</TT> Enable MSVC compatibility. Default is GNU.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--ignore-merge-conflicts</TT> ignore merging conflicts.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--extrafiles=filename</TT>: the name of a file that contains
a list of additional files to process, separated by whitespace.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--stats</TT> Print statistics about the running time of the
parser, conversion to CIL, etc. Also prints memory-usage
statistics. You can time parts of your own code as well. Calling
(<TT>Stats.time &#X2018;&#X2018;label&#X2019;&#X2019; func arg</TT>) will evaluate <TT>(func arg)</TT>
and remember how long this takes. If you call <TT>Stats.time</TT>
repeatedly with the same label, CIL will report the aggregate
time.<P>If available, CIL uses the x86 performance counters for these
stats. This is very precise, but results in &#X201C;wall-clock time.&#X201D;
To report only user-mode time, find the call to <TT>Stats.reset</TT> in
<TT></TT>, and change it to <TT>Stats.reset Stats.SoftwareTimer</TT>.</P></LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--envmachine</TT>. Use machine model specified in
<TT>CIL_MACHINE</TT> environment variable, rather than the one
compiled into CIL. Note that you should not pass gcc&#X2019;s 32/64-bit
<TT>-m32</TT> and <TT>-m64</TT> options to <TT>cilly</TT> if you use
<TT>--envmachine</TT> (they use <TT>--envmachine</TT> under the hood).
See Section&#XA0;<A HREF="#sec-cilmachine">7.4</A> for a description of <TT>CIL_MACHINE</TT>&#X2019;s
format.<P><B>Lowering Options</B>
</P></LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--noLowerConstants</TT> do not lower constant expressions.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--noInsertImplicitCasts</TT> do not insert implicit casts.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--forceRLArgEval</TT> Forces right to left evaluation of function arguments.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--disallowDuplication</TT> Prevent small chunks of code from being duplicated.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--keepunused</TT> Do not remove the unused variables and types.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--rmUnusedInlines</TT> Delete any unused inline functions. This is the default in MSVC mode.<P><B>Output Options:</B>
</P></LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--printCilAsIs</TT> Do not try to simplify the CIL when
printing. Without this flag, CIL will attempt to produce prettier
output by e.g. changing <TT>while(1)</TT> into more meaningful loops.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--noWrap</TT> do not wrap long lines when printing
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--out=xxx</TT> the name of the output CIL file. <TT>cilly</TT>
sets this for you.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--mergedout=xxx</TT> specify the name of the merged file
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--cabsonly=xxx</TT> CABS output file name
<P><B>Selected features.</B> See Section&#XA0;<A HREF="ext.html#sec-Extension">8</A> for more information.
</P></LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--dologcalls</TT>. Insert code in the processed source to print the name of
functions as are called. Implemented in <TT>src/ext/</TT>.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--dologwrites</TT>. Insert code in the processed source to print the
address of all memory writes. Implemented in <TT>src/ext/</TT>.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--dooneRet</TT>. Make each function have at most one &#X2019;return&#X2019;.
Implemented in <TT>src/ext/</TT>. 
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--dostackGuard</TT>. Instrument function calls and returns to
maintain a separate stack for return addresses. Implemeted in
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--domakeCFG</TT>. Make the program look more like a CFG. Implemented
in <TT>src/</TT>. 
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--dopartial</TT>. Do interprocedural partial evaluation and
constant folding. Implemented in <TT>src/ext/</TT>. 
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><TT>--dosimpleMem</TT>. Simplify all memory expressions. Implemented in
<TT>src/ext/</TT>. <P>For an up-to-date list of available options, run <TT>cilly.asm --help</TT>. </P></LI></UL><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="toc10"></A><A NAME="htoc18">7.3</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Internal Options</H3><P>
<A NAME="sec-cilly-internal-options"></A></P><P>All of the <TT>cilly.asm</TT> options described above can be set
programmatically &#X2013; see <TT>src/</TT> or the individual
extensions to see how. Some options should be set before parsing to
be effective. </P><P>Additionally, a few CIL options have no command-line flag and can only
be set programmatically. These options may be useful for certain
analyses:</P><UL CLASS="itemize"><LI CLASS="li-itemize">
<TT>Cabs2cil.doCollapseCallCast</TT>:This is false by default. Set
to true to replicate the behavior of CIL 1.3.5 and earlier.<P>When false, all casts in the program are made explicit using the
<TT>CastE</TT> expression. Accordingly, the destination of a Call
instruction will always have the same type as the function&#X2019;s return
type.</P><P>If true, the destination type of a Call may differ from the return type, so
there is an implicit cast. This is useful for analyses involving
<TT>malloc</TT>. Without this option, CIL converts &#X201C;<TT>T* x = malloc(n);</TT>&#X201D;
into &#X201C;<TT>void* tmp = malloc(n); T* x = (T*)tmp;</TT>&#X201D;. If you don&#X2019;t
need all casts to be made explicit, you can set
<TT>Cabs2cil.doCollapseCallCast</TT> to true so that CIL won&#X2019;t insert a
temporary and you can more easily determine the allocation type from
calls to <TT>malloc</TT>.</P></LI></UL><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="toc11"></A><A NAME="htoc19">7.4</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Specifying a machine model</H3><P>
<A NAME="sec-cilmachine"></A></P><P>The <TT>--envmachine</TT> option tells CIL to get its machine model from
the <TT>CIL_MACHINE</TT> environment variable, rather than use the model
compiled in to CIL itself. This is necessary when using CIL as part of
a cross-compilation setup, and to handle gcc&#X2019;s <TT>-m32</TT> and <TT>-m64</TT>
which select between a 32-bit and 64-bit machine model.</P><P><TT>CIL_MACHINE</TT> is a space-separated list of key=value pairs. Unknown
keys are ignored. The following keys must be defined:
</P><DIV CLASS="center">
<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP> bool</TD><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>sizeof(_Bool),alignof(_Bool)</TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP> short</TD><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>sizeof(short),alignof(short)</TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP> int</TD><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>sizeof(int),alignof(int)</TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP> long</TD><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>sizeof(long),alignof(long)</TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP> long_long</TD><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>sizeof(long long),alignof(long long)</TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP> float</TD><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>sizeof(float),alignof(float)</TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP> double</TD><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>sizeof(double),alignof(double)</TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP> long_double</TD><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>sizeof(long double),alignof(long double)</TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP> pointer</TD><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>sizeof(all pointers),alignof(all pointers)</TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP> enum</TD><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>sizeof(all enums),alignof(all enums)</TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP> fun</TD><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>sizeof(all fn ptrs),alignof(all fn ptrs)</TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP> alignof_string</TD><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>alignof(all string constants)</TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP> max_alignment</TD><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>maximum alignment for any type</TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP> size_t</TD><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>the definition of size_t</TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP> wchar_t</TD><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>the definition of wchar_t</TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP> char_signed</TD><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>true if char is signed</TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP> big_endian</TD><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>true for big-endian machine models</TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP> const_string_literals</TD><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>true if string constants are const</TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP> __thread_is_keyword</TD><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>true if <TT>__thread</TT> is a keyword</TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP> __builtin_va_list</TD><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>true if <TT>__builtin_va_list</TT> is a builtin type</TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP> underscore_name</TD><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>true if generated symbols preceded by _</TD></TR>
</DIV><P>Some notes:
</P><UL CLASS="itemize"><LI CLASS="li-itemize">
Values cannot contain spaces as spaces separate key/value pairs. 
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize">The value of size_t is the text for the type defined as
size_t, e.g. <TT>unsigned long</TT>. As spaces are not allowed in values,
CIL will replace underscores by spaces: <TT>size_t=unsigned_long</TT>.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize">sizeof(t) and alignof(t) are respectively the size and alignment of
type t.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize">The boolean-valued keys expect <TT>true</TT> for true, and <TT>false</TT>
for false.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize">The <TT>src/machdep-ml.c</TT> program will print a <TT>CIL_MACHINE</TT> value
when run with the <TT>--env</TT> option.
</LI></UL><P>As an example, here&#X2019;s the <TT>CIL_MACHINE</TT> value for 64-bit targets on
an x86-based Mac OS X machine:
</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">  short=2,2 int=4,4 long=8,8 long_long=8,8 pointer=8,8 enum=4,4
  float=4,4 double=8,8 long_double=16,16 void=1 bool=1,1 fun=1,1
  alignof_string=1 max_alignment=16 size_t=unsigned_long 
  wchar_t=int char_signed=true const_string_literals=true 
  big_endian=false __thread_is_keyword=true 
  __builtin_va_list=true underscore_name=true
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