

distrib > Fedora > 15 > i386 > by-pkgid > 404d46ca9bb341d7a0e7e04bc69da9df > files > 682


module Main where

import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad ( liftM )
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
import Data.List ( findIndex )

main = do

  win <- windowNew
  onDestroy win mainQuit

  combo <- comboBoxEntryNewText
  mapM_ (comboBoxAppendText combo)
    (words "ice-cream turkey pasta sandwich steak")

  -- select the first item
  comboBoxSetActive combo 0

  -- Get the entry widget that the ComboBoxEntry uses.
  (Just w) <- binGetChild combo
  let entry = castToEntry w

  -- Whenever the user has completed editing the text, append the new
  -- text to the store unless it's already in there.
  onEntryActivate entry $ do
    str <- entryGetText entry
    store <- comboBoxGetModelText combo
    elems <- listStoreToList store
    comboBoxSetActive combo (-1)
    idx <- case (findIndex ((==) str) elems) of
      Just idx -> return idx
      Nothing -> listStoreAppend store str
    comboBoxSetActive combo idx
    return ()

  containerAdd win combo

  widgetShowAll win