

distrib > Fedora > 15 > i386 > by-pkgid > 429271c7b4ff6c7b21869db7e903869b > files > 1


# This file is partioned in several sections.
# A section starts with [<name of section>]
# If two (or more) sections are found with the same name they are
# merged into one.

# This section holds the basic stuff needed for the proxy.

# This is the port the proxy listens on.
# Use any port available (over 1024 unless you run as root).

# The number of selector threads to run
# If not specified will use the same as the number of processors

# This is the proxy that RabbIT should use when getting its files.
# Leave it blank to dont have a proxy.
# Both of these need to be set, or they will be ignored.

# If you want RabbIT to authenticate itself against another proxy
# fill this in. 
# This is a string on the format "myuserid:mypassword"

# This is the small logo to use.
# It is used in meta pages and other places.
# Use $proxy to have RabbIT serve the image.

# What do you want your proxy to identify itself as?
# Server identy can be seen in HTTP header responses
# in the Server-value.
#serverIdentity=..__-My own super proxy-__..

# Allow single \n to mean end of header
# This is a MUST NOT according to spec, but seems to be a common error:
# "Content-Type: text/html\n\n" for ending CGI etc..

# RabbIT uses standard java.util.logging to log things, you 
# can either setup logging here, which will mean that a FileHandler
# is used or you can set the system property 
# "java.util.logging.config.file" to configure your own loggers/handlers.
access_size_limit=10 # in MB
error_size_limit=1 # in MB

# This is how much RabbIT will log in the errorlog.
# Since rabbit uses standard java.util.logging you can 
# chose one of SEVERE (highest value), WARNING, INFO, 
# CONFIG, FINE, FINER, and FINEST (lowest value)
# FINEST means that you will get a lot of logs.

# Select the dns handler to use. 
# DNSJavaHandler is fully threaded but may fail on some machines.
# DNSSunHandler should work for more people, but is not threaded.

# How long should dns entries be cached. 
# Time is in hours.
# Both positive and negative entries are cached this long.
# Set it to -1 to cache forever.

# This section sets up the connection handler.

# The maximal time to keepalive toward external hosts.
# Note! if we fail to write to a connection, we retry so 
# It should be safe to have a high value. 
# Time is in miliseconds.

# Should RabbIT try to pipeline requests to external hosts.
# Pipelining to external hosts will pipeline requests to the same 
# server even if the requests come from different clients. 
# This means that in some cases client B will have to wait for 
# client A to finish. RabbIT will not wait very long on a connection
# so this should be ok.
# Still use with caution, somewhat experimental, may cause bugs.

# This section sets up the content handlers.
# Each mime type can have its own handler.
# Ok, we want regexp matching on these in the future.
# Use only lower case for these for now

# Handle images by conversion to low quality jpegs.

# Filter these streams.
# The configuration of FilterHandler is later in this file.

# Use this if you only want compression

# Seems Netscape and IE have problems with this one although 
# they both say it is ok, disabled for now....

# Compress these streams.

# you may want to compress theese, more testing needed. 

# This section sets up the content handlers for the resourses in the
# cache. Each mime type can have its own handler. For more info see
# the Handlers section.

# Note! dont use ImageHandler, FilterHandler or GZipHandler in 
# both Handlers and CacheHandlers section since they write the 
# modified page to the cache.

# Handle images by conversion to low quality jpegs.

# Filter these streams.

# Seems Netscape and IE have problems with this one although 
# they both say it is ok, disabled for now....

# Compress these streams.

# This section sets up the cache.

# The base directory for the cache.

# The time in hours to cache files, unless specified otherwise (in the
# http header that is).

# The maximal size of the proxy in MB.
# The cache sweeps at regular intervalls and if the cache is bigger
# some stuff is cleaned out.

# The time the cleaner sleeps between cleanups.
# time is in seconds.

# This section sets up the filters to use. 
# A filter is one that may block/close the connection or just modifies
# the request.

# Accessfilters are based on the socket only.
# All filters here must implement the IPAccessFilter interface.

# Here we filter the HTTP header, these filters should have an 
# public static HTTPHeader doHTTPInFiltering (Socket, HTTPHeader,
# Connection)
# method that may modify the incomming request. If a HTTPHeader is
# returned it is sent to the client and the request is finished. (this
# is an easy way to block some ads and other bad stuff).
# The list is comma separated and full class names has to be used.
# Available filters today are: 
# HttpBaseFilter   this is basically needed, use it.
# DontFilterFilter stop the proxy from filtering certain pages.
# DontCacheFilter  stop the proxy from cacheing certain pages.
# BlockFilter      Dont allow access to certain pages.
# HttpSnoop        Print the Http headers out on System.out.
# ProxyAuth	   Perform proxy authentication on all users, backend db is a file
# SQLProxyAuth     Perform proxy authentication on all users, backend is an sql db.
# ReverseProxy     Transform requests to "/some/page" into "" 
#                  If you use the reverse proxy option, you probably 
#                  want it first in the list
# NoGZipEncoding   A filter that removes "Accept-Encoding: gzip". Not very useful anymore
#                  since rabbit can repack gzip:ed and deflated files.
# RevalidateFilter A filter that makes sure that resources are always revalidated
# SetHeaderFilter  A filter that can add request or response headers.
# by default we use a few filters, 
# just the basic filter
# an example if you want to log traffic that rabbit reads

# This works as the httpinfilters except that the method is called
# doHTTPOutFiltering instead
# The available filters are the same as for httpinfilters but they
# need not be.
# to see what rabbit writes to the client
# to see what rabbit gets from the real server

# Are we allowed to proxy SSL?
# We dont check the data so this is not recomended.
# yes, no, portnumber are allowed options.
allowSSL=443,444,8443  # allow to these ports.
#allowSSL=yes          # allow to all ports.
#allowSSL=no           # dont allow sslproxying.

# This is a filter to allow simple accesscontrol.

# this file store the available ip-ranges that can use the proxy.

# This is a basic filter (which _SHOULD_ be used). Basically RabbIT
# is depending on this filter being used.

# Remove these hop-headers.

# authenticate users (basic method only) with this user-password file.
# this is used for meta/admin access...

# If you set cookieid to "true" rabbit will not cache resources
# that seem to use cookie based identification. This should only 
# be used if the site in question is broken (that is it does not
# send "Cache-Control: no-cache" or similar to disable caching.

# This filter stops filtering certain pages that otherwise would be
# handled in a strange way (due to strange HTML that we parse
# (in)correctly). 
# this filter is not enabled by default, add it to 
# httpinfilters if you want it.

# Match URL's, regexp, find is used. 

# Match agents, regepx, find is used.
#dontFilterAgentsMatching=(Java|Evil browser|pocketOpera)

# This filter stops cacheing of certain pages. It could be good for never
# cacheing chat sites that dont send correct cache-control directives.
# this filter is not enabled by default, add it to 
# httpinfilters or httpoutfilters if you want it.

# This filter can match on either URL or mime type. Remember that not 
# all sites supply correct mimes...
# To match on URL append this class to the httpinfilters...
# To match on mime type append this class to the httpoutfilters...
# You may of course use both methods if wanted/needed.
# All matching is done in lower case (of the URL/mime) so use that below.

# Some examples: 
# Match URL regexp, find is used.
# This example dont cache any html or asp pages (this is probably stupid to do).

# This example dont cache a certain site and page..

# This example only caches resources with .gif or .jpeg in it..

# dont cahce ordinary web pages.

# dont cache text files (text/html, text/plain...)

# Only cache gif images

# Only cache images

# This is a filter that blocks access to resources.

# return a 403 forbidden for these requests.

# Setting this to true will shorten the log a bit. 

# This filter is not enabled by default, add it to 
# httpinfilters if you want it.
# allowed user..

# this filter is not enabled by default, add it to 
# httpinfilters if you want it.
# You also have to configure this to work.

# the driver to use: 
# for mysql
# org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver for hssql
# the url to use for the database, something like:
# jdbc:oracle:thin:@//myhost:1521/orcl for an oracle db
# jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost for a hssql
# the database user
# the database password
# the select to use, you have to have one '?' for the username
select=select password from rabbit_users where username=?

# This filter is not enabled by default, add it to 
# httpinfilters if you want it.
# This Filter makes rabbit work as an accellerator for one web site.

# Change requests starting with / to

# Deny proxy requests, you probably want this. 

# If we want to allow admin access.

# setting this to false is the same thing as removing the 
# filter (at least for now)

# setting this to true will force rabbit to revalidate all resources

# a regexp matching sites to revalidate$|$|http://www/$|$

# set fix request or response headers

# Should we compress data streams? 
# valid values are "false" and everything else is considered true

# This handler converts images into low quality jpegs instead of high
# quality gifs/pngs.

# This is the program used to convert the images.
# if this program is not found, this filter will do nothing...

# $filename is expanded to the right name(the cachefile) during
# runtime 
#convertargs=-quality 10 $filename[0] jpeg:$filename.c
convertargs=-quality 10 -flatten $filename +profile "*" jpeg:$filename.c

# Images that are smaller than this are not converted at all

convertargs=-quality 10 -flatten $filename +profile "*" jpeg:$filename.c

convertargs=-quality 10 -flatten $filename +profile "*" jpeg:$filename.c

# This is the basic HTML page filter. It uses a few other HTMLFilters.
# Note! if this filter is to compress the pages sent you need to set
# compress value to true (which is default).

# use these HTMLFilters. available filters are: 
# BodyFilter        This filter inserts a noproxy link at the top of the page. 
# BackgroundFilter  This filter removes background images.
# AdFilter          This filter removes advertising from pages.
# BlinkFilter       This filter removes the <blink> tags.
# LowresImageFilter This filter removes the lowres-attributes from <img> tags.
# A filter that destroys content a bit less than the above
# filters=rabbit.filter.AdFilter,rabbit.filter.BlinkFilter,rabbit.filter.LowresImageFilter

# Should we compress data streams? 
# valid values are "false" and everything else is considered true

# Should we unpack compressed content, filter it and possibly repack it?

# Set the default charset, the rfc specifies ISO-8859-1, but you can change it, but it is probably a bad idea.

# Always force a given charset, probably a very bad idea.

# A Filter to insert a noproxy link at the start of each page.

# This text before the link
prefix=<center><font size=-2><a href="" target="_top">RabbIT</a> filtered this page.
# And this text after.
# should we insert a link.
# visible name of the link
link=unfiltered page

# A Filter to remove background images.
# This filter has no configuration options.

# A filter to remove advertising from pages.

# The list of evils. A regexp.

# The image to replace ads with.
# Use $proxy to let the RabbIT serve the image.

# A filter that removes the lowres attributes from the img-tags.
# This filter (currently) has no configuration options.