

distrib > Fedora > 15 > i386 > by-pkgid > 446e89d7fa5c9333e05e4a79ea0167b4 > files > 300


<appendix id="script-chapter">
<title>Working with KstScript</title>
  <title id="kstscript_classes">KstScript Classes:</title>
  <informaltable frame="none">
    <tgroup cols="3" align="left" colsep="1" rowsep="1">
      <colspec colname="c1"/>
      <colspec colname="c2"/>
      <colspec colname="c3"/>
            <link linkend="class_Arrow">Arrow</link>
            <link linkend="class_Axis">Axis</link>
            <link linkend="class_AxisLabel">AxisLabel</link>
            <link linkend="class_AxisTickLabel">AxisTickLabel</link>
            <link linkend="class_BinnedMap">BinnedMap</link>
            <link linkend="class_BorderedViewObject">BorderedViewObject</link>
            <link linkend="class_Box">Box</link>
            <link linkend="class_Collection">Collection</link>
            <link linkend="class_ColorSequence">ColorSequence</link>
            <link linkend="class_CrossPowerSpectrum">CrossPowerSpectrum</link>
            <link linkend="class_Curve">Curve</link>
            <link linkend="class_CurveCollection">CurveCollection</link>
            <link linkend="class_DataMatrix">DataMatrix</link>
            <link linkend="class_DataObject">DataObject</link>
            <link linkend="class_DataObjectCollection">DataObjectCollection</link>
            <link linkend="class_DataSource">DataSource</link>
            <link linkend="class_DataSourceCollection">DataSourceCollection</link>
            <link linkend="class_DataVector">DataVector</link>
            <link linkend="class_Debug">Debug</link>
            <link linkend="class_DebugLog">DebugLog</link>
            <link linkend="class_DebugLogEntry">DebugLogEntry</link>
            <link linkend="class_Dir">Dir</link>
            <link linkend="class_Document">Document</link>
            <link linkend="class_Ellipse">Ellipse</link>
            <link linkend="class_ELOG">ELOG</link>
            <link linkend="class_Equation">Equation</link>
            <link linkend="class_EquationCollection">EquationCollection</link>
            <link linkend="class_Extension">Extension</link>
            <link linkend="class_ExtensionCollection">ExtensionCollection</link>
            <link linkend="class_File">File</link>
            <link linkend="class_Group">Group</link>
            <link linkend="class_Histogram">Histogram</link>
            <link linkend="class_HistogramCollection">HistogramCollection</link>
            <link linkend="class_Image">Image</link>
            <link linkend="class_Kst">Kst</link>
            <link linkend="class_Label">Label</link>
            <link linkend="class_Legend">Legend</link>
            <link linkend="class_Line">Line</link>
            <link linkend="class_Matrix">Matrix</link>
            <link linkend="class_MatrixCollection">MatrixCollection</link>
            <link linkend="class_Object">Object</link>
            <link linkend="class_ObjectCollection">ObjectCollection</link>
            <link linkend="class_Picture">Picture</link>
            <link linkend="class_Plot">Plot</link>
            <link linkend="class_PlotCollection">PlotCollection</link>
            <link linkend="class_PlotLabel">PlotLabel</link>
            <link linkend="class_Plugin">Plugin</link>
            <link linkend="class_PluginCollection">PluginCollection</link>
            <link linkend="class_PluginIO">PluginIO</link>
            <link linkend="class_PluginIOCollection">PluginIOCollection</link>
            <link linkend="class_PluginManager">PluginManager</link>
            <link linkend="class_PluginModule">PluginModule</link>
            <link linkend="class_PluginModuleCollection">PluginModuleCollection</link>
            <link linkend="class_Point">Point</link>
            <link linkend="class_PowerSpectrum">PowerSpectrum</link>
            <link linkend="class_PowerSpectrumCollection">PowerSpectrumCollection</link>
            <link linkend="class_Scalar">Scalar</link>
            <link linkend="class_ScalarCollection">ScalarCollection</link>
            <link linkend="class_Size">Size</link>
            <link linkend="class_Spectrogram">Spectrogram</link>
            <link linkend="class_SpectrogramCollection">SpectrogramCollection</link>
            <link linkend="class_String">String</link>
            <link linkend="class_StringCollection">StringCollection</link>
            <link linkend="class_TimeInterpretation">TimeInterpretation</link>
            <link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link>
            <link linkend="class_VectorCollection">VectorCollection</link>
            <link linkend="class_VectorView">VectorView</link>
            <link linkend="class_ViewObject">ViewObject</link>
            <link linkend="class_ViewObjectCollection">ViewObjectCollection</link>
            <link linkend="class_Window">Window</link>
            <link linkend="class_WindowCollection">WindowCollection</link>
<sect1 id="class_Arrow">
  <title>Class: Arrow</title>
  A customizable arrow graphic.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_Line">Line</link>
    <emphasis role="bold">Collection class:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_ViewObjectCollection">ViewObjectCollection</link>
  <sect2 id="constructors_Arrow">
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Arrow_1">Arrow</link> ( parent )</para>
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Arrow_2">Arrow</link> ( window )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_Arrow">
          <link linkend="property_Arrow_1">fromArrow</link>
          <link linkend="property_Arrow_2">toArrow</link>
          <link linkend="property_Arrow_3">fromArrowScaling</link>
          <link linkend="property_Arrow_4">toArrowScaling</link>
    <sect3 id="constructor_Arrow_1">
      <title>Arrow ( <link linkend="class_ViewObject">ViewObject</link> parent )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_ViewObject">ViewObject</link> parent - 
      The parent to place the new arrow in.  May also
                              be a string containing the name of an existing
    Creates a new arrow and places it in the ViewObject <emphasis>parent</emphasis>.
    <sect3 id="constructor_Arrow_2">
      <title>Arrow ( <link linkend="class_Window">Window</link> window )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_Window">Window</link> window - 
      The window to place the new arrow in.  May also be a
                          string containing the name of an existing Window.
    Creates a new arrow and places it in the Window <emphasis>window</emphasis>.
    <sect3 id="property_Arrow_1">
      <title>boolean  fromArrow</title>
    True if the arrow has an arrow at the start point.
    <sect3 id="property_Arrow_2">
      <title>boolean  toArrow</title>
    True if the arrow has an arrow at the end point.
    <sect3 id="property_Arrow_3">
      <title>number  fromArrowScaling</title>
    Scale size of the arrow at the start point.
    <sect3 id="property_Arrow_4">
      <title>number  toArrowScaling</title>
    Scale size of the arrow at the end point.
<sect1 id="class_Axis">
  <title>Class: Axis</title>
  A class representing a plot axis.
  <sect2 id="methods_Axis">
        <para><link linkend="method_Axis_1">scaleAuto</link> (  )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Axis_2">scaleAutoSpikeInsensitive</link> (  )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Axis_3">scaleExpression</link> ( minExp, maxExp )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Axis_4">scaleRange</link> ( min, max )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_Axis">
          <link linkend="property_Axis_1">log</link>
          <link linkend="property_Axis_2">suppressed</link>
          <link linkend="property_Axis_3">oppositeSuppressed</link>
          <link linkend="property_Axis_4">offsetMode</link>
          <link linkend="property_Axis_5">reversed</link>
          <link linkend="property_Axis_6">majorGridLines</link>
          <link linkend="property_Axis_7">minorGridLines</link>
          <link linkend="property_Axis_8">transformation</link>
          <link linkend="property_Axis_9">innerTicks</link>
          <link linkend="property_Axis_10">outerTicks</link>
          <link linkend="property_Axis_11">label</link>
          <link linkend="property_Axis_12">type</link>
          <link linkend="property_Axis_13">majorGridColor</link>
          <link linkend="property_Axis_14">minorGridColor</link>
          <link linkend="property_Axis_15">minorTickCount</link>
          <link linkend="property_Axis_16">majorTickDensity</link>
          <link linkend="property_Axis_17">scaleMode</link>
          <link linkend="property_Axis_18">interpretation</link>
          <link linkend="property_Axis_19">title</link>
          <link linkend="property_Axis_20">tickLabel</link>
    <sect3 id="method_Axis_1">
      <title>void scaleAuto (  )</title>
    Sets the scale mode to Auto.
    <sect3 id="method_Axis_2">
      <title>void scaleAutoSpikeInsensitive (  )</title>
    Sets the scale mode to Auto Spike Insensitive.
    <sect3 id="method_Axis_3">
      <title>void scaleExpression ( string minExp, string maxExp )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string minExp - 
      The expression for the minimum of the scale.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>string maxExp - 
      The expression for the maximum of the scale.
    Sets the scale mode to Expression.
    <sect3 id="method_Axis_4">
      <title>void scaleRange ( number min, number max )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>number min - 
      The value for the minimum of the scale.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>number max - 
      The value for the maximum of the scale.
    Sets the scale mode to Fixed and sets the range.
    <sect3 id="property_Axis_1">
      <title>boolean  log</title>
    True if the axis is in logarithm mode.
    <sect3 id="property_Axis_2">
      <title>boolean  suppressed</title>
    True if this axis is suppressed.
    <sect3 id="property_Axis_3">
      <title>boolean  oppositeSuppressed</title>
    True if the opposite axis is suppressed.  (Right X or top Y)
    <sect3 id="property_Axis_4">
      <title>number  offsetMode</title>
    The base + offset mode. Value must be one of:
                    <listitem><para>0 - Automatic</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>1 - On</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>2 - Off</para></listitem>
      For backwards compatibility the value can also be set as a boolean, in which
      case true corresponds to On and false corresponds to Automatic.
    <sect3 id="property_Axis_5">
      <title>boolean  reversed</title>
    True if this axis is reversed.
    <sect3 id="property_Axis_6">
      <title>boolean  majorGridLines</title>
    True if this axis shows major grid lines.
    <sect3 id="property_Axis_7">
      <title>boolean  minorGridLines</title>
    True if this axis shows minor grid lines.
    <sect3 id="property_Axis_8">
      <title>string  transformation</title>
    The transformation expression for this axis.
    <sect3 id="property_Axis_9">
      <title>boolean  innerTicks</title>
    True if tick marks are displayed inside the plot.
    <sect3 id="property_Axis_10">
      <title>boolean  outerTicks</title>
    True if tick marks are displayed outside the plot.
    <sect3 id="property_Axis_11">
      <title>string  label</title>
    The label for this axis.
    <sect3 id="property_Axis_12">
      <title>string  type [Read-Only]</title>
    The type of axis - X or Y presently.
    <sect3 id="property_Axis_13">
      <title>string  majorGridColor</title>
    The color for the major grid lines.
    <sect3 id="property_Axis_14">
      <title>string  minorGridColor</title>
    The color for the minor grid lines.
    <sect3 id="property_Axis_15">
      <title>number  minorTickCount</title>
    The number of minor ticks between two major ticks.  The
                    special value -1 forces Kst to determine this automatically.
    <sect3 id="property_Axis_16">
      <title>number  majorTickDensity</title>
    The density of major tick markers along this axis.  Value
                    must be one of:
                    <listitem><para>0 - Coarse</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>1 - Default</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>2 - Fine</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>3 - Very Fine</para></listitem>
    <sect3 id="property_Axis_17">
      <title>number  scaleMode [Read-Only]</title>
    The type of scaling done on the axis.
                    Value is one of:
                    <listitem><para>0 - Auto</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>1 - All Curves (By Midpoint)</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>2 - Fixed</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>3 - Auto Up (Only Scales Upward)</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>4 - Auto (Spike Insensitive)</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>5 - Auto (obsolete, same as 0)</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>6 - Expression Based</para></listitem>
    <sect3 id="property_Axis_18">
      <title><link linkend="class_TimeInterpretation">TimeInterpretation</link>  interpretation [Read-Only]</title>
    The method with which the axis is interpreted and times are
    <sect3 id="property_Axis_19">
      <title><link linkend="class_AxisLabel">AxisLabel</link>  title</title>
    The label for this axis.
    <sect3 id="property_Axis_20">
      <title><link linkend="class_AxisTickLabel">AxisTickLabel</link>  tickLabel</title>
    The tick label for this axis.
<sect1 id="class_AxisLabel">
  <title>Class: AxisLabel</title>
  A class representing a plot axis label.
  <sect2 id="properties_AxisLabel">
          <link linkend="property_AxisLabel_1">text</link>
          <link linkend="property_AxisLabel_2">font</link>
          <link linkend="property_AxisLabel_3">fontSize</link>
          <link linkend="property_AxisLabel_4">type</link>
    <sect3 id="property_AxisLabel_1">
      <title>string  text</title>
    Contains the text contents of the label.  This may include
                    scalar references of the form <emphasis>[scalar_name]</emphasis> and some basic LaTeX.
    <sect3 id="property_AxisLabel_2">
      <title>string  font</title>
    Used to set or get the current font used for the label.
    <sect3 id="property_AxisLabel_3">
      <title>number  fontSize</title>
    Contains the size of the font used to draw the label.
    <sect3 id="property_AxisLabel_4">
      <title>string  type [Read-Only]</title>
    The type of axis - X or Y presently.
<sect1 id="class_AxisTickLabel">
  <title>Class: AxisTickLabel</title>
  A class representing a plot axis tick label.
  <sect2 id="properties_AxisTickLabel">
          <link linkend="property_AxisTickLabel_1">font</link>
          <link linkend="property_AxisTickLabel_2">fontSize</link>
          <link linkend="property_AxisTickLabel_3">rotation</link>
          <link linkend="property_AxisTickLabel_4">type</link>
    <sect3 id="property_AxisTickLabel_1">
      <title>string  font</title>
    Used to set or get the current font used for the label.
    <sect3 id="property_AxisTickLabel_2">
      <title>number  fontSize</title>
    Contains the size of the font used to draw the label.
    <sect3 id="property_AxisTickLabel_3">
      <title>number  rotation</title>
    Contains the rotation angle of the label.  Rotation is
                    clockwise from <emphasis>normal</emphasis> and is stored in degrees.
    <sect3 id="property_AxisTickLabel_4">
      <title>string  type [Read-Only]</title>
    The type of axis - X or Y presently.
<sect1 id="class_BinnedMap">
  <title>Class: BinnedMap</title>
  This class represents a binned map object in Kst.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_DataObject">DataObject</link>
  <sect2 id="constructors_BinnedMap">
        <para><link linkend="constructor_BinnedMap_1">BinnedMap</link> (  )</para>
  <sect2 id="methods_BinnedMap">
        <para><link linkend="method_BinnedMap_1">validate</link> (  )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_BinnedMap">
          <link linkend="property_BinnedMap_1">x</link>
          <link linkend="property_BinnedMap_2">y</link>
          <link linkend="property_BinnedMap_3">z</link>
          <link linkend="property_BinnedMap_4">binnedMap</link>
          <link linkend="property_BinnedMap_5">hitsMap</link>
          <link linkend="property_BinnedMap_6">xFrom</link>
          <link linkend="property_BinnedMap_7">xTo</link>
          <link linkend="property_BinnedMap_8">yFrom</link>
          <link linkend="property_BinnedMap_9">yTo</link>
          <link linkend="property_BinnedMap_10">nX</link>
          <link linkend="property_BinnedMap_11">nY</link>
          <link linkend="property_BinnedMap_12">autobin</link>
          <link linkend="property_BinnedMap_13">valid</link>
    <sect3 id="constructor_BinnedMap_1">
      <title>BinnedMap (  )</title>
    Main constructor for the BinnedMap class.
    <sect3 id="method_BinnedMap_1">
      <title>void validate (  )</title>
    Validates the plugin.
    <sect3 id="property_BinnedMap_1">
      <title><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link>  x</title>
    Contains the x vector.
    <sect3 id="property_BinnedMap_2">
      <title><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link>  y</title>
    Contains the y vector.
    <sect3 id="property_BinnedMap_3">
      <title><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link>  z</title>
    Contains the z vector.
    <sect3 id="property_BinnedMap_4">
      <title>string  binnedMap</title>
    Contains the name of binned map matrix.
    <sect3 id="property_BinnedMap_5">
      <title>string  hitsMap</title>
    Contains the name of the hits map matrix.
    <sect3 id="property_BinnedMap_6">
      <title><link linkend="class_Scalar">Scalar</link>  xFrom</title>
    Contains the from value of the x vector.
    <sect3 id="property_BinnedMap_7">
      <title><link linkend="class_Scalar">Scalar</link>  xTo</title>
    Contains the to value of the x vector.
    <sect3 id="property_BinnedMap_8">
      <title><link linkend="class_Scalar">Scalar</link>  yFrom</title>
    Contains the from value of the y vector.
    <sect3 id="property_BinnedMap_9">
      <title><link linkend="class_Scalar">Scalar</link>  yTo</title>
    Contains the to value of the y vector.
    <sect3 id="property_BinnedMap_10">
      <title><link linkend="class_Scalar">Scalar</link>  nX</title>
    Contains the number of x bins.
    <sect3 id="property_BinnedMap_11">
      <title><link linkend="class_Scalar">Scalar</link>  nY</title>
    Contains the number of y bins.
    <sect3 id="property_BinnedMap_12">
      <title><link linkend="class_Scalar">Scalar</link>  autobin</title>
    Contains the autobin setting. Zero for no auto-binning and non-zero for auto-binning.
    <sect3 id="property_BinnedMap_13">
      <title>boolean  valid [Read-Only]</title>
    Returns true if all the inputs and outputs of the binned map have been set.
<sect1 id="class_BorderedViewObject">
  <title>Class: BorderedViewObject</title>
  Represents some objects in a Kst window.  This is an abstract
                object and may not be instantiated directly.  It has several
                properties not in regular ViewObjects including margins,
                padding, and a border.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_ViewObject">ViewObject</link>
    <emphasis role="bold">Collection class:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_ViewObjectCollection">ViewObjectCollection</link>
  <sect2 id="properties_BorderedViewObject">
          <link linkend="property_BorderedViewObject_1">padding</link>
          <link linkend="property_BorderedViewObject_2">margin</link>
          <link linkend="property_BorderedViewObject_3">borderWidth</link>
          <link linkend="property_BorderedViewObject_4">borderColor</link>
    <sect3 id="property_BorderedViewObject_1">
      <title>number  padding</title>
    The number of pixels between the border and the contents.
    <sect3 id="property_BorderedViewObject_2">
      <title>number  margin</title>
    The number of pixels between the edge of the object and the
    <sect3 id="property_BorderedViewObject_3">
      <title>number  borderWidth</title>
    The width in pixels of the border.
    <sect3 id="property_BorderedViewObject_4">
      <title>string  borderColor</title>
    The border color for this object.
<sect1 id="class_Box">
  <title>Class: Box</title>
  A customizable box graphic.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_ViewObject">ViewObject</link>
    <emphasis role="bold">Collection class:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_ViewObjectCollection">ViewObjectCollection</link>
  <sect2 id="constructors_Box">
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Box_1">Box</link> ( parent )</para>
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Box_2">Box</link> ( window )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_Box">
          <link linkend="property_Box_1">xRound</link>
          <link linkend="property_Box_2">yRound</link>
          <link linkend="property_Box_3">borderWidth</link>
          <link linkend="property_Box_4">borderColor</link>
    <sect3 id="constructor_Box_1">
      <title>Box ( <link linkend="class_ViewObject">ViewObject</link> parent )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_ViewObject">ViewObject</link> parent - 
      The parent to place the new box in.  May also
                              be a string containing the name of an existing
    Creates a new box and places it in the ViewObject <emphasis>parent</emphasis>.
    <sect3 id="constructor_Box_2">
      <title>Box ( <link linkend="class_Window">Window</link> window )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_Window">Window</link> window - 
      The window to place the new box in.  May also be a
                          string containing the name of an existing Window.
    Creates a new box and places it in the Window <emphasis>window</emphasis>.
    <sect3 id="property_Box_1">
      <title>number  xRound</title>
    The roundness of the corners in the X dimension.  Must be
                    an integer between 0 and 99.
    <sect3 id="property_Box_2">
      <title>number  yRound</title>
    The roundness of the corners in the Y dimension.  Must be
                    an integer between 0 and 99.
    <sect3 id="property_Box_3">
      <title>number  borderWidth</title>
    The width in pixels of the border.
    <sect3 id="property_Box_4">
      <title>string  borderColor</title>
    The border color for this object.
<sect1 id="class_Collection">
  <title>Class: Collection</title>
  This is the generic collection class used by Kst to store lists
                of objects.  It behaves mostly like an array in JavaScript.  At
                this time indices are read-only.  In addition, if a collection
                is read-only, mutator methods will throw exceptions.

                Iteration looks something like this:
                for (i = 0; i < collection.length; ++i) {
                  // do something with collection[i]
  <sect2 id="methods_Collection">
        <para><link linkend="method_Collection_1">append</link> ( newObj )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Collection_2">prepend</link> ( newObj )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Collection_3">remove</link> ( n )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Collection_4">remove</link> ( obj )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Collection_5">clear</link> (  )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_Collection">
          <link linkend="property_Collection_1">length</link>
          <link linkend="property_Collection_2">readOnly</link>
    <sect3 id="method_Collection_1">
      <title>void append ( <link linkend="class_Object">Object</link> newObj )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_Object">Object</link> newObj - 
      The new object to append to the collection.
    Appends a new object to the end of the collection.
    <sect3 id="method_Collection_2">
      <title>void prepend ( <link linkend="class_Object">Object</link> newObj )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_Object">Object</link> newObj - 
      The new object to prepend to the collection.
    Prepends a new object to the start of the collection.
    <sect3 id="method_Collection_3">
      <title>void remove ( number n )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>number n - 
      The index of the entry to remove.
    Removes an entry from the collection.
    <sect3 id="method_Collection_4">
      <title>void remove ( <link linkend="class_Object">Object</link> obj )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_Object">Object</link> obj - 
      The object to remove.
    Removes an object from the collection.
    <sect3 id="method_Collection_5">
      <title>void clear (  )</title>
    Clears the collection, removing all entries.
    <sect3 id="property_Collection_1">
      <title>number  length [Read-Only]</title>
    The number of items in the collection.  Items are ordered
                    0..(length - 1) so it is easy to iterate.
    <sect3 id="property_Collection_2">
      <title>boolean  readOnly [Read-Only]</title>
    True if this is a read-only collection.
<sect1 id="class_ColorSequence">
  <title>Class: ColorSequence</title>
  Provides access to the Kst color sequence used for coloring
  <sect2 id="methods_ColorSequence">
        <para><link linkend="method_ColorSequence_1">next</link> (  [previous] )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_ColorSequence_2">tooClose</link> ( firstColor, secondColor )</para>
    <sect3 id="method_ColorSequence_1">
      <title>string next (  [string previous] )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string previous - 
      The previous color in the color sequence you are
                               following.  Not necessary.
    Returns the next color in the color sequence.
    <sect3 id="method_ColorSequence_2">
      <title>boolean tooClose ( string firstColor, string secondColor )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string firstColor - 
      The first of two colors to compare.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>string secondColor - 
      The second of two colors to compare.
    Returns true if colors are too close.
<sect1 id="class_CrossPowerSpectrum">
  <title>Class: CrossPowerSpectrum</title>
  This class represents a cross power spectrum object in Kst.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_DataObject">DataObject</link>
  <sect2 id="methods_CrossPowerSpectrum">
        <para><link linkend="method_CrossPowerSpectrum_1">validate</link> (  )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_CrossPowerSpectrum">
          <link linkend="property_CrossPowerSpectrum_1">v1</link>
          <link linkend="property_CrossPowerSpectrum_2">v2</link>
          <link linkend="property_CrossPowerSpectrum_3">length</link>
          <link linkend="property_CrossPowerSpectrum_4">sample</link>
          <link linkend="property_CrossPowerSpectrum_5">real</link>
          <link linkend="property_CrossPowerSpectrum_6">imaginary</link>
          <link linkend="property_CrossPowerSpectrum_7">frequency</link>
          <link linkend="property_CrossPowerSpectrum_8">valid</link>
    <sect3 id="method_CrossPowerSpectrum_1">
      <title>void validate (  )</title>
    Validates the plugin.
    <sect3 id="property_CrossPowerSpectrum_1">
      <title><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link>  v1</title>
    Contains the first vector.
    <sect3 id="property_CrossPowerSpectrum_2">
      <title><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link>  v2</title>
    Contains the second vector.
    <sect3 id="property_CrossPowerSpectrum_3">
      <title><link linkend="class_Scalar">Scalar</link>  length</title>
    Contains the base 2 logarithm of the length of the cross power spectrum.  
                    Should be an integer &gt;= 2.
    <sect3 id="property_CrossPowerSpectrum_4">
      <title><link linkend="class_Scalar">Scalar</link>  sample</title>
    Contains the sample rate.
    <sect3 id="property_CrossPowerSpectrum_5">
      <title>string  real</title>
    Contains the name of the output vector holding the real part of the cross power spectrum.
    <sect3 id="property_CrossPowerSpectrum_6">
      <title>string  imaginary</title>
    Contains the name of the output vector holding the imaginary part of the cross power spectrum.
    <sect3 id="property_CrossPowerSpectrum_7">
      <title>string  frequency</title>
    Contains the name of the output vector holding the frequencies of the cross power spectrum.
    <sect3 id="property_CrossPowerSpectrum_8">
      <title>boolean  valid [Read-Only]</title>
    Returns true if all the inputs and outputs of the cross power spectrum have been set.
<sect1 id="class_Curve">
  <title>Class: Curve</title>
  Represents a curve formed from an X and a Y vector.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_DataObject">DataObject</link>
    <emphasis role="bold">Collection class:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_CurveCollection">CurveCollection</link>
  <sect2 id="constructors_Curve">
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Curve_1">Curve</link> ( x, y [, xError [, yError [, xMinusError [, yMinusError]]]] )</para>
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Curve_2">Curve</link> ( hs )</para>
  <sect2 id="methods_Curve">
        <para><link linkend="method_Curve_1">point</link> ( index )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Curve_2">xErrorPoint</link> ( index )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Curve_3">yErrorPoint</link> ( index )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Curve_4">xMinusErrorPoint</link> ( index )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Curve_5">yMinusErrorPoint</link> ( index )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_Curve">
          <link linkend="property_Curve_1">color</link>
          <link linkend="property_Curve_2">xVector</link>
          <link linkend="property_Curve_3">yVector</link>
          <link linkend="property_Curve_4">xErrorVector</link>
          <link linkend="property_Curve_5">yErrorVector</link>
          <link linkend="property_Curve_6">xMinusErrorVector</link>
          <link linkend="property_Curve_7">xMinusErrorVector</link>
          <link linkend="property_Curve_8">yVectorOffset</link>
          <link linkend="property_Curve_9">samplesPerFrame</link>
          <link linkend="property_Curve_10">ignoreAutoScale</link>
          <link linkend="property_Curve_11">hasPoints</link>
          <link linkend="property_Curve_12">hasLines</link>
          <link linkend="property_Curve_13">hasBars</link>
          <link linkend="property_Curve_14">lineWidth</link>
          <link linkend="property_Curve_15">pointStyle</link>
          <link linkend="property_Curve_16">lineStyle</link>
          <link linkend="property_Curve_17">barStyle</link>
          <link linkend="property_Curve_18">pointDensity</link>
          <link linkend="property_Curve_19">topLabel</link>
          <link linkend="property_Curve_20">xLabel</link>
          <link linkend="property_Curve_21">yLabel</link>
          <link linkend="property_Curve_22">legendText</link>
    <sect3 id="constructor_Curve_1">
      <title>Curve ( <link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link> x, <link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link> y [, <link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link> xError [, <link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link> yError [, <link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link> xMinusError [, <link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link> yMinusError]]]] )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link> x - 
      The X vector for the curve.  Can be specified as a string
                     containing the tag name of an existing vector, or as a
                     vector object.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link> y - 
      The Y vector for the curve.  Can be specified as a string
                     containing the tag name of an existing vector, or as a
                     vector object.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link> xError - 
      The X error bar vector for the curve.  Can be
                             specified as a string containing the tag name of
                             an existing vector, or as a vector object.
       [OPTIONAL]</para></listitem><listitem><para><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link> yError - 
      The Y error bar vector for the curve.  Can be
                             specified as a string containing the tag name of
                             an existing vector, or as a vector object.
       [OPTIONAL]</para></listitem><listitem><para><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link> xMinusError - 
      The X minus error bar vector for the curve.
                                  Can be specified as a string containing the
                                  tag name of an existing vector, or as a
                                  vector object.
       [OPTIONAL]</para></listitem><listitem><para><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link> yMinusError - 
      The Y minus error bar vector for the curve.
                                  Can be specified as a string containing the
                                  tag name of an existing vector, or as a
                                  vector object.
    Main constructor for Curve class.  Constructing a new
                    curve automatically adds it to the data collection of Kst.
    <sect3 id="constructor_Curve_2">
      <title>Curve ( <link linkend="class_Histogram">Histogram</link> hs )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_Histogram">Histogram</link> hs - 
      Creates a curve from a histogram.
    Constructor for Curve class.  Allows a curve to be simply created from a Histogram class.
    <sect3 id="method_Curve_1">
      <title><link linkend="class_Point">Point</link> point ( number index )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>number index - 
      The index of the point to retrieve the coordinates
                         for. Starts at 0.
    Retrieve the coordinates for a given point in the curve.
                    Returns an invalid point if that index does not exist.
    <sect3 id="method_Curve_2">
      <title>number xErrorPoint ( number index )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>number index - 
      The index of the point to retrieve the coordinates
                         for. Starts at 0.
    Retrieve the value for a given point in the X error
                    bars.  Returns an invalid point if that index does not
    <sect3 id="method_Curve_3">
      <title>number yErrorPoint ( number index )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>number index - 
      The index of the point to retrieve the coordinates
                         for. Starts at 0.
    Retrieve the value for a given point in the Y error
                    bars.  Returns an invalid point if that index does not
    <sect3 id="method_Curve_4">
      <title>number xMinusErrorPoint ( number index )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>number index - 
      The index of the point to retrieve the coordinates
                         for. Starts at 0.
    Retrieve the value for a given point in the X minus
                    error bars.  Returns an invalid point if that index does
                    not exist.
    <sect3 id="method_Curve_5">
      <title>number yMinusErrorPoint ( number index )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>number index - 
      The index of the point to retrieve the coordinates
                         for. Starts at 0.
    Retrieve the value for a given point in the Y minus
                    error bars.  Returns an invalid point if that index does
                    not exist.
    <sect3 id="property_Curve_1">
      <title>string  color</title>
    The color of the curve.  Stored in the form "#RRGGBB" as
                    hex values.  This property can also be set with English
                    strings such as "blue".
    <sect3 id="property_Curve_2">
      <title><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link>  xVector</title>
    The X axis vector for the curve.
    <sect3 id="property_Curve_3">
      <title><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link>  yVector</title>
    The Y axis vector for the curve.
    <sect3 id="property_Curve_4">
      <title><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link>  xErrorVector</title>
    The X axis error vector for the curve.
    <sect3 id="property_Curve_5">
      <title><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link>  yErrorVector</title>
    The Y axis error vector for the curve.
    <sect3 id="property_Curve_6">
      <title><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link>  xMinusErrorVector</title>
    The X axis negative error vector for the curve.
    <sect3 id="property_Curve_7">
      <title><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link>  xMinusErrorVector</title>
    The X axis negative error vector for the curve.
    <sect3 id="property_Curve_8">
      <title><link linkend="class_Scalar">Scalar</link>  yVectorOffset</title>
    The offset to be applied to the y-axis vector.
    <sect3 id="property_Curve_9">
      <title>number  samplesPerFrame [Read-Only]</title>
    The number of samples per frame for the curve.
    <sect3 id="property_Curve_10">
      <title>boolean  ignoreAutoScale</title>
    If true, this curve ignores auto scale.
    <sect3 id="property_Curve_11">
      <title>boolean  hasPoints</title>
    If true, points are plotted for this curve.
    <sect3 id="property_Curve_12">
      <title>boolean  hasLines</title>
    If true, lines are drawn for this curve.
    <sect3 id="property_Curve_13">
      <title>boolean  hasBars</title>
    If true, bars are drawn for this curve.
    <sect3 id="property_Curve_14">
      <title>number  lineWidth</title>
    Sets the line width for this curve when lines are drawn.
    <sect3 id="property_Curve_15">
      <title>number  pointStyle</title>
    Sets the point style for this curve when points are drawn.
                    <listitem><para>0 - Cross</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>1 - Hollow box</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>2 - Hollow circle</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>3 - Filled circle</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>4 - Inverted hollow triangle</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>5 - Hollow triangle</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>6 - Filled box</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>7 - Plus</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>8 - Asterisk</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>9 - Inverted filled triangle</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>10 - Filled triangle</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>11 - Hollow diamond</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>12 - Filled diamond</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>13 - Point</para></listitem>
    <sect3 id="property_Curve_16">
      <title>number  lineStyle</title>
    Sets the line style for this curve when lines are drawn.
                    <listitem><para>0 - Solid</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>1 - Dash</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>2 - Dot</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>3 - Dash Dot</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>4 - Dash Dot Dot</para></listitem>
    <sect3 id="property_Curve_17">
      <title>number  barStyle</title>
    Sets the bar style for this curve when bars are drawn.
                    <listitem><para>0 - Lines</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>1 - Solid</para></listitem>
    <sect3 id="property_Curve_18">
      <title>number  pointDensity</title>
    Sets the point density for this curve when points are plotted.
                    <listitem><para>0 - Draw all points</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>1 - High density</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>2 - Medium density</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>3 - Low density</para></listitem>
    <sect3 id="property_Curve_19">
      <title>string  topLabel [Read-Only]</title>
    The top label suggestion for this curve.
    <sect3 id="property_Curve_20">
      <title>string  xLabel [Read-Only]</title>
    The X-axis label suggestion for this curve.
    <sect3 id="property_Curve_21">
      <title>string  yLabel [Read-Only]</title>
    The Y-axis label suggestion for this curve.
    <sect3 id="property_Curve_22">
      <title>string  legendText</title>
    The legend text associated with a curve.
<sect1 id="class_CurveCollection">
  <title>Class: CurveCollection</title>
  An array of curves.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_Collection">Collection</link>
<sect1 id="class_DataMatrix">
  <title>Class: DataMatrix</title>
  A matrix object loaded from a data source.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_Matrix">Matrix</link>
  <sect2 id="constructors_DataMatrix">
        <para><link linkend="constructor_DataMatrix_1">DataMatrix</link> ( source, field [, xStart, yStart, xN, yN [, skip [, ave]]] )</para>
  <sect2 id="methods_DataMatrix">
        <para><link linkend="method_DataMatrix_1">reload</link> (  )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_DataMatrix_2">changeFile</link> ( source )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_DataMatrix_3">change</link> ( xStart, yStart, xCount, yCount [, skip [, ave]] )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_DataMatrix">
          <link linkend="property_DataMatrix_1">valid</link>
          <link linkend="property_DataMatrix_2">skip</link>
          <link linkend="property_DataMatrix_3">boxcar</link>
          <link linkend="property_DataMatrix_4">xReadToEnd</link>
          <link linkend="property_DataMatrix_5">yReadToEnd</link>
          <link linkend="property_DataMatrix_6">xCountFromEnd</link>
          <link linkend="property_DataMatrix_7">yCountFromEnd</link>
          <link linkend="property_DataMatrix_8">skipLength</link>
          <link linkend="property_DataMatrix_9">field</link>
          <link linkend="property_DataMatrix_10">dataSource</link>
    <sect3 id="constructor_DataMatrix_1">
      <title>DataMatrix ( <link linkend="class_DataSource">DataSource</link> source, string field [, number xStart, number yStart, number xN, number yN [, number skip [, boolean ave]]] )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_DataSource">DataSource</link> source - 
      The DataSource to load data from.  This may be
                              a string containing the url of the DataSource to
                              load.  If so, it will attempt to reuse an
                              existing DataSource instance, or fall back to
                              a new DataSource object.  It may also be 
                              specified as a DataSource object.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>string field - 
      The field to load from the source.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>number xStart - 
      The x frame to start reading from.
       [OPTIONAL]</para></listitem><listitem><para>number yStart - 
      The y frame to start reading from.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>number xN - 
      The number of x frames to read.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>number yN - 
      The number of y frames to read.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>number skip - 
      The number of samples to skip by.
       [OPTIONAL]</para></listitem><listitem><para>boolean ave - 
      Set to true to do boxcar filtering.
    <sect3 id="method_DataMatrix_1">
      <title>void reload (  )</title>
    <sect3 id="method_DataMatrix_2">
      <title>void changeFile ( <link linkend="class_DataSource">DataSource</link> source )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_DataSource">DataSource</link> source - 
      The DataSource to switch to.
    Switches this DataMatrix to a different DataSource.
    <sect3 id="method_DataMatrix_3">
      <title>void change ( number xStart, number yStart, number xCount, number yCount [, number skip [, boolean ave]] )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>number xStart - 
      The x starting frame.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>number yStart - 
      The y starting frame.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>number xCount - 
      The number of x frames to read.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>number yCount - 
      The number of y frames to read.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>number skip - 
      The number of frames to skip by.
       [OPTIONAL]</para></listitem><listitem><para>boolean ave - 
      True to boxcar filter.
    Changes the sequence of data that is read in by this
    <sect3 id="property_DataMatrix_1">
      <title>boolean  valid [Read-Only]</title>
    True if the data matrix is valid.
    <sect3 id="property_DataMatrix_2">
      <title>boolean  skip [Read-Only]</title>
    True if the matrix should skip by <emphasis>skipLength</emphasis> samples
                    while reading from the data source.
    <sect3 id="property_DataMatrix_3">
      <title>boolean  boxcar [Read-Only]</title>
    True if the matrix should be boxcar filtered.
    <sect3 id="property_DataMatrix_4">
      <title>boolean  xReadToEnd [Read-Only]</title>
    If true, the matrix is read to the end of the source in the
                    x dimension.
    <sect3 id="property_DataMatrix_5">
      <title>boolean  yReadToEnd [Read-Only]</title>
    If true, the matrix is read to the end of the source in the
                    y dimension.
    <sect3 id="property_DataMatrix_6">
      <title>boolean  xCountFromEnd [Read-Only]</title>
    If true, the matrix reads only a maximum number of samples
                    from the end of the source in the x dimension.
    <sect3 id="property_DataMatrix_7">
      <title>boolean  yCountFromEnd [Read-Only]</title>
    If true, the matrix reads only a maximum number of samples
                    from the end of the source in the y dimension.
    <sect3 id="property_DataMatrix_8">
      <title>number  skipLength [Read-Only]</title>
    The number of samples to skip by.
    <sect3 id="property_DataMatrix_9">
      <title>string  field [Read-Only]</title>
    The field being read from the data source to create this
    <sect3 id="property_DataMatrix_10">
      <title><link linkend="class_DataSource">DataSource</link>  dataSource [Read-Only]</title>
    The data source object used by this DataMatrix.
<sect1 id="class_DataObject">
  <title>Class: DataObject</title>
  The abstract base class for all Kst data objects.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_Object">Object</link>
    <emphasis role="bold">Collection class:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_DataObjectCollection">DataObjectCollection</link>
  <sect2 id="methods_DataObject">
        <para><link linkend="method_DataObject_1">convertTo</link> ( type )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_DataObject">
          <link linkend="property_DataObject_1">type</link>
    <sect3 id="method_DataObject_1">
      <title><link linkend="class_DataObject">DataObject</link> convertTo ( string type )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string type - 
      The type to attempt to convert this object to.
    Attempts to convert this DataObject to a different type.
                    The object must be derived from this type at some level.
                    Null is returned if it is not possible to convert to the
                    requested type.
    <sect3 id="property_DataObject_1">
      <title>string  type [Read-Only]</title>
    The type of data object this is.
<sect1 id="class_DataObjectCollection">
  <title>Class: DataObjectCollection</title>
  An array of DataObjects.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_Collection">Collection</link>
<sect1 id="class_DataSource">
  <title>Class: DataSource</title>
  An object that represents a data file that is understood by
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_Object">Object</link>
    <emphasis role="bold">Collection class:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_DataSourceCollection">DataSourceCollection</link>
  <sect2 id="constructors_DataSource">
        <para><link linkend="constructor_DataSource_1">DataSource</link> ( url [, type] )</para>
  <sect2 id="methods_DataSource">
        <para><link linkend="method_DataSource_1">isValidField</link> ( field )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_DataSource_2">fieldList</link> (  )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_DataSource_3">reset</link> (  )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_DataSource_4">matrixList</link> (  )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_DataSource_5">samplesPerFrame</link> ( field )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_DataSource_6">frameCount</link> (  [field] )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_DataSource_7">setConfiguration</link> ( setting, setting )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_DataSource_8">configuration</link> ( setting )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_DataSource_9">units</link> ( field )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_DataSource">
          <link linkend="property_DataSource_1">valid</link>
          <link linkend="property_DataSource_2">empty</link>
          <link linkend="property_DataSource_3">completeFieldList</link>
          <link linkend="property_DataSource_4">fileName</link>
          <link linkend="property_DataSource_5">fileType</link>
          <link linkend="property_DataSource_6">source</link>
          <link linkend="property_DataSource_7">metaData</link>
    <sect3 id="constructor_DataSource_1">
      <title>DataSource ( string url [, string type] )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string url - 
      The filename or URL to load.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>string type - 
      The name of the data source plugin to use.
    Creates a new DataSource object.  If the url cannot be
                    opened and read, <emphasis>isValid</emphasis> will be false.
    <sect3 id="method_DataSource_1">
      <title>boolean isValidField ( string field )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string field - 
      A field name to check for.
    Returns if the field is valid or not.
    <sect3 id="method_DataSource_2">
      <title>StringArray fieldList (  )</title>
    Generates a list of the fields available from this source.
    <sect3 id="method_DataSource_3">
      <title>void reset (  )</title>
    Resets the data source.
    <sect3 id="method_DataSource_4">
      <title>StringArray matrixList (  )</title>
    Generates a list of the matrices available from this source.
    <sect3 id="method_DataSource_5">
      <title>number samplesPerFrame ( string field )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string field - 
      A field name to get the number of
                         samples per frame for.  This is the same for every
                         field in some sources, but different in others.
    The number of samples per frame for this field or source.
    <sect3 id="method_DataSource_6">
      <title>number frameCount (  [string field] )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string field - 
      An optional field name to get the number of
                            frames for.  This is the same for every
                            field in some sources, but different in others.
    Gets the number of frames for the source, or the given
                    field if it is specified.
    <sect3 id="method_DataSource_7">
      <title>boolean setConfiguration ( string setting, string setting )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string setting - 
      Gives the setting name to set the value of.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>string setting - 
      Gives the value of the setting.
    Sets a configuration setting of the data source.
    <sect3 id="method_DataSource_8">
      <title>string configuration ( string setting )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string setting - 
      Gives the setting name to retrive the value of.
    Gets a configuration setting of the data source.
    <sect3 id="method_DataSource_9">
      <title>string units ( string field )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string field - 
      Gives the field name to retrieve the units of.
    Gets the units associated with a field of the data source.
    <sect3 id="property_DataSource_1">
      <title>boolean  valid [Read-Only]</title>
    True if the data source is valid.
    <sect3 id="property_DataSource_2">
      <title>boolean  empty [Read-Only]</title>
    True if the data source is empty.
    <sect3 id="property_DataSource_3">
      <title>boolean  completeFieldList [Read-Only]</title>
    True if the field list is complete.
    <sect3 id="property_DataSource_4">
      <title>string  fileName [Read-Only]</title>
    Name of the file.
    <sect3 id="property_DataSource_5">
      <title>string  fileType [Read-Only]</title>
    The type (format) of the file, such as ASCII.
    <sect3 id="property_DataSource_6">
      <title>string  source [Read-Only]</title>
    The name of the data source.
    <sect3 id="property_DataSource_7">
      <title>StringArray  metaData [Read-Only]</title>
    Any metadata associated with the data source.  This is an
                    associative array of form metaData["key"] = "value".
<sect1 id="class_DataSourceCollection">
  <title>Class: DataSourceCollection</title>
  An array of DataSources.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_Collection">Collection</link>
<sect1 id="class_DataVector">
  <title>Class: DataVector</title>
  A vector object loaded from a data source.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link>
  <sect2 id="constructors_DataVector">
        <para><link linkend="constructor_DataVector_1">DataVector</link> ( source, field [, start [, n [, skip [, ave]]]] )</para>
        <para><link linkend="constructor_DataVector_2">DataVector</link> ( source, field, typeStart, start, typeCount, count [, skip [, ave]] )</para>
  <sect2 id="methods_DataVector">
        <para><link linkend="method_DataVector_1">reload</link> (  )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_DataVector_2">changeFile</link> ( source )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_DataVector_3">changeFrames</link> ( start, count [, skip [, ave]] )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_DataVector_4">changeFramesByTime</link> ( typeStart, start, typeCount, count [, skip [, ave]] )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_DataVector">
          <link linkend="property_DataVector_1">valid</link>
          <link linkend="property_DataVector_2">skip</link>
          <link linkend="property_DataVector_3">boxcar</link>
          <link linkend="property_DataVector_4">readToEnd</link>
          <link linkend="property_DataVector_5">countFromEnd</link>
          <link linkend="property_DataVector_6">skipLength</link>
          <link linkend="property_DataVector_7">startFrame</link>
          <link linkend="property_DataVector_8">startFrameRequested</link>
          <link linkend="property_DataVector_9">frames</link>
          <link linkend="property_DataVector_10">framesRequested</link>
          <link linkend="property_DataVector_11">samplesPerFrame</link>
          <link linkend="property_DataVector_12">field</link>
          <link linkend="property_DataVector_13">dataSource</link>
    <sect3 id="constructor_DataVector_1">
      <title>DataVector ( <link linkend="class_DataSource">DataSource</link> source, string field [, number start [, number n [, number skip [, boolean ave]]]] )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_DataSource">DataSource</link> source - 
      The DataSource to load data from.  This may be
                              a string containing the url of the DataSource to
                              load.  If so, it will attempt to reuse an
                              existing DataSource instance, or fall back to
                              a new DataSource object.  It may also be 
                              specified as a DataSource object.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>string field - 
      The field to load from the source.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>number start - 
      The frame to start reading from.
       [OPTIONAL]</para></listitem><listitem><para>number n - 
      The number of frames to read.
       [OPTIONAL]</para></listitem><listitem><para>number skip - 
      The number of samples to skip by.
       [OPTIONAL]</para></listitem><listitem><para>boolean ave - 
      Set to true to do boxcar filtering.
    <sect3 id="constructor_DataVector_2">
      <title>DataVector ( <link linkend="class_DataSource">DataSource</link> source, string field, string typeStart, number start, string typeCount, number count [, number skip [, boolean ave]] )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_DataSource">DataSource</link> source - 
      The DataSource to load data from.  This may be
                              a string containing the url of the DataSource to
                              load.  If so, it will attempt to reuse an
                              existing DataSource instance, or fall back to
                              a new DataSource object.  It may also be 
                              specified as a DataSource object.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>string field - 
      The field to load from the source.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>string typeStart - 
      The type of the value specifying the start position.
                    The permissible values are as follows:
                    <listitem><para>ms (milliseconds)</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>s (seconds)</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>m (minutes)</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>h (hours)</para></listitem>
                    The date entry uses the format (e.g. 2009:2:13:13:10.12).
                    If any of the leading elements are omitted then the current year, month, day, etc. are assumed.
                    If the year is less than 0, then it is assumed to be given relative to 1970 (e.g. -10 becomes 1980), else if the year is less than 100 it is assumed to be relative to 2000 (e.g. 9 becomes 2009), else the year is taken as given.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>number start - 
      The starting frame, date (a string argument), or time offset.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>string typeCount - 
      The type of the value specifying the count
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>number count - 
      The number of frames or time duration to read.
                    The permissible values are as follows:
                    <listitem><para>ms (milliseconds)</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>s (seconds)</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>m (minutes)</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>h (hours)</para></listitem>
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>number skip - 
      The number of samples to skip by.
       [OPTIONAL]</para></listitem><listitem><para>boolean ave - 
      Set to true to do boxcar filtering.
    <sect3 id="method_DataVector_1">
      <title>void reload (  )</title>
    <sect3 id="method_DataVector_2">
      <title>void changeFile ( <link linkend="class_DataSource">DataSource</link> source )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_DataSource">DataSource</link> source - 
      The DataSource to switch to.
    Switches this DataVector to a different DataSource.
    <sect3 id="method_DataVector_3">
      <title>void changeFrames ( number start, number count [, number skip [, boolean ave]] )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>number start - 
      The starting frame.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>number count - 
      The number of frames to read.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>number skip - 
      The number of frames to skip by.
       [OPTIONAL]</para></listitem><listitem><para>boolean ave - 
      True to boxcar filter.
    Changes the sequence of data that is read in by this
    <sect3 id="method_DataVector_4">
      <title>void changeFramesByTime ( string typeStart, number start, string typeCount, number count [, number skip [, boolean ave]] )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string typeStart - 
      The type of the value specifying the start position.
                    The permissible values are as follows:
                    <listitem><para>ms (milliseconds)</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>s (seconds)</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>m (minutes)</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>h (hours)</para></listitem>
                    The date entry uses the format (e.g. 2009:2:13:13:10.12).
                    If any of the leading elements are omitted then the current year, month, day, etc. are assumed.
                    If the year is less than 0, then it is assumed to be given relative to 1970 (e.g. -10 becomes 1980), else if the year is less than 100 it is assumed to be relative to 2000 (e.g. 9 becomes 2009), else the year is taken as given.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>number start - 
      The starting frame, date (a string argument), or time offset.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>string typeCount - 
      The type of the value specifying the count
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>number count - 
      The number of frames or time duration to read.
                    The permissible values are as follows:
                    <listitem><para>ms (milliseconds)</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>s (seconds)</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>m (minutes)</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>h (hours)</para></listitem>
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>number skip - 
      The number of frames to skip by.
       [OPTIONAL]</para></listitem><listitem><para>boolean ave - 
      True to boxcar filter.
    Changes the sequence of data that is read in by this
    <sect3 id="property_DataVector_1">
      <title>boolean  valid [Read-Only]</title>
    True if the data vector is valid.
    <sect3 id="property_DataVector_2">
      <title>boolean  skip [Read-Only]</title>
    True if the vector should skip by <emphasis>skipLength</emphasis> samples
                    while reading from the data source.
    <sect3 id="property_DataVector_3">
      <title>boolean  boxcar [Read-Only]</title>
    True if the vector should be boxcar filtered.
    <sect3 id="property_DataVector_4">
      <title>boolean  readToEnd [Read-Only]</title>
    If true, the vector is read to the end of the source.
    <sect3 id="property_DataVector_5">
      <title>boolean  countFromEnd [Read-Only]</title>
    If true, the vector reads only a maximum number of samples
                    from the end of the source.
    <sect3 id="property_DataVector_6">
      <title>number  skipLength [Read-Only]</title>
    The number of samples to skip by.
    <sect3 id="property_DataVector_7">
      <title>number  startFrame [Read-Only]</title>
    The starting frame number.
    <sect3 id="property_DataVector_8">
      <title>number  startFrameRequested [Read-Only]</title>
    The requested starting frame number.  May not be the
                    actual <emphasis>startFrame</emphasis>.
    <sect3 id="property_DataVector_9">
      <title>number  frames [Read-Only]</title>
    The number of frames read from the source.
    <sect3 id="property_DataVector_10">
      <title>number  framesRequested [Read-Only]</title>
    The number of frames requested to be read from the source.
                    May not be the actual <emphasis>frames</emphasis>.
    <sect3 id="property_DataVector_11">
      <title>number  samplesPerFrame [Read-Only]</title>
    The number of samples per frame for the associated data
    <sect3 id="property_DataVector_12">
      <title>string  field [Read-Only]</title>
    The field being read from the data source to create this
    <sect3 id="property_DataVector_13">
      <title><link linkend="class_DataSource">DataSource</link>  dataSource [Read-Only]</title>
    The data source object used by this DataVector.
<sect1 id="class_Debug">
  <title>Class: Debug</title>
  A reference to the debug and logging subsystem of Kst.
  <sect2 id="methods_Debug">
        <para><link linkend="method_Debug_1">warning</link> ( message )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Debug_2">error</link> ( message )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Debug_3">notice</link> ( message )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Debug_4">debug</link> ( message )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Debug_5">clear</link> (  )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Debug_6">clearNewError</link> (  )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_Debug">
          <link linkend="property_Debug_1">log</link>
          <link linkend="property_Debug_2">newError</link>
          <link linkend="property_Debug_3">version</link>
          <link linkend="property_Debug_4">revision</link>
    <sect3 id="method_Debug_1">
      <title>void warning ( string message )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string message - 
    Logs a warning message to the Kst log.
    <sect3 id="method_Debug_2">
      <title>void error ( string message )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string message - 
    Logs an error message to the Kst log.
    <sect3 id="method_Debug_3">
      <title>void notice ( string message )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string message - 
    Logs a notice to the Kst log.
    <sect3 id="method_Debug_4">
      <title>void debug ( string message )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string message - 
    Logs a debug message to the Kst log.
    <sect3 id="method_Debug_5">
      <title>void clear (  )</title>
    Clears the Kst log.
    <sect3 id="method_Debug_6">
      <title>void clearNewError (  )</title>
    Clears the new error flag.
    <sect3 id="property_Debug_1">
      <title><link linkend="class_DebugLog">DebugLog</link>  log [Read-Only]</title>
    Provides access to the Kst log contents.
    <sect3 id="property_Debug_2">
      <title>boolean  newError [Read-Only]</title>
    Return the value of the new error flag.
    <sect3 id="property_Debug_3">
      <title>string  version [Read-Only]</title>
    Return the version of Kst.
    <sect3 id="property_Debug_4">
      <title>string  revision [Read-Only]</title>
    Return the revision of Kst.
<sect1 id="class_DebugLog">
  <title>Class: DebugLog</title>
  A reference to the Kst debug log.  This object is an array of
                the entries in the debug log.  It cannot be modified.  The
                length of the array is the number of entries, and each entry
                is a <emphasis>DebugLogEntry</emphasis> object.
  <sect2 id="properties_DebugLog">
          <link linkend="property_DebugLog_1">length</link>
          <link linkend="property_DebugLog_2">text</link>
          <link linkend="property_DebugLog_3">lengthNotices</link>
          <link linkend="property_DebugLog_4">textNotices</link>
          <link linkend="property_DebugLog_5">lengthWarnings</link>
          <link linkend="property_DebugLog_6">textWarnings</link>
          <link linkend="property_DebugLog_7">lengthErrors</link>
          <link linkend="property_DebugLog_8">textErrors</link>
          <link linkend="property_DebugLog_9">lengthDebugs</link>
          <link linkend="property_DebugLog_10">textDebugs</link>
    <sect3 id="property_DebugLog_1">
      <title>number  length [Read-Only]</title>
    The number of entries in the log.
    <sect3 id="property_DebugLog_2">
      <title>string  text [Read-Only]</title>
    The text contents of the log as a single large string with
                    carriage returns between entries.
    <sect3 id="property_DebugLog_3">
      <title>number  lengthNotices [Read-Only]</title>
    The number of notices in the log.
    <sect3 id="property_DebugLog_4">
      <title>string  textNotices [Read-Only]</title>
    The text contents of the log notices as a single large string with
                    carriage returns between entries.
    <sect3 id="property_DebugLog_5">
      <title>number  lengthWarnings [Read-Only]</title>
    The number of warnings in the log.
    <sect3 id="property_DebugLog_6">
      <title>string  textWarnings [Read-Only]</title>
    The text contents of the log warnings as a single large string with
                    carriage returns between entries.
    <sect3 id="property_DebugLog_7">
      <title>number  lengthErrors [Read-Only]</title>
    The number of errors in the log.
    <sect3 id="property_DebugLog_8">
      <title>string  textErrors [Read-Only]</title>
    The text contents of the log errors as a single large string with
                    carriage returns between entries.
    <sect3 id="property_DebugLog_9">
      <title>number  lengthDebugs [Read-Only]</title>
    The number of debug messages in the log.
    <sect3 id="property_DebugLog_10">
      <title>string  textDebugs [Read-Only]</title>
    The text contents of the log debug messages as a single large string with
                    carriage returns between entries.
<sect1 id="class_DebugLogEntry">
  <title>Class: DebugLogEntry</title>
  An entry in the Kst debug log.
  <sect2 id="properties_DebugLogEntry">
          <link linkend="property_DebugLogEntry_1">text</link>
          <link linkend="property_DebugLogEntry_2">date</link>
          <link linkend="property_DebugLogEntry_3">level</link>
    <sect3 id="property_DebugLogEntry_1">
      <title>string  text [Read-Only]</title>
    Contains the text of this entry.
    <sect3 id="property_DebugLogEntry_2">
      <title>date  date [Read-Only]</title>
    Contains the timestamp of this entry.
    <sect3 id="property_DebugLogEntry_3">
      <title>string  level [Read-Only]</title>
    Contains the log level for this entry.
                    <listitem><para>N - Notice</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>D - Debug</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>W - Warning</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>E - Error</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>A single space ' ' indicates an unknown entry type.</para></listitem>
<sect1 id="class_Dir">
  <title>Class: Dir</title>
  An object that represents a directory.
  <sect2 id="constructors_Dir">
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Dir_1">Dir</link> ( name )</para>
  <sect2 id="methods_Dir">
        <para><link linkend="method_Dir_1">fileList</link> ( nameFilters )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Dir_2">dirList</link> ( nameFilters )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_Dir">
          <link linkend="property_Dir_1">path</link>
    <sect3 id="constructor_Dir_1">
      <title>Dir ( string name )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string name - 
      Name of the directory.
    Constructs a dir in the given directory.
    <sect3 id="method_Dir_1">
      <title>StringArray fileList ( string nameFilters )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string nameFilters - 
      Specifies the name filters.
    Returns a list of files in the directory that match the given name filters.
    <sect3 id="method_Dir_2">
      <title>StringArray dirList ( string nameFilters )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string nameFilters - 
      Specifies the name filters.
    Returns a list of sub-directories in the directory that match the given name filters.
    <sect3 id="property_Dir_1">
      <title>string  path</title>
    The path of the folder.
<sect1 id="class_Document">
  <title>Class: Document</title>
  A pointer to a Kst document.  Typically accessed via the global
                <emphasis>Kst</emphasis> object via <emphasis>Kst.document</emphasis>.
  <sect2 id="methods_Document">
        <para><link linkend="method_Document_1">save</link> (  [filename] )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Document_2">clear</link> (  )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Document_3">load</link> ( filename )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_Document">
          <link linkend="property_Document_1">text</link>
          <link linkend="property_Document_2">name</link>
          <link linkend="property_Document_3">modified</link>
    <sect3 id="method_Document_1">
      <title>void save (  [string filename] )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string filename - 
      An optional filename to save to.  If not
                               provided, it will be saved to the current
                               filename or the user will be prompted.
    Saves the current Kst session to disk.
    <sect3 id="method_Document_2">
      <title>void clear (  )</title>
    Clears the current Kst session and starts a new one.
    <sect3 id="method_Document_3">
      <title>boolean load ( string filename )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string filename - 
      The filename for a Kst file to load.
    Loads a new Kst file into Kst.
    <sect3 id="property_Document_1">
      <title>string  text [Read-Only]</title>
    The XML text of the current session in Kst-file form.
    <sect3 id="property_Document_2">
      <title>string  name</title>
    The filename for the current Kst session.
    <sect3 id="property_Document_3">
      <title>boolean  modified</title>
    True if the document has been modified but not saved.
<sect1 id="class_Ellipse">
  <title>Class: Ellipse</title>
  A customizable ellipse graphic.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_ViewObject">ViewObject</link>
    <emphasis role="bold">Collection class:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_ViewObjectCollection">ViewObjectCollection</link>
  <sect2 id="constructors_Ellipse">
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Ellipse_1">Ellipse</link> ( parent )</para>
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Ellipse_2">Ellipse</link> ( window )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_Ellipse">
          <link linkend="property_Ellipse_1">borderWidth</link>
          <link linkend="property_Ellipse_2">borderColor</link>
    <sect3 id="constructor_Ellipse_1">
      <title>Ellipse ( <link linkend="class_ViewObject">ViewObject</link> parent )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_ViewObject">ViewObject</link> parent - 
      The parent to place the new ellipse in.  May also
                              be a string containing the name of an existing
    Creates a new ellipse and places it in the ViewObject <emphasis>parent</emphasis>.
    <sect3 id="constructor_Ellipse_2">
      <title>Ellipse ( <link linkend="class_Window">Window</link> window )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_Window">Window</link> window - 
      The window to place the new ellipse in.  May also be a
                          string containing the name of an existing Window.
    Creates a new ellipse and places it in the Window <emphasis>window</emphasis>.
    <sect3 id="property_Ellipse_1">
      <title>number  borderWidth</title>
    The width of the border of the ellipse.
    <sect3 id="property_Ellipse_2">
      <title>string  borderColor</title>
    The color of the border of the ellipse.
<sect1 id="class_ELOG">
  <title>Class: ELOG</title>
  An object that represents the interface to an ELOG server.
  <sect2 id="constructors_ELOG">
        <para><link linkend="constructor_ELOG_1">ELOG</link> (  )</para>
  <sect2 id="methods_ELOG">
        <para><link linkend="method_ELOG_1">submit</link> (  )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_ELOG_2">addAttachment</link> ( attachment )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_ELOG_3">clearAttachments</link> (  )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_ELOG_4">addAttribute</link> ( attribute, attributeValue )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_ELOG_5">removeAttribute</link> ( attribute )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_ELOG_6">clearAttributes</link> (  )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_ELOG">
          <link linkend="property_ELOG_1">hostname</link>
          <link linkend="property_ELOG_2">port</link>
          <link linkend="property_ELOG_3">logbook</link>
          <link linkend="property_ELOG_4">username</link>
          <link linkend="property_ELOG_5">password</link>
          <link linkend="property_ELOG_6">writePassword</link>
          <link linkend="property_ELOG_7">text</link>
          <link linkend="property_ELOG_8">encodedHTML</link>
          <link linkend="property_ELOG_9">suppressEmailNotification</link>
          <link linkend="property_ELOG_10">includeCapture</link>
          <link linkend="property_ELOG_11">captureWidth</link>
          <link linkend="property_ELOG_12">captureHeight</link>
          <link linkend="property_ELOG_13">includeConfiguration</link>
          <link linkend="property_ELOG_14">includeDebugInfo</link>
    <sect3 id="constructor_ELOG_1">
      <title>ELOG (  )</title>
    Interface to an ELOG server.
    <sect3 id="method_ELOG_1">
      <title>void submit (  )</title>
    Submits the ELOG entry.
    <sect3 id="method_ELOG_2">
      <title>void addAttachment ( string attachment )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string attachment - 
      The name of the attachment.
    Adds an attachment to the ELOG entry.
    <sect3 id="method_ELOG_3">
      <title>void clearAttachments (  )</title>
    Clears the list of attachments in the ELOG entry.
    <sect3 id="method_ELOG_4">
      <title>void addAttribute ( string attribute, string attributeValue )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string attribute - 
      The name of the attribute to be added to the ELOG entry.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>string attributeValue - 
      The value of the attribute to be added to the ELOG entry.
    Adds an attribute to the ELOG entry.
    <sect3 id="method_ELOG_5">
      <title>void removeAttribute ( string attribute )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string attribute - 
      The name of the attribute to be removed from the ELOG entry.
    Removes an attribute from the ELOG entry.
    <sect3 id="method_ELOG_6">
      <title>void clearAttributes (  )</title>
    Clears the list of attributes in the ELOG entry.
    <sect3 id="property_ELOG_1">
      <title>string  hostname</title>
    The hostname of the ELOG server.
    <sect3 id="property_ELOG_2">
      <title>number  port</title>
    The port number of the ELOG server.
    <sect3 id="property_ELOG_3">
      <title>string  logbook</title>
    A weblog made available by the ELOG server.
    <sect3 id="property_ELOG_4">
      <title>string  username</title>
    <sect3 id="property_ELOG_5">
      <title>string  password</title>
    <sect3 id="property_ELOG_6">
      <title>string  writePassword</title>
    The write password.
    <sect3 id="property_ELOG_7">
      <title>string  text</title>
    <sect3 id="property_ELOG_8">
      <title>boolean  encodedHTML</title>
    The message is HTML encoded.
    <sect3 id="property_ELOG_9">
      <title>boolean  suppressEmailNotification</title>
    If true email notification is suppressed.
    <sect3 id="property_ELOG_10">
      <title>boolean  includeCapture</title>
    If true an image capture of the Kst session is included in the ELOG entry.
    <sect3 id="property_ELOG_11">
      <title>number  captureWidth</title>
    The width of the image capture to be included in the ELOG entry.
    <sect3 id="property_ELOG_12">
      <title>number  captureHeight</title>
    The height of the image capture to be included in the ELOG entry.
    <sect3 id="property_ELOG_13">
      <title>boolean  includeConfiguration</title>
    If true a capture of the Kst session is included in the ELOG entry.
    <sect3 id="property_ELOG_14">
      <title>boolean  includeDebugInfo</title>
    If true a capture of the Kst debug information is included in the ELOG entry.
<sect1 id="class_Equation">
  <title>Class: Equation</title>
  This object represents an equation object in Kst.  It is
                 interpreted using Kst's internal equation interpreter, and
                 not the JavaScript interpreter.  It should be considerably
                 faster than the JavaScript interpreter.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_DataObject">DataObject</link>
    <emphasis role="bold">Collection class:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_EquationCollection">EquationCollection</link>
  <sect2 id="constructors_Equation">
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Equation_1">Equation</link> ( equation, xVector [, interpolate] )</para>
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Equation_2">Equation</link> ( equation, x0, x1, n )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_Equation">
          <link linkend="property_Equation_1">equation</link>
          <link linkend="property_Equation_2">valid</link>
          <link linkend="property_Equation_3">xVector</link>
          <link linkend="property_Equation_4">yVector</link>
    <sect3 id="constructor_Equation_1">
      <title>Equation ( string equation, <link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link> xVector [, boolean interpolate] )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string equation - 
      The text of the equation to interpret.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link> xVector - 
      The X axis (input) vector to use.  The symbolic
                          variable <emphasis>x</emphasis>; represents the value at the
                          current index in this vector.  A text string
                          representing the name of an existing vector may
                          also be used here.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>boolean interpolate - 
      If true, the equation interpreter will
                                  interoplate to the highest resolution
                                  vector.  This is the default behavior.

    The default constructor to create an equation object.
    <sect3 id="constructor_Equation_2">
      <title>Equation ( string equation, number x0, number x1, number n )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string equation - 
      The text of the equation to interpret.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>number x0 - 
      The first value of the generated X (input) vector.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>number x1 - 
      The last value of the generate X (input) vector.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>number n - 
      The number of values in the generated input vector.
    A utility constructor which generates an X vector
    <sect3 id="property_Equation_1">
      <title>string  equation</title>
    The text of the equation.  See the Kst documentation for
                    more information on what the internal equation interpreter
    <sect3 id="property_Equation_2">
      <title>boolean  valid [Read-Only]</title>
    True if the equation object is valid.  If false, any
                    values obtained from the yVector should be considered
    <sect3 id="property_Equation_3">
      <title><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link>  xVector [Read-Only]</title>
    The X vector (input vector) for the equation.
    <sect3 id="property_Equation_4">
      <title><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link>  yVector [Read-Only]</title>
    The Y vector (output vector) for the equation.
<sect1 id="class_EquationCollection">
  <title>Class: EquationCollection</title>
  An array of Equations.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_Collection">Collection</link>
<sect1 id="class_Extension">
  <title>Class: Extension</title>
  A class representing an extension in Kst.
    <emphasis role="bold">Collection class:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_ExtensionCollection">ExtensionCollection</link>
  <sect2 id="methods_Extension">
        <para><link linkend="method_Extension_1">load</link> (  )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Extension_2">unload</link> (  )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_Extension">
          <link linkend="property_Extension_1">name</link>
          <link linkend="property_Extension_2">loaded</link>
    <sect3 id="method_Extension_1">
      <title>boolean load (  )</title>
    Loads this extension into Kst.
    <sect3 id="method_Extension_2">
      <title>void unload (  )</title>
    Unloads this extension if it is loaded.
    <sect3 id="property_Extension_1">
      <title>string  name [Read-Only]</title>
    The name of this extension.
    <sect3 id="property_Extension_2">
      <title>boolean  loaded [Read-Only]</title>
    True if this extension is presently loaded.
<sect1 id="class_ExtensionCollection">
  <title>Class: ExtensionCollection</title>
  An array of Kst Extension objects.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_Collection">Collection</link>
<sect1 id="class_File">
  <title>Class: File</title>
  An object that represents a file.
  <sect2 id="constructors_File">
        <para><link linkend="constructor_File_1">File</link> ( name )</para>
  <sect2 id="methods_File">
        <para><link linkend="method_File_1">open</link> (  )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_File_2">close</link> (  )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_File_3">readLine</link> (  [length] )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_File">
          <link linkend="property_File_1">name</link>
          <link linkend="property_File_2">size</link>
          <link linkend="property_File_3">exists</link>
    <sect3 id="constructor_File_1">
      <title>File ( string name )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string name - 
      Name of the file to be opened.
    Constructs a file with the given name.
    <sect3 id="method_File_1">
      <title>void open (  )</title>
    Opens the file.
    <sect3 id="method_File_2">
      <title>void close (  )</title>
    Closes the file.
    <sect3 id="method_File_3">
      <title>string readLine (  [number length] )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>number length - 
      Maximum length of string to return
    Reads a line from the file.
    <sect3 id="property_File_1">
      <title>string  name</title>
    The name of the file.
    <sect3 id="property_File_2">
      <title>number  size</title>
    The size of the file.
    <sect3 id="property_File_3">
      <title>boolean  exists</title>
    True if the underlying file exists.
<sect1 id="class_Group">
  <title>Class: Group</title>
  A customizable group object.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_ViewObject">ViewObject</link>
    <emphasis role="bold">Collection class:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_ViewObjectCollection">ViewObjectCollection</link>
  <sect2 id="constructors_Group">
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Group_1">Group</link> ( parent )</para>
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Group_2">Group</link> ( window )</para>
  <sect2 id="methods_Group">
        <para><link linkend="method_Group_1">append</link> ( newObj )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Group_2">prepend</link> ( newObj )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Group_3">ungroup</link> (  )</para>
    <sect3 id="constructor_Group_1">
      <title>Group ( <link linkend="class_ViewObject">ViewObject</link> parent )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_ViewObject">ViewObject</link> parent - 
      The parent to place the new arrow in.  May also
                              be a string containing the name of an existing
    Creates a new arrow and places it in the ViewObject <emphasis>parent</emphasis>.
    <sect3 id="constructor_Group_2">
      <title>Group ( <link linkend="class_Window">Window</link> window )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_Window">Window</link> window - 
      The window to place the new arrow in.  May also be a
                          string containing the name of an existing Window.
    Creates a new arrow and places it in the Window <emphasis>window</emphasis>.
    <sect3 id="method_Group_1">
      <title>void append ( <link linkend="class_Object">Object</link> newObj )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_Object">Object</link> newObj - 
      The new object to append to the collection.
    Appends a new object to the end of the collection.
    <sect3 id="method_Group_2">
      <title>void prepend ( <link linkend="class_Object">Object</link> newObj )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_Object">Object</link> newObj - 
      The new object to prepend to the collection.
    Prepends a new object to the start of the collection.
    <sect3 id="method_Group_3">
      <title>void ungroup (  )</title>
    Removes all objects from the collection.
<sect1 id="class_Histogram">
  <title>Class: Histogram</title>
  A class representing a histogram object in Kst.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_DataObject">DataObject</link>
    <emphasis role="bold">Collection class:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_HistogramCollection">HistogramCollection</link>
  <sect2 id="constructors_Histogram">
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Histogram_1">Histogram</link> ( vector [, xMin [, xMax [, bins]]] )</para>
  <sect2 id="methods_Histogram">
        <para><link linkend="method_Histogram_1">setVector</link> ( vector )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Histogram_2">setRange</link> ( from, to )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_Histogram">
          <link linkend="property_Histogram_1">realTimeAutoBin</link>
          <link linkend="property_Histogram_2">normalization</link>
          <link linkend="property_Histogram_3">bins</link>
          <link linkend="property_Histogram_4">xMin</link>
          <link linkend="property_Histogram_5">xMax</link>
          <link linkend="property_Histogram_6">xVector</link>
          <link linkend="property_Histogram_7">yVector</link>
    <sect3 id="constructor_Histogram_1">
      <title>Histogram ( <link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link> vector [, number xMin [, number xMax [, number bins]]] )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link> vector - 
      The input vector for the histogram.  May also be
                          specified by the tagName for an existing vector.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>number xMin - 
      The minimum X value.  Default is -10.
       [OPTIONAL]</para></listitem><listitem><para>number xMax - 
      The maximum X value.  Default is 10.
       [OPTIONAL]</para></listitem><listitem><para>number bins - 
      The number of bins to use.  Default is 60.
    Creates a new histogram with the defined properties.
    <sect3 id="method_Histogram_1">
      <title>void setVector ( <link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link> vector )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link> vector - 
      The vector for the histogram to operate on.
    Sets the input vector for the histogram.
    <sect3 id="method_Histogram_2">
      <title>void setRange ( number from, number to )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>number from - 
      The starting X value.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>number to - 
      The ending X value.
    Sets the X range for the histogram.
    <sect3 id="property_Histogram_1">
      <title>boolean  realTimeAutoBin</title>
    If true, the histogram automatically bins in real-time.
    <sect3 id="property_Histogram_2">
      <title>number  normalization</title>
    Set the y-axis normalization.
                    <listitem><para>0 - Number in bin</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>1 - Percent in bin</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>2 - Fraction in bin</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>3 - Peak bin = 1.0</para></listitem>
    <sect3 id="property_Histogram_3">
      <title>number  bins</title>
    The number of bins for the histogram.
    <sect3 id="property_Histogram_4">
      <title>number  xMin [Read-Only]</title>
    The minimum X value for the histogram.
    <sect3 id="property_Histogram_5">
      <title>number  xMax [Read-Only]</title>
    The maximum X value for the histogram.
    <sect3 id="property_Histogram_6">
      <title><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link>  xVector [Read-Only]</title>
    The X-axis vector generated by the histogram.
    <sect3 id="property_Histogram_7">
      <title><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link>  yVector [Read-Only]</title>
    The Y-axis vector generated by the histogram.
<sect1 id="class_HistogramCollection">
  <title>Class: HistogramCollection</title>
  An array of Histograms.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_Collection">Collection</link>
<sect1 id="class_Image">
  <title>Class: Image</title>
  An image object created from a matrix.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_DataObject">DataObject</link>
  <sect2 id="constructors_Image">
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Image_1">Image</link> ( matrix )</para>
  <sect2 id="methods_Image">
        <para><link linkend="method_Image_1">minMaxThreshold</link> (  )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Image_2">smartThreshold</link> (  )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_Image">
          <link linkend="property_Image_1">matrix</link>
          <link linkend="property_Image_2">map</link>
          <link linkend="property_Image_3">palette</link>
          <link linkend="property_Image_4">lowerThreshold</link>
          <link linkend="property_Image_5">upperThreshold</link>
          <link linkend="property_Image_6">autoThreshold</link>
          <link linkend="property_Image_7">numContours</link>
          <link linkend="property_Image_8">contourWeight</link>
          <link linkend="property_Image_9">color</link>
    <sect3 id="constructor_Image_1">
      <title>Image ( <link linkend="class_Matrix">Matrix</link> matrix )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_Matrix">Matrix</link> matrix - 
      The matrix for the image.  Can be specified as a string
                     containing the tag name of an existing matrix, or as a
                     matrix object.
    Main constructor for Image class.  Constructing a new
                    image automatically adds it to the data collection of Kst.
    <sect3 id="method_Image_1">
      <title>void minMaxThreshold (  )</title>
    Set the thresholding to the current minimum and maximum of the 
                    associated matrix.
    <sect3 id="method_Image_2">
      <title>void smartThreshold (  )</title>
    Set the thresholding to automatically calculated smart values based
                    on the current values of the the associated matrix.
    <sect3 id="property_Image_1">
      <title><link linkend="class_Matrix">Matrix</link>  matrix</title>
    The matrix associated with the image.
    <sect3 id="property_Image_2">
      <title>number  map</title>
    The map type of the image.
                    <listitem><para>0 - Color map</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>1 - Contour map</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>2 - Color map and contour map</para></listitem>
    <sect3 id="property_Image_3">
      <title>string  palette</title>
    The name of the palette associated with the image color map.
    <sect3 id="property_Image_4">
      <title>number  lowerThreshold</title>
    The lower threshold associated with the map.
    <sect3 id="property_Image_5">
      <title>number  upperThreshold</title>
    The upper threshold associated with the map.
    <sect3 id="property_Image_6">
      <title>boolean  autoThreshold</title>
    If true, automatic thresholding is enabled.
    <sect3 id="property_Image_7">
      <title>number  numContours</title>
    The number of contour levels if the contour map is enabled.
    <sect3 id="property_Image_8">
      <title>number  contourWeight</title>
    The weight of the lines used to draw the contour map, 
                    if the contour map is enabled. A value of -1 can be
                    used for a variable contour weight.
    <sect3 id="property_Image_9">
      <title>string  color</title>
    The color of the contours.  Stored in the form "#RRGGBB" as
                    hex values.  This property can also be set with English
                    strings such as "blue".
<sect1 id="class_Kst">
  <title>Class: Kst</title>
  The global Kst object.  Accessed as <emphasis>Kst</emphasis>, this cannot be
  <sect2 id="methods_Kst">
        <para><link linkend="method_Kst_1">loadScript</link> ( fileName )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Kst_2">resetInterpreter</link> (  )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Kst_3">waitForUpdate</link> (  )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Kst_4">purge</link> (  )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Kst_5">advance</link> (  )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Kst_6">back</link> (  )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Kst_7">writeHistory</link> ( filename )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Kst_8">clearHistory</link> (  )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Kst_9">addToOutput</link> ( output )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_Kst">
          <link linkend="property_Kst_1">dataSources</link>
          <link linkend="property_Kst_2">scalars</link>
          <link linkend="property_Kst_3">strings</link>
          <link linkend="property_Kst_4">vectors</link>
          <link linkend="property_Kst_5">matrices</link>
          <link linkend="property_Kst_6">windows</link>
          <link linkend="property_Kst_7">objects</link>
          <link linkend="property_Kst_8">colors</link>
          <link linkend="property_Kst_9">extensions</link>
          <link linkend="property_Kst_10">document</link>
          <link linkend="property_Kst_11">pluginManager</link>
          <link linkend="property_Kst_12">gui</link>
    <sect3 id="method_Kst_1">
      <title>boolean loadScript ( string fileName )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string fileName - 
      The file to load the script from.
    Loads a script file from disk and runs it.
    <sect3 id="method_Kst_2">
      <title>void resetInterpreter (  )</title>
    Resets the KstScript interpreter.  All variables will be
    <sect3 id="method_Kst_3">
      <title>void waitForUpdate (  )</title>
    Waits for the next update loop to complete.
    <sect3 id="method_Kst_4">
      <title>void purge (  )</title>
    Purges unused objects in Kst.  The has the same behavior as
                    the purge button in the data manager.
    <sect3 id="method_Kst_5">
      <title>void advance (  )</title>
    Advance one screen.
    <sect3 id="method_Kst_6">
      <title>void back (  )</title>
    Back one screen.
    <sect3 id="method_Kst_7">
      <title>void writeHistory ( string filename )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string filename - 
      The name of the file to save the command history to.
    Saves the command history to a file.
    <sect3 id="method_Kst_8">
      <title>void clearHistory (  )</title>
    Clears the command history.
    <sect3 id="method_Kst_9">
      <title>void addToOutput ( string output )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string output - 
      String to add to the output.
    Adds to the output generated from a function call.
    <sect3 id="property_Kst_1">
      <title><link linkend="class_DataSourceCollection">DataSourceCollection</link>  dataSources [Read-Only]</title>
    The list of all loaded data sources.
    <sect3 id="property_Kst_2">
      <title><link linkend="class_ScalarCollection">ScalarCollection</link>  scalars [Read-Only]</title>
    The list of all scalars in Kst.
    <sect3 id="property_Kst_3">
      <title><link linkend="class_StringCollection">StringCollection</link>  strings [Read-Only]</title>
    The list of all strings in Kst.
    <sect3 id="property_Kst_4">
      <title><link linkend="class_VectorCollection">VectorCollection</link>  vectors [Read-Only]</title>
    The list of all vectors in Kst.
    <sect3 id="property_Kst_5">
      <title><link linkend="class_MatrixCollection">MatrixCollection</link>  matrices [Read-Only]</title>
    The list of all matrices in Kst.
    <sect3 id="property_Kst_6">
      <title><link linkend="class_WindowCollection">WindowCollection</link>  windows [Read-Only]</title>
    The list of all Kst windows in this process.
    <sect3 id="property_Kst_7">
      <title><link linkend="class_DataObjectCollection">DataObjectCollection</link>  objects [Read-Only]</title>
    The list of all data objects in Kst.
    <sect3 id="property_Kst_8">
      <title><link linkend="class_ColorSequence">ColorSequence</link>  colors [Read-Only]</title>
    A reference to the Kst color sequence in its current state.
    <sect3 id="property_Kst_9">
      <title><link linkend="class_ExtensionCollection">ExtensionCollection</link>  extensions [Read-Only]</title>
    The list of all extensions Kst can find installed on the
    <sect3 id="property_Kst_10">
      <title><link linkend="class_Document">Document</link>  document [Read-Only]</title>
    An object that provides access to the current Kst document
                    along with various utility functions.
    <sect3 id="property_Kst_11">
      <title><link linkend="class_PluginManager">PluginManager</link>  pluginManager [Read-Only]</title>
    A reference to the plugin management subsystem of Kst.
    <sect3 id="property_Kst_12">
      <title>QWidget  gui [Read-Only]</title>
    A reference to the Kst GUI.  This is implemented using
                    KJSEmbed.  The GUI is dynamic and may change between
                    releases or even while Kst is running.
<sect1 id="class_Label">
  <title>Class: Label</title>
  A text label.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_BorderedViewObject">BorderedViewObject</link>
    <emphasis role="bold">Collection class:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_ViewObjectCollection">ViewObjectCollection</link>
  <sect2 id="constructors_Label">
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Label_1">Label</link> ( parent )</para>
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Label_2">Label</link> ( window )</para>
  <sect2 id="methods_Label">
        <para><link linkend="method_Label_1">adjustSizeForText</link> (  )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_Label">
          <link linkend="property_Label_1">text</link>
          <link linkend="property_Label_2">font</link>
          <link linkend="property_Label_3">fontSize</link>
          <link linkend="property_Label_4">rotation</link>
          <link linkend="property_Label_5">dataPrecision</link>
          <link linkend="property_Label_6">interpreted</link>
          <link linkend="property_Label_7">scalarReplacement</link>
        <para>autoResize [Obsolete]</para>
    <sect3 id="constructor_Label_1">
      <title>Label ( <link linkend="class_ViewObject">ViewObject</link> parent )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_ViewObject">ViewObject</link> parent - 
      The parent to place the new label in.  May also
                              be a string containing the name of an existing
    Creates a new label and places it in the ViewObject <emphasis>parent</emphasis>.
    <sect3 id="constructor_Label_2">
      <title>Label ( <link linkend="class_Window">Window</link> window )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_Window">Window</link> window - 
      The window to place the new label in.  May also be a
                          string containing the name of an existing Window.
    Creates a new label and places it in the Window <emphasis>window</emphasis>.
    <sect3 id="method_Label_1">
      <title>void adjustSizeForText (  )</title>
    Adjusts the size of the label to fit the text.
    <sect3 id="property_Label_1">
      <title>string  text</title>
    Contains the text contents of the label.  This may include
                    carriage returns (\n), scalar references of the form
                    <emphasis>[scalar_name]</emphasis>, and some basic LaTeX.
    <sect3 id="property_Label_2">
      <title>string  font</title>
    Used to set or get the current font used for the label.
    <sect3 id="property_Label_3">
      <title>number  fontSize</title>
    Contains the size of the font used to draw the label.
    <sect3 id="property_Label_4">
      <title>number  rotation</title>
    Contains the rotation angle of the label.  Rotation is
                    clockwise from <emphasis>normal</emphasis> and is stored in degrees.
    <sect3 id="property_Label_5">
      <title>number  dataPrecision</title>
    Contains the number of digits of precision to display data
                    values in the label.  Restricted to a value between 0 and
                    16 inclusive.
    <sect3 id="property_Label_6">
      <title>boolean  interpreted</title>
    Determines if the contents of the label should be
                    interpreted in order to substitute LaTeX-like
                    constructs.  Default is true.
    <sect3 id="property_Label_7">
      <title>boolean  scalarReplacement</title>
    Determines if the contents of the label should be
                    interpreted in order to substitute variable reference
                    constructs.  Default is true.
    <sect3 id="property_Label_8">
      <title>boolean  autoResize [Obsolete]</title>
    Automatically resizes the label to fit the text exactly.
                    May trigger a slight move of the label.  It will not
                    automatically resize if the user resizes it manually via
                    the size property or layout mode.
<sect1 id="class_Legend">
  <title>Class: Legend</title>
  A plot legend.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_BorderedViewObject">BorderedViewObject</link>
    <emphasis role="bold">Collection class:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_ViewObjectCollection">ViewObjectCollection</link>
  <sect2 id="constructors_Legend">
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Legend_1">Legend</link> ( parent )</para>
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Legend_2">Legend</link> ( window )</para>
  <sect2 id="methods_Legend">
        <para><link linkend="method_Legend_1">addCurve</link> ( curve )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Legend_2">removeCurve</link> ( curve )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_Legend">
          <link linkend="property_Legend_1">font</link>
          <link linkend="property_Legend_2">fontSize</link>
          <link linkend="property_Legend_3">textColor</link>
          <link linkend="property_Legend_4">vertical</link>
          <link linkend="property_Legend_5">curves</link>
          <link linkend="property_Legend_6">title</link>
    <sect3 id="constructor_Legend_1">
      <title>Legend ( <link linkend="class_ViewObject">ViewObject</link> parent )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_ViewObject">ViewObject</link> parent - 
      The parent to place the new legend in.  May also
                              be a string containing the name of an existing
    Creates a new legend and places it in the ViewObject <emphasis>parent</emphasis>.
    <sect3 id="constructor_Legend_2">
      <title>Legend ( <link linkend="class_Window">Window</link> window )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_Window">Window</link> window - 
      The window to place the new legend in.  May also be a
                          string containing the name of an existing Window.
    Creates a new legend and places it in the Window <emphasis>window</emphasis>.
    <sect3 id="method_Legend_1">
      <title>void addCurve ( string curve )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string curve - 
      The curve to be added. This can be either the name of the curve or a reference to the curve.
    Adds the curve to the legend.
        Throws: TypeError - 
      Throws this exception if the curve could not be found.
    <sect3 id="method_Legend_2">
      <title>void removeCurve ( string curve )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string curve - 
      The curve to be removed. This can be either the name of the curve or a reference to the curve.
    Removes the curve from the legend.
        Throws: TypeError - 
      Throws this exception if the curve could not be found.
    <sect3 id="property_Legend_1">
      <title>string  font</title>
    Used to set or get the current font used for the legend.
    <sect3 id="property_Legend_2">
      <title>number  fontSize</title>
    Contains the size of the font used to draw the legend.
    <sect3 id="property_Legend_3">
      <title>string  textColor</title>
    Contains the color of the text used to draw the legend.
    <sect3 id="property_Legend_4">
      <title>boolean  vertical</title>
    True if the legend entries are stacked vertically.
    <sect3 id="property_Legend_5">
      <title><link linkend="class_CurveCollection">CurveCollection</link>  curves [Read-Only]</title>
    The list of curves shown in the legend.
    <sect3 id="property_Legend_6">
      <title>string  title</title>
    The title of the legend.
<sect1 id="class_Line">
  <title>Class: Line</title>
  A customizable line graphic.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_ViewObject">ViewObject</link>
    <emphasis role="bold">Collection class:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_ViewObjectCollection">ViewObjectCollection</link>
  <sect2 id="constructors_Line">
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Line_1">Line</link> ( parent )</para>
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Line_2">Line</link> ( window )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_Line">
          <link linkend="property_Line_1">from</link>
          <link linkend="property_Line_2">to</link>
          <link linkend="property_Line_3">width</link>
          <link linkend="property_Line_4">capStyle</link>
          <link linkend="property_Line_5">lineStyle</link>
    <sect3 id="constructor_Line_1">
      <title>Line ( <link linkend="class_ViewObject">ViewObject</link> parent )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_ViewObject">ViewObject</link> parent - 
      The parent to place the new line in.  May also
                              be a string containing the name of an existing
    Creates a new line and places it in the ViewObject <emphasis>parent</emphasis>.
    <sect3 id="constructor_Line_2">
      <title>Line ( <link linkend="class_Window">Window</link> window )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_Window">Window</link> window - 
      The window to place the new line in.  May also be a
                          string containing the name of an existing Window.
    Creates a new line and places it in the Window <emphasis>window</emphasis>.
    <sect3 id="property_Line_1">
      <title><link linkend="class_Point">Point</link>  from</title>
    The starting point of the line.
    <sect3 id="property_Line_2">
      <title><link linkend="class_Point">Point</link>  to</title>
    The ending point of the line.
    <sect3 id="property_Line_3">
      <title>number  width</title>
    The width of the line.
    <sect3 id="property_Line_4">
      <title>number  capStyle</title>
    The cap style for the line.
                    <listitem><para>0 - Flat - may not cover the line ends (default)</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>1 - Box - may extend past line ends</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>2 - Rounded</para></listitem>
    <sect3 id="property_Line_5">
      <title>number  lineStyle</title>
    The style for the line.
                    <listitem><para>0 - Solid line(default)</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>1 - Dashed line</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>2 - Dotted line</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>3 - Dash - dot line</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>4 - Dash - dot - dot line</para></listitem>
<sect1 id="class_Matrix">
  <title>Class: Matrix</title>
  Represents a matrix of any type in Kst.  Some matrices are
                editable, while others are not.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_Object">Object</link>
    <emphasis role="bold">Collection class:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_MatrixCollection">MatrixCollection</link>
  <sect2 id="constructors_Matrix">
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Matrix_1">Matrix</link> (  )</para>
  <sect2 id="methods_Matrix">
        <para><link linkend="method_Matrix_1">resize</link> ( columns, rows )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Matrix_2">zero</link> (  )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Matrix_3">value</link> ( column, row )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Matrix_4">setValue</link> ( column, row, value )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Matrix_5">update</link> (  )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_Matrix">
          <link linkend="property_Matrix_1">editable</link>
          <link linkend="property_Matrix_2">min</link>
          <link linkend="property_Matrix_3">max</link>
          <link linkend="property_Matrix_4">mean</link>
          <link linkend="property_Matrix_5">numNew</link>
          <link linkend="property_Matrix_6">rows</link>
          <link linkend="property_Matrix_7">columns</link>
    <sect3 id="constructor_Matrix_1">
      <title>Matrix (  )</title>
    Default constructor creates an empty matrix.
    <sect3 id="method_Matrix_1">
      <title>void resize ( number columns, number rows )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>number columns - 
      The new number of rows in the matrix.  Should be &gt;= 1.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>number rows - 
      The new number of columns in the matrix.  Should be &gt;= 1.
    Resizes the matrix.
        Throws: GeneralError - 
      Throws this exception if the matrix is not
    <sect3 id="method_Matrix_2">
      <title>void zero (  )</title>
    Sets all values in the matrix to zero.
        Throws: GeneralError - 
      Throws this exception if the matrix is not editable.
    <sect3 id="method_Matrix_3">
      <title>number value ( number column, number row )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>number column - 
      The column index of the matrix position to be read.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>number row - 
      The row index of the matrix position to be read.
    Gets the value of a matrix at the given column and row indices.
        Throws: GeneralError - 
      Throws this exception if the indices are out of range.
    <sect3 id="method_Matrix_4">
      <title>void setValue ( number column, number row, number value )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>number column - 
      The column index of the matrix position to be set.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>number row - 
      The row index of the matrix position to be set.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>number value - 
      The value to set the specified matrix position to.
    Sets the value of a matrix at the given column and row indices.
        Throws: GeneralError - 
      Throws this exception if the matrix is not editable or the indices are out of range.
    <sect3 id="method_Matrix_5">
      <title>void update (  )</title>
    Updates the statistical values associated with a matrix.
        Throws: GeneralError - 
      Throws this exception if the matrix is not editable.
    <sect3 id="property_Matrix_1">
      <title>number  editable [Read-Only]</title>
    True if the matrix is editable by the user.  This should be
       checked before attempting to modify a matrix in any way.
    <sect3 id="property_Matrix_2">
      <title>number  min [Read-Only]</title>
    The value of the smallest sample in the matrix.
    <sect3 id="property_Matrix_3">
      <title>number  max [Read-Only]</title>
    The value of the largest sample in the matrix.
    <sect3 id="property_Matrix_4">
      <title>number  mean [Read-Only]</title>
    The mean value of all samples in the matrix.
    <sect3 id="property_Matrix_5">
      <title>number  numNew [Read-Only]</title>
    The number of new samples.
    <sect3 id="property_Matrix_6">
      <title>number  rows [Read-Only]</title>
    The number of rows in the matrix.
    <sect3 id="property_Matrix_7">
      <title>number  columns [Read-Only]</title>
    The number of coluns in the matrix.
<sect1 id="class_MatrixCollection">
  <title>Class: MatrixCollection</title>
  An array of Matrices.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_Collection">Collection</link>
<sect1 id="class_Object">
  <title>Class: Object</title>
  Represents any object in Kst.  This is an abstract
                object and may not be instantiated directly.
    <emphasis role="bold">Collection class:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_ObjectCollection">ObjectCollection</link>
  <sect2 id="properties_Object">
          <link linkend="property_Object_1">tagName</link>
          <link linkend="property_Object_2">fullTagName</link>
    <sect3 id="property_Object_1">
      <title>string  tagName</title>
    A unique identifier for this data object.
    <sect3 id="property_Object_2">
      <title>string  fullTagName [Read-Only]</title>
    The unique contextual identifier for this data object, contained with [...].
<sect1 id="class_ObjectCollection">
  <title>Class: ObjectCollection</title>
  An array of Objects.  This could contain any objects that 
                inherit from Object, but they are only immediately accessible
                in their pure base class form.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_Collection">Collection</link>
<sect1 id="class_Picture">
  <title>Class: Picture</title>
  A customizable picture object.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_BorderedViewObject">BorderedViewObject</link>
    <emphasis role="bold">Collection class:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_ViewObjectCollection">ViewObjectCollection</link>
  <sect2 id="constructors_Picture">
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Picture_1">Picture</link> ( parent )</para>
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Picture_2">Picture</link> ( window )</para>
  <sect2 id="methods_Picture">
        <para><link linkend="method_Picture_1">load</link> ( url )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_Picture">
          <link linkend="property_Picture_1">image</link>
          <link linkend="property_Picture_2">url</link>
          <link linkend="property_Picture_3">refreshTimer</link>
    <sect3 id="constructor_Picture_1">
      <title>Picture ( <link linkend="class_ViewObject">ViewObject</link> parent )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_ViewObject">ViewObject</link> parent - 
      The parent to place the new picture in.  May also
                              be a string containing the name of an existing
    Creates a new picture and places it in the ViewObject <emphasis>parent</emphasis>.
    <sect3 id="constructor_Picture_2">
      <title>Picture ( <link linkend="class_Window">Window</link> window )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_Window">Window</link> window - 
      The window to place the new picture in.  May also be a
                          string containing the name of an existing Window.
    Creates a new picture and places it in the Window <emphasis>window</emphasis>.
    <sect3 id="method_Picture_1">
      <title>boolean load ( string url )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string url - 
      The URL to retrieve the image from.
    Load an image from a give url.  Returns true on success.
    <sect3 id="property_Picture_1">
      <title><link linkend="class_Image">Image</link>  image</title>
    The raw image that is being displayed.  You can take a copy
                    of this, manipulate it, then set it back to change the
    <sect3 id="property_Picture_2">
      <title>string  url [Read-Only]</title>
    The URL of the image if it was loaded from a file and has
                    not been modified.
    <sect3 id="property_Picture_3">
      <title>number  refreshTimer</title>
    A timer to automatically refresh the picture.  Value of 0
                    means the timer is disabled.  Units are in seconds.
<sect1 id="class_Plot">
  <title>Class: Plot</title>
  This class represents a plot in Kst.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_BorderedViewObject">BorderedViewObject</link>
    <emphasis role="bold">Collection class:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_PlotCollection">PlotCollection</link>
  <sect2 id="constructors_Plot">
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Plot_1">Plot</link> ( window )</para>
  <sect2 id="methods_Plot">
        <para><link linkend="method_Plot_1">createLegend</link> (  )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_Plot">
          <link linkend="property_Plot_1">curves</link>
          <link linkend="property_Plot_2">legend</link>
          <link linkend="property_Plot_3">topLabel</link>
          <link linkend="property_Plot_4">xAxis</link>
          <link linkend="property_Plot_5">yAxis</link>
          <link linkend="property_Plot_6">title</link>
          <link linkend="property_Plot_7">tied</link>
    <sect3 id="constructor_Plot_1">
      <title>Plot ( <link linkend="class_Window">Window</link> window )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_Window">Window</link> window - 
      The window to place the new plot in.  May also be a
                          string containing the name of an existing Window.
    Creates a new plot and places it in the Window <emphasis>window</emphasis>.
    <sect3 id="method_Plot_1">
      <title><link linkend="class_Legend">Legend</link> createLegend (  )</title>
    Creates a Legend for this plot.  If a legend already exists
                    then that one is returned.
    <sect3 id="property_Plot_1">
      <title><link linkend="class_CurveCollection">CurveCollection</link>  curves [Read-Only]</title>
    A list of all the Curves used by the plot.
    <sect3 id="property_Plot_2">
      <title><link linkend="class_Legend">Legend</link>  legend [Read-Only]</title>
    The Legend for this plot.  May be null.
    <sect3 id="property_Plot_3">
      <title>string  topLabel</title>
    The top label for this plot.
    <sect3 id="property_Plot_4">
      <title><link linkend="class_Axis">Axis</link>  xAxis [Read-Only]</title>
    The X-axis for this plot.
    <sect3 id="property_Plot_5">
      <title><link linkend="class_Axis">Axis</link>  yAxis [Read-Only]</title>
    The Y-axis for this plot.
    <sect3 id="property_Plot_6">
      <title><link linkend="class_PlotLabel">PlotLabel</link>  title [Read-Only]</title>
    The title for this plot.
    <sect3 id="property_Plot_7">
      <title>boolean  tied</title>
    True if the plot zoom state is tied.
<sect1 id="class_PlotCollection">
  <title>Class: PlotCollection</title>
  An array of Plots.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_Collection">Collection</link>
<sect1 id="class_PlotLabel">
  <title>Class: PlotLabel</title>
  A class representing a plot label.
  <sect2 id="properties_PlotLabel">
          <link linkend="property_PlotLabel_1">text</link>
          <link linkend="property_PlotLabel_2">font</link>
          <link linkend="property_PlotLabel_3">fontSize</link>
          <link linkend="property_PlotLabel_4">justification</link>
          <link linkend="property_PlotLabel_5">dataPrecision</link>
    <sect3 id="property_PlotLabel_1">
      <title>string  text</title>
    Contains the text contents of the label.  This may include
                    carriage returns (\n), scalar references of the form
                    <emphasis>[scalar_name]</emphasis>, and some basic LaTeX.
    <sect3 id="property_PlotLabel_2">
      <title>string  font</title>
    Used to set or get the current font used for the label.
    <sect3 id="property_PlotLabel_3">
      <title>number  fontSize</title>
    Contains the size of the font used to draw the label.
    <sect3 id="property_PlotLabel_4">
      <title>number  justification</title>
    The horizontal justification for the label. This is a bit field.
                    The values are as follows:
                    <listitem><para>0 - Justify None</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>1 - Justify Left / Top</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>2 - Justify Right / Bottom</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>3 - Justify Center</para></listitem>
    <sect3 id="property_PlotLabel_5">
      <title>number  dataPrecision</title>
    Contains the number of digits of precision to display data
                    values in the label.  Restricted to a value between 0 and
                    16 inclusive.
<sect1 id="class_Plugin">
  <title>Class: Plugin</title>
  This class represents a data plugin in Kst.  It can be
                instantiated to create a new instance of a plugin in the
                Kst data collection.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_DataObject">DataObject</link>
    <emphasis role="bold">Collection class:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_PluginCollection">PluginCollection</link>
  <sect2 id="constructors_Plugin">
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Plugin_1">Plugin</link> (  [module] )</para>
  <sect2 id="methods_Plugin">
        <para><link linkend="method_Plugin_1">setInput</link> ( index, input )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Plugin_2">validate</link> (  )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_Plugin">
          <link linkend="property_Plugin_1">inputs</link>
          <link linkend="property_Plugin_2">outputs</link>
          <link linkend="property_Plugin_3">module</link>
          <link linkend="property_Plugin_4">lastError</link>
          <link linkend="property_Plugin_5">valid</link>
    <sect3 id="constructor_Plugin_1">
      <title>Plugin (  [<link linkend="class_PluginModule">PluginModule</link> module] )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_PluginModule">PluginModule</link> module - 
      The plugin module to use for this plugin.
    Main constructor for the Plugin class.  New plugins are
                    typically invalid until various properties have been set.
    <sect3 id="method_Plugin_1">
      <title>void setInput ( number index, <link linkend="class_Object">Object</link> input )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>number index - 
      or name of the input argument to be set.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para><link linkend="class_Object">Object</link> input - 
    Sets the input argument at the specified index or name.
    <sect3 id="method_Plugin_2">
      <title>void validate (  )</title>
    Validates the plugin.
    <sect3 id="property_Plugin_1">
      <title><link linkend="class_ObjectCollection">ObjectCollection</link>  inputs</title>
    The list of inputs to the plugin.
    <sect3 id="property_Plugin_2">
      <title><link linkend="class_ObjectCollection">ObjectCollection</link>  outputs</title>
    The list of outputs to the plugin.
    <sect3 id="property_Plugin_3">
      <title><link linkend="class_PluginModule">PluginModule</link>  module</title>
    The library or module that is used for data processing by
                    this plugin object.
    <sect3 id="property_Plugin_4">
      <title>string  lastError [Read-Only]</title>
    A string containing details of the last error that
                    occurred while running the plugin.
    <sect3 id="property_Plugin_5">
      <title>boolean  valid [Read-Only]</title>
    True if this plugin object is valid.  If false, there is
                    probably an invalid setting somewhere that needs to be
                    corrected before it can be used.  Some errors include
                    invalid inputs or outputs, or an invalid or missing
<sect1 id="class_PluginCollection">
  <title>Class: PluginCollection</title>
  An array of Plugins.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_Collection">Collection</link>
<sect1 id="class_PluginIO">
  <title>Class: PluginIO</title>
  An object representing an input or output for a given plugin
    <emphasis role="bold">Collection class:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_PluginIOCollection">PluginIOCollection</link>
  <sect2 id="properties_PluginIO">
          <link linkend="property_PluginIO_1">name</link>
          <link linkend="property_PluginIO_2">type</link>
          <link linkend="property_PluginIO_3">subType</link>
          <link linkend="property_PluginIO_4">typeObject</link>
          <link linkend="property_PluginIO_5">description</link>
          <link linkend="property_PluginIO_6">defaultValue</link>
    <sect3 id="property_PluginIO_1">
      <title>string  name [Read-Only]</title>
    The name of the input or output.
    <sect3 id="property_PluginIO_2">
      <title>string  type [Read-Only]</title>
    The data type of the input or output.
    <sect3 id="property_PluginIO_3">
      <title>string  subType [Read-Only]</title>
    The sub-type of the input or output, if needed.  For
                    instance, a <emphasis>table</emphasis> may have a subtype of <emphasis>float</emphasis>.
    <sect3 id="property_PluginIO_4">
      <title>string  typeObject [Read-Only]</title>
    The object type of the input or output. The result will be one of:
                    <listitem><para>Unknown - error condition</para></listitem>
    <sect3 id="property_PluginIO_5">
      <title>string  description [Read-Only]</title>
    A description of the meaning of the input or output.
    <sect3 id="property_PluginIO_6">
      <title>string  defaultValue [Read-Only]</title>
    The default value for this input or output, if specified by
                    the plugin.
<sect1 id="class_PluginIOCollection">
  <title>Class: PluginIOCollection</title>
  An array of Plugin inputs or outputs.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_Collection">Collection</link>
<sect1 id="class_PluginManager">
  <title>Class: PluginManager</title>
  A reference to Kst's plugin manager subsystem.
  <sect2 id="constructors_PluginManager">
        <para><link linkend="constructor_PluginManager_1">PluginManager</link> (  )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_PluginManager">
          <link linkend="property_PluginManager_1">modules</link>
    <sect3 id="constructor_PluginManager_1">
      <title>PluginManager (  )</title>
    Creates a new PluginManager referring to the Kst plugin
    <sect3 id="property_PluginManager_1">
      <title><link linkend="class_PluginModuleCollection">PluginModuleCollection</link>  modules [Read-Only]</title>
    A list of all PluginModules available.
<sect1 id="class_PluginModule">
  <title>Class: PluginModule</title>
  Represents a plugin module in Kst.  This is not an instance of
                a plugin, but a reference to the actual plugin itself.  It is
                typically used to instantiate a plugin object.
    <emphasis role="bold">Collection class:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_PluginModuleCollection">PluginModuleCollection</link>
  <sect2 id="properties_PluginModule">
          <link linkend="property_PluginModule_1">usesLocalData</link>
          <link linkend="property_PluginModule_2">isFit</link>
          <link linkend="property_PluginModule_3">isFilter</link>
          <link linkend="property_PluginModule_4">name</link>
          <link linkend="property_PluginModule_5">readableName</link>
          <link linkend="property_PluginModule_6">author</link>
          <link linkend="property_PluginModule_7">description</link>
          <link linkend="property_PluginModule_8">version</link>
          <link linkend="property_PluginModule_9">inputs</link>
          <link linkend="property_PluginModule_10">outputs</link>
    <sect3 id="property_PluginModule_1">
      <title>boolean  usesLocalData [Read-Only]</title>
    If true, the plugin makes use of persistant local storage.
    <sect3 id="property_PluginModule_2">
      <title>boolean  isFit [Read-Only]</title>
    If true, this plugin is a <emphasis>fit</emphasis> for a curve.
    <sect3 id="property_PluginModule_3">
      <title>boolean  isFilter [Read-Only]</title>
    If true, this plugin is a <emphasis>filter</emphasis> for a vector.
    <sect3 id="property_PluginModule_4">
      <title>string  name [Read-Only]</title>
    Represents the short name of the plugin.
    <sect3 id="property_PluginModule_5">
      <title>string  readableName [Read-Only]</title>
    Contains a long name for the plugin suitable for display in
                    a user interface.
    <sect3 id="property_PluginModule_6">
      <title>string  author [Read-Only]</title>
    Contains the name of the author of the plugin.
    <sect3 id="property_PluginModule_7">
      <title>string  description [Read-Only]</title>
    Contains a text description of what the plugin is and/or
    <sect3 id="property_PluginModule_8">
      <title>string  version [Read-Only]</title>
    Contains the version number or string of the plugin.
    <sect3 id="property_PluginModule_9">
      <title><link linkend="class_PluginIOCollection">PluginIOCollection</link>  inputs [Read-Only]</title>
    A list of all the inputs for the plugin.
    <sect3 id="property_PluginModule_10">
      <title><link linkend="class_PluginIOCollection">PluginIOCollection</link>  outputs [Read-Only]</title>
    A list of all the outputs of the plugin.
<sect1 id="class_PluginModuleCollection">
  <title>Class: PluginModuleCollection</title>
  An array of PluginModules.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_Collection">Collection</link>
<sect1 id="class_Point">
  <title>Class: Point</title>
  Represents a cartesian co-ordinate of the form (x,y).
  <sect2 id="constructors_Point">
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Point_1">Point</link> (  )</para>
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Point_2">Point</link> ( x, y )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_Point">
          <link linkend="property_Point_1">x</link>
          <link linkend="property_Point_2">y</link>
    <sect3 id="constructor_Point_1">
      <title>Point (  )</title>
    Creates a new point object with value (0.0, 0.0).
    <sect3 id="constructor_Point_2">
      <title>Point ( number x, number y )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>number x - 
      The X value.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>number y - 
      The Y value.
    Creates a new point object with value (x, y).
    <sect3 id="property_Point_1">
      <title>number  x</title>
    The value of the x co-ordinate.
    <sect3 id="property_Point_2">
      <title>number  y</title>
    The value of the y co-ordinate.
<sect1 id="class_PowerSpectrum">
  <title>Class: PowerSpectrum</title>
  This class represents a power spectrum (PSD) object in Kst.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_DataObject">DataObject</link>
    <emphasis role="bold">Collection class:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_PowerSpectrumCollection">PowerSpectrumCollection</link>
  <sect2 id="constructors_PowerSpectrum">
        <para><link linkend="constructor_PowerSpectrum_1">PowerSpectrum</link> ( vector, freq [, average [, len [, apodize [, removeMean]]]] )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_PowerSpectrum">
          <link linkend="property_PowerSpectrum_1">vector</link>
          <link linkend="property_PowerSpectrum_2">length</link>
          <link linkend="property_PowerSpectrum_3">output</link>
          <link linkend="property_PowerSpectrum_4">removeMean</link>
          <link linkend="property_PowerSpectrum_5">average</link>
          <link linkend="property_PowerSpectrum_6">apodize</link>
          <link linkend="property_PowerSpectrum_7">apodizeFn</link>
          <link linkend="property_PowerSpectrum_8">frequency</link>
          <link linkend="property_PowerSpectrum_9">xVector</link>
          <link linkend="property_PowerSpectrum_10">yVector</link>
          <link linkend="property_PowerSpectrum_11">vUnits</link>
          <link linkend="property_PowerSpectrum_12">rUnits</link>
          <link linkend="property_PowerSpectrum_13">interpolateHoles</link>
    <sect3 id="constructor_PowerSpectrum_1">
      <title>PowerSpectrum ( <link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link> vector, number freq [, boolean average [, number len [, boolean apodize [, boolean removeMean]]]] )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link> vector - 
      The vector to use as input to the power spectrum.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>number freq - 
      The frequency for the power spectrum.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>boolean average - 
       [OPTIONAL]</para></listitem><listitem><para>number len - 
      The base 2 logarithm of the length of the power
                          spectrum.  Should be an integer &gt;= 4.
       [OPTIONAL]</para></listitem><listitem><para>boolean apodize - 
      If true, sharp discontinuities are removed.
       [OPTIONAL]</para></listitem><listitem><para>boolean removeMean - 
      True if the mean should be removed before
                                  performing the transform.
    Creates a new power spectrum (PSD) object in Kst.  Units
                    are <emphasis>V</emphasis> and <emphasis>Hz</emphasis> by default.
    <sect3 id="property_PowerSpectrum_1">
      <title><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link>  vector</title>
    The input vector for the power spectrum.
    <sect3 id="property_PowerSpectrum_2">
      <title>number  length</title>
    Contains the base 2 logarithm of the length to be used for interleaved averaging. Should be an integer &gt;= 4.
    <sect3 id="property_PowerSpectrum_3">
      <title>number  output</title>
    the normalization for the transform:
                    <listitem><para>0 - amplitude spectral density</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>1 - power spectral density</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>2 - amplitude spectrum</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>3 - power spectrum</para></listitem>
    <sect3 id="property_PowerSpectrum_4">
      <title>boolean  removeMean</title>
    True if the mean should be removed before performing the
    <sect3 id="property_PowerSpectrum_5">
      <title>boolean  average</title>
    True if the power spectrum should be calculated using an interleaved average.
    <sect3 id="property_PowerSpectrum_6">
      <title>boolean  apodize</title>
    If true, sharp discontinuities are removed.
    <sect3 id="property_PowerSpectrum_7">
      <title>number  apodizeFn</title>
    The apodization function to be used in the case that apodize is true:
                    <listitem><para>0 - default</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>1 - bartlett</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>2 - blackman</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>3 - connes</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>4 - cosine</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>5 - gaussian</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>6 - hamming</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>7 - hann</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>8 - welch</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>9 - uniform</para></listitem>
    <sect3 id="property_PowerSpectrum_8">
      <title>number  frequency</title>
    Contains the sampling rate of the power spectrum.
    <sect3 id="property_PowerSpectrum_9">
      <title><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link>  xVector [Read-Only]</title>
    The X-axis vector for the power spectrum.
    <sect3 id="property_PowerSpectrum_10">
      <title><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link>  yVector [Read-Only]</title>
    The Y-axi vector for the power spectrum.
    <sect3 id="property_PowerSpectrum_11">
      <title>string  vUnits</title>
    A string containing the units for the vector.
    <sect3 id="property_PowerSpectrum_12">
      <title>string  rUnits</title>
    A string containing the units for the rate.
    <sect3 id="property_PowerSpectrum_13">
      <title>boolean  interpolateHoles</title>
    True if the transform should automatically interpolate over missing data values.
<sect1 id="class_PowerSpectrumCollection">
  <title>Class: PowerSpectrumCollection</title>
  An array of PowerSpectrums.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_Collection">Collection</link>
<sect1 id="class_Scalar">
  <title>Class: Scalar</title>
  Represents a scalar value (a number) in Kst.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_Object">Object</link>
    <emphasis role="bold">Collection class:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_ScalarCollection">ScalarCollection</link>
  <sect2 id="constructors_Scalar">
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Scalar_1">Scalar</link> (  )</para>
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Scalar_2">Scalar</link> ( value )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_Scalar">
          <link linkend="property_Scalar_1">value</link>
    <sect3 id="constructor_Scalar_1">
      <title>Scalar (  )</title>
    Default constructor.  Creates a new scalar with value 0.0.
    <sect3 id="constructor_Scalar_2">
      <title>Scalar ( number value )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>number value - 
    Creates a new scalar with the specified value.
    <sect3 id="property_Scalar_1">
      <title>number  value</title>
    Used to access or modify the value of a scalar.
<sect1 id="class_ScalarCollection">
  <title>Class: ScalarCollection</title>
  An array of Scalars.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_Collection">Collection</link>
<sect1 id="class_Size">
  <title>Class: Size</title>
  Represents a two-dimensional size of the form (w, h).
  <sect2 id="constructors_Size">
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Size_1">Size</link> (  )</para>
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Size_2">Size</link> ( w, h )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_Size">
          <link linkend="property_Size_1">w</link>
          <link linkend="property_Size_2">h</link>
    <sect3 id="constructor_Size_1">
      <title>Size (  )</title>
    Creates a new size object with value (0.0, 0.0).
    <sect3 id="constructor_Size_2">
      <title>Size ( number w, number h )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>number w - 
      The width.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>number h - 
      The height.
    Creates a new size object with value (w, h).
    <sect3 id="property_Size_1">
      <title>number  w</title>
    The width.
    <sect3 id="property_Size_2">
      <title>number  h</title>
    The height.
<sect1 id="class_Spectrogram">
  <title>Class: Spectrogram</title>
  This class represents a spectrogram (CSD) object in Kst.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_DataObject">DataObject</link>
    <emphasis role="bold">Collection class:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_SpectrogramCollection">SpectrogramCollection</link>
  <sect2 id="constructors_Spectrogram">
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Spectrogram_1">Spectrogram</link> ( vector, freq [, average [, len [, apodize [, removeMean]]]] )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_Spectrogram">
          <link linkend="property_Spectrogram_1">vector</link>
          <link linkend="property_Spectrogram_2">length</link>
          <link linkend="property_Spectrogram_3">output</link>
          <link linkend="property_Spectrogram_4">removeMean</link>
          <link linkend="property_Spectrogram_5">average</link>
          <link linkend="property_Spectrogram_6">apodize</link>
          <link linkend="property_Spectrogram_7">apodizeFn</link>
          <link linkend="property_Spectrogram_8">frequency</link>
          <link linkend="property_Spectrogram_9">matrix</link>
          <link linkend="property_Spectrogram_10">vUnits</link>
          <link linkend="property_Spectrogram_11">rUnits</link>
          <link linkend="property_Spectrogram_12">windowSize</link>
          <link linkend="property_Spectrogram_13">interpolateHoles</link>
    <sect3 id="constructor_Spectrogram_1">
      <title>Spectrogram ( <link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link> vector, number freq [, boolean average [, number len [, boolean apodize [, boolean removeMean]]]] )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link> vector - 
      The vector to use as input to the spectrogram.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>number freq - 
      The frequency for the spectrogram.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>boolean average - 
       [OPTIONAL]</para></listitem><listitem><para>number len - 
      The base 2 logarithm of the length of the power
                          spectrum.  Should be an integer &gt;= 4.
       [OPTIONAL]</para></listitem><listitem><para>boolean apodize - 
      If true, sharp discontinuities are removed.
       [OPTIONAL]</para></listitem><listitem><para>boolean removeMean - 
      True if the mean should be removed before
                                  performing the transform.
    Creates a new power spectrum (PSD) object in Kst.  Units
                    are <emphasis>V</emphasis> and <emphasis>Hz</emphasis> by default.
    <sect3 id="property_Spectrogram_1">
      <title><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link>  vector</title>
    The input vector for the spectrogram.
    <sect3 id="property_Spectrogram_2">
      <title>number  length</title>
    Contains the base 2 logarithm of the length of the spectrogram.  
                    Should be an integer &gt;= 4.
    <sect3 id="property_Spectrogram_3">
      <title>number  output</title>
    the normalization for the transform:
                    <listitem><para>0 - amplitude spectral density</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>1 - power spectral density</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>2 - amplitude spectrum</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>3 - power spectrum</para></listitem>
    <sect3 id="property_Spectrogram_4">
      <title>boolean  removeMean</title>
    True if the mean should be removed before performing the
    <sect3 id="property_Spectrogram_5">
      <title>number  average</title>
    <sect3 id="property_Spectrogram_6">
      <title>boolean  apodize</title>
    If true, sharp discontinuities are removed.
    <sect3 id="property_Spectrogram_7">
      <title>number  apodizeFn</title>
    The apodization function to be used in the case that apodize is true:
                    <listitem><para>0 - default</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>1 - bartlett</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>2 - blackman</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>3 - connes</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>4 - cosine</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>5 - gaussian</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>6 - hamming</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>7 - hann</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>8 - welch</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>9 - uniform</para></listitem>
    <sect3 id="property_Spectrogram_8">
      <title>number  frequency</title>
    Contains the sampling rate of the spectrogram.
    <sect3 id="property_Spectrogram_9">
      <title><link linkend="class_Matrix">Matrix</link>  matrix [Read-Only]</title>
    The matrix for the spectrogram.
    <sect3 id="property_Spectrogram_10">
      <title>string  vUnits</title>
    A string containing the units for the vector.
    <sect3 id="property_Spectrogram_11">
      <title>string  rUnits</title>
    A string containing the units for the rate.
    <sect3 id="property_Spectrogram_12">
      <title>number  windowSize</title>
    The window size of the spectrogram.
    <sect3 id="property_Spectrogram_13">
      <title>boolean  interpolateHoles</title>
    True if the transform should automatically interpolate over missing data values.
<sect1 id="class_SpectrogramCollection">
  <title>Class: SpectrogramCollection</title>
  An array of Spectrograms.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_Collection">Collection</link>
<sect1 id="class_String">
  <title>Class: String</title>
  Represents a string in Kst.  Note that this is <emphasis>not</emphasis>
                analagous to a string in JavaScript, and may not be directly
                interchanged as such.  A Kst String is an object internal to
                Kst and is subject to update scheduling, sharing, and other
                policies of the Kst core.  However the <emphasis>contents</emphasis> of a
                String may be manipulated with JavaScript string manipulation
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_Object">Object</link>
    <emphasis role="bold">Collection class:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_StringCollection">StringCollection</link>
  <sect2 id="constructors_String">
        <para><link linkend="constructor_String_1">String</link> (  )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_String">
          <link linkend="property_String_1">value</link>
    <sect3 id="constructor_String_1">
      <title>String (  )</title>
    Default constructor - creates an empty String.
    <sect3 id="property_String_1">
      <title>string  value</title>
    The value of the String.
<sect1 id="class_StringCollection">
  <title>Class: StringCollection</title>
  An array of Kst Strings.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_Collection">Collection</link>
<sect1 id="class_TimeInterpretation">
  <title>Class: TimeInterpretation</title>
  A class representing a time interpretation.  It is used to
                convert values from one set of units to display in another.
  <sect2 id="properties_TimeInterpretation">
          <link linkend="property_TimeInterpretation_1">active</link>
          <link linkend="property_TimeInterpretation_2">axisType</link>
          <link linkend="property_TimeInterpretation_3">input</link>
          <link linkend="property_TimeInterpretation_4">output</link>
    <sect3 id="property_TimeInterpretation_1">
      <title>boolean  active</title>
    True if the axis is being interpreted.
    <sect3 id="property_TimeInterpretation_2">
      <title>string  axisType [Read-Only]</title>
    The type of axis this interpretation applies to.
    <sect3 id="property_TimeInterpretation_3">
      <title>number  input</title>
    The format of the input to the interpretation.
                    Must be one of:
                    <listitem><para>0 - Standard C Time</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>1 - TAI</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>2 - JD</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>3 - MJD</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>4 - RJD</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>5 - JY</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>6 - TAI (ns)</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>7 - TAI (2^-16s)</para></listitem>
    <sect3 id="property_TimeInterpretation_4">
      <title>number  output</title>
    The format to convert the interpretation to.
                    Must be one of:
                    <listitem><para>0 - DD/MM/YY HH:MM:SS</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>1 - YY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>2 - JD</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>3 - MJD</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>4 - RJD</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>5 - JY</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>6 - Localized Short Date</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>7 - Localized Long Date</para></listitem>
<sect1 id="class_Vector">
  <title>Class: Vector</title>
  Represents a vector of any type in Kst.  Some vectors are
                editable, while others are not.  This class behaves just as a
                JavaScript array, but has additional properties and methods.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_Object">Object</link>
    <emphasis role="bold">Collection class:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_VectorCollection">VectorCollection</link>
  <sect2 id="constructors_Vector">
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Vector_1">Vector</link> (  )</para>
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Vector_2">Vector</link> ( array )</para>
  <sect2 id="methods_Vector">
        <para><link linkend="method_Vector_1">resize</link> ( size )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Vector_2">interpolate</link> ( i, n )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Vector_3">zero</link> (  )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Vector_4">update</link> (  )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Vector_5">valueAt</link> ( index )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_Vector">
          <link linkend="property_Vector_1">length</link>
          <link linkend="property_Vector_2">min</link>
          <link linkend="property_Vector_3">max</link>
          <link linkend="property_Vector_4">mean</link>
          <link linkend="property_Vector_5">numNew</link>
          <link linkend="property_Vector_6">numShifted</link>
          <link linkend="property_Vector_7">editable</link>
          <link linkend="property_Vector_8">numNaN</link>
          <link linkend="property_Vector_9">array</link>
    <sect3 id="constructor_Vector_1">
      <title>Vector (  )</title>
    Default constructor creates an empty, editable vector.
    <sect3 id="constructor_Vector_2">
      <title>Vector ( Array array )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>Array array - 
      The array to be copied.
    Creates a vector that is a copy of array.
    <sect3 id="method_Vector_1">
      <title>void resize ( number size )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>number size - 
      The new size of the vector.  Should be &gt;= 2.
    Resizes the vector.
        Throws: GeneralError - 
      Throws this exception if the vector is not
    <sect3 id="method_Vector_2">
      <title>number interpolate ( number i, number n )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>number i - 
      The sample number to obtain the interpolated value of.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para>number n - 
      The number of samples to interpolate to.
    Interpolates the vector to <emphasis>n</emphasis> samples and
                    returns the interpolated value of sample <emphasis>i</emphasis>.
    <sect3 id="method_Vector_3">
      <title>void zero (  )</title>
    Sets all values in the vector to zero.
        Throws: GeneralError - 
      Throws this exception if the vector is not editable.
    <sect3 id="method_Vector_4">
      <title>void update (  )</title>
    Updates the statistical values associated with a vector.
        Throws: GeneralError - 
      Throws this exception if the vector is not editable.
    <sect3 id="method_Vector_5">
      <title>void valueAt ( number index )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>number index - 
      The sample number to obtain the value of.
                          A negative value of -n returns the n'th sample from the end of the vector..
    Returns the value at the given index.
    <sect3 id="property_Vector_1">
      <title>number  length [Read-Only]</title>
    The number of samples in the vector.
    <sect3 id="property_Vector_2">
      <title>number  min [Read-Only]</title>
    The value of the smallest sample in the vector.
    <sect3 id="property_Vector_3">
      <title>number  max [Read-Only]</title>
    The value of the largest sample in the vector.
    <sect3 id="property_Vector_4">
      <title>number  mean [Read-Only]</title>
    The mean value of all samples in the vector.
    <sect3 id="property_Vector_5">
      <title>number  numNew [Read-Only]</title>
    <sect3 id="property_Vector_6">
      <title>number  numShifted [Read-Only]</title>
    <sect3 id="property_Vector_7">
      <title>number  editable [Read-Only]</title>
    True if the vector is editable by the user.  This should be
                    checked before attempting to modify a vector in any way.
    <sect3 id="property_Vector_8">
      <title>number  numNaN [Read-Only]</title>
    The number of NaN values in the vector.
    <sect3 id="property_Vector_9">
      <title>Array  array [Read-Only]</title>
    The vector as an Array.
<sect1 id="class_VectorCollection">
  <title>Class: VectorCollection</title>
  An array of Vectors.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_Collection">Collection</link>
<sect1 id="class_VectorView">
  <title>Class: VectorView</title>
  Represents a vectorView.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_DataObject">DataObject</link>
  <sect2 id="constructors_VectorView">
        <para><link linkend="constructor_VectorView_1">VectorView</link> ( x, y )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_VectorView">
          <link linkend="property_VectorView_1">xVector</link>
          <link linkend="property_VectorView_2">yVector</link>
          <link linkend="property_VectorView_3">flagVector</link>
          <link linkend="property_VectorView_4">xMin</link>
          <link linkend="property_VectorView_5">xMax</link>
          <link linkend="property_VectorView_6">yMin</link>
          <link linkend="property_VectorView_7">yMax</link>
          <link linkend="property_VectorView_8">useXMin</link>
          <link linkend="property_VectorView_9">useXMax</link>
          <link linkend="property_VectorView_10">useYMin</link>
          <link linkend="property_VectorView_11">useYMax</link>
          <link linkend="property_VectorView_12">interpolateTo</link>
    <sect3 id="constructor_VectorView_1">
      <title>VectorView ( <link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link> x, <link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link> y )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link> x - 
      The x-vector.
      </para></listitem><listitem><para><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link> y - 
      The y-vector.
    Creates a new vector view with the given x-vector and y-vector.
    <sect3 id="property_VectorView_1">
      <title><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link>  xVector</title>
    the x-vector.
    <sect3 id="property_VectorView_2">
      <title><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link>  yVector</title>
    the y-vector.
    <sect3 id="property_VectorView_3">
      <title><link linkend="class_Vector">Vector</link>  flagVector</title>
    the flag-vector. Those points corresponding to non-zero values of the flag vector
        are removed from the output vectors.
    <sect3 id="property_VectorView_4">
      <title><link linkend="class_Scalar">Scalar</link>  xMin</title>
    the value for the minimum x-value for the view range.
    <sect3 id="property_VectorView_5">
      <title><link linkend="class_Scalar">Scalar</link>  xMax</title>
    the value for the maximum x-value for the view range.
    <sect3 id="property_VectorView_6">
      <title><link linkend="class_Scalar">Scalar</link>  yMin</title>
    the value for the minimum y-value for the view range.
    <sect3 id="property_VectorView_7">
      <title><link linkend="class_Scalar">Scalar</link>  yMax</title>
    the value for the maximum y-value for the view range.
    <sect3 id="property_VectorView_8">
      <title>boolean  useXMin</title>
    If true, the minimum x-value is respected.
    <sect3 id="property_VectorView_9">
      <title>boolean  useXMax</title>
    If true, the maximum x-value is respected.
    <sect3 id="property_VectorView_10">
      <title>boolean  useYMin</title>
    If true, the minimum y-value is respected.
    <sect3 id="property_VectorView_11">
      <title>boolean  useYMax</title>
    If true, the maximum y-value is respected.
    <sect3 id="property_VectorView_12">
      <title>number  interpolateTo</title>
    the value for the maximum y-value for the view range. Must be one of:
                    <listitem><para>0 - interpolate to the x-vector</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>1 - interpolate to the y-vector</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>2 - interpolate to the high resolution vector</para></listitem>
                    <listitem><para>3 - interpolate to the low resolution vector</para></listitem>
<sect1 id="class_ViewObject">
  <title>Class: ViewObject</title>
  Represents any object in a Kst window.  This is an abstract
                object and may not be instantiated directly.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_Object">Object</link>
    <emphasis role="bold">Collection class:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_ViewObjectCollection">ViewObjectCollection</link>
  <sect2 id="methods_ViewObject">
        <para><link linkend="method_ViewObject_1">resize</link> ( size )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_ViewObject_2">move</link> ( pos )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_ViewObject_3">findChild</link> ( pos )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_ViewObject_4">convertTo</link> ( type )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_ViewObject_5">raiseToTop</link> (  )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_ViewObject_6">lowerToBottom</link> (  )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_ViewObject_7">raise</link> (  )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_ViewObject_8">lower</link> (  )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_ViewObject_9">remove</link> (  )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_ViewObject">
          <link linkend="property_ViewObject_1">position</link>
          <link linkend="property_ViewObject_2">size</link>
          <link linkend="property_ViewObject_3">transparent</link>
          <link linkend="property_ViewObject_4">onGrid</link>
          <link linkend="property_ViewObject_5">columns</link>
          <link linkend="property_ViewObject_6">color</link>
          <link linkend="property_ViewObject_7">backgroundColor</link>
          <link linkend="property_ViewObject_8">maximized</link>
          <link linkend="property_ViewObject_9">minimumSize</link>
          <link linkend="property_ViewObject_10">type</link>
          <link linkend="property_ViewObject_11">children</link>
    <sect3 id="method_ViewObject_1">
      <title><link linkend="class_ViewObject">ViewObject</link> resize ( <link linkend="class_Size">Size</link> size )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_Size">Size</link> size - 
      The new size for the object.
    Resizes the object to the given size, if possible.
    <sect3 id="method_ViewObject_2">
      <title><link linkend="class_ViewObject">ViewObject</link> move ( <link linkend="class_Point">Point</link> pos )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_Point">Point</link> pos - 
      The position to move the object to.
    Moves the object to a new position, if possible.
    <sect3 id="method_ViewObject_3">
      <title><link linkend="class_ViewObject">ViewObject</link> findChild ( <link linkend="class_Point">Point</link> pos )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para><link linkend="class_Point">Point</link> pos - 
      The relative position to search.
    Finds the topmost child of this view object at the given
                    point.  Returns null if there is no child there.
    <sect3 id="method_ViewObject_4">
      <title><link linkend="class_ViewObject">ViewObject</link> convertTo ( string type )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string type - 
      The type to attempt to convert this object to.
    Attempts to convert this ViewObject to a different type.
                    The object must be derived from this type at some level.
                    Null is returned if it is not possible to convert to the
                    requested type.
    <sect3 id="method_ViewObject_5">
      <title>void raiseToTop (  )</title>
    Raises the object to the top of the z-order.
    <sect3 id="method_ViewObject_6">
      <title>void lowerToBottom (  )</title>
    Lowers the object to the bottom of the z-order.
    <sect3 id="method_ViewObject_7">
      <title>void raise (  )</title>
    Raises the object one place in the z-order.
    <sect3 id="method_ViewObject_8">
      <title>void lower (  )</title>
    Lowers the object one place in the z-order.
    <sect3 id="method_ViewObject_9">
      <title>void remove (  )</title>
    Deletes the object.
    <sect3 id="property_ViewObject_1">
      <title><link linkend="class_Point">Point</link>  position</title>
    The location of the object relative to its parent.
    <sect3 id="property_ViewObject_2">
      <title><link linkend="class_Size">Size</link>  size</title>
    The size of the object in pixels.
    <sect3 id="property_ViewObject_3">
      <title>boolean  transparent</title>
    True if this object is transparent.  Not all objects
                    support transparency.
    <sect3 id="property_ViewObject_4">
      <title>boolean  onGrid</title>
    True if the children of this object are on a grid.
    <sect3 id="property_ViewObject_5">
      <title>number  columns</title>
    The number of columns the children are organized into.  If
                    this value is modified, <emphasis>onGrid</emphasis> is set to true.
    <sect3 id="property_ViewObject_6">
      <title>string  color</title>
    The foreground color for this object.
    <sect3 id="property_ViewObject_7">
      <title>string  backgroundColor</title>
    The background color for this object.
    <sect3 id="property_ViewObject_8">
      <title>boolean  maximized</title>
    If true, this object is maximized relative to its parent.
                    This is a temporary state whereby the plot uses all the
                    space available in the parent but can be restored to
                    <emphasis>normal</emphasis> size again.
    <sect3 id="property_ViewObject_9">
      <title><link linkend="class_Size">Size</link>  minimumSize [Read-Only]</title>
    The minimum size of the view object.
    <sect3 id="property_ViewObject_10">
      <title>string  type [Read-Only]</title>
    A string containing the type of this view object.
    <sect3 id="property_ViewObject_11">
      <title><link linkend="class_ViewObjectCollection">ViewObjectCollection</link>  children [Read-Only]</title>
    The list of all children of this view object in z-order
                    from the furthest back to the closest to the top.  This
                    is a reference to a collection which may be modified, but
                    cannot be <emphasis>set</emphasis>.
<sect1 id="class_ViewObjectCollection">
  <title>Class: ViewObjectCollection</title>
  An array of ViewObjects.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_Collection">Collection</link>
<sect1 id="class_Window">
  <title>Class: Window</title>
  An object that represents a reference to a Kst window or tab.
    <emphasis role="bold">Collection class:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_WindowCollection">WindowCollection</link>
  <sect2 id="constructors_Window">
        <para><link linkend="constructor_Window_1">Window</link> (  [name] )</para>
  <sect2 id="methods_Window">
        <para><link linkend="method_Window_1">repaint</link> (  )</para>
        <para><link linkend="method_Window_2">close</link> (  )</para>
  <sect2 id="properties_Window">
          <link linkend="property_Window_1">name</link>
          <link linkend="property_Window_2">plots</link>
          <link linkend="property_Window_3">view</link>
          <link linkend="property_Window_4">columns</link>
    <sect3 id="constructor_Window_1">
      <title>Window (  [string name] )</title>
      <para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>string name - 
      A name for the new window.
    Creates a new window and object to refer to it.
    <sect3 id="method_Window_1">
      <title>void repaint (  )</title>
    Repaints the window.
    <sect3 id="method_Window_2">
      <title>void close (  )</title>
    Closes the window.
    <sect3 id="property_Window_1">
      <title>string  name</title>
    The name of the window this object refers to.
    <sect3 id="property_Window_2">
      <title><link linkend="class_PlotCollection">PlotCollection</link>  plots</title>
    The list of plots contained in this window, flattened.
    <sect3 id="property_Window_3">
      <title><link linkend="class_ViewObject">ViewObject</link>  view</title>
    The view object for this window.
    <sect3 id="property_Window_4">
      <title>number  columns</title>
    The number of columns the children are organized into.  If
                    this value is modified, <emphasis>onGrid</emphasis> is set to true.
<sect1 id="class_WindowCollection">
  <title>Class: WindowCollection</title>
  An array of Kst Windows.
    <emphasis role="bold">Inherits:</emphasis>
    <link linkend="class_Collection">Collection</link>