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<p><a class='wikilink' href='../Main/HomePage.html'>Main</a> &gt; <span class='wikitrail'><a class='wikilink' href='Main.html'>Reference Manual</a> > <a class='wikilink' href='Modeling.html'>Modeling</a> > <a class='selflink' href='ModelingSetupmatrix.html'>SetupMatrix</a></span>
<p class='vspace'>A setup matrix defines the time and cost of setup conversions on a resource.
Within a setup matrix rules are used to define the changeover cost and duration. 
<p class='vspace'>To compute the time of a changeover the algorithm will evaluate all rules in sequence (in order of priority).<br />For a rule to match the changeover between the original setup X to a new setup Y, two conditions need to be fulfilled:
</p><ul><li>The original setup X must match with the fromsetup of the rule.<br />  If the fromsetup field is empty, it is considered a match.
</li><li>The new setup Y must match with the tosetup of the rule.<br />  If the tosetup field is empty, it is considered a match.
</li></ul><p>The wildcard characters * and ? can be used in the fromsetup and tosetup fields.<br />As soon as a matching rule is found, it is applied and subsequent rules are not evaluated.<br />If no matching rule is found, the changeover is not allowed.
<p class='vspace'>For instance, consider a setup matrix with the following rules:
<table border='1' ><tr ><th >Priority</th><th >From</th><th >To</th><th >Duration</th><th >Cost</th></tr>
<tr ><td >1</td><td >*green</td><td >*green</td><td >0</td><td >10</td></tr>
<tr ><td >2</td><td >*red</td><td >*red</td><td >0</td><td >10</td></tr>
<tr ><td >3</td><td >*green</td><td >*red</td><td >1 day</td><td >50</td></tr>
<tr ><td >4</td><td >*green</td><td >&nbsp;</td><td >2 day</td><td >50</td></tr>
<tr ><td >5</td><td >&nbsp;</td><td >&nbsp;</td><td >3 day</td><td >50</td></tr>
</table><p>Based on this matrix:
</p><ul><li>A change from "lightgreen" to "darkgreen" takes no time, but costs 10. Rule 1 applies.
</li><li>A change from "green" to "black" takes 2 days and costs 50. Rule 4 applies.
</li><li>A change from "red" to "black" takes 3 days and costs 50. Rule 5 applies.<br />  Without rule 5 this changeover would not be allowed.
</li></ul><div class='vspace'></div><h2>Fields</h2>
<table border='1' width="100%" ><tr><td width='20%'  valign='top'><strong>Field</strong>
</td><td width='20%'  valign='top'><strong>Type</strong>
</td><td width='60%'  valign='top'><strong>Description</strong>
</td></tr><tr><td  valign='top'>name
</td><td  valign='top'>non-empty string
</td><td  valign='top'>
<p>Name of the setup matrix.<br />This is the key field and a required attribute.
</p></td></tr><tr><td  valign='top'>rules
</td><td  valign='top'>list of setup matrix rules
</td><td  valign='top'>
<p>A read-only list of rules in this matrix.
</p></td></tr><tr><td  valign='top'>action
</td><td  valign='top'>A<br />C<br />AC (default)<br />R
</td><td  valign='top'>
<p>Type of action to be executed:
</p><ul><li>A: Add an new entity, and report an error if the entity already exists.
</li><li>C: Change an existing entity, and report an error if the entity doesn't exist yet.
</li><li>AC: Change an entity or create a new one if it doesn't exist yet.
</li><li>R: Remove an entity, and report an error if the entity doesn't exist.
<div class='vspace'></div>
<table border='1' width='100%' ><tr><td width='30%'  valign='top'><strong>Method</strong>
</td><td width='70%'  valign='top'><strong>Description</strong>
</td></tr><tr><td  valign='top'>addRule(priority=[integer], fromsetup=[string], tosetup=[string], duration=[timeperiod], cost=[number])
</td><td  valign='top'>
<p>This method adds a new rule to the matrix.<br />Only the priority keyword is compulsary. The other arguments are optional.
<p class='vspace'><a name='SETUP_RULE' id='SETUP_RULE'></a>
</p><h2>Setup Rule</h2>
<p>Within a setup matrix rules are used to define the changeover cost and duration. <br />The rules are evaluated in sequence, starting with the lowest priority number.
<div class='vspace'></div>
<table border='1' width="100%" ><tr><td width='20%'  valign='top'><strong>Field</strong>
</td><td width='20%'  valign='top'><strong>Type</strong>
</td><td width='60%'  valign='top'><strong>Description</strong>
</td></tr><tr><td  valign='top'>priority
</td><td  valign='top'>integer
</td><td  valign='top'>
<p>The priority of the rule. Rules are evaluated in the order of priority - lower numbers first.<br />This is the key field
</p></td></tr><tr><td  valign='top'>fromsetup
</td><td  valign='top'>String
</td><td  valign='top'>
<p>The previous setup.<br />If the field is empty the rules applies to any previous setup value.<br />Wildcard characters are allowed in this string:
</p><ul><li>* matches a sequence of characters
</li><li>? matches a single character
</li></ul></td></tr><tr><td  valign='top'>tosetup
</td><td  valign='top'>String
</td><td  valign='top'>
<p>The new setup.<br />If the field is empty the rules applies to any new setup value.<br />Wildcard characters are allowed in this string, similar as in the fromsetup field.
</p></td></tr><tr><td  valign='top'>duration
</td><td  valign='top'>timeperiod
</td><td  valign='top'>
<p>Duration of the changeover.
</p></td></tr><tr><td  valign='top'>cost
</td><td  valign='top'>double
</td><td  valign='top'>
<p>Cost of the changeover.
<div class='vspace'></div><h2>Example XML structures</h2>
<ul><li>Adding or changing setup matrices
</li></ul><pre> &lt;plan&gt;
      &lt;setupmatrix name=&quot;Painting line changeover&quot;&gt;
          &lt;rule priority=&quot;1&quot; 
             fromsetup=&quot;green&quot; tosetup=&quot;red&quot; 
             duration=&quot;P0D&quot; cost=&quot;10&quot; /&gt;
          &lt;rule priority=&quot;2&quot; 
             fromsetup=&quot;red&quot; tosetup=&quot;green&quot; 
             duration=&quot;P0D&quot; cost=&quot;10&quot; /&gt;
          &lt;rule priority=&quot;3&quot; 
             fromsetup=&quot;white&quot; tosetup=&quot;black&quot; 
             duration=&quot;P10D&quot; cost=&quot;50&quot;/&gt;
          &lt;rule priority=&quot;4&quot; 
             fromsetup=&quot;black&quot; tosetup=&quot;white&quot; 
             duration=&quot;P10D&quot; cost=&quot;50&quot;/&gt;
          &lt;rule priority=&quot;5&quot; fromsetup=&quot;yellow&quot; 
             duration=&quot;P2D&quot; cost=&quot;20&quot;/&gt;
          &lt;rule priority=&quot;6&quot; tosetup=&quot;yellow&quot; 
             duration=&quot;P2D&quot; cost=&quot;20&quot;/&gt;
          &lt;rule priority=&quot;6&quot; 
             duration=&quot;P3D&quot; /&gt;
</pre><div class='vspace'></div><ul><li>Deleting a setup matrix
</li></ul><pre> &lt;plan&gt;
       &lt;setupmatrtix name=&quot;changovers&quot; action=&quot;R&quot;/&gt;
</pre><div class='vspace'></div><h2>Example Python code</h2>
<ul><li>Adding or changing setup matrices
</li></ul><pre>    matrix = frepple.setupmatrix(name=&quot;changeovers for paint line&quot;)
    matrix.addRule(priority=1, fromsetup=&quot;*green&quot;, cost=10) 
</pre><div class='vspace'></div><ul><li>Deleting a setup matrix
</li></ul><pre>    frepple.setupmatrix(name=&quot;changeovers for paint line&quot;, action=&quot;R&quot;)
</pre><div class='vspace'></div><ul><li>Iterate over setup matrices and setup matrix rules
</li></ul><pre>    for m in frepple.setupmatrices():
      print &quot;Matrix '%s' has the following rules:&quot; %
      for i in m.rules:
        print &quot; &quot;, i.priority, i.tosetup, i.fromsetup, 
        print i.duration, i.cost
