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Title: Invoking the Jython Interpreter


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<h3>Invoking the Jython Interpreter</h3>

<P>Jython can be invoked from the shell using the following command:</P>

jython [options] [-jar jar | -c cmd | file | -] [args]

Options and arguments:

<p><table border="1">
    <td>inspect interactively after running script, and force prompts, 
    even if stdin does not appear to be a terminal
    <td>don't imply <em>import site</em> on initialization
    <td>Set the jython property <em>prop</em> to <em>value</em></td>
    <td><b>-jar <em>jar</em></b></td>
    <td>program to run is read from the <tt></tt> file in
    the specified <em>jar</em> file
    <td><b>-c <em>cmd</em></b></td>
    <td>program to run is passed in as the <em>cmd</em> string.  This
    option terminates the options list
    <td>run <em>file</em> as the program script
    <td>program is read from standard-in (default; interactive mode is 
    used if on a tty).  This flag allows you to pipe a file into
    Jython and have it be treated correctly.  This would be useful
    in a case like: <tt>filter&nbsp;file&nbsp;|&nbsp;jython&nbsp;-</tt>
    <td>print a usage message and exit
    <td>print Jython version number and exit
    <td>arguments passed to the program in <tt>sys.argv[1:]</tt>


<P><tt>jython</tt> is a short script that invokes your local JVM,
sets the Java property <tt>install.path</tt> to an appropriate value,
and then runs the Java classfile

<H3>Making Jython Scripts Executable</H3>

<P>To make a jython &quot;.py&quot; file executable on a Unix system
you can add the following line to the top of the file:

<PRE><B>#! /usr/bin/env jython</B></PRE>

<P>For this magic to work, you must have <tt>jython</tt> somewhere on your
standard PATH.  You also must also make the &quot;.py&quot; file
executable.  Typically this is done with the command:
<TT>chmod +x</TT>.

<p><I>Note: &quot;#! &lt;...&gt;/jython&quot; will probably not work to
make your script executable.  This is because &quot;jython&quot; is
itself a script, and the #! magic requires that the file to execute is
a binary executable on most Unix variants.  Using
&quot;/usr/bin/env&quot; will get around this problem - and make your
scripts more portable in the bargain.</I>

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