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/*! \page p_develop_map Developing using Crystallographic Maps

\section s_mapund Understanding Xmaps

The most commonly used map object in Clipper is the crystallographic
map, or Xmap. This is the map class which is used to describe any
function of position in a crystal which obeys the crystal cell repeat
and symmetry. Electron density is the most common example.

The aim of the Xmap is to provide a fast and efficient way of storing
some property, in such a way that the crystallographic symmetry and
cell repeat are imposed without any effort from the
programmer. Therefore, a clipper::Xmap appears to be infinite in every
direction, allowing the map to be queried at any position in crystal
space. However, only a unique subregion of a single cell is stored. If
a value in the map is changed, then every copy of that value
throughout crystal space also changes.

\subsection ss_mapgrid Grids

Representing the electron density across the whole unit cell is simple
enough. A sampling is chosen which is sufficient to represent the
electron density to the desired level of detail. The unit cell is then
divided into a 3-dimensional grid with the given sampling. The first
point is at the origin, and the first point along each line through
the array lies on the surface of the unit cell. The last point along
each line is the point before the surface of the next cell. Since
the cell repeats, there is no point storing each surface twice.

There are generally some restrictions on the grid sampling, imposed by
the cell dimensions, spacegroup, and FFT requirements. The
clipper::Grid_sampling class can be used to select an appropriate grid
sampling for any particular problem.

The following image shows a slice of a unit cell which has been
sampled on a (6x8) grid. 48 points are stored, with fractional
coordinates 0...5/6 on the horizontal axis and 0...7/8 on the vertical

\image html map_p1.png
\image latex map_p1.eps width=5cm

The fraction coordinate of any map grid point may therefore be
determined by dividing the zero-based grid coordinate by the grid
sampling along each direction.

\subsection s_mapasu Asymmetric units

Unfortunately the general case in crystallography is rather more
complex. In addition to the unit cell repeat, most molecules
crystallise with some sort of symmetry within the unit cell. Thus the
unique region of crystal space, referred to as an asymmetric unit
(ASU), is smaller than the the unit cell by a factor equal to the
number of symmetry operators.

A naive approach to this problem would be to store only an oblong
'brick' within the unit cell. Unfortunately in the general case this
does not work, since some symmetry operators are not aligned along
grid axes. Even simple cases, such as a single 2-fold rotation axis,
can cause problems, as illustrated in the figure below:

\image html map_p2.png
\image latex map_p2.eps width=5cm

The map section shows a sampling of a P2 unit cell. An attempt has
been made to select an asymmetric unit using a rectangular subregion
of the section. However it can be seen that the origin is related to
itself, and the 2-fold axis also relates the points on the left and
right-hand edges of the oblong to other points on the same
edge. Therefore 26 points are required to store a complete asymmetric
unit section, and the brick containing those points is just over half
the unit cell wide and contains 32 points.

The approach used by the Xmap class is therefore to store a compact
brick of density, along with a flag array marking which points within
that brick are considered to be part of the ASU, and which are
considered to be outside the ASU.

\note In actual fact, clipper stores a border of 1 extra cell around
the ASU brick. This extra row is used to speed up systematic searches
through the density by flagging the edge of the ASU. In addition these
extra points cache the number of the symop required to get back into
the ASU, making systematic density searches very efficient.

\subsection ss_mapcoord Coordinates

There are three kinds of coordinates which are commonly used in real
space. They are:
 - Orthogonal (Angstom) coordinates (clipper::Coord_orth)
 - Fractional (cell) coordinates (clipper::Coord_frac)
 - Grid coordinates (clipper::Coord_grid)

Grid coordinates are always integers, the others are floating point

Conversion between orthogonal and fractional coordinates is performed
using the clipper::Coord_orth::coord_frac() and
clipper::Coord_frac::coord_orth() methods, supplying the cell as an
argument. e.g. corth.coord_frac(xmap.cell())

Conversion between fractional and grid coordinates is performed using
the clipper::Coord_map::coord_frac() and
clipper::Coord_frac::coord_map() methods, supplying the grid as an
argument. e.g. cfrac.coord_map(xmap.grid_sampling())

\section s_mapxmap The Xmap class

The clipper Xmap class therefore holds a flag array and data array
corresponding to a compact brick containing at least complete
asymmetric unit.

The Xmap is constructed by providing a spacegroup, cell, and grid
sampling. These are used to determine an appropriate ASU, and allocate
an array to store the map data. The data may then be read or written
by providing the appropriate grid coordinate. Alternatively,
interpolated values and gradients at non-grid locations may be read by
providing a fraction coordinate. A variety of interpolation methods
are provided for this purpose.

In order to use the class efficiently, some important difficulties
must be borne in mind.

A problem arises when we wish to apply some transformation to the
values stored in the map. In this case, we must access every unique
value in the asymmetric unit once and once only, applying the desired
transformation. Only then will the entire map have been transformed

A second problem arises if we want to access the stored value of the
density at some position in crystal space, represented by a grid
coordinate. Then it is necessary to search through all the symmetry
operators, applying each one in turn to the coordinate to find the
operator which brings the coordinate into the stored asymmetric
unit. Any cell translations must also be taken into account. The value
of the map for that coordinate can then be returned. Clearly this can
be time consuming, especially if there are many symmetry

Both these problems are addressed by the use of map reference
types. These come in two forms:
 - index-like references (clipper::Xmap_base::Map_reference_index)
 - coordinate-like references (clipper::Xmap_base::Map_reference_coord)

The index-like reference behaves like an index: it stores a reference
to a map and an index into that map. It is used to loop over all the
values in the asymmetric unit of a map, using the Xmap<>::first(), and
Map_reference_index::last() and Map_reference_index::next()
methods. The coordinate corresponding to the index can be returned at
any point.

The coordinate-like reference behaves like a coordinate: it stores a
reference to a map and a grid coordinate into that map. However to
enhance performance it also stores the index corresponding to that
coordinate, and the number of the symmetry operator used to get back
into the stored asymmetric unit. Since maps are usually accessed
systematically, the next coordinate used will commonly require the
same symmetry operator, and so that operator is tried first. An
efficient caching mechanism makes incrementing or decrementing the
coordinate along the u, v, or w directions particularly fast.

The differences between the index-like and coordinate-like reference types can be summarised as follows:
- index-like types can only refer to the position of a stored datum, i.e. a coordinate in the stored ASU.
- coordinate-like types can refer to any possible position, and therefore also store the symmetry transformations required to get back to the stored data.

Use of map reference types is always preferred over requesting a
coordinate directly. The accessor methods for the map are designed to
encourage efficient usage.

Map reference types may be shared between any maps which have the same
symmetry and grid sampling. It is the responsibility of the programmer
to ensure this restriction is obeyed.

\section s_mapcode Xmap code fragments

\subsection ss_mapio Importing and exporting Xmaps

Importing and exporting Xmaps to or from CCP4 map files couldn't be
easier. To import a map, use:
  clipper::CCP4MAPfile file;
  file.open_read( "" );
  file.import_xmap( xmap );

The extent and axis order of the input map do not matter, the
resulting map will always cover the preferred ASU. However, if there
is insufficient information in the input map to obtain an ASU, the
remaining portion of the map will be untouched.

To export a map, use:
  clipper::CCP4MAPfile file;
  file.open_write( "" );
  file.export_xmap( xmap );

\subsection ss_mapexp Expanding a map to a lower symmetry

Sometimes it is necessary to expand a map to a lower symmetry. The ASU
for the new spacegroup will be larger than the ASU for the old
spacegroup, so the additional density values must be generated by
applying the symmetry operators from the old spacegroup. This can be
handled automatically by the map class.

The new map is constructed to share a grid and cell with the old map,
but with the new spacegroup. We must ensure that every value in the
new map is set, so we loop over the new map using a
clipper::Xmap_base::Map_reference_index. The we request the
corresponding density from the old map, using the coordinate of the
  clipper::Xmap<float> oldmap, newmap;
  newmap.init( newspacegroup, oldmap.cell(), oldmap.grid_sampling() );
  clipper::Xmap_base::Map_reference_index ix;
  for ( ix = newmap.first(); !ix.last(); ) {
    newmap[ ix ] = oldmap.get_data( ix.coord() );

This works, but it would be faster to use a Map_reference_coord to
access the second map, so that the symmetry operators do not need to
be searched every time. The coordinate of the Map_reference_coord can
be set from the Map_reference_index into the first map. i.e.:
  clipper::Xmap<float> oldmap, newmap;
  newmap.init( newspacegroup, oldmap.cell(), oldmap.grid_sampling() );
  clipper::Xmap_base::Map_reference_index ix;
  clipper::Xmap_base::Map_reference_coord iy(oldmap);
  for ( ix = newmap.first(); !ix.last(); ) {
    iy.set_coord( ix.coord() );
    newmap[ ix ] = oldmap[ iy ];

\subsection ss_mapbloc Looping over a small block of density

Sometimes it is necessary to access all of the map values in a cubic
or oblong block of the unit cell. To perform this operation
efficiently, coordinate-like map references must be used to eliminate
the need to search over symmetry operators. Either of the following
approaches may be used, depending on the situation:

Three map references can be used, one each for looping along the u, v,
and w directions. Suppose the loop must run over the box bounded by
Coord_grid g0 and Coord_grid g1. This leads to code of the following
  clipper::Xmap_base::Map_reference_coord i0, iu, iv, iw;
  i0 = clipper::Xmap_base::Map_reference_coord( xmap, g0 );
  for ( iu = i0; iu.coord().u() <= g1.u(); iu.next_u() )
    for ( iv = iu; iv.coord().v() <= g1.v(); iv.next_v() )
      for ( iw = iv; iw.coord().w() <= g1.w(); iw.next_w() ) {
        // ---- access xmap[iw] here ----

Alternatively, in most cases it is only necessary to optimise the
innermost loop.
  int u, v;
  clipper::Xmap_base::Map_reference_coord ix( xmap );
  for ( u = g0.u(); u <= g1.u(); u++ )
    for ( v = g0.v(); v <= g1.v(); v++ )
      for ( ix.set_coord(Coord_grid(u,v,g0.w())); ix.coord().w() <= g1.w(); ix.next_w() ) {
        // ---- access xmap[ix] here ----
