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$Id: README,v 1.20 2010/09/13 01:59:16 cm-msk Exp $


This document will walk you through the process of configuring and activating
the OpenDKIM filter once it has been compiled and installed.  In doing so you

o Generate a private and public key pair for use when signing your mail
  (skipped if you will only be verifying)
o Post your public key in your DNS space (also skipped if only verifying)
o Choose a local socket interface between the filter and your MTA
o Configure your filter
o Activate your filter
o Test your filter


The INSTALL document in the root of the build director covers the compilation
and software installation of opendkim and its prerequisites.  You should
complete that process before continuing with the next section.


NOTE: If you will only be verfiying incoming mail and will not be signing,
start at step (5).

(1) Choose a selector name.  A selector is simply a symbolic name given to
    a key you will be using to sign your mail.  You are free to choose any
    name you wish.  One current convention if you are using multiple
    mailservers is to use the hostname (hostname only, not the fully-qualified
    domain name) of the host that will be providing the service.  Another 
    convention is to use the current month and year.

(2) Run the script "opendkim-genkey -s SELECTOR". The opendkim-genkey man
    page has full details of options.  This will generate a private key
    in PEM format and output a TXT record containing the matching public
    key appropriate for insertion into your DNS zone file.  Insert it in
    your zone file, increment the serial number, and reload your DNS system
    so the data is published.

(3) Publish your public DNS key.
    The public key DNS record should appear as a TXT resource record at:


    SELECTOR is the name you chose in step (1) above and will use with the
    Selector config option or the result of the KeyTable lookup.

    DOMAIN is the domain name specified in the "-d" command line, the Domain 
    option in the configuration file, or the domain that would be returned
    from a KeyTable lookup.
    For a translation of the parameters and value pairs, see RFC4871.  Using 
    "t=y" is indicates you are in "test mode", advising verifiers that they
    should not take any real action based on success or failure of the use
    of this key after verifing a message.  Remove the "t=y" once you have
    tested the DKIM signing of your messages to your satisfaction.

    You might want to set a short TTL on this record during testing so
    changes are propagated to other nameservers more quickly.

    Reload your nameserver so that the record gets published. If you are
    running BIND 9 the command is "rndc reload"; for other nameservers, 
    consult your vendor documentation.

    Check that the DNS server is returning your published DNS record.  Be
    aware that synchronization to secondary DNS servers and negative caching
    of DNS resolver servers may effect the results observed.  For reliable
    results, query your DNS server directly:

        dig -t txt SELECTOR._domainkey.DOMAIN NAMESERVER
    NAMESERVER is a nameserver for your domain.  You can get a list of these

        dig -t ns DOMAIN

    If the key can be retreived correctly then opendkim-testkey can be used to
    verify that the key matches the private key.

        opendkim-testkey -d DOMAIN -s SELECTOR -k rsa.private

    BIND servers have a 256 byte limit on serving TXT records, so a 1024 bit 
    RSA key is recommended if using BIND as your primary DNS server. See 
    section on LARGE KEYS.

(4) Store the private key in a safe place.  We generally use a path like
    /var/db/dkim/SELECTOR.key.pem (where "SELECTOR" is the name you chose).
    The /var/db/dkim directory and the associated .pem file should be owned by
    the user that will be executing the filter (preferably not the
    superuser) and be mode 0700 and 0600 respectively.

(5) Take a look at the opendkim.conf.simple as an example configuration file 
    for your domain.  If you wish to sign mail that comes from sources other 
    than the localhost address (, include these in CIDR notation in
    the confiugration file for the InternalHosts configuration option.

(6) Start opendkim.  You will need at least the "-p" option.  The current
    recommended set of command line options is:


    ...where SOCKETSPEC is the socket you told your MTA to use above,
    DOMAIN is the domain or set of domains for which you want to sign
    mail, KEYPATH is the path to the private key file you generated, and
    SELECTOR is the selector name you picked.  You can tack "-f" on there
    if you want it to run in the foreground instead of in the background
    as a daemon.

    Instead of command line options, you can also use a configuration file.
    In that case, you only need to tell the filter where the configuration
    file is by specifying a command line option of:


    ...where CONFPATH is the path to the configuration file you wish to
    use.  One or more configuration example files are provided.

(7) Configure your MTA:

    For Sendmail:

    (a) Choose a socket at which the MTA and the filter will rendezvous
        (see the documentation in libmilter for details)

    (b) Add a line like this example to your using your desired
        socket specification:
	    INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`opendkim', `S=inet:8891@localhost')

    (c) Rebuild your in the usual way

    For Postfix:

    (a) Choose a socket at which the MTA and the filter will rendezvous.
        Be careful with UNIX domain sockets as on some distributions and setups
	the smtpd process is running in a chroot environment.  A UNIX socket 
	will need to be visible to the chrooted smtpd process.

    (b) Add the following lines like this example to your postfix using
        your desired socket specification:

	    smtpd_milters = inet:localhost:8891
	    non_smtpd_milters = inet:localhost:8891
    (c) If you have a content filter in that feeds it back into a
        different smtpd process, you should alter the second smtpd process in to contain '-o receive_override_options=no_milters' to
	prevent messages being signed or verified twice.  For tips on avoiding
	DKIM signature breakage, see:

(8) Restart/reload your MTA.

    For Sendmail:
	kill -1 `head -1 /var/run/`

    For Postfix:
	postfix reload

	...or the following if was changed:

	/etc/init.d/postfix restart


The KeyTable and SigningTable are used to define signing instructions to the
filter where use of Domain, Selector and KeyFile together are insufficient.

First, select the type of database you will use for each.  They need not
be the same.  The "DATA SETS" portion of the opendkim(8) man page describes
the possibilities and how they are formatted.  Then, construct those databases.

Let's suppose you want to sign for two domains, and
Within, you want to sign for user "president" differently than
everyone else.  Let's say further that you want to use a flat text file.

You've generated private key files for each of these and stored them
in the directory /usr/local/etc/dkim/keys as files "president", "excom" and
"exnet", with the obvious intents.  You want to use selectors "foo", "bar"
and "baz" for those, respectively.  The signing domains match the senders
(i.e. the signatures for's stuff will be held by,
and likewise).

First, write the KeyTable.  This is a list of the keys you intend to use,
and you just assign arbitrary names to them.  So as a flat file, the KeyTable
for the above might look like this:


Per the documentation, multi-field data sets that are made of flat files have
the fields separated by colons, but the key and value(s) are separated by

So now we've named each key file, and specified with which selector and domain
each will be used, and then given each of those groupings a name.  This
is your KeyTable.  Let's say you put it in /usr/local/etc/dkim/keytable.

Next, write the SigningTable.  This maps senders (by default, taken from the
From: header field of a message passing through the filter) to which keys
will be used to sign their mail.  Wildcards are allowed.  So to do what was
described above, we write it as follows:	preskey
	*		comkey
	*		netkey

Since we want to use wildcards, we can't actually use a regular flat file.
Wildcards require a regular expression file, or "refile".  The above is
valid format for one of those.  Let's say you put this in

Finally, tell the filter that it should use these files by adding this to
your configuration file:

	KeyTable	/usr/local/etc/dkim/keytable
	SigningTable	refile:/usr/local/etc/dkim/signingtable

You could put "file:" in front of the filename for the KeyTable just to be
precise, but "file:" is assumed if the value starts with a "/".


To test, send a piece of e-mail through the MTA doing signing for your
domain to one or more of these auto-responders:

It should be returned to you shortly showing your message in the body of a
new message, including all of the header changes that were made in transit.

An alternative is to send a message to an email service provider such
as Gmail or Yahoo! that is known to verify DKIM signatures, and view the
full text of the message you receive there.

The message you generated should appear (either at the ESP to which you
sent or in the auto-reply you receive) with a DKIM-Signature: header field
added containing the signature data from your opendkim filter, and an 
Authentication-Results: header field that the receiving machine added after
verifying the signature.  The value of this header field should indicate a 
"pass".  If it doesn't, something in between has altered your message in a way
that invalidated the signature.  Perhaps you have other filters running that
appended to or otherwise modified a header or the message body.

The reply from the autoresponder address, or an e-mail sent back to you from
your ESP account, will also itself be signed, and in the header of the reply
you should see its signature and another Authentication-Results: header
field added by your filter, which should also read "pass".


If you wish to use a large key in DNS, there are some limitations of which
you should be aware.  A TXT record in the DNS consists of a series of
strings each of which don't exceed 255 bytes.  This is a result of the
fact that each string is preceded by a length byte (which, of course,
can't exceed 255).  Furthermore, some DNS implementations don't allow
packets larger than 512 bytes.  Some RSA keys will exceed the 255 byte
limit once encoded with base64, so some special formatting must be
used to make such a record fit.  Failing to do so can cause an incomplete
record to be published or, worse, the nameserver to refuse to serve the
record or even the entire zone.

In the case of the BIND nameserver, there are two syntax rules one can use
to make a large record fit within these boundaries:

1) TXT substrings

	Instead of a record like:

	recname	IN	TXT	"foobarbazblivitalphabravocharliedelta...zulu" can also do:

	recname	IN	TXT	"foobar" "baz" "blivit" "alpha" ... "zulu"

	(The "..." is mean to indicate continuation and is not a literal set of
	three "." characters.)

	You simply have to break up the large record into smaller strings such
	that no string exceeds 255 bytes.  DKIM implementations will
	reassemble TXT records broken down this way into the full original
	single string before processing them.

2) Line continuations

	It can be difficult for some to edit very long lines of text.
	It's therefore desirable to have a mechanism to break very long
	TXT records down so that they fit nicely within an editor window.
	In BIND, this is done by enclosing the wrapped lines within
	parentheses.  Continuing with the example above, this:

	recname	IN	TXT	"foobar" "baz" "blivit" "alpha" ... "zulu"

	...can also be expressed as:

	recname	IN	TXT	( "foobar" "baz" "blivit" "alpha"
				  "bravo" "charlie" "delta" "echo"
				  "yankee" "zulu" )

So using these two techniques, a very large public key could be encoded
in a DNS zone file as follows:

recname	IN	TXT	( "v=DKIM1; g=*; k=rsa; "
 			  "17gr+XZOrfFLJ5IwpVK/a19m3BLxADf0Kh3oZwIDAQAB" )


Two configuration file entries are provided to enable detailed debugging
and forensics when tracking down failed verifications.  These are
"KeepTemporaryFiles" and "TemporaryDirectory".

When a message is to be signed or verified, its headers and body are passed
through a selected canonicalization algorithm.  The output of this algorithm
is stored in a pair of temporary files if "KeepTemporaryFiles" is enabled.
If a verifier and a signer both produce these files, they can be compared
after a failed verification to determine how the signed data and verified
data differ.

"TemporaryDirectory" simply selects the directory to be used to create
these files, if other than the default (/var/tmp) is desired.

These debug features are useful when using a remote verifier that is equipped
to send back replies which contain the canonicalization output at the remote
end.  Such a verifier, when a signature verification fails, will ask the
sending domain for its sender policy.  If that policy exists and contains
an "r=" tag, then the verifier will send a message to the address
contained in that tag which contains the canonicalized forms of the failing
message as generated at the verifier.  Comparing these forms to the local
copies of the same (generated as described above) using a utility such as
"diff" will show how a message was modified between the signing and verifying
operations.  This will usually reveal the cause of the failed verification.


Published DomainKeys key records are almost totally compatible with DKIM.
The one area in which they differ is the use of the granularity ("g=") tag.

Under DomainKeys, the default granularity is the empty string.  DomainKeys
interprets this as "match anyone".  However, DKIM interprets this as
"match none".  Thus, a key record containing "g=" means one thing to
DomainKeys but the opposite to DKIM, making it incompatible.

Under DKIM, the default granularity is "*", which means "match anyone".

Since both systems have defaults that mean "match anyone", a DomainKeys
key record which doesn't have a "g=" string in it at all will work as
expected with DKIM.  Thus, if you want to use one key record with both
systems, remove the "g=" portion of the record and reload your nameserver.


Configuration files from v1.x.x installations of OpenDKIM are compatible
with v2.x.x except for the "KeyList" feature, which has been dropped in
favour of a more flexible configuration.

The "KeyList" in older versions was a file of this form:



	"pattern" was a pattern to be matched against the From: header field
	of a message being considered for signing, with the asterisk ("*")
	character being used as the conventional wildcard

	"domain" was the domain to be used when generating the signature

	"selector" was the selector to be used when generating the signature

	"keypath" was the path to the private key to be used to generate
	the signature

In the newer configuration files, this function has been split into two
different files.  The first, known as the "KeyTable", maps names of keys
to domains, selectors and keys, and the second, known as the "SigningTable",
maps sender patterns to entries in the first.

So if for example an older installation had the following KeyList:


This would now be split into the two new data sets.  In recent versions of
OpenDKIM, a data set can be in any of a number of actual forms (SQL databases,
flat files, LDAP directories, regular expression files, etc.) so these will
be expressed in terms of their data set keys (the item looked up) and values
(the item or items returned).  So in the new setup, a KeyTable matching
the above setup will contain:

	----		------


This defines the keys that will be used to sign.  Then it is necessary to
tell the filter which addresses get signed by which keys, so the SigningTable
will contain:

	----		------	K1	K2

Consult SigningTable in opendkim.conf(5) man page for a description of the
expected keys and values in the SigningTable data set.


Several OpenDKIM configuration values describe lists or sets of data, sometimes
with associated values.  OpenDKIM refers to these as "data sets".  They
can be stored in a variety of ways such as comma-separated lists, flat files,
files involving pattern matching (called "refiles"), Oracle/Sleepycat Berkeley
databases (hash or btree), SQL databases, Lua scripts or LDAP directories.

For some data sets, merely a test for membership in the set is done.  Such
entries only have "keys" (items in the set), with no associated "values".

`file' and `refile' data sets are nearly identical.  Each is a flat file
containing two columns separated by whitespace.  The left column is the key
and the right the value (as described above).  If more than one value appears
in the right column, then those values should be separated by colons, e.g.:

	key	value1:value2:value3

For example, the difference is that the key column of a `file' SigningTable
is matched exactly in the order described in opendkim.conf(5), while the key
column of a `refile' SigningTable is a glob-style expression using where "*"
is treated as zero or more characters.  The `refile' matching syntax is
the same as that of an OpenDKIM 1.x KeyList.

The `csl' data set works exactly he same way as a `file' data set, but instead
of specifying a file to read, it specifies a list of data separated by commas,

	csl:key1 value1,key2 value2

The `bdb' data set simply reads those key/value pairs from a Berkeley-style DB
file (also known as a Sleepycat DB) rather than a flat file or list.

For LDAP data sets, the search filter and the attributes to be returned
should be provided in the LDAP URI.  Any instances of `$d' in the LDAP
filter will be replaced with the domain or email address being queried for
(with the search terms as described above).

For instance, a simple SigningTable data set that searches for the "mail"
attribute and returns a "keyName" attribute might be:


The general format for using an LDAP directory in a data set is:


The scheme ldaps:// may be used to connect via SSL, and ldapi:// may be
used to connect via UNIX socket.

LDAP credentials are stored in the opendkim.conf file.

For ODBX (SQL database) data sets, a similar mechanism is used, but the URI
must also be tagged with the prefix "dsn:".  For the example above,
returning columns in a PostgreSQL database instead of LDAP attributes, you
might use:


The general format for using a database in a data set is:


The special DSN keys "table", "keycol" and "datacol" are required to name the
database from which to select records, the column in which keys will be found,
and the column(s) from which their corresponding values should be extracted.

A Lua script can be specified as below:


The Lua script will receive a global variable called "query" which is a string
containing the query to be performed.  The returned value is the return value 
of the script.


To manually generate a public and private key:

(1 Run this command:

   openssl genrsa -out rsa.private 1024

   This generates a private key and writes it to the file "rsa.private".
   The generated key is in PEM format and is a 1024-bit key, the
   minimum required by the DKIM specification.

(2) Run this command:

    openssl rsa -in rsa.private -out rsa.public -pubout -outform PEM

    This reads the private key generated in the previous step and
    extracts from it the matching public key.  This is written to the
    file "rsa.public".

(3) Add a TXT DNS record containing the base64 encoding of your public
    key, which is everything between the BEGIN and END lines in the
    rsa.public file generated above, with spaces and newlines removed.
    It should be in this form:

    "v=DKIM1; t=y; p=MFwwDQYJ...AwEAAQ=="

    ...using, of course, your own public key with is the base64 data 
    from the generated rsa.public file.

    For a translation of the parameter and value pairs shown here, see
    the DKIM specification (RFC4871) section 3.6.  The specification
    is available in a file in the source code package called
    "rfc4871.txt".  Basically this key record just announces an RSA
    public key and also declares that your site is using this key in
    test mode so nobody should take any real action based on success
    or failure of the use of this key to verify a message.

    NOTE:  Key sizes above 2700 bits are unlikely to fit into a 512 byte
    DNS record.


There are two public mailing lists available for news and questions about
OpenDKIM.  To keep up to date on the latest developments, please
subscribe to one or both of the following: (release announcements) (general discussion)

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information about our mailing lists at

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