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 <TITLE>BrlAPI Reference manual: Concurrency management between BrlAPI clients</TITLE>
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<H2><A NAME="sec-concurrency"></A> <A NAME="s3">3.</A> <A HREF="BrlAPI.html#toc3">Concurrency management between <EM>BrlAPI</EM> clients</A></H2>

<P>An essential purpose of <EM>BrlAPI</EM> is to manage concurrent access to the
braille display between the <EM>brltty</EM> daemon and applications. This
concurrency is managed "per Tty". We first describe this with a flat view, and
then consider Tty hierarchy.</P>

<H2><A NAME="ss3.1">3.1</A> <A HREF="BrlAPI.html#toc3.1">VT switching</A>

<P>Let's first describe how things work with the simple case of a single series of
Virtual Ttys (VTs), the linux console for instance.</P>

<P>As described in 
<A HREF="BrlAPI-2.html#sec-general">General Description</A>, before being able
to write output, a <EM>BrlAPI</EM> client has to "get" a tty, i.e. it sends to the
<EM>BrlAPI</EM> server the number of the linux' Virtual Tty on which it is running.
The <EM>BrlAPI</EM> server uses this information so as to know which client's output
should be shown on the braille display, according to the focus teller's

<P>Let's say some client <EM>A</EM> is running on VT 2.  It "got" VT 2 and wrote some
output on its <EM>BrlAPI</EM> connection.  The focus teller is <EM>brltty</EM> here: it
always tells to the <EM>BrlAPI</EM> server which VT is currently shown on the screen
and gets usual keyboard presses (it is "active").</P>

<P>Let's say VT 1 is active, then the <EM>BrlAPI</EM> server shows <EM>brltty</EM>'s output
on the braille display.  I.e. the usual <EM>brltty</EM> screen reading appears.
Moreover, when braille keys are pressed, they are passed to <EM>brltty</EM>, so that
usual screen reading can be performed.  When the user switches to VT 2,
<EM>brltty</EM> (as focus teller) tells it to the <EM>BrlAPI</EM> server, which then
remembers that client <EM>A</EM> has got it and has produced some output.  The
server then displays this output on the braille display.  Note that <EM>A</EM>
doesn't need to re-submit its output: the server had recorded it so as to be
able to show it as soon as the focus switches to VT 2.  Whenever some key of the
braille device is pressed, <EM>BrlAPI</EM> looks whether it is in the list of keys
that client <EM>A</EM> said to be of his interest.  If it is, it is passed to <EM>A</EM>
(and not to <EM>brltty</EM>). If it isn't, it is passed to <EM>brltty</EM> (and not to

<P>As a consequence, whenever clients get and release Ttys and the user switches
between Ttys, either the <EM>brltty</EM> screen reading or the client's output is
automatically shown according to rather natural rules.</P>

<H2><A NAME="ss3.2">3.2</A> <A HREF="BrlAPI.html#toc3.2">A pile of "paper sheets"</A>

<P>Let's look at VT 2 by itself. What is shown on the braille display can be seen
as the result of a pile of two paper sheets.  <EM>brltty</EM> is represented by the
bottom sheet on which its screen reading is written, and client <EM>A</EM> by the
top sheet on which its output is written. <EM>A</EM>'s sheet hence "covers"
<EM>brltty</EM>'s sheet: <EM>A</EM>'s output "mask" <EM>brltty</EM>'s screen reading.</P>

<P><EM>A</EM> may yet want to temporarily let <EM>brltty</EM>'s screen reading appear on VT
2, while still receiving some key presses, for instance.  For this, it sends a
"void" write.  The server then clears the recorded output for this connection
(in the sheet representation, the sheet becomes "transparent").  As a
consequence, <EM>brltty</EM>'s output is automatically shown (by transparency in the
sheet representation), just like if <EM>A</EM> had released the Tty.</P>

<P>Keypresses are handled in a similar way: <EM>A</EM>'s desire to get key presses is
satisfied first before <EM>brltty</EM>.</P>

<P>Let's say some other client <EM>B</EM> (probably launched by <EM>A</EM>) also gets VT 2
and outputs some text on its <EM>BrlAPI</EM> connection.  This adds a third sheet,
on top of the two previous ones.  It means that the <EM>BrlAPI</EM> server will show
<EM>B</EM>'s output on the braille device.  If <EM>A</EM> then outputs some text, the
server will record it (on <EM>A</EM>'s sheet which hence becomes opaque again), but
it won't be displayed on the braille device, since <EM>B</EM>'s sheet is still at
the top and opaque (i.e. with some text on it).  But if <EM>B</EM> issues a void
write, the server clears its ouput buffer (i.e. <EM>B</EM>'s sheet becomes
transparent), and as a result <EM>A</EM>'s output appear on the braille display (by
transparency through <EM>B</EM>'s sheet).</P>

<P>The sheet order is determined by the Tty "get"ting order. Some mecanism will be
added in near future for clients to precise "at which level its sheet should be
inserted" so as to avoid race conditions on the "get"ting order.</P>

<H2><A NAME="ss3.3">3.3</A> <A HREF="BrlAPI.html#toc3.3">Hierarchy</A>

<P>Now, what happens when running some <EM>screen</EM> program on, say, VT 3?  It
emulates a series of Ttys, whose output actually appear on the same VT 3.
That's where a hierarchy level appears: the focus information is not only the VT
number but also, in the case of VT 3, which <EM>screen</EM> window is active.  This
hence forms a <EM>tree</EM> of Ttys: the "root" being the vga driver's output, whose
sons are VTs, and VT 3 has the <EM>screen</EM> windows as sons.  <EM>Brltty</EM> is a
focus teller for the root, <EM>screen</EM> will have to be a focus teller for VT 3.
<EM>Screen</EM> should then get VT 3, not display anything (so that the usual
<EM>brltty</EM> screen reading will be shown by transparency), and tell the
<EM>BrlAPI</EM> server which <EM>screen</EM> window is active (at startup and at each
window switch).  This is not implemented directly in <EM>screen</EM> yet, but this
may be achieved via a second <EM>brltty</EM> daemon running the Screen driver (but
it isn't yet able to get the current window number though) and the <EM>BrlAPI</EM>

<P>A <EM>BrlAPI</EM> client <EM>C</EM> running in some <EM>screen</EM> window number 1 would
then have to get the Tty path "VT 3 then window 1", which is merely expressed
as "3 1".  The window number is available in the <CODE>WINDOW</CODE> environment
variable, set by <EM>screen</EM>. The VT number, which actually represents the "path
to screen's output" should be available in the <CODE>WINDOWPATH</CODE> environment
variable, also set by <EM>screen</EM>.  The client can thus merely concatenate the
content of <CODE>WINDOWPATH</CODE> (which could hold many levels of window numbers) and
of <CODE>WINDOW</CODE> and give the result as tty path to the <EM>BrlAPI</EM> server, which
then knows precisely where the client's usual output resides.  In practice,
applications just need to call <CODE>brlapi_enterTtyMode(BRLAPI_TTY_DEFAULT)</CODE>, and
the the <EM>BrlAPI</EM> client library will automatically perform all that.</P>

<P>Whenever the user switches to VT 3, the <EM>BrlAPI</EM> server remembers the window
that <EM>screen</EM> told to be active.  If it was window 1, it then displays
<EM>C</EM>'s output (if any).  Else <EM>brltty</EM>'s usual screen reading is shown.
Of course, several clients may be run in window 1 as well, and the "sheet pile"
mecanism applies: <EM>brltty</EM>'s sheet first (at the root of the Ttys tree), then
<EM>screen</EM>'s sheet (which is transparent, on VT 3), then <EM>C</EM>'s sheet (on
window 1 of VT 3), then other clients' sheets (on the same window).</P>

<P>Ttys are hence organized in a tree, each client adding its sheet at some tty in
the tree.</P>

<H2><A NAME="ss3.4">3.4</A> <A HREF="BrlAPI.html#toc3.4">The X-window case</A>

<P>Let's say some X server is running on VT 7 of a Linux system. Xorg's <EM>xinit</EM>
and <EM>xdm</EM> commands automatically set the X session's <CODE>WINDOWPATH</CODE>
environment variable to "7", so that X11 <EM>BrlAPI</EM> clients started from
the session just need to call <EM>brlapi_enterTtyMode(xid)</EM> where <EM>xid</EM>
is the X-window ID of the window of the client. The <EM>BrlAPI</EM> library
will automatically prepend the content of <CODE>WINDOWPATH</CODE> to it.</P>

<P>For text-based <EM>BrlAPI</EM> clients running in an xterm (which should just call
<CODE>brlapi_enterTtyMode(BRLAPI_TTY_DEFAULT)</CODE> as explained in the previous
section), <EM>BrlAPI</EM> detects the window id thanks to the <CODE>WINDOWID</CODE> variable
set by xterm.</P>

<P>Screen readers are not bound to a particular window, so they should call
<EM>brlapi_enterTtyModeWithPath(NULL, 0)</EM> to let the <EM>BrlAPI</EM> library only
send the content of <CODE>WINDOWPATH</CODE>, expressing that screen readers take the
whole tty.  The user should notably launch <EM>xbrlapi</EM>, which is a focus
teller for X-window as well as a keyboard simulator (<EM>brltty</EM> can't reliably
simulate them at the kernel level in such situation).  For accessing AT-SPI
contents (like gnome or kde applications), Orca should also be launched.  For
accessing AT-SPI terminals (like gnome-terminal) in the same way as in the
console, a second <EM>brltty</EM> daemon running the at-spi screen driver and the
<EM>BrlAPI</EM> driver can also be launched.  All three would get the VT of the
X session, in that order (for now): <EM>xbrlapi</EM> first, then <EM>orca</EM> and
<EM>brltty</EM> at last.  When the X focus is on an AT-SPI terminal, <EM>brltty</EM>
will hence be able to grab the braille display and key presses.  Else <EM>orca</EM>
would get them.  And <EM>xbrlapi</EM> would finally get remaining key presses and
simulate them.</P>

<P>Note: old versions of <CODE>xinit</CODE>, <CODE>xdm</CODE>, <CODE>kdm</CODE> or <CODE>gdm</CODE> do not
automatically set the <CODE>WINDOWPATH</CODE> variable. The user can set it by hand in
his <CODE>~/.xsession</CODE>, <CODE>~/.xinitrc</CODE>, <CODE>~/.gdmrc</CODE>... to "7"</P>

<P>Note: some Operating Systems like Solaris do not have VTs. In that case
<CODE>WINDOWPATH</CODE> is empty or not even set.  Everything explained above still
work fine.</P>

<H2><A NAME="ss3.5">3.5</A> <A HREF="BrlAPI.html#toc3.5">Detaching</A>

<P>Several programs allow detaching: <EM>screen</EM> and <EM>VNC</EM> for instance. In such
situation, an intermediate <EM>BrlAPI</EM> server should be run for each such
session. Clients would connect to it, and it would prepend the "current tty"
path on the fly while forwarding things to the root <EM>BrlAPI</EM> server. This
intermediate server is yet to be written (but it is actually relatively close to

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