

distrib > Fedora > 15 > i386 > by-pkgid > 6398673121f0e0b698db70a5dc977644 > files > 744


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<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
  <!ENTITY klickety "<application
  <!ENTITY kappname "&klickety;">
  <!ENTITY package "kdegames"
><!-- do not change this! -->
  <!ENTITY kappversion "2.0"
><!--Applicaion version. Use this variable everywhere it's needed.-->
  <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE"
><!-- do not change this! -->
  <!ENTITY % Dutch "INCLUDE"
><!-- change language only here -->

<book lang="&language;"
><!-- do not change this! -->
>Het handboek van &klickety;</title
><!-- This is the title of the docbook. Leave as is unless change is necessary.-->
<!-- List of immediate authors begins here. -->
> <firstname
> <surname
> </personname
> <email
> </author>
> <firstname
> <surname
> </personname
> <email
> </author>

>Thomas Davey</holder>
>Ni Hui</holder>


><!-- Date of (re)writing, or update.-->
><!-- Application version number. Use the variable definitions within header to change this value.-->

>&klickety; is een strategiespel voor &kde;, een aanpassing van het <application
> spel.</para>

<!--List of relevan keywords-->
><!-- do not change this! -->
><!-- do not change this! -->
><!-- do not change this! -->
><!--Application name goes here-->
<!-- Game genre. Use as many as necessary. Available game types are: Arcade, Board, Card, Dice, Toys, Logic, Strategy.-->
<!--Number of possible players. It can be: One, Two,..., Multiplayer-->
>één speler</keyword>
<!--All other relevant keywords-->

<!--Content begins here: -->
<chapter id="introduction">
><!-- do not change this! -->
>Aantal mogelijke spelers:</title
>&klickety; is an adaptation of the Clickomania game. The rules are similar to those of the Same game: your goal is to clear the board by clicking on groups to destroy them. The overall aim is to get the lowest score possible. It will provide entertainment for all abilities, but a challenge in logical thought if you want to get a really low score. </para>

<chapter id="how-to-play">
>Hoe te spelen</title
><!-- do not change this! -->
>Clear the game board of all the colored blocks in the least possible time.</para
<!--How to play description. Don't be to specific on rules as they have a separate section in this document-->
>When you start the program you will get a screen that looks something like the screenshot in the previous section. The idea of the game is to remove blocks, which you do by clicking on them. </para>
>However, you can only remove a block if it is adjacent to one or more other blocks of the same color on one or more of its sides. Diagonal connections do not count. You get a random board every time you start a new game. </para>
>If you click on a block which is connected as described, it will disappear. Any adjacent blocks of the same color will also disappear, along with all of the same color adjacent to <emphasis
>, and so on. Any blocks above them drop down to fill the gaps left by the disappeared pieces. If you clear an entire column, all the columns to the right move across to fill the gap. </para>
>The game ends when there are no blocks adjacent to other blocks of the same colour. </para>

<sect1 id="game-screen">
>Het speelveld</title>
>A screenshot of &klickety;</screeninfo>
><imagedata fileref="gamescreen.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
A quick explanation of the parts of the game screen. </para>
>The Game screen is in the center of the screen and is the largest section of the window. </para
>The Status bar is located at the bottom of the screen. It displays how many pieces are left currently and the game timer, which keeps track of the elapsed time from the start of the game until the game is finished. </para


<chapter id="ksame_mode">
>The KSame Mode</title
><!-- do not change this! -->
>&klickety; provides a &ksame; scoring mode. </para>
>Het puntentotaal wordt als volgt berekend:</para>
>Trek 2 af van het aantal verwijderde parels, en neem daar het kwadraat van. </para>
>Als voorbeeld, als u 7 ballen verwijdert, dan krijgt u 25 punten (7 min 2 = 5, het kwadraat van 5 is 25 punten). Als u 8 ballen verwijdert, dan krijgt u 36 punten (8 min 2 = 6, het kwadraat van 6 is 36). </para>
>Pak zoveel parels als u kunt en verwijder ze met een muisklik. Op die manier krijgt u de meeste punten. Het spel is afgelopen als er geen parels meer kunnen worden verwijderd. </para>
>Het puntentotaal wordt dan verminderd met het aantal achtergebleven parels. Als u alle parels verwijdert, dan krijgt u 1.000 bonuspunten. </para>
>A screenshot of &klickety; in KSame mode</screeninfo>
><imagedata fileref="ksamemode.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>

<chapter id="interface">
>Overzicht van het interface</title
><!-- do not change this! -->
<!-- This section has to do with menubar. Describe every single entry in order. Use <variablelist
> and <varlistentry
>. Split the chapter into sections using <sect1(2,3)
> for better viewing.-->
<sect1 id="default-keybindings">
<title id="keybindings-title"
>Standaard sneltoetsen</title>
>Dialoog sneltoetsen instellen</screeninfo>
><imagedata fileref="shortcuts.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
>Dialoog sneltoetsen instellen</phrase

>Standaard sneltoetsen zijn:</para>

<tgroup cols="2">
><keycombo action="simul"
>Spel herstarten</entry>
><keycombo action="simul"
><keycombo action="simul"
>Ongedaan maken</entry>
><keycombo action="simul"
><keycombo action="simul"
>Wat is dit?</entry>
><keycombo action="simul"

<sect1 id="game-menu">
>Het menu Spel</title>

><keycombo action="simul"
> </shortcut
> <guimenu
> <guimenuitem
> </menuchoice
>Hiermee wordt een eerder opgeslagen spel weer ingelezen.</para

> <guimenu
> <guimenuitem
>Spel herstarten</guimenuitem
> </menuchoice
>This will restart the current game.</para

> <guimenuitem
>Nieuw genummerd spel...</guimenuitem
> </menuchoice
>Starts a specifically numbered game.</action>
>Dialoog Nieuw spel</screeninfo>
><imagedata fileref="numbered.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
>Dialoog nieuw spel</phrase

><keycombo action="simul"
> </shortcut
> <guimenu
> <guimenuitem
> </menuchoice
>Saves the current state of the game to the disk.</para

> <keycap
> <guimenu
> <guimenuitem
> </menuchoice
>Pauzeert of gaat verder met het spel. Wanneer het spel is gepauzeerd zijn de stenen niet te zien.</action

><keycombo action="simul"
> </shortcut
> <guimenu
> <guimenuitem
>Topscores tonen</guimenuitem
> </menuchoice
>Shows the high score list.</action>
>Topscores tonen</screeninfo>
><imagedata fileref="highscore.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
>Topscores tonen</phrase
>Wanneer u een score behaalt die hoog genoeg is om in de lijst te worden opgenomen wordt u gevraagd uw naam in te voeren. </para
> </listitem>

><keycombo action="simul"
> <guimenu
> <guimenuitem
> </menuchoice
>Selecting this item will end your current game, and exit &klickety;.</para


<sect1 id="move-menu">
>Het menu Zet</title>

><keycombo action="simul"
> <guimenu
> <guimenuitem
>Ongedaan maken</guimenuitem
> </menuchoice
>Maakt uw laatste zet ongedaan.</action

><keycombo action="simul"
> </shortcut
> <guimenu
> <guimenuitem
> </menuchoice
>Als u eerder een zet ongedaan hebt gemaakt, dan kunt u die hiermee opnieuw uitvoeren.</action

> <guimenuitem
>Alles ongedaan maken</guimenuitem
> </menuchoice
> all moves you made.</para

> <guimenuitem
>Alles opnieuw doen</guimenuitem
> </menuchoice
> all undone moves.</para


<sect1 id="settings-menu">
>Het menu Instellingen</title>

> <guimenuitem
>Werkbalk tonen</guimenuitem
> </menuchoice
>Toont of verbergt de werkbalk.</para

> <guimenuitem
>Statusbalk tonen</guimenuitem
> </menuchoice
>Toont of verbergt de statusbalk.</para

> <guisubmenu
> </menuchoice
>Hier kunt u de moeilijkheidsgraad in een submenu selecteren.</para>
>There are four levels of difficulty: <itemizedlist>
>Very easy</guimenuitem
>: 16 rows, 10 columns, 3 types of pieces.</para
>: 16 rows, 10 columns, 4 types of pieces.</para
>: 16 rows, 10 columns, 5 types of pieces.</para
>: 16 rows, 10 columns, 6 types of pieces.</para
>There is also a <guimenuitem
> level settings.</para>
>If you select <guimenuitem
>, then the settings you have configured in the <guimenuitem
>Configure &klickety;</guimenuitem
> dialog will be used.</para>

> <guimenuitem
>Sneltoetsen instellen...</guimenuitem
> </menuchoice
>Displays a standard &kde; shortcut configuration dialog</action
> to change the <link linkend="default-keybindings"
>keyboard shortcuts</link
> for &klickety;.</para

> <guimenuitem
>Werkbalken instellen...</guimenuitem
> </menuchoice
>Opent een standaard &kde;-dialoog waarin u de pictogrammen op de werkbalken kunt instellen.</para

> <guimenuitem
>Meldingen instellen...</guimenuitem
> </menuchoice
>This item displays a standard &kde; notifications configuration dialog, where you can change the notifications (sounds, visible messages, &etc;) used by &klickety;.</para

> <guimenuitem
>Configure &klickety;...</guimenuitem
> </menuchoice
>Opens a dialog to configure &klickety;.</action
> For details, see <link linkend="configuration"


<sect1 id="help"
><!--This is a standard Help menubar entry. Only change if needed.-->
>Het menu Help</title>
&; </sect1>


<chapter id="faq">
>Veel voorkomende vragen</title
> <!-- do not change this! -->
<!--This chapter is for frequently asked questions. Please use <qandaset
> <qandaentry
> only!-->

<!--Following is a standard list of FAQ questions.-->
>Ik wil het uiterlijk van dit spel wijzigen. Kan dat? </para
>Yes. To change the way &klickety; looks use the <link linkend="settings-menu"
> to open the <link linkend="configuration"
>configuration utility</link
>Kan ik het toetsenbord gebruiken om het spel te spelen?</para
>No. This game does not feature a keyboard play mode yet.</para
>How to start the game in KSame mode?</para
>You can launch &klickety; with command <userinput
>klickety --KSameMode</userinput
> or &ksame; menu entry in K menu.</para


<chapter id="configuration">
><!-- do not change this! -->
<!--This section describes configuration &GUI;. If your game is configured using menubar exclusively, please remove this section.-->
>Configure &klickety;...</guimenuitem
> opens the <guilabel
>Configure - &klickety;</guilabel
> dialog.</para>

<sect1 id="general-options">
>Algemene opties</title>
>Show bound lines</guilabel
>This option will show bound lines between pieces with different color. </para
>Enable animation</guilabel
>This option will enable the falling and merging animation when pieces are removed. </para
>Enable highlight</guilabel
>This option will enable highlighting on pieces hovered if they can be removed. </para
>Algemene opties</screeninfo>
><imagedata fileref="config-general.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
>Algemene opties</phrase

<sect1 id="theme-options">
>Theme options</title>
> selector</term>
>Use the <guilabel
> selector to set a theme for the game.</para
>Theme options</screeninfo>
><imagedata fileref="config-theme.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
>Theme options</phrase

<sect1 id="background-options">
>Opties voor de achtergrond</title>
>You can choose a background graphic for the game. There are three kinds of background type you can use. <variablelist>
>Use the background shipped with the current theme.</para
>Use a custom solid color for the background.</para
>Use an image for the background graphic.</para
>Opties voor de achtergrond</screeninfo>
><imagedata fileref="config-background.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
>Opties voor de achtergrond</phrase

<sect1 id="customgame-options">
>Custom Game options</title>
>You can set the <guilabel
> and <guilabel
> of the board and the <guilabel
>Color count</guilabel
> used in your custom level. </para>
>Custom game options</screeninfo>
><imagedata fileref="config-customgame.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
>Custom game options</phrase


<chapter id="credits">
>Dankbetuigingen en licentie</title>
>Program Copyright &copy; 1995, Eirik Eng</para>
>Program Copyright &copy; 1996&ndash;2004, &Nicolas.Hadacek;&Nicolas.Hadacek.mail;</para>
>Program Copyright &copy; 2010, Ni Hui <email
>Documentation Copyright &copy; 2005, Thomas Davey</para>
>Documentation Copyright &copy; 2010, Ni Hui <email
&underFDL; &underGPL; </chapter>

<appendix id="installation">
<sect1 id="Compilation">
>Compilatie en installatie</title>
&install.compile.documentation; </sect1>
