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>Het handboek van &kalarm;</title>

> <surname
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> <address

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>2.06.00 (&kde; 4.6)</releaseinfo>

>&kalarm; is een persoonlijke planner voor herinneringen, commando's en e-mailberichten voor &kde;.</para>

>herinnering vooraf</keyword>


<chapter id="introduction">

>&kalarm; stelt u in staat persoonlijke herinneringsberichten, het afspelen van geluidsbestanden, het uitvoeren van commando's en het verzenden van e-mails in te plannen.</para>

>In zijn standaard grafische modus toont &kalarm; de lijst met herinneringendie in de wachtrij staan, met hun tijd(en) en details. U kunt nieuwe herinneringen aanmaken of u kunt bestaande herinneringen wijzigen of verwijderen. U kunt ook, als optie, reeds verlopen herinneringen bekijken.</para>

>Bij het instellen van een herinnering, kunt u kiezen of deze herhaald moet worden, en of de herinnering geannuleerd moet worden als er geen melding van gemaakt kan worden op de ingestelde tijd. U kunt een berichttekst intypen, een tekst- of beeldbestand kiezen dat getoond moet worden, of een commando specificeren waarvan de uitvoer getoond moet worden bij het tonen van de herinnering. U kunt ook de kleur van het herinneringsbericht kiezen, of er een geluid afgespeeld moet worden en of het bericht voorgelezen moet worden.</para>

>Herinneringen kunnen ook ingesteld worden vanaf de commandoregel, of via een &DBus;-oproep vanuit een ander programma.</para>

>Wanneer een herinnering afloopt, wordt er een visueel herinneringsbericht getoond op elk &kde;-bureaublad opdat u het zeker ziet. Dit berichtvenster toont de geplande tijd voor de herinnering, en het heeft meestal een uitsteloptie om de herinnering later opnieuw te laten tonen. Een voorbeeld van een herinneringsbericht:</para>

>Schermafbeelding van een berichtvenster van &kalarm;</screeninfo>
<imagedata fileref="alarmmessage.png" format="PNG"/>

>Wanneer er een commando uitgevoerd of een e-mail verzonden moet worden door de herinnering, geeft &kalarm; niets weer.</para>

>Normaal staat er een pictogram van &kalarm; in het systeemvak hoewel dit, indien gewenst, verborgen kan worden.</para>


<chapter id="using-kalarm">
>&kalarm; gebruiken</title>

>Als &kalarm; uitgevoerd wordt zonder extra parameters op de commandoregel, start &kalarm; in grafische modus, en toont daarbij de huidige lijst met openstaande herinneringen.</para>

>Alle schuifregelaars in &kalarm; hebben een versnelling. Om de waarden met grotere stappen te veranderen: druk op &Shift; en klik op één van depijltjes van de schuifregelaar.</para>

<imagedata fileref="spinbox.png" format="PNG"/>

<sect1 id="alarm-types">
>Typen herinneringen</title>

>De beschikbare basisfuncties in &kalarm; voor verschillende typen herinneringen zijn:</para>

>Herinneringen kunnen getoond worden met een tekstbericht dat u intypt, met de inhoud van een tekst- of beeldbestand, of met de tekstuitvoer van een commando dat uitgevoerd wordt op het moment dat de herinneringstijd bereikt wordt. Daarbij kan er ook een audiobestand afgespeeld worden, tekst voorgelezen worden of een bieptoon uitgestuurd worden. U kunt eveneens commando's instellen die uitgevoerd moeten worden voordat en nadat het herinneringsbericht getoond wordt.</para>

>Commandoherinneringen voeren ofwel een enkel commando ofwel een shellscript uit (door u ingetypt). Er wordt bij zo'n herinnering niets getoond, behalve als er een fout optreedt.</para>

>Herinneringen via e-mail verzenden een e-mail. Er wordt niets getoond, behalve als er een fout optreedt.</para>

>Audioherinneringen spelen een audio-bestand af. Er wordt niets getoond, behalve als er een fout optreedt.</para>

<sect2 id="errors">
>Afhandelen van fouten</title>

>Wanneer er een fout optreedt bij het uitvoeren van een herinnering, wordt er een foutmelding getoond (behalve als u ervoor hebt ingesteld dat dat type berichten niet meer getoond moet worden).</para>

>Als er de laatste keer bij het uitvoeren van een commandoherinnering een fout optrad, wordt er een wit-op-rood uitroepteken getoond in de kolom met kleuren bij de berichten. Details van de fout worden weergegeven in een tekstballon wanneer u uw muisaanwijzer op die regel in de lijst met herinneringen zet. Dezelfde foutmeldingen worden getoond bij schermherinneringen als er een uitvoerfout optrad bij een commando voor of na het alarm (zoals gedefinieerd in het dialoogvenster Speciale Acties), maar hier zonder de rode achtergrond in de kleurenkolom.</para>


<sect1 id="alarm-list">

>Het hoofdvenster van &kalarm; toont de huidige lijst met openstaande herinneringen. Daarbij worden ook de tijden, de herhalingsintervallen en kleuren getoond, en ook de berichttekst, de naam van de bestanden die afgespeeld of getoond moeten worden, het commando dat uitgevoerd moet worden, of het onderwerp van de e-mail. (Voor een terugkerende herinnering wordt de tijd getoond waarop de eerstvolgende keer de herinnering plaatsvindt. Voor een herinnering met een herinnering vooraf, wordt de tijd getoond van de herinnering zelf, niet van de herinnering vooraf.) Een pictogram links van elke herinneringstekst/bestand/commando/e-mailonderwerp duidt het type herinnering aan.</para>

>Schermafbeelding van het hoofdvenster van &kalarm;</screeninfo>
<imagedata fileref="mainwindow.png" format="PNG"/>

>In de lijst worden van herhaalde herinneringen deeerstvolgende keer dat ze plaatsvinden, en ook het basis herhalingsinterval getoond (&eg; <quote
>1 dag</quote
> voor iets dat dagelijks terugkomt, <quote
>3 weken</quote
> voor een herinnering die om de 3 weken maandag en woensdag voorkomt, of <quote
> voor een herinnering die herhaald wordt elke keer dat u zich aanmeldt).</para>

>Als er de laatste keer bij het uitvoeren van een commandoherinnering, of van een pre- of postherinneringscommando, een fout optrad, wordt er een foutmelding getoond in de kleurenkolom, wat u hierboven kunt terugvinden in <link linkend="errors"
>Afhandelen van fouten</link

<sect2 id="listappear">
>Het uiterlijk van de herinneringslijst veranderen</title>

>De herinneringen kunnen gesorteerd worden op datum/tijd, herhalingsinterval, kleur, type of tekst door te klikken op de titelbalk van de desbetreffende kolom. Om de sortering om te keren klikt u nogmaals op de titelbalk van dezelfde kolom.</para>

>Optioneel kunt u ook de resterende tijd tot een herinnering laten tonen, samen met, of in plaats van, de geplande tijd van de herinnering. Om de tijdskolom van de herinneringen te tonen of te verbergen, gaat u naar <menuchoice
>Tijdstippen herinneringen tonen</guimenuitem
>. Om de kolom met de resterende tijd te tonen of te verbergen, klikt u op <menuchoice
>Resterende tijd tot herinneringen tonen</guimenuitem
>. Er wordt steeds minstens één van de kolommen getoond.</para>

>Als u meerdere kalenders gebruikt, kunt u een achtergrondkleur instellen voor kalenders. De bijbehorende herinneringen zullen dan ook die kleurcode krijgen.</para>


<sect2 id="expired">
>Gearchiveerde herinneringen</title>

>Standaard archiveert &kalarm; herinneringen voor een beperkte tijd wanneer ze verwijderd of verlopen zijn. (Opmerking: herinneringen die verwijderd zijn, worden enkel bijgehouden als ze reeds minstens één keer plaatsgevonden hebben.) U kunt instellen of &kalarm; herinneringen bijhoudt, en voor hoe lang, in het <link linkend="preferences-storage"
> Configuratievenster</link

>Verlopen herinneringen kunnen toch getoond worden in de herinneringslijst door te klikken op <menuchoice
> Verlopen herinneringen tonen</guimenuitem
>. Om deze herinneringen terug te verbergen, klikt u nogmaals op hetzelfde item in het menu.</para>


<sect2 id="search">
>Zoeken in de herinneringslijst</title>

>U kunt de herinneringslijst doorzoeken om herinneringen te vinden die de zoektekst bevatten. Om deze functie op te starten, klikt u op <menuchoice
> <guimenu
> Bewerken</guimenu
> Zoeken...</guimenuitem
>. In het dialoogvenster dat dan verschijnt, kunt u de typen herinneringen selecteren waarnaar gezocht moet worden. Om andere zoekresultaten te vinden kunt u <menuchoice
> <guimenu
>Volgende zoeken</guimenuitem
> of <menuchoice
> <guimenu
>Vorige zoeken</guimenuitem
> </menuchoice
> aanklikken.</para>

>Het zoeken wordt als volgt uitgevoerd:</para>

>Herinneringen met tekstbericht: de berichttekst wordt doorzocht.</para>

>Herinneringen die een bestand tonen: er wordt gezocht in het bestandspad/&URL;.</para>

>Commandoherinneringen: er wordt gezocht in het commando of het commandoscript.</para>

>Herinneringen via e-mail: er wordt gezocht in het onderwerp en de inhoud van de e-mail, maar ook in de ontvanger(s), en de URL's van bijlagen.</para>

>Audioherinneringen: er wordt gezocht in het bestandspad/&URL;.</para>

>Men kan enkel herinneringen die momenteel getoond worden in de herinneringslijst selecteren om in te zoeken. Als u dus eveneens in de verlopen herinneringen wilt zoeken, moet u ze eerst zichtbaar maken (zie hierboven).</para

<sect1 id="create-edit">
>Herinneringen aanmaken en bewerken</title>

>Een nieuwe herinnering aanmaken</title>

>Om een nieuwe herinnering aan te maken, moet u één van volgende stappen doen, en dan het type herinnering selecteren uit de lijst die tevoorschijn komt. Dit toont het <link linkend="alarm-edit-dlg"
>Dialoogvenster om herinneringen te bewerken</link
>, waarin u herinneringen kan instellen.</para>

> <guimenuitem
> selecteren.</para>

> klikken op het pictogram in het systeemvak en <menuchoice
>Nieuwe herinnering</guimenuitem
> kiezen uit het contextmenu.</para>

> klikken in de herinneringslijst, dan <menuchoice
> kiezen uit het contextmenu.</para>

>Anders kunt u nieuwe herinneringen aanmaken door gebruik te maken van op voorhand geconfigureerde herinneringen uit verschillende bronnen:</para>

>Volg, om een nieuwe herinnering te baseren op een herinneringssjabloon, de instructies in het deel <link linkend="templates"

>Om een nieuwe herinnering te baseren op een reeds bestaande herinnering, markeer de bestaande herinnering in de lijst, en selecteer <menuchoice
> <guimenu
>. Dit opent het <link linkend="alarm-edit-dlg"
>Dialoogvenster om herinneringen te bewerken</link
>, met de details van de geselecteerde herinnering reeds ingevuld.</para>

>Sleep, om een nieuwe herinnering te creëren die een reeds bestaande e-mail toont, de juiste e-mail vanuit &kmail; naar het hoofdvenster van &kalarm;, of naar het pictogram van &kalarm; in het systeemvak. Dit opent het <link linkend="alarm-edit-dlg"
>Dialoogvenster om herinneringen te bewerken</link
> met als herinneringstekst het hele e-mailbericht (inclusief de afzender, de ontvanger, &etc;).</para>

>Sleep, om een nieuwe herinnering te creëren die een kopie verzendt van een reeds bestaand e-mailbericht, de originele e-mail vanuit &kmail; naar het hoofdvenster van &kalarm; of naar het pictogram van &kalarm; in het systeemvak. Selecteer dan de <guilabel
>-optie. Het <link linkend="alarm-edit-dlg"
>Dialoogvenster om herinneringen te bewerken</link
> zal dan reeds het hele e-mailbericht bevatten, uitgezonderd de afzender.</para>

>Sleep, om een nieuw herinnering aan te maken die een samenvatting toont van een reeds bestaande taak, de taak vanuit &korganizer; of een andere applicatie naar het hoofdvenster van &kalarm; of naar het pictogram van &kalarm; in het systeemvak. Dit opent het <link linkend="alarm-edit-dlg"
>Dialoogvenster om herinneringen tebewerken</link
> met de taakinhoud als herinneringstekst.</para>

>U kunt eender welk stuk tekst naar het hoofdvenster van &kalarm; of naar het pictogram van &kalarm; in het systeemvak slepen, waarop het <link linkend="alarm-edit-dlg"
>Dialoogvenster om herinneringen tebewerken</link
> geopend wordt, met als herinneringstekst dat stuk tekst.</para>

>Sleep, om een herinnering aan te maken die een bestand toont, de &URL; van het tekst- of afbeeldingsbestand naar het hoofdvenster van &kalarm; of naar het pictogram van &kalarm; in het systeemvak. Dit opent het <link linkend="alarm-edit-dlg"
>Dialoogvenster om herinneringen te bewerken</link
> en vult daar de bestandsnaam voor u in.</para>

>Sleep, om een audioherinnering aan te maken, de &URL; van het audiobestand naar het hoofdvenster van &kalarm; of naar het pictogram van &kalarm; in het systeemvak. Dit open het <link linkend="alarm-edit-dlg"
>Dialoogvenster om herinneringen te bewerken</link
> en stelt de bestandsnaam daar voor u in.</para>

>U kunt automatisch herinneringen voor verjaardagen laten aanmaken voor mensen die in het &kaddressbook; staan. Instructies kunt u terugvinden in <link linkend="birthdays"
>Verjaardagen importeren uit &kaddressbook;</link



<sect2 id="edit-alarm">
>Een bestaande herinnering aanpassen</title>

>Om een openstaande herinnering aan te passen (verstreken herinneringen kunnen niet aangepast worden), zijn er volgende mogelijkheden:</para>

>Dubbelklikken op de juiste regel in de herinneringslijst.</para>

>De herinnering selecteren door te klikken op de regel in de herinneringslijst. Daarna op <menuchoice
> <guimenuitem
> klikken.</para>

> klikken op de juiste regel in de herinneringslijst en dan op <menuchoice
> </menuchoice
> klikken in het contextmenu.</para>

>Dit toont het <link linkend="alarm-edit-dlg"
>Dialoogvenster om herinneringen te bewerken</link


>Een herinnering verwijderen/opnieuw activeren</title>

>Om bestaande herinneringen te verwijderen, selecteert u één of meer herinneringen door te klikken op de juiste regels in de herinneringslijst. Dan zijn er volgende mogelijkheden:</para>

>Op <menuchoice
> <guimenu
> </menuchoice
> klikken.</para>
> klikken op de geselecteerde rijen en op <menuchoice
> klikken in het contextmenu.</para>
> indrukken om ze te verwijderen zonder bevestiging.</para>

>Als u een actieve herinnering verwijdert, wordt deze gearchiveerd als dezereeds ten minste één maal uitgevoerd is geweest voor het verwijderen, en als ingesteld is dat verlopen alarmen gearchiveerd moeten worden. (Gebruik het<link linkend="preferences-storage"
> om in te stellen of, en hoe lang gearchiveerde herinneringen bijgehouden moeten worden.) Als u een gearchiveerde of een nog niet uitgevoerde openstaande herinnering verwijderd, wordt deze permanent verwijderd.</para>

>Als de herinnering nog niet verlopen is, kunt u een gearchiveerde herinnering in de herinneringslijst terug activeren. Om dit te bereiken, moet u eerst de gearchiveerde herinneringen zichtbaar maken, zoals beschreven in<link linkend="expired"
>Gearchiveerde herinneringen</link
>. Dan:</para>

>Een of meerdere gewenste gearchiveerde herinneringen selecteren in de herinneringslijst door erop te klikken. Dan op <menuchoice
> <guimenu
> </menuchoice
> klikken.</para>
> klikken op de gewenste regels in de lijst met verlopen herinneringen en op <menuchoice
> klikken in het contextmenu.</para>


>Een herinnering in- of uitschakelen</title>

>Zie <link linkend="enable-disable"
>Herinneringen in- of uitschakelen</link
>om te weten te komen hoe herinneringen in- of uitgeschakeld moeten worden, zowel totaal als individueel.</para>


>Een herinnering bevestigen</title>

>Zie <link linkend="message-window"
>Berichtvenster voor herinneringen</link
> om te weten te komen hoe een alarm bevestigd moet worden.</para>


<sect2 id="templates">

>Als u regelmatig gelijkaardige herinneringen wilt instellen, kunt u een herinneringssjabloon creëren om te vermijden dat u elke keer alle details opnieuw moet intypen. Een sjabloon kan alle mogelijke details voor een herinnering bevatten, behalve de aanvangsdatum.</para>

>Bijvoorbeeld: u wilt regelmatig herinnerd worden aan een televisieprogramma waarvan de tijd van week tot week varieert. Het sjabloon kan dan alle herinneringsdetails bevatten (berichttekst, of er een geluid afgespeeld moet worden, &etc;) uitgezonderd datum en tijd. Als u dan nu zo'n herinnering wilt aanmaken, opent u gewoon het <link linkend="alarm-edit-dlg"
>Dialoogvenster om herinneringen tebewerken</link
> met het sjabloon, en vult u de datum en de tijd in.</para>

>Om een herinnering te creëren die gebaseerd is op een sjabloon, opent u het <link linkend="alarm-edit-dlg"
>Dialoogvenster om herinneringen te bewerken</link
>, met de sjabloondetails reeds ingesteld.</para>

>In het menu het item <menuchoice
> <guimenu
> <guimenuitem
>Nieuw van sjabloon</guimenuitem
> </menuchoice
> selecteren, en dan het gewenste sjabloon selecteren.</para>

> klikken op het pictogram in het systeemvak en<menuchoice
>Nieuwe herinnering van sjabloon</guimenuitem
> </menuchoice
> selecteren in het contextmenu. Dan het gewenste sjabloon selecteren.</para>

>Het <link linkend="alarm-edit-dlg"
>Dialoogvenster om herinneringen te bewerken</link
> openen op de gewone manier, en op de knop <guibutton
>Sjabloon laden...</guibutton
> klikken om een sjabloon te selecteren zodat de herinnering de gewenste gegevens bevat.</para>

>Sjablonen instellen</title>

>U kunt sjablonen creëren, aanpassen of verwijderen met behulp van het dialoogvenster Herinneringssjablonen, of u kunt een nieuw herinneringssjabloon aanmaken op basis van een reeds bestaande herinnering.</para>

>Om een nieuw herinneringssjabloon te maken, zijn er volgende mogelijkheden:</para>

>Het dialoogvenster voor herinneringssjablonen wordt getoond door in het menu <menuchoice
> <guimenuitem
> </menuchoice
> aan te klikken; daarna klikt u op <guibutton
> en kiest u het herinneringstype uit de getoonde lijst. Hiermee opent u een dialoogvenster met een leeg sjabloon dat u kunt invullen.</para>

>Het dialoogvenster voor herinneringssjablonen laten tonen door in het menu <menuchoice
> <guimenu
> <guimenuitem
> </menuchoice
> aan te klikken; daarna selecteert u een reeds bestaand sjabloon uit de lijst, en klikt u op <guibutton
>. Hierdoor wordt het dialoogvenster om herinneringssjablonen te bewerken geopend, ingevuld met de gegevens van het reeds bestaande sjabloon.</para>

>Een herinnering aanduiden in de herinneringslijst en <menuchoice
> <guimenu
>Nieuw sjabloon maken...</guimenuitem
> selecteren. Hierdoor wordt het dialoogvenster om herinneringssjablonen te bewerken geopend, met een kopie van de gegevens van de geselecteerde herinnering.</para>

>Om een reeds bestaand sjabloon te bewerken, opent u het dialoogvenster herinneringssjablonen door het item <menuchoice
> <guimenu
> <guimenuitem
> </menuchoice
>  in het menu te selecteren, en dan op de knop <guibutton
> te klikken. Hierdoor wordt het dialoogvenster om herinneringsjablonen te bewerken getoond, zoals hieronder beschreven.</para>

>Om bestaande sjablonen te verwijderen, opent u het dialoogvenster herinneringssjablonen door op <menuchoice
> <guimenu
> <guimenuitem
> </menuchoice
> te klikken, dan een of meerdere sjablo(o)n(en) te selecteren en op <guibutton
> te klikken. Er wordt steeds een bevestiging gevraagd om te voorkomen dat sjablonen per ongeluk verwijderd worden.</para>


>Dialoogvenster om sjablonen te bewerken</title>

>Het dialoogvenster om sjablonen te bewerken is gelijkaardig aan het <link linkend="alarm-edit-dlg"
>Het dialoogvenster om alarmen te bewerken</link
>. De volgende punten zijn anders:</para>

>De naam van de sjabloon invoeren in <guilabel
>Naam sjabloon</guilabel
>. Deze naam wordt getoond in lijsten waar u sjablonen moet selecteren, dus u kunt best een naam kiezen die u herinnert aan de functie van de sjabloon. Elke sjabloonnaam moet uniek zijn.</para>

>In het kader <guilabel
> moet u een van volgende mogelijkheden selecteren:</para>

>Standaard tijd</guilabel
> als u geen uitvoertijd wilt specificeren.Herinneringen die dan op dit sjabloon gebaseerd worden, zullen in het begin de standaard uitvoertijd gebruiken, die ook bij nieuwe herinneringen gebruikt wordt.</para>

> selecteren om een tijd in te voeren waarop de herinnering uitgevoerd moet worden.</para>

>Alleen datum</guilabel
> selecteren om aan te geven dat de herinnering enkel een datum zal bevatten, en geen tijd.</para>

>Tijdsduur vanaf nu</guilabel
> om in te voeren hoe lang (in uren en minuten) het duurt, vanaf het moment dat een herinnering gecreëerd is, voordat deze uitgevoerd wordt.</para>

>In het vak <guilabel
> in de tab <guilabel
> moet er geen dag of maand gekozen worden voor respectievelijk wekelijkse of jaarlijkse herhalingen.</para>



<sect2 id="calendars">
>Agenda's met herinneringen</title>

>Als u maar één computer gebruikt, en onafhankelijk werkt, maakt het waarschijnlijk niet uit waar de herinneringen van &kalarm; opgeslagen worden. Maar als u de herinneringen vanaf meer dan één computer moet kunnen bereiken, of op meerdere locaties op uw lokale computer, kunt u <quote
>agenda's met herinneringen</quote
> instellen om &kalarm; duidelijk te maken dat er andere agenda's met herinneringen gebruikt moeten worden in plaats van, of als toevoeging aan de standaardagenda's.</para>

>U kunt agenda's bekijken en veranderen via de agendalijst, welke getoond kan worden naast de herinneringslijst in &kalarm;s hoofdvenster. Herinneringen van andere herinneringsagenda's worden samen getoond in de herinneringslijst. Als u een nieuwe herinnering opslaat, kunt u een optie instellen om te kiezen of de nieuwe herinnering opgeslagen moet worden in de standaard agenda, of dat er gevraagd moet worden in welke agenda deze nieuwe herinnering opgeslagen moet worden. Als u een reeds bestaande herinnering bewerkt, wordt deze automatisch terug opgeslagen in de agenda waar de oorspronkelijke herinnering vandaan kwam.</para>

>Schermafbeelding van het hoofdvenster van &kalarm;, waarin de agendalijst getoond wordt</screeninfo>
<imagedata fileref="mainwindow-calendars.png" format="PNG"/>
>Hoofdvenster waarin de agendalijst getoond wordt</phrase>

>Typen agenda's en opties</title>

>Herinneringsagenda's wordt ingedeeld op basis van herinneringstype en opslagtype. Ze kunnen uitgeschakeld worden, als alleen-lezen ingesteld worden, of als standaardagenda ingesteld worden voor een bepaald herinneringstype.</para>

>Type herinnering</term>
>De drie typen herinneringen &ndash; actieve herinneringen, verlopen herinneringen en herinneringssjablonen &ndash; worden opgeslagen in aparteherinneringsagenda's. Daarom heeft &kalarm; standaard drie aparte agenda's, één voor elk type (zie het deel <link linkend="faq"
>Vragen en Antwoorden</link
> voor meer details), welke u kunt veranderen indien u datwenst.</para>

>Type opslag</term>
>&kalarm; kent 3 manieren om herinneringsagenda's op te slaan:</para>

>Lokaal bestand: Herinneringen worden opgeslagen in een enkel, lokaal bestand in het iCalendar-formaat. Standaard slaat &kalarm; zijn agenda's op in een lokaal bestand (zie <link linkend="faq"
>Vragen en Antwoorden</link
> voor meer details). <quote
>Lokale bestanden</quote
> kunnen gewoon op de lokale computer staan, maar ook op het lokale netwerk opgeslagen worden, zolang hun locatie maar voorgesteld kan worden als een pad beginnend met <literal

>Lokale map: hierbij worden herinneringen opgeslagen in een lokale map, waarbij elke herinnering in die map opgeslagen wordt als een apart iCalendar-bestand. Het voordeel hiervan is dat bij een corrupt bestand, er maar één herinnering beschadigd wordt, en niet de hele agenda.</para>

>Extern bestand: herinneringen worden in een enkel extern bestand opgeslagen, in het iCalendar-formaat. Hierdoor kunt u altijd toegang op afstand  toegang krijgen naar uw herinneringen, zonder dat het uitmaakt waar u zich bevindt. Dit geeft ook de mogelijkheid om andere mensen toegang te verlenen tot die herinneringen. Wanneer u externe bestanden gebruikt, werkt &kalarm; met een lokale cache van de data.</para>

>Als een externe herinneringsagenda gedeeld wordt door meerdere gebruikers, kan het voorkomen dat veranderingen die gemaakt worden door één persoon niet automatisch beschikbaar zijn voor andere personen, of dat er een vertraging is voordat andere gebruikers ze zien. Het kan dus gebeuren dat een gebruiker een verandering maakt, welke daarna overschreven wordt door een andere gebruiker, zonder dat één van de gebruikers opmerkt wat er gebeurd is. De technische uitleg hiervoor: een verandering gemaakt door persoon A zal niet beschikbaar zijn voor persoon B totdat de kopie in cache bij persoon A extern opgeslagen wordt, en de kopie in cache bij persoon B bijgewerkt is met de gegevens in het externe bestand. Of en wanneer een lokale kopie bijgewerkt of extern opgeslagen wordt, hangt af van de configuratieparameters van de agenda, welke apart ingesteld worden door elke gebruiker.</para>

>Om dit te vermijden, kunt u de configuratieparameters om agenda's extern op te slaan of bij te werken, aanpassen. Een andere mogelijkheid is dat er afspraken gemaakt worden met andere personen die niet de eigenaar van de agenda zijn, bijvoorbeeld dat zij die herinneringsagenda alleen openen in de modus alleen-lezen.</para

>Status in- of uitgeschakeld</term>
>Een agenda uitschakelen heeft hetzelfde effect als deze te verwijderen, behalve dat deze blijft staan in de agendalijst, zodat het gemakkelijk is om deze terug te activeren. Als een agenda uitgeschakeld is, worden alle herinneringen in de agenda genegeerd, en verschijnen ze dus ook niet in de herinneringslijst of de lijst met sjablonen. Als een agenda terug ingeschakeld wordt, worden de erin aanwezige herinneringen één keer terug getoond, en, als het een actieve herinneringsagenda is, terug actief gemaakt.</para>

>Status alleen-lezen</term>
>Herinneringen kunnen niet toegevoegd worden aan, of bewerkt worden in een alleen-lezen agenda. U kunt de erin aanwezig herinneringen dus niet bewerken, en er ook geen nieuwe herinneringen in opslaan. Het is eveneens niet mogelijk om herinneringen uit te stellen, aangezien de uitsteltijd dan opgeslagen moet worden in de herinnering. Als er een alarm uitgevoerd is, wordt deze niet verwijderd uit de agenda en gearchiveerd, totdat uzelf of een andere gebruiker de agenda opent in de modus lezen/schrijven.</para>

>U kunt de status alleen-lezen instellen in het dialoogvenster om agenda's te configureren. Toch kunnen sommige agenda's niet beschrijfbaar gemaakt worden wegens volgende redenen:</para>

>Als een agenda gecreëerd werd door een andere applicatie, is het niet veilig om &kalarm; toe te staan de agenda bij te werken, omdat verschillen in het formaat ervoor kunnen zorgen dat de agenda onbruikbaar wordt voor de applicatie die deze oorspronkelijk gecreëerd heeft.</para>

>Als de agenda gecreëerd werd door een recentere versie van &kalarm; kunnen er gegevens verloren gaan als uw versie van &kalarm; de agenda bijwerkt.</para>

>Als de agenda gecreëerd werd door een oudere versie van &kalarm;, kunnen er gegevens verloren gaan, of zelfs onbruikbaar worden voor de oudere versie van &kalarm; wanneer uw versie van &kalarm; de agenda bijwerkt. Er zal u gevraagd worden of het formaat omgezet moet worden om het beschrijfbaar te maken, maar houdt daarbij in gedachte dat er mogelijk compatibiliteitsproblemen ontstaan als een oudere versie van &kalarm; de gegevens terug wilt benaderen.</para>

>Als u geen toelating hebt om te schrijven naar het bestand of de map met de agenda.</para>

>Als u schrijftoegang nodig hebt naar de herinneringen in een agendabestand dat niet beschrijfbaar is, dan kunt u de herinneringen kopiëren door ze te importeren in een beschrijfbaar agendabestand met de volgende contextmenuoptie <menuchoice
> van de agenda (zie <link linkend="import"
>Herinneringen importeren uit externe agaenda's</link

>Standaard agendastatus</term>
>Eén agenda per herinneringstype kan eventueel als standaardagenda voor dat herinneringstype gebruikt worden. Nieuwe herinneringen worden automatisch opgeslagen in de standaardagenda van dat herinneringstype, behalve wanneer u ervoor gekozen hebt een keuzevenster te laten zien voor nieuwe herinneringen en sjablonen in de <link linkend="preferences-storage"


>Agenda's gebruiken</title>

>U kunt agenda's bekijken en aanpassen m.b.v. de agendalijst, welke getoond of verborgen kan worden door <menuchoice
> <guimenu
> <guimenuitem
>Agenda's tonen</guimenuitem
> </menuchoice
>. Wanneer u de agendalijst gebruikt, moet u eerst het herinneringstype selecteren m.b.v. het afrolmenu bovenaan de lijst. Daarna kunt u ofwel op één van de knoppen onderaan de lijst klikken, ofwel <mousebutton
> klikken op de juiste agenda in de lijst, en een item selecteren uit het contextmenu. De beschikbare acties zijn:</para>

>Een agenda van het geselecteerde type toevoegen aan de lijst. Er wordt u gevraagd een opslagmethode te kiezen, waarna de instellingendialoog van een agenda wordt getoond, waarin u de lokatie van het agendabestand en zijn karakteristieken kunt invoeren. Als er geen bestaande agenda voor herinneringen is, dan wordt er een aangemaakt.</para>

>De geselecteerde agenda uit de lijst verwijderen. Het agendabestand zelf wordt intact gelaten; ze wordt enkel uit de lijstweergave verwijderd en kan dus later eventueel teruggeplaatst worden in de lijst.</para>

>De geselecteerde agenda bewerken. Dit toont de instellingendialoog voor de geselecteerde agenda.</para>

>De geselecteerde agenda herladen. De agenda wordt opnieuw ingelezen vanuit de opslaglocatie, zodat er verzekerd wordt dat er geen verschillen zijn tussen wat &kalarm; toont, en wat er momenteel reëel in de agenda staat. Als de agenda gedeeld wordt door meerdere gebruikers, zullen alle veranderingen die ze hebben doorgevoerd, nu eveneens getoond worden door &kalarm;.</para>

>Als u een agenda op afstand herlaadt, zullen al uw wijzigingen sinds de agenda de laatste keer werd opgeslagen verloren gaan. Ook is het mogelijk dat herinneringen die verlopen zijn sinds de laatste opslag, opnieuw uitgevoerd worden.</para

>Alle veranderingen aan de geselecteerde agenda opslaan. De agenda wordt dan bijgewerkt met alle veranderingen in de herinneringen sinds de laatste keer dat de agenda opgeslagen of herladen werd. Dit is enkel nodig voor agenda's op afstand, omdat lokale agenda's direct automatisch opgeslagen worden na elke verandering. U kunt instellen wanneer en hoe vaak een agenda op afstand automatisch opgeslagen moet worden, door gebruik te maken van de instellingendialoog (met de optie <menuchoice
> <guimenuitem
> in het contextmenu).</para>

>Als u een agenda op afstand, die gedeeld wordt met andere gebruikers, opslaat, gaan alle veranderingen die de anderen gemaakt hebben sinds u de laatste keer de agenda herlaadde (automatisch of handmatig) verloren.</para

>Herinneringen importeren uit een extern agendabestand in de geselecteerde agenda. Dit wordt verder uitgelegd in <link linkend="import"
>Importeren van herinneringen uit externe agenda's</link
>. Deze mogelijkheid is niet beschikbaar voor uitgeschakelde of alleen-lezen agenda's.</para>

>Alle herinneringen in de geselecteerde agenda exporteren naar een extern agendabestand. Dit wordt verder uitgelegd in <link linkend="export"
>Exporteren van herinneringen naar externe agenda's.</link
>. Deze mogelijkheid is niet beschikbaar voor uitgeschakelde agenda's.</para>

>Details tonen</guimenuitem
>Details tonen van de geselecteerde agenda. Dit toont de locatie van de agenda, het opslagtype en statusinformatie.  </para>

>Als standaard gebruiken</guimenuitem
>De geselecteerde agenda als standaard instellen voor het geselecteerde agendatype. Deze mogelijkheid is niet beschikbaar voor uitgeschakelde of alleen-lezen agenda's.</para>

>Kleur instellen...</guimenuitem
>Een achtergrondkleur selecteren voor het markeren van de herinneringen uit deze agenda in de lijst met herinneringen. Op deze manier ziet u direct bij welke agenda bepaalde herinneringen behoren.</para>

>Kleur weghalen</guimenuitem
>Clear color highlighting for this calendar's alarms in the alarm list.</para>



<sect2 id="import">
>Importeren van herinneringen uit externe agenda's</title>

>U kunt herinneringen uit andere agendabestanden importeren in &kalarm;. Het importeren scant het geselecteerde agendabestand naar gebeurtenissen die herinneringen bevatten, en kopieert hen (met nieuwe unieke ID's) naar de agenda van &kalarm;. Gebeurtenissen zonder herinneringen, en agenda-items die geen gebeurtenissen zijn, worden genegeerd. U kunt herinneringen op twee manieren importeren:</para>

>Gebruik <menuchoice
> <guimenuitem
>Herinneringen importeren...</guimenuitem
> om herinneringen van alle types (actieve herinneringen, verlopen herinneringen en herinneringssjablonen) te importeren uit de agenda.</para>

>Als u <link linkend="calendars"
> geconfigureerd hebt, zullen herinneringen van elk type toegevoegd worden aan de juiste standaardagenda of als u ervoor gekozen hebt een keuzevenster te laten zien voor nieuwe herinneringen en sjablonen in de <link linkend="preferences-storage"
>, zal u gevraagd worden welke agenda gebruikt moet worden.</para>

> klikken op een agenda in de agendalijst en <menuchoice
> aanklikken in het contextmenu. Dit zal de herinneringen van het geselecteerde type importeren in die agenda. Als er bijvoorbeeld als agendatype herinneringssjablonen gekozen is, zullen de herinneringssjablonen (en niet de actieve of verlopen herinneringen) geïmporteerd worden.</para>

>Als u herinneringen importeert uit agendabestanden die aangemaakt werden door andere applicaties dan &kalarm;, kan het gebeuren dat herinneringen veranderd worden door het proces &ndash; zelfs herinneringstijden zouden kunnen veranderen. Dit hangt af van de afspraken over gegevensopslag in de andere toepassing en is dus onvermijdbaar als deze afspraken verschillen van die van &kalarm;. Controleer dus altijd de geïmporteerde herinneringen voor onverwachte veranderingen en pas ze eventueel aan.</para


<sect2 id="export">
>Exporting Alarms to External Calendars</title>

>You can export alarms from &kalarm; to other calendar files, either the alarms currently selected in the alarm list, or all the alarms from an alarm calendar. The methods to do this are given below. Whichever method is used, you can either create a new calendar file or append the exported alarms to an existing calendar file. To append the alarms, check <guilabel
>Append to existing file</guilabel
> in the file selection dialog; otherwise, any existing file is overwritten.</para>

>To export the alarms currently selected in the alarm list, <mousebutton
> click on the selection and choose <menuchoice
> from the context menu, or use <menuchoice
> <guimenuitem
>Export Selected Alarms...</guimenuitem
> in the main menu.</para>

>To export all the alarms from a calendar, <mousebutton
> click on a calendar in the calendar list, and choose <menuchoice
> from the context menu.</para>


<sect2 id="birthdays">
>Importing Birthdays from &kaddressbook;</title>

>You can set up display alarms for birthdays stored in &kaddressbook;, by <menuchoice
> <guimenuitem
>Import Birthdays...</guimenuitem
>. This displays a dialog which allows you to select which birthdays to create alarms for.</para>

>In the <guilabel
>Alarm Text</guilabel
> group box, you can set up the text to be displayed in the birthday alarm messages. The message text is created by combining the <guilabel
> text followed by the person's name followed by the <guilabel
> text. No spaces are added, so remember to include any necessary trailing space in <guilabel
> and leading space in <guilabel

>If you change the alarm text, the birthday selection list will be re-evaluated.</para

>In the <guilabel
>Select Birthdays</guilabel
> list, select the birthdays which you want to create alarms for. Note that the list shows only those entries in &kaddressbook; which contain a birthday and which do not already have a birthday alarm in the format currently defined in the <guilabel
>Alarm Text</guilabel
> group box.</para>

>The remaining controls are the same as for <guilabel
> alarms in the <link linkend="alarm-edit-dlg"
>Alarm Edit dialog</link

>Als u <link linkend="calendars"
> hebt ingesteld, zullen de herinneringen toegevoegd worden aan de standaardagenda met de actieve herinneirngen, of als u in de <link linkend="preferences-storage"
> geselecteerd hebt dat er gevraagd moet worden in welke agenda nieuwe herinneringen en sjablonen toegevoegd moeten worden, zal u gevraagd worden welke agenda u wilt gebruiken.gmen ucu  agend</para>


<sect2 id="undo">
>Ongedaan maken/opnieuw</title>

>You can undo and redo the most recent changes which you have made during the current session of &kalarm;. Most actions can be undone, including creation, edit and deletion of alarms and alarm templates, and reactivation of alarms. To prevent excessive resources being used by the undo history, the number of changes stored is limited to the last 12.</para>

>To undo the last change, select <menuchoice
> <guimenu
>. To redo the last change which was undone, select <menuchoice
> <guimenu
> </menuchoice

>To undo a change other than the last one, click on the <guibutton
> button in the toolbar and hold the mouse button down. A list of actions will be displayed from which you can choose the one to undo. If you don't see the action which you are looking for, remember that you may need to undo more recent changes first, which the desired change depends on. For example, if you edited an alarm and then deleted it, you cannot undo the edit until you have first undone the deletion.</para>

>Redoing a change other than the last one can be done in a similar manner, using the <guibutton
> toolbar button.</para>


<sect1 id="alarm-edit-dlg">
>The Alarm Edit Dialog</title>

>The Alarm Edit dialog enables you to view and edit an alarm. When you first use &kalarm;, a simplified form of the dialog is displayed, with only a small number of options visible. To see all options, click the <guibutton
>More Options</guibutton
> button; to revert to the simplified dialog, click the <guibutton
>Less Options</guibutton
> button. &kalarm; always remembers your last display choice whenever the Alarm Edit dialog is redisplayed.</para>

>You can configure the default values of many of the settings in the Alarm Edit dialog using the <link linkend="preferences-edit"
>Configuration dialog's Edit tab</link

>Screenshot of the simplified Alarm Edit dialog</screeninfo>
<imagedata fileref="editwindow-simple.png" format="PNG"/>
>Simplified Alarm Edit dialog for a display alarm</phrase>
>Simplified Alarm Edit dialog for a display alarm</para

>Screenshot of the Alarm Edit dialog showing all options</screeninfo>
<imagedata fileref="editwindow.png" format="PNG"/>
>Alarm Edit dialog for a display alarm, showing all options</phrase>
>Alarm Edit dialog for a display alarm, showing all options</para

>Alarm Action</title>

>The controls in the <guilabel
> group box vary depending on the type of alarm being edited.</para>

>Herinneringen tonen</title>

>Display alarms display a window when the alarm triggers. Select the method used to generate the alarm window contents, using the combo box at the top:</para>

>Text message</guilabel
> in order to enter an alarm message text (which may include newlines) in the edit box.</para>

>File contents</guilabel
> to enter the path or &URL; of a text or image file whose contents are to be displayed in the alarm message. Use the button beside the edit box to display a file selection dialog. The <guilabel
> option is not available for this type of alarm.</para>

>Command output</guilabel
> to specify that the alarm message text will be generated by a command which is executed when the alarm triggers. See <link linkend="command-alarm"
>Command Alarms</link
> below for details of how to enter the command or command script to execute.</para>

>The controls available for display alarms are:</para>

>The <guilabel
> option allows you to select whether an audible alarm should sound when the alarm message is displayed. Choose:</para>

> to display the alarm silently.</para>

> to sound a beep.</para>

> to have the alarm message spoken as well as being displayed. This option is only available if you have &jovie; (from the kdeaccessibility package) installed and configured, together with a compatible speech synthesizer, &eg; <application

>Sound file</guilabel
> to play an audio file. Use the button on the right to display the Sound File dialog which lets you select a file to play and set volume and repetition options. If you hover the mouse over the selector, a tooltip will display the audio file currently selected.</para>

>In the Sound File dialog:</para>

>Enter the sound file path, or use the button beside the edit box to display a file selection dialog. You can listen to the selected file by clicking the play button to the left of the edit field. That button then changes function to allow you to stop playing when you have heard enough.</para>

>Check <guilabel
> to continually repeat the audio file for as long as the alarm is displayed. (The alarm message window contains a button to stop playing the sound should you need silence but still want to display the alarm.)</para>

>Check <guilabel
> and adjust the slider control if you want to adjust the volume at which the audio file is played.</para>

>If you wish, you can fade the volume. Fading means to start playing the audio file at one volume and gradually change to the final volume, over a specified time interval. The final volume is that entered in <guilabel
> above. To enable fade, check <guilabel
>, and then enter the fade period in seconds in the <guilabel
>Fade time</guilabel
> field, and adjust the <guilabel
>Initial volume</guilabel
> slider.</para>

>You can use the <guibutton
> button to test out the selected sound levels.</para

>Use the <guibutton
>Font &amp; Color...</guibutton
> button to select a font, and foreground and background colors, for the alarm message. In the <guilabel
>Choose Alarm Font &amp; Color</guilabel
> dialog, check <guilabel
>Use default font</guilabel
> to display the message in whatever font is configured as the default at the time the message is displayed. To choose a specific font for the message, uncheck <guilabel
>Use default font</guilabel
>. (The default font and colors can be set in the <link linkend="preferences-edit"
>Configuration dialog</link

>The selected colors are shown in the alarm message text entry field.</para>

>Use the <guibutton
>Special Actions...</guibutton
> button to specify shell commands to execute before or after displaying the alarm. In the <guilabel
>Special Alarm Actions</guilabel
> dialog:</para>

>In the <guilabel
>Pre-alarm action</guilabel
> field, enter a shell command to execute before the alarm is displayed. Note that &kalarm; will wait for the command to complete before displaying the alarm.</para>

>A pre-alarm action is only executed once when the alarm message is initially displayed, including when a reminder message is replaced by the actual alarm message. It is <emphasis
> executed in any of the following circumstances:</para>

>When a reminder message is displayed.</para
>When the message is redisplayed after deferring the alarm.</para
>When the message was displaying at the time you logged off and is then restored when you log back in.</para
>When a recurring alarm triggers but the alarm message (or a deferred alarm message) from a previous occurrence of the alarm is still visible; in other words, when the previous occurrence of the alarm has not yet been acknowledged.</para

>The pre-alarm action can be used to control whether to display the alarm message:</para>

>Check <guilabel
>Cancel alarm on error</guilabel
> to cancel the alarm if the pre-alarm command returns an error status. This will prevent the alarm message from being displayed, and any post-alarm action from being executed.</para

>Normally, if the pre-alarm command returns an error, an error message is displayed and an error indication is shown in the alarm list. These error notifications can be prevented by checking <guilabel
>Do not notify errors</guilabel

>In the <guilabel
>Post-alarm action</guilabel
> field, enter a shell command to execute when the alarm is acknowledged (whether by clicking <guibutton
> or by using the close button in the window's titlebar). It is <emphasis
> executed in any of the following circumstances:</para>

>When a reminder message is closed.</para
>When you defer the alarm, except when the deferred alarm is finally acknowledged.</para
>When the alarm message is closed due to logging out.</para

>See <link linkend="command-alarm"
>Command Alarms</link
> below for details of how shell commands are executed.</para>


<sect3 id="command-alarm">
>Herinneringen met shell-commando</title>

>Command alarms execute a command without displaying any alarm message.</para>

>This alarm type is not available if &kde; is running in kiosk mode.</para

>When the command is executed, the environment variable <envar
> contains the event UID for the alarm. Note that when the command is executed from the Alarm Edit dialog's <guibutton
> button, <envar
> will be blank if it is a new alarm, or if the alarm has been modified in the dialog, because the alarm only acquires a UID when it is saved in the alarm calendar.</para>

>The controls available for command alarms are:</para>

>The <guilabel
>Enter a script</guilabel
> check box lets you choose whether to enter a shell command line or a script.</para>

>If this option is unchecked, you can enter a shell command line to execute. The command is passed straight to the default shell (defined by the <envar
> environment variable), and may include whatever options, parameters, piped commands, &etc; are permitted by the shell in a single line command.</para>

>If this option is checked, you can enter the text of a script to execute. Remember to include a first line such as <literal
> to ensure that the correct command interpreter is invoked.</para>

>Use the <guilabel
>Command Output</guilabel
> group box to specify what you want to be done with any terminal output which the command produces when it executes.</para>

>Check <guilabel
>Execute in terminal window</guilabel
> to cause the command to be executed in a terminal window. You can choose which type of terminal window should be used in the <link linkend="preferences-general"
>Configuration dialog</link

>Check <guilabel
>Log to file</guilabel
> to save the command's output in a file. The output, prefixed by a heading showing the time at which the command was scheduled to run, will be appended to any existing contents of the file. Enter the file name in the edit box, or use the button beside the edit box to display a file selection dialog.</para>

>Check <guilabel
> to throw away the command's output.</para>

>Herinneringen via e-mail</title>

>Email alarms send an email without displaying any alarm message.</para>

>Fill in the recipients' addresses, the email subject line and the message body in the three edit fields. Use the button beside the addressee edit box to display your &kde; address book from which you can select email recipients. Attachments may be added using the <guibutton
> button. Note that attached files must still exist when the alarm is triggered; no copy is stored at the time the alarm is configured. To remove an attachment, highlight it in the drop-down list and click the <guibutton
> button.</para>

>Set the following options:</para>

>The <guilabel
> combo box allows you to select which &kmail; identity to use as your email address for sending the email. This option only appears if your <guilabel
> email address in the <link linkend="preferences-email"
>Configuration dialog</link
> is set to <guilabel
>Use &kmail; identities</guilabel
>. Otherwise your email address is preset in the <link linkend="preferences-email"
>Configuration dialog</link
>, rendering this option inapplicable.</para>

>Check <guilabel
>Copy email to self</guilabel
> to send a blind copy of the email to yourself when the alarm is triggered. The email address to which the copy will be sent may be set in the <link linkend="preferences-email"
>Configuration dialog</link
>, the default being your email address set in the &kde; System Settings.</para>


>Audio Alarms</title>

>Audio alarms play an audio file without displaying any alarm message.</para>

>Set the following options:</para>

>Enter the sound file path, or use the button beside the edit box to display a file selection dialog.</para>

>Check <guilabel
> to continually repeat the audio file until the <guilabel
>Stop Play</guilabel
> option is selected. To stop playing the file, select the <menuchoice
> <guimenuitem
>Stop Play</guimenuitem
> menu option, or <mousebutton
> click on the system tray icon and choose <menuchoice
>Stop Play</guimenuitem
> from the context menu. If you wish, you can set up a global shortcut key for this action.</para>

>Check <guilabel
> and adjust the slider control if you want to adjust the volume at which the audio file is played.</para>

>If you wish, you can fade the volume. Fading means to start playing the audio file at one volume and gradually change to the final volume, over a specified time interval. The final volume is that entered in <guilabel
> above. To enable fade, check <guilabel
>, and then enter the fade period in seconds in the <guilabel
>Fade time</guilabel
> field, and adjust the <guilabel
>Initial volume</guilabel
> slider.</para>


>If the alarm is a recurring alarm and it was deferred after it was last displayed, the <guilabel
>Deferred Alarm</guilabel
> group box shows the time the alarm was deferred to. <guibutton
> displays a dialog which allows you to change the deferred time or to cancel the deferral.</para>



>In the <guilabel
> group box, select either</para>

>At date/time</guilabel
> to enter the date and time when the alarm is to be triggered. Check <guilabel
>Any time</guilabel
> if you want to specify only a date for the alarm: in this case the alarm will be displayed at the first opportunity on or after the configured start-of-day time, on the specified date. (<link linkend="preferences-time"
>Configuring &kalarm;</link
> describes how to set the start-of-day time.)</para>

>For a non-recurring alarm, the date/time which you enter must be in the future, or if you enter only a date it must be today or later. For a recurring alarm, there are no such restrictions since the start date/time will be automatically adjusted to the first recurrence due after the current time.</para>

>Time from now</guilabel
> to enter how long after now (in hours and minutes) the alarm should be triggered.</para>

>If desired, choose a time zone to apply to the alarm. This time zone is used for all dates and times relating to this alarm, including recurrence and exception dates and times. Normally, you should leave the time zone controls unchanged unless you have a good reason to change them.</para>

>The time zone controls are displayed only when the selected time zone is different from the default time zone set in the <link linkend="preferences-time"
>Configuration dialog</link
>, or if you click the <guibutton
>Time Zone...</guibutton
> button.</para>

>In the combo box, choose the time zone which this alarm is to use. When creating a new alarm, this is initially set to the time zone selected in the <link linkend="preferences-time"
>Configuration dialog</link
>, which will be your computer's time zone unless you have changed it.</para>

>Check <guilabel
>Ignore time zone</guilabel
> if you want to use the local computer time (on whichever computer &kalarm; happens to be running on at the time), ignoring time zones.</para>

>You are recommended not to select this option if the alarm has a recurrence specified in hours and minutes; if you do, the alarm may occur at unexpected times after daylight saving time shifts.</para



>For a display alarm, check <guilabel
> if you want to display a reminder in advance of the main alarm and of each of its recurrences (if any). Enter how long in advance using the edit controls beside the check box.</para>

>Reminders are not displayed for sub-repetitions within a recurrence. Reminders are only shown before each main recurrence of the alarm.</para

>If the alarm recurs, check <guilabel
>Reminder for first recurrence only</guilabel
> if you only want a reminder before the alarm's first recurrence. If this is not checked, the reminder period is limited to being less than the recurrence interval.</para>



>The late-cancelation options determine how an alarm is treated after its scheduled time:</para>

>The <guilabel
>Cancel if late</guilabel
> check box determines what happens if the alarm cannot be triggered at its scheduled time.</para>

>Check this box to cancel the alarm if it cannot be triggered within a specified time period after the right time. The time period is selected using controls which appear when you check the box. For example, if you enter a time period of 1 hour, the alarm will be triggered at the first opportunity up to an hour after it is due, but if it cannot be triggered within an hour its activation will be canceled.</para>

>The lateness of date-only alarms, &ie; ones for which the <guilabel
>Any time</guilabel
> option is selected, is calculated from the start-of-day time on the alarm's scheduled date.</para

>Leave the box unchecked to trigger the alarm at the first opportunity starting at the scheduled time, regardless of how late it is.</para>

>An alarm can only be triggered while you are logged in, and while both X and &kalarm; are running.</para

>Check <guilabel
>Auto-close window after this time</guilabel
> if you want the alarm window to be automatically closed if it is still showing at the expiry of the late-cancelation time.</para>



>Specify whether or how the alarm should be repeated using the <guilabel
> tab.</para>

>The alarm's basic repetition characteristics are displayed for convenience in the title of the <guilabel
> tab. The recurrence interval is shown first, followed by any sub-repetition interval set up using the <guibutton
> button.</para

>In the <guilabel
>Recurrence Rule</guilabel
> group box, set the recurrence type or time period as follows:</para>

>To trigger the alarm once only, select <guilabel
>No recurrence</guilabel

>Select <guilabel
>At login</guilabel
> to trigger the alarm whenever you log in, until its scheduled end time. Then, at its scheduled end time it will finally be triggered one last time. (Note that an alarm repeated at login will also be triggered any time you restart &kalarm;.)</para

>To make the alarm recur at regular intervals, select one of the time period types and then enter in the <guilabel
>Recur every</guilabel
> box how many time periods should elapse between recurrences. For example, to repeat every fortnight, you could select <guilabel
> and enter a value of 14, or select <guilabel
> and enter a value of 2. Depending on the time period type selected, you may have further options:</para>

>For a weekly recurrence, check each day in the week on which you wish to trigger the alarm.</para>

>For a monthly recurrence, you may select either a fixed date, or a position (&eg; the second Tuesday).</para>

>For a yearly recurrence, you may select either a fixed day in the month, or a position in a month (&eg; the last Saturday in May). Check each month of the year in which you wish to trigger the alarm.</para>

>If you set up a yearly recurrence for February 29th, you can specify how it is to be handled in non-leap years by selecting the appropriate <guilabel
>February 29th alarm in non-leap years</guilabel
> option:</para>

>: the alarm will occur on February 29th in leap years, but will be suppressed in non-leap years.</para>

>28 Feb</guilabel
>: the alarm will occur on February 29th in leap years, and on February 28th in non-leap years.</para>

>1 Mar</guilabel
>: the alarm will occur on February 29th in leap years, and on March 1st in non-leap years.</para>

>To set a daily alarm to occur only on weekdays, use a weekly recurrence and check each weekday.</para


>In the <guilabel
>Recurrence End</guilabel
> group box, set the overall recurrence time span as follows:</para>

>Select <guilabel
>No end</guilabel
> to continue the repetitions indefinitely.</para

>Select <guilabel
>End after</guilabel
> to specify the total number of occurrences of the alarm.</para

>Select <guilabel
>End by</guilabel
> to specify the date/time until which the alarm will be repeated. Note that this uses the same time zone as the alarm's start time.</para>

>The end date/time determines when the last main recurrence will be, but does not limit sub-repetitions. If sub-repetitions are configured, they will trigger as normal after the last main recurrence, regardless of the end date/time.</para

>The <guilabel
> group box allows you to exclude certain date/times from the recurrence which you have set up. Note that these controls are not shown in the simplified form of the Alarm Edit dialog: to see them, click <guibutton
>More Options</guibutton

>The list of exceptions (&ie; excluded date/times) is shown on the left. To add a new exception, enter a date on the right and press <guibutton
>. To change an exception, highlight it in the list, enter the new date on the right and press <guibutton
>. To delete an exception, highlight it in the list and press <guibutton

>You can restrict an alarm not to occur on holidays by checking <guilabel
>Exclude holidays</guilabel
>. This does not change the way the alarm is scheduled; it simply suppresses the alarm whenever it happens to trigger on a holiday. You can select your holiday country or region in the <link linkend="preferences-time"
>Configuration dialog</link

>You can restrict an alarm to occur only during working time by checking <guilabel
>Only during working hours</guilabel
>. This does not change the way the alarm is scheduled; it simply suppresses the alarm whenever it happens to trigger outside working hours. Work days and working hours are set in the <link linkend="preferences-time"
>Configuration dialog</link


>You can use the <guibutton
> button to set up a repetition within a repetition. In this case, each time the alarm is due as specified in the main recurrence, instead of being triggered just once it is triggered repeatedly in accordance with your sub-repetition specification. For example, to set up an alarm which repeats every hour from noon to 6 pm each Thursday, you would set up a weekly recurrence on Thursday at 12:00, and use the Sub-Repetition dialog to specify an interval of 1 hour and either a count of 6 or a duration of 6 hours.</para>

>In the Sub-Repetition dialog which is displayed when you click the <guibutton
> button, check <guilabel
>Repeat every</guilabel
> to set up a repetition, or uncheck it to remove the repetition. If <guilabel
>Repeat every</guilabel
> is checked, set up the repetition as follows:</para>

>Enter the time interval between repetitions in the controls beside <guilabel
>Repeat every</guilabel
>. Select the desired time units (&eg; <guilabel
>) and then enter the number of units.</para>

>Specify either the repetition count or its duration:</para>

>Select <guilabel
>Number of times</guilabel
> to enter how many times the alarm should be triggered after the main recurrence. So, for example, to make the alarm occur 4 times at each main recurrence, &ie; 3 additional times, you should enter 3 here.</para>

>Select <guilabel
> to enter the total time period during which the alarm should be repeated. This need not be an exact multiple of the repetition interval; it will automatically be rounded down when you click <guibutton

>To prevent overlapping sub-repetitions for the same alarm, a sub-repetition's duration is restricted to be less than the longest interval between main recurrences. Each time the alarm recurs as specified in the main recurrence, any still active sub-repetition which started at the previous recurrence is automatically cancelled.</para


>Other Controls</title>

>For display alarms, the <guilabel
>Confirm acknowledgment</guilabel
> check box lets you specify whether you will be prompted for confirmation when you close the alarm message window. This may be used as a safeguard against accidental acknowledgment of alarms.</para>

>Select <guilabel
>Show in &korganizer;</guilabel
> to add the alarm to &korganizer;'s active calendar, where it will appear as an event without an alarm. This option allows you to track alarms in &korganizer; while still making use of &kalarm;'s functions.</para>

>If you later modify or delete the alarm in &kalarm;, the &korganizer; event will be modified or deleted correspondingly. But if you change the event in &korganizer;, the alarm in &kalarm; will not be affected.</para

>Press the <guibutton
>Load Template</guibutton
> button to select a template to preset the dialog with, as described in <link linkend="create-edit"
>Creating and Manipulating Alarms</link
>. </para>

>Press the <guibutton
> button to test the alarm and check whether it works correctly. The alarm is executed just as if it had been scheduled in the normal way.</para>

>Press the <guibutton
> button when all details are correct, to add the alarm to the scheduled list. Note that when editing an existing alarm, the <guibutton
> button is disabled while no changes have been made.</para>


<sect1 id="message-window">
>Alarm Message Window</title>

>When an alarm message is due, it is displayed on each &kde; desktop and cannot be covered by ordinary windows, to ensure that you see it. The message window shows the time for which the alarm was scheduled, so that you can see when it popped up if you were away from the computer at the time. If the alarm's scheduled time is in a different time zone from your local computer's setting, its time zone will also be displayed. (For reminder messages, the date/time shown is that for the main alarm or its recurrence, not the reminder message time, and the window title is <quote

>Alarm message windows remain visible until you acknowledge them, unless <guilabel
>Auto-close window after late-cancelation time</guilabel
> was checked in the <link linkend="alarm-edit-dlg"
>Alarm Edit dialog</link
>. In the case of a recurring alarm, if an unacknowledged message window remains from a previous occurrence of the alarm, the existing window is simply popped up when the alarm recurs. This avoids having to acknowledge multiple copies of the same message should you not wish, or be unable, to acknowledge a message at the time it appears.</para>

>The alarm message window provides whichever of the following options are applicable to the displayed alarm:</para>

>Acknowledge the alarm by clicking the <guibutton
> button. This closes the window (after a prompt for confirmation, if you selected <guilabel
>Confirm acknowledgment</guilabel

>Edit the alarm by clicking the <guibutton
> button. This displays the <link linkend="alarm-edit-dlg"
>Alarm Edit dialog</link

>Display options to defer the alarm until later by clicking the <guibutton
> button. Then select <guilabel
>Defer to date/time</guilabel
> to enter the date and time when the message is to be redisplayed, or select <guilabel
>Defer for time interval</guilabel
> to enter how long after now (in hours and minutes) the message should be redisplayed. Then click <guibutton
> to defer the alarm message and close its window.</para>

>The time the alarm is deferred to must be earlier than its next scheduled occurrence or next reminder. For this reason, the <guibutton
> button in the alarm message window and the <guibutton
> button in the Deferral dialog are disabled one minute before the next occurrence or reminder.</para

>The <guibutton
> button is not available for alarms which are displayed at login due to the <guilabel
>Repeat at login</guilabel
> option having been selected.</para

>Stop playing the alarm's sound file by clicking the button showing the <quote
>stop playing</quote
> symbol.</para>

>If the alarm message was created by dragging an email from &kmail;, you can directly access the email in &kmail; by clicking the button showing the &kmail; icon. This will select and highlight the email in &kmail;'s folder list.</para>

>If &kmail;'s indexes are regenerated, the link to the email in &kmail; will be lost.</para

>The button showing the <guiicon
> icon provides a convenient way to activate &kalarm;.</para>

>You can choose in the <link linkend="preferences-view"
>Configuration dialog</link
> which of two different modes should be used to display alarm message windows:</para>

>As a normal window. In this mode, the keyboard focus is taken by the alarm message window when it appears, so if you are typing at the time your keystrokes will be diverted to it rather than your original application.</para>

>As a non-modal window. In this mode, the keyboard focus is unaffected when the alarm message window appears, so it will not interfere with your typing. However in this mode the window has no titlebar or frame, so you cannot move it or resize it.</para>

>When an alarm is displayed on top of a full screen application, it is shown as a non-modal window regardless of this configuration setting. This is due to a limitation of the window system.</para

>Positioning of Message Windows</title>

>You can choose in the <link linkend="preferences-view"
>Configuration dialog</link
> which of two schemes should be used to position alarm message windows:</para>

>The windows are displayed as far away from the current mouse cursor as possible. This minimizes disruption to your work flow and minimizes the possibility of accidentally acknowledging the alarm.</para>

>The windows are displayed in the center of the screen. To reduce the chance of accidentally acknowledging the alarm, the buttons on the window are initially disabled, becoming active only after a configurable delay.</para>

>If you have several alarm message windows, or error messages, displayed, you can spread the windows out across the screen to make them all visible, or group them all together again in the top left corner of the screen, by means of the <menuchoice
> <guimenu
>Spread Windows</guimenuitem
> </menuchoice
> menu option. If you wish, you can set up a global shortcut key for this action.</para>


<sect1 id="system-tray">
>System Tray Operation</title>

>&kalarm; by default displays an icon in the system tray. The icon provides both control and an alarm monitoring status indication. A normal &kalarm; icon indicates that alarms are being monitored, while a gray icon indicates that alarms are not being monitored. If some individual alarms are disabled, a small cross is overlaid on the icon.</para>

>If you hover the mouse cursor over the system tray icon, a summary of the first few message alarms due in the next 24 hours are displayed as a tooltip. You can switch this feature off, or configure the number of alarms to display and their format, in the <link linkend="preferences-view"
>Configuration dialog</link

> click on the system tray icon to toggle between displaying and hiding the &kalarm; main window.</para>

> click on the system tray icon to display its context menu:</para>

>Herinneringen inschakelen</guimenuitem
>Enables or disables monitoring of alarms.</action
>See <link linkend="enable-disable"
>Enabling and Disabling Alarms</link
> for details.</para>

>Nieuwe herinnering</guimenuitem
>After you select the alarm type from the list which appears, opens the Alarm Edit dialog to create a new alarm.</action

>Nieuwe herinnering van sjabloon</guimenuitem
>Displays the list of alarm templates in a menu. When you select one, the Alarm Edit dialog is opened, preset with that template's details.</action

>Afspelen stoppen</guimenuitem
>Halts playback of the audio file currently playing.</action

>Verspreid vensters</guimenuitem
>Spreads alarm and error message windows across the screen, or groups them together again.</action

>Configure &kalarm;...</guimenuitem
>Displays the &kalarm; Configuration dialog.</action
>The Configuration dialog is described in <link linkend="preferences"
>Configuring &kalarm;</link
>. It includes options relating to the &kalarm; system tray icon.</para>

>Restore / Minimize</guimenuitem
>Restores or minimizes the main &kalarm; window.</action

>Closes the &kalarm; system tray icon and main windows.</action
>Quits &kalarm; if no alarm message windows are displayed.</para>

>Displaying &kalarm; in the System Tray</title>

>You must be running the &kde; desktop or another suitable window manager in order to display &kalarm; in the system tray.</para>

>To display &kalarm; in the system tray, select <menuchoice
> <guimenu
>Show in System Tray</guimenuitem
> </menuchoice

>To remove &kalarm; from the system tray, deselect <menuchoice
> <guimenuitem
>Show in System Tray</guimenuitem

>To choose whether or not &kalarm; will be shown at startup in the system tray, use the <link linkend="preferences-view"
> tab of the Configuration dialog.</para>

<sect1 id="refreshing">
>Refreshing Alarms</title>

>If in the unlikely event that any alarm was not triggered when it should have been, you can refresh the alarm list and trigger any missed alarms by selecting <menuchoice
> <guimenu
>Refresh Alarms</guimenuitem
> </menuchoice
>. This causes &kalarm; to reload all alarm calendars.</para>

>You can reload an individual calendar and refresh its alarms in the alarm list by <mousebutton
> clicking the calendar in the calendars list and selecting the <menuchoice
> menu option. See <link linkend="calendars"
>Alarm Calendars</link
> for details.</para>


<sect1 id="enable-disable">
>Enabling and Disabling Alarms</title>

>Alarms may be enabled and disabled either as a whole or individually:</para>

>Alarm monitoring</quote
> applies to alarms as a whole. While alarm monitoring is disabled, no alarms are triggered at all. While alarm monitoring is enabled (the normal situation), all alarms which are not individually disabled will trigger at the appropriate times.</para>

>When alarm monitoring is re-enabled, alarms which would have triggered while it was disabled are now triggered (unless any late-cancel option prevents this). In other words, disabling alarm monitoring has the same effect as stopping &kalarm; &ndash; alarms are postponed until it is re-enabled.</para>

>Alarms may be individually enabled and disabled, independently of the alarm monitoring status. So the enabled/disabled status of individual alarms will be unchanged by disabling and then re-enabling alarm monitoring. Unlike alarm monitoring which could potentially be disabled due to &kalarm; not running, individual alarms can only be disabled if you use menu commands to do so.</para>

>When an alarm is individually re-enabled, it is not now triggered if it became due while disabled. In other words, disabling an individual alarm cancels all its occurrences until it is re-enabled.</para>

>An alarm's individual enabled/disabled status is indicated by its color in the alarm list (the color being configurable in the <link linkend="preferences-view"
> tab of the Configuration dialog).</para>

>For an alarm to trigger, it must be individually enabled as well as alarm monitoring being enabled.</para>

>Enabling Alarm Monitoring</title>

>For alarm monitoring to occur, &kalarm; must be running. Once you run &kalarm;, it will from then on start automatically whenever you log in unless you later disable it in the <link linkend="preferences-general"
> tab of the Configuration dialog.</para>

>If alarm monitoring is currently disabled, do one of the following to enable alarms:</para>

>Select <menuchoice
> <guimenuitem
>Enable Alarms</guimenuitem

> click on the system tray icon and choose <menuchoice
>Enable Alarms</guimenuitem
> from the context menu.</para>


>Disabling Alarm Monitoring</title>

>You can temporarily disable alarm monitoring, which prevents &kalarm; from checking any alarms either until you re-enable alarms, or &ndash; assuming that &kalarm; is configured to start at login &ndash; until the next time you log in.</para>

>Unselect <menuchoice
> <guimenuitem
>Enable Alarms</guimenuitem

> click on the system tray icon and uncheck <menuchoice
>Enable Alarms</guimenuitem
> from the context menu.</para>

>Stop &kalarm; as described in <link linkend="quitting"
>Quitting &kalarm;</link

>Alarms may be permanently disabled by preventing &kalarm; from being started at login using the <link linkend="preferences-general"
> tab of the Configuration dialog.</para>


>Enabling and Disabling Individual Alarms</title>

>To enable individual alarms which are currently disabled, do one of the following:</para>

>Select one or more alarms by clicking on their entries in the alarm list. Then choose <menuchoice
> <guimenu
> </menuchoice

> click on the desired entries in the alarm list and choose <menuchoice
> from the context menu.</para>

>To disable individual alarms which are currently enabled, do one of the following:</para>

>Select one or more alarms by clicking on their entries in the alarm list. Then choose <menuchoice
> <guimenu
> </menuchoice

> click on the desired entries in the alarm list and choose <menuchoice
> from the context menu.</para>


<sect1 id="quitting">
>&kalarm; afsluiten</title>

>Quit &kalarm; by selecting <menuchoice
> <guimenu
>, or <menuchoice
> in the system tray icon context menu. Alternatively, if the system tray icon is not visible, close all &kalarm;'s windows.</para>


<chapter id="preferences">
>&kalarm; instellen</title>

>To configure &kalarm;'s operation to suit your system and your personal preferences, select <menuchoice
> <guimenuitem
>Configure &kalarm;...</guimenuitem
>. This displays the Configuration dialog.</para>

<sect1 id="preferences-general">

>The <guilabel
> section lets you control &kalarm;'s overall behavior:</para>

>Start at login</guilabel
>: &kalarm; will be started automatically at &kde; session login, ensuring that &kalarm; runs at all times unless you manually quit.</para>

>This option should always be checked unless you intend to discontinue use of &kalarm;.</para

>This option is automatically reselected whenever &kalarm; is run. So if you have unchecked this option and want to continue to prevent &kalarm; from running at login, you need to uncheck this option again each time you run &kalarm;.</para

>Warn before quitting</guilabel
>: When alarms are disabled while &kalarm; is not running, selecting this option prompts you for confirmation if you attempt to terminate &kalarm; using the system tray icon's <menuchoice
> option. This prevents accidental disabling of alarms. For safety, this option is automatically re-enabled by default whenever you change run mode.</para>

>Confirm alarm deletions</guilabel
>: Specify whether you should be prompted for confirmation each time you delete an alarm.</para>

>Default defer time interval</guilabel
>: Enter the default time interval, in hours and minutes, to show initially when the Defer Alarm dialog is displayed. Note that if an alarm has been deferred previously, the interval shown initially in the Defer Alarm dialog will be equal to the deferral interval used the last time that alarm was deferred.</para>

>Terminal for Command Alarms</guilabel
>: Here, you can select which type of terminal window should be used for command alarms which are executed in a terminal window. Some of the most common terminal window applications are preconfigured, &eg; <application
>, &konsole;, although only those which are installed on your system will be shown here. You can view the actual command options used for each application by displaying the context help for its radio button.</para>

>If you want to use another application, or want to use one of those listed but with different command options, select <guilabel
> and enter the command to invoke the terminal window. By default, the alarm's command string will be appended to what you specify. Alternatively, you may specify where the alarm's command string should be inserted, by use of the following codes:</para>

>The alarm's command string will be substituted.</para>
>The alarm's command string will be substituted, with a <literal
> appended.</para>
>A temporary command file containing the alarm's command string will be created, and the command to execute the file will be substituted.</para>
>A temporary command file containing the alarm's command string will be created with a <literal
> appended, and the command to execute the file will be substituted.</para>

>When the command alarm is triggered, its command string will be quoted before being inserted into the terminal window command.</para>


<sect1 id="preferences-time">
>Datum en tijd</title>

>The <guilabel
>Time and Date</guilabel
> section lets you set options relating to time and date:</para>

>Time zone</guilabel
>: Select your time zone. &kalarm; uses this time zone throughout, except when you override it for individual alarms.</para>

>Holiday region</guilabel
>: Select which country's or region's holidays to use. This affects recurring alarms for which the option to exclude holidays is selected.</para>

>Start of day for date-only alarms</guilabel
>: Set the start-of-day time for the purposes of triggering date-only alarms, &ie; ones for which the <guilabel
>Any time</guilabel
> option was selected. On the date when they are due, such alarms will be output at the earliest opportunity during the 24 hours starting from the start-of-day time.</para>

>Working Hours</guilabel
> group box: These options let you define your working hours, needed when the <guilabel
>Only during working hours</guilabel
> option is selected for a recurrence in the <link linkend="alarm-edit-dlg"
>Alarm Edit dialog</link

>Check each day which is a working day.</para>

>Daily start time</guilabel
>: enter the time at which you start work each day.</para>

>Daily end time</guilabel
>: enter the time at which you finish work each day.</para>

>KOrganizer event duration</guilabel
>: Enter the event duration to set in &korganizer; for alarms which are copied to &korganizer;. The default duration is zero.</para>


<sect1 id="preferences-storage">

>The <guilabel
> section lets you choose options for saving and archiving alarms:</para>

>New Alarms &amp; Templates</guilabel
>: Specify which calendar to store new alarms and alarm templates in when using multiple alarm calendars:</para>

>Store in default calendar</guilabel
>: New alarms and alarm templates are automatically added to the default alarm calendar without prompting for confirmation.</para>

>Prompt for which calendar to store in</guilabel
>: When you create a new alarm or alarm template and there is more than one writeable alarm calendar, you will be prompted to choose which calendar to save it in. Note that when alarms are saved on expiry, they are always stored in the default archived alarm calendar without prompting.</para>

>Archived Alarms</guilabel
> group box: These options control the storage of archived alarms in the default archived alarm calendar.</para>

>Keep alarms after expiry</guilabel
>: Select this option to archive expired and deleted alarms. Deselect it to keep no record of alarms once they cease to be active. Note that deleted alarms are only archived if they have previously been triggered. If you delete an alarm before it ever triggers, it is discarded.</para>

>Discard archived alarms after</guilabel
>: Set the number of days to store expired and deleted alarms in the archive, after which they are permanently deleted.</para>

>Clear archived alarms</guibutton
>: This button discards all currently archived alarms from the default archived alarm calendar. (Other archived alarm calendars are left unchanged in case they are shared with other people.) This has no effect on alarms which subsequently expire or are deleted; they will continue to be archived according to the selected options.</para>


<sect1 id="preferences-email">

>The <guilabel
> section lets you choose options for sending and addressing email alarms:</para>

>Email client</guilabel
>: Specify the email client to be used to send email alarms:</para>

>: When an email alarm is triggered, the email is sent using &kmail; (which is started first if necessary) as follows:</para>

>If &kmail; is version 1.7 or later, the email is sent automatically.</para>

>If &kmail; is an older version, the email is added to &kmail;'s <filename
> folder for later transmission.</para>

>: When an email alarm is triggered, the email is sent automatically using &Sendmail;. This option will only work if your system is configured to use &Sendmail;, or a &Sendmail; compatible mail transport agent such as <application
> or <application

>Copy sent emails into &kmail;'s sent-items folder</guilabel
>: Select this option if, every time an email alarm is triggered, you want a copy of the transmitted email to be stored in &kmail;'s <filename
> folder.</para>

>This option is not available when &kmail; is selected as the email client, since &kmail; automatically does this.</para

>Notify when remote emails are queued</guilabel
>: Select this option to display a notification whenever an email alarm queues an email for sending to a remote system. This may be useful if, for example, you have a dial-up connection, or email is queued in &kmail;'s <filename
> folder, so that you can ensure that you do whatever is needed to actually transmit the email.</para>

>Select your email address to be used as the sender's address in email alarms:</para>

>Select <guilabel
> to enter an email address.</para>

>Select <guilabel
>Use address from System Settings</guilabel
> to use the email address which is configured in the &kde; System Settings.</para>

>Select <guilabel
>Use &kmail; identities</guilabel
> to be able to choose at the time you configure an email alarm which of &kmail;'s email identities to use. &kmail;'s default identity will be used for alarms which were already configured before you selected this option.</para>

>Select your email address to be used for sending blind copies of email alarms to yourself when the <guilabel
>Copy email to self</guilabel
> option is selected:</para>

>Select <guilabel
> to enter an email address. If blind copies are to be sent to your account on the computer which &kalarm; runs on, you could simply enter your user login name here.</para>

>Select <guilabel
>Use address from System Settings</guilabel
> to use the email address which is configured in the &kde; System Settings.</para>

<sect1 id="preferences-view">

>The <guilabel
> section lets you control some aspects of &kalarm;'s appearance. In the <guilabel
> tab:</para>

>Show in system tray</guilabel
>: When selected, the system tray icon is displayed while &kalarm; is running. In this mode, closing the system tray icon closes all &kalarm; main windows, and if no message windows are visible, quits the application.</para>

>System Tray Tooltip</guilabel
> group box: These options control what information is shown in the tooltip which appears when the mouse cursor hovers over &kalarm;'s system tray icon.</para>

>Show next 24 hours' alarms</guilabel
>: When selected, a summary of the first few alarms due in the next 24 hours is displayed.</para>

>Maximum number of alarms to show</guilabel
>: Deselect this option to display all of the next 24 hours' alarms. Select it to set the maximum number of alarms which will be displayed.</para>

>Show alarm time</guilabel
>: Select this option to show the time at which each alarm is scheduled.</para>

>Show time until alarm</guilabel
>: Select this option to show the length of time remaining before each alarm's next scheduled occurrence. The length of time is shown in hours and minutes.</para>

>: Specify a symbol or text to show in front of the length of time until the alarm, to distinguish it from the time at which the alarm is scheduled.</para>

>The <guilabel
>Alarm List</guilabel
> group box allows the selection of the colors used in the alarm list in &kalarm;'s main window, to show disabled and archived alarms.</para>

>The <guilabel
>Alarm Windows</guilabel
> tab contains options to control the appearance of alarm message windows.</para>

>Position windows far from mouse cursor</guilabel
>: Select this option to display alarm message windows as far away from the current mouse cursor position as possible. This minimizes the chance of accidentally acknowledging an alarm by unintentionally clicking on a button just as the message window appears.</para>

>Center windows, delay activating window buttons</guilabel
>: Select this option to display alarm message windows in the center of the screen. To reduce the chance of accidentally acknowledging the alarm, the window's buttons are initially disabled. The delay in seconds before they become active is set in <guilabel
>Button activation delay (seconds)</guilabel

>Message windows have a titlebar and take keyboard focus</guilabel
>: This option controls whether alarm message windows are modal or not, &ie; whether they grab the keyboard focus when they appear. See the <link linkend="message-window"
>Alarm Message Window</link
> section for details.</para>

<sect1 id="preferences-edit">

>The <guilabel
> section lets you choose default values for the options in the <link linkend="alarm-edit-dlg"
>Alarm Edit dialog</link

>The <guilabel
> tab contains options which apply to all alarm types.</para>

>Set the default states for the <guilabel
>Show in KOrganizer</guilabel
> and <guilabel
>Cancel if late</guilabel
> check boxes.</para>

>Set the default recurrence type.</para>

>Select the default handling in non-leap years of yearly recurrences scheduled for February 29th.</para>

>The <guilabel
>Alarm Types</guilabel
> tab contains options which apply to specific types of alarm.</para>

>For display alarms:</para>

>Set the default states for the <guilabel
>Auto-close window after this time</guilabel
> and <guilabel
>Confirm acknowledgment</guilabel
> check boxes.</para>

>Set the default reminder period units.</para>

>Set the default special display alarm actions.</para>

>Set the default sound options. Note that a default sound file may be specified even if the sound type is not set to <guilabel
>Sound file</guilabel

>For command alarms:</para>

>Set the default states for the <guilabel
>Enter a script</guilabel
> and <guilabel
>Execute in terminal window</guilabel
> check boxes.</para>

>For email alarms:</para>

>Set the default state for the <guilabel
>Copy email to self</guilabel
> check box.</para>

>The <guilabel
>Font &amp; Color</guilabel
> tab lets you set the default appearance of alarm messages. Select their default font, and foreground and background colors.</para>


<chapter id="cmdline-operation">
>Command Line Operation</title>

>When command line parameters are supplied, &kalarm; does not display the list of scheduled alarms as described in <link linkend="using-kalarm"
>Using &kalarm;</link
> above. Command line options specific to &kalarm; may be used to perform the following operations:</para>

>schedule a new alarm</para>
>control &kalarm;'s display mode</para>
>obtain help</para>

>Additional command line options are provided primarily to enable other programs to interface to &kalarm;. They are described in the chapter <link linkend="cmdline-interface"
>Developer's Guide to &kalarm;</link

>The command line must only contain options applicable to one &kalarm; operation. If you want to perform multiple operations, you must invoke &kalarm; multiple times with a single set of options each time.</para>

<sect1 id="cmdline-schedule">
>Schedule a New Alarm</title>

>The following options are used to schedule a new alarm:</para>

<tgroup cols="2">
>, <option
>Prompt for confirmation when the alarm message is acknowledged.</entry>
>, <option
>--attach <replaceable
>Specify the path or &URL; of a file which is to be attached to the email. This option may be repeated as necessary. <option
> must be specified with this option.</entry>
>Automatically close the alarm window after the expiry of the <option
> period. <option
> must be specified with this option.</entry>
>, <option
>Make an audible beep when the message is displayed. <option
>, <option
> and <option
> cannot be specified with this option.</entry>
>Blind copy the email to yourself. <option
> must be specified with this option.</entry>
>, <option
>, <option
>--colour <replaceable
>Set the message background color to the specified &Qt; color name or hex code 0xRRGGBB.</entry>
>, <option
>, <option
>--colourfg <replaceable
>Set the message foreground color to the specified &Qt; color name or hex code 0xRRGGBB.</entry>
>, <option
>Disable the alarm. It will not trigger until it has been manually enabled.</entry>
>, <option
>--exec <replaceable
>Specify a shell command to execute. If specified, this option must be the last &kalarm; option in &kalarm;'s command line. All subsequent command parameters and options are interpreted as forming the command line to execute. <option
> and <option
> and <option
> cannot be specified with this option. <option
>, <option
>, <option
> and <option
> are ignored with this option.</entry>
>, <option
>--exec-display <replaceable
>Specify a shell command to execute to generate the alarm message text. If specified, this option must be the last &kalarm; option in &kalarm;'s command line. All subsequent command parameters and options are interpreted as forming the command line to execute. <option
>, <option
> and <option
> cannot be specified with this option.</entry>
>, <option
>--file <replaceable
>Specify the path or &URL; of a text or image file whose contents are to form the alarm message. <option
>, <option
> and <option
> cannot be specified, and <replaceable
> must not be present with this option.</entry>
>, <option
>--from-id <replaceable
>Use the specified &kmail; identity as the sender of the email. <option
> must be specified with this option.</entry>
>, <option
>--interval <replaceable
>Set the interval between repetitions of the alarm. Hours/minutes are specified in the format <replaceable
>, where <replaceable
> is a number, &eg; 3H30M. Other time periods are specified in the format <replaceable
>, where <replaceable
> is a number and <replaceable
> is one of the following letters: Y (years), M (months), W (weeks), D (days). If <option
> is also specified, Y (years) and M (months) are not allowed. Mandatory if <option
> or <option
> is specified.</entry>
>, <option
>Show the alarm as an event in &korganizer;'s active calendar.</entry>
>, <option
>--late-cancel <replaceable
>Cancel the alarm if it cannot be triggered within the specified <replaceable
> after the correct time. The <replaceable
> is specified in the same format as described for <option
>. The default value of <replaceable
> is 1 minute.</entry>
>, <option
>Trigger the alarm every time you log in. <option
>, <option
> and <option
> cannot be specified with this option.</entry>
>, <option
>--mail <replaceable
>Send an email to the specified address. This option may be repeated as necessary. <option
>, <option
> and <option
> cannot be specified with this option. <option
>, <option
>, <option
> and <option
> are ignored with this option.</entry>
>, <option
>--play <replaceable
>Specify the path or &URL; of an audio file to be played once, either as an audio alarm or when the alarm message is displayed. <option
>, <option
> and <option
> cannot be specified with this option.</entry>
>, <option
>--play-repeat <replaceable
>Specify the path or &URL; of an audio file to be played repeatedly, either until <guilabel
>Stop Play</guilabel
> is used, or for as long as the alarm message is displayed. <option
>, <option
> and <option
> cannot be specified with this option.</entry>
>--recurrence <replaceable
>Set the alarm to recur. Specify the recurrence using iCalendar syntax (defined in <ulink url=""
>), &eg; <quote
>. <option
> cannot be specified with this option.</entry>
>, <option
>--repeat <replaceable
>Set the number of times the alarm should be triggered, or if a recurrence is specified with <option
>, the number of times the alarm should be triggered each time <option
> activates it (&ie; a repetition within a recurrence). If <option
> is not present, specify -1 to repeat the alarm indefinitely. <option
> must be, and <option
> cannot be, specified with this option.</entry>
>, <option
>--reminder <replaceable
>Output a reminder alarm the specified length of time before the main alarm and each of its recurrences (if any). Hours/minutes are specified in the format <replaceable
>, where <replaceable
> is a number, &eg; 3H30M. Other time periods are specified in the format <replaceable
>, where <replaceable
> is a number and <replaceable
> is one of the following letters: W (weeks), D (days). This option cannot be specified with <option
>, <option
> or <option
>--reminder-once <replaceable
>Output a reminder alarm once, the specified length of time before the first recurrence of the alarm. No reminder will be displayed before subsequent recurrences (if any). This option cannot be specified with <option
>, <option
> or <option
>, <option
>Speak the message when it is displayed. This option requires &jovie; to be installed and configured, together with a compatible speech synthesizer. <option
>, <option
> and <option
> cannot be specified with this option.</entry>
>, <option
>--subject <replaceable
>The subject line of the email. <option
> must be specified with this option.</entry>
>, <option
>--time <replaceable
>Trigger alarm on the date or at the date/time specified. Specify a date without a time in the format <replaceable
>yyyy-mm-dd [TZ]</replaceable
>; specify a date and time by <replaceable
>[[[yyyy-]mm-]dd-]hh:mm [TZ]</replaceable
> (where omitted, date fields default to the values for today). If no time zone is specified, the local system time zone is assumed. If a time zone specifier <replaceable
> is present, it may be the name of a system time zone (&eg; <userinput
>), <userinput
> representing the UTC time zone, or <userinput
> to use the local computer clock and ignore time zones.</entry>
>, <option
>--volume <replaceable
>Set the audio volume for playing the audio file. This option can only be used when <option
> or <option
> is specified.</entry>
>, <option
>--until <replaceable
>Repeat the alarm until the date or date/time specified. Specify the date or date/time using the same syntax as for <option
>. Note that if <option
> is specified, the time zone will be taken from its value and no time zone may be included in the <option
> value. <option
> must be, and <option
> and <option
> cannot be, specified with this option.</entry>
>Message text to display or, if <option
> is specified, the body of the email message.</entry>

>Either a message text, <option
>, <option
>, <option
>, <option
> or <option
> must be specified; except as noted above, all the options are optional.</para>

>Two alternative examples which display a multi-line message with a red background at 10 p.m. on the 27th of this month are:</para>

><prompt>%</prompt> <userinput><command>kalarm</command> <option>-c <replaceable>red</replaceable></option> <option>-t <replaceable>27-22:00</replaceable></option> <option><replaceable>"Remember to\nSTOP"</replaceable></option></userinput>
<prompt>%</prompt> <userinput><command>kalarm</command> <option>-c <replaceable>0xFF0000</replaceable></option> <option>-t <replaceable>27-22:00</replaceable></option> <option><replaceable>"Remember to\nSTOP"</replaceable></option></userinput>


<sect1 id="cmdline-other">
>Andere opties</title>

>The following options are used to display the <link linkend="alarm-edit-dlg"
>Alarm Edit dialog</link
>, or to control &kalarm;'s display mode.</para>

<tgroup cols="2">
>--edit <replaceable
>Display the Alarm Edit dialog to edit the alarm with the specified event ID.</entry>
>Display the Alarm Edit dialog, in order to edit a new audio alarm.</entry>
>De dialoog om alarmen te bewerken tonen, om een nieuwe commando-herinnering te maken.</entry>
>Display the Alarm Edit dialog, in order to edit a new display alarm.</entry>
>Display the Alarm Edit dialog, in order to edit a new email alarm.</entry>
>--edit-new-preset <replaceable
>Display the Alarm Edit dialog, preset with the alarm template of the specified name, in order to edit a new alarm.</entry>
>&kalarm; als een pictogram tonen in het systeemvak.</entry>


<sect1 id="cmdline-help">

>De volgende help-opties gelden voor alle &kde;-programma's:</para>

<tgroup cols="2">
>Een korte helptekst met opties tonen.</entry>
>Shows numerous generic &Qt;-specific options.</entry>
>Shows numerous generic &kde;-specific options.</entry>
>Alle opties tonen.</entry>
>De namen en e-mailadressen van de &kalarm;-auteurs tonen.</entry>
>, <option
>De huidige versies van de &Qt;-bibliotheek, &kde; en &kalarm; tonen.</entry>
>Licentie-informatie tonen.</entry>


<chapter id="developers">
>Developer's Guide to &kalarm;</title>

>&kalarm; provides an interface to allow other applications to request the following functions:</para>

>schedule a new alarm</para
>een reeds geplande herinnering annuleren</para
>een reeds geplande herinnering activeren</para
>de dialoog om alarmen te bewerken tonen</para

>Each of the above functions is implemented both by a &DBus; call and by the command line. &DBus; calls should be used in preference if &kalarm; is already running.</para>

<sect1 id="dbus-interface">

>The &DBus; calls described in this document are all implemented in &kalarm;'s <constant
> &DBus; object path. The interface is defined in the files <filename
> and <filename

<refentry id="cancelEvent">
>Annuleer een reeds geplande herinnering.</refpurpose>
>void cancelEvent(const QString&amp; <replaceable

>Specificeert de unieke ID van de te annuleren gebeurtenis.</para>


> is een &DBus;-aanroep om de gespecificeerde herinnering te annuleren. &kalarm; verwijdert de herinnering uit de agenda zonder het te tonen of uit te voeren.</para>


<refentry id="triggerEvent">
>activeert een reeds geplande herinnering.</refpurpose>
>void triggerEvent(const QString&amp; <replaceable

>Specificeert de unieke ID van de te activeren gebeurtenis.</para>


> is een &DBus;-aanroep om het onmiddelijk tonen of uitvoeren van de gespecificeerde herinnering te activeren (onafhankelijk van welke tijd het was gepland). &kalarm; haalt de herinnering uit de agenda en toont het of voert het uit.</para>

>If the alarm is already due, &kalarm; then deletes all scheduled occurrences of the alarm up to the current time, and if no repetitions of the alarm still remain, the alarm is deleted from the calendar. If the alarm is not due yet, its scheduled occurrences are left unchanged.</para>


<refentry id="scheduleMessage">
>plan een nieuw herinneringsbericht.</refpurpose>
>bool scheduleMessage(const QString&amp; <replaceable
                     const QString&amp; <replaceable
                     int <replaceable
                     unsigned <replaceable
                     const QString&amp; <replaceable
                     const QString&amp; <replaceable
                     const QString&amp; <replaceable
                     const QString&amp; <replaceable
                     int <replaceable
                     const QString&amp; <replaceable
                     int <replaceable
                     int <replaceable
>bool scheduleMessage(const QString&amp; <replaceable
                     const QString&amp; <replaceable
                     int <replaceable
                     unsigned <replaceable
                     const QString&amp; <replaceable
                     const QString&amp; <replaceable
                     const QString&amp; <replaceable
                     const QString&amp; <replaceable
                     int <replaceable
                     int <replaceable
                     int <replaceable
                     int <replaceable
>bool scheduleMessage(const QString&amp; <replaceable
                     const QString&amp; <replaceable
                     int <replaceable
                     unsigned <replaceable
                     const QString&amp; <replaceable
                     const QString&amp; <replaceable
                     const QString&amp; <replaceable
                     const QString&amp; <replaceable
                     int <replaceable
                     int <replaceable
                     int <replaceable
                     const QString&amp; <replaceable

>Specifies the text of the message to be scheduled, or if <parameter
> has the <userinput
> bit set, specifies the command line to execute to generate the message text.</para>

>Specifies the scheduled date, or date and time, at which the message should be displayed. For a date-only alarm, the string should be in the format <replaceable
>YYYY-MM-DD [TZ]</replaceable
> (as returned by <methodname
>). For an alarm with a date and time, the string should be in the format <replaceable
>YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM[:SS] [TZ]</replaceable
> (as returned by <methodname
>) or <replaceable
>HH:MM[:SS] [Clock]</replaceable
> (as returned by <methodname
>). If no date is specified, today's date is used. Note that any seconds value is ignored.</para>

>If no time zone is specified, the local system time zone is assumed. If a time zone specifier <replaceable
> is present, it may be the name of a system time zone (&eg; <userinput
>), <userinput
> representing the UTC time zone, or <userinput
> to use the local computer clock and ignore time zones.</para>

>Causes the alarm to be canceled if it cannot be triggered within the specified number of minutes after the alarm's scheduled time. If the value is 0, the alarm will not be canceled no matter how late it is triggered.</para>

>Specifies the logical OR of the desired alarm flags. The flag bits are those defined in class <classname
> in <filename
>. Note that not all flag bits are applicable to message alarms.</para>

>Specifies the background color for displaying the message. The string may be in the format <quote
> (as returned by <methodname
>) where RR, GG and BB are two-digit hexadecimal values for red, green and blue. Alternatively the string may be in any of the other formats accepted by <methodname
>, such as a name from the X color database (&eg; <quote
> or <quote
>). Set the string to null to specify the current default background color.</para>

>Specifies the foreground color for displaying the message. The format of the string is the same as for <parameter
>, or alternatively set the string to null to specify the current default foreground color.</para>

>Specifies the font for displaying the message. The format of the string is that output by <methodname
>. Set the string to null to use the default message font current at the time the message is displayed.</para>

>Specifies the audio file which is to be played when the message is displayed. Set the value to null if no audio file is to be played.</para>

>Specifies the number of minutes in advance of the main alarm and of each of its recurrences (if any) at which a reminder alarm should be displayed. Specify 0 if no reminder is required.</para>

>Specifies a regular recurrence for the alarm, using iCalendar syntax as defined in <ulink url=""
>. For example, <quote
> would specify 4 repetitions at 3-monthly intervals on the last Monday of the month. For a non-recurring alarm, specify an empty string.</para>

>Specifies the recurrence type for the alarm. The permissible values are MINUTELY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLY. These are defined in class <classname
> in <filename
>. Monthly recurrences are of the day of the month type, and yearly recurrences are of the date in the year type, with the date in both cases taken from the <parameter
> parameter.</para>

>Specifies the number of periods (minutes/days/weeks/months/years as specified by <parameter
>) between recurrences of the alarm.</para>

>Specifies the number of times that the alarm should be repeated. Specify -1 to repeat the alarm indefinitely.</para>

>Specifies the end date, or date and time, for recurrences of the alarm. If <parameter
> includes a time, this parameter must also include a time; if <parameter
> contains only a date, this parameter must also contain only a date. It must not contain a time zone specifier; the same time zone as for <parameter
> is used to interpret this parameter's value.</para>

>Specifies the number of minutes between sub-repetitions of the alarm. Specify 0 for no sub-repetition. Ignored if no recurrence is specified.</para>

>Specifies the number of sub-repetitions of the alarm, including the initial occurrence.</para>

<refsect1 id="scheduleMessage-descrip">
> is a &DBus; call to schedule the specified alarm message for display at the specified date and time. It has three forms. The most general form allows an arbitrary recurrence to be specified &ndash; use this also for non-repeating alarms. The other forms provide convenient access to a restricted set of alarm recurrence types, one specifying a repetition count and the other an end time.</para>

>If the scheduled time (including any repetitions) has already passed, &kalarm; immediately displays the message (unless the <parameter
> value indicates that it is now too late to display the alarm, in which case &kalarm; ignores the request). If the scheduled time (or a repetition) is in the future, &kalarm; adds the alarm message to the default active alarm calendar for later display.</para>

<refentry id="scheduleFile">
>schedule a new alarm which displays the contents of a text or image file.</refpurpose>
>bool scheduleFile(const QString&amp; <replaceable>URL</replaceable>,
                  const QString&amp; <replaceable>startDateTime</replaceable>,
                  int <replaceable>lateCancel</replaceable>,
                  unsigned <replaceable>flags</replaceable>,
                  const QString&amp; <replaceable>bgColor</replaceable>,
                  const QString&amp; <replaceable>audioURL</replaceable>,
                  int <replaceable>reminderMins</replaceable>,
                  const QString&amp; <replaceable>recurrence</replaceable>,
                  int <replaceable>subRepeatInterval</replaceable>, 
                  int <replaceable>subRepeatCount</replaceable>)
>bool scheduleFile(const QString&amp; <replaceable>URL</replaceable>,
                  const QString&amp; <replaceable>startDateTime</replaceable>,
                  int <replaceable>lateCancel</replaceable>,
                  unsigned <replaceable>flags</replaceable>,
                  const QString&amp; <replaceable>bgColor</replaceable>,
                  const QString&amp; <replaceable>audioURL</replaceable>,
                  int <replaceable>reminderMins</replaceable>,
                  int <replaceable>recurType</replaceable>,
                  int <replaceable>recurInterval</replaceable>,
                  int <replaceable>recurCount</replaceable>)
>bool scheduleFile(const QString&amp; <replaceable>URL</replaceable>,
                  const QString&amp; <replaceable>startDateTime</replaceable>,
                  int <replaceable>lateCancel</replaceable>,
                  unsigned <replaceable>flags</replaceable>,
                  const QString&amp; <replaceable>bgColor</replaceable>,
                  const QString&amp; <replaceable>audioURL</replaceable>,
                  int <replaceable>reminderMins</replaceable>,
                  int <replaceable>recurType</replaceable>,
                  int <replaceable>recurInterval</replaceable>,
                  const QString&amp; <replaceable>endDateTime</replaceable>)

>Specifies the text or image file whose contents are to be displayed in the message to be scheduled.</para>

>Specifies the scheduled date, or date and time, at which the message should be displayed. For a date-only alarm, the string should be in the format <replaceable
>YYYY-MM-DD [TZ]</replaceable
> (as returned by <methodname
>). For an alarm with a date and time, the string should be in the format <replaceable
>YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM[:SS] [TZ]</replaceable
> (as returned by <methodname
>) or <replaceable
>HH:MM[:SS] [Clock]</replaceable
> (as returned by <methodname
>). If no date is specified, today's date is used. Note that any seconds value is ignored.</para>

>If no time zone is specified, the local system time zone is assumed. If a time zone specifier <replaceable
> is present, it may be the name of a system time zone (&eg; <userinput
>), <userinput
> representing the UTC time zone, or <userinput
> to use the local computer clock and ignore time zones.</para>

>Causes the alarm to be canceled if it cannot be triggered within the specified number of minutes after the alarm's scheduled time. If the value is 0, the alarm will not be canceled no matter how late it is triggered.</para>

>Specifies the logical OR of the desired alarm flags. The flag bits are those defined in class <classname
> in <filename
>. Note that not all flag bits are applicable to file alarms.</para>

>Specifies the background color for displaying the file. The string may be in the format <quote
> (as returned by <methodname
>) where RR, GG and BB are two-digit hexadecimal values for red, green and blue. Alternatively the string may be in any of the other formats accepted by <methodname
>, such as a name from the X color database (&eg; <quote
> or <quote
>). Set the string to null to specify the current default background color.</para>

>Specifies the audio file which is to be played when the message is displayed. Set the value to null if no audio file is to be played.</para>

>Specifies the number of minutes in advance of the main alarm and of each of its recurrences (if any) at which a reminder alarm should be displayed. Specify 0 if no reminder is required.</para>

>Specifies a regular recurrence for the alarm, using iCalendar syntax as defined in <ulink url=""
>. For example, <quote
> would specify 4 repetitions at 3-monthly intervals on the last Monday of the month. For a non-recurring alarm, specify an empty string.</para>

>Specifies the recurrence type for the alarm. The permissible values are MINUTELY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLY. These are defined in class <classname
> in <filename
>. Monthly recurrences are of the day of the month type, and yearly recurrences are of the date in the year type, with the date in both cases taken from the <parameter
> parameter.</para>

>Specifies the number of periods (minutes/days/weeks/months/years as specified by <parameter
>) between recurrences of the alarm.</para>

>Specifies the number of times that the alarm should be repeated. Specify -1 to repeat the alarm indefinitely.</para>

>Specifies the end date, or date and time, for recurrences of the alarm. If <parameter
> includes a time, this parameter must also include a time; if <parameter
> contains only a date, this parameter must also contain only a date. It must not contain a time zone specifier; the same time zone as for <parameter
> is used to interpret this parameter's value.</para>

>Specifies the number of minutes between sub-repetitions of the alarm. Specify 0 for no sub-repetition. Ignored if no recurrence is specified.</para>

>Specifies the number of sub-repetitions of the alarm, including the initial occurrence.</para>

> is a &DBus; call to schedule the specified text or image file for display at the specified date and time. Apart from specifying a file path or &URL; and omitting the foreground color and font, its usage is identical to <link linkend="scheduleMessage-descrip"
> - see the description of that function for further details.</para>

<refentry id="scheduleCommand">
>een nieuwe herinnering plannen die een shellcommando uitvoert.</refpurpose>
>bool scheduleCommand(const QString&amp; <replaceable>commandLine</replaceable>,
                     const QString&amp; <replaceable>startDateTime</replaceable>,
                     int <replaceable>lateCancel</replaceable>,
                     unsigned <replaceable>flags</replaceable>,
                     const QString&amp; <replaceable>recurrence</replaceable>,
                     int <replaceable>subRepeatInterval</replaceable>, 
                     int <replaceable>subRepeatCount</replaceable>)
>bool scheduleCommand(const QString&amp; <replaceable>commandLine</replaceable>,
                     const QString&amp; <replaceable>startDateTime</replaceable>,
                     int <replaceable>lateCancel</replaceable>,
                     unsigned <replaceable>flags</replaceable>,
                     int <replaceable>recurType</replaceable>,
                     int <replaceable>recurInterval</replaceable>,
                     int <replaceable>recurCount</replaceable>)
>bool scheduleCommand(const QString&amp; <replaceable>commandLine</replaceable>,
                     const QString&amp; <replaceable>startDateTime</replaceable>,
                     int <replaceable>lateCancel</replaceable>,
                     unsigned <replaceable>flags</replaceable>,
                     int <replaceable>recurType</replaceable>,
                     int <replaceable>recurInterval</replaceable>,
                     const QString&amp; <replaceable>endDateTime</replaceable>)

>Specificeert het commando waarvan de uitvoering moet worden gepland. De parameter <parameter
> geeft aan of deze parameter een shell-commandoregel bevat of een commandoscript.</para>

>Specifies the scheduled date, or date and time, at which the message should be displayed. For a date-only alarm, the string should be in the format <replaceable
>YYYY-MM-DD [TZ]</replaceable
> (as returned by <methodname
>). For an alarm with a date and time, the string should be in the format <replaceable
>YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM[:SS] [TZ]</replaceable
> (as returned by <methodname
>) or <replaceable
>HH:MM[:SS] [Clock]</replaceable
> (as returned by <methodname
>). If no date is specified, today's date is used. Note that any seconds value is ignored.</para>

>If no time zone is specified, the local system time zone is assumed. If a time zone specifier <replaceable
> is present, it may be the name of a system time zone (&eg; <userinput
>), <userinput
> representing the UTC time zone, or <userinput
> to use the local computer clock and ignore time zones.</para>

>Causes the alarm to be canceled if it cannot be triggered within the specified number of minutes after the alarm's scheduled time. If the value is 0, the alarm will not be canceled no matter how late it is triggered.</para>

>Specifies the logical OR of the desired alarm flags. The flag bits are those defined in class <classname
> in <filename
>. Note that not all flag bits are applicable to command alarms.</para>

>Specifies a regular recurrence for the alarm, using iCalendar syntax as defined in <ulink url=""
>. For example, <quote
> would specify 4 repetitions at 3-monthly intervals on the last Monday of the month. For a non-recurring alarm, specify an empty string.</para>

>Specifies the recurrence type for the alarm. The permissible values are MINUTELY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLY. These are defined in class <classname
> in <filename
>. Monthly recurrences are of the day of the month type, and yearly recurrences are of the date in the year type, with the date in both cases taken from the <parameter
> parameter.</para>

>Specifies the number of periods (minutes/days/weeks/months/years as specified by <parameter
>) between recurrences of the alarm.</para>

>Specifies the number of times that the alarm should be repeated. Specify -1 to repeat the alarm indefinitely.</para>

>Specifies the end date, or date and time, for recurrences of the alarm. If <parameter
> includes a time, this parameter must also include a time; if <parameter
> contains only a date, this parameter must also contain only a date. It must not contain a time zone specifier; the same time zone as for <parameter
> is used to interpret this parameter's value.</para>

>Specifies the number of minutes between sub-repetitions of the alarm. Specify 0 for no sub-repetition. Ignored if no recurrence is specified.</para>

>Specifies the number of sub-repetitions of the alarm, including the initial occurrence.</para>

> is a &DBus; call to schedule the specified shell command line, or command script, for execution at the specified date and time. Apart from specifying a command and omitting the message color, font and audio file parameters, its usage is identical to <link linkend="scheduleMessage-descrip"
> - see the description of that function for further details.</para>

<refentry id="scheduleEmail">
>een nieuwe herinnering plannen die een e-mail stuurt.</refpurpose>
>bool scheduleEmail(const QString&amp; <replaceable>fromID</replaceable>,
                   const QString&amp; <replaceable>addresses</replaceable>,
                   const QString&amp; <replaceable>subject</replaceable>,
                   const QString&amp; <replaceable>message</replaceable>,
                   const QString&amp; <replaceable>attachments</replaceable>,
                   const QString&amp; <replaceable>startDateTime</replaceable>,
                   int <replaceable>lateCancel</replaceable>,
                   unsigned <replaceable>flags</replaceable>,
                   const QString&amp; <replaceable>recurrence</replaceable>,
                   int <replaceable>subRepeatInterval</replaceable>, 
                   int <replaceable>subRepeatCount</replaceable>)
>bool scheduleEmail(const QString&amp; <replaceable>fromID</replaceable>,
                   const QString&amp; <replaceable>addresses</replaceable>,
                   const QString&amp; <replaceable>subject</replaceable>,
                   const QString&amp; <replaceable>message</replaceable>,
                   const QString&amp; <replaceable>attachments</replaceable>,
                   const QString&amp; <replaceable>startDateTime</replaceable>,
                   int <replaceable>lateCancel</replaceable>,
                   unsigned <replaceable>flags</replaceable>,
                   int <replaceable>recurType</replaceable>,
                   int <replaceable>recurInterval</replaceable>,
                   int <replaceable>recurCount</replaceable>)
>bool scheduleEmail(const QString&amp; <replaceable>fromID</replaceable>,
                   const QString&amp; <replaceable>addresses</replaceable>,
                   const QString&amp; <replaceable>subject</replaceable>,
                   const QString&amp; <replaceable>message</replaceable>,
                   const QString&amp; <replaceable>attachments</replaceable>,
                   const QString&amp; <replaceable>startDateTime</replaceable>,
                   int <replaceable>lateCancel</replaceable>, 
                   unsigned <replaceable>flags</replaceable>,
                   int <replaceable>recurType</replaceable>,
                   int <replaceable>recurInterval</replaceable>,
                   const QString&amp; <replaceable>endTime</replaceable>)

>De te gebruiken identiteit van &kmail; als de afzender van de e-mail. Indien leeg, zal het e-mailadres van de afzender dat in de <link linkend="preferences-email"
> in &kalarm; is ingesteld worden gebruikt.</para>

>Een door kommagescheiden lijst met e-mailadressen van ontvangers.</para>

>Specificeert de regel met het onderwerp van de e-mail.</para>

>Specifies the email message body.</para>

>A comma-separated list of paths or &URL;s of files to send as email attachments.</para>

>Specifies the scheduled date, or date and time, at which the message should be displayed. For a date-only alarm, the string should be in the format <replaceable
>YYYY-MM-DD [TZ]</replaceable
> (as returned by <methodname
>). For an alarm with a date and time, the string should be in the format <replaceable
>YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM[:SS] [TZ]</replaceable
> (as returned by <methodname
>) or <replaceable
>HH:MM[:SS] [Clock]</replaceable
> (as returned by <methodname
>). If no date is specified, today's date is used. Note that any seconds value is ignored.</para>

>If no time zone is specified, the local system time zone is assumed. If a time zone specifier <replaceable
> is present, it may be the name of a system time zone (&eg; <userinput
>), <userinput
> representing the UTC time zone, or <userinput
> to use the local computer clock and ignore time zones.</para>

>Causes the alarm to be canceled if it cannot be triggered within the specified number of minutes after the alarm's scheduled time. If the value is 0, the alarm will not be canceled no matter how late it is triggered.</para>

>Specifies the logical OR of the desired alarm flags. The flag bits are those defined in class <classname
> in <filename
>. Note that not all flag bits are applicable to email alarms.</para>

>Specifies a regular recurrence for the alarm, using iCalendar syntax as defined in <ulink url=""
>. For example, <quote
> would specify 4 repetitions at 3-monthly intervals on the last Monday of the month. For a non-recurring alarm, specify an empty string.</para>

>Specifies the recurrence type for the alarm. The permissible values are MINUTELY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLY. These are defined in class <classname
> in <filename
>. Monthly recurrences are of the day of the month type, and yearly recurrences are of the date in the year type, with the date in both cases taken from the <parameter
> parameter.</para>

>Specifies the number of periods (minutes/days/weeks/months/years as specified by <parameter
>) between recurrences of the alarm.</para>

>Specifies the number of times that the alarm should be repeated. Specify -1 to repeat the alarm indefinitely.</para>

>Specifies the end date, or date and time, for recurrences of the alarm. If <parameter
> includes a time, this parameter must also include a time; if <parameter
> contains only a date, this parameter must also contain only a date. It must not contain a time zone specifier; the same time zone as for <parameter
> is used to interpret this parameter's value.</para>

>Specifies the number of minutes between sub-repetitions of the alarm. Specify 0 for no sub-repetition. Ignored if no recurrence is specified.</para>

>Specifies the number of sub-repetitions of the alarm, including the initial occurrence.</para>

> is a &DBus; call to schedule the specified email for sending at the specified date and time. Apart from specifying the email header and contents and omitting the message color, font and audio file parameters, its usage is identical to <link linkend="scheduleMessage-descrip"
> - see the description of that function for further details.</para>

<refentry id="scheduleAudio">
>een nieuwe herinnering plannen die een shellcommando uitvoert.</refpurpose>
>bool scheduleAudio(const QString&amp; <replaceable>audioURL</replaceable>,
                   int <replaceable>volumePercent</replaceable>,
                   const QString&amp; <replaceable>startDateTime</replaceable>,
                   int <replaceable>lateCancel</replaceable>,
                   unsigned <replaceable>flags</replaceable>,
                   const QString&amp; <replaceable>recurrence</replaceable>,
                   int <replaceable>subRepeatInterval</replaceable>, 
                   int <replaceable>subRepeatCount</replaceable>)
>bool scheduleAudio(const QString&amp; <replaceable>audioURL</replaceable>,
                   int <replaceable>volumePercent</replaceable>,
                   const QString&amp; <replaceable>startDateTime</replaceable>,
                   int <replaceable>lateCancel</replaceable>,
                   unsigned <replaceable>flags</replaceable>,
                   int <replaceable>recurType</replaceable>,
                   int <replaceable>recurInterval</replaceable>,
                   int <replaceable>recurCount</replaceable>)
>bool scheduleAudio(const QString&amp; <replaceable>audioURL</replaceable>,
                   int <replaceable>volumePercent</replaceable>,
                   const QString&amp; <replaceable>startDateTime</replaceable>,
                   int <replaceable>lateCancel</replaceable>,
                   unsigned <replaceable>flags</replaceable>,
                   int <replaceable>recurType</replaceable>,
                   int <replaceable>recurInterval</replaceable>,
                   const QString&amp; <replaceable>endDateTime</replaceable>)

>Specificeert het geluidsbestand dat afgespeeld moet worden.</para>

>Specifies the volume level to use, as a percentage of full volume. Specify -1 to use the default volume.</para>

>Specifies the scheduled date, or date and time, at which the message should be displayed. For a date-only alarm, the string should be in the format <replaceable
>YYYY-MM-DD [TZ]</replaceable
> (as returned by <methodname
>). For an alarm with a date and time, the string should be in the format <replaceable
>YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM[:SS] [TZ]</replaceable
> (as returned by <methodname
>) or <replaceable
>HH:MM[:SS] [Clock]</replaceable
> (as returned by <methodname
>). If no date is specified, today's date is used. Note that any seconds value is ignored.</para>

>If no time zone is specified, the local system time zone is assumed. If a time zone specifier <replaceable
> is present, it may be the name of a system time zone (&eg; <userinput
>), <userinput
> representing the UTC time zone, or <userinput
> to use the local computer clock and ignore time zones.</para>

>Causes the alarm to be canceled if it cannot be triggered within the specified number of minutes after the alarm's scheduled time. If the value is 0, the alarm will not be canceled no matter how late it is triggered.</para>

>Specifies the logical OR of the desired alarm flags. The flag bits are those defined in class <classname
> in <filename
>. Note that not all flag bits are applicable to command alarms.</para>

>Specifies a regular recurrence for the alarm, using iCalendar syntax as defined in <ulink url=""
>. For example, <quote
> would specify 4 repetitions at 3-monthly intervals on the last Monday of the month. For a non-recurring alarm, specify an empty string.</para>

>Specifies the recurrence type for the alarm. The permissible values are MINUTELY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLY. These are defined in class <classname
> in <filename
>. Monthly recurrences are of the day of the month type, and yearly recurrences are of the date in the year type, with the date in both cases taken from the <parameter
> parameter.</para>

>Specifies the number of periods (minutes/days/weeks/months/years as specified by <parameter
>) between recurrences of the alarm.</para>

>Specifies the number of times that the alarm should be repeated. Specify -1 to repeat the alarm indefinitely.</para>

>Specifies the end date, or date and time, for recurrences of the alarm. If <parameter
> includes a time, this parameter must also include a time; if <parameter
> contains only a date, this parameter must also contain only a date. It must not contain a time zone specifier; the same time zone as for <parameter
> is used to interpret this parameter's value.</para>

>Specifies the number of minutes between sub-repetitions of the alarm. Specify 0 for no sub-repetition. Ignored if no recurrence is specified.</para>

>Specifies the number of sub-repetitions of the alarm, including the initial occurrence.</para>

> is a &DBus; call to schedule the specified audio file to be played at the specified date and time. Apart from specifying a volume and omitting the message color and font parameters, its usage is identical to <link linkend="scheduleMessage-descrip"
> - see the description of that function for further details.</para>

<refentry id="dbus_edit">
>Display the <link linkend="alarm-edit-dlg"
>Alarm Edit dialog</link
> to edit an alarm.</refpurpose>
>bool edit(const QString&amp; <replaceable>eventID</replaceable>)

>Specifies the unique ID of the event to be edited.</para>

>Teruggegeven waarde</title>
> als de gespecificeerde herinnering niet gevonden kon worden of alleen-lezen is, anders <returnvalue


> is a &DBus; call to display the <link linkend="alarm-edit-dlg"
>Alarm Edit dialog</link
> to edit the specified alarm.</para>


<refentry id="dbus_editnew">
>Display the <link linkend="alarm-edit-dlg"
>Alarm Edit dialog</link
> to edit a new alarm.</refpurpose>
>bool editNew(int <replaceable>type</replaceable>)
>bool editNew(const QString&amp; <replaceable>templateName</replaceable>)

>Specifies the alarm type. The permissible values are DISPLAY, COMMAND, EMAIL, AUDIO. These are defined in class <classname
> in <filename

>Specifies the name of an alarm template to base the new alarm on.</para>

>Teruggegeven waarde</title>
> if <parameter
> has an invalid value, or if no template with the name <parameter
> can be found; <returnvalue
> otherwise.</para>


> is a &DBus; call to display the <link linkend="alarm-edit-dlg"
>Alarm Edit dialog</link
> to edit a new alarm. If an alarm type is specified as a parameter, a blank dialog is displayed. Alternatively, if an alarm template name is specified as a parameter, the dialog is preset with details from the template.</para>



<sect1 id="cmdline-interface">
>Command Line Interface</title>

>Command line options are provided to enable other programs to start up &kalarm; if it is not already running, in order to trigger or cancel scheduled alarms, or schedule new alarms. The reason for using command line options for this purpose is that if &kalarm; were started without any command line parameters and then sent &DBus; requests, it would start in its default graphical mode, which is clearly undesirable for an inter-program request.</para>

>Programs should first check whether &kalarm; is already running; if it is, they should instead use &DBus; calls to request these operations.</para

>The command line options for scheduling a new alarm are as described in the chapter <link linkend="cmdline-operation"
>Command Line Operation</link
>. The options for triggering and canceling scheduled alarms are as follows:</para>

>Normal users may also if they wish use these command line options (assuming that they can supply the necessary parameter information).</para

<tgroup cols="2">
>--cancelEvent <replaceable
>Cancel the alarm with the specified event ID. <option
> cannot be specified with this option.</entry>
>--triggerEvent <replaceable
>Trigger the alarm with the specified event ID. The action taken is the same as for the <link linkend="triggerEvent"
> &DBus; call. <option
> cannot be specified with this option.</entry>

>Voorbeelden zijn:</para>

><prompt>%</prompt> <userinput><command>kalarm</command> <option>--triggerEvent <replaceable>&kalarm;-387486299.702</replaceable></option></userinput>
<prompt>%</prompt> <userinput><command>kalarm</command> <option>--cancelEvent <replaceable>&kalarm;-388886299.793</replaceable></option></userinput>


<chapter id="faq">
>Vragen en antwoorden</title>
&reporting.bugs; &updating.documentation; <qandaset id="faqlist">
>Welke instellingenbestanden gebruikt &kalarm;?</para>
> holds your &kalarm; preferences.</para>
> holds your alarm calendar configuration.</para>

> is usually <filename class="directory"
> or similar.)</para>

>Waar worden de herinneringen van &kalarm; opgeslagen?</para>

>De namen van de agendabestanden die &kalarm; de eerste keer dat het wordt uitgevoerd aanmaakt zijn als volgt (maar kunnen overschreven worden door items in de sectie <parameter
> van het voorkeursbestand van &kalarm;):</para>

> bevat de actieve herinneringen (overschrijfbaar door het item <parameter

> bevat verlopen herinneringen (overschrijfbaar door het item <parameter

> bevat de herinneringssjablonen (overschrijfbaar door het item <parameter

>You can find out which calendar files are currently in use by viewing each calendar's details in the alarm calendars list. The file names are stored in the alarm calendar configuration file.</para>

>Details of alarms currently being displayed are stored in the calendar file <filename

>In welk formaat worden herinneringen opgeslagen?</para>
>The calendar files in which &kalarm; stores its alarms are text files whose format is defined by the document <ulink url=""
>RFC2445 - Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification (iCalendar)</ulink
>. This is the standard format used by all kdepim applications. &kalarm; uses certain non-standard properties, in conformance with RFC2445. In the VEVENT component: <literal
>, <literal
>, <literal
>, <literal
>, <literal
>, and in the VALARM component: <literal
>, <literal
>, <literal
>, <literal
>, <literal
>, <literal

>What is the program <application
> is a little helper program whose function is to autostart &kalarm; at login.</para>

>&kalarm; is usually restored by the session manager at login (to redisplay its windows in the same state as they were when you logged off). But if it was not running when you logged off, it would not be started by the session manager and therefore needs to be autostarted. The problem is that when an application is both session managed and autostarted, there is no guarantee as to which will occur first. If autostart gets in first, it will prevent the session manager from restoring the application's state.</para>

>To avoid this problem, <application
> is autostarted at login instead of &kalarm;. All it does is wait for a short time (to ensure that the session manager has time to do its job) before starting &kalarm;, at which point it terminates.</para>


<chapter id="credits">

>Dankbetuigingen en licentie</title>

>&kalarm; </para>
>Programma copyright 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 &David.Jarvie; &David.Jarvie.mail; </para>

>Documentatie copyright 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 &David.Jarvie; &David.Jarvie.mail; </para>

&underFDL; &underGPL; <para
>Dank aan de auteur van de &kde; 1 KAlarm applicatie, Stefan Nikolaus <email
>, die vriendelijk toestemming gaf om de naam &kalarm; voor deze applicatie te gebruiken, die beschikbaar is vanaf &kde; 2. </para>


<appendix id="installation">

<sect1 id="getting-kalarm">
>Hoe &kalarm; te verkrijgen</title>
&install.intro.documentation; <para
>&kalarm; is beschikbaar voor &kde; 2 en als standalone pakketten voor &kde; 3 en &kde; 4 van <ulink url=""
> </para>


<sect1 id="requirements">

>&kalarm; requires the standard &kde; libraries to be installed (the <filename
> and <filename
> packages), plus the <filename
> package. To compile from source, you also need the relevant library development packages, and the &Qt; development package.</para>

>De volgende optionele pakketten, als ze zijn geïnstalleerd, vergroten het nut van &kalarm;:</para>

>&jovie; (from kdeaccessibility package): if installed and configured, together with a compatible speech synthesizer package, it allows &kalarm; to speak alarm messages when they are displayed.</para>

>&kalarm; vereist ongeveer 12 MB aan werkgeheugen, maar dit kan variëren, afhankelijk van uw platform (type computer) en configuratie.</para>

>You can find a list of changes in the <filename
> file, or at <ulink url=""

<sect1 id="compilation">
>Compilatie en installatie</title>

>If you cannot obtain a suitable precompiled binary package, you need to compile &kalarm; yourself from source files. Get the source package file <filename
> or <filename
> (or similar), depending on whether you want to install &package; or just &kalarm;. Unpack it in a new folder using a command similar to <userinput
> <option
>xvfj <replaceable
>, and change to the folder which has been created.</para>
&install.compile.documentation; <note
>If you have more than one version of &kde; installed (e.g. &kde; 2 and &kde; 3), this may possibly install &kalarm; into the wrong &kde; folder. If necessary, you can give the &kde; folder as a parameter to <userinput
> . For example, if your &kde; is installed in <filename

> --prefix=<replaceable

>If you install &kalarm; into a folder different from where &kde; is installed, it will not run correctly unless you make its location known to &kde;. To do this, you must prefix the <envar
> environment variable with &kalarm;'s location, each time before you start &kde;.</para>

>For example, if &kde; is installed in <literal
>, <envar
> might normally be set to <literal
>. If you install &kalarm; into <literal
>, you would need to set <envar
> to <literal
> before starting &kde;.</para

>The standalone version of &kalarm; has a special configuration option which allows you to select which languages documentation is to be installed for by specifying a language code, or a list of language codes, as a parameter to <command
>. By default, documentation in all available languages is installed. A list of documentation languages included in the package, together with their codes, is in the <filename
> file. For example, to install only French and British English documentation:</para>

> --enable-doc-language=<replaceable
>"fr en_GB"</replaceable

>Opmerking: deze optie heeft geen effect op de geïnstalleerde vertalingen van de (grafische) gebruikersinterface.</para>


<sect1 id="configuration">

>Er is geen speciale configuratie nodig om &kalarm; uit te voeren in een &kde;-omgeving. Vanaf dat u &kalarm; de eerste keer opstart, zal deze elke keer dat u zich aanmeldt opstarten, opdat geplande alarmen in het oog gehouden kunnen worden.</para>

>Om &kalarm; uit te voeren in een niet-&kde; omgeving, moet u controleren dat &kalarm; automatisch wordt opgestart wanneer u zichzelf aanmeldt. Gedetailleerde instructies vindt u in het <filename
>-bestand, dat meegeleverd wordt met &kalarm;.</para>



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