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<html xmlns=""><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /><title>3. Modifications dans Fedora pour les administrateurs systèmes</title><link rel="stylesheet" href="Common_Content/css/default.css" type="text/css" /><link rel="stylesheet" media="print" href="Common_Content/css/print.css" type="text/css" /><meta name="generator" content="publican 2.5" /><meta name="package" content="Fedora-Release_Notes-15-fr-FR-1-0" /><link rel="home" href="index.html" title="Notes de version" /><link rel="up" href="index.html" title="Notes de version" /><link rel="prev" href="sect-Release_Notes-Changes_for_Desktop_Users.html" title="2. Modifications dans Fedora pour les utilisateurs" /><link rel="next" href="sect-Release_Notes-Changes_for_Developers.html" title="4. Modifications dans Fedora pour les développeurs" /></head><body><p id="title"><a class="left" href=""><img src="Common_Content/images/image_left.png" alt="Product Site" /></a><a class="right" href=""><img src="Common_Content/images/image_right.png" alt="Documentation Site" /></a></p><ul class="docnav"><li class="previous"><a accesskey="p" href="sect-Release_Notes-Changes_for_Desktop_Users.html"><strong>Précédent</strong></a></li><li class="next"><a accesskey="n" href="sect-Release_Notes-Changes_for_Developers.html"><strong>Suivant</strong></a></li></ul><div class="section" id="sect-Release_Notes-Changes_for_SysAdmin"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h2 class="title" id="sect-Release_Notes-Changes_for_SysAdmin">3. Modifications dans Fedora pour les administrateurs systèmes</h2></div></div></div><div xml:lang="fr-FR" class="section" id="sect-Release_Notes-Kernel" lang="fr-FR"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h3 class="title" id="sect-Release_Notes-Kernel">3.1. Le noyau Linux</h3></div></div></div><a id="id2860749" class="indexterm"></a><div class="para">
		Fedora 15 features version 2.6.38 of the Linux kernel. Among other improvements, this version includes the "patch that does wonders" which improves responsiveness under heavy loads.
	</div><div class="para">
		Refer to <a href=""></a> for details of this and all the changes.
	</div></div><div xml:lang="fr-FR" class="section" id="sect-RelNotes-Boot" lang="fr-FR"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h3 class="title" id="sect-RelNotes-Boot">3.2. Démarrage</h3></div></div></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h4 class="title" id="id2886587">3.2.1. systemd</h4></div></div></div><a id="id2840384" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2784262" class="indexterm"></a><div class="para">
			<span class="package">systemd</span> is a system and service manager, replacement for SysVinit and Upstart. After a six months shift, during which it has been more granularly tested, Fedora 15 brings in, by default, a new system daemon whose code is designed from scratch, with the objective to take the maximum advantage offered by modern Linux kernels.
		</div><div class="para">
			With <span class="package">systemd</span>, Fedora 15 boots-up faster, particularly on SSD; native systemd service configuration files (or units) are much easier to understand and configure compared to sysvinit scripts, as systemd uses <code class="filename">.service</code> files instead of bash script; all daemons are sorted into their own Linux cgroups, which you may explore beneath <code class="filename">/cgroup/systemd</code> in the file system hierarchy; administrative features of the init system are considerably extended.
		</div><div class="formalpara"><h5 class="formalpara" id="id2962511">Powering down the system</h5>
				In earlier versions, the <code class="command">halt</code> command could be used to power off the system. This no longer works with <span class="package">systemd</span>. The following alternatives, however, do work: 
				<table border="0" summary="Simple list" class="simplelist"><tr><td><code class="command">poweroff</code></td></tr><tr><td><code class="command">halt -p</code></td></tr><tr><td><code class="command">init 0</code></td></tr><tr><td><code class="command">shutdown -P now</code></td></tr></table>

			</div><div class="para">
			There are numerous other changes in the way runlevels and services are handled with <span class="package">systemd</span>. Refer to <a href=""></a> for more complete information on systemd in Fedora.
		</div></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h4 class="title" id="id2922312">3.2.2. /run directory</h4></div></div></div><a id="id2860659" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2782373" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2867062" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2840883" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2911680" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2908586" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2859426" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2958810" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2958818" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2959590" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2959598" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2959606" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2959614" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2959622" class="indexterm"></a><div class="para">
			Fedora 15 has a <code class="filename">/run</code> directory for storing runtime data. <code class="filename">/run</code> is now a tmpfs, and <code class="filename">/var/run</code> is <code class="command">bind</code> mounted to it. <code class="filename">/var/lock</code> is <code class="command">bind</code> mounted to <code class="filename">/run/lock</code>. Applications can use <code class="filename">/run</code> the same way as <code class="filename">/var/run</code>. Several programs including <code class="command">udev</code>, <code class="command">dracut</code>, <code class="command">mdadm</code>, <code class="command">mount</code> and <code class="command">initscripts</code> used hidden directories under <code class="filename">/dev</code> for runtime data during early bootup before <code class="filename">/var</code> is mounted. However <code class="filename">/dev/</code> is supposed to be used for only device nodes and there is consensus between major distributions to shift to using <code class="filename">/run</code> instead. Fedora 15 is leading this change. Details including the benefits are explained <a href=""> here</a>.
		</div><div class="para">
			This change <span class="emphasis"><em>is</em></span> compliant with the <a href=""> Filesystem Hierarchy Standard</a>, which allows distributions to create new directories in the root hierarchy as long as there is careful consideration of the consequences. Co-author of the latest FHS specification has <a href=""> expressed support</a> for this change. Lennart Poettering has filed a <a href=""> request</a> to update the FHS standard to include this change as well.
		</div></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h4 class="title" id="id2797694">3.2.3. /var/run and /var/lock</h4></div></div></div><a id="id2797700" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2797712" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2797724" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2797736" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2879926" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2879934" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2879942" class="indexterm"></a><div class="para">
			<code class="filename">/var/run</code> and <code class="filename">/var/lock</code> are now bind mounted to <code class="filename">/run</code> and <code class="filename">/run/lock</code> from tmpfs, and hence emptied on reboot. Applications must ensure to recreate their own files/dirs on startup, and cannot rely that doing this at package installation will suffice. It is possible to use <span class="package">systemd</span>'s <code class="filename">tmpfiles.d</code> mechanism to recreate directories and files beneath <code class="filename">/var/run</code> and <code class="filename">/var/lock</code> on boot, if necessary. See <code class="command">tmpfiles.d(5)</code> for details (<a href=""></a>) and the conf files in <code class="filename">/etc/tmpfiles.d</code> for examples of such configuration. Fedora packaging guidelines for <code class="filename">tmpfiles.d</code> is at <a href=""></a>.
		</div></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h4 class="title" id="id2880015">3.2.4. 4kB Sector disk boot support</h4></div></div></div><div class="para">
			Booting 4kB sector disks in UEFI environments is now supported.
		</div></div></div><div xml:lang="fr-FR" class="section" id="sect-RelNotes-Security" lang="fr-FR"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h3 class="title" id="sect-RelNotes-Security">3.3. Sécurité</h3></div></div></div><div class="para">
		This section describes the security changes and enhancements available in Fedora 15.
	</div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h4 class="title" id="id2845564">3.3.1. Dynamic Firewall</h4></div></div></div><a id="id2953842" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2963752" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2908489" class="indexterm"></a><div class="para">
			Fedora 15 adds support for the optional firewall daemon (<span class="package">FirewallD</span>), providing a dynamic firewall management with a D-Bus interface.
		</div><div class="para">
			The previous firewall model with <span class="package">system-config-firewall</span>, was static and required a full firewall restart for all changes, even simple ones. This resulted in termination of filtered connections. <span class="package">Firewalld</span> can modify the firewall dynamically and no firewall recreation is needed. At this stage, it supports iptables, ip6tables and ebtables. In Fedora 15 a simple tray applet shows the firewall state, and firewall services can be enabled and disabled.
		</div><div class="para">
			For more details, visit the Fedora wiki pages, <a href=""></a> and <a href=""> </a>.
		</div></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h4 class="title" id="id2952350">3.3.2. FreeIPA 2.0</h4></div></div></div><a id="id2854403" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2768696" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2963728" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2794502" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2761009" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2831229" class="indexterm"></a><div class="para">
			FreeIPA is an integrated security information management solution combining Linux (Fedora), 389 (formerly known as Fedora Directory Server), MIT Kerberos, NTP, DNS. It consists of a web interface and command-line administration tools.
		</div><div class="para">
			Features of FreeIPA v2.0 include: 
			<div class="itemizedlist"><ul><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						Centralized authentication via Kerberos or LDAP
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						Identity management for users, groups, hosts and services
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						Pluggable and extensible framework for UI/CLI
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						Rich CLI
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						Web-based User Interface
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						Server X.509 v3 certificate provisioning capabilities
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						Managing host identities including grouping hosts
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						Defining host-based access control rules that will be enforced on the client side by the IPA back end for SSSD
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						Serving netgroups based on user and host objects stored in IPA
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						Serving sets of automount maps to different clients
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						Finer-grained management delegation
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						Group-based password policies
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						Centrally-managed SUDO
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						Automatic management of private groups
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						Compatibility with broad set of clients
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						Painless password migration
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						Optional integrated DNS server managed by IPA
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						Optional integrated Certificate Authority to manage server certificates managed by IPA
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						Can act as NIS server for legacy systems
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						Supports multi-server deployment based on the multi-master replication
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						User and group replication with MS Active Directory

		</div><div class="para">
			For all details please refer to <a href=""></a>.
		</div></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h4 class="title" id="id2839791">3.3.3. OpenSCAP</h4></div></div></div><a id="id2839798" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2839806" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2839814" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2839822" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2839830" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2839838" class="indexterm"></a><div class="para">
			First introduced in Fedora 14, <span class="package">OpenSCAP</span> is a set of open source libraries providing an easier path for integration of the SCAP line of standards, managed by NIST and created to provide a standardized approach to maintaining the security of enterprise systems, such as automatically verifying the presence of patches, checking system security configuration settings, and examining systems for signs of compromise.
		</div><div class="para">
			In Fedora 15, <span class="package">openscap</span>, the set of open source libraries enabling integration of the SCAP line of standards, has been upgraded from version 0.6.3 to 0.6.8. During these development stage there has been introduced full support for perl regular expression by default, OVAL float type support, XSL transformation improvements and Dublin Core support, added OVAL schemas version 5.6 and improved XCCDF reporting.
		</div><div class="para">
			<span class="package">secstate</span>, the Security State Configuration Tool, has been rebuilt in Fedora 15 against version 0.4.1.
		</div><div class="para">
			<span class="package">firstaidkit</span>, the System Rescue Tool that automates simple and common system recovery tasks, has been upgraded from 0.2.17 to version 0.2.18.
		</div><div class="para">
			For more information visit this page: <a href=""> </a>.
		</div></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h4 class="title" id="id2843412">3.3.4. authoconfig ecryptfs</h4></div></div></div><a id="id2843418" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2843426" class="indexterm"></a><div class="para">
			Fedora 15 brings in improved support for eCryptfs, a stacked cryptographic filesystem for Linux. Now when a <span class="package">ecryptfs</span> user logs in, <span class="application"><strong>authconfig</strong></span> will automatically mount his private encrypted part of the home directory.
		</div><div class="para">
			For details please refer to the wiki page <a href=""> </a>.
		</div></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h4 class="title" id="id2843461">3.3.5. setroubleshoot</h4></div></div></div><a id="id2843468" class="indexterm"></a><div class="para">
			The user interface of <span class="package">setroubleshoot</span> has been redesigned to make it easier to diagnose SELinux problems. In the current setroubleshooter the "best" match is returned for a solution to the customer. In the new redesign, all matches will be returned. For example if samba tried to read content that it is not allowed, we would like to tell the admin that he could label the content <code class="command">samba_share_t</code> or he could set up SELinux to allow samba to share all content Read Only, or Read Write, or samba should not be trying to read this content, it could be a bug or an attack.
		</div><div class="para">
			The interface has also been simplified with easier to explain definitions, like
		</div><pre class="screen">
If you want samba to share the entire system read/only,  then 
you need to tell SELinux system about this, by setting the 
samba_export_all_ro boolean. 

Execute the following command as root.

  setsebool -P samba_export_all_ro=1
</pre></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h4 class="title" id="id2843510">3.3.6. Remove setuid</h4></div></div></div><a id="id2843516" class="indexterm"></a><div class="para">
			Fedora 15 removes <code class="command">setuid</code> applications and instead specifically assigns the capabilities required by an application, modifing the spec files of most applications that include a setuid application to remove the setuid flag and change to file capabilities.
		</div><div class="para">
			Please refer to <a href=""></a> for all details.
		</div></div></div><div xml:lang="fr-FR" class="section" id="sect-RelNotes-Virtualization" lang="fr-FR"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h3 class="title" id="sect-RelNotes-Virtualization">3.4. Virtualisation</h3></div></div></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h4 class="title" id="id2904360">3.4.1. Boxgrinder</h4></div></div></div><a id="id2849293" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2922405" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2831713" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2767826" class="indexterm"></a><div class="para">
			BoxGrinder Build is an easy to use command line tool to create appliances (virtual images) from simple plaintext appliance definition files. BoxGrinder can produce appliances for a variety of virtual and cloud platforms using plugins supporting technologies such as VMware or EC2.
		</div><div class="para">
			See the Quick Satrt page (<a href=""></a>) for an overview of how to use BoxGrinder.
		</div></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h4 class="title" id="id2857264">3.4.2. Spice support in virt-manager</h4></div></div></div><a id="id2772924" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2886621" class="indexterm"></a><div class="para">
			With Fedora 15, <span class="package">virt-manager</span> has been updated to support <span class="package">Spice</span>, the complete open source solution for interaction with virtualized desktop. It's now possible to create a virtual machine with Spice support without touching the command line, and benefiting all the Spice enhancements without hassles directly from virt-manager. Thanks to the spice-gtk library, you can also develop a client in Python or C, or with gobject-introspection bindings.
		</div></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h4 class="title" id="id2918837">3.4.3. Numerous libvirt improvements</h4></div></div></div><a id="id2830804" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2917823" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2831436" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2854484" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2922347" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2859666" class="indexterm"></a><div class="para">
			With Fedora 15, <span class="package">libvirt</span> has been updated to support a number of new APIs for interacting with various virtual machines. There is now support for graphics using SPICE, using smartcards with KVM guests, managing SMBIOS fields seen in guests, managing memory and blkio cgroup parameters to limit guest resource usage, support for IPv6 networking to guests, improved auditing, and better debugging of <span class="package">qemu-kvm</span> guests via arbitrary monitor commands.
		</div></div></div><div xml:lang="fr-FR" class="section" id="sect-RelNotes-Web_Servers" lang="fr-FR"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h3 class="title" id="sect-RelNotes-Web_Servers">3.5. Web Servers and Web Applications</h3></div></div></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h4 class="title" id="id2925048">3.5.1. Apache</h4></div></div></div><a id="id2797908" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2841069" class="indexterm"></a><div class="para">
			<span class="package">httpd</span> was updated from 2.2.16 to 2.2.17. This version includes <span class="emphasis"><em>mod</em></span> fixes and <span class="emphasis"><em>core</em></span> fixes and changes.
		</div><div class="para">
			Core fixes and changes: 
			<div class="itemizedlist"><ul><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						(re)-introduce -T commandline option to suppress documentroot check at startup.
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						check symlink ownership if both FollowSymlinks and SymlinksIfOwnerMatch are set.
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						fix origin checking in SymlinksIfOwnerMatch.

		</div></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h4 class="title" id="id2852791">3.5.2. Drupal renamed to Drupal6</h4></div></div></div><a id="id2918482" class="indexterm"></a><div class="para">
			Starting with Fedora 15, the <span class="package">drupal</span> package and all module packages have been renamed from <code class="filename">drupal*</code> to <code class="filename">drupal6*</code>. In addition, all filesystem locations will reflect this change. Simply copying your old content to the new locations should work, as the versions should be the same.
		</div><div class="para">
			This change was made to facilitate easier maintenance of parallel drupal versions across Fedora/EPEL releases with the release of drupal7.
		</div></div></div><div xml:lang="fr-FR" class="section" id="sect-RelNotes-Database_Servers" lang="fr-FR"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h3 class="title" id="sect-RelNotes-Database_Servers">3.6. Serveurs de base de données</h3></div></div></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h4 class="title" id="id2784441">3.6.1. mysql</h4></div></div></div><a id="id2854724" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2961005" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2833318" class="indexterm"></a><div class="para">
			<span class="package">mysql</span> has been updated to version 5.5.10. Included are improved scalability and performance. From the release announcement: <span class="emphasis"><em>"Higher availability: New semi-synchronous replication and Replication Heart Beat improve failover speed and reliability."</em></span>
		</div><div class="para">
			This update includes increasing the shared library version number of <code class="filename">libmysqlclient</code>, so applications using that library will need to be recompiled.
		</div><div class="para">
			<a href=""></a>
		</div></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h4 class="title" id="id2849656">3.6.2. postgresql</h4></div></div></div><a id="id2849354" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2886771" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2963580" class="indexterm"></a><div class="para">
			<span class="package">postgresql</span> has been updated from 8.4.7 to 9.0.3. In addition to numerous security and other bugfixes, this release contains a number of new features: 
			<div class="itemizedlist"><ul><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						Built-in replication, based on log shipping, supports multiple read-only slave servers
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						Easier database object permissions management
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						Broadly enhanced stored procedure support
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						More advanced reporting queries
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						New trigger features
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						Deferrable unique constraints
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						Mass updates to unique keys are now possible without trickery
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						Exclusion constraints
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						New and enhanced security features
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						New high-performance implementation of the <code class="command">LISTEN/NOTIFY</code> feature
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						New implementation of <code class="command">VACUUM FULL</code>
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						Multiple performance enhancements for specific types of queries, including elimination of unnecessary joins
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						<code class="command">EXPLAIN</code> enhancements
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						hstore improvements

		</div><div class="para">
			In addition, there is a new contrib module <code class="filename">pg_upgrade</code> to support in-place upgrades from 8.4 to 9.0. This means that you can upgrade from a Fedora 12 or later database without a database dump and restore. To do that, install the <span class="package">postgresql-upgrade</span> package and run <code class="command">service postgresql upgrade</code> as root. It's advisable to have a separate backup in case of trouble, but the actual database conversion requires only a few minutes with this approach.
		</div></div></div><div xml:lang="fr-FR" class="section" id="sect-RelNotes-System_Daemons" lang="fr-FR"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h3 class="title" id="sect-RelNotes-System_Daemons">3.7. Démons du système</h3></div></div></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h4 class="title" id="id2963770">3.7.1. Administrative User</h4></div></div></div><a id="id2794367" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2953146" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2962644" class="indexterm"></a><div class="para">
			Fedora 15 introduces the concept of an administrator group. Users who are in this group are able to: 
			<div class="itemizedlist"><ul><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						sudo, using their password
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						authorize for various administrative tasks using PolicyKit with their own password
					</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
						authorize for various administrative tools using consolehelper/userhelper with their own password
			 Details <a href="">here</a>.
		</div><div class="para">
			This is implemented via the 'wheel' group. Users can be added to the administrative group in the GNOME User Accounts panel, in the Users and Groups configuration utility (<span class="package">system-config-users</span>) or in firstboot. For adding a new user as an administrator in GNOME, click on the user menu on the top right, click on "<span class="guimenu"><strong>My Account</strong></span>", unlock by providing the root user password and click on the "<span class="keycap"><strong>+</strong></span>" button to add a new user. Select "<span class="guilabel"><strong>Account Type</strong></span>" as "<span class="guilabel"><strong>Administrator</strong></span>" instead of "<span class="guilabel"><strong>Standard</strong></span>".
		</div><div class="para">
			If you are using KDE, run "<span class="guimenuitem"><strong>Administration / Users and Groups</strong></span>" from the menu, enter the root password to unlock <span class="package">system-config-users</span>, go to the "<span class="guilabel"><strong>Groups</strong></span>" tab, select "<span class="guilabel"><strong>wheel</strong></span>", click "<span class="guilabel"><strong>Properties</strong></span>" in the toolbar, go to the "<span class="guilabel"><strong>Group Users</strong></span>" tab of the dialog, check your user name in the resulting list and click <span class="guilabel"><strong>OK</strong></span>.
		</div></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h4 class="title" id="id2845571">3.7.2. Bacula</h4></div></div></div><a id="id2879806" class="indexterm"></a><div class="para">
			Bacula director and storage daemons are now running as bacula user by default. Director's log file has moved to <code class="filename">/var/log/bacula</code> directory.
		</div><div class="para">
			Default user can be changed in <code class="filename">/etc/sysconfig/bacula-*</code> files.
		</div><div class="para">
			When upgrading please make sure that <span class="package">bacula</span> has permissions to access configuration files, log files and database.
		</div></div></div><div xml:lang="fr-FR" class="section" id="sect-RelNotes-File_Systems" lang="fr-FR"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h3 class="title" id="sect-RelNotes-File_Systems">3.8. Système de fichiers</h3></div></div></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h4 class="title" id="id2949805">3.8.1. squashfs</h4></div></div></div><a id="id2886731" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2781426" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2852999" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2867127" class="indexterm"></a><div class="para">
			The kernel and <span class="package">squashfs-tools</span> now support xz compression. The default is still gzip. You can request xz compression when using mksquashfs using the <code class="command">-comp xz</code> option.
		</div></div></div><div xml:lang="fr-FR" class="section" id="sect-RelNotes-Xorg" lang="fr-FR"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h3 class="title" id="sect-RelNotes-Xorg">3.9. Xorg</h3></div></div></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h4 class="title" id="id2784410">3.9.1. Xorg server</h4></div></div></div><a id="id2856200" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2840517" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2960126" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2761858" class="indexterm"></a><div class="para">
			Xorg server has been updated to the 1.10.x stream. Features highlights and major bug fixes include:
		</div><div class="itemizedlist"><ul><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
					For RANDR-based drivers with an asymmetric multi-head setup (two non-overlapping monitors with different sizes), previously there was a "dead space" in which the mouse cursor would appear to go off the screen. For example, 1280x800 + 1600x1200 horizontally adjacent with top edges aligned would have a 1280x400 dead area below the left monitor. This is now fixed, and the cursor will stop at all exterior output edges.
				</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
					The XFixes extension has been updated to version 5, which adds a new "pointer barrier" feature. Similar to the above, this allows applications to put invisible walls on the display that the cursor cannot cross, or that it can only cross in one direction. A typical use is gnome-shell's "Activities" mouseover in multi-head setups; when it's not in the actual top-left of the screen (say, because the rightmost head is primary), the barrier makes it possible to stop the cursor on the Activities mouseover and not slide through to the next output.
				</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
					XI2 now supports per-axis valuator modes on input devices, for example, relative events on the X axis but absolute events on the Y axis.
				</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
					The XFixes and Composite extensions now work in Xinerama multi-GPU setups.
				</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h4 class="title" id="id2959126">3.9.2. Intel</h4></div></div></div><a id="id2961333" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2904749" class="indexterm"></a><div class="para">
			The Intel graphics driver has been updated from 2.12.0 to 2.14.0. Highlights include:
		</div><div class="itemizedlist"><ul><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
					Adds support for <a href=""> Sandybridge</a> GPUs.
				</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
					Adds support for interlaced video modes.
				</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h4 class="title" id="id2886814">3.9.3. Radeon</h4></div></div></div><a id="id2833095" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2777438" class="indexterm"></a><div class="para">
			The Radeon graphics driver has been updated from 6.13.0 to 6.14.0. Highlights include:
		</div><div class="itemizedlist"><ul><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
					Adds support for media sync counters in OpenGL.
				</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
					Adds page flipping support for KMS.
				</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
					Adds accelerated 2D, video, and 3D for <a href=""> Evergreen</a> GPUs.
				</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
					Adds accelerated 2D and video for <a href=""> Northern Islands</a> GPUs.
				</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h4 class="title" id="id2762397">3.9.4. Nouveau</h4></div></div></div><a id="id2762403" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2760709" class="indexterm"></a><div class="para">
			The Nouveau driver has been updated to the latest snapshot. Highlights include:
		</div><div class="itemizedlist"><ul><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
					Adds accelerated 2D, video, and 3D for <a href=""> Fermi</a>.
				</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
					Adds support for media sync counters in OpenGL.
				</div></li></ul></div></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div keep-together.within-column="always"><h4 class="title" id="id2760749">3.9.5. Mesa</h4></div></div></div><a id="id2760756" class="indexterm"></a><a id="id2760764" class="indexterm"></a><div class="para">
			Mesa has been updated from version 7.9 to a development snapshot of 7.11. In addition to the driver specific 3D support added it includes the following highlights:
		</div><div class="itemizedlist"><ul><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
					Adds support for the OpenGL embedded subset via new packages <span class="package">mesa-libEGL</span> and <span class="package">mesa-libGLES</span>.
				</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
					Software GL renderer has switched to gallium llvm backend for greatly enhanced feature set and performance.
				</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
					Radeon 3D support for R600 and above is now gallium based.
				</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
					Nouveau 3D driver is now installed by default.
				</div></li><li class="listitem"><div class="para">
					DRI1-based drivers (everything but intel/nouveau/radeon/software) are split to <span class="package">mesa-dri-drivers-dri1</span> subpackage, and not installed by default.
				</div></li></ul></div></div></div></div><ul class="docnav"><li class="previous"><a accesskey="p" href="sect-Release_Notes-Changes_for_Desktop_Users.html"><strong>Précédent</strong>2. Modifications dans Fedora pour les utilisateurs</a></li><li class="up"><a accesskey="u" href="#"><strong>Niveau supérieur</strong></a></li><li class="home"><a accesskey="h" href="index.html"><strong>Sommaire</strong></a></li><li class="next"><a accesskey="n" href="sect-Release_Notes-Changes_for_Developers.html"><strong>Suivant</strong>4. Modifications dans Fedora pour les développeurs</a></li></ul></body></html>