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          <span class="refentrytitle">linenr</span>
        <p>linenr — 
      The <span class="emphasis"><em>linen</em></span> opcode extended with a final release segment.
      <div class="refsect1" title="Description">
        <a id="id2982679"></a>
      <span class="emphasis"><em>linenr</em></span> -- same as <a class="link" href="linen.html" title="linen"><em class="citetitle">linen</em></a> except that the final segment is entered only on sensing a MIDI note release. The note is then extended by the decay time.
      <div class="refsect1" title="Syntax">
        <a id="id2982900"></a>
        <pre class="synopsis">ares <span class="command"><strong>linenr</strong></span> xamp, irise, idec, iatdec</pre>
        <pre class="synopsis">kres <span class="command"><strong>linenr</strong></span> kamp, irise, idec, iatdec</pre>
      <div class="refsect1" title="Initialization">
        <a id="id2982931"></a>
      <span class="emphasis"><em>irise</em></span> -- rise time in seconds. A zero or negative value signifies no rise modification.
      <span class="emphasis"><em>idec</em></span> -- decay time in seconds. Zero means no decay. An <span class="emphasis"><em>idec</em></span> &gt; <span class="emphasis"><em>idur</em></span> will cause a truncated decay.
      <span class="emphasis"><em>iatdec</em></span> -- attenuation factor by which the closing steady state value is reduced exponentially over the decay period. This value must be positive and is normally of the order of .01. A large or excessively small value is apt to produce a cutoff which is audible. A zero or negative value is illegal.
      <div class="refsect1" title="Performance">
        <a id="id2983544"></a>
      <span class="emphasis"><em>kamp, xamp</em></span> -- input amplitude signal.
      <span class="emphasis"><em>linenr</em></span> is unique within Csound in containing a <span class="emphasis"><em>note-off sensor</em></span> and <span class="emphasis"><em>release time extender</em></span>. When it senses either a score event termination or a MIDI noteoff, it will immediately extend the performance time of the current instrument by <span class="emphasis"><em>idec</em></span> seconds, then execute an exponential decay towards the factor <span class="emphasis"><em>iatdec</em></span>. For two or more units in an instrument, extension is by the greatest <span class="emphasis"><em>idec</em></span>.
      You can use other pre-made envelopes which start a release segment upon recieving a note off message, like <a class="link" href="linsegr.html" title="linsegr"><em class="citetitle">linsegr</em></a> and <a class="link" href="expsegr.html" title="expsegr"><em class="citetitle">expsegr</em></a>, or you can construct more complex envelopes using <a class="link" href="xtratim.html" title="xtratim"><em class="citetitle">xtratim</em></a> and <a class="link" href="release.html" title="release"><em class="citetitle">release</em></a>. Note that you don't need to use <a class="link" href="xtratim.html" title="xtratim"><em class="citetitle">xtratim</em></a> if you are using <span class="emphasis"><em>linenr</em></span>, since the time is extended automatically.
      These <span class="quote">“<span class="quote">r</span>”</span> units can also be modified by MIDI noteoff velocities (see veloffs).
      <div class="refsect1" title="See Also">
        <a id="id2983647"></a>
        <h2>See Also</h2>
      <a class="link" href="linsegr.html" title="linsegr"><em class="citetitle">linsegr</em></a>,
      <a class="link" href="expsegr.html" title="expsegr"><em class="citetitle">expsegr</em></a>,
      <a class="link" href="envlpxr.html" title="envlpxr"><em class="citetitle">envlpxr</em></a>,
      <a class="link" href="mxadsr.html" title="mxadsr"><em class="citetitle">mxadsr</em></a>,
      <a class="link" href="madsr.html" title="madsr"><em class="citetitle">madsr</em></a>,
      <a class="link" href="envlpx.html" title="envlpx"><em class="citetitle">envlpx</em></a>,
      <a class="link" href="linen.html" title="linen"><em class="citetitle">linen</em></a>,
      <a class="link" href="xtratim.html" title="xtratim"><em class="citetitle">xtratim</em></a>
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