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          <span class="refentrytitle">sndload</span>
        <p>sndload — 
      Loads a sound file into memory for use by <a class="link" href="loscilx.html" title="loscilx"><em class="citetitle">loscilx</em></a>
      <div class="refsect1" title="Description">
        <a id="id3212521"></a>
      <span class="emphasis"><em>sndload</em></span> loads a sound file into memory for use by <a class="link" href="loscilx.html" title="loscilx"><em class="citetitle">loscilx</em></a>.
      <div class="refsect1" title="Syntax">
        <a id="id3212543"></a>
        <pre class="synopsis"><span class="command"><strong>sndload</strong></span> Sfname[, ifmt[, ichns[, isr[, ibas[, iamp[, istrt   \
      [, ilpmod[, ilps[, ilpe]]]]]]]]]</pre>
      <div class="refsect1" title="Initialization">
        <a id="id3212562"></a>
        <p><span class="emphasis"><em>Sfname</em></span> - file name as a string constant or variable, string p-field, or
      a number that is used either as an index to strings set with strset,
      or, if that is not available, a fine name in the format soundin.n is
      used. If the file name does not include a full path, the file is
      searched in the current directory first, then those specified by
      <a class="link" href="CommandEnvironment.html" title="Csound Environment Variables"><em class="citetitle">SSDIR</em></a> (if defined), and finally <a class="link" href="CommandEnvironment.html" title="Csound Environment Variables"><em class="citetitle">SFDIR</em></a>. If the same file was already
      loaded previously, it will not be read again, but the parameters
      ibas, iamp, istrt, ilpmod, ilps, and ilpe are still updated.
      <span class="emphasis"><em>ifmt </em></span>(optional, defaults to zero) - default sample format for raw
      (headerless) sound files; if the file has a header, this is
      ignored. Can be one of the following:
        <table border="0" summary="Simple list" class="simplelist">
            <td>-1: do not allow headerless files (fail with an init error)</td>
            <td>0: use the same format as the one specified on the command line</td>
            <td>1: 8 bit signed integers</td>
            <td>2: a-law</td>
            <td>3: u-law</td>
            <td>4: 16 bit signed integers</td>
            <td>5: 32 bit signed integers</td>
            <td>6: 32 bit floats</td>
            <td>7: 8 bit unsigned integers</td>
            <td>8: 24 bit signed integers</td>
            <td>9: 64 bit floats</td>
      <span class="emphasis"><em>ichns</em></span> (optional, defaults to zero) - default number of channels for raw
      (headerless) sound files; if the file has a header, this is
      ignored. Zero or negative values are interpreted as 1 channel.
      <span class="emphasis"><em>isr</em></span> (optional, defaults to zero) - default sample rate for raw
      (headerless) sound files; if the file has a header, this is
      ignored. Zero or negative values are interpreted as the orchestra
      sample rate (sr).
      <span class="emphasis"><em>ibas</em></span> (optional, defaults to zero) - base frequency in Hz. If positive,
      overrides the value specified in the sound file header; otherwise,
      the value from the header is used if present, and 1.0 if the file
      does not include such information.
      <span class="emphasis"><em>iamp</em></span> (optional, defaults to zero) - amplitude scale. If non-zero,
      overrides the value specified in the sound file header (note:
      negative values are allowed, and will invert the sound output);
      otherwise, the value from the header is used if present, and 1.0 if
      the file does not include such information.
      <span class="emphasis"><em>istrt</em></span> (optional, defaults to -1) - starting position in sample frames,
      can be fractional. If non-negative, overrides the value specified
      in the sound file header; otherwise, the value from the header is
      used if present, and 0 if the file does not include such
      information. Note: even if this parameter is specified, the whole
      file is still read into memory.
      <span class="emphasis"><em>ilpmod</em></span> (optional, defaults to -1) - loop mode, can be one of the
        <table border="0" summary="Simple list" class="simplelist">
            <td>any negative value: use the loop information specified in the
          sound file header, ignoring ilps and ilpe</td>
            <td>0: no looping (ilps and ilpe are ignored)</td>
            <td>1: forward looping (wrap around loop end if it is crossed in
          forward direction, and wrap around loop start if it is
          crossed in backward direction)</td>
            <td>2: backward looping (change direction at loop end if it is
          crossed in forward direction, and wrap around loop start if it
          is crossed in backward direction)</td>
            <td>3: forward-backward looping (change direction at both loop points
          if they are crossed as described above)</td>
      <span class="emphasis"><em>ilps</em></span> (optional, defaults to 0) - loop start in sample frames
      (fractional values are allowed), or loop end if ilps is greater
      than ilpe. Ignored unless ilpmod is set to 1, 2, or 3. If the loop
      points are equal, the whole sample is looped.
      <span class="emphasis"><em>ilpe</em></span> (optional, defaults to 0) - loop end in sample frames (fractional
      values are allowed), or loop start if ilps is greater than ilpe.
      Ignored unless ilpmod is set to 1, 2, or 3. If the loop points are
    equal, the whole sample is looped.
      <div class="refsect1" title="Credits">
        <a id="id3212780"></a>
        <p>Written by Istvan Varga.</p>
        <p>New in Csound 5.03</p>
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