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    <div class="chapter" title="Extending Csound">
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            <h2 class="title"><a id="csound5extending"></a>Extending Csound</h2>
      <div class="section" title="Adding Unit Generators">
        <div class="titlepage">
              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="csound5addingopcodes"></a>Adding Unit Generators</h2>
        <p>If the existing Csound unit generators do not suit your needs,
it is relatively easy to extend Csound by writing new unit generators
in C or C++. The translator, loader, and run-time monitor will treat
your module just like any other, provided you follow some conventions.
  Historically, this has been done with builtin unit generators,
  that is, with code that is statically linked with the rest of the
  Csound executable.
  Today, the preferred method is to create plugin unit
  generators. These are dynamic link libraries (DLLs) on Windows, and
  loadable modules (shared libraries that are <code class="literal">dlopen</code>ed) on
  Linux. Csound searches for and loads these plugins at run time on the path defined in <a class="link" href="CommandEnvironment.html" title="Csound Environment Variables"><em class="citetitle">OPCODEDIR</em></a>. You
  can also load plugin opcodes from the command line using the <a class="link" href="CommandFlags.html#FlagsMinusOpcodeLib"><em class="citetitle">--opcode-lib</em></a> flag.
  advantage of this method, of course, is that plugins created by any
  developer at any time can be used with already existing versions of
        <div class="section" title="Creating a Builtin Unit Generator">
          <div class="titlepage">
                <h3 class="title"><a id="id3804681"></a>Creating a Builtin Unit Generator</h3>
          <p>You need a structure defining the inputs, outputs and
workspace, plus some initialization code and some perf-time code. Let's
put an example of these in two new files,
<code class="filename">newgen.h</code> and
<code class="filename">newgen.c</code>. The examples given are for Csound 5. 
For earlier versions, all opcode functions omit the first parameter (<code class="literal">CSOUND *csound</code>).

          <div class="informalexample">
            <pre class="programlisting">
/* newgen.h  -  define a structure */

/* Declares Csound structures and functions. */
#include "csoundCore.h"

typedef struct
  OPDS h;                                         /* required header */
  MYFLT *result, *istrt, *incr, *itime, *icontin; /* addr outarg, inargs */
  MYFLT curval, vincr;                            /* private dataspace */
  long countdown;                                 /* ditto */
} RMP;

/* newgen.c -  init and perf code */
/* Declares Csound structures and functions. */
#include "csoundCore.h"
/* Declares RMP structure. */
#include "newgen.h"

int rampset (CSOUND *csound, RMP * p)     /* at note initialization: */
  if (*p-&gt;icontin == FL(0.0))
    p-&gt;curval = *p-&gt;istrt;                /* optionally get new start value */
  p-&gt;vincr = *p-&gt;incr / csound-&gt;esr;      /* set s-rate increment per sec. */
  p-&gt;countdown = *p-&gt;itime * csound-&gt;esr; /* counter for itime seconds */
  return OK;

int ramp (CSOUND *csound, RMP * p)        /* during note performance: */
  MYFLT *rsltp = p-&gt;result;               /* init an output array pointer */
  int nn = csound-&gt;ksmps;                 /* array size from orchestra */
      *rsltp++ = p-&gt;curval;               /* copy current value to output */
      if (--p-&gt;countdown &gt; 0)             /* for the first itime seconds, */
        p-&gt;curval += p-&gt;vincr;            /* ramp the value */
  while (--nn);
  return OK;
          <p>Now we add this module to the translator table in
<code class="filename">entry1.c</code>, under the opcode name
<code class="literal">rampt</code>:

          <div class="informalexample">
            <pre class="programlisting">
#include "newgen.h"

int rampset(CSOUND *, RMP *), ramp(CSOUND *, RMP *);

/*   opname    dsblksiz  thread    outypes   intypes   iopadr    kopadr    aopadr  */

{ "rampt",  S(RMP),  5,        "a",      "iiio",     (SUBR) rampset, (SUBR) NULL, (SUBR) ramp  },</pre>
          <p>Finally you must relink Csound with the new module. Add the name of the C file to the <code class="literal">libCsoundSources</code> list in the <code class="literal">SConstruct</code> file:

          <div class="informalexample">
            <pre class="programlisting">
libCsoundSources = Split('''
          <p>Run <span class="application">scons</span> just as you would for any
other Csound build, and the new module will be built into your Csound.</p>
    The above actions have added a new generator to the Csound language. It is an audio-rate linear ramp function which modifies an input value at a user-defined slope for some period. A ramp can optionally continue from the previous note's last value. The Csound manual entry would look like:
          <div class="informalexample">
            <pre class="programlisting">ar rampt istart, islope, itime [, icontin]</pre>
    <span class="emphasis"><em>istart</em></span> -- beginning value of an audio-rate linear ramp. Optionally overridden by a continue flag.
    <span class="emphasis"><em>islope</em></span>  -- slope of ramp, expressed as the y-interval change per second.
          <p><span class="emphasis"><em>itime</em></span> -- ramp time in seconds, after which the value is held for the remainder of the note.
          <p><span class="emphasis"><em>icontin</em></span> (optional) -- continue flag. If zero, ramping will proceed from input <span class="emphasis"><em>istart</em></span> . If non-zero, ramping will proceed from the last value of the previous note. The default value is zero.
    The file <code class="filename">newgen.h</code> includes a one-line list of
    output and input parameters. These are the ports through which the
    new generator will communicate with the other generators in an
    instrument. Communication is by <span class="emphasis"><em>address</em></span>, not
    <span class="emphasis"><em>value</em></span>, and this is a list of pointers to
    values of type MYFLT (which is double if the macro USE_DOUBLE is
    defined, and float otherwise). There are no restrictions on names,
    but the input-output argument types are further defined by character
    strings in entry1.c (inargs, outargs). Inarg types are commonly
    <span class="emphasis"><em>x</em></span>, <span class="emphasis"><em>a</em></span>,
    <span class="emphasis"><em>k</em></span>, and <span class="emphasis"><em>i</em></span>, in the normal
    Csound manual conventions; also available are o (optional,
    defaulting to 0), p (optional, defaulting to 1). Outarg types
    include <span class="emphasis"><em>a</em></span>, <span class="emphasis"><em>k</em></span>,
    <span class="emphasis"><em>i</em></span> and <span class="emphasis"><em>s</em></span> (asig or
    ksig). It is important that all listed argument names be assigned
    a corresponding argument type in <code class="filename">entry1.c</code>.
    Also, i-type args are valid only at initialization time, and other-type
    args are available only at perf time. Subsequent lines in the RMP
    structure declare the work space needed to keep the code re-entrant.
    These enable the module to be used multiple times in multiple instrument
    copies while preserving all data.</p>
    The file <span class="emphasis"><em>newgen.c</em></span> contains two subroutines,
    each called with a pointer to the Csound instance and a pointer to the uniquely allocated RMP structure and its data. The subroutines can be of three types: note initialization, <code class="literal">k</code>-rate signal generation, <code class="literal">a</code>-rate signal generation. A module normally requires two of these: initialization, and either <code class="literal">k</code>-rate or <code class="literal">a</code>-rate subroutines which become inserted in various threaded lists of runnable tasks when an instrument is activated. The thread-types appear in entry1.c in two forms: <span class="emphasis"><em>isub</em></span>, <span class="emphasis"><em>ksub</em></span> and <span class="emphasis"><em>asub</em></span> names; and a threading index which is the sum of isub=1, ksub=2, asub=4. The code itself may reference (but should only read) public members of the CSOUND structure defined in <span class="emphasis"><em>csoundCore.h</em></span>, the most useful of which are:

          <div class="informalexample">
            <pre class="programlisting">
        OPARMS  *oparms
        MYFLT   esr                 user-defined sampling rate
        MYFLT   ekr                 user-defined control rate
        int     ksmps               user-defined ksmps
        int     nchnls              user-defined nchnls
        int     oparms-&gt;odebug      command-line -v flag
        int     oparms-&gt;msglevel    command-line -m level
        MYFLT   tpidsr              2 * PI / esr</pre>
          <div class="section" title="Function tables">
            <div class="titlepage">
                  <h4 class="title"><a id="CS5AddmodFtables"></a>Function tables</h4>
      To access <a id="CS5IndexStoredFuncTables" class="indexterm"></a> stored function tables, special help is available. The newly defined structure should include a pointer
            <div class="informalexample">
              <pre class="programlisting">FUNC        *ftp;</pre>
      initialized by the statement
            <div class="informalexample">
              <pre class="programlisting">ftp = csound-&gt;FTFind(csound, p-&gt;ifuncno);</pre>
      where MYFLT *ifuncno is an i-type input argument containing the ftable number. The stored table is then at ftp-&gt;ftable, and other data such as length, phase masks, cps-to-incr converters, are also accessed from this pointer. See the FUNC structure in csoundCore.h, the csoundFTFind() code in fgens.c, and the code for oscset() and koscil() in OOps/ugens2.c.
          <div class="section" title="Additional Space">
            <div class="titlepage">
                  <h4 class="title"><a id="AddmodAddSpace"></a>Additional Space</h4>
      Sometimes the space requirement of a module is too large to be part of a structure (upper limit 65279 bytes, due to the unsigned short dsblksiz parameter and reserved codes &gt;= 0xFF00), or it is dependent on an i-arg value which is not known until initialization. Additional space can be dynamically allocated and properly managed by including the line
            <div class="informalexample">
              <pre class="programlisting">AUXCH      auxch;</pre>
      in the defined structure (*p), then using the following style of code in the init module:
            <div class="informalexample">
              <pre class="programlisting">
csound-&gt;AuxAlloc(csound, npoints * sizeof(MYFLT), &amp;p-&gt;auxch);</pre>
      The address of this auxiliary space is kept in a chain of such spaces belonging to this instrument, and is automatically managed while the instrument is being duplicated or garbage-collected during performance. The assignment
            <div class="informalexample">
              <pre class="programlisting">void *auxp = p-&gt;auxch.auxp;</pre>
      will find the allocated space for init-time and perf-time use. See the LINSEG structure in ugens1.h and the code for lsgset() and klnseg() in OOps/ugens1.c.
          <div class="section" title="File Sharing">
            <div class="titlepage">
                  <h4 class="title"><a id="AddmodFsharing"></a>File Sharing</h4>
        When accessing an external file often, or doing it from multiple places, it is often efficient to read the entire file into memory. This is accomplished by including the line
            <div class="informalexample">
              <pre class="programlisting">MEMFIL    *mfp;</pre>
      in the defined structure (*p), then using the following style of code in the init module:
            <div class="informalexample">
              <pre class="programlisting">p-&gt;mfp = csound-&gt;ldmemfile(csound, filname);</pre>
      where char *filname is a string name of the file requested. The data read will be found between
            <div class="informalexample">
              <pre class="programlisting">(char *)  p-&gt;mfp-&gt;beginp; and (char *) p-&gt;mfp-&gt;endp;</pre>
      Loaded files do not belong to a particular instrument, but are automatically shared for multiple access. See the ADSYN structure in ugens3.h and the code for adset() and adsyn() in OOps/ugens3.c.
          <div class="section" title="String arguments">
            <div class="titlepage">
                  <h4 class="title"><a id="AddmodStringargs"></a>String arguments</h4>
      To permit a string input argument (MYFLT *ifilnam, say) in our defined structure (*p), assign it the argtype <span class="emphasis"><em>S</em></span> in entry1.c, and include the following code in the init module:
            <div class="informalexample">
              <pre class="programlisting">strcpy(filename, (char*) p-&gt;ifilnam);</pre>
      See the code for adset() in OOps/ugens3.c, lprdset() in OOps/ugens5.c, and pvset() in OOps/ugens8.c.
        <div class="section" title="Adding a Plugin Unit Generator">
          <div class="titlepage">
                <h3 class="title"><a id="id3805276"></a>Adding a Plugin Unit Generator</h3>
          <p>The procedure for creating a plugin unit generator is very
similar to the procedure for creating a builtin. The actual unit
generator code would normally be identical. The differences are as
          <p>Again supposing that your unit generator is named
<code class="literal">newgen</code>, perform the following steps:</p>
          <div class="orderedlist">
            <ol class="orderedlist" type="1">
              <li class="listitem">
                <p>Write your <code class="literal">newgen.c</code> and <code class="literal">newgen.h</code> file as
you would for a builtin unit generator. Put these files in the
<code class="literal">csound5/Opcodes</code> directory.</p>
              <li class="listitem">
                <p><code class="literal">#include "csdl.h"</code> in your unit generator
sources, instead of csoundCore.h.</p>
              <li class="listitem">
                <p>Add your <code class="literal">OENTRY</code> records and unit generator
registration functions at the bottom of your C file. Example (but you
can have as many unit generators in one plugin as you like):</p>
                <pre class="programlisting">
#define S sizeof

static OENTRY localops[] = {
        { "rampt",  S(RMP),  5, "a", "iiio",  (SUBR) rampset, (SUBR) NULL, (SUBR)ramp  },

 * The following macro from csdl.h defines
 * the "csound_opcode_init()" opcode registration
 * function for the localops table.
              <li class="listitem">
                <p>Add your plugin as a new target in the plugin opcodes section of the <code class="literal">SConstruct</code> build file:</p>
                <pre class="programlisting">
              <li class="listitem">
                <p>Run the Csound 5 build in the regular way.</p>
        <div class="section" title="OENTRY Reference">
          <div class="titlepage">
                <h3 class="title"><a id="id3805393"></a><code class="literal">OENTRY</code> Reference</h3>
          <p>The <code class="literal">OENTRY</code> structure (see
<code class="literal">H/csoundCore.h</code>, <code class="literal">Engine/entry1.c</code>,
and <code class="literal">Engine/rdorch.c</code>) contains the following
public fields:</p>
          <pre class="programlisting">
opname, dsblksiz, thread, outypes, intypes, iopadr, kopadr, aopadr</pre>
          <div class="variablelist">
                <span class="term">
                  <code class="literal">dsblksiz</code>
are two types of opcodes, polymorphic and non-polymorphic. For
non-polymorphic opcodes, the <code class="literal">dsblksiz</code> flag specifies
the size of the opcode structure in bytes, and arguments are always
passed to the opcode at the same rate. Polymorphic opcodes can accept
arguments at different rates, and those arguments are actually
dispatched to other opcodes as determined by the
<code class="literal">dsblksiz</code> flag and the following naming convention
(note: the following list is not complete, see Engine/entry1.c
for all possible special dsblksiz codes):

                <div class="variablelist">
                      <span class="term">
                        <code class="literal">0xffff</code>
type of the first output argument determines which unit generator
function is actually called: <code class="literal">XXX</code> -&gt;
<code class="literal">XXX.a</code>, <code class="literal">XXX.i</code>, or
<code class="literal">XXX.k</code>.</p>
                      <span class="term">
                        <code class="literal">0xfffe</code>
types of the first two input arguments determine which unit generator
function is actually called:  <code class="literal">XXX</code> -&gt;
<code class="literal">XXX.aa</code>, <code class="literal">XXX.ak</code>,
<code class="literal">XXX.ka</code>, or <code class="literal">XXX.kk</code>, as in the
<code class="literal">oscil</code> unit generator.</p>
                      <span class="term">
                        <code class="literal">0xfffd</code>
to one input argument of type a or k, as in the <code class="literal">peak</code>
unit generator.</p>
                <span class="term">
                  <code class="literal">thread</code>
the rate(s) at which the unit generator's functions are called, as

                <div class="table">
                  <a id="id3805596"></a>
                  <p class="title">
                    <b>Table 22. Rate at which ugens are called according to thread parameter</b>
                  <div class="table-contents">
                    <table summary="Rate at which ugens are called according to thread parameter" border="1">
                        <col />
                        <col />
                            <code class="literal">0</code>
                          <td><code class="literal">i</code>-rate <span class="emphasis"><em>or</em></span> <code class="literal">k</code>-rate (B out only)</td>
                            <code class="literal">1</code>
                          <td><code class="literal">i</code>-rate</td>
                            <code class="literal">2</code>
                          <td><code class="literal">k</code>-rate</td>
                            <code class="literal">3</code>
                          <td><code class="literal">i</code>-rate <span class="emphasis"><em>and</em></span> <code class="literal">k</code>-rate</td>
                            <code class="literal">4</code>
                          <td><code class="literal">a</code>-rate</td>
                            <code class="literal">5</code>
                          <td><code class="literal">i</code>-rate <span class="emphasis"><em>and</em></span> <code class="literal">a</code>-rate</td>
                            <code class="literal">7</code>
                          <td><code class="literal">i</code>-rate <span class="emphasis"><em>and</em></span> (<code class="literal">k</code>-rate <span class="emphasis"><em>or</em></span> <code class="literal">a</code>-rate)</td>
                <p><br class="table-break" />
                <span class="term">
                  <code class="literal">outypes</code>
the return values of the unit generator functions, if any. The types
allowed are (note: the following list is not complete, see Engine/entry1.c
for all possible output types):

                <div class="table">
                  <a id="id3805798"></a>
                  <p class="title">
                    <b>Table 23. List of out types for ugens</b>
                  <div class="table-contents">
                    <table summary="List of out types for ugens" border="1">
                        <col />
                        <col />
                            <code class="literal">i</code>
                          <td><code class="literal">i</code>-rate scalar</td>
                            <code class="literal">k</code>
                          <td><code class="literal">k</code>-rate scalar</td>
                            <code class="literal">a</code>
                          <td>a-rate vector</td>
                            <code class="literal">x</code>
                          <td><code class="literal">k</code>-rate scalar or a-rate vector</td>
                            <code class="literal">f</code>
                          <td><code class="literal">f</code>-rate streaming pvoc fsig type</td>
                            <code class="literal">m</code>
                          <td>multiple a-rate output arguments</td>
                <p><br class="table-break" />
                <span class="term">
                  <code class="literal">intypes</code>
the arguments the unit generator functions take, if any.  The types
allowed are (note: the following list is not complete, see Engine/entry1.c
for all possible input types):

                <div class="table">
                  <a id="id3805930"></a>
                  <p class="title">
                    <b>Table 24. List of in types ofr ugens</b>
                  <div class="table-contents">
                    <table summary="List of in types ofr ugens" border="1">
                        <col />
                        <col />
                            <code class="literal">i</code>
                          <td><code class="literal">i</code>-rate scalar</td>
                            <code class="literal">k</code>
                          <td><code class="literal">k</code>-rate scalar</td>
                            <code class="literal">a</code>
                          <td><code class="literal">a</code>-rate vector</td>
                            <code class="literal">x</code>
                          <td><code class="literal">a</code>-rate scalar or <code class="literal">a</code>-rate vector</td>
                            <code class="literal">f</code>
                          <td><code class="literal">f</code>-rate streaming pvoc fsig type</td>
                            <code class="literal">S</code>
                            <code class="literal">B</code>
                          <td> </td>
                            <code class="literal">l</code>
                          <td> </td>
                            <code class="literal">m</code>
                          <td>Begins an indefinite list of <code class="literal">i</code>-rate arguments
(any count)</td>
                            <code class="literal">M</code>
                          <td>Begins an indefinite list of arguments (any
rate, any count)</td>
                            <code class="literal">N</code>
                          <td>Begins an indefinite list of (optional <code class="literal">a</code>-, <code class="literal">k</code>-, <code class="literal">i</code>-, or <code class="literal">S-rate</code>)-rate arguments (any odd count)</td>
                            <code class="literal">n</code>
                          <td>Begins an indefinite list of <code class="literal">i</code>-rate arguments
(any odd count)</td>
                            <code class="literal">O</code>
                          <td>Optional k-rate, defaulting to 0</td>
                            <code class="literal">o</code>
                          <td>Optional i-rate, defaulting to 0</td>
                            <code class="literal">p</code>
                          <td>Optional i-rate, defaulting to 1</td>
                            <code class="literal">q</code>
                          <td>Optional i-rate, defaulting to 10</td>
                            <code class="literal">V</code>
                          <td>Optional k-rate, defaulting to 0.5</td>
                            <code class="literal">v</code>
                          <td>Optional i-rate, defaulting to 0.5</td>
                            <code class="literal">j</code>
                          <td>Optional i-rate, defaulting to -1</td>
                            <code class="literal">h</code>
                          <td>Optional i-rate, defaulting to 127</td>
                            <code class="literal">y</code>
                          <td>Begins an indefinite list of <code class="literal">a</code>-rate arguments
(any count)</td>
                            <code class="literal">z</code>
                          <td>Begins an indefinite list of <code class="literal">k</code>-rate arguments
(any count)</td>
                            <code class="literal">Z</code>
                          <td>Begins an indefinite list of alternating <code class="literal">k</code>-rate
and <code class="literal">a</code>-rate arguments (kaka...)
(any count)</td>
                <p><br class="table-break" />
                <span class="term">
                  <code class="literal">iopadr</code>
        address of the unit generator function (of type <code class="literal">int
        (*SUBR)(CSOUND *, void *)</code>) that is called at i-time, or NULL for no
                <span class="term">
                  <code class="literal">kopadr</code>
                <p>The address of the unit
        generator function (of type <code class="literal">int (*SUBR)(CSOUND *, void *)</code>) that is called at <code class="literal">k</code>-rate, or NULL for no function.</p>
                <span class="term">
                  <code class="literal">aopadr</code>
                <p>The address of the unit
        generator function (of type <code class="literal">int (*SUBR)(CSOUND *, void *)</code>) that is called at a-rate, or NULL for no function.</p>
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