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            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="csserver"></a>A Csound server </h2>
      <p>In Tcl, setting up TCP network connections is very simple. With a few lines of code a csound server can be built. 
This can accept connections from the local machine or from remote clients. Not only Tcl/Tk clients can send 
commands to it, but TCP connections can be made from other sofware, such as, for instance, Pure Data (PD). 
A Tcl script that can be run under the standard tclsh interpreter is shown below. It uses the Tclcsound module, 
a dynamic library that adds the Csound API commands to Tcl. </p>
      <pre class="programlisting">
# load
#(OSX: tclcsound.dylib, Windows: tclcsound.dll)
load Tclcsound
set forever 0

# This arranges for commands to be evaluated
proc ChanEval { chan client } {
if { [catch { set rtn [eval [gets $chan]]} err] } {
puts "Error: $err"
} else {
puts $client $rtn
flush $client
      <pre class="programlisting">
# this arranges for connections to be made 
      <pre class="programlisting">
proc NewChan { chan host port } {
puts "Csound server: connected to $host on port $port ($chan)"
fileevent $chan readable [list ChanEval $chan $host]
      <pre class="programlisting">
# this sets up a server to listen for
# connections 
      <pre class="programlisting">
set server [socket -server NewChan 40001]
set sinfo [fconfigure $server -sockname]
puts "Csound server: ready for connections on port [lindex $sinfo 2]"
vwait forever 
      <p>With the server running, it is then possible to set up clients to control the Csound server. 
Such clients can be run from standard Tcl/Tk interpreters, as they do not evaluate the Csound commands themselves. Here is an example of client connections to a Csound server, using Tcl: </p>
      <pre class="programlisting">
# connect to server
set sock [socket localhost 40001]

# compile Csound code
puts $sock "csCompile -odac <span class="emphasis"><em>orchestra</em></span> <span class="emphasis"><em>score</em></span>"
flush $sock 
      <pre class="programlisting">
# start performance
puts $sock "csPlay"
flush $sock 
      <pre class="programlisting">
# stop performance
puts $sock "csStop"
flush $sock 
      <p>As mentioned before, it is possible to set up clients using other software systems, such as PD. 
Such clients need only to connect to the server (using a netsend object) and send messages to it. The first 
item of each message is taken to be a command. Further items can optionally be added to it as arguments to that command. </p>
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