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<head><title>hyperGraph -- constructor for HyperGraph</title>
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<div><h1>hyperGraph -- constructor for HyperGraph</h1>
<div class="single"><h2>Synopsis</h2>
<ul><li><div class="list"><dl class="element"><dt class="heading">Usage: </dt><dd class="value"><div><tt>H = hyperGraph(R,E)</tt><br/><tt>H = hyperGraph(I)</tt><br/><tt>H = hyperGraph(J)</tt><br/><tt>H = hyperGraph(E)</tt><br/><tt>H = hyperGraph(G)</tt></div>
<li><div class="single">Inputs:<ul><li><span><tt>R</tt>, <span>a <a href="../../Macaulay2Doc/html/___Polynomial__Ring.html">polynomial ring</a></span>, whose variables correspond to vertices of the hypergraph</span></li>
<li><span><tt>E</tt>, <span>a <a href="../../Macaulay2Doc/html/___List.html">list</a></span>, a list of edges, which themselves are lists of vertices</span></li>
<li><span><tt>I</tt>, <span>a <a href="../../Macaulay2Doc/html/___Monomial__Ideal.html">monomial ideal</a></span>, which must be square-free and whose generators become the edges of the hypergraph</span></li>
<li><span><tt>J</tt>, <span>an <a href="../../Macaulay2Doc/html/___Ideal.html">ideal</a></span>, which must be square-free monomial and whose generators become the edges of the hypergraph</span></li>
<li><span><tt>G</tt>, <span>a <a href="___Graph.html">graph</a></span>, which is to be converted to a HyperGraph</span></li>
<li><div class="single">Outputs:<ul><li><span><tt>H</tt>, <span>a <a href="___Hyper__Graph.html">hypergraph</a></span></span></li>
<div class="single"><h2>Description</h2>
<div><p>The function <tt>hyperGraph</tt> is a constructor for <a href="___Hyper__Graph.html" title="a class for hypergraphs">HyperGraph</a>.  The user can input a hypergraph in a number of different ways, which we describe below. The information decribing the hypergraph is stored in a hash table. We require that there be no inclusion relations between the edges of a hypergraph; that is, that it be a clutter. The reason is that this package is designed for edge ideals, which would lose any information about edges that are supersets of other edges.</p>
<div>For the first possiblity, the user inputs a polynomial ring, which specifices the vertices of graph, and a list of the edges of the graph.  The edges are represented as lists.</div>
<table class="examples"><tr><td><pre>i1 : R = QQ[a..f]

o1 = R

o1 : PolynomialRing</pre>
<tr><td><pre>i2 : E = {{a,b,c},{b,c,d},{c,d,e},{e,d,f}}

o2 = {{a, b, c}, {b, c, d}, {c, d, e}, {e, d, f}}

o2 : List</pre>
<tr><td><pre>i3 : h = hyperGraph (R,E)

o3 = HyperGraph{edges => {{a, b, c}, {b, c, d}, {c, d, e}, {e, d, f}}}
                ring => R
                vertices => {a, b, c, d, e, f}

o3 : HyperGraph</pre>
<div>Alternatively, if the polynomial ring has already been defined, it suffices simply to enter the list of the edges.</div>
<table class="examples"><tr><td><pre>i4 : S = QQ[z_1..z_8]

o4 = S

o4 : PolynomialRing</pre>
<tr><td><pre>i5 : E1 = {{z_1,z_2,z_3},{z_2,z_4,z_5,z_6},{z_4,z_7,z_8},{z_5,z_7,z_8}}

o5 = {{z , z , z }, {z , z , z , z }, {z , z , z }, {z , z , z }}
        1   2   3     2   4   5   6     4   7   8     5   7   8

o5 : List</pre>
<tr><td><pre>i6 : E2 = {{z_2,z_3,z_4},{z_4,z_5}}

o6 = {{z , z , z }, {z , z }}
        2   3   4     4   5

o6 : List</pre>
<tr><td><pre>i7 : h1 = hyperGraph E1

o7 = HyperGraph{edges => {{z , z , z }, {z , z , z , z }, {z , z , z }, {z , z , z }}}
                            1   2   3     2   4   5   6     4   7   8     5   7   8
                ring => S
                vertices => {z , z , z , z , z , z , z , z }
                              1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8

o7 : HyperGraph</pre>
<tr><td><pre>i8 : h2 = hyperGraph E2

o8 = HyperGraph{edges => {{z , z , z }, {z , z }}           }
                            2   3   4     4   5
                ring => S
                vertices => {z , z , z , z , z , z , z , z }
                              1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8

o8 : HyperGraph</pre>
<div>The list of edges could also be entered as a list of square-free monomials.</div>
<table class="examples"><tr><td><pre>i9 : T = QQ[w,x,y,z]

o9 = T

o9 : PolynomialRing</pre>
<tr><td><pre>i10 : e = {w*x*y,w*x*z,w*y*z,x*y*z}

o10 = {w*x*y, w*x*z, w*y*z, x*y*z}

o10 : List</pre>
<tr><td><pre>i11 : h = hyperGraph e

o11 = HyperGraph{edges => {{w, x, y}, {w, x, z}, {w, y, z}, {x, y, z}}}
                 ring => T
                 vertices => {w, x, y, z}

o11 : HyperGraph</pre>
<div>Another option for defining an hypergraph is to use an <a href="../../Macaulay2Doc/html/_ideal.html" title="make an ideal">ideal</a> or <a href="../../Macaulay2Doc/html/_monomial__Ideal.html" title="make a monomial ideal">monomialIdeal</a>.</div>
<table class="examples"><tr><td><pre>i12 : C = QQ[p_1..p_6]

o12 = C

o12 : PolynomialRing</pre>
<tr><td><pre>i13 : i = monomialIdeal (p_1*p_2*p_3,p_3*p_4*p_5,p_3*p_6)

o13 = monomialIdeal (p p p , p p p , p p )
                      1 2 3   3 4 5   3 6

o13 : MonomialIdeal of C</pre>
<tr><td><pre>i14 : hyperGraph i

o14 = HyperGraph{edges => {{p , p , p }, {p , p , p }, {p , p }}}
                             1   2   3     3   4   5     3   6
                 ring => C
                 vertices => {p , p , p , p , p , p }
                               1   2   3   4   5   6

o14 : HyperGraph</pre>
<tr><td><pre>i15 : j = ideal (p_1*p_2,p_3*p_4*p_5,p_6)

o15 = ideal (p p , p p p , p )
              1 2   3 4 5   6

o15 : Ideal of C</pre>
<tr><td><pre>i16 : hyperGraph j

o16 = HyperGraph{edges => {{p , p }, {p , p , p }, {p }}}
                             1   2     3   4   5     6
                 ring => C
                 vertices => {p , p , p , p , p , p }
                               1   2   3   4   5   6

o16 : HyperGraph</pre>
<div>From any graph we can make a hypergraph with the same edges.</div>
<table class="examples"><tr><td><pre>i17 : D = QQ[r_1..r_5]

o17 = D

o17 : PolynomialRing</pre>
<tr><td><pre>i18 : g = graph {r_1*r_2,r_2*r_4,r_3*r_5,r_5*r_4,r_1*r_5}

o18 = Graph{edges => {{r , r }, {r , r }, {r , r }, {r , r }, {r , r }}}
                        1   2     2   4     1   5     3   5     4   5
            ring => D
            vertices => {r , r , r , r , r }
                          1   2   3   4   5

o18 : Graph</pre>
<tr><td><pre>i19 : h = hyperGraph g

o19 = HyperGraph{edges => {{r , r }, {r , r }, {r , r }, {r , r }, {r , r }}}
                             1   2     2   4     1   5     3   5     4   5
                 ring => D
                 vertices => {r , r , r , r , r }
                               1   2   3   4   5

o19 : HyperGraph</pre>
<div>Not all hypergraph constructors are able to make the empty hypergraph, that is, the hypergraph with no edges. Specifically, the constructors that take only a list cannot make the empty hypergraph because the underlying ring is not given. To define the empty hypergraph, give an explicit polynomial ring or give the (monomial) ideal.</div>
<table class="examples"><tr><td><pre>i20 : E = QQ[m,n,o,p]

o20 = E

o20 : PolynomialRing</pre>
<tr><td><pre>i21 : hyperGraph(E, {})

o21 = HyperGraph{edges => {}             }
                 ring => E
                 vertices => {m, n, o, p}

o21 : HyperGraph</pre>
<tr><td><pre>i22 : hyperGraph monomialIdeal(0_E)  -- the zero element of E (do not use 0)

o22 = HyperGraph{edges => {}             }
                 ring => E
                 vertices => {m, n, o, p}

o22 : HyperGraph</pre>
<tr><td><pre>i23 : hyperGraph ideal (0_E)

o23 = HyperGraph{edges => {}             }
                 ring => E
                 vertices => {m, n, o, p}

o23 : HyperGraph</pre>
<div class="single"><h2>See also</h2>
<ul><li><span><a href="_graph.html" title="constructor for Graph">graph</a> -- constructor for Graph</span></li>
<li><span><a href="___Constructor_sp__Overview.html" title="a summary of the many ways of making graphs and hypergraphs">Constructor Overview</a> -- a summary of the many ways of making graphs and hypergraphs</span></li>
<div class="waystouse"><h2>Ways to use <tt>hyperGraph</tt> :</h2>