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<head><title>help -- help command</title>
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<div><h1>help -- help command</h1>
<div class="single"><h2>Description</h2>
<div>Various ways to get help:<ul><li><tt>help "Macaulay2"</tt> -- displays the base of the online documentation tree.</li>
<li><tt>help X</tt> -- displays the online documentation for <tt>X</tt></li>
<li><tt>help methods X</tt> -- displays help messages about the methods usable with things of type <tt>X</tt></li>
<li><tt>help methods res</tt> -- displays help messages about the methods usable with the function <tt>res</tt></li>
<li><tt>help methods symbol **</tt> -- displays help messages about the methods usable with the operator <tt>**</tt></li>
<li><tt>help methods (res, X)</tt> -- displays help messages about the methods usable with the function <tt>res</tt> and a thing of class <tt>X</tt></li>
<li><tt>help methods (symbol **, X)</tt> -- displays help messages about the methods usable with the operator <tt>**</tt> and a thing of class <tt>X</tt></li>
<li><tt>help methods (X, Y)</tt> -- displays help messages about the methods usable with a thing of class <tt>X</tt> and a thing of class <tt>Y</tt></li>
The <tt>help</tt> command is used to display online documentation.  Use <a href="_view__Help.html" title="view online doc with a web browser">viewHelp</a> to display the corresponding documentation in your web browser.<table class="examples"><tr><td><pre>i1 : help
--loading the Macaulay2 documentation from /builddir/build/BUILD/Macaulay2-1.3.1-r10737/Macaulay2/packages/Macaulay2Doc/

o1 = initial help

     Welcome to Macaulay2

     Try entering '2+2' at your next input prompt, which begins with i.  The
     two output prompts begin with o.  The first one, with the equal sign,
     '=', gives the value computed from your input, and the second one, with
     the colon, ':', tells what type of thing the value is.

     Type one of these commands to get started reading the documentation:
       * copyright                         -- the copyright
       * help "Macaulay2"                  -- top node of the documentation.
       * help "reading the documentation"  -- 
       * help "getting started"            -- 
       * help "a first Macaulay2 session"  -- 
       * help x                            -- display the documentation for x
       * ? f                               -- display brief documentation for
         a function f
       * printWidth = 80                   -- set print width to 80
       * viewHelp                          -- view documentation in a browser
       * viewHelp x                        -- view documentation on x in
     To read the documentation in info form, in case you happen to be running
     Macaulay2 in a terminal window, replace "help" by "infoHelp" in any of
     the commands above.

o1 : DIV</pre>
<tr><td><pre>i2 : help ideal

o2 = ideal -- make an ideal

     Ways to use ideal :

       * "ideal(List)" -- make an ideal
       * ideal(Sequence), see "ideal(List)" -- make an ideal
       * "ideal(Matrix)" -- make an ideal
       * "ideal(Module)" -- converts a module to an ideal
       * "ideal(MonomialIdeal)" -- converts a monomial ideal to an ideal
       * ideal(QuotientRing), see "ideal(Ring)" -- returns the defining ideal
       * "ideal(Ring)" -- returns the defining ideal
       * ideal(Number), see "ideal(RingElement)" -- make an ideal
       * "ideal(RingElement)" -- make an ideal
       * "ideal(String)" -- make an ideal using classic Macaulay syntax
       * "ideal(Variety)" -- returns the defining ideal

o2 : DIV</pre>
<tr><td><pre>i3 : help (ideal,List)

o3 = ideal(List) -- make an ideal


       * Usage: ideal L
       * Function: "ideal"
       * Inputs:
           * L, a list, or a sequence of ring elements
       * Outputs:
           * an ideal, which is generated by the list or sequence of ring


     |i1 : R = ZZ/101[w,x,y,z];                   |
     |i2 : ideal{x^2-w*y, x*y-w*z, x*z-y^2}       |
     |                                            |
     |             2                      2       |
     |o2 = ideal (x  - w*y, x*y - w*z, - y  + x*z)|
     |                                            |
     |o2 : Ideal of R                             |
     |i3 : ideal(y^2-x*z,x^2*y-z^2,x^3-y*z)       |
     |                                            |
     |             2         2     2   3          |
     |o3 = ideal (y  - x*z, x y - z , x  - y*z)   |
     |                                            |
     |o3 : Ideal of R                             |
     |i4 : E = ZZ/2[x,y, SkewCommutative => true];|
     |i5 : ideal(x^2,x*y)                         |
     |                                            |
     |o5 = ideal (0, x*y)                         |
     |                                            |
     |o5 : Ideal of E                             |
     |i6 : W = QQ[x,dx, WeylAlgebra => {x => dx}];|
     |i7 : ideal(dx*x+x*dx)                       |
     |                                            |
     |o7 = ideal(2x*dx + 1)                       |
     |                                            |
     |o7 : Ideal of W                             |
     |i8 : I = ideal(12,18)                       |
     |                                            |
     |o8 = ideal (12, 18)                         |
     |                                            |
     |o8 : Ideal of ZZ                            |
     |i9 : mingens I                              |
     |                                            |
     |o9 = | 6 |                                  |
     |                                            |
     |              1        1                    |
     |o9 : Matrix ZZ  &lt;--- ZZ                     |

     See also

       * "Ideal" -- the class of all ideals
       * "PolynomialRing" -- the class of all ordered monoid rings

o3 : DIV</pre>
Some other potential help topics:<ul><li><tt>help "Gröbner bases"</tt></li>
<li><tt>help "multigraded polynomial rings"</tt></li>
<div class="single"><h2>See also</h2>
<ul><li><span><a href="_view__Help.html" title="view online doc with a web browser">viewHelp</a> -- view online doc with a web browser</span></li>
<li><span><a href="_info__Help.html" title="view online doc with info">infoHelp</a> -- view online doc with info</span></li>
<li><span><a href="_apropos_lp__String_rp.html" title="symbols matching a pattern">apropos</a> -- symbols matching a pattern</span></li>
<li><span><a href="_code.html" title="display source code">code</a> -- display source code</span></li>
<li><span><a href="_examples.html" title="list the examples in documentation">examples</a> -- list the examples in documentation</span></li>
<li><span><a href="_reading_spthe_spdocumentation.html" title="">reading the documentation</a></span></li>
<div class="waystouse"><h2>For the programmer</h2>
<p>The object <a href="_help.html" title="help command">help</a> is <span>a <a href="___Command.html">command</a></span>.</p>