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	<TITLE>Understanding system-level processor performance</TITLE>
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<H1 ALIGN=CENTER STYLE="margin-top: 0.48cm; margin-bottom: 0.32cm"><FONT SIZE=7>Understanding measures of system-level processor performance</FONT></H1>
	<TR><TD BGCOLOR="#e2e2e2"><IMG SRC="images/system-search.png" WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16 BORDER=0>&nbsp;&nbsp;<I>Tools</I><BR><PRE>
<P>This chapter of the Performance Co-Pilot tutorial provides some hints 
on how to interpret and understand the various measures of system-level 
processor (CPU) performance.</P>
<P>All modern operating systems collect processor resource utilization at both
the <B>process</B>-level and the <B>system</B>-level.&nbsp;&nbsp;This tutorial relate specifically to the <B>system</B>-level metrics.</P>
<P>For an explanation of Performance Co-Pilot terms and acronyms, consult 
the <A HREF="glossary.html">PCP glossary</A>.</P>

        <TR><TD WIDTH=100% BGCOLOR="#081c59"><P ALIGN=LEFT><FONT SIZE=5 COLOR="#ffffff"><B>How the system-level CPU time is computed</B></FONT></P></TD></TR>
Both <I>sar</I> and Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) use a common collection 
of system-level CPU performance instrumentation from the kernel. 
This instrumentation is based upon statistical sampling of the state of <B>each</B>
 CPU in the kernel's software clock interrupt routine which is commonly
called 100 times (HZ) per second on every CPU.</P>
At each observation a CPU is attributed a quantum of 10 milliseconds of 
elapsed time to one of several counters based on the current state of 
the code executing on that CPU.</P>
This sort of statistical sampling is subject to some anomalies, 
particularly when activity is strongly correlated with the clock 
interrupts, however the distribution of observations over several 
seconds or minutes is often an accurate reflection of the true 
distribution of CPU time. The kernel profiling mechanisms offer higher
resolution should that be required, however that is beyond the scope
of this document.</P>
The CPU state is determined by considering what the CPU was doing just 
before the clock interrupt, as follows:</P>
    If executing a <B>user</B> thread (i.e. above the kernel system 
    call interface for some process) then the state is CPU_USER. 
    If executing a kernel interrupt thread, then the state is CPU_INTR. 
    If executing a kernel thread waiting for a graphics event, then the 
    state is CPU_WAIT. 
    If otherwise executing a kernel thread, then the state is CPU_KERNEL. 
    If not executing a kernel thread and some I/O is pending, then the 
    state is CPU_WAIT. 
    If not executing a kernel thread and no I/O is pending and some user 
    thread is paused waiting for memory to become available, then the state 
    is CPU_SXBRK. 
    Otherwise the state is CPU_IDLE. 
These states are mutually exclusive and complete, so exactly one state 
is assigned for each CPU at each clock interrupt.</P>
The kernel agent for PCP exports the following metrics:</P>
    <CAPTION ALIGN="BOTTOM"><B>Table 1: Raw PCP CPU metrics</B></CAPTION>
        <TH>PCP Metric</TH>
        <TD>Time counted when in CPU_USER state.</TD>
        <TD>Time counted when in CPU_KERNEL state.</TD>
        <TD>Time counted when in CPU_INTR state.</TD>
        <TD>Time counted when in CPU_SXBRK state (IRIX only).</TD>
        <TD>Time counted when in CPU_WAIT state (UNIX only).</TD>
        <TD>Time counted when in CPU_IDLE state.</TD>
These metrics are all &quot;counters&quot; in units of milliseconds 
(cumulative since system boot time) so when displayed with most PCP 
tools they are &quot;rate converted&quot; (sampled periodically and the 
differences between consecutive values converted to time utilization in 
units of milliseconds per second over the sample interval). Since the 
raw values are aggregated across all CPUs, the time utilization for any 
of the metrics above is in the range 0 to N*1000 for an N CPU system; 
for some PCP tools this is reported as a percentage in the range 0 to 
N*100 percent.</P>

	<TR><TD BGCOLOR="#e2e2e2" WIDTH=70%><BR><IMG SRC="images/stepfwd_on.png" WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16 BORDER=0>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Using <I>pmchart</I> to display CPU activity (aggregated over all CPUs).<BR>
$ source /etc/pcp.conf
$ tar xzf $PCP_DEMOS_DIR/tutorials/cpuperf.tgz
$ pmchart -c CPU -t 2sec -O -0sec -a cpuperf/moomba.pmkstat
This command will provide the interactive charts described here.

<P>On IRIX, the CPU_WAIT state is further subdivided into components describing 
different types of &quot;waiting&quot;:</P>
    If executing a kernel thread waiting for a graphics context switch, 
    then the waiting classification W_GFXC is true. 
    If executing a kernel thread waiting for a graphics FIFO operation to 
    complete, then the waiting classification W_GFXF is true. 
    If not executing any thread and an I/O involving a block device (most 
    likely associated with a file system but independent of the CPU from 
    which the I/O was initiated), then the waiting classification W_IO is 
    If not executing any thread and an I/O involving a swap operation 
    (independent of the CPU from which the I/O was initiated), then the 
    waiting classification W_SWAP is true. 
    If not executing any thread and an I/O involving a raw device is 
    pending (independent of the CPU from which the I/O was initiated), then 
    the waiting classification W_PIO is true. 
More than one of the group { W_IO, W_SWAP, W_PIO } can be true each 
time, however this group and W_GFXC and W_GFXF are all mutually 
exclusive. If the state is CPU_WAIT, then at least one of the 
classifications must be true.</P>
The IRIX agent for PCP exports the following CPU &quot;wait&quot; 
metrics, the sum of which approximately equals <I><TT></TT></I>:</P>
    <CAPTION ALIGN="BOTTOM"><B>Table 2: Raw PCP CPU wait metrics</B></CAPTION>
        <TH>PCP Metric</TH>
        <TD>Time counted when W_GFXC is true.</TD>
        <TD>Time counted when W_GFXF is true.</TD>
        <TD>Time counted when W_IO is true.</TD>
        <TD>Time counted when W_SWAP is true.</TD>
        <TD>Time counted when W_PIO is true.</TD>
These metrics are all &quot;counters&quot; in units of milliseconds 
(cumulative since system boot time) so when displayed with most PCP 
tools they are &quot;rate converted&quot; (sampled periodically and the 
differences between consecutive values converted to time utilization in 
units of milliseconds per second over the sample interval). Since the 
raw values are aggregated across all CPUs, the time utilization for any 
of the metrics above is in the range 0 to N*1000 for an N CPU system; 
for some PCP tools this is reported as a percentage in the range 0 to 
N*100 percent.</P>
Note that for a multiprocessor system with one I/O pending, <B>all</B>
 otherwise idle CPUs will be assigned the CPU_WAIT state. This may lead 
to an over-estimate of the I/O wait time, as discussed in the 
companion <A HREF="howto.diskperf.html">How to understand measures of 
disk performance</A> document.</P>
In IRIX 6.5.2 additional instrumentation was added to help address the 
wait time attribution by looking at the <B>number</B> of waiting 
processes in various states, rather than the state of a CPU with 
reference to the cardinality of the various sets of waiting processes. 
The wait I/O queue length is defined as the number of processes 
waiting on events corresponding to the classifications W_IO, W_SWAP or 
W_PIO. The metrics shown in the table below are computed on only <B>one</B>
 of the CPUs (the &quot;clock-master&quot;) each clock interrupt.</P>
    <CAPTION ALIGN="BOTTOM"><B>Table 3: Raw PCP wait I/O queue length 
        <TH>PCP Metric</TH>
        <TD>Cumulative total of the wait I/O queue lengths, as observed 
            on each clock interrupt.</TD>
        <TD>Cumulative total of the number of times the wait I/O queue 
            length is greater than zero, as observed on each clock interrupt.</TD>
These metrics may be used with PCP tools as follows:</P>
    Displaying <I><TT>kernel.all.waitio.queue</TT></I> with <I>pmval</I>, <I>pmdumptext</I>, <I>pmchart</I>, 
    etc. will display the time average of the wait I/O queue length 
    multiplied by the frequency of clock interrupts, i.e. by 100. 
    Displaying <I><TT>kernel.all.waitio.occ</TT></I> with <I>pmval</I>, <I>pmdumptext</I>, <I>pmchart</I>, 
    etc. will display the probability that the wait I/O queue is not empty 
    multiplied by the frequency of clock interrupts, i.e. by 100. This 
    value (converted to a percentage) is reported as <I><TT>%wioocc</TT></I>
     by the <B>-q</B> option of <I>sar.</I> 
    Using <I>pmie</I> with the expression<BR>
     <I><TT>kernel.all.waitio.queue / kernel.all.waitio.occ</TT></I><BR>
     will report the stochastic average of the wait I/O queue length, 
    conditional upon the queue not being empty. This value is reported as <I><TT>wioq-sz</TT></I>
     by the <B>-q</B> option of <I>sar.</I> 

        <TR><TD WIDTH=100% BGCOLOR="#081c59"><P ALIGN=LEFT><FONT SIZE=5 COLOR="#ffffff"><B>The per-CPU variants</B></FONT></P></TD></TR>
Inside the kernel, most of the metrics described above are 
accumulated per-CPU for reasons of efficiency (to reduce the locking 
overheads and minimize dirty cache-line traffic).</P>
PCP exports the per-CPU versions of the system-wide metrics with metric 
names formed by replacing <B><I><TT>all</TT></I></B> by <B><I><TT>percpu</TT></I></B>, 
e.g. <I><TT>kernel.percpu.cpu.user</TT></I>.</P>

	<TR><TD BGCOLOR="#e2e2e2" WIDTH=70%><BR><IMG SRC="images/stepfwd_on.png" WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16 BORDER=0>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The <I>mpvis</I> tool provides 3-D visualization of these per-CPU metrics.<PRE><B>
$ mpvis -a cpuperf/babylon.percpu
When the window is shown, use the <A HREF="timecontrol.html">PCP Archive Time Control</A> dialog to scroll through the archive (Fast Forward).

        <TR><TD WIDTH=100% BGCOLOR="#081c59"><P ALIGN=LEFT><FONT SIZE=5 COLOR="#ffffff"><B>Reconciling sar -u and PCP CPU performance metrics</B></FONT></P></TD></TR>
The <I>sar</I> metrics are scaled based on the number of CPUs and 
expressed in percentages, PCP metrics are in units of milliseconds per 
second after rate conversion; this explains the PCP metric <I><TT>hinv.ncpu</TT></I>
 and the constants 100 and 1000 in the expressions below.</P>
When run with a <B>-u</B> option, <I>sar</I> reports the following:</P>
    <CAPTION ALIGN="BOTTOM"><B>Table 3: PCP and sar metric equivalents</B></CAPTION>
        <TH>PCP equivalent (assuming rate conversion)</TH>
        <TD>100 * <I><TT>kernel.all.cpu.user</TT></I> / (<I><TT>hinv.ncpu </TT></I>* 
        <TD>100 * <I><TT>kernel.all.cpu.sys</TT></I> / (<I><TT>hinv.ncpu </TT></I>* 
        <TD>100 * <I><TT>kernel.all.cpu.intr</TT></I> / (<I><TT>hinv.ncpu </TT></I>* 
        <TD>100 * <I><TT></TT></I> / (<I><TT>hinv.ncpu </TT></I>* 
        <TD>100 * <I><TT>kernel.all.cpu.idle</TT></I> / (<I><TT>hinv.ncpu </TT></I>* 
        <TD>100 * <I><TT>kernel.all.cpu.sxbrk </TT></I>/ (<I><TT>hinv.ncpu </TT></I>* 
        <TD>100 * <I><TT></TT></I> / <I><TT></TT></I></TD>
        <TD>100 * <I><TT>kernel.all.cpu.wait.swap</TT></I> / <I><TT></TT></I></TD>
        <TD>100 * <I><TT>kernel.all.cpu.wait.pio</TT></I> / <I><TT></TT></I></TD>
        <TD>100 * <I><TT>kernel.all.cpu.wait.gfxc</TT></I> / <I><TT></TT></I></TD>
        <TD>100 * <I><TT>kernel.all.cpu.wait.gfxf</TT></I> / <I><TT></TT></I></TD>

        <TR><TD WIDTH=100% BGCOLOR="#081c59"><P ALIGN=LEFT><FONT SIZE=5 COLOR="#ffffff"><B>The load average</B></FONT></P></TD></TR>
The &quot;load average&quot; is reported by <I>uptime</I>, <I>top</I>, 
etc. and the PCP metric <I><TT>kernel.all.load</TT></I>.</P>
The load average is an indirect measure of the demand for CPU 
resources. It is calculated using the previous load average (<I>load</I>) 
and the number of currently runnable processes (<I>nrun</I>) and an 
exponential dampening expression, e.g. for the &quot;1 minute&quot; 
average, the expression is:</P>
load = exp(-5/60) * load + (1 - exp(-5/60)) * nrun
The three load averages use different exponential constants and are all 
re-computed every 5 seconds.</P>
<I>nrun</I> is computed as follows:</P>
    Inspect every process. 
    If the process is not likely to be runnable in the near future (state 
    not SRUN), ignore it. 
    Inspect every thread of the process. 
    If the thread is sleeping and not currently expanding its address space 
    (state not SXBRK) and not in a long-term sleep, increment <I>nrun.</I>
    If the thread is stopped, ignore it.
    Otherwise if the thread is not &quot;weightless&quot; (being ignored by 
    the scheduler), increment <I>nrun.</I>
Note that the &quot;run queue length&quot; (a variant of which is 
reported by the <B>-q</B> option of <I>sar</I>) counts processes using 
a similar, but not identical algorithm:</P>
    Inspect every process. 
    If the process is not likely to be runnable in the near future (state 
    not SRUN), ignore it.
    Inspect every thread of the process.
    If the thread is sleeping and not currently expanding its address space 
    (state not SXBRK), ignore it
    If the thread is stopped, ignore it.
    Otherwise increment the &quot;run queue length&quot;.

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