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<H1 ALIGN=CENTER STYLE="margin-top: 0.48cm; margin-bottom: 0.32cm"><FONT SIZE=7>Integrating PCP into an Enterprise Management Strategy</FONT></H1>
	<TR><TD BGCOLOR="#e2e2e2"><IMG SRC="images/system-search.png" WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16 BORDER=0>&nbsp;&nbsp;<I>Tools</I><BR><PRE>
This chapter of the Performance Co-Pilot tutorial discusses the steps
required to integrate PCP into the various management frameworks available.
It takes into consideration the distributed nature of both the management
frameworks and of the PCP tools, and how best to combine the functionality
they offer.</P>
For an explanation of Performance Co-Pilot terms and acronyms, consult 
the <A HREF="glossary.html">PCP glossary</A>.</P>

        <TR><TD WIDTH=100% BGCOLOR="#081c59"><P ALIGN=LEFT><FONT SIZE=5 COLOR="#ffffff"><B>Points of Integration</B></FONT></P></TD></TR>
Following is a brief description on how PCP can be integrated in terms of
some of the aligned features of PCP and the typical management framework.
The PCP archive logging utility <b>pmlogger</b>(1)
generates performance data files in the PCP archive format,
which is specifically designed for optimal fetch latency
when retrieving data from the archive for replay and when seeking to
random time points in the archive.&nbsp;&nbsp;
This format is specific to the PCP tools and the PMAPI, and clearly
external interfaces are necessary for non-PCP tools to read the data.
The <b>LOGIMPORT</b>(3) APIs provide a mechanism for
importing data into a PCP archive.  Using these services, tools
are provided to import common sources of performance data such as
spreadsheets, binary data from <b>sar</b>(1) and <b>iostat</b>(1) output.
Other tools can easily be developed in C or Perl, see <b>LOGIMPORT</b>(3),
<b>pmiStart</b>(3) and <b>PCP::LogImport</b>(3).
There are a number of PCP tools which have specifically been developed with 
the aim of producing a format which is easily incorporated into an external
framework, database, or spreadsheet application - for example, the
<b>pmdumptext</b>(1) and <b>pmlogsummary</b>(1) tools both provide options to
output data in a time-stamped, tab-delimited or comma-separated form, which
is easily incorporated into other tools.&nbsp;
PCP also provides daily log rotation, merging and culling facilities for
multiple collector hosts from a single monitor host, as well as the
automated <I>pmchart/cron/pmsnap</I> performance graph image generation
Due to the unlimited potential consumers of this historical performance data, 
it is left as an exercise for the reader to figure out how best to incorporate
this data into their own environment.
Note that all of the PCP tools are &quot;timezone-aware&quot; and can switch
between the timezone of the monitoring machine and the timezone of the
collector machine for which the archive was generated (this information is
stored in the archive).&nbsp;&nbsp;Also, PCP archives can be generated on a machine
of one operating system version, architecture or byte-order, and replayed
on a completely different machine.
Among the more compelling reasons for making use of a management framework
to administer an enterprise are the distributed monitoring and centralized
analysis aspects.&nbsp;
All frameworks provide event monitoring facilities, of varying complexity.&nbsp;
Some provide simple point to point event generation, others have proxy event
servers which allow events to be filtered and then potentially passed upstream
to another event monitor.&nbsp;
To allow the framework to be extended, the frameworks will typically provide
a mechanism for external applications to push their own events into the
framework, and it is this feature which we wish to exploit in our PCP
integration efforts.&nbsp;
Although PCP does provide a powerful inference engine in <b>pmie</b>(1) (as well
as a far richer set of performance metrics than the more generic frameworks can
provide, and low latency protocols designed specifically for transporting
performance data quickly), no attempt is made to provide an event
&quot;sink&quot; - some application which will display and filter
performance events for the user.&nbsp;
From an enterprise management point of view, an event monitoring
facility specifically for performance events would be exactly the wrong
thing to do from within PCP - system administrators managing a wide array of
different machines should expect to see all system-wide events coming to a
single point for their notification.
So, the integration point must be from <b>pmie</b>(1) - when it detects an
abnormal performance situation, it must pass it on in the most appropriate
manner possible.&nbsp;Unfortunately, the various event management frameworks
have widely differing mechanisms for receiving events, so each framework
must be handled separately in order to make best use of their event viewing
and filtering capabilities.
<IMG SRC="images/rattle.png" ALIGN="MIDDLE" WIDTH="430" HEIGHT="340">
The diagram shows a typical <b>pmie</b>(1) setup - <B></B>
running <b>pmie</b>, fetching performance data from a variety of sources, then
evaluating its set of performance rules and generating events into whichever
event &quot;sinks&quot; have been specified.&nbsp;
Specifying how to generate an event, which rules to use, how frequently to
evaluate each of the rules, which hosts to monitor, etc, is performed by 
the <b>pmieconf</b>(1) utility, which can be extended to allow new frameworks
to be incorporated.
<H4>User Interface</H4>
A number of the enterprise management frameworks have the ability to provide
closer integration between the tools themselves, for example starting PCP
tools from a menu option of some of the framework's tools, or by installing
additional on-line help for the performance events which PCP generates.&nbsp;
This level of integration is not attempted, and is not seen as providing
much value in practice.&nbsp;
The <b>pmieconf</b>(1) utility is the definitive
source of help text for the performance events generated by <b>pmie</b>(1) -
it describes the rules and each of the customizable variables affecting
the rules (including the &quot;global&quot; variables affecting all of the
rules, such as where to send events when a performance event is generated).

        <TR><TD WIDTH=100% BGCOLOR="#081c59"><P ALIGN=LEFT><FONT SIZE=5 COLOR="#ffffff"><B>CA/Unicenter TNG (Computer Associates)</B></FONT></P></TD></TR>
<B>Step-by-step</B> - how to setup and ensure <b>pmie</b>(1) can talk to the
Unicenter TNG Framework:
Start CCI services on the monitor node, i.e. the node where <b>pmie</b>
events should be propagated to (a Windows machine - &quot;hugh&quot; - in
this example).
For a Windows monitoring node, refer to the &quot;Services&quot; window
from the &quot;Control Panel&quot;.
Start CCI services on the monitored node, i.e. the node where <b>pmie</b>
is running (an IRIX machine - &quot;wobbly&quot; - in this example).
wobbly# $CAIGLBL0000/bin/unicntrl start cci
Ensure the connection between the two nodes is active.&nbsp;&nbsp;For UNIX machines:
wobbly# $CAIGLBL0000/cci/bin/rmt status

  Sysid  State                 Last Send Time  Last Receive Time
hugh     ACTIVE                041099 17:54:37 041199 13:42:01

For Windows machines:
C:\TNGFW\BIN>rmtcntrl status
SUCCESS: information returned
Sysid    State                 Last Send Time  Last Receive time
WOBBLY   ACTIVE                Apr-10-99 17:58:25 Apr-10-99 17:58:25

Send a test event to the monitoring node from the node where <b>pmie</b>
will be running
wobbly# $CAIGLBL0000/bin/cawto -n hugh -g Performance -s wobbly test event
To verify that the event is successfully received on a Windows NT monitoring
host, use the Event Console, which lists events as they arrive.
<P>There are several tools which ship with the TNG Framework for examining
and verifying the connection between two nodes - such as <b>oprping</b>(1) -
refer to the Unicenter TNG documentation for full details.
Once the test event propagates successfully, enable <b>pmie</b> event generation
into the TNG Framework:
wobbly# pmieconf modify global tngfw_action yes
wobbly# /etc/init.d/pmie start
<B>Configuration options</B> - how to customize the setup for different
The node to which events are sent is identified by the tngfw_node
<b>pmieconf</b> variable, so to setup event propagation from <b>pmie</b>
on rattle to TNG on hugh as described above:
wobbly# pmieconf modify global tngfw_node hugh
wobbly# /etc/init.d/pmie start
Other parameters associated with TNG events can also be specified - these
include the color and category of each individual event, a group of events,
or globally for all events:
wobbly# pmieconf modify global tngfw_color Yellow
wobbly# pmieconf modify global tngfw_category "PMIE Events"
wobbly# pmieconf modify cisco tngfw_color Red
wobbly# /etc/init.d/pmie start
<IMG SRC="images/tngconsole.png" ALIGN="MIDDLE" WIDTH="699" HEIGHT="444">

        <TR><TD WIDTH=100% BGCOLOR="#081c59"><P ALIGN=LEFT><FONT SIZE=5 COLOR="#ffffff"><B>HP OpenView (Hewlett-Packard)</B></FONT></P></TD></TR>
<B>Step-by-step</B> on how to setup and ensure <b>pmie</b>(1) can talk to OpenView:
Start the <b>pmcd</b>(1) daemon on the node which will receive <b>pmie</b>(1)
events - &quot;wobbly&quot; in this example.
wobbly# /etc/init.d/snmp start
wobbly# /etc/init.d/ovnnm start
Send a test event to the monitoring node from the node where <b>pmie</b>(1)
will be running (OV_BIN is typically /usr/OV/bin):
rattle# cd $OV_BIN
rattle# ./ovevent -c "Status Events" -s Normal \
. \
. Integer 14 \
. OctetString "rattle" \
. OctetString "test event"
To verify that the event is successfully received, run the OpenView event
monitoring program (pictured here):
wobbly# cd $OV_BIN
wobbly# ./xnmevents &amp;
If this event propagates successfully, enable <b>pmie</b> event generation
into OpenView:
rattle# pmieconf modify global ov_action yes
rattle# /etc/init.d/pmie start
<IMG SRC="images/xnmevents.png" ALIGN="RIGHT" WIDTH="247" HEIGHT="210">
The <b>xnmevents</b>(1) GUI connects to the <b>pmcd</b>(1) daemon on the monitoring
node which supplies any new events which arrive while <b>xnmevents</b> is
The image to the right shows the <b>xnmevents</b> main window.
On receipt of a new <b>pmie</b> event, the &quot;Threshold Events&quot;
toggle button changes
color according to the event severity, indicating that there are new events
- clicking on the toggle button brings up the viewer window (shown below).
The viewer lets you view, filter, and
acknowledge events (once all events are acknowledged, the &quot;Threshold
Events&quot; button becomes white - until the next event arrives).
<B>Configuration options</B> - using <b>pmieconf</b>(1) to customize the setup
for different environments:
The node to which events are sent is identified by the ov_node <b>pmieconf</b>
variable, so to setup event transferral from rattle to wobbly as described
above, I ran:
# pmieconf modify global ov_node wobbly
# /etc/init.d/pmie start
Other parameters associated with OpenView events can also be specified - these
include the category and severity of each individual event, a group
of events, or globally for all events:
rattle# pmieconf modify filesys.filling ov_severity Critical
rattle# pmieconf modify filesys.filling ov_category "Status Events"
rattle# pmieconf modify cisco ov_severity Major
rattle# /etc/init.d/pmie start
<IMG SRC="images/ovevents.png" ALIGN="MIDDLE" WIDTH="697" HEIGHT="373">

        <TR><TD WIDTH=100% BGCOLOR="#081c59"><P ALIGN=LEFT><FONT SIZE=5 COLOR="#ffffff"><B>EnlightenDSM (Enlighten Software Solutions)</B></FONT></P></TD></TR>
<B>Step-by-step</B> on how to setup and ensure <b>pmie</b>(1) can talk to
Start the <b>EnlightenDSM</b>(1) daemons on the host being monitored by
<b>pmie</b>(1) - &quot;wobbly&quot; in this example.
wobbly# /opt/enlighten/bin/start_enl_daemons -r
start_emdd: Invoking /opt/emd/bin/emdd...
start_enl_daemons: Invoking /opt/enlighten/bin/pep...
start_enl_daemons: Invoking /opt/enlighten/bin/renld...
start_enl_daemons: Invoking /opt/enlighten/bin/AgentMon...
Start up the Enlighten GUI to verify that events can be received.
Go into the "Events" -&gt; "Status Map" window:
wobbly# /opt/enlighten/bin/xenln &amp;
Send a test event to the Enlighten GUI, and verify that the scrolling event
list at the bottom of the "Status Map" window updates after the event has
been sent:
wobbly# /opt/enlighten/bin/EventsCli -n Test -u tps -v 12345 -s 5 -q
If this event propagates successfully, enable pmie event generation into Enlighten:
wobbly# pmieconf modify global enln_action yes
wobbly# /etc/init.d/pmie start

<B>Configuration options</B> - using <b>pmieconf</b>(1) to customize the setup:
The only configurable option of note for Enlighten DSM is the ability
to change the severity setting for individual events, event groups, or
globally for all events (where severity is a number between a low of 1 and
a high of 5, and the default severity value for <b>pmie</b>(1) events is 2):
wobbly# pmieconf modify filesys.filling enln_severity 4
wobbly# pmieconf modify cisco enln_severity 5
wobbly# /etc/init.d/pmie start
<IMG SRC="images/xenln.png" ALIGN="MIDDLE" WIDTH="581" HEIGHT="505">

        <TR><TD WIDTH=100% BGCOLOR="#081c59"><P ALIGN=LEFT><FONT SIZE=5 COLOR="#ffffff"><B>Extending</A> to Other Frameworks</B></FONT></P></TD></TR>
All of the enterprise management frameworks we've come across provide some
mechanism for generating events from outside the framework.&nbsp;
This is usually in the form of a stand-alone utility, but could also be an
API, which packages the attributes associated with an event (these attributes
are usually things like severity, source host, message text, etc) and sends
this to the monitoring host.
Since <b>pmie</b>(1) supports running an arbitrary command upon detection of
a performance event (in addition to its other native actions, such as writing
an entry in the system log file), this is the hook we'll use to add support for
additional frameworks.
Steps involved when integrating other frameworks with PCP:
    find or create a utility to generate events into the framework;
    familiarize yourself with the command line options for this utility,
    and decide which options are of interest from a performance-event
    test the utility by hand - ensure that you can run the utility from
    the command line and that the framework's monitoring software
    successfully receives the event;
    using the files in <TT>/var/pcp/config/pmieconf/global</TT> as a
    guide, create a <b>pmieconf</b>(1) file containing &quot;global&quot;
    variables for use in <b>pmieconf</b> - one of these is always an
    &quot;action&quot; variable, which allows the framework utility to
    be run when <b>pmie</b>(1) generates an event;
    using <b>pmieconf</b>, ensure that the syntax of your created file
    is correct, and that the new variables are visible in the
    &quot;global&quot; group;
	# pmieconf -r newfile list global
    finally, install the new file into the
    <TT>/var/pcp/config/pmieconf/global</TT> subdirectory
    and switch on your new framework action for all of the rules;
	# pmieconf modify global new_action yes
	# /etc/init.d/pmie start
<P>If the framework is sufficiently common that other people may wish
to use your new <b>pmieconf</b>(1) &quot;action&quot;, feel free to
<A HREF="contacts.html">share it</A> and we'll incorporate it into
future PCP release.</P>

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