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<h1>Importing data and creating PCP archives</h1>
<table width="15%" border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=10 align=right>
	<tr><td bgcolor="#e2e2e2"><img src="images/system-search.png" alt="search" width=16 height=16 border=0>&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>Tools</i><br><pre>
<p>For most performance data processed by the Performance Co-Pilot (PCP),
the information is gathered by domain-specific agents or Performance
Metric Domain Agents (PMDAs).  The data and metadata (describing the
performance data) is then provided via the Performance Metric Co-ordinating Daemon (PMCD) directly to real-time PCP monitoring tools like <i>pmchart</i>,
<i>pmie</i>, <i>pmval</i>, etc. or written to PCP archive files
by <i>pmlogger</i> for
subsequent retrospective analysis using these same PCP tools.
<p>This document describes an alternative method of importing
performance data into PCP by creating PCP archives from files or data
streams that have no knowledge of PCP.
  <li><a href="#prereqs">Prerequisites</a>
  <li><a href="#identify">Identify Metrics and Metadata</a>
  <li><a href="#scripting">Getting Started Scripting</a>
  <li><a href="#metadata">Revisiting the Metadata</a>
  <li><a href="#instances">Multi-valued Metrics and Instance Domains</a>
  <li><a href="#handles">Handles</a>
  <li><a href="#timezones">Timezones</a>
  <li><a href="#extras">Bells and Whistles</a>
  <li><a href="#complete">Complete Solution</a>
<p>The services needed to build an import tool are included in the
<i>libpcp_import</i> package and a Perl wrapper is provided in the <b>PCP::LogImport</b>
The C and Perl APIs are effectively identical.
Refer to the <b>LOGIMPORT</b>(3)
manual page for an overview of these services.
The examples in this document will be given in Perl.
<p>Several import tools are already provided with PCP, namely:
<table border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5">
    <td>Import data from a spreadsheet in CSV, OpenOffice or Microsoft Office format.</td></tr>
    <td>Import data from the <i>sadc</i> (System Activity Reporting Collector)
        that is part of the <i>sysstat</i> package and modelled on the
	classical Unix <i>sar</i> tools.</td></tr>
    <td>Import data from output of the <i>iostat</i> command
        that is part of the <i>sysstat</i> package and modelled on the
	Berkeley Unix command of the same name.</td></tr>

These scripts are all written in Perl, and we shall refer to them in
this document to present examples of specific aspects of the LOGIMPORT
services or the issues to be considered when building an import tool.

For the most part in this document we'll be developing an import tool
for log files from a file migration application.
Some sample log lines are shown below:
<table cellpadding=10><tr><td bgcolor="#e2e2e2">
2010-07-04 13:46:29 14 files (6, 8, 0) 142512 bytes (92098)
2010-07-04 13:46:59 51 files (28, 23, 0) 132761 bytes (33239)
2010-07-04 13:47:29 36 files (23, 12, 1) 5733152 bytes (5688400)
2010-07-04 13:47:59 49 files (40, 9, 0) 118418 bytes (70669)
2010-07-04 13:48:29 30 files (7, 23, 0) 210531 bytes (52261)
2010-07-04 13:48:59 23 files (6, 17, 0) 81048 bytes (15175)
2010-07-04 13:49:29 55 files (31, 24, 0) 190841 bytes (27908)
2010-07-04 13:49:59 54 files (49, 5, 0) 14078 bytes (1213)
2010-07-04 13:50:29 38 files (19, 19, 0) 82398 bytes (16781)
2010-07-04 13:50:59 0 files (0, 0, 0) 0 bytes (0)
2010-07-04 13:51:29 31 files (8, 23, 0) 202755 bytes (41984)
2010-07-04 13:51:59 0 files (0, 0, 0) 0 bytes (0)
2010-07-04 13:52:29 7 files (4, 3, 0) 15954 bytes (8789)

<p>Each line begins with a date and time, then the count of
the number of files migrated over the last time interval, then
three counts in parenthesis corresponding to the number of small files
(less than 1024 bytes), medium files (less than 1024*1024 bytes) and
large (more than 1024*1024 bytes) files that were migrated, then the total
number of bytes moved and finally the size (in bytes) of the largest
file moved.

<h2><a name="prereqs">Prerequisites</a></h2>

<p>The input data stream needs to conform to some basic principles
before we can consider importing information to PCP:</p>

<li><b>Timestamps</b>.  A PCP archive is a time-series of observations, hence
we need a date and time stamp for each observation.  In the simplest
case there is a representation of
the date and time in the input records.  Sometimes the date and time appears as a text string,
sometimes it is encoded in a binary file and
sometimes it requires some guesswork to reconstruct the date and time
of each observation (see <i>iostat2pcp</i> for example).
In all cases, it will be necessary to have the datestamp available in the
internal system clock format, namely seconds and microseconds since
the &quot;epoch&quot;.  Fortunately the Perl module <b>Date::Parse</b>
does a reasonable job of parsing dates and times in text format,
although some preprocessing of the date may
be required to force into an ISO 8601 compatible format (see <b>dodate()</b>
in <i>sheet2pcp</i>, <i>iostat2pcp</i> and <i>sar2pcp</i> for a
number of examples).
<p>We shall return to timestamps and the associated matter of <b>timezones</b>
a little later in this document.

<b>Regular format</b>.
Some file formats (often application logs) can be quite difficult to parse
and extract the data you wish to import into PCP.  Pre-processing can help
remove ambiguities, cull irrelevant information and make life generally easier.
As an example, <i>sar2pcp</i> uses <i>sadf</i> to translate the binary data
file from <i>sadc</i> into an XML stream that is much easier to process.

<h2><a name="identify">Identify PCP Metrics and Metadata</a></h2>

Incremental development is encouraged.  So we shall start with one
metric being the number of files migrated.

<p>The first task is to assign
a name &ndash; the rules must conform to those for the Performance Metrics
Name Space (PMNS), namely a number of components separated by periods
&quot;.&quot; with each component starting with an alphabetic followed
by zero or more characters drawn from the alphabetics, digits and the
underscore &quot;_&quot; character (see <b>pmns</b>(4) for more
details). For our metrics we'll use the prefix <b>mover.</b> and so the
first metric will be known as <b>mover.nfile</b>.

Next the metadata for each metric must be defined.  This is basically the
fields of a <b>pmDesc</b> data structure as defined in <b>pmLookupDesc</b>(3).
The following table describes the information required, some of the
options and the values chosen for <b>mover.nfile</b>.

<table border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" align="left">
<tr align="center">
<tr align="left">
  <td>Unique Performance Metric Identifier (PMID)</td>
  <td><b>PM_ID_NULL</b> for a default assignment, else use the
     <b>pmid_build</b> macro as described in <b>pmiAddMetric</b>(3).
  <td>(Data) Type</td>
  <td><b>PM_TYPE_32</b> for a 32-bit integer, etc.  See <b>pmLookupDesc</b>(3)
      for a full list and description.
  <td>Instance Domain (indom)</td>
  <td>If there is only one value for the metric, then this should be
      <b>PM_INDOM_NULL</b>, else it should be a value constructed using
      the <b>pmInDom_build</b> macro, see <b>pmiAddMetric</b>(3).
  <td>Defines how to interpret consecutive values.  If the values are
      from a counter that is monotonically increasing, use
      <b>PM_SEM_COUNTER</b>.  If there is no relationship between one
      observation and the next, use <b>PM_SEM_INSTANT</b>.  As a special
      case, if the value is most <u>unlikely</u> to change over time (e.g. a
      configuration parameter), then use <b>PM_SEM_DISCRETE</b>.
  <td>The interpretation of values for each metric is defined by
      classifying the metric along three orthogonal axes, namely
      <u>space</u>, <u>time</u> and <u>count</u> (for events, messages, calls, packets, etc.).
      For each axis, we need to specify the <b>dimension</b> (0 for not
      appropriate, -1 if the value is &quot;per unit&quot; along this axis
      or 1 if the value is measured in units along this axis) and the
      <b>scale</b> (if the dimension is not zero) to define the absolute
      magnitude of values along this axis.  Refer to <b>pmLookupDesc</b>(3)
      for a full list of the available options.  Use a <b>pmiUnits</b>(3)
      constructor to build a units value.

<h2><a name="scripting">Getting Started Scripting</a></h2>

<p>The basic algorithm follows this template:</p>
    <li>Define metadata</li>
    <li>Loop over input data
	    <li>output values</li>
	    <li>write PCP archive record</li>

<p>For our sample file migration data, the following minimalist Perl
script will do the job</p>

<table cellpadding=10><tr><td bgcolor="#e2e2e2">
use strict;
use warnings;
use Date::Parse;
use Date::Format;
use PCP::LogImport;

pmiStart("mover_v1", 0);
	     PM_SEM_INSTANT, pmiUnits(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE));

open(INFILE, "&lt;mover.log");
while (&lt;INFILE&gt;) {
    my @part;
    @part = split(/\s+/, $_);
    pmiPutValue("mover.nfile", "", $part[2]);
    pmiWrite(str2time($part[0] . "T" . $part[1], "UTC"), 0);


<p>The resultant archive contains one metric.</p>
<table cellpadding=10><tr><td bgcolor="#e2e2e2">
$ pminfo -d -a mover_v1

    Data Type: 32-bit unsigned int  InDom: PM_INDOM_NULL 0xffffffff
        Semantics: instant  Units: count

<p><table><tr style="vertical-align:top;"><td>
<p>And when plotted with <i>pmchart</i> produces a graph like
this ...</p>
<img src="images/mover.nfile.instant.png" alt="nfile.instant">

<h2><a name="metadata">Revisiting the Metadata</a></h2>

<table><tr style="vertical-align:top;"><td>
<p>The number of files migrated in this example could be exported as either
the instantaneous value over the previous sample interval, or accumulated
as a running total.  If the running total is used and
the semantics of the <b>mover.nfile</b> metric
remains <b>PM_SEM_INSTANT</b> the resultant archive produces a graph
like this ...
which is not generally useful for analysis!</p>
<img src="images/mover.nfile.step.png" alt="nfile.step" style="vertical-align:top;">
<tr style="vertical-align:top;"><td>
<p>So we change the data
semantics to be <b>PM_SEM_COUNTER</b> and rely on the fact that most
PCP monitoring tools will automatically rate convert counters before
displaying them. This produces a very similar
graph to the first one (the plot style is the only difference) when the output archive is
replayed with the same sample interval as found in the input log file (30 seconds).
<img src="images/mover.nfile.counter.png" alt="nfile.counter" style="vertical-align:top;">
<tr style="vertical-align:top;"><td>
<p>The real difference in the choice of data semantics can
seen when the sample interval for replay is longer than the sample
interval in the PCP archive.  Using a replay interval of 180 seconds
(6 times the sample interval in the archive), produces the following
graph for the <b>PM_SEM_INSTANT</b> data.</p>
<img src="images/mover.nfile.instant.3min.png" alt="nfile.instant.3min" style="vertical-align:top;">
<tr style="vertical-align:top;"><td>
<p>And the <b>PM_SEM_COUNTER</b> data is displayed like this.</p>
<img src="images/mover.nfile.counter.3min.png" alt="nfile.counter.3min" style="vertical-align:top;">

For the <b>PM_SEM_INSTANT</b> metric, the only choice available to <i>pmchart</i>
(and indeed any PCP reporting tool) is to use the most recent observed
value at each reporting interval.  In the example above, this means 5
data values from the archive are skipped and the 6th value is used for
each reporting interval.  By comparison, for a <b>PM_SEM_COUNTER</b>
metric, all the reporting tools sample the metric at the start of
the interval and at the end of the interval and then report the
linearly interpolated rate over the interval, which includes the &quot;history&quot; of what was observed in each of the 6 archive intervals for
each reporting interval.</p>

<p>This can be seen more clearly when the data is tabulated rather than

<table border=1 cellpadding=3>
<tr><th rowspan=3>Time</th><th colspan=2>PM_SEM_INSTANT</th><th colspan=4>PM_SEM_COUNTER</th></tr>
<tr><th>30sec samples</th><th>180sec samples</th><th colspan=2>30sec samples</th><th colspan=2>180sec samples</th></tr>
<tr align="center"><td>23:58:59.000</td><td>34</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>1.133</td><td>34.0</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr align="center"><td>23:59:29.000</td><td>5</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>0.167</td><td>5.0</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr align="center"><td>23:59:59.000</td><td>12</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>0.400</td><td>12.0</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr align="center"><td>00:00:29.000</td><td>39</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>1.300</td><td>39.0</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr align="center"><td>00:00:59.000</td><td>3</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>0.100</td><td>3.0</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr align="center"><td>00:01:29.000</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0.000</td><td>0.0</td><td>0.517</td><td>93.0</td></tr>
<tr align="center"><td>00:01:59.000</td><td>10</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>0.333</td><td>10.0</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr align="center"><td>00:02:29.000</td><td>42</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>1.400</td><td>42.0</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr align="center"><td>00:02:59.000</td><td>42</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>1.400</td><td>42.0</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr align="center"><td>00:03:29.000</td><td>28</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>0.933</td><td>28.0</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr align="center"><td>00:03:59.000</td><td>28</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>0.933</td><td>28.0</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr align="center"><td>00:04:29.000</td><td>6</td><td>6</td><td>0.200</td><td>6.0</td><td>0.867</td><td>156.0</td></tr>
<tr align="center"><td>00:04:59.000</td><td>57</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>1.900</td><td>57.0</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr align="center"><td>00:05:29.000</td><td>0</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>0.000</td><td>0.0</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr align="center"><td>00:05:59.000</td><td>15</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>0.500</td><td>15.0</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr align="center"><td>00:06:29.000</td><td>27</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>0.900</td><td>27.0</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr align="center"><td>00:06:59.000</td><td>53</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>1.767</td><td>53.0</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr align="center"><td>00:07:29.000</td><td>57</td><td>57</td><td>1.900</td><td>57.0</td><td>1.16</td><td>209.0</td></tr>

<p>Where the semantics of the data matches that of a free-running counter
and where the total can easily be extracted from the input data source,
it is <b>always</b> better to export PCP metrics with the semantics
of <b>PM_SEM_COUNTER</b>.  Note that the base value for a counter is
arbitrary and zero works just fine.</p>

<p>Using similar arguments we can identify two additional singular metrics
that can be extracted from the log as <b>mover.nbyte</b> (a free-running
counter of the number of bytes migrated) and <b>mover.max_file_size</b>
(an instantaneous metric reporting the size of the largest file migrated
in the previous interval).  With these additions, our minimalist Perl
script has become ...</p>

<table cellpadding=10><tr><td bgcolor="#e2e2e2">
use strict;
use warnings;
use Date::Parse;
use Date::Format;
use PCP::LogImport;

my $nfile = 0;
my $nbyte = 0;

pmiStart("mover_v3", 0);
	     PM_SEM_COUNTER, pmiUnits(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE));
	     PM_SEM_COUNTER, pmiUnits(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_BYTE,0,0));
	     PM_SEM_INSTANT, pmiUnits(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_BYTE,0,0));

open(INFILE, "&lt;mover.log");
while (&lt;INFILE&gt;) {
    my @part;
    s/[(),]//g;		# remove all (, ) and ,
    @part = split(/\s+/, $_);
    $nfile += $part[2];
    pmiPutValue("mover.nfile", "", $nfile);
    $nbyte += $part[7];
    pmiPutValue("mover.nbyte", "", $nbyte);
    pmiPutValue("mover.max_file_size", "", $part[9]);
    pmiWrite(str2time($part[0] . "T" . $part[1], "UTC"), 0);


This produces a PCP archive that can be plotted with <i>pmchart</i>
to produce the following graph.</p>
<img src="images/mover.v3.png" alt="mover.v3">

<h2><a name="instances">Multi-valued Metrics and Instance Domains</a></h2>

<p>Metrics that have more than one value are supported in PCP through
the concept of an Instance Domain (or <b>indom</b>) which is a
set with an internal unique identifier (an integer) and a unique external
name (a string) for each instance that may have an associated values.
There can be many Instance Domains.  And many metrics can be associated
with the same Instance Domain.</p>

<p>The remaining metric in our example is <b>mover.nfile_by_size</b>
which has the same metadata as <b>mover.nfile</b> except there is
an associated Instance Domain to accommodate the 3 values
(&quot;&lt;=1Kbyte&quot;, &quot;&lt;=1Mbyte&quot; and
The Instance Domain identifier is constructed using the <b>pmInDom_build</b>
macro, and then used in calls to <b>pmiAddInstance</b>(3) to make the association
for each metric-instance pair.
The relevant metadata declarations are
as follows:</p>

<table cellpadding=10><tr><td bgcolor="#e2e2e2">
my $sz_indom = pmInDom_build(PMI_DOMAIN, 0);
my @nfile_by_size = (0,0,0);

             PM_ID_NULL, PM_TYPE_U32, $sz_indom,
	     PM_SEM_COUNTER, pmiUnits(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE));
pmiAddInstance($sz_indom, "&lt;=1Kbyte", 0);
pmiAddInstance($sz_indom, "&lt;=1Mbyte", 1);
pmiAddInstance($sz_indom, "&gt;1Mbyte", 2);

<p>And then in the loop, these additional calls to <b>pmiPutValue</b>(3)
are required:

<table cellpadding=10><tr><td bgcolor="#e2e2e2">
$nfile_by_size[0] += $part[4];
pmiPutValue("mover.nfile_by_size", "&lt;=1Kbyte", $nfile_by_size[0]);
$nfile_by_size[1] += $part[5];
pmiPutValue("mover.nfile_by_size", "&lt;=1Mbyte", $nfile_by_size[1]);
$nfile_by_size[2] += $part[6];
pmiPutValue("mover.nfile_by_size", "&gt;1Mbyte", $nfile_by_size[2]);

This produces our final PCP archive that can be plotted with <i>pmchart</i>
to produce the following graph.</p>
<img src="images/mover.png" alt="mover">

<h2><a name="handles">Handles</a></h2>

<p>If there is a lot of data and/or a lot of PCP metrics, the calls
to <b>pmiPutValue</b>(3) in the inner loop of the import application
may become expensive as a consequence of the repeated text-based
lookup for a metric name and an instance name.</p>

<p>The <b>LOGIMPORT</b>(3) infrastructure provides a &quot;handles&quot;
mechanism that may be used to improve efficiency.
<b>pmiGetHandle</b>(3) may be used to obtain a &quot;handle&quot; for
a metric-instance pair (once the metric and instance have been defined),
then <b>pmiPutValueHandle</b>(3) may be used instead of <b>pmiPutValue</b>(3).</p>

<h2><a name="timezones">Timezones</a></h2>

<p>The interpretation of the timestamps in the output PCP archive is
dependent on the timezone in which PCP believes the archive was created.</p>

<p>Since many import log files do not report the timezone, the <b>LOGIMPORT</b>(3)
services assume a default timezone of <b>UTC</b>.
An alternative timezone may be specified using <b>pmiSetTimezone</b>(3),
but a corresponding adjustment needs to be made to the date and time
conversions when arriving at the timestamp for each sample, e.g.
using <b>str2time</b>() and/or <b>ctime</b>().
Unfortunately the format for the timezone offset is not handled
the same in all places &ndash; for the ugly details,
refer to the <b>&ndash;Z</b> command line
processing and the <b>do_label</b>() procedure in the
complete <a href="importdata/mover2pcp">mover2pcp</a> example code.</p>

<h2><a name="extras">Bells and Whistles</a></h2>

<p>The Perl code we've been using thus far is minimalist and needs
several extensions to make the application robust.  Specifically these

<li>For singular metrics, wrap the <b>pmiAddMetric</b>(3) calls in
error handling logic,
handle the per-metric metadata variations
and create the handle for later use, see the <b>def_single</b>()

<li>The <b>def_multi</b>() procedure performs a similar function for
multi-valued metrics, except the handle creation is deferred until
each instance is processed.</li>

<li>For each metric-instance pair associated with a multi-valued
metric, the <b>def_metric_inst</b>() procedure maintains a cache of
indoms and instances for those indoms so that internal instance
identifiers can be allocated automatically and <b>pmiAddInstance</b>(3)
is only called the first time each unique instance is observed for
each instance domain.  Also there is error checking logic here and
a new handle is allocated for each metric-instance pair.</li>

<li>The <b>put</b>() procedure is a wrapper around
<b>pmiPutValueHandle</b>(3) that includes some error handling
and stepping through the array of handles created earlier.</li>

<li>Timezone and archive label details are addressed in the
<b>do_label</b>() procedure.</li>

<li>Add error checking at the end of the loop after each
value has been added to the next output record.</li>


<h2><a name="complete">Complete Solution</a></h2>

<p>The complete mover2pcp Perl script can be viewed <a href="importdata/mover2pcp">here</a>.</p>

<table width="100%" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
	<tr> <td width="50%"><p>Copyright &copy; 2010 <a href=""><font color="#000060">Ken McDonell</font></a></p></td>
	<td width=50%><p align=right><a href=""><font color="#000060">PCP</font></a></p></td> </tr>