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<H1 ALIGN=CENTER STYLE="margin-top: 0.48cm; margin-bottom: 0.32cm"><FONT SIZE=7>Trace Agent</FONT></H1>
	<TR><TD BGCOLOR="#e2e2e2"><IMG SRC="images/system-search.png" WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16 BORDER=0>&nbsp;&nbsp;<I>Tools</I><BR><PRE>
<P>This chapter of the Performance Co-Pilot tutorial discusses application
instrumentation using the <B>trace</B> PMDA (Performance Metrics Domain Agent).
The trace agent has similar aims to the <A HREF="lab.mmapvalues.html">Memory
Mapped Values</A> (MMV) agent, in that both interfaces for application instrumentation.
The main differences are:</P>
    <LI> The <I>trace</I> PMDA is a predecessor to <I>MMV</I>, and it is expected
	that most instrumented applications would use <I>MMV</I>.
    <LI> The <I>trace</I> interface uses sockets for communication between
	applications and agent, <I>MMV</I> uses memory mapped files.&nbsp;&nbsp;This
	is heavier weight but allows for instrumentation to be sent between hosts,
    <LI> <I>MMV</I> allows the application to completely specify every aspect of
	each metric it exports, the <I>trace</I> agent has a small number of metrics
	with relatively fixed metadata, and each applications instrumentation is
	exported as an instance of these fixed metrics.
    <LI> This fixed nature of the <I>trace</I> metrics caters for existance of the
	program <I>pmtrace</I> allowing simple instrumentation from the shell.

<P>For an explanation of Performance Co-Pilot terms and acronyms, consult 
the <A HREF="glossary.html">PCP glossary</A>.</P>
    <LI> <A HREF="#overview">Overview</A> 
    <LI> <A HREF="#design">Trace Agent Design</A> 
        <LI> Application Interaction 
        <LI> Sampling Techniques 
        <LI> Configuring the Trace Agent
    <LI> <A HREF="#traceapi">The Trace API</A> 
        <LI> Transactions 
        <LI> Point Tracing 
        <LI> Observations/Counters 
        <LI> Configuring the Trace library 
    <LI> <A HREF="#export">Instrumenting Applications to Export Performance Data</A> 

        <TR><TD WIDTH=100% BGCOLOR="#081c59"><P ALIGN=LEFT><FONT SIZE=5 COLOR="#ffffff"><B><A NAME="overview">Overview</A></B></FONT></P></TD></TR>
<P> This document provides an introduction to the design of the <B>trace</B>
agent, in an effort to explain how to configure the agent optimally for 
a particular problem domain.&nbsp;&nbsp;This will be most useful as a supplement 
to the functional coverage which the manual pages provide to both the 
agent and the library interfaces.</P>
<P> Details of the use of the <B>trace</B> agent, and the associated
library (<I>libpcp_trace</I>) for instrumenting applications, are also 
	<TR><TD BGCOLOR="#e2e2e2" WIDTH=70%><BR><IMG SRC="images/stepfwd_on.png" WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16 BORDER=0>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In a command shell enter:<BR>
# . /etc/pcp.conf
# cd $PCP_PMDAS_DIR/trace
# ./Install
Export a value, from the shell using:
$ pmtrace -v 100 "database-users"
$ pminfo -f trace

        <TR><TD WIDTH=100% BGCOLOR="#081c59"><P ALIGN=LEFT><FONT SIZE=5 COLOR="#ffffff"><B><A NAME="design">Trace Agent Design</A></B></FONT></P></TD></TR>
<H4>Application Interaction</H4>
<P> The diagram below describes the general state maintained within the <B>trace</B>
agent.&nbsp;&nbsp;Applications which are linked with the <I>libpcp_trace</I>
 library make calls through the trace Applications Programmer Interface 
(API), resulting in inter-process communication of trace data between 
the application and the <B>trace</B> agent.&nbsp;&nbsp;This data consists of an 
identification tag, and the performance data associated with that 
particular tag.&nbsp;&nbsp;The <B>trace</B> agent aggregates the incoming 
information and periodically updates the exported summary information 
to describe activity in the recent past.</P>
As each PDU (Protocol Data Unit) is received, its data is stored in the 
current <I>working buffer</I>, and at the same time the global counter 
associated with the particular tag contained within the PDU is 
incremented.&nbsp;&nbsp;The working buffer contains all performance data which has 
arrived since the previous time interval elapsed, and is discussed in 
greater detail in the <B>Rolling Window Sampling Technique</B> section 
<IMG SRC="images/trace_1.png" ALIGN="MIDDLE" WIDTH="511" HEIGHT="332"></P>
Sampling Techniques</H4>
The <B>trace</B> agent employs a <B>rolling window periodic sampling</B>
 technique.&nbsp;&nbsp;The recency of the data exported by the agent is determined 
by its arrival time at the agent in conjunction with the length of the 
sampling period being maintained by the <B>trace</B> agent.&nbsp;&nbsp;Through the 
use of rolling window sampling, the <B>trace</B> agent is able to 
present a more accurate representation of the available trace data at 
any given time.</P>
The metrics affected by the agents rolling window sampling technique 
The remaining metrics are either global counters, control metrics, or 
the last seen observation/counter value.&nbsp;&nbsp;All metrics exported by the <B>trace</B>
agent are explained in detail in the API section below.</P>
Simple periodic sampling</H5>
This technique uses a single historical buffer to store the history of 
events which have occurred over the sampling interval.&nbsp;&nbsp;As events occur 
they are recorded in the working buffer.&nbsp;&nbsp;At the end of each sampling 
interval the working buffer (which at that time holds the historical 
data for the sampling interval just finished) is copied into the 
historical buffer, and the working buffer is cleared (ready to hold new 
events from the sampling interval now starting).</P>
Rolling window periodic sampling</H5>
In contrast to simple periodic sampling with its single historical 
buffer, the rolling window periodic sampling technique maintains a 
number of separate buffers.&nbsp;&nbsp;One buffer is marked as the current working 
buffer, and the remainder of the buffers hold historical data.&nbsp;&nbsp;As each 
event occurs, the current working buffer is updated to reflect this.</P>
At a specified interval (which is a function of the number of 
historical buffers maintained) the current working buffer and the 
accumulated data which it holds is moved into the set of historical 
buffers, and a new working buffer is used.</P>
The primary advantage of the rolling window approach is that at the 
point where data is actually exported, the data which is exported has a 
higher probability of reflecting a more recent sampling period than the 
data exported using simple periodic sampling.</P>
<IMG SRC="images/trace_buffer.png" ALIGN="MIDDLE" WIDTH="425"
The data collected over each sample duration and exported using the 
rolling window technique provides a more up-to-date representation of 
the activity during the most recently completed sample duration.</P>
The <B>trace</B> agent allows the length of the sample duration to be 
configured, as well as the number of historical buffers which are to be 
maintained.&nbsp;&nbsp;The rolling window is implemented in the <B>trace</B> agent
as a ring buffer (as shown earlier in the &quot;Trace agent
Overview&quot; diagram), such that when the current working buffer is 
moved into the set of historical buffers, the least recent historical 
buffer is cleared of data and becomes the new working buffer.</P>
Example of window periodic sampling </H5>
Consider the scenario where one wants to know the rate of transactions 
over the last 10 seconds.&nbsp;&nbsp;To do this one would set the sampling rate 
for the trace agent to be 10 seconds and would fetch the metric <B><TT>trace.transact.rate</TT></B>.
So if in the last 10 seconds we had 8 transactions take place then we 
would have a transaction rate of 8/10 or 0.8 transactions per second.</P>
As mentioned above, the trace agent does not actually do this.&nbsp;&nbsp;It 
instead does its calculations automatically at a subinterval of the 
sampling interval.&nbsp;&nbsp;Consider the example above with a calculation 
subinterval of 2 seconds.&nbsp;&nbsp;Please refer to the bar chart below.&nbsp;&nbsp;At time 
13.5 secs the user requests the transaction rate and is told it is has 
a value of 0.7 transactions per second.&nbsp;&nbsp;In actual fact, the transaction 
rate was 0.8 but the agent has done its calculations on the sampling 
interval from 2 secs to 12 secs and not from 3.5 secs to 13.5 secs.
Every 2 seconds it will do the metrics calculations on the last 10 
seconds at that time.&nbsp;&nbsp;It does this for efficiency and so it is not 
driven each time to do a calculation for a fetch request.</P>
<IMG SRC="images/trace_example.png" ALIGN="MIDDLE"></P>
Configuring the Trace agent</H4>
The <B>trace</B> agent is configurable primarily through command line 
options.&nbsp;&nbsp;The list of command line options presented below is not 
exhaustive, but covers those options which are particularly relevant to 
tuning the manner in which performance data is collected.</P>
Options: </H5>
    <B>Access Controls</B> 
    host-based access control is offered by the <B>trace</B> agent, 
    allowing and disallowing connections from instrumented applications 
    running on specified hosts or groups of hosts.&nbsp;&nbsp;Limits to the number of 
    connections allowed from individual hosts can also be mandated 
    <B>Sample Duration</B> 
    interval over which metrics are to be maintained before being 
    <B>Number of Historical Buffers</B> 
    the data maintained for the sample duration is held in a number of 
    internal buffers within the <B>trace</B> agent.&nbsp;&nbsp;This number is 
    configurable, allowing the rolling window effect to be tuned (within 
    the sample duration) 
    <B>Observation/Counter Metric Units</B> 
    since the data being exported by the <B><TT>trace.observe.value</TT></B>
     and <B><TT>trace.counter.value</TT></B> metrics is user-defined, 
    the <B>trace</B> agent by default exports these metrics with a type 
    of &quot;none&quot;.&nbsp;&nbsp;A framework is provided allowing this to be made 
    more specific (bytes per second, for example), allowing the exported 
    values to be plotted along with other performance metrics of similar 
    units by tools like <I>pmchart</I>) 
    <B>Instance Domain Refresh</B> 
    the set of instances exported for each of the trace metrics can be 
    cleared through the storable <B><TT>trace.control.reset</TT></B>

        <TR><TD WIDTH=100% BGCOLOR="#081c59"><P ALIGN=LEFT><FONT SIZE=5 COLOR="#ffffff"><B><A NAME="traceapi">The Trace API</A></B></FONT></P></TD></TR>
<P>The <I>libpcp_trace</I> Applications Programmer Interface (API) may be 
called from C, C++, Fortran, and Java.&nbsp;&nbsp;Each language has access to the 
complete set of functionality offered by <I>libpcp_trace</I>, although 
in some cases the calling conventions differ slightly between 
languages.&nbsp;&nbsp;An overview of each of the different tracing mechanisms 
offered by the API follows, as well as an explanation of their mappings 
to the actual performance metrics exported by the <B>trace</B> agent.</P>
<H4>Transactions </H4>
<P>Paired calls to the <I>pmtracebegin</I>(3) and <I>pmtraceend</I>(3) API 
functions will result in transaction data being sent to the agent with 
a measure of the time interval between the two calls (which is assumed 
to be the transaction service time).&nbsp;&nbsp;Using the <I>pmtraceabort</I>(3) 
call causes data for that particular transaction to be discarded.
Transaction data is exported through the <B>trace</B> agents <B><TT>trace.transact</TT></B>
    running count for each transaction type seen since the trace agent started 
    the average rate at which each transaction type is completed, 
    calculated over the last sample duration 
    the average service time per transaction type, calculated over the last 
    sample duration 
    minimum service time per transaction type within the last sample 
    maximum service time per transaction type within the last sample 
    cumulative time spent processing each transaction since the <B>trace</B>
    agent started running 
Point tracing </H4>
Point tracing allows the application programmer to export metrics 
related to salient events.&nbsp;&nbsp;The <I>pmtracepoint</I>(3) function is most 
useful when start and end points are not well defined, eg. when the 
code branches in such a way that a transaction cannot be clearly 
identified, or when processing does not follow a transactional model, 
or the desired instrumentation is akin to event rates rather than event 
service times.&nbsp;&nbsp;This data is exported through the <B><TT>trace.point</TT></B>
    running count of point observations for each tag seen since the <B>trace</B>
    agent started 
    the average rate at which observation points occur for each tag, within 
    the last sample duration 
The <I>pmtraceobs</I>(3) and <I>pmtracecounter</I>(3) functions have 
similar semantics to <I>pmtracepoint</I>(3), but also allow an 
arbitrary numeric value to be passed to the <B>trace</B> agent.&nbsp;&nbsp;The most 
recent value for each tag is then immediately available from the agent.
Observation and counter data is exported through the <B><TT>trace.observe</TT></B>
 and <B><TT>trace.counter</TT></B> metrics, and these differ only in 
the PMAPI semantics associated with their respective value metrics (the 
PMAPI semantics for these two metrics is &quot;instantaneous&quot; or 
&quot;counter&quot; - refer to the PMAPI(3) manual page for details on 
PMAPI metric semantics).</P>
    <B><TT>trace.observe.count, trace.counter.count</TT></B> 
    running count of observations/counters seen since the <B>trace</B>
    agent started 
    <B><TT>trace.observe.rate, trace.counter.rate</TT></B> 
    the average rate at which observations/counters for each tag occur, 
    calculated over the last sample duration 
    <B><TT>trace.observe.value, trace.counter.value</TT></B> 
    the numeric value associated with the observation/counter last seen by 
    the agent
Configuring the Trace library </H4>
The trace library is configurable through the use of environment 
variables, as well as through state flags, which provide diagnostic 
output and enable or disable the configurable functionality within the 
Environment variables: </H5>
    the name of the host where the <B>trace</B> agent is running 
    TCP/IP port number on which the <B>trace</B> agent is accepting 
    client connections 
    number to seconds to wait until assuming that the initial connection is 
    not going to be made, and timeout is to occur (the default is three 
    number of seconds to allow before timing out on awaiting 
    acknowledgement from the <B>trace</B> agent after trace data has 
    been sent to it.&nbsp;&nbsp;This variable has no effect in the asynchronous trace 
    protocol (refer to <B><TT>PMTRACE_STATE_ASYNC</TT></B> under `State 
    Flags', below) 
    a list of values which represents the backoff approach to be taken by 
    the <I>libpcp_trace</I> library routines when attempting to 
    reconnect to the <B>trace</B> agent after a connection has been 
    lost.&nbsp;&nbsp;The list of values should be a positive number of seconds for the 
    application to delay before making the next reconnection attempt.&nbsp;&nbsp;When 
    the final value in the list is reached, that value is then used for all 
    subsequent reconnection attempts.
State flags: </H5>
The following flags can be used to customize the operation of the <I>libpcp_trace</I>
 routines.&nbsp;&nbsp;These are registered through the <I>pmtracestate</I>(3) 
call, and can be set either individually or together.</P>
    the default - no state flags have been set - the fault-tolerant, 
    synchronous protocol is used for communicating with the agent, and no 
    diagnostic messages are displayed by the <I>libpcp_trace</I>
     routines <B><TT>PMTRACE_STATE_API</TT></B> 
    high-level diagnostics - simply displays entry into each of the API 
    diagnostic messages related to establishing and maintaining the 
    communication channel between application and agent
    the low-level details of the trace PDUs (Protocol Data Units) is 
    displayed as each PDU is transmitted or received 
    the full contents of the PDU buffers are dumped, as PDUs are 
    transmitted and received 
    if set, causes inter-process communication between the instrumented 
    application and the <B>trace</B> agent to be skipped - this is 
    intended as a debugging aid for applications using <I>libpcp_trace</I>
    flag which enables the asynchronous trace protocol, such that the 
    application does not block awaiting acknowledgement PDUs from the agent.
    This must be set before using the other <I>libpcp_trace</I> entry 
    points in order for it to be effective.

        <TR><TD WIDTH=100% BGCOLOR="#081c59"><P ALIGN=LEFT><FONT SIZE=5 COLOR="#ffffff"><B><A NAME="export">Instrumenting Applications to Export Performance Data</A></B></FONT></P></TD></TR>
<P>The <I>libpcp_trace</I> library is designed to encourage application 
developers (Independent Software Vendors and end-user customers) to 
embed calls in their code that enable application performance data to 
be exported.&nbsp;&nbsp;When combined with system-level performance data this 
allows total performance and resource demands of an application to be 
correlated with application activity.</P>
<P>Some illustrative application performance metrics might be:</P>
    computation state (especially for codes with major shifts in resource 
    demands between phases of their execution) 
    problem size and parameters, e.g. degree of parallelism 
    throughput in terms of sub problems solved, iteration count, 
    transactions, data sets inspected, etc.
    service time by operation type 
The <I>libpcp_trace</I> library approach offers a number of attractive 
    a simple API for inserting instrumentation calls into an application, 
  pmtracebegin(&quot;pass 1&quot;);
  pmtraceend(&quot;pass 1&quot;);
  pmtraceobs(&quot;threads&quot;, N);
    <LI> trace routines may be called from C, C++, Fortran and Java, and are 
    well suited to macro encapsulation for compile-time inclusion/exclusion 
    <LI>the PCP version of the library allows numerical observations, measures 
    time between matching begin-end calls, etc. to be shipped to a PCP 
    agent and then exported into the PCP infrastructure ... exporting is 
    controlled by environment variables, so the overhead is very low if the 
    metrics are not being exported
Once the application performance metrics are exported into the PCP 
framework, all of the PCP tools may be leveraged to provide performance 
monitoring and management, including:</P>
    2-D and 3-D visualization of resource demands and performance, showing 
    concurrent system activity and application activity 
    transport of performance data over the network for distributed 
    performance management 
    archive logging for historical records of performance, most useful for 
    problem diagnosis, post mortem analysis, performance regression 
    testing, capacity planning, benchmarking 
    automated alarms when &quot;bad&quot; performance is observed (either 
    in real-time or when scanning archives) 
The relationship between the application, the <I>libpcp_trace</I>
 library, the <B>trace</B> agent and the rest of the PCP infrastructure 
is shown below:</P>
<IMG SRC="images/trace_libpcp.png" WIDTH="288" HEIGHT="183"></P>

	<TR> <TD WIDTH=80%><P>Copyright &copy; 2007-2010 <A HREF=""><FONT COLOR="#000060">Aconex</FONT></A><BR>Copyright &copy; 2000-2004 <A HREF=""><FONT COLOR="#000060">Silicon Graphics Inc.</FONT></P></TD>
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