

distrib > Fedora > 15 > i386 > by-pkgid > 8205761df0dae7035b5e41063038d06d > files > 9


#  LSHELL - Limited Shell - CHANGES #
# $Id: CHANGES,v 1.65 2010/10/26 22:39:36 ghantoos Exp $


=== v0.9.14 27/10/2010 ===
    * Corrected get_aliases function, as it was looping when aliases were 
      "recursive" (e.g. 'ls':'ls --color=auto')
    * Added lsudo built-in command to list allowed sudo commands.
    * Corrected completion function when 2 strings collided (e.g. ls and lsudo)
    * Corrected the README's installation part (adding --prefix).
    * Added possibility to log via syslog.
    * Corrected warning counter (was counting minus 1).
    * Added the possibility to disable the counter, and just warn the user
      (withouht kicking him).
    * Added possibility to configure prompt. Thank you bapt for the patch.
    * Added possibility to set environment variables to users. Thank you bapt
      for the patch.
    * Added the 'history' built-in function.

=== v0.9.13 02/09/2010 ===
    * Switched from deprecated popen2 to subprocess to be python2.6 compatible.
      Thank you Greg Orlowski for the patch.
    * Added missing builin commands when 'allowed' list was set to 'all'. For
      example, the "cd" command was then missing.
    * Added the "export" builtin function to export shell variables. Thank you
      Chris for reporting this issue.

=== v0.9.12 04/05/2010 ===
    * A minor bug was inserted in version 0.9.11 with the sudo command.
      It has been corrected in this version.

=== v0.9.11 27/04/2010 ===
    * Corrects traceback when executing a command that had a python homonym
      (e.g. "print foo" or "set"). (Closes: SF#2969631)
    * Corrected completion error when using "~/". Thanks to Piotr Minkina for
      reporting this.
    * Corrected the get_aliases function.
    * Corrected interpretation of ~user. Thank you Adrien Urban for reporting
    * The 'home_path' variable is being deprecated from this version and on. 
      Please use your system's tools to set a user's home directory.
      It will be completely removed in the next version of lshell.
    * Corrected shell variable and wildcards expansions when checking a command.
      Thank you Adrien Urban for reporting this.
    * Added possibility to allow/forbid scp upload/download using scp_upload
      and scp_download variables.
    * Corrected bug when using the "command=" in openSSH's authorized_keys.
      lshell now takes into account the SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND environment
      variable. Thank you Jason Heiss for reporting this.
    * Corrected traceback when aliases is not defined in configuration, and
      command is sent over SSH. Thank you Jason Heiss for reporting this.

=== v0.9.10 08/03/2010 ===
    * Corrected minor bug in the aliases function that appeared in the previous
      version. Thank you Piotr Minkina for reporting this.

=== v0.9.9 07/03/2010 ===
    * Added the possibility to configure introduction prompt.
    * Replaced "joker" by "warnings" (more elegant)
    * Possibility of limiting the history file size.
    * Added lpath built-in command to list allowed and denied path. Thanks to
      Adrien Urban.
    * Corrected bug when using "~" was not parsed as "home directory" when
      used in a command other than "cd". Thank you Adrien Urban finding this.
    * Corrected minor typo when warning for a forbidden path.
    * If $(foo) is present in the line, check if foo is allowed before
      executing the line. Thank you Adrien Urban for pointing this out!
    * Added the possibility to list commands allowed to be executed using sudo.
      The new configuration field is sudo_commands.
    * Added the clear(1) command as a built-in command.
    * Added '$(' and '${' in the forbidden list by default in the configuration
    * Now check the content of curly braces with variables '${}'. Thank you
      Adrien Urban for reporting this.
    * Added possibility to set history file name using history_file in the
      configuration file.
    * Corrected the bug when using '|', '&' or ';' over ssh. Over ssh forbidden
      characters refers now to the list provided in the "forbidden" field.
      Thank you Jools Wills for reporting this!
    * It now possible to use "&&" and "||" even if "&" and/or "|" are in the
      forbidden list. In order to forbid them too, you must add them
      explicitely in the forbidden list. Thank you Adrien Urban for this
    * Fixed aliases bug that replaced part of commands rendering them unusable.
      e.g. aliase vi:vim replaced the view command by vimew.
    * Added a logrotate file for lshell log files.
    * Corrected parsing of commands overssh to be checked by the same function
      used by the lshell CLI.

    Thank you Adrien Urban for you security audit and excellent ideas!

=== v0.9.8 30/11/2009 ===
    * Major bug fix. lshell did not launch on python 2.4 and 2.5 (
    * Added aliases for commands over SSH.

=== v0.9.7 25/11/2009 ===
    * Cleaned up the Python code
    * Corrected crash when directory permission denied (Closes:
    * Added possibility to set the home_path option using the '%u' flag.
      (e.g. '/var/chroot/%u' where '%u' will be replaced by the user's username)
    * Now replaces "~" by user's home directory.

=== v0.9.6 9/09/2009 ===
    * Major security fix. User had access to all files located in forbidden 
      directories (Closes:
    * Corrects RPM generation bug (Closes:
    * lshell exits gracefully when user home directory doesn't exist

=== v0.9.5 28/07/2009 ===
    * Minor release
    * Changed lshell's group from lshellg to lshell (this should not have an   \
      impact on older installations)
    * Minor typo correction in the code

=== v0.9.4 09/06/2009 ===
    * Log file name is now configurable using 'logfilename' variable inside the\
      configuration file
    * Corrected aliases in lshell.conf to work with *BSD

=== v0.9.3 13/04/2009 ===
    * corrected major bug (alias related)

=== v0.9.2 05/04/2009 ===
    * added Force SCP directory feature
    * added command alias feature

=== v0.9.1 24/03/2009 ===
    * loglevel can now be defined on global, group or user level 
    * corrected sftp support (broken since in 0.9.0)

=== v0.9.0 20/03/2009 ===
    * As lshell has reached the point where it can be considered as a nearly  \
      stable software. I decided to make a version jump to 0.9.0
    * corrected bug in case PATH does not exist and allowed set to 'all'
    * added support for UNIX groups in configuration file
    * cleaned up code
    * corrected major security bug
    * corrected path completion, to complete only allowed path simplified the  \
      check_secure and check_path functions
    * added escape code handling (tested with ftp, gdb, vi)
    * added flexible +/- possibilities in configuration file
    * now supports completion after '|', ';' and '&'
    * Command test are also done after '|', ';' and '&'
    * Doesn't list hidden directories by default
    * There are now 4 logging levels (4: logs absolutely everything user types)
    * added 'strict' behaviour. If set to 1, any unknown command is considered \
      as forbidden, as warning counter is decreased.

=== v0.2.6 02/03/2009 ===
    * added 'all' to allow all commands to a user
    * added backticks in lshell.conf
    * changes made to in version 0.2.5 were undone + added classifiers

=== v0.2.5 15/02/2009 ===
    * corrected import readline [bug]
    * added log directory instead of a logfile
    * created log levels (0 to 3)
    * is now BSD compatible (using --install-data flag)

=== v0.2.4 27/01/2009 ===
    * NEW: "overssh" in config file. Allows to set commands allowed to execute \
      over ssh (e.g. rsync)
    * fixed timer
    * added python logging method
    * cleaned code
    * cleaner "over ssh commands" support (e.g. scp, sftp, rsync, etc.)

=== v0.2.3 03/12/2008 ===
    * corrected completion
    * added [global] section in configuration file

=== v0.2.2 29/10/2008 ===
    * corrected SCP functionnality
    * added SFTP support
    * passwd in not mandatory in configuration file (deprecated)
    * lshell is now added to /etc/shells using `add-shell`

=== v0.2.1 20/10/2008 ===
    * Corrected rpm & deb builds
    * added a manpage

=== v0.2 18/10/2008 ===
    * Initial debian packaging

=== v0.2 17/10/2008 ===
    * Added config and log option on command line (-c|--config and -l|--log)
    * Initial source packaging using distutils
    * Initial rpm packaging using distutils

=== v0.2 07/10/2008 ===
    * Added file completion
    * Added a history file per user
    * Added a logging for warnings and log in/out
    * Added prompt update when user changes directory (bash like)
    * Corrected the check_path function
    * Changed user setting from global variable to dict
    * Added a default profile used when a parameter is not set for a user

=== 06/05/2008 ===
    * Added an shell script usefull to install and manage lshell users

=== 08/04/2008 ===
    * Added evironment path (env_path) update support
    * Added home path (home_path) variable

=== 29/03/2008 ===
    * Corrected class declaration bug and configuration file location
    * Updated the README file with another usage of lshell

=== 05/02/2008 ===
    * added a path variable to restrict the user's geographic actions
    * MAJOR: added SCP support (also configurable through the config file)

=== 31/01/2008 ===
    * MAJOR: Added the 'help' method
    * Did some code cleanup

=== 28/01/2008 ===
    * Initial release of lshell