

distrib > Fedora > 15 > i386 > by-pkgid > 8ea77fcbe9aef51809ee642f4d4201b7 > files > 79


#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
## 003-geant-dummy-functions.dpatch by  <>
## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
## DP: Add stub GEANT functions to avoid missing symbols due to FLUKA removal.

diff -urNad cernlib-2005.05.09.dfsg~/src/geant321/gkine/Imakefile cernlib-2005.05.09.dfsg/src/geant321/gkine/Imakefile
--- cernlib-2005.05.09.dfsg~/src/geant321/gkine/Imakefile	1996-03-28 16:21:20.000000000 +0000
+++ cernlib-2005.05.09.dfsg/src/geant321/gkine/Imakefile	2005-11-29 15:59:27.035065621 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 SRCS_F= gfkine.F gfvert.F gludky.F glund.F glundi.F gpkine.F \ @@\
 	gpkinx.F gpvert.F gskine.F gskinu.F gsvert.F gsveru.F gtau.F
+/* Dummy file containing stubs for deleted FLUKA and mclibs functions: */
+SRCS_C= dummy.c
  FORTRANOPTIONS = -math_library accurate $(FORTRANSAVEOPTION)
diff -urNad cernlib-2005.05.09.dfsg~/src/geant321/gkine/dummy.c cernlib-2005.05.09.dfsg/src/geant321/gkine/dummy.c
--- cernlib-2005.05.09.dfsg~/src/geant321/gkine/dummy.c	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ cernlib-2005.05.09.dfsg/src/geant321/gkine/dummy.c	2005-11-29 16:55:14.274440352 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+/* Dummy file to avoid undefined symbols in the library */
+/* Kevin McCarty, 14 Jan 2003 */
+/* Last revised 22 November 2005 */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+/* Want the dummy functions to be weakly defined so they may be overridden
+ * without error. */
+#define kludge(x)    #x
+#define stringify(x) kludge(x)
+#define underline(x) __ ## x
+#define DUMMY(domain, UPPERNAME, fortranname_, returntype) \
+returntype fortranname_() {print_dummy(#domain,#UPPERNAME);}
+#define WEAKDUMMY(domain, UPPERNAME, fortranname_, returntype) \
+static returntype underline(fortranname_)() {print_dummy(#domain,#UPPERNAME);} \
+void fortranname_() \
+	__attribute__ ((weak, alias (stringify(underline(fortranname_))) ))
+static void print_dummy(const char *domain, const char *function)
+  fprintf(stderr, "GEANT 3.21: Now in dummy %s routine.\n", function);
+  fprintf(stderr,
+"If you see this message, you are presumably trying to call (possibly\n"
+"indirectly) the %s routine");
+  if (strcmp(domain, "Jetset") == 0)
+    fprintf(stderr,
+" in the Jetset library.\n"
+#if defined (CERNLIB_DEBIAN)
+"To obtain the Jetset library, please see the file\n"
+    );
+  else if (strcmp(domain, "Fluka") == 0)
+    fprintf(stderr,
+" in the FLUKA library.\n"
+"FLUKA is unfortunately not available in this distribution of CERNLIB for\n"
+"licensing reasons"
+#if defined (CERNLIB_DEBIAN)
+"; please see the file /usr/share/doc/geant321/README.Debian\n"
+"for details.\n"
+    );
+  else if (strcmp(domain, "User") == 0)
+    fprintf(stderr, ".  This routine is not built into GEANT;\n"
+"you must write code for it yourself.  Please see the documentation"
+#if defined (CERNLIB_DEBIAN)
+"\n(for instance in the geant321-doc package)"
+  exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+/* Functions that the user is supposed to set up */
+WEAKDUMMY(User, UGINIT, uginit_, void);
+WEAKDUMMY(User, UGLAST, uglast_, void);
+/* Functions in the non-free Jetset library, which can be used
+ * if it's installed */
+WEAKDUMMY(Jetset, LU1ENT, lu1ent_, void);
+WEAKDUMMY(Jetset, LUCOMP, lucomp_, int);
+WEAKDUMMY(Jetset, LUEEVT, lueevt_, void);
+WEAKDUMMY(Jetset, LUEXEC, luexec_, void);
+/* N.B.  When the libgeant321 dynamic soversion is bumped, at the same time
+ * everything below this point except the dummy FLDIST and FLINIT subroutines
+ * may be deleted; those should be turned into weak aliases in case anyone
+ * wants to create a separate GEANT-FLUKA library. */
+/* From src/geant321/fluka (not the complete set of functions, just
+ * those referenced from external files) */
+WEAKDUMMY(Fluka, DOST,   dost_,   double);
+WEAKDUMMY(Fluka, EEXLVL, eexlvl_, void);
+WEAKDUMMY(Fluka, EVENTV, eventv_, void);
+WEAKDUMMY(Fluka, EVEVAP, evevap_, void);
+WEAKDUMMY(Fluka, EVVINI, evvini_, void);
+WEAKDUMMY(Fluka, FKENER, fkener_, double);
+WEAKDUMMY(Fluka, FKZERO, fkzero_, void);
+WEAKDUMMY(Fluka, NIZLNW, nizlnw_, void);
+WEAKDUMMY(Fluka, NUCREL, nucrel_, void);
+WEAKDUMMY(Fluka, RACO,   raco_,   void);
+WEAKDUMMY(Fluka, SAMCST, samcst_, void);
+WEAKDUMMY(Fluka, SIGEL,  sigel_,  void);
+WEAKDUMMY(Fluka, SITSAO, sitsao_, double);
+/* The following dummy functions are added due to the removal
+ * of the corresponding code from GEANT (it is also part of FLUKA).
+ * We are constrained to keep the ABI for the dynamic library, so
+ * these dummy functions must be kept until next time the libgeant321
+ * soversion is changed. */
+/* From src/geant321/fiface */
+DUMMY(Fluka, FLDIST, fldist_, void);
+DUMMY(Fluka, FLINIT, flinit_, void);
+DUMMY(Fluka, FLUFIN, flufin_, void);
+/* From src/geant321/miface */
+DUMMY(Fluka, GFMFIN, gfmfin_, void);
+DUMMY(Fluka, GFMDIS, gfmdis_, void);
+/* From src/geant321/block */
+DUMMY(Fluka, FDEVAP, fdevap_, void);
+DUMMY(Fluka, FDNOPT, fdnopt_, void);
+DUMMY(Fluka, FDPREE, fdpree_, void);
+DUMMY(Fluka, FLKDT1, flkdt1_, void);
+DUMMY(Fluka, FLKDT2, flkdt2_, void);
+DUMMY(Fluka, FLKDT3, flkdt3_, void);
+DUMMY(Fluka, FLKDT4, flkdt4_, void);
+DUMMY(Fluka, FLKDT5, flkdt5_, void);
+DUMMY(Fluka, FLKDT6, flkdt6_, void);
+DUMMY(Fluka, FLKDT7, flkdt7_, void);
+/* From src/geant321/peanut */
+DUMMY(Fluka, BIMNXT, bimnxt_, void);   /* alternate entry to BIMSEL */
+DUMMY(Fluka, BIMSEL, bimsel_, void);
+DUMMY(Fluka, COSLEG, cosleg_, double);
+DUMMY(Fluka, FEKFNC, fekfnc_, double);
+DUMMY(Fluka, FPFRNC, fpfrnc_, double);
+DUMMY(Fluka, FRADNC, fradnc_, double);
+DUMMY(Fluka, FRHINC, frhinc_, double);
+DUMMY(Fluka, FRHONC, frhonc_, double);
+DUMMY(Fluka, NCLVFX, nclvfx_, double); /* alternate entry to PFNCLV */
+DUMMY(Fluka, NCLVIN, nclvin_, void);
+DUMMY(Fluka, NCLVST, nclvst_, void);
+DUMMY(Fluka, NUCNUC, nucnuc_, void);
+DUMMY(Fluka, NWINXT, nwinxt_, void);   /* alternate entry to NWISEL */
+DUMMY(Fluka, NWISEL, nwisel_, void);
+DUMMY(Fluka, PEANUT, peanut_, void);
+DUMMY(Fluka, PFNCLV, pfnclv_, double);
+DUMMY(Fluka, PHDSET, phdset_, void);
+DUMMY(Fluka, PHDWLL, phdwll_, void);
+DUMMY(Fluka, PIOABS, pioabs_, void);
+DUMMY(Fluka, PREPRE, prepre_, void);
+DUMMY(Fluka, RSCOMP, rscomp_, void);   /* alternate entry to SBCOMP */
+DUMMY(Fluka, RSTNXT, rstnxt_, void);   /* alternate entry to RSTSEL */
+DUMMY(Fluka, RSTSEL, rstsel_, void);
+DUMMY(Fluka, SBCOMP, sbcomp_, void);
+DUMMY(Fluka, SIGFER, sigfer_, void);
+DUMMY(Fluka, UMOFIN, umofin_, void);
+DUMMY(Fluka, XINNEU, xinneu_, double);
+DUMMY(Fluka, XINPRO, xinpro_, double);
+/* The following dummy common blocks are added for the same reason.
+ * The number of bytes required was determined by inspecting the existing
+ * shared libraries in the 12 official Debian architectures and determining
+ * the maximum size of each common block there. */
+#define COMMON(fortranname_, size) \
+        struct { char c[size]; } fortranname_ = { { 0, } }
+COMMON(fkadhn_, 1376);
+COMMON(fkadhp_, 3712);
+COMMON(fkbala_,  288);
+COMMON(fkcd97_, 1152);
+COMMON(fkchpa_, 1472);
+COMMON(fkchpr_,  576);
+COMMON(fkcmcy_,  176);
+COMMON(fkcomc_, 7424);
+COMMON(fkcosp_,   64);
+COMMON(fkdech_, 4328);
+COMMON(fkenco_,   16);
+COMMON(fkhadf_,  352);
+COMMON(fkheac_,   96);
+COMMON(fkheav_, 5408);
+COMMON(fkhet7_,   64);
+COMMON(fkhetp_,   32);
+COMMON(fkhigf_, 1632);
+COMMON(fkidgb_,   16);
+COMMON(fkinpf_,   32);
+COMMON(fkmapa_, 5824);
+COMMON(fknegx_,  128);
+COMMON(fknuct_,   16);
+COMMON(fknuda_, 1248);
+COMMON(fknuge_, 1120);
+COMMON(fknuii_, 1888);
+COMMON(fknupw_,   32);
+COMMON(fkpapr_, 2400);
+COMMON(fkpare_,  256);
+COMMON(fkparn_, 7296);
+COMMON(fkpart_, 9696);
+COMMON(fkploc_, 2864);
+COMMON(fkquar_,  832);
+COMMON(fkredv_, 2368);
+COMMON(fkresn_,  256);
+COMMON(fkrun_,    32);
+COMMON(fkslop_,  608);